Welcome to my domain; I talk about TTTE, FNAF, Ace Attorney, and probably other things. Am only seldom active on here though;lets change that.
43 posts
Rando FNAF AU FazFact:
Rando FNAF AU FazFact:
FazFact 1: The Current Location’s Management had to reverse Mike’s firing after it was revealed that a third party was involved in The Animatronics' tampering they had accidentally sent the slip to the wrong location.
fazbearsecuritycrew liked this · 3 years ago
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Traintober: Day 4 "Devious"
"The Ironworks, you know it, I know it, shit always goes horribly wrong."

[Killdane Ironworks & Smelting Company, East Sodor]
The lineside was littered with scrap and debris, rusted out hulks lay sad and disgraced all in a row. Damien had never been to an ironworks, much less a scrap yard and believed it would be a walk in the park for himself. He is rather dense. A grimy and worn western tank engine, stopped just ahead of the shunter. Their brass and various other parts coated in a fine rust, that had built up amongst their workings.
Their gaze bored into Damien, and they spoke with a low measured tone, "So, you're the new shunter?". "Naturally, afterall I'm a new, modern-" Damien replied in a smug self satisfied spirit, but was quickly interrupted.
"You are another engine like the rest of us, now get to the far side of the yard, there's a train of slag that need's shunting." The tank engine hissed.
Damien was taken aback, "Now hang on a minute-"
"I'm going to stop you right there, I have work to do, we are especially busy this time of year, and unless you intend on making yourself useful, I strongly suggest you leave and free up some space." The tank engine wheezed its way into motion and glided past a stunned, Damien.
But the tank engine wasn't quite done yet, "If you thought I'd be anywhere near as much a pushover as that traction engine, you've got another thing coming." The Western Engine sauntered off, into the bowels of the yard with a set of flatbeds in tow.
Damien watched them go, quite bewildered. How on earth did they know about. . . .well it is a small island, word travels fast and all that. He wasn't quite sure, but one thing was set in stone.
"Devious" Damien was going to hate it here.
Sprites and Background by PrincessMuffins, Amelheronemus, etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff]
Happy Traintober!
Before anyone asks, yes I took the HIT bibles "two diesel's" theory too seriously.
The Smudger House

I'm sorry I made this
Welcome to Freddy’s. . .

So. . I’ve began crafting a FNAF AU. Feel free to send in asks.
Beautiful story, interesting to see Emily sticking up for Diesel, don't believe I've seen this storyline before.
"...are we supposed to care?" this sent me.
Keep up the great work.
TrainTober 2023: Devious
"Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't"

A storm raged fiercely out in the morning dawn.
Many engines were gathered at the Big Sheds. Emily, who was still new to the Island, sat center-stage atop the Turntable, listening to the commotion around her.
"Everyone," she spoke pointedly, "We have a serious problem. Diesel is going to be scrapped."
The Sheds fell quiet. Too quiet. An uncomfortable, deafening silence hang in the air.
"...are we supposed to care?" someone murmured meekly. Emily shot a glare into the crowd of engines.
"Is this railway not a safe haven engines of all creed?"
"I wasn't aware Diesel had a creed," someone grumbled. There were faint murmurs of agreement among the crowd.
"Diesel has come back to our Island multiple times over the years!" Emily continued, "He's proved himself a hard worker, and that he's dedicated to giving his all for each and everyone of us. Most of all, he's proven, time and again, that he's a changed engine!"
"But not exactly a good engine, has he?"
Emily blinked, turning towards the familiar presence of a Great Western Pannier Tank sitting at the far corner of the Shed.
"Sure, he's changed," Duck grimaced, "We all have, but that doesn't change anything about the lies he told about us -- about me."
"This isn't about you, Duck. A fellow engine is in need of help, and--"
"--Your 'fellow engine' spread nothing but lies and deceit when he first came here," The Pannier scolded, "You are more than welcome to greet him with open buffers, but understand that I won't."
"No one said you had to." Came an oily voice.
The engines jumped as a crack of lightning danced across the horizon, revealing a dark boxy figure looming at the shed entrance. With a coughing wheeze, Diesel crept into the shed, looking exhausted.
"Don't mind me," he coughed, "Had to sort out a late arrival from the storm. What were you all talking about?"
The other engines didn't reply.
"I see," Diesel sighed, "You found out too, didn't you."
Duck and Emily glanced to one another, unsure of whether to say anything.
"Well, if you want me to say my piece," said Diesel, "Here it is: So be it. I've lived a fair life. If they're going to call my number, they'll call my number and get it done with. But..."
An oily grin, worn-out yet wily as ever, formed on Diesel's lips. Duck scowled at the sight of the devious look in his eyes, bringing back bad memories for the Great Western Engine.
"Let's just say, you all have more than enough incentive to keep me around."
The uproar was ferocious. Engines whistled and yelled, many cursing out the oily wreck standing at the shed entrance until it was silence by a Great Western whistle. Duck eyed the other engines, her gaze on them as stern as it was on Diesel.
"What sort of incentive?"
Diesel chuckled. "Oh, a little parting gift. You'd be surprised, but for all the time I've spent on your railway, I've been privy to some of the most interesting of tales. Tales I'm sure many of you would love to keep out of the public eye."
"Are You Blackmailing Us?!" Gordon spluttered.
"I'd call it more of a barter, really," Diesel smirked, "In exchange for my silence, and the destruction of any and evidence I have of such scandalous encounters that would besmirch quite a few fellow famous engines, all I ask in return is a place on this wonderful railway."
The engines huddled together, conversing quietly over whether Diesel could be trusted to keep his word. At last, Emily spoke up.
"We would be more than happy to have you with us," she answered.
"Excellent, I'll let--"
"--Provided you keep your word." put in Duck.
"Of course," said Diesel smugly.
"That means no lying, no tricks, and definitely no talking to the Troublesome Trucks."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Good," Duck replied, and she looked out to the horizon. "Storm's clearing up. I best be off. I shouldn't keep Alice & Mirabell waiting."
Duck set off out of the shed, only to be stopped by the cough of a devious diesel.
"One more thing," he grinned, "I assume there will be a deputation with the Fat Controller, to let him know where the engines stand on the matter, yes?"
"--Diesel is a hard-worker. He's dedicated beyond a doubt, and more than willing to put others before himself. He's Responsibly, Reliable and Really Useful. And most of all, he's..."
The Fat Controller stared. "He's...what, Duck?"
Duck coughed, feeling herself gag a little at the thought of her next words. "He's a better shunter than me, Sir."
The Great Western Engine stared as the Fat Controller fought to compose himself.
"Is everything alright, Sir?"
"Of course, Duck," he smiled, "It's just... did you and the others not know I was already intending to purchase Diesel from the Other Railway?"
and for the love of Gd please reblog, I did not tag this with queer tags because it would be selectively biased