poemsbyurlover - RGB poetry
RGB poetry

i'm a lover...just never knew how before - alice phoebe lou

28 posts



when i dream of Paris

i always dream of you

and on these hot sleepless summer nights

i walk alone beside the river banks

to watch enchanted as the ripple of the street lamps

shine upon the water

the effervescent sparkle

the light catching on the surface shimmering

just like your eyes

nights like this remind me of Paris

and Paris always makes me think of you.


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10 months ago


you taste like liquid luck

a one in a million chance

sweeter than honey

a field of four leaf clovers

to think in another life

we could've slipped by each other

like ships in the night

our paths never crossing

our gaze never meeting

but this gift i was granted

feels just like flying too close to the sun

the warmth of you seeping into my bones

always bright but never burning

my wax wings spread wide

soaring towards the horizon of you

that inescapble elation

when your lips touch mine.


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1 year ago


i like the way you kiss my forehead and hold me close

the way you always feel at least five degrees warmer than me

and how you pout when you want me to kiss you

i like the way you laugh at all my dumb jokes

and make even worse ones in return

i like the way you smell

the feel of your breath against my neck

our bodies intertwined amongst a forest of blankets

still seeking out one another even in slumber

there's so many tiny, insignificant, wonderful things i like about you

mostly because i think i love you.


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2 years ago


love can be like wildfire

at first it's warm and welcoming

but eventually it blazes out of control

and the strength you once thought beautiful

becomes hell-bent on destruction

i've felt a love like that before

it consumes you

skin and bone and blood and soul

then it leaves you

left abandoned amonsgt ruins of rubble and smoke

but even if we made it that far

watching the death of the sun

i'd still be in love with you

just you and me

in our own little wasteland, baby.


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