'00s • she/her • INTP • Scorpio • wannabe writer 🫐//🫐 trying to get through life without accidentally dying 🫐//🫐
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Bang Chan

━ Genre:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social

Lee Minho

━ Genre:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social

Seo Changbin

━ Genre:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social

Hwang Hyunjin

━ Genre:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social

Han Jisung

━ Genre:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social

Lee Felix

━ Genre:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social

Kim Seungmin

━ Genre:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social

Yeon Jeonjin

━ Genre:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social


━ Types:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social


━ Types:
➳ Fluff | Angst | Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff | Angst/Smut
➳ Fluff/Smut
➳ Angst/Fluff/Smut
━ Types:
➳ Oneshot | Drabble | Series | Social

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More Posts from Pureblisswrites
A guide to falling in love with a traitor while being a mafia leader

Pairing: afab! Mafia leader! Reader x Yang Jeongin ft. slight Bang Chan x Reader
Word count: --
Genre: Mafia au, romance
Warnings: General criminal activities (but even then it's not much), mentions of knives
Summary: -- (I mean it's in the title)
Yang Jeongin. Science prodigy. Passed high school at age 10 and graduated at 14. Could be seen in newspapers and tv shows in those 4 years freuqently. Winning international debates against some of the greatest minds arguably. And then, missing. One day at 15. Out of nowhere. The police carried out the investigation for 5 years until they had to drop it due to lack of evidence and progress. How he got into this fucked up underground world from a world of glory and fame that awaited him up there, no one knows. He was a genius. Someone you didn't see often in the field of work you're in.
You see him working with test tubes and vials containing chemicals of different colours. The room itself is pretty dark with the only source of light being a small bulb that hangs above his head. You can even see some chemicals glowing. He's wearing transparent safety googles, a pair of expensive industrial ear muffs, black gloves and of course, his signature white lab coat. He looks concentrated on the task which was apparently mixing chemicals here and there. He suddenly stops before mixing two chemicals he had been working on since you came here and puts the tubes in the holder. Removing his muffs and ruffling his dark hair that had gotten messy due to them. And then you finally here his voice.
"Arsenic trioxide, 10ml to your right." He says in a voice that's much colder than even Chan's and gestures towards your right with his eyes. You see on your right and see a small vial with an injection on a pink vinyl player of all things.
"Right. Thanks." You reply taking both of the things and putting them in your dress pockets. When you don't leave and just stare at him expectantly, he raises his eyebrows in a silent 'what'.
"Can you get out now? I've got work to do."
"And you think I don't? I'm literally a-" he cuts you off, quite rudely at that.
"Do I look like I give a fuck, sweetheart?"
Chapter 1
Ofc Chan was also involved in writing the lyrics why did I just discover this... y'all stop blaming only Hyunjin and Minho for red lights and drive now

A guide to being kidnapped and escaping 101
Chapter 1

"I know you tried to move. Otherwise there would've been no marks." He looked at you accusingly as if you were the one who commited a crime or were covered in blood.
Pairing: afab! Psychologist! Reader x Bang Chan
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Crime, mafia au, eventual romance, slow burn, comedy (an attempt was made)
Warnings: kidnapping (not with malicious intent), use of injection(s), mentions of blood although nothing graphic, criminal activities of course.
Summary: You are a fairly renowned psychologist and therapist but definitely not renowned enough to be getting kidnapped in the middle of the night. Is it one of your past patients with a criminal record? You don't know what the kidnapper wants but you have a feeling you are about to find out.
This story takes place in the same universe as "A guide to accidental murder and cover up 101" but with a different reader. I suggest you can read that too if these kind of stories are your type. But both can be read as standalones too.
Completing Mrs Kim's therapy sessions, check. Because God knows that woman would rather chew glass than talk about her mommy issues and inferiority complex. Being promoted to senior therapist, check. Getting another new pet, check. Being kidnapped from your home, check. Okay so being kidnapped was definitely not on your this year's bingo card.
It's not everyday a bunch of well built men approach your apartment in the middle of the night, inject a needle into your veins, and take you in an expensive looking car with tinted windows. You feel yourself going limp and your mind filling with cloudy haze. Yeah you'd much rather have another therapy session with Mrs Kim than feeling like this, you think to yourself before loosing consciousness completely.
You wake up after God knows how many hours or possibly days? That thought scares you, you hadn't even submitted a leave of absence. What if they fired you? No they wouldn't fire you right? You were one of the top therapists in the country. There was no way they would fire you just after promoting you. And more importantly, what about your pets?
You look around you, observing your surroundings. The room looks like a 5 star suite room. You look down to see silk bed sheets wrapped around you. When you attempt to move you find that your movements are restricted. Your hands are free though, so you remove the sheets from around your legs. Only to find that your feet are cuffed from the bedpost. Great. Just fucking great. You jerk your legs in an attempt to unlock them but it's of no use whatsoever except making some noise.
Should you scream? What if the people who kidnapped you are psychopaths or sociopaths and it sets them off? It certainly won't be your first time dealing with psychopaths or sociopaths. But you needed to be very careful if you wanted some answers and didn't want to die.
"Hello?" You say. Your voice barely above a whisper because your throat feels so fucking hoarse. Just how dehydrated were you? You cough a bit to try to regain your voice. "Hello?" You repeat again. A little louder this time. "Is anyone there?" You almost scream now. Still no answer. You'll have to say something that they couldn't ignore now. You just hoped someone would be on the other side of the giant door. "I'm sorry but I really really need to go to the washroom. I'm not kidding." What the fuck? Did they just brought you here to leave you in a bed and go on with their days? You wished they would talk to you at least once so you could grasp what kind of people they were and what to say and not say to them. "EXCUSE ME?" You shout with all the voice you're left with now and then cough violently afterwards.
Suddenly the door opens by a man dressed in all black with a mask on his face, but his eyes are directed downwards and he isn't coming in. You see the reason mere seconds later. When a man with really well built body enters. His eyes as cold as the cuffs on your feet. He's wearing a white shirt with black harness belts over it. Who wears stuff like this? But that's definitely not the most concerning thing about him. It's the way his white shirt is splashed with blood. And not just one kind of blood. Different shades of blood. So are his black gloves and wrists.
You have worked with people who have been diagnosed with violent behavioural disorders and have seen your fair share of blood in your years long career as a psychologist. But never in this much quantity. And definitely never in this situation where you're tied to a goddamm bed. This was pretty fucking scary.
"Oh hello." He said like he was surprised that you were here, as if he wasn't the one who kidnapped you in the first place. "Did you need something?" He asked politely as if he was some underpaid staff at the local convenience store.
Deciding to not test the waters right now you just uttered one word. "Washroom."
"Oh right." He held out a hand towards the man who had opened the door in the first place and the man placed a a tiny key in his hand. He then walked towards you and opened the lock of the cuffs in one swift motion. It took you longer than this to open the lock of your door. That means he is pretty skilled at what he does. Which is scary because you suppose he murders people. Or animals? What if he is just a butcher? No but he kidnapped someone, the someone being you, he is definitely involved in criminal activities. He frowned when he noticed the red marks on your ankles. As if! Did he not know this would happen? He also seemed fairly experienced in whatever it was that he did considering the number of men working for him, you assumed. "You shouldn't have done that." He stated.
"Huh?" You questioned, too busy analysing his every move. Who knew for how much time they would leave you here again.
"I know you tried to move. Otherwise there would've been no marks." He looked at you accusingly as if you were the one who commited a crime or were covered in blood. This man needed to get his priorities straight.
"Can I go now?" You asked. It felt so weird after asking for permission to go to the fucking washroom after telling people what to do for years as a therapist.
"Uh yeah. It's that black door on your left." He gestured to said door. You stumbled to walk and heard him talking to the other man near the door. "Why did you fucking cuff her?" He sounded a bit angry.
"Because you told us to Boss!" The other man exclaimed while looking pretty shaken up.
"Yeah well I didn't-" he cut himself off and looked at you watching them while standing near the door. Fuck. You rushed inside quickly, afraid of what will happen now that he heard you eavesdropping on their conversation. Even though technically they were talking right in front of you.
You used the washroom not knowing when will be the next time you'll get to get out of the bed you were chained to. You go out and see the man who was not the "boss" standing next to the bed. Trying really hard to unlock the cuffs from the bedpost.
"I- uh sorry I'm kind of an intern here so-" he was clearly struggling to get the key out of keyhole now. Did he get it stuck there? "So- um I wanted to apologise for the inconvenience caused to you on my behalf. Boss ordere- uh asked me to apologize. Did that sound too formal? Sorry I used to work in retail before this if you couldn't already tell." You could.
"Let me see this." You go up to the lock as the man makes way for you. "I think you pretty much broke one of the latches in the locking pad." You observed. You had some experience with broken locks from that time you had your first internship in an asylum.
"Well then I'll go prepare for my funeral. In the meantime you can wait here. Someone will be here soon enough with some food for you." He sighed in despair and walked away. Not even bothering to close the door. Yeah he definitely was an intern.
Well then you might as well observe this place right? Right. You approach the giant door with slow and light steps. Not knowing what you could see on the other side. You look out to see dark hallways on all three sides with multiple doors in them. They are dimly lit from the sunlight that's passing through the huge windows on each end of the walls. You can see greenery. Maybe there's a garden somewhere.
Now... you were a psychologist but no psych vol. 6 book ever had notes about how to escape from a supposed mansion after being kidnapped by God knows who and for what. So you decided to throw caution out of the window and run out. Future you will just have to deal with whatever happens.
Confused between whether to go right, left or center, you decide to follow your instincts and go center. You run as fast as you can, which isn't actually fast because you had long ago decided that you would never have to run. Your job was to sit in a room with someone and talk to them. Why would you need to run? Yeah right. You hear footsteps following you behind so you look behind you just to find... no one? Running while looking in the opposite direction was definitely not a good idea. Because you just know you ran into someone you weren't supposed to run into.
You look up from the well built and hard chest your face had collided into, only to see the "boss" looking at you with an expression you couldn't identify. He was unusually cold yet held a soft look in his eyes. Very contradicting. Thankfully he had changed his blood stained shirt for a plain black one, although he still had those bloody gloves on. You can feel him staining your t-shirt as his big hands grip onto your shoulders from when you had lost your balance while faceplanting into his chest. And you really wish he hadn't held you and let you go so the ground could swallow you whole.
"Going somewhere doc?"
A/N: I wanted to make this longer as well as show their first proper conversation but I've been running low on motivation lately so I thought I should just post this first. Please let me know your thoughts on this, comments and reblogs are much appreciated!

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