Pharmercy - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

In the Hereafter by Rina_san28. It's been far too long since Ana's seen her husband. Luckily, Fareeha has a plan to fix that.

Ana and Sam reunited- b/c Ana deserves a happy ending gosh dang it!!

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Comic dub of Overwatch fancomics by @c-reampeach - featuring the voices of Tiana Camacho as Pharah and Mercy, @hnilmik as Sombra, @totalspiffage as Widowmaker, and myself as Reaper and Meaningless Whispers from the Heart! Oh wow. So here we are. 100 Overwatch AWNN comic dubs. Woof.

I’d like to thank all the comic artists who kindly granted me permission to dub their comics! @kpfightmaster, @luoiae and @realinternetwizard were the first three I asked and doing the dubs on their comics was pretty much what kickstarted the whole Overwatch AWNN series! @dogtit, @disteal, @dilfosaur and @robohero are my frequent collaborators and I’m sure I can probably start an entire playlist dedicated to comic dubs I’ve made of their fantastic work! There are even more artists to name who helped me reached 100 Overwatch AWNN comic dub videos!: @tiki-punch, @electricbunnycomics, @ghostpeppermint, aatkaw, izra (on Deviantart), @artbytesslyn, @overblotch, nedmd, @gunnslaughter (my first dramatic, onion-cutting ninja’d Overwatch AWNN!), @chloerozo, @superrisu (through whose work I first discovered the wider Overwatch fancomic artists’ community in the first place!), @badpearl (“Bonjour from the Other Side” was not the first songdub for Overwatch AWNN but it was definitely the most involved to do!), @trixdraws, @scatterarrow, @macdobleve, @burpingstars, @lunapocalypse, @singultus, @tsundernova, @grapeykins (whose comic I dubbed for the 50th Overwatch AWNN for the SADFACE TIMES), @m-u-n-c-h-y, @ruby-universe-artblog (first time an artist actually asked me to dub a comic of theirs!), @thesweetreaper, @impastanoodle, @legmageddon, @dinochoobs, @nikanono, @trin0dinz, @thepigeongazette, @samsationals, @pirikko, @lifewhatisthat, @karniz, @yahoberries, @dasixthmonth, @akapost and finally @c-reampeach, whose comic dubs made the 100th Overwatch AWNN! Thank you to all the artists I have worked with thus far, here’s to working with you again, and also to working with new artists in the future!

I’d also like to thank my voice actors for sticking with me on this journey! Tamara was with me from the very beginning, and if she hadn’t said yes to playing Tracer and Widowmaker in those very first dubs, there wouldn’t have been even ONE Overwatch AWNN, much less the 99 that came after that first one! Kimlinh (D.Va and Sombra) and Tiana (Mercy, Pharah and Ana) came aboard not long after and these wonderful actresses acted as my longest term collaborators, without whom some of the best, most unexpected sources of joy in the Overwatch AWNN series would not exist (ie the mating call of the Sombra, and the murder cry of the Mercy amongst other vocal utterances)! From there we just kept picking up great voice actor after great voice actor to fill the roster of wonderful characters in the Overwatch AWNN world: @mikeveedub (Junkrat and Roadhog), @dreamwalkertara (Emily), @lightgetsout (McCree), James Brown Jr (Lucio, who unfortunately was not able to send a recording in for the 100th Overwatch AWNN), Elsie Lovelock (Efi and Orisa), @missrinachan (Mei) and Kamran Nikhad (Doomfist)! Thank you all for coming along with me on this here ride, and here’s to many more dubs!

And finally, I’d like to thank YOU, dearest viewer whom I may on occasion refer to as Omahbuddy or Omahdarlin’ or Bromahdon (choose one, if you will)! Seriously, I don’t think I would have gotten this far without you; this was supposed to be a fun little diversion from depression and ennui (and continues to be so!), but look at what’s happened in just a year! A hundred of these videos! My subscriber count has blown up to 70k+! AND I’ve had two of my videos hit over a million views! That’s mad crazy, yo. Thank you so much. You’re my Omahbuddy/Omahdarlin’/Bromahdon, you magnificent specimen of a man/woman/non-binary being of pure awesome!

Anyway. Here’s to a hundred more…? We’ll see! Mayhaps other projects are in the works, hon hon hon~!

If you enjoyed that, why not support me on ko-fi or watch some of my other comic dubs?

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8 years ago

Dear fellow Overwatch fans,(warning, some cursing)

We are a fandom gaining popularity very quickly. This is the time where we don't want to mess up what we will become. So here is where I'll start. Overwatch shipping wars are so fucking ridiculous. The game is praised for it's diverse set of characters with different backgrounds. If you ship Mercy76, it's not your job to make people who ship Pharmercy feel bad. And if you ship Pharmercy, it's not your job to make Mercy76 shippers feel bad. Also news flash, shipping straight ships doesn't make you homophobic, and you don't have to be straight to ship straight ships. I see this so god damn much and it makes me angry. I am a Bisexual girl, and I ship straight ships, and gay ships, and all that nice stuff. Just because it's gay, doesn't mean it's superior, just cause it's straight doesn't mean it's superior. Another thing, can we not be a cancerous bleach machine? I have left, and stayed away from fandoms because of annoying fans. An example of a fandom I never will join is Supernatural, and this is my opinion and experience, no hate towards anyone in the fandom or towards the fandom itself. I was talking to someone about how I just didn't think I'd like supernatural cause it's a little too mainstream and I see way too many things for it, and a fan of the show started cursing me out cause she thought I was bashing it. She was really rude, and I checked out her profile, and I saw so many convos where she just hated people for not liking what she liked. So, let's not be like that. I want the OW fandom to be a place for anyone and everyone. Overwatch is a game of diversity, and our fandom should be too. We welcome everyone with arms so wide fucking open that they fall off before we can give them a hug. If someone doesn't feel welcomed into the fandom, I will make sure that they get a god damned gift basket so they feel fucking welcomed. That's all I wanted to say. Love, D.Va (If this means anything to anyone out there, I'd appreciate a reblogs, and likes to spread the message)

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2 years ago
Angela Ur Drunk

angela ur drunk 


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7 years ago
Anotherone For The Zine That Gotcanceled!

another one for the zine that got canceled!

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8 years ago
"Did Someone Call A Doctor? I'll Send You My Consultation Fee!" -------Mercy, Overwatch------- I'm So

"Did someone call a doctor? I'll send you my consultation fee!" -------Mercy, Overwatch------- I'm so proud of this picture. So proud. Mercy and Ana are my go to healers when my team needs them, and drawing Mercy was a blast. Enjoy! Reblogs really help out the artists! So if you could, it'd be appreciated! Please give credit as well if reposting somewhere else!

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We Wish A Good V-day To Everybody :3Soon (16/17 March) We Go To A Con With Full Armors, Yaaaaaaay

We wish a good V-day to everybody :3 Soon (16/17 march) we go to a con with full armors, yaaaaaaay

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7 years ago

im sry but

can👏I👏get👏any👏post👏or👏 pictures👏or👏videos 👏that👏have👏to👏do👏 with👏pharah👏and👏without👏 that👏fucking👏pharmercy👏 shit👏I👏sWEAR👏I👏am👏THIs👌 close👏to👏ruining👏this👏 fucking 👏ship👏thiss👌fucking👌close👌watch👌tf👏out👏i👏a m👏fucking👏do👏N e👏

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1 year ago
Post Workout Medical Check-up!![Pharah X Mercy]
Post Workout Medical Check-up!![Pharah X Mercy]

Post workout medical check-up!! [Pharah x Mercy]

[Early access available on my P4treon]

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6 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Fareeha "Pharah" Amari/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler Characters: Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari Additional Tags: Fluff, Day At The Beach, Pharmercy, beach Summary:

Starting a collection of my Pharmercy one shots that just wont fit in my other work/works.

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3 years ago
I Missed Them
I Missed Them
I Missed Them

I missed them…

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