poppyfruit - Let's dance, shall we?
Let's dance, shall we?

5 posts

Poppyfruit - Let's Dance, Shall We? - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

I'm sorry for having to say this, no matter how much I adore him, but sometimes Lando just looks like he's about to scam me into buying the shittiest used VW Polo or Golf known to mankind. The vibe is just sometimes there. Like, look at this man and tell me that the sentence "Oh, she runs like a charm, just needs an oil change and some minor work. 1000 bucks and she's yours. The papers? Ah, must have misplaced them somewhere but it's not like you'll ever need them really, trust me" would not come out of that mouth

I'm Sorry For Having To Say This, No Matter How Much I Adore Him, But Sometimes Lando Just Looks Like
I'm Sorry For Having To Say This, No Matter How Much I Adore Him, But Sometimes Lando Just Looks Like

Like, that is the look of someone that can manage to sell you an absolute shitbox of a car!

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1 year ago

Imagine if they had the highschool girl skirt talk about their little hoodies, like....

'are you gonna wear your number hoodie?'

'I'm only gonna wear my number hoodie if you wear yours'

'okay, so we're both gonna wear our number hoodies, right?'

'right and don't you dare go back on that promise or I won't be your friend anymore'.

Imagine If They Had The Highschool Girl Skirt Talk About Their Little Hoodies, Like....

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1 year ago

Ghost with the girl next door trope.

Only thing is, he never actually met 'the girl next door' and doesn't even know much about her.

All that he has to work with is the name on the doorbell.

The walls in between their respective apartments are also incredibly thin as he's always reminded when his neighbor decides to blare music in the middle of the night.

He despises it.

And yet, everytime that he comes home from deployment and hears the music that he's grown accustomed to through the walls, he knows one thing; he's home.

And that maybe, just maybe, he doesn't hate ABBA as much as he first thought.

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2 years ago

Do we ever see the exploding collars in any spade, club or diamond games?

Or is it primarily, if not exclusively, the heart ones?

Because I reckon that it might be a way to pay tribute to Lewis Carol's original Queen of Hearts and her iconic line 'Off with their heads!'

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2 years ago

I feel like several times a year, mainly around special events like christmas and his birthday, a package for König gets delivered to whichever base he currently calls his home.

Everytime he sees the package and the name of the sender he already knows what's going to be inside.

The sender, who is always his mom, does not only send him sweets from his home country but also ridiculous amounts of socks, pullovers and hats that she knitted or crochet herself.

In conclusion, I think that big, scary König is secretly a Mama's boy who wears knitted socks in the most hideous color combinations with his army boots because they remind him of home and comfort him.

Also, should anything get damaged, he WILL send it back home to his Mama, asking her to please repair whatever it is because he can't bear to throw it away

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