plaguerat00 - My Not So Humble Abode
My Not So Humble Abode

Where hyper fixations and fanworks runs amok👋

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The Yellow Rabbit

The Yellow Rabbit

The Yellow Rabbit

Another drawing of this bad bad bastard man. 👍

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More Posts from Plaguerat00

1 year ago

So I’ve been to see FNAF twice now and I have some ideas regarding certain scenes and speculations so I’m gonna put those forward. Last chance to look away:

FNAF spoilers below

So the springlock scene. I’ve seen quite a few people talking about how it doesn’t make sense William was able to move around and physically fight hand to hand combat style in the suit. Which I think is a genuine question especially when the cupcake of all things is what ended up triggering it. But here’s some thoughts that occurred to me as I was watching it for a second time.

William has killed in this suit before. It is likely if not absolutely true that the original five murders occurred while he was wearing it as well as any previous or subsequent murders. This is just based on his pathology as a killer, the timing, and the condition of the suit itself. While in better condition than some of the scrapped ones it is pretty beaten up and missing an ear. So he’s definitely had time to get used to how to move in it safely. It also seems to me that the suit was kept off site and probably wherever William has been living meaning it’s likely been maintained which leads to my second point.

This is William Afton’s personal suit. That he wore on the regular. Probably in a springlock suit more often than anyone else ever was. That means he would definitely want it to be safer and better maintained than any of the others that were either rushed or unfinished. It’s a source of pride for him and clearly something he’s got a psychological attachment to he’s going to maintain those locks. It can probably sustain a lot more movement than suits that have been left to rot for decades or newly introduced suits that were pushed out for a launch.

Okay okay last point- I don’t think it was actually the cupcake that made the springlocks fail. If you pay attention throughout the scene there’s a couple points where Afton repeatedly takes a bit of a hit in the same area. Most notably when Vanessa shoots him in the chest (which if you watch his face he seems not only surprised but more concerned than anything, perhaps considering the possibility of a failure), and when the animatronics are coming towards him and he bangs his fist against his chest in anger. I could be entirely wrong but I really believe between the time of his entrance and the time the cupcake takes a big chunk out of him the springlocks were getting weaker and weaker and that was the final straw.

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1 year ago

William Afton also has a blue tie on when we first see him, in the scene where he realizes who Mike is and briefly shows what looks like remorse/guilt. Also he's in bluish lighting and a couple of blue arcade games are behind him after stabbing Vanessa.👏


COLOR THEORY TIME after rewatching the movie!








So I noticed while rewatching the movie that the color blue/really dark blue represents guilt. We see this color on Mike and Vanessa who both clearly have that feeling A LOT. Mike for us inability to see who took Garrett and Vanessa for helping her dad with his crimes and never stopping him. We also see it on Max who's guilty about helping slimy fucking Aunt Jane in trying to get some dirt on Mike. And also even Aunt Jane's lawyer Doug is wearing a blue suit, and he also seems pretty guilty for helping Jane and overhearing their illegal discussions.

And then there's the color yellow which clearly seems to represent Evil/Bad people. We see it on fuckin William the most, he has a yellow shirt on when we first see him in his office with Mike, and then of course the SpringBonnie suit, and he's even wearing a yellow mechanic's jumpsuit on underneath that. Aunt Jane is also seen in a lot of yellow, and she's a greedy cunt trying to take Abby from Mike for the money, and Max's asshole brother/friends are also seen wearing yellow.

The only person this doesn't match with is Vanessa, who isn't really a bad person yet has a yellow shirt on near the end of the movie, but maybe it's to represent how much control William has over her? Like even when he's not there his presence still weighs heavily on her decisions and actions when it comes to going against him

Yeah, that's about all I noticed when it came to color stuff. It was fun rewatching the movie and noticing things I didn't before. 👀👍

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1 year ago

My guy was just getting more and more shit piled on every five minutes 😭

best part of the FNAF movie was that Josh Hutcherson was having the WORST time of his life. dude was stressed out the entire runtime. the only reason why he got the security job was because his job counselor just so happened to be the guy who murdered his little brother. Vanessa kept lore-dumping to him but he wasn't getting it because he was running on like 2 hours of sleep. his b-plot was his aunt trying to ruin his life. ghost children tried to murder him multiple times. he almost touched a springlock suit. the climax was him getting beat up by a guy in a fursuit. Golden Freddy manifested in his house. it was awesome 10/10.

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