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I just binge watched Alice in Borderland (no prior knowledge) and Arisu and Karube went to that (5? of) Spades game to see if there was a doctor playing in the game for Chota AND THERE WAS A DOCTOR PLAYING THAT GAME. HOLY SHIT.
The part where everyone goes home should have been the ending of the show, The Manga can keep it's ending and the TV show could have been slightly more secretive if The borderlands were real or not because even if everyone is still alive, There is the Joker card to still talk about.
spoilers for alice in borderlands manga + show
so if they all go back to the normal world and everything was based on a catastrophic event that put them into the borderlands, why do arisu’s friends actually die? wouldn’t everyone just return to the normal world once they die in the borderlands?
i feel like that would’ve been a better ending imo. that way, we still have the emotional aspect of losing arisu’s close friends, kyuma, etc but in the end everyone goes home. ( ̄ヘ ̄) why couldn’t that be the case?
don’t get me wrong, i still adore the manga and the show. i just wish everyone lived. however, if the borderlands is actually a place between life and death, then it would make sense that when you die, you don’t come back.
Do we ever see the exploding collars in any spade, club or diamond games?
Or is it primarily, if not exclusively, the heart ones?
Because I reckon that it might be a way to pay tribute to Lewis Carol's original Queen of Hearts and her iconic line 'Off with their heads!'
Alice in Borderland is kinda 👀
Anyway can wait to watch episode 4

What in the fuck just happened
Chishiya : *Screams*
Nigari : *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Takatora : Should we do something?!
Arisu, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.
Chishiya , banging on the door: Nigari ! Open up!
Nigari : Well, it all started when I was a kid...
Arisu : No, they meant-
Takatora : Let them finish.
Chishiya : Nigari isn’t answering their phone
Takatora: I’ll call
Chishiya : Arisu and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Nigari : Hello?
Chishiya : *Gently taps table*
Nigari : *Taps back*
Arisu : What are they doing?
Takatora : Morse code.
Chishiya : *Aggressively taps table*
Nigari : *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
I was happy with this drawing an hour ago

Now not so much

With and without blood
This is my favorite thing I’ve drawn ever

ok i seriously need to just aibpost i’ve got BRAINROT FUCK AUGH
anyway half monologue/my initial reactions and then final comments
i didn’t think we’d be able to see the jack of hearts game cuz it was originally a game without any main charas but holy shit we have it. yes oh my god
(and the king of clubs ending THEY DID IT SO WELLLLLLLLL they did it so fucking well that hit so hard when i read that and the way they adapted it was amazing…the whole ethos of the king, and how arisu interacted with him was so captivating when i read it and it was portrayed in a way that made me feel those emotions again)
augh,,,the king of diamonds followed by the three way standoff in the crossing and then the king of spades. fuuuuuuuck the end of spades was brutal. kuina and an <333 they’re so fucking. team.
chishiya and niragi bleeding out under the cars,,,aguni and hatter,,,,arisu and usagi heading off for the queen of hearts. i’m just at the end of the seventh episode. man. one game left. one game left.
ughhhugfjthfuahdkdoaodkkalwoov fuckkkkkkkkkk. Emotions
i was so curious how they’d do the whole mental bit in queen of hearts
i have one issue that they didn’t say that the tea was laced and that was what prompted arisu’s suggestibility, which probably wouldn’t be intuitive for first time watchers/non manga readers
but the way the meteor was portrayed, how all the cast was gathered in the crossing, the hospital with ann being revived and chishiya and niragi and arisu’s brother and akane and aguni and. the part that Got Me So Bad when kuina was reunited with her mother. and her father was there too. and it was just. aughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Man fuck. crying in the damn club they did so welllllll
the fucjing interlude with karube and chota in the bar. fuck. man
the vfx, the stunts, the cinematography was incredible. the way they incorporated the wildlife growing so quickly and diff things rotting at diff speeds in order to blend with the manga overgrown setting,,,,
they cut doudou from the cast, which, fair but akane and aguni and the spades king felt really really different as a game than the original material, esp without the split and reunion and ‘family’ bonding. since it had to be modified so drastically to make arisu a key part of it. that felt really different than like, the jack of hearts, since that had a rigid self contained game structure to incorporate chishiya in
though also a point about that, they didn’t have the jack of heart’s fake eye and they changed the arena from having no reflective surfaces in the first place to no /using/ any reflections. i was kind of excited for the eye reveal in the cell after banda and the businessman leave him in there but, oh well
and definitely the severity of wounds, while depicted in accurate looking gore, is much much much Much lower than reality, honestly, jesus, akane’s full body bullet hell, the amount of time everyone spent bleeding out was unrealistic even in the manga, and ofc the ability to dodge gunfire, protagonist’s halo style
but those are small small complaints in the beautiful fuckin whole. just amazing. the happiness rush i’ve been on is incredible. i’m really glad i get to watch this and have it mean so much to me. the sheer delight of watching aib has been. i Care so fuckin much i did not realize until. i started watching but my god.

ALICE IN BORDERLAND 今際の国のアリス 2020 - 2022, dr. shinsuke sato.
All of it. I won’t have any problem. You sure? None. Arisu will help. Come on, seriously?
alice in borderland spoilers!
my theory as to why tatta died while others (ex. niragi) who faced worse survived
i think it has to do with someone’s will to live. when we learn about tatta’s backstory, we see he carrie’s incredible guilt for what happened to his coworker because of him. he believed he deserved his fate because of what he had done. he had no one to live for and it was easy for him to resign to his fate and let go
it’s almost impossible that niragi would survive being torched, thrown off a building, shot, pushed into a building on fire, and being shot another few times for good measure. how does tatta break his arm and bleed out but niragi is okay? because niragi has a stronger will to live
niragi feels no guilt about his past actions and is fighting for himself to survive. he would never willingly succumb to death. i think the fight against death in the borderlands is more of a mental battle than a physical one
the other characters who survive also have something that they are fighting for which gives them the strength to keep going no matter how dire the situation
arisu is fighting to live on in karube and chota’s memory
usagi is fighting for her father and to get back with arisu (i have a feeling she would have died if she hadn’t had the change of heart and decided she wanted to go back to the real world)
kuina is fighting to see her mother again
chishiya, similar to niragi, is fighting for his own survival but near the end it changes to where he is fighting for the survival of others
aguni is fighting for hatter
heiya is fighting for aguni
ann did technically die and i think it is because she didn’t have anything left to live for. but i also believe she managed to be brought back because kuina’s dying words reached her and reignited her will to live
when we look at karube and chota’s deaths, we can see that they also give in to their fate and don’t fight back at the end. i wonder if that would have changed if they decided to work together in the game rather than against each other

ALICE IN BORDERLAND (2020) — episode 3: seven of hearts
me when a piece of media/character is Alice in Wonderland themed:

will you take my gay ass to the botanical garden please.
Headcanon Ahead:
How the men of AIB would react to your butt getting bigger~
AHHHHHH! I’m so excited y’all. My first headcanon ever. I honestly feel pretty okay with this one. I feel like I captured the personality’s and mannerisms/behaviors of the characters pretty spot on. Especially with it being something that they’d never do in the show. We can only fantasize. Sigh. I hope y’all like it! No. I hope y’all love it and enjoy it as much as I did writing it. <3

Chishiya🤍: Chishiya is very observant; paying very close attention to detail, as we know. I say this to say, he’d notice the increase in size of your cute butt with pride that he’s apart of the reason that it’s gotten chunkier. He might even slip in a couple of smug and prideful jokes/compliments about it. Of course not without an amused little smirk on his face.

Arisu💙: Aw - our sweet and innocent ✨Arisu✨ He will shower you with tons of compliments - apologizing in between them so as to not come off as creepy or like he’s oversexualizing you. He’ll ask sweetly for your permission to touch and squeeze it lovingly(because consent is sexy), comparing the squish and softness to that of a cloud.

Aguni🖤: When it comes to Aguni, you would do something playful like walking in front of him, but purposely dragging your wagon agonizingly slow against his manhood. The action will send one of his eyebrows quirking upward to insinuate he’s willing to accept the challenge. All he will say is “oh?” As he picks you up, wrapping your legs around his sturdy upper body.

Niragi❤️🩹(I have an extreme, severely conflicted myriad of emotions about this man): You’ll walk past him/in front of him, butt appearing to have a bouncier jiggle to it when you do so. And of course, Niragi being the lust filled man that he is won’t be able to resist or control his arousal at the sight of it. He’ll pull you away into a dark and private place(or out in the open. He doesn’t give a rats ass), heavy breathing as he takes two firm handfuls of your ass. He’ll drop down to his knees, your body pressed up against a wall as he bites your bottom, softly but with purpose and hunger evident in each lovebite.
Welcome to my page! This was so fun to write, I just got lost into each scenario as I did. Imagining each one was too fun and cute. Let me know which is your favorite and if you feel like this is how these characters would respond in this situation 😏
ARISU 😍😚 *intense lip biting and behind the ear hair tucking*