Overwatch Academy: Prologue
Overwatch Academy: Prologue
Description:Overwatch Academy is the most prestigious school in the world. Gifted teens from across the globe attend the school. It takes the unique talents of teens and teaches them how to use it in a war effort for the greater good
Amelie's POV (widowmaker) I wake up to a bright light. I blink to get my vision back. I look around, and see a girl no older than me with blonde hair and blue eyes checking a monitor. I see a monkey? Talking to her. I start coughing and the girl immediately rushed to me with water. I took it gladly, but I stop when I see the skin on my hand."I-I'm blue!" I gasp."Please calm down Ms. Lacroix! We'll explain everything later!" The blonde tried to assure me. I sigh and sip my water. I look around the room, to see it's a medbay and I'm the only 'injured' one here."Uhm, I'm feeling better... Can you finally tell me what is going on?"I question, just wanting answers."Well Ms. Lacroix, you were attending Talon School for the Gifted. A long while Talon has been suspected of doing unmentionable experiments on students, to make them high performance criminals for their terrorist organization. When there was enough proof to invade the school that's what we did. You were a sniper, they had brainwashed you to be so, but during the battle between the government and Talon you hit your head pretty hard and it reversed the brainwashing. As for your skin Talon seemed to have slowed down your heart beat to the point where your skin can no longer keep it's pinkness, and there is nothing we can do about it. I am very sorry Ms. Lacroix."The Monkey explained. It was a lot to take in, but slowly I'm remembering everything. The battle, and when some guy pushed me into a wall before I could shoot him, and then someone coming to my aid once I realized I'm not who I thought I was."Wait...Where am I?"I interrogated. The blonde smiled warmly."You are at Overwatch Academy, and if it's alright with you, we would like you to attend here. We have read your file and it seems that you are talented in combat, academics, and dance. Overwatch would love to have you as an addition!"She happily replied."I guess, I have no where else to go..."I said."Super! You should get some rest, we'll have someone come get you in the morning!"Blondie and Monkey closed the door after turning off the lights and left me to rest.
Angela's POV(mercy) What a shame that poor girl had to be turned into what she is."Good night Mr. Winston I'll see you later!"I smiled at the ape. He nodded and we went our separate ways. I started my way towards the boys dormitory to go visit my boyfriend Jack. I swiftly came up to his room and knocked. The door was answered seconds later by his roommate and best friend Gabriel. He didn't say a word and just let me in. I'm here almost all the time. It's funny how clean their room is, Jack once told me that Gabriel is the biggest clean freak on the planet. I walk over to Jack who was sitting at his desk working on homework. The two boys were very hard working, both hoping to be a part of the Overwatch International Defense Project. I already got a reserved spot there as head medical because apparently I'm a genius in that, but I just really love helping people. I pull Jack's chair out a little, just so there's enough room to plop down right on his lap. He seems startled by this, but immediately starts smiling. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close."For a second there I thought it was Gabe, and I about had a heart attack!"He laughs. After that comment there was a shout from Gabriel."Oh Jacky-poo you wish it was me!". I giggle as he says Jacky-poo."Hmmm, Jack Reyes or Gabriel Morrison? Which do you like better?"I ask Jack. He gives his charming little laugh and tickles me giving sweet little kisses to my neck as Gabriel makes noises to let us know that this is unpleasant to watch.
Gabriel's POV(reaper) "Dios mio! I'm gonna go for a walk, you two are the most sickening people on the planet."I complain grabbing my hoodie and shoes before walking out of the room. As I walk down the hall some freshmen are staring at me, but as soon as I give the group a glance they look the other way. I scoff at them, everyone at this school thinks I'm this intimidating bad boy, but really I just stand my ground. All the girls always want to be mine, but I could care less about them. I finally make it outside to the large courtyard where I go to the large red wood in the corner. I sit down and pull out my phone, quietly playing games on it. I was about to get 1st on the leaderboard in slither.io when someone slapped my phone out of my hand."What the fuck?"I rage."Ah, Gabriel! Fancy seeing you here!" Gerard muses."What do you want?"I seethed. His answer was a grand ole' punch to the face...Literally."Wrong move amigo."I snarled. I push him too the ground and straddled him pounding his face in with my fists. I got off him once I was sure there would be enough bruises to get my point across. He had a terrified look on his face."You look like you've seen a ghost."I taunted."No, but he did see his vice-principal."A strong woman's voice came through. I recognized it as Ms. Amari's. I'm done for, now."You two my office now!"She barked. I sigh and look down the whole entire walk there. We ended up in her office, me and Gerard sitting next each other facing her."I've made you two do public service, Saturday school for a year, and detention all throughout Freshman year! I have no choice, but to force you two to be friends."She pauses."There is a new student at our school, she is one of the people we rescued from Talon. You two will show her the ropes for a few months together. And when I deem you two to be at least tolerable with each other, then I will let you go your separate ways." She finishes her lecture and hands us notes telling where and when we will meet the new girl. I storm out of the room not looking forward to having to hangout with Gerard and some newbie for a month. I walk into my dorm to see the two blondes curled up in Jack's bed. I cringe as I see Jack stir. He looks at me with questioning asking 'where have you been?' I mouth to him 'I'll tell you in the morning.' He nods and shuts his eyes, his head resuming to the spot it had in the crook of Ang's neck. I shed my hoodie and my pants and hop into my bed, drifting into a dreamless sleep.
Jamison's POV(junkrat) "So, mate. Who do you think we should prank next?"I was already planning my next prank. Ice water above someones door. They walk out, and it dumps all over them, Mako records it and bada bing bada BOOM, everyone has a laugh and we all become friends in the end!"I heard there is a new girl..."Mako quietly suggests."PERFECT! Just a matter of time!"I shout.
Satya's POV(symmetra) "Fareeha, must we stay up so late?"I groan, Fareeha is making us sit outside until midnight to make sure there is no funny business or whatever."Just 5 more minutes, love."She says, not even glancing my way. I sigh and rest my head on her shoulder. That's when we see McCowboy and Hanzit. I feel Fareeha stiffen, I remove my head from her shoulder and she stands up. "Cowboy! What are you doing?"She yells at him. "Nuthin' of your concern, doll."He replies back. I suddenly feel territorial over Fareeha. How dare does that disgusting little cowboy endear my Fareeha. I walk up to him with a glare."She asked you a question, you better answer it..Doll."I say lowly. Hanzit tugs on Cowbitch's arm as if to say 'do what she says'."And if I don't?"He pushes. That's it. I raise my hand and plant a nice hard slap to his cheek."That."I answer simply, dusting off my hands and walking back to Fareeha."Okay, we were trying to go to the vending machines at the girls dorms, cause guys don't have the pleasure of rainbow goldfish in their's."He surrenders."Get back to your dorm you two and I won't tell my mother." They nod walking back. Fareeha and I go back to our dorm finally, so I can get my beauty sleep.
A/N: So I've been obsessed with this game lately and thought I'd write this. I'll try and update often, but it depends. Also this was very much inspired by yazzdonut! Please check them out, they have the coolest blog, and their art is the cutest(especially their cute Overwatch HS au!) So check them out now. @yazzdonut (this is also on my wattpad:harucantread and on my ao3:overlovewatch)
chapter 1(p. 1):http://skittlehaireddino.tumblr.com/post/147966374485/sourceyazzdonuttumblrcom-uploaded-with
Chapter 1(part 2):http://skittlehaireddino.tumblr.com/post/149346834500/overwatch-academy-new-places-new-faces-part-2
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More Posts from Pinkzerozero

Dear fellow Overwatch fans,(warning, some cursing)
We are a fandom gaining popularity very quickly. This is the time where we don't want to mess up what we will become. So here is where I'll start. Overwatch shipping wars are so fucking ridiculous. The game is praised for it's diverse set of characters with different backgrounds. If you ship Mercy76, it's not your job to make people who ship Pharmercy feel bad. And if you ship Pharmercy, it's not your job to make Mercy76 shippers feel bad. Also news flash, shipping straight ships doesn't make you homophobic, and you don't have to be straight to ship straight ships. I see this so god damn much and it makes me angry. I am a Bisexual girl, and I ship straight ships, and gay ships, and all that nice stuff. Just because it's gay, doesn't mean it's superior, just cause it's straight doesn't mean it's superior. Another thing, can we not be a cancerous bleach machine? I have left, and stayed away from fandoms because of annoying fans. An example of a fandom I never will join is Supernatural, and this is my opinion and experience, no hate towards anyone in the fandom or towards the fandom itself. I was talking to someone about how I just didn't think I'd like supernatural cause it's a little too mainstream and I see way too many things for it, and a fan of the show started cursing me out cause she thought I was bashing it. She was really rude, and I checked out her profile, and I saw so many convos where she just hated people for not liking what she liked. So, let's not be like that. I want the OW fandom to be a place for anyone and everyone. Overwatch is a game of diversity, and our fandom should be too. We welcome everyone with arms so wide fucking open that they fall off before we can give them a hug. If someone doesn't feel welcomed into the fandom, I will make sure that they get a god damned gift basket so they feel fucking welcomed. That's all I wanted to say. Love, D.Va (If this means anything to anyone out there, I'd appreciate a reblogs, and likes to spread the message)
Heyo, couldn't find your askbox, so gonna reply this way sans message.
If you do want to keep ship wars out of the fandom, it would probably be a good idea to not tag what is effectively your own ship hate into ship tags themselves. If you've been having problems in the Mercy76 tag and want people there to take notice of your frustrations, please keep it to that tag.
I'm not saying that people haven't been causing problems with this, since I don't follow the Mercy76 tag, but the hate you're describing hasn't been in the Reaper76 tag itself. (I kinda keep track of it religiously and haven't seen anything of this nature.) If you're having a really big problem with the people ship-hating in the Mercy76 tag, please bring it up with them individually; you don't need to involve an entire group of shippers in the drama. That is what starts ship wars in the first place, after all.
Mercy76 haters
Hater: mercy76 is bad, it's wrong. Don't ship it. I don't get it.
Me: ...
Me: ....
Me: .....
Me: Why is it wrong?
Hater: Cause Reaper76 is right and it's real.
Me: Yeah I love the smut scene where they want to kill each other and end up causing corruption and controversy in international safety task force that's supposed to save lives, and then they both "die" and have a beef between each other until the end of time. That smut was so hot.
Hater: Don't hate on my ship
Me: Then don't try and sink mine*mic drop*
(Sorry, I just saw the mercy76 tag and saw some people hating it. If you don't like it then discuss it with people who care. The Overwatch fandom is new and doesn't need the cancerous ship wars and annoying fans like other fandoms. Overwatch's main element is fun, can we please keep it that way?)ps I actually like reaper76 and mercy76 so I'm not hating on either
PPS took off the reaper76 tag cause someone didn't appreciate it. Sorry if anyone is offended by this. I didn't try and attack reaper76,but I want people to stop attacking mercy76 personally.