Creepy weirdo & weird creep who loves media where bad things happen to good people
693 posts
Gwenyth Actually Reasoned In An Interview That "[She] Was Told All Big Internet Companies Have Two O-s
Gwenyth actually reasoned in an interview that "[She] was told all big internet companies have two o-s in their title." Yes. she really said title instead of name.
So me and @the-spooky-children were talking about Roy's family being in showbizz and the idea of Carmen being an actress gave me the idea of her having her own wellness brand and, considering i HC their last name being Levinson, if she went the Gwenyth Paltrow route and named her brand her initials with 2 o-s then it would literally be called COOL.
Anyways, I think I've got the spooky brain worms.
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Thanks, I'm not sure what this info could tell us in terms of theory crafting, but I still feel it's worth keeping in the back of the community's collective mind.
I just realized that we don't know exactly when the secret ending to Tender Treats takes place and that there's no date on Dexter's file from the ARG. Why does this matter? Because there is still a missing person alert for him as we see during the episode. This means one of two things. Either the secret ending and ARG file take place much later than we thought OR they take place shortly after the ending and the mayor is trying to prevent panic by making it seem like they're still looking for Dex
I was literally just thinking about the secret endings earlier, and that's a very smart and interesting observation!
Volume 2 of Spooky Month headcanons
John is related to Robert and Radford through his brother's/their dad's side. Their last name is Krell.
Ross's last name is Gaines.
Rick enjoys (if I can use that word) listening to satirical songs (think Kevin Temmer Tunes).
After the events of Deadly Smiles Rad forced Rick in to therapy which is why he escapes Bob int the next episode.
John's parents were fairly straight laced and this reflected in him being a tattletale at school which along with his small size lead to him being bullied a lot. Lila, Jaune, Frank and Shawn (Pump's dad) were basically his only friends until Jack and his family came to town.
Patty went through a LONG edgy phase and she has a tongue piercing.
Mayor Evermore's middle name is George.
More of a funny idea then proper headcanon but one of the thieves being named Keith.
Volume 1 of Spooky Month headcanons
The town the series is set is called Frighden (pronounce fry-dihn to sound like frighten).
Roy's family's last name is Levinson.
Richard and Ross' dad were best friends in high school and got matching tattoos (Ross' dad has a snake on his right arm, Richard has one on his left arm). Roy thinks his dad's tattoo is awesome and is definitely planing to get matching tattoos with Ross and Robert when they're older.
Bob moved to Frighden from his home town in Idaho in his early thirties.
Ignacio is divorced (seriously look at that man and tell me he hasn't been through a failed marriage). He's also retired.
When they were kids, Frank had a HUGE crush on Lila.
Pump and Susie's parents are named Shawn and Valery.
Jack can't stand high temperatures at all and always complains about it to John.
Jack isn't local to Frighden, but his family moved into town when he was in his early teens.
As you should! I'm just worried others won't have the restraint to follow your example.
Sorry y'all but I won't be leaking any of the New Episode patreon stuff lol, I want the Patreon to get as many memberships as possible

A sample of the chaos that went down in my MANY Spooky Month Hunger Games simulations. (Can you tell that Roy is my SM blorbo? :3)