princessyasmineisrael - pretty & petite
pretty & petite

SW:135.4 CW:129.6 .0 GW:100 🌹🌹🌹 130πŸ” 120πŸ”“ 110πŸ”“ 100πŸ”“

118 posts



I need a ana buddy lately i been sucking at sticking to my diet so i was hopi g to get a ana buddy.


1) send each other thinspo pictures

2)send each other sweetspo/meanspo

3) send each other diet tips

4) videochat and workout together

5) weight loss competition and moreπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

I look forward to talking to you and helping each other ugw.

More Posts from Princessyasmineisrael

7 years ago

πŸ‚reblog if no one knows about your edπŸ‚

im curious to see just how many people struggle w these kinda disorders w/o anyone around them realising

7 years ago

something that helps

when i’m fasting or trying not to binge i always keep a scrap piece of paper with me so whenever i’m tempted to break my fast or binge i’ll write the time on the paper so at the end of the day i can see how many times i stayed strong and where my problem times are

7 years ago

Quiet Workout

Here’s a quiet workout you can do in your room if you wanna exercise but it’s too late and your parents are already sleeping (or if like mine, they’ll get suspicious if they saw you suddenly working out)

🌸 10 front kicks

🌸 20 uppercuts

🌸 10 lunge kicks (each leg)

🌸 15 squats

🌸 5 kneeling push ups

🌸 40 russian twists

🌸 20 crunches

🌸 10 standing calf raises

🌸 5 tricep dips

🌸 15 gluck kickbacks (each leg)

🌸 30 sec plank

🌸 20 vertical leg crunches

🌸 20 sec side plank (each leg)

🌸 10 short bridges

🌸 20 bird dogs

🌸 5 kneeling push ups

🌸 10 jackknife sit ups

🌸 20 lunges

🌸 10 squats

🌸 10 standing calf raises

🌸 45 sec plank

7 years ago
I Don't Know If You Can See The Marks But When I Feel Like Binging I Put A Rubber Band On My Wrist And

I don't know if you can see the marks but when i feel like binging i put a rubber band on my wrist and i snap it until i stop thinking of binging.

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