Creepy weirdo & weird creep who loves media where bad things happen to good people
693 posts
John 0 And 1 For The Ask Game!
John 0 and 1 for the ask game!
0: His smoking, I'm not kidding, it just enhances the feeling that when he's on screen, whatever's going on is probably more serious than the average SM fair. No other indie animation makes such subtle but effective use of smoking as John.
1: I love how Pelo took his original, fairly standard horror-media-cop, design and gave it a unique identity while still keeping the basic feel of a stereotypical gruff sheriff you'd see in a classic slasher flick. Bonus points for slyly hinting that he's related to Rob and Rad
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More Posts from Prof-ramses
Look, I might be happy that @the-spooky-children won't be leaking things from the SM patreon but if someone else did, you know... I... wouldn't be entirely opposed. PLEASE FOR FUCK'S SAKE I NEED SOMEONE TO PROMISE ME THEY'LL START LEAKING AS SOON AS SM6 STUFF SHOWS UP I'M POOR AND NEED THE LEAKS OR I'LL FUCKING STARVE!
We've got 6 days left to pray the Bandai will bless us with a Little Nightmares announcement for gamescom. Thoughts and prayers, people.
Just had a cursed(tm) idea for the hatzgang episode
So several ideas I've had recently have combined to create a cursed prediction megazord.
Skid and Pump, maybe with Susie's help, do some ritual or something to summon skid's grandma, but the spell effect is super specifically worded like "all those with youth will see there departed kin" or some shit like that. And all that results in (he who belongs in a wood chipper) being summoned and going after Roy :(
Just to clarify, I don't think this will happen, I just thought of it decided that i can't suffer alone.
On a completely unrelated note, I haven't been getting much sleep lately, can you tell?
No one:
The entire Spooky Month fandom for six months following the release of Tender Treats:
For the ask game, 5 with Skid's dad
I know a lot of people feel this theory is kind of gross, but I can't in good faith say he isn't over a 100 years old, probably one of the town's founders. Also the wooden figure we seem him carving in that one photo is going to be relevant.
Also, I knew you'd send the first ask, bestie :D