616 posts
Puppythief - PuppyThief @ Tumblr - Tumblr Blog
“do you write for work or just for fun” none of the above. this activity is neither profitable nor enjoyable
just got fired from my job reading erotic fiction for audiobooks because i kept pronouncing “penetrates” like it was a greek philosopher
Use this pain scale to rate the typical pain of your period cramps at their peak (so if it's at its worst on day 2, rate day 2) when unmedicated:

follow your dreams at a sustainable pace
The duality of man is thinking “children cannot help themselves and we all need to be patient with them as they explore what it means to be human in public” and also “damn, I wish this crying baby was not on the plane rn :/“

EEYORE - English Knitting Pattern // DotpebblesKnits
The reason fat cadavers are not accepted for medical programmes is that you need to cut through every layer of fat carefully. Which takes time, and lab sessions are inherentely limited in that. It's better for med students to spend that time looking at what organs actually look like in bodies. This isn't fatphobia, it's just .. the way dissecting bodies works? In the same way surgeries on fat people take longer because there's just physically more tissue. The alternative would be to force the med students who get fatter cadavers to do more lab sessions at weird times outside of the usual schedules. Or force them to stay over the holidays. Or not let them get enough time to do the lab work they need to. Which imo would be a bit fucked up especially when med school is already so difficult and time-consuming.
It’s fatphobia. Fat bodies absolutely need to be studied. To ignore an entire demographic of oppressed individuals in the medical field for the sake of convenience(?!) is violence. Did you even read the article? They called working on fat cadavers “unpleasant.” It’s fatphobia and it’s unacceptable.
they should invent a hobby that doesn't require potentially destroying your wrists
So I would like to make a post about food allergies given the information I've been taught by my allergist regarding my food allergies.
The difference between food allergy, sensitivity, and intolerance.
Allergy. This is the classic anaphylaxis.
Sensitivity. This is caused by allergies, but the risk here isn't anaphylaxis. It's inflammation in gut that can cause fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, generalized ick feeling.
Intolerance. Your body is literally unable to process the food. It lacks the ability to, which means the food causes inflammation in the gut, causing similar symptoms as sensitivity.
Sensitivities will show up on an allergy test. Intolerance has to take a different test specific for that type of intolerance.
I mention this because I see a lot of fake claiming food allergies that's like "Yeah but I cross contaminated the food with eggs and that didn't kill her. She must be lying." Yeah food sensitivities can be pretty mild. Where if you give them an egg salad, they're gonna be having a bad day. But if you rub egg on their burger, they may not even notice.
Also like there's a lot of medical conditions that can affect a person's diet. They may have stomach issues that means they can't eat a lot of acidic foods, and if saying "Hey, I'm allergic to pineapple" gets you to not put pineapple juice in their drink because it'll cause a flare-up. I'm all for people doing whatever they need to make sure their health is taken seriously. Even if it's outright lying because food allergies is the only fucking thing people seem to take seriously in this world.
Anyways take people's "I can't eat this food" seriously. And don't fake claim them if they go "I can't eat this food but I'm not at risk if there's cross contamination"
this obviously doesn't apply to every disabled person but one of the things you don't really hear about for being disabled or chronically ill is the boredom. being stuck in bed and like. not having the ability to do anything meaningfully intensive with your hands, not being able to sit up, not having the concentration to read or watch things (from pain or brain fog or something else) and just kinda. lingering around online and hoping for something to happen or someone to talk to even if you have nothing good to say bc nothing has been going on for like the last day, week, month anyway
People act like voice training is unnatural or meant as a “trick” and then I get to sit in my office and listen to every single one of my cis coworkers change their pitch of their voice up or down whenever they’re on the phone
It absolutely baffles me how many conservative Christians haven't actually read the bible! Like, it's important enough for you what the bible says to base your believes on it, and openly spout anti- choice and anti-gay retoric becaus "the bible says..." but you haven't actually confirmed that yourself?? You just take the word of whatever mega reverant you follow, like it's the middle ages and you don't have access to scripture!!
this is lara, a cisgender butch woman who was hate-crimed by other women for trying to use a “female-only space”. a space, by their logic, she should have been able to use and is apparently meant to be her safe space.
this is the result of terf transphobia. please remember lara and others like her next time terfs claim that they care about butch women or that you can “always tell”.
I’m so sorry this happened to you, lara 💔 🫂
countries will be like “nooooo our birth rate is falling exponentially and it’s effecting our economy” and immigrants will be like “hey can you let us in so we can boost your economy and fill your empty jobs and raise our children here” and inevitably the country is like “the only thing worse than a large scale collapse of our population is letting foreigners live here”

Everybody tryin' to get a ticket to go but Those who go they don't come back They goin' way down Hadestown Way down under the ground
If a landlord is in financial stress due to an investment they chose to make they can sell one of their multiple properties (that's if the tax deduction from negative gearing isn't enough, because our tax system spends more helping landlords than it does on any other aspect of housing support).
If a renter is in financial stress they can get kicked out without justification and can end up homeless because they can't afford anywhere due to unlimited rent increases.
These two risks are not the same and only the Greens actually understand and are pushing for us as a country to reassess how we view housing. It's a human right - not something the rich should be able to hoard and make endless profit off.