Skz X You - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

this was so so good!! I am so incredibly immersed just like i am by all of your stories!!

blossoming ; jisung x reader ; part 2/4

part one | part two | part three | final part

Blossoming ; Jisung X Reader ; Part 2/4

pairing: han jisung/reader author's note: all right i decided four parts, the rest this weekend. smut starts next chapter. for now i torture everyone with slow burn build up. yummy.

content info: reader is described with curly hair.

content warnings: previously established warnings from part one plus this chapter has an additional content warning for emetophobia.

word count: 5100 words.



Morning dawns with a cool, clear light, but it fades as quickly, dissolving in the burning sunshine.  Every hand is at work, preparing the royal retinue for its return journey to the capital. 

You watch as the last of your trunks are loaded onto a wagon.  Each click and latch echoes inside you.  You stand helpless as your life is locked in iron. 

You walk to exert the worst of your nerves, fluttering inside you like a thousand frantic butterflies.  You lift your gaze to the sky, willing those butterflies to carry you away, but then you see your family waving from a balcony. 

You cannot let them see your pain.  It is too late to do anything about the marriage, even if your parents expressed some regret for the arrangement.  That regret was tentatively posed to avoid treasonous speech, but they were undoubtedly taken aback by the king’s poor behaviour.    

Your mother insisted on dressing you this morning.  She was teary-eyed the entire time, so you faked your best and brightest smile.  There was no sense in you both suffering. 

The child in you wants to fling yourself at your family.  The woman you are, the queen you have become, forces a smile and waves back. 

You continue your walk.  Your mother dressed you finely but comfortably, a long, loose gown with flowing sleeves, your curly hair pinned in a twisting up-do, a flower behind your ear in lieu of a crown. 

Heads turn towards you, for there are courtiers milling about.  Some are travelling with the king’s party while others will divert course to visit their own lands.  Judgemental eyes trail the sweep of your hem across the earthen path.  You feign indifference as you weave in-and-out of the bustling bodies.

The courtyard has never been so busy.  The clamour of trunks, the stomping of horses, and the din of busy chatter blend into cacophony. 

Distantly, you hear a guitar.  

Han Jisung.  The first name you associate with music. 

You are flushed with embarrassment, remembering last night’s sorry return to your room.  Jisung escorted you back, a silent trek that agitated your frayed anxiety at the time.  In the light of day, you realize just how much he did for you.  You would not have survived the journey, at least not in one piece, and if anyone else had caught you, your life would have been equally forfeit. 

He committed an offense against the crown, a sin in his faith, one that would have demanded a great deal of reconciliation.  You have heard stories of kingsguards self-flagellate in the pursuit of forgiveness for even meagre transgressions.  The fact Jisung understood your betrayal, the fact he forgave it, the fact he saved you, is not insubstantial. 

You wonder who this man is, to wear the cloth but help his friend first, to keep secrets for a woman he hardly knew because he sympathized with her pain.  To have a sword at his hip and a song on his lips. 

You follow the guitar.  It leads you to the royal carriages and a circle of kingsguards in a hushed argument.  Jisung is playing a comically frantic tune while they debate. 

“What’s going on?” another kingsguard approaches.  It is the short and stocky one from the ceremony.  You learned the names of the all kingsguards at the evening festivities.  You recognize this one as Seo Changbin, an undoubted force of brute strength, striding up to his brethren with a hand on his sword hilt. 

“Felix disappeared,” Jisung trills, fingers dancing over the guitar strings, “and the kingsguard is afeared, because the king is not too dear—”

“What?” Changbin interrupts, looking at the others.  “Felix is gone?”

“Not just Felix,” a brown-haired guard, Lee Minho, says.  His brow is pinched.  “The king’s mistress is missing too.” 

Your eyes widen, your careful mask cracking under the assault of shock. 

The woman who ran off with Felix was the king’s mistress?   

It does not take much knowledge of the inner circle to deduce that does not bode well for anyone.  A kingsguard breaking his oath is one thing, a kingsguard running off with a woman is another still, but a kingsguard conducting an affair with the king’s mistress is a personal betrayal heaped on top of sin.  The only worse crime would be if he pursued the king’s wife. 

Jisung looks at you.  

He spots you across the crowd and strums a foul note, fingers clumsy with surprise.  The bad note draws attention to him, so the other guards follow his line of sight.   They all straighten when they see you, their strong shoulders tense with anxiety.

Minho and Changbin immediately duck into a bow.  The other two, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin, exchange a glance before following suit.  Hwang Hyunjin, the preposterously beautiful one, bows but not before he grimaces with discomfort at their conversation being overheard by the queen.

Jisung is still staring, his eyes darting from your face to the flower behind your ear.  He meets your eyes and, for a long moment, sinks into your gaze where he loses himself.  The events of the previous evening seem to play in the space between you, every panicked whisper and solemn glance.

Then he abruptly notices the rest are bowing. With a yelp, he swings down into a bow. 

You take a breath to steady your voice. “What’s this about a missing person?” you ask. 

They straighten, one by one, sharing uncertain looks.  Minho and Jisung seem to have a mute conversation, Minho clenching his jaw and lifting his brows as if mutely scolding Jisung.  Jisung stares back with furrowed brows as if challenging it.

In the end, it’s the youngest one who speaks.  Jeongin is a shaggy-haired youth and his whole face is scrunched with worry. 

“A kingsguard is missing,” he blurts.  “But he’s not a bad guard,” he adds frantically, waving his hands around.  “Really.  We don’t know what happened.  It’s not like him.  And the king’s mistress is missing too, but that doesn’t make sense.  No, it doesn’t make any sense at all.  Felix wouldn’t do that.  It’s not like Felix.  It’s really very strange, your Majesty.  We don’t understand, Your Majesty.  Your Majesty.”  He dips into a bow every time he utters your title.

Seungmin kicks him. 

“Stop talking, dummy,” Seungmin says out of the side of his mouth. 

“Right, I’m sorry,” Jeongin says, bowing again.  “We’re all very loyal.  We’re the kingsguard.  You know that. Of course you do.”

As if anyone could mistake the cluster of black-robed soldiers, looking very austere among the courtiers and servants. 

You say nothing more, simply cast your gaze around the assembled soldiers, doing your utmost not to look at Jisung lest you betray too much secret knowledge. 

“There is no cause for concern,” Minho says, drawing your attention.  “Everyone is just… surprised.”

“Yeah,” Seungmin mutters, “Surprised it wasn’t Hyunjin.”   

Jeongin snorts, though he looks remorseful after.  Hyunjin whips around to glare at Seungmin who is now snickering to himself. 

“Excuse me,” Hyunjin says, catty in tone, “I let them look, but I don’t touch.”

“And what do they touch?” Seungmin retorts.  Jeongin laughs again and looks even more chagrined, covering his mouth and closing his eyes. 

“Yah, knock it off,” Changbin says, waving them apart. 

“We’ll fix it,” Minho says to you.  “You don’t need to concern yourself, your Majesty.”

You do not say that you are very concerned.  You worry the king’s attentions will return to you sooner than he threatened.  And if that was his conduct when he had a mistress for pleasure, you are loathe to imagine how he might behave in her absence.    

But that is not an admittance you can make to the holy order sworn to enforce the will of the gods-blessed crown.

The king is wearing that crown as he storms over.  He is already ranting and raving, barking at the leader of kingsguard.  Chan follows him, hand on the hilt of his sword, stoic face not betraying a hint of anxiety.  He nods patiently at the king’s ranting. 

When they reach the guards, a single look from Chan compels them all to stand in formation and bow before the king.

“I want them found!” the king hollers.  “I want their heads on pikes outside my window!  And if I find any conspirators in this fucking plot—”   He shoves a passing servant, a man in the wrong place at the wrong time.  The servant spills to the ground, cowering when the king looms over him.  “Then they too shall pay the price of treason.”   

The servant crawls into full obeisance, prostrate on the ground.  The king just snarls and steps over him. 

“Sire,” Chan says curtly, a vague acknowledgement before he helps the servant up and sends him on his way. 

The king has already moved on, still ranting to himself as he storms across the courtyard.  He starts shouting about his wife, evidently missing you in the crowd.  You swallow down the choking terror in your throat and follow him. 

“If that whore ran off too—” he starts, turning around and finally seeing you.  He snarls.  “It would have been preferable,” he says. 

You say nothing.  You dip into a respectful bow and keep your eyes down.  It conceals your fear, your frustration.  You hope it just looks submissive.   

“It is not necessary we overindulge in company,” he says.  “You will ride in the carriage behind mine.  The kingsguard will surround us.  You will not bother them.  You will not be a grievance to me.  You will be quiet.  You will be obedient.  You will do as told and move only when bid.”  He does not wait for a reply, turning to look at the guards.  “We depart.  Now.  I want to leave this disgusting territory behind me.”

He spits.  Ostensibly, it is just on the ground, a slight against the land, but it falls close to your feet.  It is abundantly obvious what he is actually spitting on. 

You take another steadying breath, staring at that spot on the ground.  When you find the strength to lift your gaze, the guards are staring at you.  Their expressions run the range of pity and malcontent.  You suppose they would be offended by the king slighting you so outright.  Though his blood is divine by birthright, they believe the gods control the fates of men, so if you are queen it is because the gods will it so.  You have also been chosen by the gods and it is not appropriate for the king to conduct himself thusly. 

They are visibly disgruntled, Chan most of all, his brow furrowed as he stares after the king.  The shake of his head is nearly imperceptible; you would have missed it if you were not looking at that precise moment. 

The king leaves an awkward silence in his retreat.  It is broken when Jisung strums a melodramatic chord on his guitar. 

Chan shoots him an unimpressed look.  Jisung giggles nervously.   

“Put it away,” Chan says.

“Heh, right,” Jisung says, spinning on his heel.  He putters towards his horse where he packs his guitar with his saddlebags. 

In spite of yourself, you feel the tug of a smile, very small but very real.  Your eyes follow Jisung until Chan steps forward, his hand over his heart as he bows politely.

“Your Majesty,” he says.  “I’ll escort you to the carriage.” 

You start to follow, casting a final glance back at your home.  When you do, you catch sight of something across the courtyard.  It roots you to the spot.  Your heart weighs you down like a lead weight. 

“Your Majesty?” Chan says, tilting his head.  He holds out his hand. 

“I’m sorry,” you say.  It comes out on a breath.  You clear your throat but your voice is still shaking when you say, “Can you give me just one more moment?  I’ll be fast.”

His squints, perplexed, but he nods. 

You gather your skirts so you can run quickly over the courtyard bricks.  You hurry to the cluster of household servants who are gathered in a teary-eyed throng by the palace.   When they see you coming, they all rush forward.  You meet them halfway, throwing your arms around the woman directly in your path. 

Your tears nearly escape, but you manage to restrain them, enveloped in the friendly embrace of the household that raised you.  You spent more time among these people than anyone else, always respectful of their important duties, cherishing their friendships as dearly as any noblesse. 

You know it is inappropriate as a queen, standing there hugging the servants one-by-one, but you suspect you will draw ire regardless.  So you hug and thank them, wiping a few teary faces as they wish you well. 

“You’ll come back and visit right?” a little girl asks, the daughter of a handmaiden your own age, a woman you consider a friend.  You spent many hours entertaining her daughter, helping with chores, giving gifts, seeing her grow. 

You crouch down to her level, holding back tears as you nod.  You know it’s not true, that the king will undoubtedly forbid it given his contempt for this place.  But you say, “Of course I will.  This is my home.  I’d miss you all too much.”

“We’ll miss you too,” her mother says, hugging you next.  When she does, she slips something into your hand, a small phial of a dark liquid.  “Sleeping draft,” she whispers in your ear.  “For the nights the king needs his rest so you may have yours.” 

You laugh through your tears, kiss her temple and a mouth a thank you as you withdraw.   You tuck the phial into a pocket pouch inside your gown. 

After a few more goodbyes, you stand before them and bow.  You offer a smile as they return it.  It carries a very different respect than the terrified cowering of the servant before the king. 

You are not the only one who thinks so.  When you turn, you find the guards all staring at you, their faces a wall of blinking surprise.  Jisung is the worst at hiding his thoughts, his brown eyes the widest.   Chan is the best, but even he cannot hide his contemplation.   

“I’m ready,” you say gently. 

You lift your hem and walk onward.  You do not look back.  You wait until the carriage door is closed behind you, then you bury your face in your hands and cry. 


Your sorrow passes, bleeding into frustration, then fury.   Alone in the carriage, you have time to stew in a myriad of emotions as you deliberate on your circumstances.  You resolve to stand firm before the king, to not crumple beneath his cruel sneers, to bear his wickedness with grace.  You will make him ridiculous in comparison to your obvious virtue. 

This commitment falters very quickly. 

For the first hour of travel, you are passing through your family’s property, then the village.  The roads are paved and the passage is smooth.  When you reach the forest path, it is a different matter entirely.  Though there is a road that cuts through the great woods, it is a trail of gravel and packed, uneven dirt.  The carriage jostles constantly, bouncing up and down at inconsistent intervals.

You last three hours.  By the end of that third hour, you are so queasy that the scarlet interior of the carriage turns to a murky green.  Your spotted vision swims through that grime even with your eyes closed.  You do everything you can to ease the discomfort, taking down your hair pin-by-pin until every curl is loose, the flower discarded because its scent was too strong.  You sit in every possible position, craning towards the window and fresh air, but the nausea only worsens as the trail gets bumpier. 

You try to distract yourself, listening to the aimless chatter and laughter from the kingsguards.  Their horses trot along at an unhurried canter, far smoother than the carriage wheels jumping over rocks and earth. 

After a particularly violent jostle, you give up.  You are going to be sick and you would rather not do it in the carriage. 

“Excuse me,” you say, waving to the first guard you see.  Minho is not far from the window.  “I’m sorry but I need to stop.  Right now.”  You want to elaborate but your stomach rolls and your voice catches. 

You must look sufficiently ill because Minho clicks his boots and quickens his pace, riding up to Chan near the king’s carriage.  You slump against your seat while they have a quick discussion.

Chan lifts a hand and the whole train comes to a halt. 

You do not wait for them to open the door.  You burst out of the carriage in a clumsy frenzy, running to the treeline where you fall to your knees and promptly empty the contents of your stomach. 

You feel hot and frantic, heaving as you struggle to hold your hair off your face.  You sputter, lips quivering as another wave rises inside you. 

Someone jumps off their horse and lands beside you.  You spare a brief glance up at Minho, his brow pinched with concern, but then the king shouts in aggravations and you throw yourself forward to vomit some more.

Minho helps, bending over you, gathering you hair as best he can and holding it out of the way.  The next closest soldier, Hyunjin, also dismounts and approaches. 

Vomiting is not exactly dignified.  It feels even worse to have every single person in the royal retinue watch you spew your breakfast over the forest floor.

You lift your head, turning to offer an apology but your voice is shot.  Minho still looms rather protectively, Hyunjin nearby.  You look around for Chan to address him, but your eyes find Jisung first.  He is the farthest away, perched on horseback, fidgeting with the reins.

The king shouts again.  It’s a block of noise to your ringing ears, but you suspect he is angry at the delay.  He told you not to be a grievance.

You try to stand but your knees wobble.  You use a rock for balance, then Minho when he takes your arm.   Hyunjin steps in and takes your other arm.  Together, they get you back on your feet. 

“I don’t think she can continue yet, sire,” Chan says, riding into view.  “Maybe we should rest here for a bit.”

“We are stopping to rest in an hour,” the king snaps.  “I will not be delayed so near to our schedule.”

“What made you sick?” Minho asks.

“The carriage,” you say, groaning as you wipe your mouth.  You are certain you make a ravaged sight.  At least your stomach is empty now, the worst of the nausea passed, but you cannot imagine climbing back inside that rattling monstrosity.  

You step forward, away from Minho and Hyunjin.  Your legs quiver but you steady yourself. 

“I’ve never ridden a carriage so far,” you say.  “I’m very sorry, I am.  The terrain is just so uneven.  I’ve only ever ventured to the village and back.”  Even then, you usually travelled on horseback.  Sometimes you would sit on the back on a wagon or two, but it never went farther than the ends of the property. 

“Why doesn’t she travel on horseback?”  That sounds like Seungmin, speaking somewhere behind you. 

“Can you ride a horse?” Hyunjin asks, to which you nod emphatically. 

“It might be less intense at this pace,” Minho agrees. 

They look at Chan.  You are certain there is something significant about the fact the guards always seek instructions from Chan and not the king, but you are too unsettled to contemplate anything too deeply. 

Chan is the one who looks at the king, lifting a questioning brow. 

“There’s no horses to spare,” the king says.  “If one of you wants to deal with the brat, then take her.” 

Hyunjin steps towards you. 

“Not you,” the king says. 

Hyunjin steps back again.

The king, who is still in his carriage, cranes his neck to look around the gathered guards.  He snaps his fingers. 

“Bard boy,” he calls.  “Take the queen.”

“Jisung,” Chan says, waving him forward.  “Come here.” 

You look at Jisung who is visibly startled at his selection.  His black hair is a bit windswept, the longer tufts curling up at his nape.  Wide, brown eyes find yours, slowly blinking to attention.  With a shake of his head, he picks up the reins and rides over to you. 

You step back, staring up at him on his perch.  He says nothing but extends his open hand, blinking those captivating eyes at you.  You are not sure why they ensnare you so, nor why your heart skips a beat when you delicately place your hand in his.  That beat pounds a quick stacatto when his sword-calloused fingers grip yours tightly. 

Minho and Hyunjin help you onto the horse.  You seat yourself side-saddle in front of Jisung, ramrod straight so you are not pressed against him.  His arms circle you to take the reins and you pointedly do not look at his hands.    

Despite the king’s presumption, you would have been less bothered by Hyunjin.  Yes, he is irrevocably handsome, his own black hair tied back, sleek and pristine, but it does not affect you.  A handsome face has never much moved you.  You always thought yourself logical, your heart oddly shaped next to others.

But now you are looking at Jisung’s dark-painted nails, his soldier’s hands on the reins; now you are feeling his breath at your nape, the warmth that emanates from his body, hot from wearing black in the summer sun; now you think of him helping his friend, helping you, and that makes him more than a handsome face.  it makes your stomach twist in a very different way than before. 

That feeling is exacerbated when he reaches into a saddlebag and retrieves a waterskin. 

“Here,” he says in a soft voice.  “Drink. Go on.”  He puts it in your hand. 

You take a deep drink, purging your mouth of the foul residue of sickness.  You thank him just as softly and hand the waterskin back.   

Once settled, the train resumes course.  Chan waves and everyone marches on.

Jisung spurs the horse into motion.  Despite your best effort, the movement knocks you into his chest.  Jisung sputters and you realize your undone hair is flying into face. 

“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say, desperately smoothing it down.  It does not work, but all your pins are in the carriage and you suspect the king will not be too enchanted if you stop the train to fetch them.

“It’s okay,” Jisung says.  “One second.”  He lays the reins down, his thigh muscles firm behind you as he squeezes to maintain leverage. 

Then you feel the brush of his fingertips on your bare neck.  It sends an immediate cascade of shivers shooting down your spine.  He gathers your hair carefully in his hands, guiding it over your shoulder, away from his face. 

Minho also pulled back your hair, but that was a very different sensation. 

This you… feel.

He takes up the reins again, arms circled around you.  You pull yourself upright as the horse moves along. 

You think this ride might be stiff and uncomfortable, but then he begins to hum to himself.  You find the gentle melody placates your nerves.  Your frantic energy simmers to a cooler calm. 

After a while, the conversations resume around you.  Jisung tells some jokes to the other guards and you smile, though it is weak.  Their camaraderie makes you miss your own friends already. 

Jisung hums again, almost like he can sense your discomfort.  It is most likely a coincidence, but you still find yourself sighing pleasantly. 

With the worst of your anxiety tempered, at least for now, you ask him, “Where did you learn to play?”

“Sorry?”  The question catches him off guard.

“Sorry,” you say.  “I don’t mean to pry.  I’m just curious.” 

Though there is often a bard-like character in the kingsguard, it is nonetheless an intriguing amalgamation of skills.  They do not let just anyone into the kingsguard service, even if they are willing to take the vow of chastity and surrender their earthly goods.  Jisung must be an exceptionally skilled swordsman to be admitted, an interesting background for such a talented musician.  Though he was joking with his music earlier, he is very capable of composing melodic poetry.

“Music and swordplay just seem an odd match,” you say.

“Maybe,” he replies.  “Maybe not.  They both require dedication.  Time.  Practice.” 

“You are a devout man, I suppose,” you say. 

“Of course,” he answers confidently.  “I am absolutely the most devout and most impressive one here—ow.”  Someone, probably Seungmin, chucks a coin at his head.  

You laugh, glancing at Jisung over your shoulder.  His eyes dart briefly to your mouth, his own face brightening at your smile.  He laughs back and nods. 

“Honestly, I grew up with music first,” he says.  “I didn’t, uh… I didn’t exactly grow up in a palace.  To say the least.  But, yeah, definitely palace-adjacent and not a hovel on a street in the capital,” he jokes.  As he talks, you picture a little boy with a guitar, strumming on the busy city streets.  “I used to write songs and sing for money.  Then I got older.  I was looking for work when the war started.  I got recruited like a lot of boys, but I was pretty disciplined and a fast learner.  After the war, I met Chan.  He put in a good word for me, so I was able to put myself forward during the new recruitment season.”

“So you haven’t been there long,” you say.  The war only ended a year ago. 

“Ten months,” he says cheerily.  “But it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” 

“That’s commendable,” you say.  “It’s rewarding, I’m sure, but an intense order nonetheless.  I can’t imagine making so many sacrifices.”

“Can’t you?” 

The question is posed softly but lands heavily.  You suppose Jisung is correct; you have both made sacrifices to be where you are, though the journeys were very different, and your futures more so. 

“I’m sorry,” he says quickly.  “Fuck, that wasn’t my place.  Your Majesty.  Oh, fuck, I swore.  Fuck, sorry.  Ignore that.” 

You laugh in spite of yourself, catching the sound in your palm.  He laughs behind you.  Even with a sliver of distance between you, you can feel his chest shaking.

“Good thing foregoing curses is not one of your oaths,” you say.

“Oh, fuck, no, I’d fail that one for sure.  Sorry, ignore that too.” 

You are pretty sure he is being funny on purpose now, but you appreciate it, smiling as you move beneath a canopy of trees.  It is much cooler in the shade, alleviating the discomfort of the hot sun.  You exhale and let your posture slacken, just a bit, just enough your bodies touch on every downward canter. 

“Were you ever scared?” you ask.  The king’s carriage is ahead of you.  You watch the wheels turn and turn. 

“Yeah,” he says.  “A bit.  A lot.  Completely.  Not about the vows, though.  I was just scared I’d let everyone down.  Especially Chan.  He put his own reputation on the line when he stood for me.  I don’t know what he saw in me.  Gods only know no one else ever saw it.  Me included.”

He laughs at his self-deprecation but you do not.  You watch the shadows of the forest roll over the carriages.  You think of Jisung in that barn, risking everything for his friend.  Your cheek tingles, remembering where he wiped your tear during that lonely ceremony.  Your heart still races at the memory of him singing a springtime song, dedicated to you despite the antagonistic crowd.    

“I do,” you say.

“You do what?” he asks casually. 

“I see something good in you, Han Jisung.”   

“Ohh.”  He is stupefied for a moment.  You are not sure of his expression, too shy to look at him.   “Well, I don’t know about that,” he eventually says.  “I’m definitely the lowest ranked in the kingsguard.  Sorry for that, by the way.”

“Sorry?”  Now you look back, meeting his gaze.  “Why would you be sorry?”

“Well, uh…”  He looks away, to the road ahead, his voice strained with awkwardness.  “There’s a reason I was picked for proxy at the ceremony.  It’s not because I’m not the best swordsman, or the most pious priest.  I’m, uh, well… ‘bard boy’.  And the king – His Holy Majesty – he uh… well, I mean…  It had to be someone like a kingsguard but he didn’t want… I mean, that is…”

“It’s all right,” you say.  “You don’t have to say it. I understand.” 

he king was heaping insults on you and your family; of course he chose the lowest ranked kingsguard to stand in as proxy, just like he chose him now. 

Irritation creeps up your neck, heating your skin.  You glare at the carriage. 

You are not even annoyed for yourself.  Your insult has been established.  You angry that the king would make such a disrespectful insinuation for a member of the elite kingsguard.  The kingsguard service is as ancient as the regime.  They are a respectable, powerful order.  Admission to the order requires a great deal of work, more than simply being born in the right house.  The king has no right to insult a soldier like Jisung.  Just like he has no right to insult you. 

“So yeah,” Jisung says.  He clears his throat and tries to sound cheery as he says, “That’s why I’m sorry!  Anyway, it all worked out.  I’m sure I’m your favourite already, right?  I’m everyone’s favourite, obviously.” 

He is speaking jokingly but your heart skips a beat anyway.  You swallow, hard.   

In the next moment, the horse jumps, maneuvering around a ditch in the road.  You fall against his chest with a thump, throwing your hands out instinctively.  Your hand clasps his, your bodies pressed together. 

“Sorry,” you say in unison. 

“It’s all right,” he says.  “I got ya.”

It is spoken with nonchalance.   You still feel it.     

“I’m not sorry,” you say.  “I’m glad it was you, Jisung.” 

You turn, finding your lips close to his face.  He stares at you, as surprised as he is rivetted. 

Softly, so only he can hear, intimately, a breath away from him, you whisper, “I believe you saved my life even before you found me in that barn.  So yes.  I’m glad it was you.  I’m glad he chose you.  I would have chosen you too.”     

“Oh,” is all he says, moved to silence. 

You remain in his arms, leaning against his chest.  You pick up the melody he was humming and hum it yourself, making him laugh on an exhale.  You feel the tension leave his arms and his heartbeat skip then resume its normal cadence, steadying your own. 

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8 months ago

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Changbin, Felix, Jisung, Minho X reader🐷🐥🐿️🐰 💛

Alanna 🧚🏻‍♀️💜
Ok i I had a dream about them and I would like to share this fun situation, enjoy☺️🍭🍩 Changbin X Felix X Han X Minho X reader It was you,

•Action and Reaction 🔥❤️

Hyunjin X Han X Cris X reader

Action and Reaction
❤️🔥 Hyunjin X Han X Cris X reader 🦙🐿️🐺 Part 1 ✨ Hyunjin and Y/N were never very close, until the day they were forced to do a physics pr

Action and Reaction part 2 ⬇️

Part 2 (part 1 ⬇️) ❤️🔥 Hyunjin X Han X Cris X reader 🦙🐿️🐺 Part 1 ✨ Hyunjin and Y/N were never very close, until the day they were force

Action and Reaction part 3⬇️

Part 2 ⬇️ Part 2 (part 1 ⬇️) ❤️🔥 Hyunjin X Han X Cris X reader 🦙🐿️🐺 Part 1 ✨ Hyunjin and Y/N were never very close, until the day th

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2 years ago

lord have mercy...

cashmere and forevers (sharp edges epilogue)

Cashmere And Forevers (sharp Edges Epilogue)
Cashmere And Forevers (sharp Edges Epilogue)

{ 18+ only. minors/ageless blogs dni. ≡ masterlist ≡ series masterlist }

pairing: hyunjin x afab reader | wordcount: 11k | genre: painter au, romance, brief smut | general warnings: christmas special, events occur one year after the ending of sharp edges. ungrateful kkami (affectionate), mentions of past angst, suggestive content, fluff, sharp edges citrus brainrot, food & drinking. contains explicit sexual content, more warnings under the cut. warnings contain spoilers. thank you to everyone who has given sharp edges some love. ♡ it is mandarin season, friends. 🍊

Cashmere And Forevers (sharp Edges Epilogue)
Cashmere And Forevers (sharp Edges Epilogue)

“Goodbye Mrs. Hwang, Mr. Hwang. Thank you so much for coming over.” You wave at them as they’re making their way to the elevator. “Goodbye Kkami, too! Merry Christmas!” 

“Bye mom, bye dad!” A warm hand presses itself on the small of your back. Hyunjin leans against you, squeezing you gently against the frame of the door. His breath is warm when it touches your hair. When he speaks, you can almost feel the vibrations of his voice in your chest, like an echo of your own heartbeat. “Bye Kkami, you be a good dog, right? Don’t—” 

The small chihuahua that Mrs. Hwang is holding in her arms groans before letting out a loud bark, making Hyunjin’s parents laugh at the scene. They wave at you as the elevator doors open, and Mr. Hwang has the grace of grabbing one of Kkami’s front paws to make him wave back at Hyunjin. You wait until they’ve disappeared before closing the door of your apartment and locking it.

“Please stop laughing at me,” Hyunjin begs, wrapping you snuggly in his arms and letting you rest the side of your face in the crook of his neck. “It hurts my pride. I’ve only ever spoiled this dog, I’ve never even raised my voice at him… Why can’t he love me?”

“Maybe that’s his love language,” you suggest, looking up to place a few kisses along Hyunjin’s jaw. “The one he has for you only, you know? You’re special.”

“Shut up.” Hyunjin frames your face with his large hands and you gaze at him, at his eyes full of stars, at his wine-stained mouth. His burgundy lips curve into a soft smile as he runs his tongue on them, leaving them moist, and glossy. Inviting. “If you’re naughty, you’re not getting your present. Think about it.” 

You can hardly take your eyes off his mouth. “We did say no gifts,” you remind him. This is the first Christmas you spend as a couple, officially living in what used to be your apartment but is now yours and Hyunjin’s. “Unless you’re suggesting the gift isn’t from you… Does that mean Santa is real, then?”

The smile turns playful. “I’m saying only good girls get their Christmas presents.” Hyunjin pulls away from you before leaning right back, tilting his head as he brings his face closer to yours. His breath smells like the red wine you’ve had with the beef, rice cakes and pajeon. His breath smells like the love you have for him and it makes you drunk. 

Warmth fills you when Hyunjin’s hands move to your waist, pressing you closer to him. You bite your lip, eager to kiss him. He wants it just as much as you—this, you can see in his eyes. The color of his irises might be dark brown but they are always full of light when Hyunjin looks at you. 

You are in love with Hyunjin, and he is in love with you. So he kisses you, pressing his plush lips against yours gently as if he were afraid to hurt you. But he could never hurt you. Not like that. His mouth tastes like wine and like the mandarin cake you had for dessert. His lips are sticky with the honey glaze it was covered in. Hyunjin’s mouth is sweet, sweet, sweet. Sweeter than any dessert, than any sunset. Not cloying, not sickening. You will never have enough of him. You will never not want to drown in him, in the warmth of his body, in the smoothness of his tongue as it twirls in your mouth. You will never not love him. 

Hyunjin deepens the kiss, breathing you in. You give him your air, your love. His mouth controls yours, the scalding kisses, the wet noises of your mouths lewd enough to make you dizzy. You feel his smile against you, so you kiss him back with yours. 

A faint sigh escapes you when he pulls away for air, but the sight of his flushed cheeks would be enough to mend any scar on your soul. 

“I still can’t quite tell if you’ve been a good girl or not,” Hyunjin teases, leaving a small peck on your nose. “I think I will have to study your case a little more.” 

You giggle, heat spreading at the back of your neck and between your legs. Hyunjin must sense it because he pulls you by the waist, pressing you flush against him. You have to take a deep breath to calm down, the fluttering of your heart a little too distracting—but certainly not as much as the way Hyunjin’s hands are waltzing on your body. “We really said no gifts, Hyun, just a dinner at a nice restaurant,” you remind him as if he suffered from memory loss. “To save money.”

Hyunjin nods but shakes his head with indifference, his burgundy smile blinding you. “So you’re telling me you didn’t get me anything, angel love?” 

Hyunjin’s beauty hits you every time you lay your eyes upon him but never quite the same way. Black hair framing a face that would make angels weep. A mouth that dances. Eyes you like to get lost in, jumping to your demise in them. Tonight, he reminds you of lights through a window on a rainy day, little droplets running along the glass, diffusing the colorful lights like tiny miracles. You lick your lips just to taste him again, just a little more, taste the kiss he gave you. 

You stare at him in silence, your gaze flicking from his eyes to his mouth to the nice sweater he’s wearing to the small Christmas tree at the back of the living room. You try to come up with some excuse for the bag you’ve hidden in your side of the closet. The one decorated with pretty ribbons. The one with Hyunjin’s name on it. 

“I knew it.” Hyunjin doesn’t even need your response to know. One would say that he can read you like an open book but that’s not quite right. Hyunjin reads you the way a troubled man reads poetry. “Of course I got a gift for my girlfriend,” he adds before taking your mouth again and this time, the kiss is a little deeper.

Your back hits the wall behind you and you jump, surprised, as if you had forgotten that walls existed. As if you had forgotten that buildings existed, with floors too and ceilings and Christmas trees and dirty dishes in the sink. When Hyunjin kisses you, there is only him, and the taste of a cake you’ve baked with the Jeju mandarins he bought this morning. His hand finds your face again, cupping your cheek swiftly as if he feared you would evade him. But he had you locked in the moment he sat next to you in a painting class, and you have no wish to escape this sweet prison. 

You grab him, his shirt first then his waist, overly aware of the belt holding his jeans. You deepen the kiss and one might think you are trying to choke Hyunjin with your tongue—and one might be surprised to find out that it makes Hyunjin cum hard when you choke him with anything. 

But, once again, Hyunjin pulls away. His eyes, hooded by the hunger he only has for you, are fixated on your mouth. He bites his lip so hard you’re afraid he’ll cut it open. If he did, you would simply kiss him better, same as he would do for you. Someone could have ripped your chest open and he would kiss the wound until it was mended and healed and gone. 

“It’s a time-sensitive gift,” Hyunjin explains. From what you can feel in his jeans, he’s seriously considering giving you something else instead of the present. “Let’s go.” 

Hyunjin takes your hand in his and drags you towards the bedroom. You pass through the kitchen which is a mess of plates and pots and containers. When he senses your hesitation, he squeezes your hand tighter in his. “I’ll clean everything later, my angel. Let me give you the gift.” 

You could resist. You could insist that the saucepans need to at least soak if they’re not going to be washed now, that there are leftovers to put in the fridge. But you don’t really mind, and it’s good. It’s good to just exist with Hyunjin, not having to pretend to be the most responsible person. Recently, he had started leaving some clothes in the dryer instead of taking them out immediately. 

That day, you had needed to sit down. Your clean laundry was in the washer but you sat on the edge of the bathtub, looking at the clothes in the dryer. Hyunjin’s clothes for the most part, and some of yours. He always checked your laundry basket when he started his, so that day he had washed a few of your dark t-shirts along with his. And he had left them there before going out for drinks with Minho and Changbin. 

Once upon a time, you thought love wasn’t for you. You thought that you couldn’t love, that your heart had died after being starved for too long. Worse yet—not only had it been starved, it had been fed something foul. And the murk had run through your veins for a long while, rendering you blind to everything.

Everything except the color orange, apparently. “It’s mandarin season,” Hyunjin had told you, but he might just as well have said, “I will remind you that you have a heart and that it can love.” 

You had folded Hyunjin’s laundry and yours with tears in your eyes. The day after, Hyunjin had washed your favorite coffee mug to make sure it would be there for you in the morning. Not a single word had been spoken about it. Or about the other things. When one cooked the other’s favorite food, when one took it upon themselves to clean all the windows or buy the fancy fabric softener to make the bed sheets smell sweet and fresh. 

Once upon a time, you thought love wasn’t for you. And now you were folding your boyfriend’s laundry and he was washing your dishes and he kissed you like he was a painter and you were a canvas. Like he was paint and you were the paint brush. 

Like he was a dancer, and you were the music. 

Hyunjin kisses the top of your head when you make it to the bedroom. “Sit on the bed and close your eyes, will you, love?” His voice is soft yet blood orange. If he asked you to bash your head against the wall you would do it. If he asked you to kiss him until you both drowned into each other, you would do it. 

So you sit on the edge of the bed and close your eyes, your heart beating fast. “Hyun, while you’re at it, why don’t you get your gift too,” you suggest, suppressing a laugh. “I hid it behind the box where I keep my summer clothes.” 

Hyunjin’s laugh could heal masses and you listen to it like an experienced hiker listens to the sounds of the forest around them, finding prodigies in it. The brushing of leaves, creaking of trunks. Bird songs, animal calls. Hyunjin is the forest and the bird song all at once. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it, you really didn’t hide it that well!” You laugh with him, keeping your eyes closed. 

Hyunjin leaves the room for a few minutes. “Where did you hide the gift then?” You try to think—if it’s not in the closet, there aren’t many places it can be.

His voice answers you from the hallway—he went into the living room before making his way to the bathroom. “You can’t reach the top shelf.” He laughs again. “It was so easy to hide it.” 

You scoff. “I totally knew it was there.” But when Hyunjin returns to the bedroom, he sits next to you and kisses you so deeply that you forget your bluff. Hyunjin rarely just kisses you. Sometimes he does but it feels more like a delicate mist over a field of wildflowers. Sometimes his kisses feel like hurricanes. Sometimes they feel like warm coffee in the morning or a glass of expensive gin. 

Hyunjin lets go of your mouth. “Smell this,” he whispers into your ear. You hear something being put close to your face, so you inhale deeply. 

Nostalgia fills you at the same time as the scent fills your lungs. A rich scent, floral, reminding you of a sunrise. A familiar scent, one that you could make out anywhere.

You smile against the jasmine flowers that are tickling your skin. “Hyunjin—”

“Okay, open your eyes now.” 

Hyunjin is holding a small package wrapped in a cardboard box he painted himself. He painted jasmines on it and they are so lifelike that you can barely make out the real branch of jasmine that’s attached to the box. It has a white silk ribbon around it, tied in an elegant bow. The smell of the flowers fills you with memories of the first time Hyunjin gave you the same flower. It was the morning of the day he came back. 

Jasmines smell like sunrises and love. Just that. And not just any love—Hyunjin’s love. They smell like folded laundry and a cup of tea prepared just because he thought you wanted one. They smell like love at first sight. They smell like letters sent from Australia, like watercolors drying on skin, like Jeju mandarins. 

You take the box that Hyunjin is handing to you but you don’t open it yet. You don’t need to. The box could be empty and it would be alright. He painted the flowers on them so delicately it makes you want to cry. Even without that. Even without the box and the painted jasmines and the real flowers. You are in love with Hyunjin and he is in love with you, and it is enough. 

“Open yours first?” you suggest, blushing even harder than when he was pressing his crotch against you. “It isn’t much…” 

Hyunjin checks the time on his watch. “Okay, we have enough time.” 

“What? Where are we going?” You take the bag and give it to him. 

“Angel. You’ll find out soon.” Hyunjin shakes his head but smiles as he focuses on the bag you’ve put together for him. 

You couldn’t resist buying it when you saw it at a store—it was a simple back with a white background, decorated with two mandarins on it. One of the oranges had been split in two and the other one was intact. On that one, you had hand drawn a little face, just two dots for the eyes and a smile for its mouth. 

Hyunjin touches the face you drew, his elegant fingers tracing it gently. Your gaze trails away momentarily, making its way to his bedside table where you see the orange plushie you gave him that time. You often catch him looking at it and it never fails to make your heart flutter. 

“You really didn’t have to get me anything,” he says. “But that’s a little hypocritical of me to say that, isn’t it?” 

You let out a soft laugh. You’ve missed him. He is often at the dance school and you are often giving art classes or attending exhibits. But it’s alright. Sometimes you are already asleep when he gets home, and the sound of his shower wakes you up gently. You kiss him when he slides under the covers and pulls you against his tired body, but you know he is grateful for this tired body. His damp hair often smells like your shampoo. 

Often, he makes love to you then, the water from his hair running on your skin like tiny miracles. He whispers his scarlet love into your ear or your pussy, fucks it deep into you, he unmakes you and makes you over and over again, and you are grateful for your tired body, your filled cunt, your sore throat. You kiss Hyunjin’s neck to soothe the ache from your fingers or your teeth. You will never not love him. 

Hyunjin opens his gift excitedly, humming his favorite song of the moment. The gift is quite simple—you got him the paint brushes he had been drooling over for the past few weeks as well as fancy oil paints to go along with them, as well as his favorite hand cream, the one from Paris. You also bought him a bracelet. It was mostly silver except for the small bead of sapphire that decorated it. Two months ago, he had unfortunately broken his favorite bracelet and it couldn’t be fixed—so you just figured you could get him a new one.

“Sapphire,” Hyunjin comments. He lifts his gaze from the bracelet and he looks at the necklace around your neck, the one he gave you the same day the jasmines were delivered to your place. The chain is delicate, made of silver too, and the oval pendant had an authentic Australian sapphire on it. 

“You know the symbolism behind sapphire, don’t you?” You touch the pendant, remembering that day in the studio. How Hyunjin had danced for you, just for you, to show you that he was whole again. That day, he had said that sapphires were a synonym for eternal love. 

“Oh…” Hyunjin returns his attention to his gift and you take it from his palm to help tie it safely around his wrist. It looked stunning against his honey skin, resting on his elegant wrist bone. “It’s too much, angel love.” 

“It’s not. If you don’t like it, we—”

Hyunjin takes your hand in his, staring into your eyes, pouring orange sunsets into your soul. “I love it. Thank you so much.” He pulls you into a kiss that tastes like wine and sapphires. You kiss him back, basking in the wetness of his mouth, the luxury of his lips. “Thank you, my angel,” he says into your mouth. “I love you.” 

You kiss him with a smile. “I love you too, Hyun.” But when you try to resume the kiss, he nods and sits straight, putting the jasmine-adorned box back into your hands. 

“Your turn,” he insists. 

You undo the ribbon carefully, the cool silk reminding you of vermilion reds and making love blindly and painting blacks on a canvas. You put the flowers and ribbon aside to discover the contents of the box. 

A white envelope catches your eye and you stare at Hyunjin, puzzled. He simply invites you to open it with eager nods of his head, his long hair flowing with him. You like looking at his hair when he dances. He often dances just for you, moving his body to the sound it makes when you fuck yourself while watching him. He dances in the same way he fucks you, like he needs it to live, like he lives to dance or to make love to you. Like he had his hip fixed just so he could fuck you deeper. Like he is running away from a fire or, maybe, like he is becoming the flames. Like he will never not love you. 

The envelope contains concert tickets. Good seats, too—excellent even. And not just any tickets… You tried to get tickets for this concert but they sold out immediately as this music group might be your favorite—but they’re also excessively popular. By the time you decided you as an adult should spend this outrageous amount of money on tickets to see a concert, there were no tickets left. Except you are holding four of them in your hands right now.

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?” You can’t take your eyes off the pieces of paper you’re holding. “HOW DID YOU GET THIS?”

You heard Hyunjin’s smile coating his voice as the words made it out of his lips. “I’d love to say that I know a guy who knows a guy and whatnot, but really I just bought them the day they went on presale.”


Hyunjin giggles when he takes the tickets from your hands and presses his thumb against your lips. “We have neighbors,” he reminds you. “I know we said we should save money, okay? But I wanted today to be special for you. I wanted to make you happy.”

You look at him, at the way he beams at you. “You make me happy every day.” There’s a lump forming in your throat. “Hyunjin… Thank you so much. You’ll come with me? Please? Let’s go with Minho and Felix!” 

“Of course I’ll go with you, my angel.” Hyunjin pushes a strand of hair behind your ear. “You’re so beautiful one of the guys from the group will try to steal you away from me.” Your face turns boiling hot in a matter of milliseconds, but Hyunjin doesn’t let you look away from him. “So beautiful…” he repeats, observing you carefully, leaning closer to you. “I swear you drive me crazy.” 

Hyunjin kisses you softly, his fingers entangled in your hair, his other hand running up your thigh. 

“No one can take me away from you,” you point out. “No one. I love you, Hyunjin.”

“My angel.” He just breathes it into your mouth and you taste his words. They taste just like how jasmine flowers smell. “There’s something else in the box.” 

You do remember him saying the gift was time sensitive—but the concert is in two months, so you look at the box again. There’s something else in it, wrapped in periwinkle paper. It’s soft in your hands and you can guess it’s fabric before you’ve unwrapped it fully.

It’s a scarf. A beautiful cashmere scarf, its color a turquoise so deep you can’t believe it’s real. It’s like you’re holding a piece of the ocean, the ripples in the fabric mimicking the gentle waves of the sea, the color an exact replica of an ocean under a sunny day. It’s as soft as silk, feeling like a thousand kisses on your skin. You immediately wrap it around your neck and shoulders, letting it embrace you. 

“Oh wow, Hyun.” You caress the scarf again. “It’s so soft. And pretty.”

Hyunjin looks at you intently. “Just like you, angel love. It looks perfect on you, just as I imagined.” You had thought that he was about to kiss you, but instead Hyunjin gets up from the bed and offers you his hand to take. “Alright, we’ve gotta go now.”

“Go where?”

“Well I gave you this scarf to keep you warm. We’re going out.”

“But it’s Christmas night, where can we even go?” Still, you get up and take his hand as he guides you towards the living room. 

“Dress warmly,” he advises. As you’re zipping up your best boots, you hear a notification from Hyunjin’s phone. “The car’s here,” he tells you. “Are you ready?”

But he doesn’t need you to answer. He adjusts the cashmere scarf so that it covers you best and actually zips up your padded coat, whose dark gray color looks nice with the turquoise scarf. 

And so you leave your apartment like that, with dirty dishes in the sink and a few pancakes still in the pan, drying there. But Hyunjin holds your gloved hand as you make your way to an Uber that’s waiting for you. You try to calm your heart rate as you look at the road from the window, but you realize you’re not afraid. 

How could you be afraid? You are with Hyunjin. He has an arm around your shoulders as he makes small talk with the driver who is pointing out that it’s starting to snow a little. 

After some time, Hyunjin asks you to close your eyes again and you oblige. You trust him. You trusted him with your heart once and you never regretted that. You trust him with your life. Every time he kisses you, you hand him a piece of your soul and he hands you a piece of his, and both are safe with the other. Nothing else needs to be said. 

You can’t see but Hyunjin guides you slowly as a soft breeze caresses your face. You feel the snowflakes in it, you feel them melt on your warm cheeks. “Where are we going?” you ask, but you know he won’t tell you.

Hyunjin wraps an arm around your waist. You can see lights from behind your eyelids, but you can’t hear much. Some cars. In the distance, Christmas music, with bells and joy in every note. “Do you remember last year after I came back?” Hyunjin asks, his voice softer than the cashmere around your neck. “Do you remember the movie we watched?”

You think about it, but not for long. “Of course I remember.” You walk with Hyunjin, completely unafraid. “The winter movie, with the guy trying everything to seduce the girl and her head was so deep into her own ass that she didn’t even see that he loved her!” You couldn’t forget that movie. Or rather, you couldn’t forget the taste of the mandarins that you shared with Hyunjin as you watched it, couldn’t forget the way he had fucked you so hard on your couch just after that you had almost blacked out.

“Yes, that one.” Hyunjin stops and you stop too, the excitement alone enough to keep you warm. “Okay, wait here. Don’t move. Don’t open your eyes.” 

So you wait there. And you don’t open your eyes. The music is a little louder here and you let it remind you of good things. You let it remind you of the orange plushie and the portrait that Hyunjin gave you. He painted you from memory. That portrait is still displayed somewhere, but not in your apartment anymore—Hyunjin wanted it at the dance school. You see it every time you walk in the upstairs hallway on your way to Hyunjin’s dance studio. You see the beauty he sees in you. 

You hear Hyunjin’s voice faintly too, as well as another person's. But it doesn’t take long until he’s back.

“Angel love,” he tells you. “You can open your eyes now.” 

Hyunjin is standing in front of you, holding two pairs of ice skating shoes. His smile is bright enough to light up the whole entire world, you think, but the location you are at has adequate lighting and you make out an outdoor ice skating rink. It’s not very large, but the fence around its circle shape is decorated with amber-color string lights. 

Your heart drops in your chest—you don’t even know where to look. “Hyunjin—”

Hyunjin hands you a pair of ice skates. “You thought I forgot what we said when we watched that movie? I didn’t.” He hadn’t forgotten. And you hadn’t either, but you never thought it would be for real. It had simply left your mind somewhere between the end of the movie and the second time Hyunjin had drilled you into the couch that night. 

The movie was simple, basic, but one of the things that the guy tried to do to get the girl was to take her ice skating at night—and that had been the moment she had realized she loved him, too. Your heart was already full of love then, but you had watched the scene with endearment, commenting that it looked so romantic and so fun. 

“Next Christmas, I’ll take you ice skating,” Hyunjin had said.

And today is next Christmas and you are sitting on a wooden bench as Hyunjin helps you into your skates. He gets into his and guides you into the rink after the employee he was talking to earlier wishes you a good time and reminds the both of you that he has hot chocolate if you want some. 

You’re too stunned to speak. You haven’t skated since your teenage years and it takes you a few minutes to remember the feel of it, or maybe it’s because Hyunjin took you by surprise. There’s no one else around, just the two of you, the faint music playing somewhere and the sounds of your blades sliding on the ice. 

Hyunjin takes your two hands in his and skates backwards just so he can face you. He’s beautiful, his cheeks pink, the snowflakes in his hair. The love in his eyes, which you know is the same color as the love in yours. “I love you, my angel.” 

“I love you too, baby.” You’re skating very slowly. He guides you just as much as you guide him. “Hyunjin… this is… this is the best gift I’ve ever received.” 

He smiles and brakes gently. You’re not as comfortable as he is with the whole concept of braking and you stumble against Hyunjin a little—thankfully, you both end up against the sturdy fence before any of you can fall down.

And you laugh. And he laughs. And it’s good and easy. There are tears on your faces but you don’t know if they’re from laughing or from the overwhelming emotions taking over you. As if you were no longer in control. 

“I feel like I’m dreaming,” you admit, grateful for the little pause against the fence. Ice skating looked a lot easier in the movie than it is in real life—you’re a lot less graceful than the girl had been. 

“A good dream, I hope?” His smile is shy then—coy, almost. Hyunjin keeps your hands in his and you wish it wasn’t so cold and that you didn’t need to wear gloves. You miss his skin against yours. 

You kiss his cheek, feeling the cool snowflakes under your skin. “I can’t believe you did this for me, Hyunjin…” And it’s true. You can’t believe it. “You’re crazy.”

“I did say that you drive me crazy, angel love.” Hyunjin laughs, and it sounds like a song.

Once upon a time, you thought love wasn’t for you. You thought that your heart was dead and cold and dark. But you were wrong. And you’re grateful you were wrong.

You often think about Mrs. Yoo. You took over her painting classes and then took over more classes, too, until you had to leave your other job and work at the art studio full-time. Some days you give the regular lessons and some days you give private ones. Once in a while, you discover that Hyunjin booked an hour of private lessons. Sometimes you paint together in the art studio where you fell in love with him at first sight.

Sometimes you suck his cock dry just to hear his moans and his whimpers fill the empty room. 

But you often think about how he was put on your path. Or how you allowed him to change the atoms that make you you. Sometimes you wonder what your life would be like if he hadn’t taken the easel next to yours. If he hadn’t brought a mandarin from Jeju with him that day. 

Sometimes you wonder how it is possible for your heart to love this easily, never wanting anything in return. Sometimes you wonder how it is possible that you just love and that it is enough. The easiest, the purest kind of love. Sometimes love looks like a Jeju mandarin. Sometimes love looks like going away and adding another crescent-shaped scar on our body just to be able to look at ourselves in the mirror. Sometimes love looks like a white silk ribbon and watercolor bruises. Sometimes love looks like a ripe peach, like peeling a persimmon for someone else even though we don’t like the taste of them.

Sometimes love looks like snowflakes melting in black hair, like a burgundy mouth, like turquoise cashmere. But to you, love just looks like Hyunjin. 

“I came here to tell you something,” he says after a while. “Something important. You might want to break up with me, actually.”

You think he’s joking—surely he’s joking—but one look at his face reveals that he, in fact, is not joking. Not at all. Hyunjin has turned to face you and is staring at you with a very serious expression on his face. 

Your thoughts run well ahead of you, evading you like water through your fingers. Tell you something? That would make you break up with him?

Has he cheated on you? Why would he rent a whole fucking ice skating rink to tell you that he’s cheating? Why would he do that on Christmas night after you’ve had a very nice dinner with his parents? Why? Why would he cheat on you, and with who?

The words spill from your lips before you can stop them. “Are you seeing someone else?” Your voice is shaking. “Hyunjin? Tell me please.”

“No, god, NO!” Hyunjin buries his face into his hands. When he gets out of there, he’s red all over and panic has set in his eyes. “Never, my love. Never. I love you, only you. I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you. That’s… that’s what I want to talk about.”

Your heart seems to have processed Hyunjin’s words—it calmed down in your chest a little, but there are still a few tears threatening to roll down your cheeks and your mind is still running marathons. 

“But I did lie to you,” Hyunjin goes on, “the night I confessed my feelings to you. I gave you a rose and I told you it came with a label that said…” Hyunjin paused, hesitating.

You finished his sentence for him. “That one light pink rose meant love at first sight.”

“Yes.” Hyunjin gulped thickly. “I lied. I’m sorry. There was no label. I just bought the rose to confess my love and when the time came I… I got scared and…”

You stare at Hyunjin as if he is speaking another language. As if you can’t understand what he’s saying. Except you understand very well—your mind stops in its tracks, millimeters away from crashing into a brick wall. 

“There was no label with the rose?” You feel a strange sensation in your chest, something that you think you recognize but something you’re not sure belongs there right now. “You made that up?” 

Hyunjin nods slowly. “Yes. I’m sorry, angel.”

“What about the sapphire? On the necklace?” You suddenly become aware of the silver ring around your neck, protected by your cashmere scarf. “Was that made up too?” 

Hyunjin bites his lip. “Not really. Actually, I took the information from the rings section, so I don’t know if it applies to necklaces too… I mean it’s not as made up as the rose one, for sure.” 

And then you know with certainty what the sensation in your chest is when a few ugly cackles escape your throat before you burst out in a hysterical fit of laughter. You laugh so hard that the tears do roll on your cheeks, only not for the dramatic reason they had been brought into your eyes in the first place. You laugh so hard that you slide against the fence behind you, finding yourself on your knees, on the ice, a hand on your stomach. You laugh so hard it hurts. 

“Angel,” Hyunjin says but you barely hear him. “Angel, are you… are you okay? I’m sorry I lied, I loved you the moment I saw you, I—”

“YOU SCARED THE LIVING FUCK OUT OF ME, HWANG HYUNJIN—” You manage to speak most of the sentence with the little oxygen that is left in your lungs. You take a few deep breaths, always interrupted by more laughter. “Don’t ever do this to me again! I thought you were having an affair or something!” 

The ice is cold against your knees but you don’t mind it. Still, Hyunjin helps you up and looks you right in the eyes. “You’re not mad at me? Because I lied?”

“Are you kidding me?” You take off your gloves, shoving them into your pockets—to hell with cold. You brush your fingers in Hyunjin’s hair, trace his jawline with your index. “Hyunjin, that’s one of the most adorable things I’ve ever heard.” 

Hyunjin lets out a long sigh, relieved. He pulls you against him, kissing the top of your head over and over. “Thank god,” he manages between kisses. “I couldn’t live with myself knowing I had lied to you… Not knowing if your feelings might not have been the same if…”

“Hyunjin, do you really think my feelings for you are based on a hypothetical label that hypothetically came with a rose you bought me? Did you forget that you also bought chocolate cake for me on that same trip to the store? And a toothbrush because you wanted me to spend the night. And condoms. You can’t be serious right now. Rethinking our whole relationship… because you panicked when you confessed?” 

You felt so warm inside. Like on the first day of spring after a cold summer. Like after a glass of wine, or after a shower. Sometimes, you get out of the shower only to find that Hyunjin drew something in the condensation on the mirror. Sometimes he draws a heart, or he writes ‘I love you’. One day, you found a whole scenery with a river and mountains in the mirror. That picture is still your phone background. 

“Now I feel like an idiot.” But Hyunjin is smiling so wide that you see his teeth. He looks like an angel in the amber light of the skating rink. He looks like a promise, like a blessing. But not like an idiot. “You really don’t mind? You still love me?”

You sigh but still kiss him, playing with his lips, with his tongue, just a few instants. He is the best kind of drug, but you can’t go long without tasting his mouth. “Hyunjin, I fell in love with you when you sat down next to me and you told me that it was mandarin season. I don’t care about the label on the rose, and I don’t care that you took your information on sapphire necklaces in the rings section. I love you, okay?”

“My angel.” Hyunjin kisses you again, the act warming up your whole body. He never just kisses you. He always, always does so mindfully, like he is trying to communicate something and his kisses are a form of sign language. “Angel love.” It’s all he says, and it’s all he has to say. You do not need a code to understand him. 

You are in love with Hyunjin, and he is in love with you. He rearranged your atoms, he restarted your dead heart, he made it so that it had never really been dead. As if it was all worth it. Because it was. One night, as he collapsed against you, spent, the both of you covered in a film of sweat, he had told you, “I’m grateful I got hit by a car. I’m glad the surgery didn’t work and that it broke me. I’m glad I needed the painting classes to stay alive. It was so that I could meet you. I would do it over and over again just to meet you once more.” 

It does not matter. The label on the rose, the label on the necklace. It does not matter as long as you get to live in a world where you can love him.

Hyunjin pulls away from the fence and drags you around for another lap around the rink. You skate with him in the quiet of the night, your hand in his. His other one disappears into the pocket of his coat and he fumbles around for a few seconds before pulling out a mandarin from his pocket. 

“Want some?” But he doesn’t wait until taking off his gloves and peeling the mandarin. You take the peels from him before they can fall on the ice and he turns around, offering you his other pocket for you to dispose of the peels. As your hand slides into the pocket, Hyunjin pushes a piece of the mandarin between your lips, and everything changes. 

First, you realize it is a real mandarin from Jeju—of course. Hyunjin wouldn’t settle for anything less. He’ll pass on other citrus, choosing to indulge in the absolute best only. The juice from the mandarin fills your mouth, coating your lips as you bite into it. It tastes like love.

It tastes like the ring in the pocket of Hyunjin’s coat.

You make eye contact with him, your hand still in the pocket, the peels from the mandarin surrounding the small piece of metal that your fingers brushed against. 

Hyunjin is smiling. A soft smile. A smile full of emotion. “Take it, angel love. It’s there for you.” 

Your hand is shaking but you manage to retrieve the ring and pull it out from his pocket. It sits in your palm. Gold, like the lights all around you. It has a slight curve where the orange stones are located. They shine brighter than the sun. This is a ring, you tell yourself. Just a ring. It feels light and yet it is heavy, heavy, heavy. 

Hyunjin takes the ring from you, holding it between his two fingers. “I loved you the moment I saw you,” he starts, his voice shaking just as much as your whole body is. His eyes are hopeful, though. He is handsome. “I saw you before you saw me, you know?” This was the first time you ever hear of that, but you listen, your gaze dancing between his eyes, his pretty lips, the gold and citrine ring he holds. “I was terrified of sitting with you. You were so beautiful… The way your hair fell on your shoulders, and how you placed all of your supplies. The colors of paint that you had with you. I loved you then. And I haven’t stopped loving you since.” 

Hyunjin takes a deep breath, his free hand reaching for your face. It is surprisingly warm. Like he is the sun, like he is warmth reincarnated. Like you will never feel the cold again once in your life, like you will not live another overcast day ever again. “You can think about it and you don’t have to say yes. But I bought this ring when I was in Australia. I’ve kept it ever since. It doesn’t mean anything. I chose it because I knew you’d like the colors on it. I will never not love you and I’d like to marry you someday. I want to give you all of my forevers.”

Love at first sight? What about it? 

Love is extensive. In the fabric of spacetime, love is everywhere at every moment, permeating each and every atom of everything. To some, this is a tragedy—how can they keep going knowing that even their worst moments were saturated with love, even invisible? There is comfort in darkness. There is comfort in thinking that they were alone, loveless, while they were prisoners of their own hearts, their own minds. 

But it is false. It’s false. 

Love at first sight is a man-made concept just as much as it is a beautiful disaster created by the energies of the universe. One might believe that a love that strikes at first sight is shallow, untrue. One might believe that love at first sight isn’t legitimate, that it can’t exist in the first place. 

Once upon a time, you were that person. And then you were proven wrong. Love at first sight is real and it turns out it is the kind of love that sticks to you. The kind of love that nothing can wash away, not distance, not sorrow, not the passage of time. Turns out it is the kind of love that only goes one way—it does not recede. It only grows deeper, stronger, and more beautiful. 

It is mandarin season. You are in love with Hyunjin and he is in love with you. And it is enough. 

“Yes,” you say, but it’s just a breath, and it escapes your mouth in a cloud of condensation. You realize you did not produce a sound at all. You breathe deeply, your lip quivering, your eyes anchored to Hyunjin’s. Your mouth tastes like mandarins, like love, when you speak. “Yes, yes, I want to marry you too. I love you.” 

Hyunjin’s eyes fill up with tears. He looks down at his feet almost as if he hadn’t expected this. “Are you sure?” he asks, staring at you once again. The tears in his eyes are tiny miracles or grand promises. “Are you really sure, my angel? You really want to be my wife?”

“Yes I’m sure, Hyunjin.” He tilts his head, his eyes stuck on your mouth. “I want you to be my husband.” You’re crying, and he is too. This is the purest kind of love. “I will never not love you.

“I will never not love you. My angel.” 

When Hyunjin kisses you, the earth doesn’t shake. The ground doesn’t split open into a rift, the stars do not fall from the sky. It’s just snowflakes, lazily twirling in the air as Hyunjin envelops your soul, as he kisses you with his wet, open mouth, humming and moaning into you. The peeled citrus is long forgotten, fallen on the ice of the rink where it will freeze. But you kiss Hyunjin’s mandarin mouth with urgency and he kisses yours with purpose. When Hyunjin kisses you, the world doesn’t end, but your heart is a volcano. Your heart is a forest fire, an ocean, an atomic bomb. Your heart is Hyunjin’s, and it is alive. 

When he breaks the kiss, Hyunjin presses his forehead against yours. He’s smiling uncontrollably, giggling sometimes, sometimes letting out a faint sob—it’s a mess, but you’re the same. He pulls you into his arms, holding you tight. You wish it weren’t so cold, that you were naked, that you felt him against your body, his soul dancing sins into yours. 

You never want to be without him. And, turns out, he never wants to be without you. 

Delicately, Hyunjin takes your hand in his to slide the ring on your ring finger. You both stand in the cold, staring at that sight. And what a sight it is. Once upon a time, you thought love wasn’t for you. But you had become it. You had become love itself. 

Nothing else needs to be said. 

Hyunjin seems to interpret your shaking as you being cold when really, you are simply overcome with emotion. Still, you let him take you towards the gate, then out of the rink. You help each other get rid of the skates and return them to the kind employee. Technicalities. It is cold, the wind growing harsher, but you don’t feel it, you just feel Hyunjin, his hand in yours, his eyes on you, his mouth on you. You wait for another car to come pick you up, and you make out on the back seat like horny teenagers. 

You cried when Hyunjin left his laundry in the dryer instead of folding it. You cried because that day, he finally allowed you to feel the weight of him in your life. Tangible, real. The small burden of folding laundry. The small burden of helping you write your two weeks' notice when you quit your job. The small burden of washing your forgotten dishes. The small burden of holding him and whispering comforting words into his ears when he, sometimes, wakes up in the middle of the night after a bad dream. He still gets those once in a while. Sometimes his brain short-circuits a little. But only a little. And you don’t love him any less. The burden of it, the beautiful, lovely weight of Hyunjin in your life. The colors of his soul. The sounds his lips make when he eats or when he kisses you. The love he draws on the bathroom mirror while you’re showering. Hyunjin’s weight on your body, Hyunjin’s cock, his voice, his eyes, his hands. Hyunjin, Hyunjin, Hyunjin. 

That night, you clean up the apartment together. Hyunjin washes the dishes while you gather everything and declutter the kitchen. He always offers to wash the dishes but that night, he says it’s because he doesn’t want you to take the ring off. Not now.

“I like the way it looks on you,” he says, his hands disappearing into the soapy water of the sink. 

You hug him from behind, raising yourself on your toes to kiss the back of his neck. He smells like himself and like outside air. “I bet it’ll look good with your cock, baby.” 

Hyunjin doesn’t answer right away, but you feel him take a deep breath. “I think so too, angel love.” For the rest of your life, you will be Hyunjin’s and he will be yours, but you don’t think you’ll ever get tired of him, of the way he exaggerates details when he tells a story, the way he peels mandarins or the way he cuts watermelon into perfect cubes. You’ll never get tired of him, his kisses, his steady breathing when he sleeps on his side of the bed. You’ll never get tired of him, of the butterflies you feel in your stomach when you unbuckle his belt, when you unzip his jeans. He smells good. 

Hyunjin’s cock is coming alive already when you slide your hand into his pants to cup him over his boxers, squeezing gently. And yet he carefully washes a serving plate as if it was just any other day—but the color of his cheeks shows his true feelings. And what you feel beneath your palm is even more telling. 

“You’ll be such a good husband,” you comment, feeling him up with a little more insistence. Hyunjin inhales sharply and twitches in your hand, eliciting a soft moan out of you, heat pooling between your legs. “I’ll be a good wife, I promise.”

“I know you will, my angel.” His voice is a little strangled, but he finally puts down the serving plate, the last of the dishes that needed to be washed. He twists his neck to look at you as he’s drying his hands with a towel. “That’s why I’m about to stretch your pretty pussy and fill you up.” 

You’ll never get tired of him. Of his cock hardening under your touch, of his gaze fucking you before he even touches you. Sometimes, he stares at you so intensely that it makes you wet. Sometimes you touch yourself to the thought of his eyes devouring you, analyzing you like a dance routine. 

Hyunjin turns around completely, kissing you hard. You leave his cock alone momentarily to wrap your arms around his neck, clinging onto him like you’re about to fall and he is your lifeline. 

He pulls your shirt off you. “I love you, babe.” When he kisses you this time, it’s slower, deeper, his tongue reaching dark corners of your mouth, exploring you not like a ruin but like a temple. 

The kissing leads you to your bedroom. You like making love to Hyunjin here, you like the lighting, the way it looks when he cums while you ride him, his eyes rolling at the back of his head, one hand holding onto the frame of the bed like you’re milking the soul out of him. 

That night, Hyunjin carefully removes the box he painted for you from the bed, removes the wrapping paper to free the bed. You sit on the mattress, pulling him in for a kiss, feeling his erection through his pants. Sometimes, you like to edge him for hours, rubbing yourself against him until he blows in his pants. At least he cleans up his mess after. 

But not tonight. Tonight, you rid him of his pants and underwear while he does the same to you. You like the feeling of his sweater against your bare skin but you still take it off him, eager to feel his toned body against yours. Hyunjin advances on the bed, making you retreat farther onto the mattress, kissing your lips, your face, your neck. Your hair. He kisses your breasts as soon as he frees them from your bra. 

“You know, the day that we met, the painting class,” he tells you, spreading your legs open. His hair is tickling your stomach as he leaves wet kisses there too. “I thought you were so pretty… I jerked off so many times that night…” 

Sex with Hyunjin is like a dancing routine, one that you know well. You know what he likes, you know what he loves. You know what will make him cry out, what will make him shy and blow huge loads. He knows how to make you moan, he knows how to make you chant his name like a prayer. He knows how to eat your cunt, he knows how to lick your slit to smear your essence over your pussy before driving you insane by putting his pretty mouth on your clit. Hyunjin knows how you like to be fucked. He knows you will cum hard if he chokes you or if he says into your ear that he loves you when he feels you clench. He knows you will want to taste his cum so he always gives you a taste, no matter how deep inside you he came. You like tasting him on your own fingers or his, but you prefer doing so on Hyunjin’s own tongue.

Tonight, Hyunjin moans when he takes in the sight of your cunt. “So creamy,” he says. “You should have told me you had a marriage kink, angel. I would have proposed a lot sooner.” 

What you want to say is you have a Hyunjin kink, but you lose your voice when his tongue finds your soaked folds, sending shivers throughout your whole body. Hyunjin looks good there between your legs. Sometimes he ties his hair behind his head before eating you out, especially when he intends on doing so for a long time. But you’re glad he didn’t tonight. You like the sight of your juices sticking to his black hair, drying there. 

“You smell so good…” Hyunjin’s breath tickles your sensitive pussy. “You taste so good too. Please cum on my mouth, angel. Then I’ll fuck you. Okay?”

What Hyunjin wants, Hyunjin gets—it’s not like you have much control over it anyway. If he decides he makes you cum with his mouth, he just does. No matter how hard you try to resist him, he’ll just make you cum.

That night, Hyunjin spreads your pussy lips open with one hand before making out with your cunt, slurping you just the same way he eats a mandarin from Jeju—not wasting a single drop of its sweet juice, worshiping every corner of you like he is a whole man of god and you’re god. Your pussy is his goddess, he often says. Your cunt is the altar he prays at, the canvas he paints, the floor on which he dances. 

Hyunjin cocks his head to the side, his forehead pressing against your thigh, forcing you to open your legs wider. He pushes his tongue into your tight hole, lapping at you at first, making you clench around it, making you scream with your mouth open. He is god. No, his mouth is the cross on which you beg to be nailed onto—let him tear you apart there, let him torture you, let him make you and unmake you. 

Hyunjin fucks you with his tongue, moving his head between your legs, smearing your juices all over his face and yourself and the sheets beneath you, staining him with your love. 

He isn’t exactly the man you met at the painting class. He is bolder, unafraid for the most part. He fucks you hard and a lot. He loves you hard and a lot. He paints but he dances too, teaching others how to move with purpose, how to let your body listen to the music because it knows. The heart knows. Your heart knows that Hyunjin is the only music you ever want to dance to. The music of his plush lips running along your pussy, making the pressure between your legs turn into a painful ache, a delightful torture. 

“I love you,” he whispers into your pussy but you feel it in your soul. “My angel.” 

You could cum from that, but instead Hyunjin pushes two fingers into your hole, stretching you, the squelching sound of that so lewd it makes you want to say a prayer. You want to keep watching, you want to see his face twist in pleasure when your taste overflows him but you can’t. Your head falls back on the mattress as Hyunjin closes his lips around your clit, giving it a few flicks of his tongue for good measure. A warning, a promise. You don’t need to see it, really—you’ve seen his slutty lips coated with your cream make heaven descend upon you more than once. You don’t need to see it but you’ll never get tired of it, of him, of the way he sucks and licks and plays with your clit. Of the way he loves you.

You’re close. You feel your wetness under you, Hyunjin’s fingers twirling inside of you, massaging your walls while he kisses and sucks your cunt. While his mouth fucks your clit. 

“Hyunjin Hyunjin Hyunjin Hyunjin—” You’re not just close, you’re about to cum. Hyunjin moans against you when you clench around his slender fingers, so he curls them to reach your sensitive spot, fucking you with his fingers and his mouth and his soul. 

Your whole body tenses up. You see stars when, finally, Hyunjin applies more pressure onto your g-spot while sucking hard on your clit. You come undone, you become a writhing mess on a cum-stained bed, and you cum, rubbing your pulsing cunt against Hyunjin’s pretty face. He waits until you are calmed down to retreat—while you recover from your high, Hyunjin cleans you up, drinking you like he hasn’t eaten in a month. 

When he leaves the warmth between your legs, you watch him lick you off his lips, watch him wipe his chin with the back of his hand. Hyunjin kneels on the bed, coming back up to kiss you, to share your taste with you. His cock grazes your thigh, his tip nudging your sensitive cunt, and you moan into his mouth. In response, he aligns himself with your slit and rubs his hard length onto you, coating himself with your cream.

“Please,” you beg as if he hadn’t just made you see stars with his mouth. But Hyunjin just rubs himself. 

He’s so hard and you clench around nothing. You reach for his cock between your legs, pressing your palm onto him to maximize the contact with his cock. 

Hyunjin grunts. “Fuck, you were right.” The sound of his voice, deep, thick, is enough to send another jolt of pleasure through you. The aftershock surprises you, but Hyunjin doesn’t stop rolling his hips to rub, rub, rub. “Your ring looks so good with my cock. Look, angel. You need to see. It’s so pretty.” 

You manage to rest yourself on your elbows to get a glimpse of it. Hyunjin’s cock, hard, leaking, his balls tight. Your hand on it, him using the slight bump of the ring to maximize his pleasure. “It is beautiful, baby,” you admit, still fucked out from your orgasm and haunted by Hyunjin’s tongue dancing inside you. You like the gold with the dark flush of his length. You’ll paint that someday soon. That and the colors you see when he makes you cum. Colors that only exist in Hyunjin’s mouth.

You’ll never get tired of him, of his body, toned and firm beneath your palms. His dancer’s body, his elegant limbs. The crescent-shaped scars on his upper thigh. The smell of his sweat, the taste of it, the taste of his cock as he fucks your mouth after he stretched your pussy. You’ll never get tired of his gentle voice when he calls you. You’ll never get tired of watching him dance, of watching him paint. Of watching him cum. 

Hyunjin leaves his position over you to lie down by your side, pressing your back flush against his chest. “I’ll fuck you so deep, angel love,” he promises into your ear. “As many times as you let me.” One of his hands wanders on your tits while the other lifts your leg. He doesn’t need help to enter you, he knows the way. He knows you by heart, like a song, like a dance. 

Hyunjin buries himself inside you with one thrust, the both of you crying out. Yes, yes, yes. This is where you belong. On his cock. Losing yourself, finding yourself, being made and unmade. This is where you want to die. This is where you started to live, not just be alive. His thick cock stretching you. His love filling you.

Hyunjin rolls his hips steadily, your cunt hugging him nicely. “So tight, baby.” You clench at that. “Fuck—wanna make me blow already, is that it?” 

Yes, no. You never want this to stop. You want him all inside of you, fucking his soul into you. “I love you,” is all you say. Nothing else needs to be said.

“I love you too, angel.” Hyunjin picks up a pace, pressing himself so hard against you that you are no longer on your side, not really—you're laying on your stomach, crying out every time Hyunjin slams into you and bottoms out. He is fucking you so deep you know he is bruising you. You hope he is painting your cunt in blues and purples before filling you with white. 

“Now, Hyun.” You can’t wait. You can’t stop moaning. He takes up all of the space inside you. The beautiful weight of his body on yours. The delightful stretch of his cock. The burden of it, the paradise of him. 

Hyunjin pulls out just to roll you on your back. He does like to look into your eyes when he cums. He likes to see it on your face, too, that you can feel his cum drip out of your hole. He likes to fuck you dumb, he likes to fuck you sloppy. Sometimes, he just likes fucking you deep and good and hard. 

You open your legs for him and he aligns his cock with your hole, staring into your eyes as he enters you again, meeting a lot less resistance than he did earlier. Hyunjin slams into you over and over, fucking his burgundy love into you. You clench as much as he’s twitching but none of you care to resist. Tonight is not like other nights. 

Tonight is better because there is a ring around your finger. Because Hyunjin thought you wouldn’t want to marry him—that you wouldn’t love him anymore—because he had made up the story with the pink rose and the label. Tonight is better because you fall in love with Hyunjin more and more every day. Someday, you will cease to exist because you will implode from the force with which you love and are loved. 

Tonight Hyunjin fucks you hard, kissing your lips, your neck, grunting and whimpering like a madman. He did say that you drive him crazy. He also used to say that you made him better. He made you better, he made you worse. He made you and unmade you.

You know he’s close when Hyunjin’s hand reaches between your leg and he traces circles around your clit. You feel your whole cunt open up like a flower, his cock hitting you hard, over and over. He is relentless. He is a force to be reckoned with. He is the man you will marry. 

Hyunjin pushes your hair away from your sweaty face. He is sweating too, but only looking more beautiful because of it. He kisses your forehead before delivering the sentence that makes you cum hard around his cock. “Someday, my angel, I’ll fuck a baby into you.” 

You cum forever, it seems, but you’ll never get tired of him. Your body convulses with the waves of pleasures that rip you into pieces—you cum so hard your vision blurs and you forget the world. It’s just you and him, Hyunjin. You’re floating, you’re falling. He cums hard, too, moaning prettily into your neck as he empties himself inside you, cock pulsing, his voice filling the room.

Hyunjin fucks you slowly, ultimately collapsing onto you one second after pulling out, a trail of his thick cum following his softening cock. He coats his fingers with himself before pulling his hand away from between your legs, and you lick him like ice cream, like a blessing from god. His taste is strong, addictive. 

Hyunjin pulls you against him. “My angel love.” His voice is sleepy. You’re tired too, but you hope you stay awake a few moments longer—you truly love the feeling of being so full with Hyunjin’s cum that it drips out of you.”

“Hyunjin,” you whisper, eyelids closing by themselves. “My Hyunjin.”

His warm mouth finds yours. He smells like sweat and sex and love. “I’ll never not love you, okay? He presses his hands against your back, like an embrace.

“I’ll never not love you.” Later that night, Hyunjin wakes you up with neck kisses and caresses on your ass. Later that night, after he fucked you for a second time, Hyunjin paints a bright blue sky over a turquoise sea and you watch him blend the colors into perfection. The canvas smells like sunlight. Hyunjin smells like the purest kind of love. 

You are in love with Hyunjin and he is in love with you. It is enough, but it won’t stop him from promising you the whole world or from peeling a mandarin for you, or from washing your dishes. You will always feel the delightful weight of him in your life when you fold his laundry or when you hear him read a bedtime story to the child he promised you on the night he proposed. It is enough. It is enough. It is enough. 

The End ♡

Cashmere And Forevers (sharp Edges Epilogue)

a/n: Hey everyone <3 If you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas! If you don't, I hope you are having a good day where you are taking care of yourself and feeling loved. I wanted to say a big thank you to people who have taken the time to read this story & especially to those who have shared your love for it. As you know, this story means a lot to me, and I'm very grateful I was able to share this with you. This is the epilogue... But I do think I will be revisiting this fic once in a while, with one-shots and drabbles. So this isn't goodbye!

I hope the upcoming year is filled with peace & kindness, for all of you. I hope you see beauty in everything, I hope you find comfort in everything, too. Thank you. ♡

Cashmere And Forevers (sharp Edges Epilogue)

taglist ♡ @cb97percent @changbinluvr @neosracha @hwan-g @streetlight-s @j-0ne25 @tanyas97 @hyun-bun @americanokisses @aimeexx @upallnight-s @hyunskizz @lotus-dly @thestarseeker @skzho @simpsarzie @taeriffic @kittykatprincess15

Cashmere And Forevers (sharp Edges Epilogue)

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2 years ago

you've got to be kidding me 😮



LEGEND 📓Release status/Rating · 🖤Pairing · 🪐Universe · 🏷️Genre/Trope · 🚨 Warnings


📜13.3K words | Approx. 1hr. read 📓One-shot, Explicit 🖤Hyunjin x (afab) Reader 🪐Perfume maker Hyunjin & Chef Reader 🏷️Romance, Smut, Hurt/Comfort(ish), Mutual Pining 🚨Reader discretion advised: Heavy mutual fantasizing, a lot of references to food and eating as sexual connotations, auditory voyeurism, public teasing, foot massage, masturbation, oral sex, unprotected sex, creampie. 📻Accompanying soundtrack 💭Reblogs & comments are always appreciated and please keep in mind they are the ultimate motivation fuel. 🍮Like my content? Consider supporting my work with a pudding!

SYNOPSIS He dedicated his life to scents. You dedicated yours to taste. Your paths were bound to cross at some point. A story of scents dissolving on tastebuds.


For any other person, there were two types of smells: pleasant and unpleasant. You would either fill your lungs with it or block your nostrils from sensing that monstrosity. 

For Hyunjin, it was not as simple as that.

Scents were no joking matter—they couldn’t simply be dubbed as ‘nice’. Nice how? What were the notes? You had your florals, your orientals, your woody, and fresh fragrances. Bad how? You had your odors, your stenches, your stinks. Scents were life changing, brain rewiring, molecule rearranging; what do you mean simply nice?

That’s why he dedicated all his life to the one thing that fascinated the daylights out of him. Perfume making.

Hyunjin’s passion for what he did was so contagious that it didn’t take very long for him to make a name for himself. He was renowned to the extent that he was working with household luxury cosmetics brands as a consultant. ‘The Alchemist of Emotions’ they would call him, and rightfully so. Yet, the fancy titles, the big checks, and his extremely good looks still didn’t prevent him from being perceived as ‘a little odd’ to the outsiders. He was never seen with anyone—no friends, no partners, nobody. Always alone. And rightfully so.

Scents were influential for Hyunjin to the extent that he made life decisions based on it. He believed everything and everyone had a distinct scent. Emotions had scents, too. Nostalgia smelled bittersweet like a piece of dark chocolate. Lust smelled like amber. Powdery. Cozy. Sensual. Envy smelled sour; almost rotten. Rage smelled like the most pungent spices were having a fight over dominance. It would make even the ones with the strongest stomachs nauseous. 

He had his heart broken once. Terribly. In his own bed. When he noticed it was his best friend panting over his moaning girlfriend, his entire room was invaded with the stench of a corpse rapidly decomposing. He wanted to puke his lungs out, but instead, he picked up the pieces of his heart and fucked off to reassemble them somewhere that didn’t have any traces of her. Or him. He learned to find solace in solitude because it meant he was immune to getting his heart broken again.

God, he loved her. He loved her so much.

That was also the reason he knew that loneliness smelled like ice. A lot of people believed ice didn’t have a scent but it wasn’t true. It smelled like frostbite. It smelled painful. It smelled like having left with nothing to lose.

Hyunjin was running a little lab called The Sixth Scents where he made custom perfumes, essential oils, and scented candles but he worked selectively—just because you walked into his lab with a wad of cash, it didn’t mean he was going to take your request. People knew that, but many of them still went there just to see him, to admire him like a piece of art, and obsess over his beauty. He got love confessions and crass offers for a good time almost on the daily. For any other person, that would be equal to an unlimited orgasm supply, but for him? Just a daily chore to cross off his to-do list.

Say no x15

The only woman that currently had a place in his life was his neighbor Mrs. Keane, an old, elegant, but incredibly nosy lady who lived on the ground floor and spent most of her day by her window peoplewatching. She had no children of her own, so Hyunjin was like the son she never had. He had a soft spot for her, too—every now and then, when he was coming home from work, Hyunjin would bring her flowers, and they would drink tea together and chat. About life, about love, about loss.

“It pains me every day that I do not have a child to marry you to, my prince boy.”

“Trust me, Mrs. Keane, it’s for the best.”

“Still,” she wiggled in her seat and wore a mischievous smile on her Scarlet Sunrise lips, “You know that sweet girl at the boutique around the corner?”

“We have talked about this, haven't we milady?” Hyunjin grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “I’m not interested.”

He wasn’t. He wasn’t interested in anything remotely related to love. To be hurt. To die of blood loss.

He sketched a lot in his free time. They were just random doodles as a form of therapy, to empty his ever-full mind. He didn't do it intentionally—at least he thought he didn't, but they always ended up being ambiguous images. When you looked at it, you always saw more than one thing. Always. 

It would morph into something singularly concrete one day maybe, who knew. Until then, blame Gestalt.

The only thing that made him forget how lonely he was was the sounds he had been hearing lately from his upstairs neighbor. Hyunjin didn't know anybody else in the building besides Mrs. Keane, nor did he want to know, but this person served him like a ghost company. It was a woman. Alone. Her moans sounded a lot like a bedroom jam to him. A very sexy song to sleep to written over chill beats. Every time she signaled she was about to descend into ecstasy, Hyunjin stripped, laid down on his bed, and pleasured himself to the rhythm of her moans. He would sometimes edge himself for an entire hour with her, and those were the best orgasms he had. He didn’t know who she was, and neither did he want to know. He wasn’t interested in her personally because every time Hyunjin closed his eyes there was already someone there. A woman. He wasn’t able to discern her face, though.

His understanding of a soulmate was much different than the rest of the world—he was sure of it. For him, it was someone to kiss to sleep with his nose buried in the crook of her neck.  Someone to make playlists to fuck to. Someone to make his most twisted fantasies come true with plenty of aftercare and deep talks into the night. Then fuck again for another hour or so due to not being able to control the urge to have each other. Someone to make him moan as loudly as his upstairs neighbor for once. Someone to pass out on his bed with and miss in his dreams. He would make her breakfast in bed the next morning. Then he would make her cum. Maybe while having breakfast. And spend the rest of the day talking about the banalities of life, or eating ice cream off each other’s lips and fuck again. Someone to create scents after, but he would know nothing could compare to hers.

Who knew, maybe that faceless woman living behind his eyelids was actually his soulmate calling out to him somewhere through inaudible whispers.


“If you walk out that door, you’re dead to us!”

Fine. If breaking off an engagement two weeks before the wedding meant being estranged from your family for the rest of your life, so be it. To an outsider, you were a monster that didn’t even think twice before abandoning the people who conceived you. You were sick and tired of repeating yourself over and over again that this marriage was doomed to fail and that you were having second, third, and fourth thoughts about this decision. But… But how were they going to explain to people why the wedding was off? What about all those deposits paid to the vendors that they were never going to be able to collect? Didn’t you love him? If you didn’t love him, why did you say yes to him in the first place and forced your parents to meet his?!

Fine. If your happiness was less important than the technicalities, so be it.

Yeah, sure you loved him. You loved him very much at first. Until the things you fought over began to lose all sense of logic. Things like why you invited your friends for a sleepover when he was out of town. Of course he trusted you; he just didn’t trust any of your male friends. You were the one making a big deal out of little things, honestly. So what if he said he would never take you to Paris because you had been there with an ex once? That was a very normal reaction. You were the one exaggerating, so shush.

Yeah, you loved him, but once you noticed how little respect he had for you, you fell out of love. You’d think choosing inner peace over assisting your own descent into insanity was hardly a scandalous reason to embarrass your family, but what did you know? 

You had always been very abnormal about the concept of taste. It annoyed the crap out of you when people made it very obvious that they were eating to survive. Taste was not a sense, it was an experience—an experience human beings were lucky enough to enjoy every day, but most people treated food like fuel. What a goddamn blasphemy. That was the reason why you worked towards being a chef your entire life. To design gustatory experiences for people.

Fine. If your parents threatened you with cutting you off completely and not funding your dreams of owning your own restaurant anymore, so be it.

It was a Tuesday when you completed your paperwork for a loan and fucked right off to reestablish your life someplace else. Someplace away from this hell. Who were you going to bet on if you weren’t going to bet on yourself? If you died, you could at least say you died trying.

It was a Saturday when you left that town with your luggage and your lifelong friend Jia sitting in the passenger seat, a free spirit with nothing to lose and the only person who had faith in you. At first, you thought she was just tagging along for an adventure, but when you confronted her about it right before taking off that morning, she smiled and held your hand on the gear.

“That thing about you not having a family anymore?” she squeezed your hand firmly, “It’s not true.”


The Sixth Scents was exactly 550 steps away from Hyunjin’s apartment building. One morning while he was going to work, he saw something right in the middle of point A and point B—a charming little eatery that wasn’t there before. The cozy smell that emanated from the place enticed him like a hand made of smoke making a come-hither gesture. He walked towards the door that had Saudade written on it with fancy cursive letters. Someone carrying a crate full of coffee beans greeted him.

“Welcome!” the young woman chirped, “I apologize, sir, but we’re not open yet.” 

Too happy, Hyunjin thought to himself. Why so happy? There is literally nothing in this world worth being this happy over.

“Oh,” he uttered in disappointment and pointed at the crate, “Well, you seem to have coffee. I’m willing to wait for it if it’s not too much trouble.”

“What I meant was our official opening is tomorrow,” the woman with the name tag that said ‘Jia’ eyed him from head to toe with a knowing smile, “but if you’re willing to wait, then you have the honor of being our first customer. Would you like a scone with that, too?”

“I thought you said you weren’t open,” Hyunjin creased his brows in confusion.

“We’re not. The staff is having breakfast right now,” she explained further pointing at the open kitchen area behind her, “A little tasting party among ourselves.”

“Alright then. Black coffee and a scone to go, please.”

“Of course! What kind would you like?”

What kind? How many kinds of scones were there anyway? It was pastry, no? Flour, water, salt, whatevs.

“Uh– What kinds do you have?”

“We have seventeen flavors, sir. Would you like a menu?”

Seven-fucking-teen? What the hell was this, an ice cream stand?

“Can I get a recommendation instead?”

“You want an apple scone,” Jia declared firmly, “I'll brew your coffee and be right back. Please make yourself comfortable.”

Hyunjin sat down at a little table right next to the door and began to examine every single corner of the place. Whoever was responsible for the interior design did a fantastic job with it. It was sort of fancy-looking, but still intimate with warm shades of colors splashed all over the place. He made a mental note of having a meal here one day. After about five minutes, Jia came back with his order in a little doggy bag.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you,” Hyunjin got up to his feet and turned towards the door, “Hope the preparations go smoothly for your opening.”

“Aren't you going to have a taste?” Jia asked him with expectant eyes. He was surprised at the request, but did as he was asked nevertheless.

Good fucking god, what a rich aroma this cup contained. It was apparent by the scent alone. Toffee notes and dark chocolate were hugging the coffee beans. Then the scone—it was still warm. When he took his first bite from it, he broke the dough and reached the filling, which was even warmer on his tongue. He felt the sweet taste of apples and the splash of cinnamon invading all his tastebuds. When he chewed his bite, it was different. When he swallowed, it was different. When he took a sip from his coffee, it morphed into something else entirely.

What kind of witchcraft is this?

“Amazing, right?” Jia smirked at him.

Hyunjin was still in the middle of processing this orgasmic taste, so he almost didn’t hear her. When he gathered his wits again, he managed to ask:

“If you don’t mind my curiosity, which bakery are you working with?”

“We make these in-house. I mean, our chef does.”

Hyunjin glanced at the kitchen area to find a person in a chef’s uniform, but couldn’t see one.

“Please send them my compliments. Apparently, I’ve never experienced breakfast before this.”

Jia couldn’t believe what she just heard for a second. It was like you briefly walked outside and shapeshifted into this incredibly ethereal human being just to troll her because these were your words to a T.

“You have got to be kidding me,” she crossed her arms over her chest, naturally leaving Hyunjin in a state of deeper confusion.

“Excuse me?”

“Why don’t you come by for our opening tomorrow?” she cut to the chase with bells ringing in her head, “I promise you will not regret it.”

Hyunjin didn’t know why, but he had a feeling he was indeed not going to regret it. Since he had absolutely nowhere to be anyway, he accepted the impromptu invitation with a smile.

“I’d appreciate it very much if I can sit somewhere that overlooks the kitchen area.”


Jia had been building hype on social media about Saudade’s opening for quite some time with cryptic posts, Tumblr text-post memes, and well-lit photography. It was a weird mosaic to witness, but Jia swore she knew what she was doing. Who was your social media-illiterate ass to judge when the queen of interactions existed for fuck’s sake?

That was what you said to her face, but deep down you were still having doubts over the biggest decision of your life. It felt like your non-wedding day all over again.

When you started off with this thing, it seemed like everything was going to be smooth sailing, but the more obstacles you were hit with, the more you were on the brink of giving up. Finding a decent location had been a pain in the ass. You almost got your first assault charge trying to obtain an alcohol license. The renovation took longer than you estimated. You had to acquire an insufferable personality to bargain with the vendors. Thankfully, Jia was in charge of staffing and she did a fantastic job hiring decent people. She may or may not have insinuated she would haunt them for the rest of their lives if they let you down in any capacity, but hey, technicalities. 

After what seemed like the longest battle of your life, when you witnessed a full house on the fucking opening night, your jaw dropped all the way to the floor. Jia was beyond content with your reaction.

“I know right? I’m amazing”

“Remind me to never ever doubt your words again.”

She looked incredibly offended at your words, “BITCH, you said—”

“Dinner service! Everybody to their stations.”

Gentle melodies. Buzzing atmosphere. Chatter of people. Sounds of laughter rising and falling from different tables. Clinks of silverware against plates. Clinks of glasses against each other. Steam contained in the kitchen area. Fire rising. Heavy iron. Thuds of metal. A communion of delicious smells all over the place but never invading each other’s privacy.

It had only been half an hour or so—it might have been premature to call it that, but you still couldn’t help the giddiness filling your chest. This was what success looked like. It was written all over your face, and it made Jia even happier to see your efforts come to fruition. She was going to be the happiest when she could finally tell you that your soulmate indeed existed in this world and he was actually there tonight.

Around 8.30 PM, the guest of honor finally made his way into the restaurant, and the sight removed her expectant smile from her face in an instant. There was a woman standing next to him.

Fucking rookie mistake not to get that information about the possibility of a girlfriend, right? Nevertheless, he had to meet you, and if that meant Jia had to be a homewrecker, so be it. She literally wouldn’t think twice about the consequences when the subject was the happiness that seemed to love eluding you since forever.

“Welcome to Saudade,” she greeted him with a bright smile and shot death glares at the woman standing next to him, “I sincerely hope there is no one else in your party because I forgot to mention that your table is reserved for one, sir.”

“No, it’s just me.”

The woman looked at her with a petrified expression and spoke in such a tiny voice that it was barely audible in the murmur of the restaurant, “Santiago, party of two?”

“Oh,” Jia promptly changed her entire personality and grabbed a passing waitstaff by the arm, “Mr. Kim will be escorting you to your table, ma’am,” then she proceeded to guide Hyunjin to the table she strategically reserved for him, “Right this way please.”

It was a table for one that saw the kitchen area quite clearly just like he asked. Hyunjin sat down with a book in his hand as Jia filled his glass with water.

“Would you like to see a menu, or would you like to opt for the chef’s exclusive selection for tonight?”

“The latter, please,” he answered without hesitation, “Can I get an Aperol Spritz beforehand?”

While he was waiting for his drink, Hyunjin glanced at the kitchen to spot the person responsible for the apple cinnamon rhapsody, and finally saw you. Clad in your black jacket, you looked like a martial artist commanding a brigade with your fast and precise movements and the way you skillfully used different kinds of knives. Watching you cook was no different than watching a magic show. The ingredients on chopping boards disappeared into little pieces and reemerged again on plates like miniature paintings. When the waitress brought his drink, Hyunjin thanked her still unable to take his eyes off of you.

It was another story when his food arrived, though. He took his sweet time savoring every single bite while reading the book he brought with him, completely cutting off contact with the outside world. He was so engrossed in his own little bubble that it even caught your attention from the kitchen.

Who the fuck reads a book during dinner? It’s gonna get cold!

Well, some people watched stuff to indicate that they were busy, no? Hyunjin made a habit of bringing books everywhere he went, especially restaurants serving alcohol, because it made it easier to be rude to people.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

“No, thank you.”

This exchange kept happening no less than four times, and Hyunjin didn’t even turn to face the different owners of the voices. He was too busy either watching you make edible art and being mesmerized out of his mind, or ingesting it. He wasn’t interested in anything else. He hadn’t been for the longest time.

But he had a raising suspicion that he had to make an exception for you very very soon.

“How did you enjoy your experience today, sir?”

“It was magnificent,” Hyunjin had a very pleased smile on his face, “Please extend my compliments to the chef. I hope they’re always this passionate about their art.”

When he got up to leave, Jia was simply convinced that she was looking at a match made in heaven. She opened the little chest she brought the check in and examined the credit card slip laying under a very generous tip.

While Hyunjin was lounging on his little balcony that evening with a glass of scotch in his hand, he contemplated the crossroads of scent and taste. How the scent dissolving on the tongue could actually give you a clue about what something tasted like. How the two senses were actually inseparable from one another. He recalled the memories of the late nights at his lab, then compared it to you creating magic with your hands with a stern face. How beautiful you were. How passionate you were. How it all showed on the plates you created.

Just fascinating. 


“Look who it is,” Jia wore a shit-eating grin upon seeing the person walking in, “Your betrothed regular.”

“Could you please stop calling him that?”

Hyunjin began coming to the restaurant every day after the opening night. In the mornings, he usually grabbed his coffee-scone combo to go, and sometimes stopped by for lunch, but he was there every dinner service without exception. He had his own designated table and an established service routine by then: an aperitif drink–usually an Aperol Spritz, alternating appetizers, the special of the day as his main course paired with a wine recommendation and a green salad, and dessert to complement his meal. After placing his orders, he would watch you intently throughout the whole thing and then bask in the little composition you prepared for him that particular evening. He always sent compliments to you and left Jia tips way more than socially acceptable standards. Not to be capitalistic or anything, but there was no harm in his future brother-in-law being loaded or whatever, right?

Well, it would have been obvious from the tips alone, but the matter of the fact was Jia took it upon herself to go full Sherlock on one Hwang Hyunjin as indicated on the credit card slip. She broke into a hysterical laughing fit when she realized what he did for a living as if the guy was written as a self-indulgent commission for you. 

“You really need to put the moves on the guy.”


“I’ve never seen something this beautiful in my entire life, and I can’t cockblock for you forever.”

Well, you knew. Jia might have been under the impression you weren’t already crushing pretty hard on the guy, but every time this demigod walked into the restaurant, your heart went rabid, making you live on the edge with almost-heart attacks on the daily. Part of your daily routine included dodging what could have been pretty severe work accidents because you couldn’t stop staring at him. It wasn't just about his ridiculously good looks, though, no. You couldn’t help the urge to go on a deep dive about him yourself after Jia’s incessant Hyunjin seminars, and his work just blew you away. There was something very very special about this man; you just didn't know what that was exactly because your culinary skills invaded the space where your courage gland should have been to talk to him.

You frequently watched him dine, and one thing you observed was that his lips and how he ate were very not normal. It almost looked like he was making out with the food. He didn’t drink, he stole kisses from the liquid. You had complete tunnel vision on how his Adam’s apple moved every time he gulped, and watched the way the drinks rushed down his esophagus and soothed him inside.

You thought you were making it up at first, but then one day you noticed you weren’t the only one staring.

It was a lot of stolen glances between you two. No one was saying or doing anything, but it was painfully obvious how much you both were incredibly fascinated with each other for one reason or another. Little did you know you were awakening a lot of things inside Hyunjin—a lot of things he thought he would never be capable of feeling again, but there he was, extremely turned on merely by the amount of passion you practiced your craft with, and daydreaming about the fifteen different ways he could make you cum.

He might not have been aware of it, but so did you.

“Could you extend my compliments to the chef, please?” Hyunjin made his usual request after he paid the check, “The dessert was especially exceptional tonight.”

Of course it was. You sent crème brûlée to him that night without even asking him what he would like for dessert, and that was for self-indulgent purposes he was never going to know about. You wanted to watch him break the top hard layer like he was stripping you. You wanted to watch him dip his spoon into the soft cream like he was sliding into you again after cumming inside you. You wanted to watch him lick the cream off his lips like he was actually tasting you. Being turned on to the way he experienced his food, something prepared by you, was your dirty little secret you were going to take to your grave.

God, his lips. Those perfectly shaped, full lips of his made for kissing for a lifetime…

“Actually, why don’t you extend it yourself this time?”

Courtesy of Jia’s mind games, Hyunjin’s usual table was within your earshot. She didn’t need to extend the aforementioned compliments to you because you actually heard them directly from him every single night. Yet, when you heard her suggestion, your heart almost jumped out of your chest.

Hyunjin stole a glance from your way and massively hesitated.

“She– She seems very busy. I wouldn’t want to intr—”


Needless to say, your knees almost gave out. You tried to be as casual about it as you could be.


Your jacket harbored all kinds of stains on them, and this was in no way the proper way to talk to this real-life prince. If you knew, you would have prepared five spare jackets to slide into, ready to be in his presence at a moment's notice.

Little did you know, he wanted you out of them, not change into something else that would hide you from him again. You were beautiful. You were so beautiful even with your creased brows when you were laser-focused. You were the sexiest when you conducted your orchestra with precise orders. Why change into something else when he had the perfect reason to see you as you were? Unabashedly you.

Hyunjin had seen you time and time again no matter from how afar, but he was utterly stunned when you approached his table. He felt his tongue getting tied and not in the way he would like to lock it on your clit until you were spent under him.

“I uh– I just– I just wanted to extend my compliments for the food.”

You were also internally yelling, but both of you were being so nonchalant about it as if this wasn’t the very first interaction with ‘the one’, as Jia called it. She was on the brink of ripping her hair out standing between you two, watching this exchange like it was the Wimbledon finals.

“Thank you. I appreciate it very much.”

Your little smile made Hyunjin implode. He witnessed these sentences fall from your lips in such slow motion that it felt like an hour-long lecture to him. He was fixated completely on the way your lips moved. How soft they looked. How moist they were. How they reminded him of velvet. How they would feel between his. How your tongue would dance inside his mouth. On his body. On his cock.

Good god, I’m about to fucking lose it because of you.

All he did was nod in an attempt to get a grip of himself and leave. Jia watched him walk out and then looked at you still pinned to your place, gawking at the nonexistent outline of Hyunjin.

“In case it wasn’t clear, I hereby declare once and for all that I ship this,” she pointed at the door and then at you, “Hard.”

Hyunjin didn’t go home that night. He found himself walking to his lab instead. He lit a scentless candle so that it absorbed whatever remains of smells were lingering in the room so that he could have a clean slate. You evoked so many things in him that he had to translate this into his own language, otherwise he was going to combust. What he ended up creating carried powdery top notes with a hint of narcotic florals as the heart. Jasmines. Could be because of the little jasmine shrub in front of the restaurant, but they reminded him of you a lot. Then the base. As sensuous as you. Faintest gourmand notes. Vanilla. The milky texture of almond butter.

This was you. You in olfactory form. Made his heart swell three times its size, filled him with something dangerously close to hope, and aroused him beyond control.

Hyunjin would like to give you this one day. He would love to give you his own essence instead to be quite frank. Cover your lips with his saliva. Cover your body with his sweat. Cover your cunt with his cum. Fuck you to sleep then fuck you awake in the middle of the night. Whisper little love confessions in your ear when you cum. Be yours. Be yours for however long you would have him.

He also wished he had an ounce of the courage required for any of that.


Then the ritual began.

Every time Hyunjin came over, you were sending him a little something on the house. He was pleasantly surprised at first, but then it became your silent greeting. You would send him something, he would look at the kitchen, smile, and nod. Every time you nodded back, he felt like you were kissing him back for his thank yous.

Hyunjin savored every single thing. If it was a little dessert, he took an entire hour to finish it. If it was a cold drink, he saved it for so long that his glass sweated to make wet rings on the table. You didn’t understand why he was doing that.

It was days and days and days until you finally gathered the courage to walk to his table one afternoon.

“Don’t wait to finish it this time, okay?”

He was so used to being absorbed in his daydreams about you that he thought he was dreaming it at first, but you were actually there. Standing right next to his table. Talking to him.

“I uh—”

“Some things are meant to be consumed quickly for the best results. You shouldn’t leave your noodles in the soup, for example.”

Hyunjin leaned back in his chair with a smile that challenged you.

“Maybe I like them soggy.”

“But that’s not the proper way to experience your food,” you pointed at the tiny straw basket you put in front of him, “Please have one.” 

It contained two mini croissants with chocolate filling. When Hyunjin took a bite from the warm pastry, the mille-feuille produced a very loud crunching sound, and some of the chocolate smeared on his lips. It took a massive amount of self-control not to jump on his mouth as if he needed another reason to make his lips more enticing. You cleared your throat and leaned into him with a smile.

“That crunch will not be there if you wait for an entire hour.”

As you were about to leave, Hyunjin held onto your wrist at the last second.


The first time he touched you. The first time you felt his skin on yours. Thank goodness you were wearing a long-sleeve jacket, otherwise, it would have been mortifying if he noticed the goosebumps breaking all over your body.

Hyunjin put the matte black box laying on the chair next to him on the table.

“As a thank you.”

“Thank you?” you tilted your head, “For what?”

“These,” he looked at the little basket in front of him currently holding a single croissant, “And the steamed vegetables, and the mini quiches, and the drinks, and so much more.”

When you opened the box, you saw that in contained four items: something that looked like a two-piece stand, matches, a box of tealight candles, and a little vial filled with clear liquid.

“Let me guess,” you examined the tiny bottle, “Vanilla extract?”

“It’s actually an essence I made for you,” Hyunjin responded averting his eyes from you.

What did he mean he made for you? He made you this? Who the fuck randomly made an essence and brought it like they baked cookies? When you opened the vial and smelled the dense liquid inside, it alerted every single one of the neurons in your body.

“Oh wow!” you exclaimed, “Am I supposed to wear this?”

“It’s an atmospheric fragrance. You’re supposed to burn it,” Hyunjin pointed at the little stand in the box, “Would you like me to show you how?”


There was a piece of curved glass that looked like a miniature bowl to be placed on the metal ring at the top of the stand. On the bottom, there was a circular indentation for the tealight candle, and it was directly under the glass bowl.

“Just a couple of drops should suffice. It’s very strong.”

Hyunjin assembled the little burner, dripped three drops of the liquid into the bowl, and lit the tealight candle, all very ceremoniously. You watched it all with mouth agape like he was showing you a magic trick. If only you knew if you actually said that out loud, it would make Hyunjin’s head explode.

“I love this!” you brightly smiled, “Thank you very much for this gesture.”

He nodded with a smile as warm as yours. Suddenly, your eyes darted to the green salad he always had with his food. You took out an order pad and a pen, and wrote down a tip for him.

“Next time you make a green salad, chop half a green apple into it,” you ripped the paper and gave it to him, “Thank me later.”

“Thank you,” Hyunjin carefully folded the paper in half.  It made you chuckle.

“You did hear me say ‘later’, right?”

“Who knows when that will be? You’re always behind the scenes.” 

His smile grew wider and you felt your cheeks getting warmer. You hated the way he made you feel like a teenager.


As you were retreating with small steps with the box in your hand, you heard a voice behind you again.


“Excuse me?”

“My name... It's– It’s Hyunjin.”

Well, you already knew that, but you never officially introduced yourselves to each other. 

“Very nice to finally put a name to the face,” you approached him to shake his hand, “Y/N.”

Hyunjin. What a pleasing name, though. You didn't even know what it meant, but you just knew he was aptly named. He was born to demand the attention of the world and be abnormally ethereal and sweep you off your feet. He wasn't born for you per se, but there was no doubt he was something extraordinary. Absolutely spellbinding. 

As you returned to the kitchen, Hyunjin was thinking about your actual notes, his eyes never off you. He wondered what you smelled like when you were aroused. When you came. What he wouldn’t give to make his very own essence from your cum and burn it in his room so that it always smelled like your base notes at any given minute of the day. Did you taste like caramel apples, as well? Did your taste also change when he savored it? When he swallowed?

When he reached his doorstep that night, Hyunjin was so caught up in these thoughts that he couldn’t really discern whether he was imagining things or if he was actually able to smell you somehow. His nostrils were invaded by strong notes coming from somewhere upstairs. He walked up a floor like he was on autopilot and knocked on the door he was drawn to. When the door opened and the powdery scent blasted on his face, a flat-out shock was spelled on Hyunjin’s face.

“Thank… you.”


The owner of the voice from upstairs. The sound that kept him company during his lonely nights. All this time.

It was you?

“I can’t believe this,” you looked at him with widened eyes, “What are you doing here?”

“I live downstairs actually.”

“Is it the pizza?” a man appeared right behind you, “Oh, sorry. I’ll call them, it’s been like an hour.”

Oh. Of course. Of course there was someone, wasn’t there? Someone that was currently basking in the scent that he made for you.

“I uh– I was… The scent… I could–”

“Oh damn, you could smell that?” you looked inside, “You were right I guess, it is strong, but I really love it.”

You smiled. He melted. 

“I– I should go. Sorry to interrupt your evening.”

Interrupt your evening? But he didn’t. He couldn’t. You wanted to invite him in, but would it be too presumptuous to assume that he would like to join you? Well, he was at the restaurant every day, right? You took a deep breath and jumped the gun.

“Would you li–?”

“I should go,” Hyunjin forced a smile, “Good night.”

As he disappeared down the stairs, you slowly closed the door and leaned against it. You didn’t know why there was this uneasy feeling in your chest.


Were disappointment and heartbreak different things, or just the same thing in different colors? Because they certainly smelled very similar. Like blackberries and raspberries. They were both berries at the end of the day, no?

Maybe that was why Mrs. Keane chose to brew raspberry tea for Hyunjin that day. She was the mother Hyunjin didn’t have after all.

He had stopped going to the restaurant because he was afraid he wasn’t going to be able to control himself around you anymore. He was barely able to hold it together as it was. Seeing you every day, studying you playing with different aromas had been a part of his daily routine, but insisting on keeping that would be inappropriate. Not when you had someone. Even if it killed a little part of him, it was okay. He was just having a little hard time accepting he managed to get his heart broken before anything ever happened.

“You know you’re like my son, right prince boy?”

Hyunjin woke up from his deep thoughts with Mrs. Keane’s soft voice.

“Of course I do.”

“I met a very nice young lady at the grocery store today,” she put her porcelain cup on her coffee table, “I’m thinking…”

“Mrs. Keane…”

“Give me one valid reason this time,” she protested, “You’re such a fine young man and—”

“I can’t.”

She had been pestering Hyunjin with this ‘I need to see you with a bride before I die’ thing for god knows how long since he was the closest thing she had for a son. Yet she had never been this content with the way her prince boy rejected her.

“Say, every time I bring an offer to you, you say you’re not interested. This time you said you can’t,” Mrs. Keane squinted her eyes with a knowing smile, “Why is that?”

Hyunjin played with his little spoon on the saucer, pouting like a little kid, “It’s nothing.”


Fine. She wanted to hear the tea? Here it was. There was this girl that ran a cute little restaurant down the street. She was great at what she did. He fell head over heels in love with her simply by watching her cook and he couldn’t stop thinking about her and he was utterly possessed by her every minute of every day so much so that he didn’t spend a single night not dreaming about her and he was cursing at his damn luck that it was impossible to have her. Christ!

“That’s the girl on the top floor, yes?”

Hyunjin was appalled at what he was hearing, “You– You know her?”

“Of course I do, my boy. I know everyone in this building,” she nudged him, seemingly very much unaffected by how agitated Hyunjin was, “You like her, don’t you? Don’t even try to deny it this time.”

He flashed a bashful smile like a pure schoolboy talking about the girl he liked from the art class, but Mrs. Keane’s shrieky cheer scared the crap out of him.

“Finally! I was running out of excuses to bring her up. Because you and her—”

She couldn’t continue any further because for some reason he looked way too sorrowful for someone finally opening his heart to love again. She held his chin gently.

“Why the shadows on your beautiful face my prince boy?”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you again, Mrs. Keane,” Hyunjin forced a smile, “but I think she’s taken.”

“Taken?” she yelled dramatically, “Since when?!”

“I saw a man at her apartment some time ago.”

“What did he look like?”

Why the fuck would Hyunjin focus on that? The one thing that didn’t completely obliterate his soul was that thanks to everything good and pure he didn’t hear you moan that night. Now that would be unbearable to witness.

“I don’t know. Medium height, brown eyes…”

“Was he particularly muscular?”

With all due respect, jesus fucking christ Mrs. Keane. So what if he was? Why point that out to him?

“I’d say so.”

Mrs. Keane was a soft-spoken woman who happened to be very graceful, so it came as a shock to Hyunjin when she actually smacked him on the head for the first time ever.

“What was that for?!”

“You’re such a bright man, but I can’t stand you being this stupid sometimes,” she tutted in utter disapproval, “That’s her cousin looking to move to this city, my dense little prince.”

Hyunjin was surprised but visibly elated at this piece of information, so much so that he couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot.

“Her cousin?”

“Yes. You would also know that if you simply asked who that was.”

“But that would be very intrusive.”

“Yet if you knew, you could ask her out.”

“But how do you know that was her cous— Mrs. Keane, please stop the smacking!”

She scooted closer to the edge of her floral print armchair and held his hands.

“Listen to me and listen to me well. I know you’re a wounded little kitten, but she’s as wounded as you are. Maybe you can groom each other’s scars better,” she caressed his cheek, “She seems perfect for you.”

“How are you so sure?”

Hyunjin thought she would argue things like life experience, being a connoisseur of human nature or an excellent judge of character, but the answer he received left no room for any kind of maybes.

“Because she can’t stop talking about you, either.”


Hyunjin’s absence in the restaurant was unbearably noticeable. There were many times you found yourself in front of his door about to knock, but something in his eyes that night burned away the microscopic amount of determination like the essence he made for you. You missed him. He wasn't yours, but suddenly losing him like that still hurt like hell. You couldn’t come up with a single reasonable excuse to see him one more time. Just once.

When the super nice lady on the ground floor randomly invited you in for tea one day, you didn’t really expect the topic of conversation to come to Hyunjin. You most certainly didn’t want to believe it when she told you not to lose hope, but it came true. When Hyunjin walked into the restaurant again one evening, you could literally feel the clouds parting, the sun shining, and the birds chirping. You simply beamed at the sight of him, hit with this acute urge to run to him and hug him and tell him that you missed him so much, but all you were able to do was faintly smile at him from afar. He had ordered his usuals, but didn’t leave this time once he finished his meal. He stayed. He stayed with his book until the last customer left. That wasn’t the only thing different that night. 

“Are you really serving mulled wine, or is the kitchen closed for the night?”

Yes, you were. You had never made mulled wine with this much care before. Hyunjin specifically asked for it, so he was sure as hell going to have the best mulled wine of his life. He could have asked you for handmade linguini and you would still gladly make it from scratch. Once you finished making it, you noticed he had moved to a little table outside. You brought his wine along with a little charcuterie board he didn’t ask for, and just as you were about to go back inside to watch him from afar, you felt Hyunjin’s hand on yours.

“Would you join me please?”

Well, was water wet? You brought a glass for yourself and sat down next to him, nervous out of your mind and incredibly worried at the possibility that he was able to hear your heartbeat.

His lab. Your restaurant. His heartbreak. Your traumas. His loneliness. Your loneliness. You talked about many things until you saw the bottom of the pitcher.

“What does it mean?” he eventually pointed at the name you chose for the restaurant. 

“It’s Portuguese,” you explained while looking at the sign, “It means an intense longing for something that is absent.”

“It’s poignantly beautiful.”

 Just like you. Like your eyes. Like your bottomless abyss of eyes I wanna keep falling in forever.

“Reminds me of soft florals and dried woods. I would name that perfume Desiderium,” Hyunjin turned to you with a fond smile, “But why name something you love after something so wistful?”

“People think it means ‘Cheers’. No one’s going to check what it actually refers to.”

“But that’s not what I asked.”

No, it wasn’t. But you didn’t really find it in you to break into a self-deprecating monologue about loss and the things you felt like you were never going to be able to experience. You did your best to try to keep it as concise as possible.

“That’s just human nature, don’t you think? We never not…” you heaved a deep sigh while holding his gaze, “...yearn for something.”

You looked at each other in silence. Looking at him for too long felt disrespectful like you needed to ask for permission to gaze at him first. When you averted your eyes, he tried to meet your eyes again with a little smile on his face, but it only got you more flustered. You attempted to change the topic instead.

“You know what pairs well with this?”

Yes, your cunt. Your tight, sweet cunt melting in my mouth. Wrapped around my cock. Squeezing my soul out of me. I could get permanently drunk on you.

“What is it?” Hyunjin asked while clearing his throat.

“Emmental and red globes,” you plucked the fruit from the bunch and held it against his lips, “Here, try it.”

His eyes didn’t leave yours as he bit into the grape. No matter how accidentally, you felt the moist texture inside his mouth for the briefest second. Meanwhile, Hyunjin got so hard over that barely-a-touch that he would cum if you so much as ghosted your hands over his painfully stiff bulge.

Touching his lips hit you like a truck. So soft. Oh god, they were just so soft. He licked them after he swallowed his bite, and you felt completely hypnotized by him. Neither of you dared to say anything. You fixated your eyes on his slightly parted lips. He fixated his eyes on yours. All he could think about was how you tasted. Would your lips also make a crunching sound like the skin of that grape if he bit into your flesh? Would your juices squirt in his mouth the same? 

“And?” you asked him expectantly.


No, he wasn’t talking about the pairing. He was talking about you.

The tension built up between you was about to crumble the entire place into a pile of debris. Your heart was beating so fast. So was his. You could actually take his pulse just by watching the throbbing vein on his neck. That begged to be kissed by you. Grazed by you. Choked by you.

You snapped out of it.

“I uh– I should… I should go clean up. I’ll be right back, then we can go home.”

You walked home together in silence. You even climbed the stairs in silence. When you reached his door, you were just supposed to say goodnight but you lingered a bit for reasons that you didn’t even know. All you could think about was his lips… 

Oh god, his fucking lips…

Hyunjin wanted to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss him, no doubt about it. He really wanted to invite you in and open his most expensive bottle of wine for you. He wanted to sip on your scent for hours, get drunk with you on desire, and make love to you all night long until he heard you say you couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted to hear you moan his name. He wanted to hear you beg for more. He wanted to make you cum over and over again until you forgot who you were. He wanted you.

But what he blurted out instead was a little different than his long-ass internal tirade.

“Do you wanna go on a date with me sometime?”

You felt your cheeks getting even more flushed, completely taken aback by his advance. He briefly thought it was a no when you just gawked at him with mouth agape.


“I do!” you yelled, “I really do.”

He smiled. Smiling simply did not suit anybody else this much. Hyunjin was born to smile and turn the entire place he was smiling at into heaven-adjacent.

Because you were sure heaven itself rested in the crook of his neck.

“I’d love to take you somewhere where you don’t have to make the food,” he uttered while looking at the tips of his shoes, “Would tomorrow night be okay for you?”

You wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss you, no doubt about it. You wanted to feel those perfect full lips of his on your naked skin. You wanted to taste every inch of him, experience him as a whole, and give him the most violent orgasms of his life. You wanted to run your fingers through his silky smooth hair and pull on it when he least expected it to make him arch towards you. You wanted to hear the sounds of his pleasure induced by you. You wanted to hear him lose his whole entire shit because of you. You wanted him.

You reflected his smile back to him instead.

“It’s perfect,” you managed to find your voice in your throat, “I’m looking forward to it.”

“So do I,” he lifted his head up and finally met your eyes, “Pick you up at 7?”

“Sounds good. Good night, Hyunjin.”

“Good night, beautiful.”

That address smacked your soul into the next century so hard that you almost came all over yourself because of it. It definitely wasn’t an exaggeration because Hyunjin most probably also saw how visibly you shuddered. You bolted back to your apartment and closed the door behind you.

Your mind was crawling with him lately. Hyunjin was in all your thoughts one way or another. You thought about him first thing in the morning. You thought about him while going to work. When you made his favorites in the kitchen. When the Aperol bottle caught your attention over the bar. Going back home. In the shower.

You thought about him the most in your bed while touching yourself.


You always imagined him, but that night you said his name out loud for the first time. He had such a pretty name to moan. One thing you didn’t know however was that Hyunjin was able to hear you every time you started moaning in your bedroom right above his. Another thing you didn’t know was that the second he heard you pleasuring yourself, he was always masturbating with you.

“I want you. God, I want you so bad.”

What I wouldn’t give to barge into your room right now and lick you to your orgasm, beautiful.


Touch me. Kiss me. Make love to me.

“You… You’re so… Fuck.”

 I’ll go fucking insane if I can’t taste you. 

“Hyunjin… Please, Hyunjin!”

Please let me. I’m begging you. Just once.

That was the first time Hyunjin actually heard you moan his name, completely incredulous that he wasn’t having a fever dream, and he had never cum so hard before. It took an insane amount of edging on his part because if he kept touching himself while listening to you call out to him like that, he would have cum in five seconds.

Once you were done, you wondered what he would sound like in the sheets when you were pleasuring him. You turned around and touched the empty side of your bed, having less than zero clue he was doing the exact same thing one floor down.



You had just informed Jia that she had full authority for one night because you had a date, and when she learned about your person of interest she almost popped a bottle of champagne.

“Jesus, woman, keep it in your pants!” you chastised her, “Seriously though, I’m pretty excited about this so maybe don’t call me unless anything’s on fire.”

“Won’t even call you if I die,” she sent you off, “Have fun!”

After finishing the preparations for the dinner service, you took off for your apartment to get ready for the night. You must have changed like five times until you were absolutely content with how you looked, and you barely made it in time when you heard the doorbell.

“Just a second!” you dashed while putting on your earrings, and when you opened the door your jaw fucking dropped. Hyunjin appeared clad in a black blazer and black pants, his usual silver rings adorning his long, slender fingers, looking like an absolute god that didn’t belong in the realm of mortals.

How was he real? How the fuck was this man real?

“Hi,” was all you managed to utter due to your throat being super dry.

Hyunjin wasn’t even able to reciprocate your greeting for a solid five seconds because he was in the middle of being blown away by you.

“Hi. Yes. Uh… Shall we?”

It was a daunting task to pick a place with good food for a chef, but Hyunjin eventually decided on a charming little restaurant by the sea. He asked for permission to pick the wine, and quite frankly, made an excellent choice. Once the initial buzz set in, the bubble of nervousness around your table popped, and you picked up where you left off the night before. It was a lot of talking and drinking and talking and drinking. You could listen to him talk for hours. You could talk about him to random passersby for hours because Hyunjin was the most mesmerizing thing. You weren’t sure if you were getting drunk on wine or him at this point. Just looking at him made you smile.

“Why scents?” you asked him after your fifth glass.

“They have very strong connections to memories,” Hyunjin explained, “One whiff and you can travel back in time. I find it utterly captivating.”

Well, I find you utterly captivating, prince.

You tried to cross your legs under the table, and when your foot touched his, he flinched in his place.

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s uh– It’s okay.”

It would have been normally okay, but unfortunately for Hyunjin, you had noticed how thickly he gulped. Ideas. Ideas. So many ideas. 

When you instinctively ran your foot up his legs, he dropped his fork.

“Did I excite you?” you alluringly asked while tilting your head.

Yes, you did. Hyunjin was never not excited by your mere presence. One look at you and he was gone. Watching you work your magic had been his favorite pastime activity. The way you dexterously played with flavors like a gustatory virtuoso was the sexiest thing he had ever witnessed, seducing him out of his mind every single time. What was he supposed to do when he actually established physical contact with the woman of his dreams? 

He started panicking when he felt your foot run higher up his leg, reaching his thighs by then.

“Wh– What are you doing?”

“Being bold for once. White wine is my kryptonite,” then your voice faded into a whisper, “Am I getting you hard, Hyunjin?”

Why did his name sound this pretty on your lips? He closed his eyes with an exhale, and shamelessly answered your question.


“Hyunjin,” you took a bite from your dessert and pointed your fork at him, “Your name is just so satisfying to utter, you know?”

When he ran his large hand on your foot under the table, he felt the straps of your heels hugging your ankle. He delicately undid it as if his fingers had minds of their own and removed the shoe, eyes locked with yours. You watched his face intently trying to figure out what he was going to do next.

“Can I be crass for a second?”

“Why, of course,” you sipped on your wine.

“I’d love to hear you scream it someday.”

Oh, he didn’t come to play, did he? That was so fucking brazen unlike his usual composure that you felt yourself clench hard.

You didn’t have to smile like that to seduce him further—Hyunjin was already buried neck-deep in the quicksand of your fantasies, but you did. You smiled at him with shadows crawling in your eyes, causing him to twitch under your foot.

“Then it might be of interest to you to know I have no problem with fucking on the first date.”

Were you always this audacious because it was such a sexy look on you. When you least expected it, you felt Hyunjin rubbing your feet under the table and instinctively closed your eyes.

“You were saying?” he asked innocently.

It shouldn’t have felt this good maybe, but the way he pressed on your pressure points was a little too delicious. You were having a hard time trying to suppress your moans, and you eventually snapped.

“Do you wanna go back home?”

Home. You said ‘home’. You didn’t say ‘my place’ or ‘your place’. He didn’t know why, but it made Hyunjin smile from ear to ear. He asked for the check, put your shoe back on, and held your hand the entire time you walked back to his apartment. Inside, it smelled like home and loneliness and frustration and heartbreak and passion. It smelled like Hyunjin. Abnormally cozy.

The stories of first kisses were uncannily similar to each other, weren’t they? The guy looks at the girl meaningfully. The girl closes her eyes, invites the guy in. The distance between them is slowly closed, and fireworks go off in the distance.

Haha, fuck that. 

The second Hyunjin closed his door, you just couldn’t restrain the urge to kiss him bubbling inside you for fucking forever, and when it finally burst, you unleashed yourself on his lips.


Hyunjin didn’t kiss normally. He probably didn’t know how to kiss normally. It was deep. So deep. So passionate. His mouth. His tongue. His hands. His breathing. It was threatening to escalate to a double homicide. It was threatening to take your breath away. It was threatening to rip your soul apart.

“Would you like to shower with me first?”

“Shower with you?”

“It’s not what you think,” Hyunjin’s voice was laced with slight concern, “The city tends to mask our natural scents even when we don’t wear any perfume.”

He brushed your hair behind your ears, making you shudder in the meantime.

“And I want you to be completely naked for me.”

You nodded.

He gently held your hand and led you to his bathroom. You stood in front of his sink mirror side by side under his soft yellow vanity lights, and he took out some cotton and a little bottle of makeup remover from the cabinet.

“Don’t hide from me.”

It wasn’t that makeup made you more or less beautiful—at the end of the day, it was just an attire. Just like you would dress according to the occasion. He just wanted to see you exactly as you were. When Hyunjin began removing your makeup, it felt so weirdly intimate, like something a boyfriend of at least six months would do.

Then he proceeded to undo your hair. Stripped you with unrushed movements. For every item he discarded, you rid him of something in return. Your blouse. His jacket. Your bra. His shirt. Your skirt. His pants. Your necklace. His rings. He turned the water on and walked into his glass-enclosed shower with your hands in his.

Hyunjin took a minute to take your sight in. Everything that followed felt like you were slow dancing under warm water. Fingers brushing. His lips on yours. His tongue swirling on your nipples. His wet hair sticking to his face. Lines of water paving their way on his body. You felt somehow dirtier while washing yourself in the best way possible. Hyunjin didn’t have a shower gel—he had a bar of soap instead. He rubbed it on his loofah, delicately washed you, and then rinsed the bubbles off. You felt so vulnerable under his touch for some reason.

“Is the temperature comfortable for you?”


Hyunjin turned you around and pressed your wet body against his chest. You could feel how hard he was and how he was twitching on your hips. If the warm water wasn't already rushing down both of you, you could feel how much he was leaking, too. He kept placing kisses on your neck, your shoulder, and your back, making sure his slippery tongue surpassed the wetness of the water on your skin.

“Into me, beautiful.”

You closed your eyes and leaned into his body, relishing the way he was grinding against you and caressing your breasts with one hand. When you least expected it, he brought the shower nozzle against your pussy, causing a moan to escape your lips.

“How's the pressure?”


“Shh,” he whispered soothingly into your ear, “Just answer the question.”

You would love to if you weren’t mortified. It felt like all the effects of the wine just dissipated into thin air.

“Little more.”

Hyunjin rotated the head of the nozzle for more compression and tested it on your clit again. You flinched upon the more intense sensation.


“Too good.”

“Shh, shh, shh, I got you” he wrapped one hand around your waist to keep you in place, “We’ll relax you now.”

Your moans. Unadulterated eroticism. More so hearing them this up close this time no matter how much the volume was down. There was no concrete obstacle between you anymore.

“Not the same thing as your vibrator, but still good, right?”

You snapped your eyes open at his declaration and attempted to look back.

“You– You knew?”

“You didn’t think the thin walls between us could contain your moans, did you beautiful?” he kept talking in whispers to you, “Let me hear you. Properly this time.”

He increased the pressure of the water some more and brought the nozzle closer to your clit.

“Oh my fuc– Hyunjin!!!”

“Mhm. Like that,” he pecked your cheek, “Show me all your colors.”

He kept kissing your neck. Your back. Your shoulderblades. Fondled your breasts. Whispered things into your ear. You threw your hand back to his nape when he finally made you cum.

“That’s it. Let go,” he nodded to the rhythm of your convulsions against his chest, “Relaxed a little?”

“A little,” you admitted while coming down. Of course the pent-up tension of wanting him in the deepest spots of you was not going to go away with a single orgasm. 

“Not fair if all your tension is relieved at once,” Hyunjin turned you around to face him, “I need you to need me.”

Need him? How could you never not need him when he looked like that? Sounded like that? Existed like that? Infesting your mind with himself completely with just the way he looked at you?

When you looked down, you noticed he was rock hard for you, completely flushed with arousal. You never felt such an intense urge to touch something before.

“Not now,” he stopped your hand, “We have plenty of time.”

Fresh bathrobes and clean linen-scented fabric softener smell. Hyunjin unhurriedly combed your hair like he had all the time to kill in the world, and dried the excess moisture in your hair with a towel. When he was finished, he looked at you in the mirror fondly and kissed your nape. You shivered.

You weren’t used to this. You couldn’t get used to this. He wasn’t real. He was just a figment of your imagination. You couldn’t start randomly craving him. No. Just no.

Then again, it might have been a little too late for that because Hyunjin had awakened so many things inside you so far. As you walked into his room, all those urges morphed into a single entity and became impossible to ignore. He was just way too irresistible.

His lips on your nape traveled to your neck and got even wetter. Feeling his wetness on your skin was setting your body on fire. You were trying your best to be patient, but it seemed like he was trying to make you lose it as quickly as possible with his breathy kisses. It was ticklish. It was seductive. It was overwhelming. He didn’t need to seduce you any longer because you were already seduced by him since the first time you laid your eyes on him.

“You said we have plenty of time, right?”

“Of course we do, beautiful.”

You slithered your hands over the belt of his bathrobe and tugged on it.

“Then making love to you can wait a little. I need to fuck you.”

You undid his belt with one harsh pull and peeled the soft towel off of him. Hyunjin instantly responded to you by doing the same and you started devouring each other. Kisses turned into bites. Shy exhales turned into sharp hisses. Brushes of fingers turned into sinking fingertips into flesh. Adoration turned into insatiable need.

“Fuck me. Fuck me now. I’ve waited long enough.”

You had never been kissed with so much need before. It was so fucking passionate that having an orgasm to that was definitely not out of question.

“No more waiting,” Hyunjin whispered against your skin, “God, I need you so bad.”

He lifted you up and placed you on his bed, where he came to the sounds of you for countless nights. You were in complete disbelief that you were actually in his sheets. Where he slept every night. About to pleasure him for real this time.

“Your scent… Drives me fucking crazy.”

“Your taste is no different,” you spread his legs to expose him for you, “Let me.”

Hyunjin was simply the sexiest fucking thing and he reeked of someone who liked things on the freakier side. Of course one of these days you would love to blow him for an entire hour but right then was not the time. You were way too consumed with desire, and judging by how loudly he moaned when you choked on his cock, Hyunjin didn’t seem like he could keep it up for too long, either.

“Take it deeper for me, beautiful.”

Anything to get him to crumble for you like that. Anything to ascend him beyond his wildest imagination. Anything to let him know you would love him so hard he would develop an unbreakable addiction to you. Anything for him. Anything.

“So– So close. A little more.”

No, not a little more. A lot more. Hyunjin could ask for one, but you would give him ten. He deserved it. He only deserved extreme happiness and everything that came with it.

“Oh, fuck, moan for me. Louder. Louder!!!”

Making him cum felt like an out of body experience for you. Nothing could sound this provocative. Nothing could feel this inviting. This enticing. You swallowed all his load and climbed up to share his taste with him.

“This is what you taste like,” you kissed him deeply, “Make me an essence out of it, too. I want my room to smell like you.”

If Hyunjin had any more cum left inside him, he would most definitely cum again.

“Don’t– Don’t say things like that,” his voice came out as a moan, “What are you doing to me?” 

“I want your scent all over my sheets. I want to fall asleep to it. Then wake up to it,” you talked to him in soft whispers while kissing him all over, “I want to cum to it when you’re not around.”

“Fuck, kiss me. Kiss me now.”

He consumed your lips so hard that they were swollen at that point. Hyunjin intertwined his fingers in yours and descended between your legs. Finally. At long last. The one thing he was dreaming about every fucking minute of every day was right before his eyes, throbbing with a perfect sheen of gloss. You were so pent-up already that when he closed his mouth over your cunt, you knew it wasn’t going to be much longer until he snapped you.

“Fucking— Yes. Yes!!!”

Hyunjin eating your pussy was literally no different than him eating his food. With so much gusto. So much enthusiasm. Like his life depended on making you feel good. His tongue gliding on your wet folds with the laziest movements, his full lips in the middle of a very heavy makeout session with your clit to give you the deepest kiss of your life while squeezing both your hands, listening to the sounds of your pleasure, paying very close attention to your volume to know when to increase his speed and pressure. He still didn’t have the courage to say it out loud for fear of scaring you, but he was so sure of his feelings for you that it didn’t stop him from spelling ‘I love you’s on your soaked cunt with his tongue.

“Cum in my mouth, beautiful,” he punctuated his sentence with a gentle suck on your clit, “Need your taste.”

Languid licks on your clit turned into fast teases laser-focused on making you cum, and you finally drenched his lips all over. He didn’t waste a drop and once he finished drinking you, he hovered over you with hunger flashing in his darkened eyes.

“Let’s fuck.”

Hyunjin slid inside you so easily, and you wanted to die when he bottomed out. That stretch was everything you had ever imagined and more. You felt so full. So complete. Hyunjin clicked like he was the missing puzzle piece. Like he belonged there all along. Inside you. Inside your heart.

“Feel every inch of me.”

And feel him you did. He was fucking his sorrow away. He was fucking his way into your heart. He was seeping through all the cracks of your battered soul to be a permanent resident there. He was fucking you deeper in love.

“Don’t– Don’t pull out.”

His lips never left your neck as he kept fucking into you. You were incapable of controlling the urge to kiss him. You kissed him everywhere you could get your lips on. You inhaled his natural musk. You felt yourself die a little every time he whispered things into your ear. The most loving things. The filthiest things. He was buried to the hilt within you, but he still felt like he was lightyears away from you.

“Wanna make you cum again,” Hyunjin spoke as softly as possible while panting over you, “Cum all over my cock this time. Flood me.”

He rubbed your clit with his thumb fervently as he picked up his pace inside you. You were so overwhelmed. Just so overwhelmed by him.

“Look at me,” he forced you to face him, “Look into my eyes when you cum, beautiful.”

Hyunjin was incredibly beautiful especially when he was covered in a sheen of sweat like that. You were trying your utmost best not to kiss his swollen lips again because he asked you to look at him. Who would have thought? Who would have thought you’d actually be in his bed, gracing his sheets, and moaning his name under him like that? How did he get this lucky? Which country did he save in his previous life?

“Oh god, I’m– Fuck! Fuck!!!”

When he felt an excess wetness on his cock, Hyunjin let go and came so much. So fucking much. He coated you through and through like those perfect glazes you created over your desserts. 

“You’re everything,” he spoke with a muffled voice, “You’re everything, beautiful.”

What he wanted to say was you were his everything, but something was still tugging at his collar to stop him, whispering to him ‘Now is not the time’. So what, though? So what if this was your first time together? So what if you hadn’t been to five thousand dates before? Why waste all that time when he knew what he was feeling was way beyond simple infatuation? Why question everything when he knew there was nothing more he wanted than to know everything about you?

Call it being a slave to your urges or hopelessly in love, but neither of you possessed the willpower to keep your hands to yourselves. Your hands needed to be on one another at all times. Touching. Kissing. Tasting. Overloading all your senses with each other.

“Again,” you spoke against his lips, “Let’s go again.”

Your wish was his command. He could make love to you for all eternity if you asked him to. He could make you cum until your mind went numb. He could kiss you until you gasped for air, and even then he would gladly give all the oxygen in his lungs to you. Anything for you. Anything.

“Harder,” you squeezed his arms, “I can take more.”

Maybe you could, but Hyunjin most certainly could not take it anymore.

“Yes, you can. Of course, you can,” he kissed you but it felt more like a heads up, “This is where I belong. Inside you.”

Then he went off. Your moans had become way louder than before, and Hyunjin kept talking between his thrusts.

“Need… to fuck… my cum… deeper… into you…”

You wrapped your legs around him and tackled him to get on top, but Hyunjin wasn’t going to have it. He sat up, still fucking you hard from under you as he sucked on your nipples. You instinctively grabbed fistfuls of his hair and tugged on them. You didn’t expect him to like it that much, but his sharp hisses indicated that he indeed enjoyed it a little too much. When you pulled harder, he moaned louder, and you kissed him breathlessly in return.

“You’re my prince, Hyunjin,” you pressed your forehead against his, “I wanna have you all night.”

Every time you said his name, Hyunjin lost his damn mind. He turned you around to trap you under him, and held one of your legs up. You loved that angle change since it allowed him to hit that one spot, and how much you liked it was very obvious from your moans. You were trying to say something, but you couldn’t produce coherent sentences.

“You want it harder, don’t you beautiful?”

“Yes,” you clawed the sheets, “Fucking yes!”

Hyunjin threw your other leg on his shoulder and started going harder. There was a delicious pressure building inside you, and you couldn’t control your clenches anymore.

“You’re getting closer, aren’t you?” he flashed a fucked out smile, “Let go. Soak me again.”

He started going faster. The way he rubbed against your walls and grazed against that spongy texture inside you made you fucking lose it. The need. The need to make you feel good. The need to feel him in every single one of your cells. The need to die with him and then resurrect each other between one another’s lips.

You were gone. Both of you were.

“Fuck, I’m cumming. Oh, fuck Hyunj– Fuck!!!”

Hyunjin held you close as you arched towards him to ride your orgasm. He was showering you with love, with kisses, with his cum. Once he was out, he collapsed next to you to catch his breath, but the need to kiss was always there. It was never going to go away. 

You both were able to somewhat come down after some time, and when you looked at his beautiful face, you noticed that Hyunjin looked a little pensive. Like something was bothering him.

“What are you thinking about, prince?” you caressed his face.

Hyunjin looked at you with those deep doe eyes of his, and brushed your hair away from your face with his fingers.

“I miss you, beautiful,” he lovingly spoke, “I miss you even when you’re next to me.”

You were overcome with emotion. Not because of what he said, but because of how he was. Who he was. With all his shades that were far from flawless. Hyunjin didn’t live life like an average person because he wasn’t one. He lived by the things he was passionate about, little things that gave him a small but certain happiness, things that made him geek out so fucking hard. You were incredulous how anyone would be so damn blind to what a wonderful tapestry he had for a soul. He was so much more than pretty—he was emotion materialized. He was sentimentality in corporeal form. He was very abnormal about the things that fascinated him, and those were only a handful of reasons why you were head over heels for this man. He spoke to something deep inside you as much as you spoke to him. You evoked as many things in him as he evoked in you. You pulled him into a tight embrace and kissed his hair as he buried his face in your chest. He was tired. He was moved. But more importantly, after what seemed like a life sentence, he felt happy.

For any other person, there were two types of taste: pleasant and unpleasant. You would either consume the crap out of it with sheer appetite or block your tastebuds from sensing that monstrosity. But for Hyunjin, it was not as simple as that. 

Not ever since he met you.



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This is my official coming out story as a Hwanger—may or may not have sequels in the future.

Happy new year in advance.

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-R. (CB97%)




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2 years ago

it's gonna happen

tattooartist!tattooed!hwang hyunjin x fem!reader

desc: y/n isn't too happy her dad marrying so soon to his fiancée. at least she as her childhood 'friend', hyunjin be her side.

warnings: SMUT!, unknown feelings of abandonment, dad is a cunt to hyunjin, reader being unsure ab dad's whole relationship, talks of boners, hyunjin being horny for the reader, dry sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, oral(f. receiving), praise kink, mirror kink/sex, slight hair pulling, creampie, small scene of aftercare

wc: 10.5k+

a/n: I'm finally done with my hyunjin fic! man this a big boy. but I hope you enjoy it! I honestly so proud of myself for writing 10k words.

It's Gonna Happen


you can't be serious right?" I asked last night. hearing the news that they were getting married. my dad put down his fork, "Y/N, I'm being very serious right now. we talked about it, getting married is our next step." he said. "you guys have been dating for what- five months. I hardly know her still, I don't feel comfortable with this." I said, standing up from the table and so did my dad, as his new fiancée just sat there. "Y/N, this is something that is happening. you can't just run away from everything." my dad said loudly, as I turned to leave the dining room, "I need to clear my head." was the last thing I said before going to my room.

a few days after my graduation from college, my parents got a divorce, it was mutual and came out of nowhere. my mom told me to stay with dad so I wouldn't have to move so much stuff, which was the wrong choice. the last day I saw her was when the court finalized the divorce and that same day she got her stuff and said goodbye to hyunjin and his family. I stayed in my room and watched from the window as she left. I never saw her again, no calls, no texts, no visits. like she forgot about me, that hurt so much.

it was just me and my dad in the house, till his new girlfriend, marilyna, moved into our house. she's okay, made my dad happy and all but everything was happening so quickly…and suddenly he started to change. instead of being the man I once looked up to as a kid with big smiles and lame dad jokes, he was more cold, blunt, and rarely ever smiled- especially to me.

so many thoughts and questions were running through my head, especially ones about my mom. thinking of how I should have just left with her. everything was interrupted by a call from my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw hyunjin calling me. why would he call me now? can't he see I'm having a moment. I sighed and looked at his name for a second.

hyunjin and I have been neighbors since we were little. our parents being best friends, having kids around the same time. most people would think it to be great. one couple could watch the kids for the night as the other had a date night and vice versa. we were only 'friends' because of our parents. as little kids, we enjoyed each other's company. playing tag, hide and seek, doctor, you know the basic kid stuff. nowadays, I wouldn't call us friends, but we are always there for each other. as we got older, hyunjin looked more like the bad boy stereotype, though he wouldn't hurt a fly, maybe sass someone off but that's about it. I was just the same me, just much older who lives next door. my dad hated the way hyunjin turned out and always nagged my mom about it.

the years of middle school and high school came and went, I went to college to pursue what I always wanted and hyunjin…I really didn't know where he went for the first 2 years of college. I didn't find out until I went to get my first tattoo and found him working there. he was the one who did my tattoo as we talked about what we did over the years. hyunjin said he still lived with his family but he was rarely ever home. at the time he was still an apprentice, but he loved putting art on people, especially his art.

I rolled my eyes and swiped to answer the phone. "yes hyunjin?" I said in an annoyed tone. "you alright?" he asked. I lightly shook my head, "yes, I'm fine. why did you call?" I asked as I looked at the pictures of memories on my wall. "are you sure you're fine, because you've been pacing for the last 3 minutes." he said. I stopped what I was doing and looked out my window- where the blinds were halfway up, to see hyunjin sitting at his desk…that was right in front of his window. I sighed, mentally face palming my head, as I looked down for a second. looking back up, my eyes met with his. "I was just told some news I didn't really like." I explained as simply as I could.

he put down the pencil he was holding, "wanna enlighten me of what it is?" he asked. I walked closer to the window, "my dad's getting married to marilyna really soon." I explained a little more. "haven't they been dating for 3 months?" he asked with a weird face. "5 months if you don't include the one month they met." I said. "how soon is the wedding?" he asked. "no wedding per say, but they are going to the courthouse to get it legalized." I said as I remembered what my dad told me. I pulled over my chair and sat in front of the window.

"I mean, don't get me wrong. I do believe you can fall in love with someone in a short time and be engaged…but marriage to me just seems kinda soon, in my dad's case anyway. like if they were to get married in the next few months to a year or so. I would probably understand more." I rambled as I placed my hand in my hair to play with it. hyunjin leaned back as he nodded his head. though he was far away, I could see the glint in his eyes. a look I knew too well. "what's your idea?" I said in a monotone voice.

"I think you need a drink."

I knocked on the back door for hyunjin to let me in. I wrapped my hands around my bare arms, trying to warm myself up. I didn't think it would be so cold, boy was I wrong. a few seconds later, hyunjin unlocked the door and opened it wide. I stepped in and slipped my shoes off. hyunjin motioned his head to follow him to the kitchen.

"you're sure we aren't gonna wake your parents?" I asked, as I sat on the breakfast bar. "oh I'm sure." hyunjin said with a laugh. "why'd you say it like that?" I asked, followed by a loud moan. I snapped my head to their door then back to hyunjin with wide eyes. "yeah, they still go at it like wild rabbits. they’re still so in love with each other." hyunjin said, opening the freezer. he pulled out a full bottle of hard liquor I didn't know the name of and grabbed two shot glasses, placing them in front of me.

he opened the lid and poured one for each of us. he slid me one and grabbed his own. I looked at him and brought the drink up to my lips, throwing my head back. the liquid felt like fire hitting the back of my throat. I placed the glass back on the table. "jesus, it's fucking strong." I said as I made a face. hyunjin finished his shot, making the same face. "yeah." he forced out. I was about to say something when a loud smack followed by another moan. "can you guys be a little more quiet!" hyunjin yelled. "are they always this loud?" I asked. "yep, usually they warn me, but tonight they didn't." he answered simply. it makes sense why he's rarely home.

"anyway, what are you gonna do about the marriage?" he asked, leaning on the counter. "I can't stop it. it's gonna happen, whether I like it or not. I just hope my dad is making the right choice." I said, looking down the empty glass. "how do you feel about her?" hyunjin asked as he poured me another shot. "I haven't really hung out with marilyna since she works. a lot. which isn't bad, she does really well with her work. it's clear that she loves her job. we just haven't had the time to fully get to know each other. what most girls would call, a 'girls day'." I said, bringing up my fingers to do air quotes. hyunjin laughed at that, "ah yes, the classic 'girls day', that's always the best way to get to know a person." hyunjin said with a smile.

as the minutes continued, hyunjin kept pouring till the bottle was about halfway empty. "I think that's enough for tonight." he said, slapping the top back on and placing it back where he got it from. I nodded to agree as I felt slightly tipsy. he turned back to me and laughed. "not used to strong alcohol?" he asked with a smile. "yeah, not much of a drinker but a drink every once and awhile is good." I said, stretching my arms above my head. "understandable." hyunjin said with a yawn. I’m sure he hasn’t rested in awhile, spending most of his nights at the tattoo shop.

"okay, well I'm going to go and let you get some sleep. I need some myself." I said, standing up. hyunjin nodded as he followed me to the back door. once I was ready to go, I looked back and gave him a smile. "thanks for tonight." I said, before stepping out and heading home. "goodnight." I heard him say out the door. "night!" I yelled back.

I woke up to the sun in my eyes, being bright as ever. "fuck you sun." I mumbled as I got up from my cozy bed. how dare the sun interrupt me and the lovely dream I was having, though I had already forgot what it was about. I think it was something about john cena and dodge ball, eh. I pulled the curtains closed and went to lay back in my bed. I sighed as my head hit the pillow and closed my eyes. I was halfway asleep when I heard a small knock on the door. "yes?" I said, not moving. the door opened and followed by the sound of someone walking in my room.

once the door was closed, I felt someone sit on my bed. I turned my head and opened my eyes to see marilyna. "hi." she said with a small smile. she was already ready for work. "hi." I said in a tired voice. "I want to talk to you about last night. is that okay?" she asked. I nodded my head as I rubbed my eyes. "I know that what was said was a lot to take in for you. I understand what you mean by feeling uncomfortable and not knowing me well enough. which is my fault since I work a lot and not really trying to get to know you or being busy with your father, basically neglecting you. my mom did the same thing when she divorced my dad and married the woman she loved." marilyna said, playing with her fingers. I sat up so I could give her my full attention, wanting to hear her out.

"I was only 13, they dated and got married faster than me and your father have been together. I was angry and confused about why she did it so fast. I couldn't understand how you could be someone so fast and easily get married to that person you've barely known and even haven't lived with them yet. I knew my mother was happy with her wife. it took me years to accept everything, till I was already living out of their house." she said, looking at the wall now.

"I didn't fully understand till I met your father. everything seemed to fall in place, like I met my best friend, my soulmate. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. I love your father dearly, I know you see that. I don't want you and I to end up like what happened to me and my step-mom. I want to build a relationship with you, if you'll let me." she said, turning her head to me. I thought about what I was going to say, I couldn't think of an answer so I looked at my hands. "my next day off from work is saturday. if you'd like to get to know each other some more, I would love that. you don't have to tell me now, just let me know okay." she said, standing up.

"okay." I said, nodding my head. she smiled at me before checking her watch. "I gotta go, I'll see you later." she said, opening the door and exiting my room. once my door was closed, I took a deep breath and fell back onto my bed. I know I should get to know her, but i don't think that would help me accept them marrying so soon. even more thoughts entered my head, making me more confused and less sleepy. "dammit." I said, sitting back up and reaching for my phone.

I opened messages and scrolled down to click hyunjin's block. I sent him a message about what happened. I saw he immediately read my message and began to type.

me: so my marilyna just left my room after talking to me ab last night. she wants to get to know me this saturday and told me a little ab her backstory.

hyunjin: omg! the girls day you talked ab is happening, so happy for you!

I could just hear the tone and laughter through the text, making me roll my eyes.

me: omg, you're so funny!

me: but should I really do it? yeah, I get to know her more but would that make me feel better ab them getting married so soon.

hyunjin: i really can't answer that for you, miss y/n. you won't know unless it happens.

hyunjin: call you later, if you want, rn I gotta finish this tattoo design.

with that I sent him an okay and clicked the power button on my phone. I won't know unless it happens. that is true. I closed my eyes and thought about what was going to happen saturday. if I agree to it, I hope it goes well. I checked the time on my phone as I plugged it back up. I had 4 more hours to sleep till I had to get ready for work. I got comfortable under my blanket and rested my eyes, awaiting for sleep to take me once more.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I shot up from my sleeping position with wide eyes. I rubbed my eyes and reached for to turn off my alarm. I pushed the covers off me and got out of bed. I grabbed my work clothes I always have laid out and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped off my nightwear as the water was warming up.

after I was done with my shower and dressed for work, I braided my hair down. I checked the clock on my phone, I had to leave in four minutes. I pushed my phone into my pants and ran back to my room, grabbing my wallet and keys. I rushed down the hall and to the front door. "leaving for work?" I heard my dad say. "yeah, if I don't go now, I'll be late. later!" I yelled out the door, closing it behind me. I unlocked my car door and hopped in. my car was pretty old, so I have to give her time to warm up. I put the key in and let her do her thing for a minute. I turned on the radio so I wouldn't be in complete silence. I put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway.

okay let's go to work and get this day over with.

lunch break at work was the time to catch with my co-workers after not seeing them at all last week. we walked into the break room as we laughed at a joke someone said. we sat down and pulled out food from the takeout bags. there were four of us at our table, like usual. there was lee felix, kim seungmin, shin ryujin, and me. we formed a click as we all started working here.

I knew ryujin because she was my dorm mate in college and was majoring in the same thing. we became really close because of our love for wanting the same career. seungmin and I met each other in a coffee shop. technically, I ran into him. he was the one to tell me that his workplace was hiring new interns, basically helping ryujin and I get this job. felix was the person I was shadowing while I was an intern. he had been working there for 2 years before me.

we all became close very fast and it made me feel like I was in high school again. hanging out with my friends, just having a fun time.

"y/n, are you not going to eat?" ryujin asked, nudging my shoulder. I looked at her then back at my food. "yeah, just got lost in my head that's all." I said, taking a big bite out of my meal. seungmin looked at me with raised his eyebrows. I swallowed my bite and wiped the corners of my mouth. I told them all about last night and what happened this morning.

"you should definitely hang out and spend time with her. you always keep your mind open, why should this be the thing you close you mind to?" felix said, seungmin agreed with him by nodding. I shrugged as I took another bite of food. "don't know." I said, my mind was conflicted and genuine indecisiveness. "do it, y/n. what's the worst that could happen?" ryujin said, placing her hand on my shoulder. "you're just getting to know her, maybe have lunch together or go shopping." ryujin said. I looked down at my food, pushing my food to felix as I wasn't in the mood to eat anymore. I laid my head down in my arms.

felix is completely right. I'm always so open-minded and willing to talk but this. it felt different, a feeling I never really had nor could I explain. why am I being like this? I kept repeating in my head. why can't I just get to know her like any other person? it's just woman, who's engaged to my dad, that I should get to know. it should be easy. it would make my dad happy. no matter how many pros I made in my head, I still felt undecided. I want to try but not at the same time. why! I felt my anger rise at my own self, angry tears started to form.

"y/n." seungmin called out. I looked up at him as I wiped my tears away. "if it upsets you this much, try talking to your dad." he said. "oh yeah, so he can just yell at me again." I said, almost slamming my hands on the table. felix, who was still eating, jumped at the sudden sound. "sorry lix." I said as we made eye contact. I took some deep breaths. "okay, we can tell this upsets you, so let's not talk about it anymore. plus our break is over now." ryujin said, looking at her phone. "30 minutes is not enough to eat my food." felix said with his mouth full. "too bad, so sad. let's go." seungmin said, patting him on the shoulder before standing up.

I had four more hours before my shift was over. I sighed, knowing the next hours were going to go by so slowly. I followed my co-workers out of the break room.

true to my thought, the hours went by so slowly. sighing every 5 minutes or so. passing multiple clocks, checking the time each time. my thoughts were so occupied that I almost messed up one of the more major emails- but I quickly noticed it before I hit the send button. for the last hour, I sat in my mini office, doing emails. once I had finished the last email for the day, I logged out of my computer and stretched my arms over my head. time to go home I said to myself, picking my belongings and out the office to clock out. ryujin was waiting for me, like always.

“I’ve been standing here for two minutes, babe. you need to learn how to walk faster.” she said, pushing herself off the wall. “I’m sorry your royal highness, but you need to learn patience.” I answered back as I clocked out. “come on.” I said as I looped my arm with hers. making our way out of the building. the sun was already setting, making the sky look beautiful as ever.

once I had said my goodbyes to ryujin, I walked back to my car and that was when I saw hyunjin, walking on the sidewalk. blond hair pulled back from his face, black pants, white sleeveless shirt, and jacket around his waist with black shoes.

"oh hey hyunjin." I called out, waving to him. hyunjin looking up with a shocked look, like he just came out of his thoughts. he turned his head in my direction and saw me. "hey y/n!" hyunjin said, waving back. I walked over to him "you okay?" I said, to which he nodded as an answer. I took a closer look at him and noticed the bags under his eyes. “you didn’t sleep any last night, did you?” I asked him. he looked down and sighed, “not really.” he answered. “are you headed or coming from work?” I asked, looking around was his car. I knew the shop he works at is down the block from my work place. “oh, heading home. my friend was going to pick me up but he got busy.” hyunjin answered. “you can just ride with me, I just got off work. come on.” I said, heading back to my car with hyunjin following.

we were on the road, some popular song playing on the radio, in silence for a while. hyunjin was the first to speak. “have you decided if you’re going to have a girls day?” hyunjin asked, looking at me. “I’ve thought about it, well I got frustrated when talking about it to my friends at work, but I still don’t know.” I answered. “felix said something like I’m always open-minded and that I shouldn’t close myself off to marilyna.” I continued. hyunjin nodded, “yeah, you’re super open-minded.” he said. “thanks.” I said with a slight laugh behind it. “you’re welcome.” he said, smiling at me. I pulled into our neighborhood street and saw her car in the driveway. “oh she’s home early.” I said, as I pulled into the driveway. hyunjin unbuckled his seatbelt as I parked and turned off the car. we both got out of the car and closed the doors. hyunjin called out to me as I started walking to my front door. “do it, talk to her.” he said, before walking away to his house. I nodded with a straight smile and continued to the door.

I entered my home and locked the door behind me. I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad and marilyna making food together. they didn’t even notice I had walked in. I just stood there as I watched it play out. marilyna put something on his cheek and laughed, but that didn’t last long. my dad tried to put some stuff on her nose, but she backed up and tried to run, but he grabbed her around her waist. big smiles and laughter filled the open space. I smiled at it, but it faded away with triggered a memory of my mom and dad from when they were together. I felt tears come to my eyes for the second time today, but I blinked them away as marilyna saw me.

“y/n, you’re home.” she said with a small smile as my dad quickly let her go and went back to cooking. “yeah, um. I’m just heading to my room.” I said, pointing before turning around to leave. “are you going to have dinner with us or you gonna leave like you did last night?” I heard my dad say in a bitter tone. I frowned at the tone and sighed. “I didn’t know if I’ll be awake so just put a plate in the microwave for me.” I said, walking to my room. I heard hyunjin’s words and said fuck it in my head. I turned back around and called out to marilyna. she whipped her head to me, “yes?” she said. “I’ll take you up on that offer.” I said, making her wide smile. “okay.” she said, nodding. I gave a small smile back and went to my room for the night.

once I was stripped out of my work clothes and into new pj's, I hopped into bed. I opened my phone and shot hyunjin a text.

me: I told her I’d do it.

hyunjin: did it hurt?

me: no…

hyunjin: then there’s nothing to be afraid of.

me: goodnight, hyunjin

I rolled my eyes at his text and plugged my phone into its charger. I rolled over in bed and made up ideas of what was to come on saturday. hopefully it won’t turn out bad and I found out something that I don’t need to know.

from making make the days I missed from last week and talking to ryujin and hyunjin a lot, the week went by faster than I thought. I woke up around 10am on the dot. I got up and left my room to find marilyna. I found her in the living room, watching a movie in her nightwear. “hi.” I said. she turned to me and smiled. “hey, you ready for today?” she asked, sitting up some. I nodded my head and I pulled at the hem of my shirt. “okay, did you have anything in mind of what you want to do? I was thinking we could go to the new store that opened next to my work, then once the pastry shop opens, we can go there.” marilyna said, nodding along to what she was saying. “umm, I- sure, I don’t really know at the moment but if I see a place could we go in?” I asked with unsureness in my voice. “of course. go get ready, I should be done in about 35 minutes.” she said, turning off the tv. I nodded and went back to my room to get dressed for the day.

after picking a random outfit at hardly ever wear, I grabbed my wallet, phone and a hoodie just in case. I looked at myself in the mirror and pushed my hair out of my face. “everything is going to be fine. you can do this. god, I sound like I’m going on my first date in middle school.” I said to myself. I left my room and went to the kitchen to wait. I played on my phone, scrolling through tiktok. marilyna walked in with her purse with my dad by her side. he went to give her a small kiss, but I looked at the ground. “have a good day girls. be nice to marilyna, y/n. love you honey.” he said. I took a breathe in and nodded at his statement. we put on our shoes and headed to marilyna’s car.

we arrived at the new store called ‘puzzled velvet’ with mannequins in beautiful outfits, in the windows. I opened the store’s door and let marilyna go in first. it looked small, but had lots of styles to choose from. we looked around in awe as an employee came up to us. they weren’t in a uniform, but instead in their own style of clothing.

“hello, welcome to puzzled velvet. thank you for coming, I’m one of the co-owners, my name is paris. we have lots to choose from- as you can see. is there anything specific you are looking for that I can help you with?” paris asked with a big smile on her face. “no, I don’t think so. we are probably going to look at a bit of everything in here.” marilyna said, looking at me. I nodded and gave paris a smile. “okay, if you find anything and have a question, just come find me.” paris said, about to walk away. “oh by the way, that part over there. is the owner's own work of clothes they've made." she said, pointing to a wall of clothes next to the register. "okay, thank you!" marilyna said.

we walked all over the store, pulling all kinds of things and putting them up to our bodies. making small talk here and there with jokes and laughs here and there. this day is going good so far, I thought- which made me smile. we took our time looking at most of the shirts and jewelry. marilyna picked up a hat and placed it on my head. ”looks good you on you.” she said. I turned to the mirror to see how it looked on me. it was a dark gray baker boy cap with a chain across it. “its cute.” I said, fixing my hair to look nice under the hat. I pulled out my phone and took a photo of me in it. “you should get it.” marilyna said as I pulled it off and put it back in its spot. “maybe next time.” I said with a smile. marilyna pulled out her phone and checked the time. “oh the pastry shop is open, let’s go.” she said, getting excited. we made our way to the exit and said goodbye to paris. “I hope you enjoyed our store, have a nice day.” she said with a wave goodbye. we got in the car and head to the pastry shop.

we parked right in front of the old building. the pastry shop has been here for years, redecorating ever so often. it's a family owned place, passed down for 4 generations. right now they still had valentines day décor up. marilyna opened the door for me as I was greeted by the swift of many different smells of deliciousness. memories from college entered my mind, 10pm visits with ryujin as we tried to rush to finish our work before 12am.

we made our way to the trays of food to see what she wanted. I came up behind her and saw my favorite pastry. ayda greeted us as she wiped her hands off. she's been working here since her parents owned it and now it belongs to her. ayda is in her mid 40's, always has her black fluffy hair pulled into a bun and a bright smile on her face. "good, working a lot." marilyna answered. ayda turned to me and smiled, "what about you, hun?" she asked. "I’m good, back at work after not being there after a week because of my old car breaking down on me." I said. "well, that’s good. now, what can I get you two?" she asked, grabbing a pair of gloves.

"I would like to try the apple cheese danish." marilyna said, ayda nodded and looked at me. "I'll get a blueberry-cream cheese pastry!" I said with a big smile before turning to marilyna. “she makes the best blueberry-cream pastries.” I said. "coming right up girls, you two go ahead and sit down." she said, waving her hand. we smiled and thanked her as we headed to find a place to sit.

"did you see her nails? they're so pretty" marilyna said as she slid into the booth. "yes I did, she does them herself." I said, placing my things next to me as I sat down. “oh really?” she asked, I nodded my head. “wow, that’s talent.” she said. “I agree.” I said. we sat there quietly as we waited, which wasn't very long. "okay here ya go." ayda said, placing the food in front of us, "and two shakes on the house for my regular.” she said, winking at me. “now don't tell anyone I said that." she said, slapping her hand on the table playfully and pointing to us, before attending to the other customers in the room. I took a sip of the shake and hummed as the flavor hit my tongue. "I thought this was taken off the menu." marilyna said. "it is, but I’ve been coming here for so long. she sometimes gives me things that aren’t on the menu anymore." I said in a hushed voice, before taking a bite of my treat. we ate our food in peace, just enjoying the aura of the shop.

as I took the last bite of my food, I looked up at marilyna. “what do you want to talk about first?” marilyna asked as she wiped off her hands. “I guess just the basics, just life things.” I said, sitting on my hands out of nerves. marilyna started with her birthday, to more in depth to her life, her favorite things, taking her time making sure I know her. we probably spent a good 2 hours going back and forth telling things about ourselves. then we got onto the topic of my father and them getting married.

“I know you probably think I am trying to take the mother role, that is not what I’m trying to do. I’m marrying for father because I love him, all I want from you is a friendship and support.” she explained. “yeah, I want everyone to be happy. it’s just really fast for me.” I said. “I understand.” marilyna said, playing with her fingers. “when is the date?” I asked. “two weeks from now, on thursday at 10am.” she answered. I nodded my head as I reached for my drink. “did you want someone to bring with you so you feel a little more comfortable?” she asked with her head tilted. “yeah, but I haven’t thought of who yet.” I said. “okay, well let’s head back home. I know your dad will get off work soon.” she said, I nodded in agreement.

on our way back home, I closed my eyes, feeling a little more at ease about them getting married. it’s just going to take some more time to be fully okay with it. I fell asleep on the drive back.

in the blink, two weeks had already passed. wednesday night, the night before the court date. I still haven’t found someone to go with me. ryujin and felix were too busy, seungmin said he could go, but an emergency happened and now he couldn’t make it. I sighed in bed, looking at the moon casting down dimming and lightening my room. I looked at the time and saw it was 11:30pm. it’s going to be a long restlessness night. I sat up and got out of bed so I could make some warm tea. that’s when I noticed hyunjin’s bedroom light on and blinds up. then it hit me, I had asked everyone but him. I grabbed my phone from the side table and called him. I watched from my window waiting for him to pick up the phone.

my eyes widened as hyunjin stepped out of the bathroom with just a towel on and wet hair. jesus, the was man built. I realized a long time ago, he was attractive but damn. I felt my cheeks reddened and my lower stomach twist in knots. hyunjin picked up his phone and answered it.

“hello y/n.” hyunjin said with his tattooed back to me. I don’t think he knew I could see him, I was standing in my room…in the dark. “I am enjoying the view hyunjin.” I joked. he turned around and came over to the window. “have you been standing there the whole time watching me?” he asked, running his fingers through his wet hair. “no, I just noticed your lights were on and called you.” I laughed out. “ah okay. couldn't sleep I’m guessing.” he said. “yeah, the marriage thing is in the morning.” I said. “oh right.” he said. it was silent for a minute. “do you want to come over?” hyunjin asked. “can I?” I asked back. “of course.” he said with a smile. why am I now just noticing how pretty his smile is. “they’re not doing like wild rabbits tonight?” I asked about his parents, making hyunjin laugh. “no, they’re asleep. now come over.” hyunjin said, ending the call.

hyunjin was now in clothes and we were just hanging out in his room, drinking the same alcohol from the last time. having conversations about our childhood, cracking jokes, and just having a good time. “man I miss our childhood.” I said, laying back on his bed. “same. god, what I’m about to say is so embarrassing but I think you’ll find it funny.” hyunjin said, covering his face. “what is it?” I asked, looking up at the ceiling. “you gave me my first real boner.” he said, giggling.

I busted out laughing, holding my stomach. “you don’t, wait, what!” I said. my brain couldn’t properly process what he said fully because of the drinks. “yeah, we were the only kids at the time, growing up together and seeing you grow into the strong woman you are now, it was hot for 15 year old me who had a crush on you.” he stated. “you had a crush on me?” I asked with warmth to my cheeks. “yeah.” he said, making eye contact with me. god, I didn’t care if it was me or the drinks but I wanted to kiss him so bad right then and there.

“do you still have a crush on me?” I asked, not moving. “have you ever had a crush on me?” hyunjin questioned back. “if I answer, will you?” I asked, he nodded as he moved to lean on his arm, laying down next to me. “yes I did and I think I still do, I’ve been so busy, I haven’t thought about it I awhile.” I said honestly as I felt warmth go to my cheeks. hyunjin smiled and fell back onto his pillow. I hit his shoulder before covering my face, “you gotta answer you doof.” I said, wanting to hide from him. he sat up and moved on top of me, caging me in his arms. “maybe, I don’t know.” he said with a smirk. fuck it, I’m kissing him. I brought my hands up his chest to his neck, wrapping them around and pulling his head closer to mine. yep, definitely the drinks are kicking in making me this confident. “why don’t you kiss me and find out.” I whispered, looking at his lips.

he slowly brought his lips to mine, pressing them firmly. I whined into the kiss as he laid his body weight onto mine. his lips were so soft and tasted like alcohol. “you don’t know how bad I’ve always wanted to kiss you.” hyunjin said pulling away. “keeping doing it till you feel satisfied.” I said, smashing my lips back on to his. he moaned into the kiss and bite at my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue in. I moaned as he explored, wanting to remember every part of me. I felt hyunjin’s hands go down my body and open my legs, placing his crotch right on my core. he was wearing shorts and I was wearing leggings, I could feel his growing boner.

I rolled my hips up, wanting to feel more. my hands made their way down and under his hoodie. I felt him shiver at my touch. he kissed down my jaw and starting sucking at my neck where ever he could. “no visible marks, please hyunjin.” I whined out. hyunjin grinded against me, making me jolt. “just one baby.” he whispered, sucking harshly on my collarbone. never stopping our thrusts to each other. I felt the knot tightly up, I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer. “harder, make me cum. please hyunjin.” I pleaded. he put more pressure, bring me closer to my high.

“oh fuck!” I said, throwing my head back. hyunjin lifted his head up and looked at me. “cum for me baby.” he said, those words threw me into my orgasm. “oh hyunjin!’” I cried, as my legs felt heavy. hyunjin held on to them and he kept pushing onto me, trying to reach his high as well. hyunjin started whining, trying not to break his pace. “gonna cum.” he said, pushing his head into my neck. the friction was over stimulating me, making me whine once again. he moaned loudly as he came in his shorts. he rode out his high with whines before fully stopping. I pushed my hand into his hair, rubbing his scalp. “fuck that was too good to be true.” he said. I laughed out, running my other hand down his back. we stayed in place, just enjoying what just happened.

just then I remembered why I called him in the first place. “will you come with me tomorrow?” I asked. “I can try. it’s such a late notice but I’ll see what I can do.” hyunjin answered. I nodded my head, understanding. “does this mean this is our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked, with a laugh. “I don’t remember either of us asking the other out.” he said, lifting himself up. I rolled my eyes, “we literally just rubbed up against each other till we came like teens using pillows.” I laughed. “I’m waiting y/n.” hyunjin said, cupping his hand to his ear. I pushed him off me and rolled over. “go clean up and change your shorts.” I said, getting up to use the bathroom. “you can stay the night since you live next door.” he called out as I closed the door. “okay.” I said, with a big smile.

when I came back out, hyunjin was already in bed. I climbed in and snuggled under the warm covers. “your bed is so comfy.” I said, closing my eyes. hyunjin wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. “good to know.” he said, placing his head above mine with his chin on the top of my head. I quickly fell asleep to hyunjin’s breathing.

it felt like the day was moving so slow. I had already left hyunjin’s home and back to mine. we’re leaving at 9:30, and still had half an hour left. I already took a shower, put on my clothes and did my makeup. now it was just the waiting game. I was sitting in the living room by myself, watching tiktoks. hearing the clicking over heels, I knew it was marilyna. I looked over and saw saw how beautiful she looked. she was wearing all white, but instead of a dress- it was a suit. I remember she said he never really liked dresses, even when she was little.

“you look beautiful.” I said, standing up. “thank you.” she said with a bright smile. “are you excited?” I asked, trying to make small talk. “very, but also nervous! is your guest on the way?” she asked, going to the kitchen. “well I asked him, but I don’t know if he can make it.” I said, following her so she could here me. marilyna pulled out a glass and filled it up with water. “who did you invite?” she asked, bringing the drink to her lips. “hwang hyunjin, the one I grew up with.” I said. marilyna swallowed and nodded, “the one who’s the tattoo artist, the one your dad’s not too fond of anymore?” she asked with a sly smile. I laughed, “yeah, hopefully he can make it.” I said. “I hope so too.” she said.

“okay ladies, you ready?” I heard my dad say as he walked into the room. “of course.” marilyna said, hugging him. I felt my heart swell but break at the same time. at least he’s happy, I looked at how big my dad smiled. god, I missed seeing him smile like this. they let go of their hug so he could turn to me. “marilyna said you invited someone?” he asked. “yes, but I don’t know if he can make it.” I explained, making my dad nod. marilyna looked at her phone and saw the time. “it’s time to go!” she said, patting my dad on his chest. “let’s move then.” dad said.

we headed to the car and hopped in. as we got on the road, I texted hyunjin telling him we were headed that way. I watched out the window, looking at the scenery. today is a happy day, I reminded myself, though I still felt alone. I looked at my phone and hyunjin didn’t even see the text. I’m guessing he can’t make it, he would have responded. the car ride was thirty minutes, but felt like ten. we arrived at the courthouse in no time and parked. I walked beside marilyna as we headed inside. I guess she could feel my nervousness, because she rubbed my shoulder. “we’re gonna be okay, I promise.” she told me. I smiled at her as I followed along with them. I looked back to see if I could see hyunjin’s car, but no sign of him. I took a deep breath and prepared myself with sappy vows.

it was time. there was marilyna and my dad, standing in front of the officiant. I zoned out as they were doing everything, the words came back as mumbles. I knew they had gotten to the part where they said their own vows, my dad going first. I looked at the ground to regain focus, taking a deep breath. I looked back up as he finished with slight tears in his eyes. I felt tears spring to my eyes, I wiped them away as someone grabbed my hand.

I looked to my left and saw hyunjin. I stepped closer to him and brought my other hand to his bicep. “you made it.” I whispered to him, still facing the front. “yeah, I did.” he said, focusing on marilyna’s vows. I felt at ease with him being here. I only caught the last little bit of hers.

“as I have spent my whole life looking for my other half, I knew it was you from the moment we met. I promise that each kiss will be filled with more love than the last and that our days together will grow in love and devotion.” she said, with tears going down her cheeks as she held the ring to this finger. “today you will be my husband, but we will be soulmates forever. this ring I give to you as a token of my love and devotion to you. I pledge to you all that I am and all that I will ever be as your wife. with this ring, I gladly marry you and join my life to yours.” she finished as she placed the ring on him.

the officiant smiled, “by the power of your love and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! you may kiss.” they said. hyunjin and I clapped as they kissed. once they pulled away, they talked to the officiant a little. marilyna looked back at us and noticed hyunjin, giving him a wave. hyunjin nodded back as he mouthed congratulations. marilyna motioned us that we could leave the room, with that hyunjin pulled me out of the building.

“was it just me or did the whole room feel stuffy?” hyunjin asked with a laugh. “it’s called love hyunjin.” I said, bumping his shoulder. “oh right.” he said with a nod. I smiled and stood in front of him. he wrapped his arms around my waist. “but love is so cliché now a days.” he said, bringing his forehead to mine. “yeah totally.” I said, leaning up to giving him a small kiss. I laughed into the kiss before giving him a hug. “thank you for coming. you look nice by the way.” I mumbled into his chest. “thank you.” he said, pulling me out of the hug. “you look pretty as well.” hyunjin responded back, cupping my cheek. before he could kiss me again, the doors opened behind us- making us jump apart.

“it’s official!” marilyna said, holding the paper while holding my dad’s hand. “hyunjin, you’re the one y/n invited?” my dad asked as they got closer to us. “yes, I didn’t want my girlfriend to feel to many emotions by herself.” hyunjin explained, making my dad and I’s jaw drop. that little bitch. “you two are dating?” marilyna asked. hyunjin looked at me, pulling me to his side. “yes we are.” he said with a smile. good thing I had blush and makeup on or you would be able to see how red on cheeks were. I looked back at my dad, I could tell he was trying to hide that he was upset with happiness. “well, treat her right then.” my dad said, looking at hyunjin. “of course I will.” he said back. they stared at each other. “okay then, let’s go back home and go eat.” marilyna said, pulling my dad to the car. “you riding with hyunjin?” she asked me. “ah yeah.” I said, looking back at hyunjin, who nodded. “okay, we’ll meet you back at the house.” she called out.

hyunjin held out his hand for me to grab. “I thought one of us had to ask the other out.” I said, grabbing his. he laughed, “well y/n, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked as we got to his car. I brought my finger to my chin to think. hyunjin walked me backwards into his car to trap me. “just say yes to your big doofball.” he said, dragging his hands up to my waist. “yes.” I said, making him smile and lean in to kiss me.

I tilted my head up to deepen the kiss. I brought my hands up his chest and pulled at his suit jacket. he groaned, placing one of his hands behind me into the car. “don’t get too needy now baby.” he mumbled, taking his lips down my neck as I pushed my hips into his. I leaned my head into his, relishing the feeling of his lips on my skin.

he pulled away and took out the keys, unlocking the car. “let’s go eat.” he said, opening the passenger door for me. I hopped in, putting my seatbelt on as hyunjin closed the door and came to the driver’s side. “what’s are we eating?” he asked as he started the car. “it’s homemade pizza, just made for the occasion.” I said. “god, I haven’t had homemade pizza in so long.” he said, pulling out of the courthouse.

“so there’s no honeymoon for you guys?” hyunjin asked as he got a second piece of pizza, wrapping his arm back around me. “not, just time off work. from today to tuesday.” marilyna answered, leaning into my dad. “well my parents have a lakeside house if you guys would like, I can ask them if you guys go there for your ‘honeymoon’.” hyunjin said, holding up air quotes around the word honeymoon. “you would do that?” my dad asked, sipping his beer. “of course. plus I’m sure y/n won’t want to hear anything at night.” hyunjin laughing at me as my jaw dropped. “hyunjin.” I said loudly, slapping him on the shoulder. everyone laughed. “please ask them hyunjin, we would be very grateful.” marilyna said. “okay let me give them a call.” he said, pulling out his phone. he walked out of the living room to call them privately.

“so are you two really dating?” my dad asked, putting down his beer as his smile wiped from his face. “yes dad.” I said, giving him a weird look. “honey please. don’t start this today.” marilyna said, pulling away from him. “to me, it looks like you’re only dating him because you hated the idea of me marrying marilyna so to get back at me by you ‘dating’ the boy I don’t like.” he said, making me laugh. “I may have disliked the idea of this happening but there was no way of me stopping it. how is me actually dating hyunjin going to change anything? hyunjin as grown up next to us my entire life, you know for a fact how he acts. just like you told me when you first started dating marilyna: I’m happy so leave it, please.” I said, crossing my arms. a few seconds later, hyunjin came in.

“okay they said you can and congrats to you both.” hyunjin said, slapping his hands together once. “really? thank you hyunjin.” marilyna said, standing up to give him a hug as my dad huffed. they pulled away from the hug, “you’re welcome.” hyunjin said, pulling out his keys. he unclipped one of them and handed it to marilyna. “here you go, I’ll have y/n send you the address. you two go pack.” he said with a smile. marilyna ran back to the couch and dragged my dad to their bedroom.

“they’re going to have lots of fun, ya know.” hyunjin said, making me gag. “why must you put those pictures in my head, sir?” I asked as I faked throwing up. he laughed and pulled me onto his lap, sitting sideways. “you say that like we didn’t- you’d you put it? rubbing up against each other like teens using pillows last night.” he whispered in my ear before nibbling at it. I moved my head away and gave him a stern look. “wait till they are gone.” I said, pointing at him.

“oh, I get to take you on your childhood bed like 16 year old me dreamed of.” he said, in the daydream tone. “pervert.” I said, moving off his lap. “I bet you like dirty talk, huh baby?” he asked in a sexy way. “please stop before they hear you!” I said with red cheeks. “you’re not saying no.” he said with a smirk. “shut up you horny hot dog.” I said, pushing him. “that is no way to talk to the love of your life.” he said, placing his hand to his heart. “oh I’m sorry sweet pea.” I said, cupping his chin with a put to my lips. we both tried to hold in our laughter, but broke five seconds later.

“okay we are ready!” marilyna said as both of them entered the room again. I pulled out my phone and opened it up to my dad’s contact. I handed my phone to hyunjin so he could type the address in and send it to him.

“okay it’s sent. have lots of fun you two.” hyunjin said. they both laughed, as they headed out the door with us following behind them. “remember to lock the back door at night.” my dad said, helping put the two suitcases in the trunk. “I will.” I said, waving at them as they hopped in the car and left. hyunjin and I walked back into the house, closing the door behind me. just as I locked the door, hyunjin turned me around and pushed me against it. “we got the house all to ourselves.” he said, kissing my neck. my hand quickly went to his hand and pulled. “hyunjin.” I moaned. “you sound so pretty moaning my name, but I want you screaming it.” hyunjin said as he pushed his hand into my pants. I moaned as he rubbed my clit.

“bedroom.” I said as hyunjin brought his lips back up to mine. he removed his hand and grabbed my face, pushing his tongue in my mouth. I moaned as our tongues twisted together. I unbutton hyunjin’s jacket and pushed it off his shoulders. he brought his arms down, making the jacket fall to the ground. he placed his hands under my ass and squeezed before giving it a playful slap. I broke the kiss with a moan and placed my head on his chest. “did you like that?” hyunjin asked with a laugh.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my bedroom. I pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me in my bra and pants. hyunjin did the same with his shirt, joining my shirt on the floor.

I climbed on the bed as hyunjin joined me, pushing me under him. “so pretty.” he said, kissing my chest, with his hands going under me to unclip my bra. he pushed it off me and threw it in somewhere in the room. he groped both of my boobs as he put his lips to my nipple. “god, hyunjin.” I said, arching my back. he kissed down my navel and quickly got my pants and underwear off. he brought his head down to the place I needed him most.

“tell me what you like.” hyunjin, licking my juices. I moaned, bringing my hand down to his hair. “tell me baby, I want to make you cum properly.” he said, squeezing my inner thighs. “two fingers, all the way in. curling up with each stroke out. and put your tongue on my clit.” I said, brushing his hair out of his face.

immediately hyunjin pushed two fingers in and tested me, quickly finding my g-spot. I whined for him to pick up the pace, which he gladly did so. “you taste so good. I could eat you out for hours.” hyunjin said before continuing licking my clit in circles. I felt the knot building up quickly. “I’m gonna cum jinnie.” I slurred out.

“yeah?” he said, picking up the pace a little more. I moaned out, rolling my hips up. “oh fuck hyunjin!” I said as my orgasm hit me. “there you go baby. cream all of my fingers.” hyunjin said, slowly thrusting his fingers still. I clamped my legs close due to overstim. “fuck, I need to be in you so bad.” he groaned out, removing his fingers to take off his pants.

I slowly rubbed my clit to get myself ready again. hyunjin saw me playing with myself and wrapped his fist around his cock. a bead of pre-cum leaking from it, letting a wet sound enter the room as he dragged his hand up and down.

“what position do you like?” he asked, getting on the bed. “doggy.” I said, flipping over. “shit okay.” hyunjin said, pushing up to me. I looked up and saw my mirror and immediately made eye contact was hyunjin. “you like watching yourself get fucked, don’t you?” he asked, wetting his cock by dragging it over my entrance.

“yes jinnie.” I answered. he grabbed his cock and slowly pushed in, stretching my walls. my eyes rolled back, head lolling down as he kept pushing in. “eyes on me baby.” he said, gently grabbing the roots of my hair and pulling my head up. “don’t let go of my head then.” I laughed as he pulled out a little. “pace?” he asked. “start slowly and you’ll know when you’re fucking me good.” I said, making him smirk. he slowly pulled out and pushed back in, starting up his pace. hitting my g-spot perfectly, moaning at every thrust.

“oh hyunjin.” I screamed out once he got to the pace I liked. “like that baby?” he said. “yes, just like that. god, fuck. harder.” I said. I couldn’t think about anything, other than how good hyunjin was making me feel. “shit, you take my cock so well baby.” hyunjin said.

“such a good girl for me.” he continued, making me whine and clench around him. “my baby likes to be praised huh?” he said in a mocking tone. I nodded my head, not being able to say anything besides moan and whine. hyunjin leaned over me, hitting deeper inside me, screaming out his name as he did so. “good baby, scream my name for everyone to hear.” he groaned out.

“fuck I’m gonna cum.” I cried out, as my head fell back down. “you wanna cum baby?” he asked, kissing my neck. “yes please. please rub my clit.” I begged. “so nice of you to say please.” he said, bring his hand down. he rubbed figure-eight’s as he left hickeys on my collarbone. “oh fuck!” I screamed as I came all over him. “that’s my girl. yeah, that’s it. cream all over me.” he said, slowing down his thrusts. I fell forward and grabbed his arm, “don’t stop till you cum.” I told him.

he moaned at my words and picked up his pace again. “I want you to cum in me, jinnie.” I said. “fuck.” he cried out, sitting back up to hold on to my waist. “fill me up, please.” I cried as I felt tears spring to my eyes. “fuck I will. I’ll fill you up so nicely.” hyunjin said, closing his eyes. his fingernails dug into my skin, focusing on the pleasure. I clenched around him, making him cry out. “fuck I’m cumming baby.” he said.

“cum hyunjin, cum deep in me.” I said, looking at how fucked out he looked. “promise that you won’t waste a drop of my cum.” he groaned, making eye contact with me. “I promise. I just want to be full of your cum. please.” I said, with that he slammed his hips into me once more. staying in place as his warm cum filled me, making both of us moan. “such a good girl, taking all my cum.” he said, pulling out his cock before pushing in once more.

hyunjin slipped his cock out and pulled me up. my whole body felt like jelly and tired. “you did so good for me.” he said, wiping my stray tears away. I leaned into him and sighed. “did I fuck you that good baby?” he asked, I only nodded. “can we take a bath before I fall asleep.” I said. “yeah.” he said.

we laid in the warm bath as hyunjin playing with the bubbles he put in. I giggled as he made a beard with them. “I love you.” I said. I realized what I had said. “fuck I mean-” I didn’t get to finish as hyunjin shushed me with his lips. “I love you too. I have for a long time.” he said, nuzzling his head into my neck. butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I smiled as I leaned into him. I closed my eyes and thought about us and everything to come.

so maybe I do agree with marilyna. it felt right being in hyunjin’s arms, like it was home and meant to be. who would've thought the childhood friends would get to together. sounds like a story. a story just for me and hyunjin to write and finish when it comes to a close.

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2 years ago

requested reaction

"Hey!! I’ve never made a request before so I’m super shy😂

And this is weirdly specific. But like all 8 reactions you are friends with benefits with 1 of the members and to try and push them to finally go official with the relationship you and another member pretend to be hooking up in the dorm where they can hear to make him jealous." requested by @/justasmallbean (it wouldn't let me tag you😅)

a/n: I love this idea, thank you for requesting! I never tried to write a reaction, I’m used to writing a lot and most reactions I’ve seen are short. it was so challenging to come up with different scenes for each member, but it was so fun! so let’s do this!

warnings: smut. unprotected and protected sex.

wc: there's ab 300 words(+/-) for each member


bang chan

he was distracting himself with music so he wouldn’t think about us I knew it for a fact. we’ve been friends with benefits for 6 months and there’s no way not to develop feelings for a man like him. it was just jisung and I at the dorm. jisung was the one to tell me to chan has the same feelings for me. “maybe we should make him come over by thinking your with someone else.” jisung said with a smirk. chan heard his phone ring and answered it. before he could say anything, he heard a very familiar moan come through then jisung’s voice come in. “do you feel dirty doing this on channie’s bed?” with that chan speeds to the dorm, leaving everything.

we heard the door slam and chan’s voice boom through. “good luck y/n.” jisung said, running out of chan’s room. chan came in five seconds later. “you gonna talk to me now?” I asked. chan realized what happened and raced over to me. smashing his lips to mine, hands removing my clothes. “you’re my baby. nobody else's.” he said against my lips, making me moan. within seconds he was thrusting inside me at the pace he normally does.

“say it, say you're mine.” he growled. I moaned so loudly, clawing at his back. “I’m all yours, just yours.” I whispered, looking into his eyes. hand coming down to stimulate me, bringing me close to my high. “fuck I love you.” I said as I came. chan moaned as he heard me, cumming inside me. “god, I love you too.” he said, laying his head on my chest. after we had calmed down, he lifted himself up. “do you really love me?” he asked. “yes, I been trying to tell you but you've been avoiding me.” I said, combing his sweaty hair. “you want something serious?” he asked. I tiredly nodded my head, making him smile and kiss my lips. "okay then."

lee know

9 months in minho knew he had fell for y/n after being friends with benefits. he had never been in this situation before. minho also knew you didn’t want a serious relationship and didn’t feel the same- or so he thought. y/n thought they were being so open about what they wanted. everyone was hanging out, watching a movie. minho would try to stay away, sitting next to jisung with glances to y/n. seungmin notices its and whispers to y/n.

“wanna make him jealous?” seungmin said, I look over to him. “just go along with what I do.” he said, leaning more into me. he whispers jokes in my ear, making me giggle. minho took notice of it immediately and started staring out the side of his eye. “follow me.” seungmin says, getting up and going to the kitchen. seungmin gave minho a wink as I followed. seungmin places me in the corner where nobody can see. “pretend like we’re making out.” seungmin says. as minho turns the corner, he sees y/n’s hands in seungmin's hair as seungmin as at her neck. I fake gasp as I ‘notice’ minho standing there as seungmin moved away. “y/n, come talk to me." minho says, going to his room. I followed him, hearing seungmin say good luck.

as soon as I closed minho's bedroom door, I was pushed against it. "that was a stupid stunt you pulled back there." minho said, leaving hickeys on the side of my neck. "it got you and me alone. why haven't you've been talking to me?" I asked, pulling his head away. minho paused and looked away, but my eyes followed me. "because I realized I liked you in a way that you don't feel for me." minho said. "you haven't noticed any of the hints of me wanting to be yours officially." I said. "wanna be mine?" he quickly asked, making me nod. clothes off and on the bed. fast and hard thrusts as he used my head into the pillow. "god, just like that." I moaned. "shit I'm not gonna last long." he said before saying, "cum with me baby." I came as he spilled inside me. “I love you.” I said quietly. minho pressed against me and whispered the same thing to me.

seo changbin

it has only been a short amount of months, 4 months being specific. changbin knows he’s becoming obsessive and in love with y/n. it was all so overwhelming, his never wanted to be with someone like this before. he wanted to be as close to them every time they were around. changbin had just got back from the studio and asked jeongin if he wanted to do a at-home workout. jeongin knows changbin is in love with y/n and tells the reader to come workout with them. jeongin was the one to answer the door and tell them the plan he had came up with.

the whole time working out, I would away from changbin every time he got close and doing my squats with jeongin's help. I was getting changed in the bathroom as I shouted for jeongin to bring me my bag. I pulled jeongin in and we proceeded to do the second part of the plan. we started to moan and giggle like 6th graders. changbin quickly came in and grabbed me from the bathroom. once we were in his room, he placed me on the bed underneath him. "what the hell was all that?" he asked. "me making you jelly because you won't ask me out." I said simply. "all that for me to ask you out?" he said, raking his hands up my body. I hummed out, "I want to be more than fuck buddies." I said, pulling him in for a kiss. "you got it then." he said as we took off both our clothes.

he pulled out a condom and slipped it on. "I'm gonna fuck you like you belong to me then." changbin said as slowly pushing into me, making me nod. he placed my legs on his shoulders and fucked into me slowly. he quickened up his pace, loud moans coming from both of us. he bent down and kissed my lips. "I love you." I said onto his lips. his hips met mine harder hearing that. "I love you too. say it again." I kept chanting his name and I love you's till we both came. he laid beside me and pulled me into him. "I'm glad I get to call you mine now." he said.

hwang hyunjin

"I know he's in love with me, but I don't want to say- 'hey I know you've loved me for awhile, let's date.' I'm not that type of person. plus I think he's trying to be quiet about, he'll be embarrassed if he found it that I knew." I explained to felix as rubbed his temples. "okay then what do you want to do?" felix said. "let's make him jealous so he come out with it himself." I said. "what? like fake hook?" felix asked, making my eyes widened. "great, now we gotta do it, right?" felix said, making me nod.

everything was ready, I was wearing a big hoodie and short shorts that you couldn't see. as soon as we heard hyunjin opening the door, felix took off his shirt and got on top of me, pulling a blanket over us. "the hell is going on!" hyunjin yelled. we quickly pull apart and sat up. "its not what it looks like." felix said. "really because it looks like you were getting down with the one I'm in love with." hyunjin said. "finally he admits it." felix said, standing up and leaving the room. "have fun you two." felix said with a smirk. "wait what?" hyunjin said with a confused look. "it was all planned out to get you to confess. don't be to loud please." felix yelled down the hall.

hyunjin walked over to me and sat down. "I love you too just so you know." I said. "really!" he said, I nodded. "do you want to make it official?" hyunjin asked. "I would love to." I said, leaning in to kiss him. things got heated quickly, he climbed on top of me. "I want you." I said. "you can have all of me." hyunjin said, pulling my shorts off and his too. "condom?" I said. hyunjin nodded and pulled one out of his wallet. once it was on, we quickly got into action. "god, I love the way you feel me up." I said into his ear as he started his quick pace. "we gotta be quick baby. don't want someone walking in on us." hyunjin said, putting more of his body weight on me. I clenched around him. "fuck me good then." I said, pulling at his hair as his thrusts got sharper.

han jisung

it's been 7 months since jisung and I decided to become friends with benefits. all was going swell, till there was a shift in everything. we didn't even notice it, but hyunjin did and asked me about it last week. he made me realized we both, jisung and I, were starting to act like we were in a relationship. making me realize in with in love with jisung. "jisung is also in love with you too. he won't fake it." hyunjin told me and I agreed with him. jisung has been busy and locked up in his room for the past few hours since I arrived. "let's make him jealous." hyunjin said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his room.

man, was this stupid. fake moaning loudly so jisung could hear us. "he's not going to hear us. he has headphones on." I commented. hyunjin walked over to the wall and slammed his hand on the wall. "oh fuck y/n" he said, right into the wall. I covered my mouth to cover up my laugh. next thing I knew jisung ran into the room. "jesus, I thought." he said as I walked over to him. "let's go baby." I said, dragging him out and to his room. "that was so mean." he said. "hyunjin dragged me to his room to do it. all his plan, but I did go along with it. I'm sorry." I said, hugging him. "I'm yours only, so how about we make it official." I said, leaning up to his lips. "you sure?" he said, ghosting over my lips. "yes." I said, pushing my lips to his. "show me how much you've wanted to be mine then." he said, sitting on the bed.

I pushed him down and unbuttoned his pants, dragging his underwear off as well. I jerked him off with my hand and mouth till was was hard enough. I sat down on his lap and lowered myself slowly on him. "shit." I said, as I bottomed out. I placed my hands on his chest as we moaned our thrusts. I stimulated myself as I reached climax, triggering jisung into his. I laid my head on his chest, "I'm happy you're mine." I heard him say.

lee felix

8 months. 8 months of being in love with felix. while being friends that hook up and I became addicted. I didn't know if he loved me back and that scared me. I was hanging out with minho talking about how I wanted to fake hook up to see if he felt the same way. "why don't you just ask him?" he asked, but went with the plan anyway.

I was at their dorm, felix in his room and in the kitchen with minho. "come in the kitchen in about 30 minutes, I have a surprise." I told felix to which he agreed. minho and I started making felix's famous brownies and just enjoying our time. "still think this is stupid." he comment to which I said to shut up, making him roll his eyes. minho dipped his finger in the mix and placed it on my nose. we started to play fight, I screamed as minho grabbed me and placed me on the counter. minho waited til he heard felix's door open, to place his hands under my shirt and turn his head to it look like we were making out.

felix called out both of our names. we turned and saw a mad look on his face. "it wasn't a good plan, but now do you believe me y/n." minho said, making felix's look change into confusion. minho walked out and left felix and I alone. "plan? what plan?" he asked walking in between my legs. " I wanted to see if you loved me back the way that I did." I said, not meeting his eyes. "you're so stupid sometimes." he said, before smashing his lips to mine.

"I love you. I've always been yours, even before we started having sex." he said, dragging his hands up to my shorts and pulling them off. felix went down on me in the kitchen but not not me cum, before sliding his cock with a condom on inside me. "I want to cum all over me baby." he groaned, picking up a quick pace. our sex session didn't last long at all. I felt him filled the condom, making my own orgasm break throw me.

kim seungmin

"it's been 10 months, changbin. I know he doesn't feel the same way." I told him. "how do know that?" changbin asked. "because I've being showing him the signs for over 5 months, and he doesn't care. "okay then, how about you come over tomorrow, just you, me, and seungmin. and once he's out of the room, we'll fake like were hooking up." changbin says. changbin says he know that seungmin likes them, but y/n doesn’t believe that.

we were in seungmin's room, watching a movie when seungmin said he had to go to the bathroom. "it's go time." changbin said, scooting over and getting on top of me. "just fake moan." he said, pushing his head into my neck. I felt blush rise to my cheeks has I did it. a few minutes later seungmin walked in and just looked at us. “what?” changbin asks, with a smirk. “they're not you’re partner, they're mine. you can leave. I gotta talk to my baby.” seungmin says, I felt my stomach twist up at him saying that.

once changbin was gone, seungmin came over to me and got in the same position that changbin was in. "you know I've seen the signs y/n. I knew you knew in love with me, and I feel the same." seungmin said, I eyes widen. "why didn't you say anything then?" I asked, playing with my fingers. "I was today until changbin told me your guys' little plan last night and I wanted to see if you would go through with it. but man was it a turn on seeing you being a fake little slut, got me hard so fast, baby." seungmin said, grinding his crotch to mine making me moan loud and arch my back. in seconds, I was on my hands and knees and both our clothes thrown off the bed, and a hard fast pace set with his hand stimulating me. "oh fuck seungmin." I moaned out. "I need you to cum before I fill you up." seungmin said, as he thrust became sloppy. we both came at the same time. "fuck I love you." seungmin said in my ear. "I love you too."

yang jeongin

"yeah, you're totally in love with him y/n." chan said, turning around in his chair in his room. "yeah right." I said, plopping myself back into his bed. 3 months into hooking up and chan thinks I fell hard for the fox boy. "how about a plan to get you two fully together, you'd you feel about that?" chan asks, making me look at him. "what is it?" I asked. chan had a evil smile as he told me his plan. ‘texting wrong person’ was the plan. "are you sure?" I asked, making him nod. "he's not here, I'd just know he'd come running." he answered. I sighed pulling out my phone. "what should I say?" I asked. “why not channie just come over. I told jeongin I was busy.” I gagged at the message as I pressed send as chan laughed. "let's go wait in the living room." chan said.

chan and I were just sitting on the couch, waiting for jeongin to either respond to the text or call chan. just then jeongin opens the door, slamming the door into the wall. “oh hi jeongin.” chan says, jeongin looked confused. chan gets up and whispers something in jeongin’s ear, before leaving.

jeongin came over and grabbed my hand, taking me to his room. he pushed me on the bed, getting on top of me. "you're mine. you only texts things with my name like that. mine to hold and take in my bed." He said. "official?" I whispered. "yeah." he said, closing the space between us. we took off each other's clothes as we made out. "mine to fuck." he groaned into the kiss. he grabbed a condom and slid it on before slipping inside me. "the only cock that belongs in here, is mine." he said, picking a slow hard pace. "oh fuck jeongin." I moaned out. "say that your mine and I'll make you cum so hard." he moaned out. "I'm yours innie, all yours." I cried out. he moved his hand to stimulate me, making me clench around around him. triggering both of our orgasms. "fuck yeah." he moaned out.

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1 year ago

strange things happen

Strange Things Happen

han jisung x thick!fem!reader

description: tour just ended, and they were going back home. jisung should be happy and excited but can't help but be in his head. when he's told about the backrooms, he didn't really think he'd end up there, nor did he think he would meet a girl too. but then again, the strangest things happen to good people.

genre: strangers to lovers, the backrooms

warning: SMUT!, pov changes a few times, foggy in head space, anxiety fear, mentions of meditation, insomnia(in text but not mentioned), crying, panic attack, passing out, body insecurity, jisung being a sweetheart, somewhat fear of water, yelling, overthinking, kissing, making out, slight marking kink, oral(both receiving), the smallest bit of dirty talk, creampie

wc: 8.8k(somewhat proof-read)

a/n: idk why I wrote this!🤣 I just couldn't shake the thought of it, so I had to write it and now I absolutely love it. I tried my best to explain the levels they were in, basing it off the game: The Complex: Backrooms Found Footage. I think I did okay. tho choosing what skz member to write it for was hard but ended up choosing jisung. anyway, I hope you enjoy this! I would love to hear your guys feedback!❤️❤️

taglist: @hgema @jisunglyricist


“what? you two honestly don’t believe in that stuff, right?” minho asked, placing his drink down. jisung hadn’t been listening to the conversation and looked around the dinner table. he saw everyone laughing and enjoying dinner while he was off wandering around in his head. the hyung line(besides minho who was sitting next to jisung) were finished eating and up and doing their own thing. while the maknae line were still sat at the table. they had just finished tour and were having a celebratory dinner party with the whole staff and crew.

“you never know what could be real minho.” jeongin said, shrugging his shoulders. jisung scrunched his eyebrows. “what are we talking about?” he asked, looking around the table. “the backrooms.” felix answered, leaning into the table. “what’s that?” he asked, poking around at his food. jisung didn’t really feel hungry, just more tired than anything. all he wanted to do was go to the hotel and sleep. 

“the backrooms are like an urban legend. its were you noclip out of our everyday world filled with people to a liminal space. there’s different areas or levels. the most famous one being this.” felix said, showing jisung a photo. an open room with yellow wallpaper and fluorescent lighting. “there’s been a lot of short films and documentaries to come out recently about it.” jeongin said. “but they’re fake.” seungmin cut in. “we don’t know that.” jeongin said, turning his head to seungmin. “basically you end up there, and you go through the levels to find a way out.” felix said. “that’s creepy.” jisung said as the two boys continued to show and tell him more about the backrooms.

the more felix and jeongin talked about the backrooms, the more fear set in jisung’s head. minho was starting to worry about him. “okay boys! i think that’s enough, let’s go enjoy this party before everyone gets too tired.” minho said, pushing his chair back to stand up. giving the two younger boys a stare, basically to say. shut the fuck up right now. everyone followed minho to the dance floor and processed to have a fun night. dancing the night away.

jisung could feel his body dancing to whatever song was playing. but he kept going back and forth in his head and being present while dancing. his brain had felt foggy for the last few days. even more now since the idea of the backrooms being real. he knows he shouldn’t believe it, but he can’t help it. the idea of being stuck and alone, going in endless loops, trying to find a way out…it scared him.

the party seemed to end quickly. though two hours had passed, it felt like six minutes. everyone cleaned up the areas that were messed up, and in a blink of an eye, jisung was in the van on the way back to the hotel. he doesn’t remember getting in the van and doesn’t even try to either. jisung took a deep breath and looked out the window. seeing the bright lights of the streetlamps and neon signs for the clubs, bushes and trees blurring at the speed. jisung just wanted to sleep. that’s all he needed. it had been a very long day, and he was ready for it to be over.

once in his shared hotel room. jisung took a long hot shower to relax his nerves. though he really didn’t do anything during the shower. he just stood under the water, forehead pressed against the cold wall till the water ran cold. jisung looked at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth for the night. he felt like he was seeing himself in third-person, and his body felt like a shell. he couldn’t understand why he was feeling like this. he’s been taking his medicine, never missing a day or night. jisung turned off the light and exited the bathroom. he removed his towel and put on a pair of boxers and his pajama pants on. not bothering to put on the matching shirt. 

he climbed into the bed and turned off his side lamp, ready for bed.  “you okay ji?” he heard minho voice ask. jisung turned his head and smiled at minho. “yeah, i’m fine man. just really tired and ready to sleep. can you turn off your light as well?” jisung said to him. minho gave a worried face but did what jisung asked with a nod. “if you need someone to talk and listen to you, you know you can talk to me. right, jisung?” minho asked out in the dark. jisung nodded his head, then remembered the lights were off. “i know. nothing’s wrong. i promise.” he said out loud before yawning. “night minho.” jisung said in a tired voice. “good night, jisung.” minho responded back.

why wasn’t sleep coming to him. jisung laid awake in the dark, staring at the ceiling. his arms under his head. his mind and body had felt tired. he wanted to sleep, so why wasn’t it coming to him. he didn’t want to toss around too much, scared that he would wake up minho. the one thing he didn’t want to do was worry him even more. so jisung stayed still and waited for sleep to take him. but it never did, he watched as the sun came up and heard the city become loud and full of life again. he heard minho starting to wake up. jisung turned over and closed his eyes, pretending to sleep.

he heard minho get out of bed and walk over to him. shaking him to wake up. “wake up. we have to get to the airport.” minho said. jisung pretended to stir awake and sat up. “what time is it?” jisung asked. “6:43am. now come on and got to get dressed and packed.”

just like last night everything seemed to move fast but slow at the same time. jisung was dressed in his outfit for the day. a white loose fit tee, his black jacket, black baggy pants with his sneakers, dad cap, and face mask. when he blinked and looked up he at the international airport, everybody was ready to go home. he waved to the flashing cameras and stays that were there.

the group made their way through the airport, doing everything they needed to do to get to their gate in time. once they were there, got their tickets scanned and passports looked at. jisung was the last one. when he looked up to continue to board the plane, everyone was so far ahead of him. he doesn’t want to say he freaked out a little, feeling like he was getting left behind even though they were all on the same flight. but that is exactly what he felt. like his flight or fight response kicked in. he secured his carryon and jogged to catch up to the rest of his members, but the more steps he stook, the further they got. “hey chan wait up!” jisung called out to his leader, then he tripped and fell down. 

jisung closed his eyes and waited for the impact of the floor, but it didn’t come. he felt the wind starting to pick up. he opened his eyes and being to panic. this has to be a dream. jisung was free falling in the sky. he couldn’t do anything but scream and cry as the city buildings got closer and closer. he closed his eyes once again, waiting for death to hit him.

then he hit a carpeted floor, but not hard but definitely enough to make a thud sound…like he tripped and fell. jisung pushed himself up onto his knees and saw where he was. just like the picture felix had shown him.

open room, yellow walls, and fluorescent lights. he was in the backrooms.

no no no no this cannot be happening. “i’m dreaming. i must be dreaming.” jisung said as he did everything he could think of to wake himself up. he pinched his arm. hit his leg. slapped his cheek. hell, he even stood up and ran into one of the walls near him and fell down. “ow.” jisung said. falling onto his butt with his head hurting. jisung didn’t know what to do. he busted into tears as he ran. ran and ran. he felt like he was going in circles. everything looked the same! this can’t be real. he stopped and thought for a quick second where he should go. he yanked his face mask off. took a deep breath and continued to run. it doesn’t make any sense of how he could have ended up here. he wanted to be with his members. on the plane. going home. the tears blurring up his vision to the point where he couldn’t see. it felt like everything was closing in around him. he started to sleep black dots. everything went dark.

opening the journal in hand, going back to read what you wrote so you wouldn’t go insane and forget who you are. saying the following words aloud. what your name was. how old you were. your birthday. what year it was. the date it was when you got here. where you are from and currently living at. family, friends, and pets. what you were studying. etc. anything. you didn’t want to risk it even if it wasn’t going to happen. 

once you were done, you placed the journal in the pocket of the hoodie you were wearing. continuing down the nevering-end yellow halls. you don’t know how long you’ve been here, but it felt like years at this point. you don’t know how you end up here either, what this place was, or how to get out. the feeling of someone watching you never going away, even though you knew you were alone.

you turned the corner and physically jumped out of your skin. freezing at that moment. just ahead of you, was a person. a man lying on the ground. he looked to be passed out. you didn’t know whether to go up and shake him to see if he was okay or run. after debating with yourself, you decided to see if he was alive. you slowly walked over to him, taking quiet steps.

once you were right next to him, you squatted down. now seeing his face. you could see he was asian and around your age. his cheeks puffy and red with swollen eyes. you felt a sting to your heart. he must have just shown up here and most likely completely terrified. 

“hey are you okay?” i asked, shaking him on his shoulder. he groaned as he started to wake up. “come on, get up.” i said, shaking him a bit harder. his eyes fluttered open and saw me. i could tell panic set in. he quickly flipped over and scooted away from me. looked around and made a face before looking at me again. “i’m not going to hurt you.” i said. “how do i know that?” he said back. “because we are in the same boat and trying to get out.” i told him. he brought his knees up to his chest. “my name is y/n. what’s yours?” i said. “i’m jisung. han jisung.” he said. “well it’s nice to meet you, jisung.” i said with a smile. “do you know the way out?” he asked.

i stood back up. “no i don’t. sorry. if i did, i wouldn’t be here…where ever i am.” i sighed out, looking around at the yellow walls. “you’ve never heard of this place?” jisung said, looking up at me. “no. have you?” i questioned. he nodded his head slowly before standing up. “just last night, my friends were telling me about this place. it’s called the backrooms.” jisung said, “it’s where you clip out of our everyday world and you’re here.” jisung looked around the room with a scowl. he’s crazy. 

he brought eyes back to me and saw the look on my face. “you don’t believe me..” he said, taking off his cap and running his fingers through his hair. “no. that sounds too insane.” i told him. “there’s this place, a warehouse, a maintenance hall, pool area thing, house, and a lot more.” he said. “i’ve never seen any of those places you’ve mentioned besides this one.” i told him. jisung’s cheeks started to turn red. probably out of embarrassment. i breathed in, “how about we just stick together and find a way out.” i said. he nodded, “good idea.” so we began to walk the eerie room. 

“so…” jisung said, making me turn my head to him. “what do you do? i mean like in our world.” he asked. i smiled, “i’m studying at my dream university while doing part-time at a music shop on the side.” i expressed with happiness. “you?” i directed to him. “oh i’m a k-pop idol. i’m in a group called stray kids. have you heard of us?” he stated. “no sorry.” i said, shaking my head. jisung was telling me about himself and telling stories about his members. which i’ve learned that there is eight of them in total. “we recently just started getting really big these last two and half years. then covid came and we were stuck at home all of 2020.” jisung said. i stopped in my tracks. the fuck? 2020. have i been in here for that long? “my group and i just finished our tour called maniac.” jisung said, turning his head to look at me. when he didn’t see me, he turned around. 

“you okay?” he asked, walking back to me. “2020. it’s 2020?” i exclaimed. he shook his head, “no it’s april 5th 2023.” jisung hesitated to say. he furrowed his eyebrows, “what year did you think it was?” he questioned. “2019. i showed up here on june 9, 2019. i didn’t think i was in here for that long.” i cried out, feeling tears welt up in my eyes. jisung’s eyes widened. “hey hey, don’t cry y/n. we’re gonna get out of here. i promise.” he comforted, placing his arms onto my shoulders. a few tears fell to my cheeks. “none of that.” he said, quickly wiping them away with the knuckle of his pointer finger. “we’re going to get back home. alright?” he said. i nodded and sniffed, “okay.” i told him. jisung gave me a bright smile. “okay then, let’s get a move on.” he said, holding out his hand to take. i placed my hand in his and we continued on our way, trying to find the exit.

turning left and right, going straight. all of it seemed to be the same, the same damn yellow walls with every turn and move. the quiet noise of the fluorescent lights buzzing. 

“i feel like we are going in circles y/n.” jisung said out loud. “i don’t think we are?” i said, more in a question sense. we did another left turn and were met with a dark dead-end. there was a crawl space giving off light. “should we go through it?” jisung asked, squatting down in front of it. i looked at the size of it and looked at my body. 

i was on the thicker size. a tummy, thick thighs and hips, big boobs and butt. i became overly aware of my size. starting to feel small and insecure. “umm, i don’t think i can fit through that.” i quietly told jisung. he looked up at me, eyeing me up and down then back at the crawl space. “i think you’ll get through. plus you won’t know unless you try.” jisung said in a nice tone. “will you try?” he asked. my head came up with a million and one thoughts in one second on why i shouldn’t do it. “as long as you won’t look.” i said, avoiding eye contact. “i can do that.” jisung said while nodding his head.

jisung stood back up and took a few steps back. i walked closer to the crawl space and got on my hands and knees. i looked back at jisung and he had both of his hands covering his eyes and turned to the side. i turned back to the crawl space and started to make my way through. my upper half made it easy, it was a little snug at my hips- but i got through. i stood back up and called out to jisung. 

“i made it!” i said loud and proud. “great!” he said. soon enough, jisung crawled through and was standing next to me. we looked around and the yellow walls were starting to fade into gray metal like material. “i guess this is progress.” i declared, walking ahead. “yeah.” he said, following by my side. as we walked further into the gray walls, we heard a ding. “what was that?” jisung asked. we looked all around us till my eyes landed on an elevator to the right of us, tucked away in a cornered with the doors open.

“jisung there’s an elevator.” i said, making my way over to it. jisung quickly followed. it was a small elevator, but both of us fit with a comfortable distance between us. jisung looked down at the button panel. “well there’s only one direction to go.” he joked. i looked at the panel and sure enough, he was right. we could only go up. “let’s get out of here.” i said, nodding my head. jisung pressed the up button. the elevator doors quickly closed and we started heading up.

“i just thought of something.” jisung said, leaning his back against the wall. “what is it?” i mumbled. “if you’ve been in here since 2019, how are you still alive? there’s no food, no drinkable water. have you even slept?” jisung asked. i looked at him with wide eyes. “i. i honestly don’t know. it doesn’t feel like i’ve been in here that long. maybe a few days or weeks? and i’ve slept, but it was to take a break from walking. not because my energy was low and i needed sleep.” i replied, trying to understand it myself. “wow.” jisung said in pure awe. “i hope you’re not here for as long as i’ve been.” i added, just as the doors opened up. “i hope so too, but then again. i think we are going to get out of here. a lot sooner.” he said with a smile as he exited the elevator.

i followed behind him and to my surprise. we were in a completely different place. the walls were now white tiles, our shoes echoing throughout the hall. soon we came out to an open room with water. “this was the pool area i was talking about!” jisung exclaimed, giving me another one of those big smiles. i felt butterflies dance around in my stomach. god, does he have a killer smile. wait no, don’t think like that y/n. just because this is the person, especially male. does not mean you can form a crush on him.

jisung walked over to the railing and looked down to the right. i came up beside him and looked the same way. he turned his head to me. “do you believe me now.” he said, more in a statement. i could only nod my head. he pushed off the railing and walked behind me. “someone was here.” jisung said. i turned around and looked to see what he saw. there was a blanket on the floor. “so we’re not alone?” i asked. “either we’re not or that person already got out.” jisung said, “but if they are still here, let’s hope they’re as nice as you.” he added, turning around to face to water again.

“i think we are going to have to walk through the water.” jisung stated, going to the steps into the water. i slowly walked over to the steps and watched as he got in. “does it get deeper?” i asked. jisung brought his eyes to mine. “can’t swim?” he asked. “i can doggy paddle, but that’s about it.” i said. jisung rose his hand from his side. “don’t worry.” he said. i made my way down the steps and put my hand his. his hand was so soft and warm. i looked up at him. “i won’t let you go.” jisung promised.

the water covered the bottom half of our legs. deep enough to slush the water around but shallow enough to walk in. as we made our way through the water, there was an opening on the right but there was also another crawl space. jisung turned to me and i shook my head. “not that one.” i pleaded. “we don’t have to.” jisung responded, squeezing my hand. so we took the right hall, which was a little dark considering there was no light other than the sunlight at the end…if you could even call it that. whatever it was.

we slowly made our way to the end of the hall where there was a big circular column and a set of curvy steps out of the water. we quickly started up the stairs to get out of the water, jisung letting me go first. once i reached the top, there was another elevator. “if the rest of this easy to get out of, we’ll be home in no time.” i said, looking back at jisung. jisung looked back down at me and smiled. i glanced down at his lips and back up at his eyes, seeing he did the same thing. “yeah.” he whispered, a ding from the elevator made us jump.

jisung cleared his throat and guided out his hand to let me enter the elevator first. once we were both inside, i pushed the up button this time and watched as the doors closed once again. there was a bit of awkward silence. “tell me more about yourself, y/n. about things you want to do and achieve in life.” jisung said, looking down at his feet. i thought about it for a second and then told him a mini version of my life story and my goals and dreams.

jisung was laughing his butt off by the time the elevator doors opened, making me giggle. we looked out the doors and saw a mall, our laughter dropping at the slight of it. we stepped out and carefully eyed our surroundings. there was an empty fountain, newspaper and random magazines scattered around the floor, dark and quiet like every place has been.  just our shoes making the most noise. we made our way forward, jisung noticing a map hung on the wall.

“do you can this will help us?” jisung asked. “i don’t know.” i said, trying to read the map. “i can’t tell what it says.” i added, looking at jisung. “me neither.” he sighed out. we walked around, not really finding anything. just more dark, dimly lit halls and rooms and rarely stuff in them. besides a chair or two.

we entered the last hall, leading us to something different. “at least we can kinda tell where we are. better than the yellow room.” jisung said, making me smile, “yeah, you’re right about that.” i replied. then my eyes caught a glimpse at something ahead of us. “is that a red light?” i asked, picking up my pace a little. that’s new. we looked at the little hall where the red light was coming from, but it lead no where.

so we just continued walking forward. making turns left and right whenever we felt like it, unless it lead us to a dead-end. to help pass the time we came up with jokes and telling embarrassing stories. 

it was easy talking jisung, even if i had just met him. it felt like we had been friends for awhile. for once and surprisingly, i was happy i was stuck in here and that this happened to me. because i would have never been able to meet han jisung and get to know him for him. as terrible as it is. having someone with me, him with him, made me feel a lot better. 

“hey y/n!” jisung shouted, “come here, i think i found the way to the elevator!” i quickly turned around and followed jisung down a narrow hall with random turns. it opened up to a small cafeteria thing with the elevator on the left wall to the back. 

“we are making so much progress!” jisung said happily and ran over to the elevator. bouncing up and down like a little kid. i laughed as i made my way over to him and stood next to him. “how many levels are there?” i asked him as the elevator dinged. “i don’t know, but hopefully not too many.” he said as we stepped in the elevator for the third time. 

the doors opened up to a hotel with chairs thrown everywhere, lit up by the wall sconces. “well this level it a bit more creepy.” i stated out loud. we left the elevator and went to the right. “it says there’s a dining hall, maybe there’s food there.” jisung said. “are you actually hungry?” i questioned. “no, but it would be nice to eat something right now.” jisung said with a smile. soon enough, we came into the dining hall. 

“shit there’s nothing in here.” jisung whined. i walked over to the crawl space and looked in. “no where to go in there.” i said, turning back around. “dead-end?” jisung sighed. “dead-end.” i said back to him. he groaned as we pushed our way back the way we came to go down a different hall. we came across a small gap in the wall. jisung looked at me. “should we try it?” he asked. “sure why not. we have all the time in the world.” i answered with laugh. 

jisung fit like it was nothing. for me, it was a bit of a squeeze, but bearable. it was just another long hall, just very small and dim. eventually, it opened back up and the elevator was right in front of us and already open. “luck seems to be on our side, we’re going to get home in no time!” jisung said as we entered the elevator.

the doors closed and we only went up for a few seconds then stopped. there was a tap on the door. we both looked at each other. two more taps, jisung stood in front of me in case there was actual someone there. four more taps against the door before the finally opened up. chairs were blocking the exit the leave, the room completely red. we couldn’t get out.

“are we suppose to get out?” i asked, jisung slowly shock his head. he quickly pressed the button to go up so the doors could close again. slowly but sure the doors closed and we started going up again. jisung spun around to face me. “i feel like we are getting closer to go home.” he said with a smile. the doors opened back up and saw the yellow wallpaper. “why the hell are we back here?” i said, pushing past jisung. yellow walls, carpeted floors, fluorescent lights. I turned back to jisung to had a defeated look on his face. i felt my eyes starting to burn. “you’re a fucking liar. i knew i shouldn’t have trust you.” i felt my voice cracking in the sentence. jisung jumped at the sound of my hurt voice. “y/n.” he said, stepping towards me. i back up and shook my head. “no.” i said, before turning around. i walked over to a wall and sled down. crying and feeling hopeless. 

“there’s no way this is the same.” i heard jisung say. he heard him jogging around, i couldn’t even bring myself to look up to see where he was going. i’m such an idiot for thinking i could get out of this place. there’s no way out, just endless loops of different rooms all feeling the same way. hell it’s been five years since i got here. everyone probably thinks i’m dead by now. my family, my friends, my two roommates, everyone who knew me. thinks i’m dead. what’s the point of trying to get out of here when they think i’m dead and gone.

i felt a pair of hands grab my cheeks and push my face up. i saw jisung’s face with tears and a light smile. “it’s not the same y/n.” jisung said, he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. “come on, all we have to do is follow the beeping.” he said, dragging me along with him at a fast pace. we turned a couple a corners and i was first it wasn’t the same. just the color of the room. instead of there just being rooms entering rooms, there were also columns now and more space going up. i hardly had time to process what was happening, jisung just kept pulling me with him. stopping every now and then to listen. 

“what are you liste-” jisung shushed me. then i heard the beep he had been following. “it’s this way.” he said, making a left turn, then a right. the beeping continued to get louder and louder as we got closer. we turned around corner and was greeted into a big room with the elevator. the next part happened so quickly. jisung turned around, placed his hands on my cheeks again and gave my a hard kiss with passion. i yelped as i wasn’t expecting that to happen. i recovered fast and kissed him back, placing my hands on his chest which made jisung smile into the kiss. he pulled away, leaving his forehead on mine.

“we’re going home like i promised.” he said just above a whisper. i looked into his soft brown eyes. “i’m sorry i yelled at you.” i apologized. he shook his head, “no i understand, you want to get back home as much i as i do and when you saw the yellow walls again you felt lied to. i understand, i would have felt the same way.” he told me. jisung removed his hands from my cheeks and down my arms. grasping my left hand with his right. “let’s keep going.” he said, to which i nodded to.

we entered the elevator once again, pressing the up button. the door closed once more, the elevator moving up once again. jisung squeezed my hand, making me turn to him. he leaned in for another kiss which i gladly accepted. it started out as a sweet innocent kiss but became more heated. jisung pushed me against the wall, pressing his body to mine. making me moan into the kiss. with that small opening, jisung slid his tongue into my mouth. exploring every nook and cranny. he tasted like a muted minty flavor. i ran my hands up his body and to the back of his neck, playing with the hair poking out of the cap. jisung groaned into the kiss, rolling his hips into mine. i whined, pushing my hips to his. feeling his erection growing by the second.

“god, i want to fuck you so bad.” jisung said, once he pulled his lips away. my body feeling tingly, goosebumps forming on my skin. i shivered at his words. i went to respond but the elevator dinged and the doors opened back up. “if we can find a not so creepy area, i’ll let you fuck me.” i said to him, looking dead in the eyes. he groaned and gave me another sloppy kiss.

he interlaced our fingers and pulled me out of the elevator. we only made it a few steps before stopping, realizing how dark it was. we could hardly see each other. we continued walking but very slowly, not knowing what was ahead.

just a few more steps forward, a loud snap echoed in the room we were in accompanied with red lights shining the area. we were in the middle of a street with few houses following the side. at the end of the road was a tunnel with the elevator in the center of the tunnel. i looked around at the lights. the redness gave the feeling a not welcoming feeling, like more eyes were on us then the last time. we listened and watched out for any nobody that could be here, but there was no one. not even in the houses. we continued to the tunnel and made our way inside the elevator.

the doors opened to a clean white wall with oak wood floors. nothing on the floor, but a blanket up ahead in front of a window. jisung bent down to it and felt it as i looked out the window. “it’s completely cold, whoever was here hasn’t been here for awhile.” jisung explained. “i think we’re in an apartment complex.” i said. i remember that being one of the places jisung said we could turn up at. jisung stood up and looked at the window as well. just looking at it gave me an uneasy feeling. it was dark ‘outside’, only light coming from all the windows and maybe one of two lamps. jisung turned to me, “let’s keep going.” he said, nodding his way down the hall.

turn after turn we were just greeted by more dead-ends. coming back out of one of the last halls. before we could even make it fully, we stopped in our tracks. there right in front of us was a an opening. like the building had been cut in half. 

we got closer to it. “that would be a long fall.” jisung said as he looked down. i nodded my head. “yeah it would be.” i said. jisung looked at the other opening his could see. “do you think i could make that jump?” he questioned. my eyes widened. “please do not try to make that big ass gap han jisung.” i raised my voice at him. he turned to me, wide eyed. “yes ma’am.” he said giving me a smirk.

we headed back to where the original hall connected to the hall we were just in and the elevator door was right in front of us. like it just appeared out of no where. “well that’s new.” i said as we walked up to it. “yeah, let’s hope that doesn’t happen again.” jisung laughed out as we got in. “on the next stop do you think we can sit down and take a breather?” i asked him. “yeah sure. i don’t mind taking a break at all.” he answered back. 

the doors opened up again to flat land and a singular house. we seated out, taking in our surroundings. it was like we were on a small planet, you could see a slight curve where it circled down and around. the sky was painted in a dusk night with the sun already gone and the stars starting to pop up.

“you picked a good one, y/n.” jisung pointed out as we made our way to the house. the front door was open and a room directly the right of us. a chair and a blanket on the floor. we walked a little further into the house and right there in the corner to the left was the elevator. in front of it on the other wall was a door but it was closed. jisung grabbed the door handle and twisted the knob.

“it’s locked.” he said. “did you still want to rest or did you want to just go since the elevator is right here?” he added. as much as i wanted to go, i couldn’t stand the feeling in the pit of my stomach anymore. i wanted him. right here and now. i walked up to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. i leaned my face close to his, lips barely touching. “did you forget what i told you earlier?” i asked, never breaking eye contact. i could feel his hot breath on my lips. “no.” he said, stealing a look at my lips. 

i leaned in and crashed my lips onto his, him groaning in the process. jisung’s hands went for my hips before dragging them down and to my ass. giving it a hard squeeze. i moaned into the kiss, right before pulling away with jisung chasing after my lips. i giggled and grabbed his forearm, pulling him the first open room we saw. i pressed him against the nearest wall, connecting my lips to his neck. i pushed off his jacket as i left marks on his body. i bit his collarbone, getting my hand under his shirt and pushing it up. jisung quickly threw his cap off and slid his shirt off his body. i kissed down his chest and got on my knees. unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them. i pushed them down his thighs along with his underwear. 

his cock was already halfway hard. i spat on my hand and gripped him. jisung moaned, throwing his head back onto the wall. i ran my hand up and down, my mouth watering at the sight of him. i placed the tip of his cock on my tongue and licked up the bead of pre-cum coming out. jisung looked down at me and brought his hand on the top of my head. i opened my mouth and shoved him in. taking as much as i could. 

“oh fuck y/n.” jisung said as his body tensed up from the feeling of my warm mouth. i bobbed my head back and forth, loving how heavy he felt on my tongue. i moaned around his cock. i moved my hand to his balls and played with them. jisung thrusted his hips forward, making me gag.

“sorry.” he said, pulling his cock out of my mouth. he placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head up. “you aright?” he asked with worried eyes. i nodded my head and smiled. “yeah i’m okay.” i said. “good.” he stated as he got on the floor then kicked off his shoes and pants. jisung grabbed his clothes and laid them behind me. he gently pressed me back to make me lay down.

jisung climbed over me and kissed me as he ran his hands up my body and under my shirt. i froze and grabbed his wrists, making him freeze. “you wanna leave it on?” he asked when he pulled away. “just my shirt, everything else can come off.” i shyly told jisung. “that’s fine.” jisung said with a smile. jisung sat up, running his hands down my body to my sweats. “just so you know, i think you look beautiful.” he said, admiring every curve and roll on my body. i blushed at his statement. he pulled down my sweats and off my legs, taking my shoes off too.

jisung groaned at sight of my underwear, seeing a dark patch on the material. he made eyed contact with me as he laid down. coming face to face with my cunt. jisung placed a kissed right on top of my clit then gave a bold lick, sending shock waves though my body. he hooked his finger around my underwear and pushed it to the side.

he immediately dived in and started eating me out. i threw my head back as i ached my back. my hand found his hair and tugged at it hard. the sounds of his groans vibrated my body. i whined as he pushed his tongue inside my wet hole. I clamped my thick thighs around his head.

“god, you taste so good.” jisung said, spitting on my mound. he ran his finger up my slit before pushing it in. “gotta stretch you out for my cock baby.” he said in a gravely voice, setting up a decent speed. “want you to cum all over my hand.” he said before diving back in. his tongue playing my clit again. “oh jisung!” i yelled out. my breathing picked up as his added a finger, making me clench around him. “curl your fingers up.” i whined out. jisung did exactly what i told him to do. finding my g-spot quickly. i ached my back and angled my hips even more as i felt my orgasm getting closer. making me curl my toes and my legs start to shake.

“harder.” i pleaded, needing more pressure to help me release. jisung pounded fingers hard into me with every pullback curling them up. his tongue danced around my clit as my legs started to shake. “oh fuck, i’m gonna cum!” i moaned loudly. he wrapped his lips around my clit and hummed, which sent me head first into my climax- nearly screaming jisung’s name from my lips. he slowly removed his fingers. patting my clit a few times, making me jolt.

“i love how you scream my name.” he said, sitting back onto his knees. “want more.” i said, spreading my legs out. “i want you inside me, please.” i whined. “fuck, i love that even more.” he said, scooting up so he could line his cock up with my opening. slowly pushing in as he rubbed my sensitive clit. i closed my eyes, running my hands above my shirt. gripping at my boobs. we both moaned as he bottomed out. jisung steaded himself before placing his arms under the back on my knees, holding my legs. he slowly pulled out halfway and slammed back in. 

“fuck.” i whispered. jisung’s eyes never left my body as he began to keep up the pace. watching every closely at my body and how it was jiggle and moving with each thrust. “shit, i’m not gonna last long.” he whined out, gripping my legs hard. i clenched around him at how whiny he sounded. just the sound of our skin hitting the walls of the room and loud moans from the both of us. jisung let go of my legs and laid on top of my body. his hot chest moving against my hoodie, making it come up a little. placing his hands neither side of my head. his hot breath fanning my face.

“you look so good under me. don’t wanna stop fucking this tight little cunt.” jisung said, punching a hard thrust. i wrapped my legs around his waist and arm around his back, burying my head into the crease of his neck. from this angle the pubic bone grazed my clit perfectly. i moaned feeling my second orgasm coming up fast. “gonna cum.” i whispered as i dug my nails into his back from the pleasure. jisung’s thrusts became sloppy and more rough. “me too, where should i cum?” he moaned. “inside. cum inside me, i wanna feel how much you fill me up.” i cried out, he shivered. he wrapped his right arm around the back of my shoulders, pulling my upper half even closer.

“cum with me baby.” he whined, sending a handful of hard thrusts with him pulling almost completely out, only leaving the tip in. slamming his cock deep inside one more time, shooting his hot seed around my walls. triggering my own climax, clenching around him harder than before. he rutted against me, my body feeling like pulp. i slowly released him from my grip, jisung helping me lay down my upper half. 

he sat up and grabbed his soften cock, easing it out of my sensitive hole. both hissing at the feeling. i closed my legs as jisung laid next to me so we could actual catch our breath. i looked over at jisung who was already looking at me. we broke out into smiles and laughter. he rolled over placing his arm loosely around my waist.

“when we get out of here, i wanna take you out of a date.” jisung said with a big bright smile. i felt my eyes widen and cheeks become red. “really?” i asked, making him nodded. “are you sure you want to be seen with a girl like me?” i questioned, glancing down at my bigger body. “i don’t care about that. just the type of person you are and from what i’ve learned so far. you seem like a great woman that i want to get to know more.” he said, making me blush even harder. i smiled at him then had a thought.

“what if when we get out of here we’re not together.” i said. jisung took a deep breath and placed his hand to my cheek. “then i’ll find you.” he said quietly before leaving a gentle kiss on my lips. jisung pulled away and laid back down. “come here.” he sai, opening his arms. i smiled and cuddled into him, laying my head on his chest. 

after a few minutes of cuddling, we got up and put back on our clothes. we were standing in front of the elevator. jisung turned his head to me. “ready?” he asked. “ready as i’ll ever be.” i answered back. we hopped in and watched as the doors closed. “where do you think we’ll go next?” i asked him. “well from what i remember my members telling me. we could end up in a long straight hall and a warehouse. other then those two, i don’t know.” jisung said.

the doors opened up but we weren’t completely on the level we need to be on. jisung and i looked at each other with questioning looks on our faces. jisung looked out to see what the level was. then the elevator cart jolted down a bit. jisung stumbled back into me. i grabbed ahold of his sides as we both looked at the doors. then the cart started falling, making loud screeching noises and lights going off.

“jisung!” i shouted. fear filling my body, heart pounding in my chest. jisung grabbed ahold of my arms and tried his best to face me. “grab onto my forearms y/n!” he yelled over the loud sound. i did what he said and held on tightly. “we’re going be okay!” i heard jisung said. i didn’t know what to do but scream as tears ran down my face. i tried to take a step to jisung but my body didn’t move. that’s when i realized had i closed my eyes.

i snapped my eyes open and saw that we were no longer in the elevator. i screamed out jisung’s name as i panicked. jisung opened his eyes and saw what was happening. i felt my grip of my left hand loosening and sliding down jisung’s arm. “don’t let go!” jisung screamed. “i’m trying!” i cried out as the wind started blowing faster and faster. then the wind hit us from the side, making us spin. both my hands were now at his wrists. jisung digging his fingertips into my skin.

i kept slipping from his grasp, hands to hands. jisung was using all his strength to pull me towards him the wind kept picking up. i looked at him with teary eyes the best i could. “you’ll find me!” i called out. “i promise!” jisung yelled back with tears in his eyes as well. the wind hit us once more from the other direction, making us spin hard.

that time, i lost the grip on jisung. “jisung!” i screamed. “y/n!” he screamed back but he sounded so far away. i kept spinning as the wind took me where it wanted. once i’d stopped spinning i realized i was headed straight to the ground in an alley. nonono. i closed my eyes, not wanting to see the ground getting closer. i landed on a big pile of trash bags, tumbling down them onto the concrete. landing on my side. 

“ow.” i said, looking around me and it was dark. that’s when i heard it. a car. people. a town. i shot up and looked in front of me, just to see a car pass by. “holy shit. i’m back.” i whispered. i got up from the ground and made my way out of the alley. i looked both ways before deciding to go right. i went into the nearest store and asked where i was. i’m home.

i sat in the police station waiting for my family and roommates to arrive. jisung was right about it being 2023. everything. i wouldn’t have made it back here if it weren’t for him. thank you han jisung. i can’t wait to see what you've told me about you and your group.

“y/n!” i heard my best friend called out. i looked up to see them all entering the station. “oh my god!” i said under my breath as i got up and ran to them. i hugged everyone so hard with them asking a million and one questions but being grateful that i was back and safe. “let’s go home first. what i’m going to tell you is crazy.” i told them.

later that night, in my soft bed. in my bedroom. i looked up han jisung and stray kids. jisung described them perfectly. treated each other like brothers. i listened to their music as i fell asleep.

jisung hit the trash bags, landing straight on his back. he groaned in pain of the sun as he removed himself from the stink. he looked around a saw he was in an alley. walking to the end where the street was, he saw that he was back in korea. just outside of jyp entertainment. i’m back! he ran inside the building greeting everyone who had shocked looks on their faces. but he couldn’t care less. he wanted to see is members. he ran to the elevator then stopped, turning around and heading to the stairs. he pushed himself through so many flights of stairs. he opened the hall door and ran down to the practice room, hoping his brothers would be in there. passing all his peers, like members of twice and itzy. 

he nearly broke down the door when he opened it. making everyone inside jump and look. the boys had stopped what they were doing and quickly ran to jisung, hugging him tightly.

“are you okay!”

“you’ve been gone for a full week!”

“what happened to you!”

“did someone kidnap you!”

“we were so scared!”

“one second we were behind us, next you were gone!”

“where have you been!”

jisung just cried being home again. “you’re not going to believe me when i tell you.” he said. explaining the full story, leaving out the sex part. felix and jeongin’s eyes were about to pop out of their head. “jisung, don’t lie.” minho said, rolling his eyes. felix shook his head. “how would he know about the the falling out of the sky! we never told him that.” felix explained. “or elevator failing when you come back!” jeongin added. “if you really did show us the girl.” seungmin said. “i need my phone then.” jisung said. chan quickly got up and ran over to a table, grabbing jisung’s phone.

once in his hands, he unlocked his phone and went straight to instagram. he typed in her fist and last name and she was the second account to pop up. jisung tapped on her icon and went to her profile. he clicked the first photo and noticed that it was posted just a few minutes ago. i scrolled down and looked at the date of the last photo. june 1st, 2019 was her last post. 

jisung showed the boys the proof with the photos, old comments, the article from when she first went missing, where she lives in the world, and even read the caption on her newest photo.

‘i’m back home! i won’t explain to here because it will most likely be on the news. but i can’t help but so grateful to the person i met who helped get me out. thank you so much h.j. i hope that you’re back home and safe as well and hope that we’ll meet again soon.’

after that, the boys believe him. they spent hours talking, completely forgetting about practice. just wanted to be with jisung with the rest of the day. we went out and had dinner. everyone went back to 3racha+hyunjin’s apartment, played games, and watched a movie or two. before finally calling it a night.

jisung laid in bed, staring at his phone. instagram was open once again, but this time he was trying to figure out what to type to y/n. fuck it he siad in his head.

hey, it was easy to find you. we still on for our date?

a few minutes passed before he saw someone typing…

date, time, and where.

Tags :
8 months ago


Bangchan x male Listener audio

Bangchan would do anything for his boyfriend to be happy and would even spoil you a lot and leave you with his credit card but the one thing chan would never do is give you any power whatsoever In bed, you would end up milking him until his a moaning mess and a complete gooner

Tags :
7 months ago

Since y'all see him as a bottom I'm doing mah man some justice

Felix x sub male Listener smut audio

Even though he luved having his body ruined Felix was also curious what it was topping someone and he'd been eyeing u for a long time having the most lustful thoughts about you;ripping off your clothes.but he knew you wouldn't let him have a taste off that sweet ass so all it took was just a pill of Viagra

"Ahh this feels so good, so warrm so tight can't believe this is what hyunjin didn't want me to feel"

"Look at you so beautiful like this you won't even remember this in the morning" he giggles

Tags :
2 years ago

:🍡 ♡ . ⁺ ᘏ : stress relief

 . : Stress Relief
 . : Stress Relief
 . : Stress Relief
 . : Stress Relief
 . : Stress Relief

➥ pairings: Bang Chan x fem!reader

➥ genre: idol!au | smut | MDNI

➥ synopsis: chan is feeling stressed at work, so you pay him a visit to help him 'relax'

➥ warnings: smut | penetration | cock warming | clit stimulation | fingering | pet names [pup, babe, baby] | grinding

➥ words: 2.7k

➥ chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | felix | seungmin | jeongin

➥ tags: @lix-ables | @sstarryoong | @ipegchangbin | if you wished to be tagged in this mini series, lemme know

➥ m.list – ➥ cock warming m.list – ➥ you can also read it on my ao3

Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!

 . : Stress Relief

you [20:07]: i miss you 🥺

Chan [20:07]: i miss u too babe. sorry, work is just hectic rn 😞

you [20:08]: when will u be home? 

Chan [20:08]: in an hour or so. shouldn't be too long babe. 

you [20:10]: okay. i love you 💘

Chan [20:11]: i love you too pup 🖤

An hour had passed and there was no sign of Chan. Your guess is that he got so caught up in his work, he lost track of time. It's pretty common for him to do that. When Chan gets lost in his work, he zones out. He disregards his needs, forgets where he is. He becomes hyper focused, which can be worrying.

Chan is the type of person to want to get things done on time, however, he is a perfectionist. He always has been from day one. Being in the spotlight has only made it worse.

You and his members have told him countless times that he should always take care of himself. He does, for a while, then he falls back into his bad habits. Comeback season is the worst for chan. The build up to it, the countless photoshoots, the endless hours of shooting music videos plus performing on stage – it's no wonder Chan becomes so stressed.

You know he loves his job. You also know he adores STAYS and would do anything to please them. However, what he fails to notice is that he cannot keep doing this. Being his girlfriend, you've had enough of seeing your boyfriend fail to care for himself. He always scolds you for skipping one meal or not drinking enough water, so now, it's your turn.

You picked up your phone bringing up your contacts list. You scrolled through, stopping at Changbin's contact. Pressing the green call button, you put your phone to your ear. It rang a few times, before changbin picked up.


"Hey Changbin! It's y/n."

"Oh, hey y/n. everything okay?" Changbin spoke. His words sounding muffled, mouth full.

"Have you heard from Chan?" the sounds of noodles being slurped ran down your ear, making you shiver and cringe a little.

"Uh. Not since I left him at the office, why?"

"He said he would be home in an hour." You sighed softly, running your fingers through your hair.

"Let me guess." Changbin paused, drinking his ramen broth. "He's not home?" 


"He's probably still working then. If he's not with you or us, then he's probably still in the studio."

"Yeah." You sighed again. "That's what I thought."

"He was pretty stressed out when me and Ji were there. Thinking about it, he's been in a foul mood all day."

"He seemed a bit off this morning too. I wonder if the stress of the comeback is getting to him." You thought out loud. 

"Probably. We all know what Chan is like during this time. He snapped at me suddenly."

"What?" Your eyes widen a little in disbelief. It's very rare for Chan to suddenly snap at someone, it's hard to get Chan angry regardless. So hearing that he snapped at his close friend indicated that he is stressed beyond belief.

"Yeah. It shocked me and Ji. Think he even shocked himself to be fair. He did apologize but it's not like Chan."

"Yeah, it's not." You mumbled. "I think I'm going to go see him. This is unacceptable. I can't have him acting like this."

"Hey, if he's going to listen to someone, then it's going to be you for sure." Changbin chuckled. 

"Do you know if he has eaten or?"

"Mhm, probably not since lunch time." 

"That's what I thought. I best get going then. Go convince the boyfriend to at least take a break." You groaned softly, walking to your shared bedroom.

"Chan and breaks? Yeah, good luck with that y/n." Changbin chuckled with a mouthful of rice.

"Thanks, I'll need it. Enjoy your meal, Changbin." You laughed softly before hanging up. You changed into something more comfortable and warm, considering that the nights are getting colder, you felt like it wasn't a smart idea to go out in a vest and shorts.

Grabbing your winter coat and shoes along with your purse, you walked out of your shared apartment, locking the door before making your way to the supermarket.

Knowing that Chan hasn't eaten or drank anything for hours, angered you slightly. Sometimes, you wish he learnt how to look after himself, be a little selfish and make himself priority number one. But no matter how many times you – or the members – scold him, he never listens.

You grabbed some microwaveable rice and ramen along with some snacks and water that claims it's 'packed full of vitamins and minerals.' Paying for your little shop, you headed to the JYP building.


The streets are fairly calm and collected, with the occasional passer-by's and cars. The night sky was clear, giving you a glimpse of the shining stars. It was a full moon tonight, much to your liking. The moonlight shone on the pavement giving you more lighting than the streetlamps.

You stopped to take a quick snap at the moon and stars, smiling softly as you looked at it. Feeling the tips of your fingers quickly freezing up, you put your phone away, placing your hands in your pockets.

The air is icy. A chill so cold it made the hairs on your arms stand up. Your breath shows every time you exhale. You soon arrived at the building. Making yourself known at reception, they happily let you through. You made your way to Chan's room, taking your coat as the stark contrast from the cold chill to the warmth was evident.

You knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds for permission. When you received nothing, you frowned, knocking again – nothing.

"Chan?" You spoke, slowly opening the door. You peeked your head out looking around. A small lamp provided minimal light compared to the harsh light radiating off his laptop screens. Your gaze fell on a very stressful looking Chan. 

His brows furrowed together, stress lines evident on his forehead. His bottom lip caught between his teeth, chewing slightly – a bad self taught habit of his. His eyes flickering all over his laptop screen, fingers working their magic. 

You closed the door quietly, noticing the headphones on his head over the hood of his hoodie. Makes sense why he didn't hear you knock. With a heavy sigh, Chan fell back in his seat. The seat rocking from the impact as he rubbed his tired face with his hands before taking his headphones off.

"Knock knock." You spoke softly. Chan jumped, startled at the sudden voice. He looked at you, face softening.

"Hey pup!" You walked towards Chan, throwing your coat on the sofa behind him. You placed your plastic bag on his desk.

"Hey baby." You placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. Chan swiveled in his chair to face you, opening his legs wide enough for you to stand between them.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, planting his hands on your hips softly.

"Well, you said you would be home in an hour. The hour is up, so I came to see you instead. Plus–" You opened the plastic bag, taking out the grocery's you bought, placing them one by one on his desk. "I bought you dinner. Changbin told me you haven't eaten since lunch!" 

Chan looked up at you sheepishly, feeling guilty. You folded your arms, eyebrows raised as you looked down at him.

"You can't keep doing this, babe. You have to take care of yourself! It's important! You always preach to me about it, so why can't you?"

"I'm sorry pup. It's just, I get so lost in work that I simply forget. Plus, I feel so stressed out right now."

"Yeah. Changbin told me you snapped at him earlier." Chan looked down at the mention of taking his frustration out on his friend. You sighed softly, pulling his head into you, resting it on your stomach.

"Babe I love you and all but you have to learn to take a break." 

"I can't afford breaks right now." Chan mumbled, nuzzling his face into your stomach. He inhaled your sweet scent, humming softly.

"I get that but you don't work well under stress, babe." You stroked his hair softly, looking down at him.

"I know." 

"So, whilst I'm here, take a break! I haven't seen you all day so I want to spend some time with you." You pouted. Chan nodded.

"Okay, I will take a break. When it's over, I have to finish this though. You can go home afterwards though."

"Hell no! I'm staying. I'll sit on the sofa and be as quiet as a mouse. You won't even know I'm here." You grinned.

Chan did indeed take that break. You convinced him to eat and drink something before he continued on with his work. You were lounging on the sofa, browsing through your phone.

The occasional sigh would leave his lips, the stress slowly creeping its way back. You soon got bored of your phone, placing it down beside you. You decided to watch Chan work, your eyes traveling up and down his body.

The way his legs spread open under the desk, hand wrapped around the mouse, his tendons moving with every click of the mouse. The sleeves of his hoodie rolled up to his elbows. His veins protrude on his arms, the way his muscles flexed with every movement. You couldn't help your thoughts from getting filthy. 

You pressed your lips together in a thin line, eyes closing as your mind wandered into the unknown. Memories of when Chan would have his hand around your neck, fingers deep inside you, came flooding to you. His perfect, lean body hovering over you as his hips smacked against yours, body slick with sweat. His eyes focused on you and provided you with intense pleasure – fuck, when was the last time you two were intimate with each other? 

You know you shouldn't, you know Chan is stressed but you couldn't help the lust pooling in your core. You couldn't help but feel your panties slowly sticking to your skin due to your juices. You couldn't help but feel flush, besides, it's not your fault you have such a handsome boyfriend. 

You stood up off the sofa, slowly walking behind chan. You draped your arms over his shoulders, holding onto your wrist to lock him in. Chan took no notice of you, eyes glued to his screen as his fingers tapped away at the keyboard. You noticed his painted nails which only heightened your horny thoughts.

You leaned in, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. You inhaled his musk scent, heart pounding against your ribcage. You planted delicate kisses on the skin on his neck making Chan shiver. Smirking against his neck knowing he has finally become aware of you, you sucked and licked his neck.

A throaty groan rippled from his chest to the back of his throat, his hands frozen in place. You left purple bruises, feeling sorry for the scolding he was going to get from his make-up artist.

"Chan." You shakily spoke his name. Your skin heating up, cheeks flush as your needs escalate. "Chan, I need you." 

"Pup." Chan spluttered. "Not now, I'm busy." You squinted, walking to his side. He looked up at your rosy cheeks and glossy eyes, his cock twitching in his pants. 

"Please Chan. Just for a few minutes." You whined. "I need to feel your skin against mine. We haven't touched each other for so long, I'm craving you baby." 

Chan bit his lower lip softly, pushing his chair away from his desk, leaving enough room for you whilst making sure he could still reach his laptop.

"Fine." He mumbled. "But only for a few seconds.' You nodded, stripping yourself of your pants. You straddled Chan's lap, his hands on your waist gently. You held onto his shoulders, whimpering softly as you finally got to see your handsome man properly.

"So handsome." You purred, kissing up his neck slowly. Chan tilted his head to the side allowing more access for you. His hands moving from your waist to your ass, cupping it.

He spreads your cheeks, squeezing them roughly. His cock getting hard underneath you. You purposefully sat on his crotch, rocking your hips slowly. You moved from his neck to his lips, capturing them against your own.

The kiss was fuelled with need and desire, it only made you more horny. You desperately grasped onto Chan, not wanting to let go. Teeth and tongues collided with each other, saliva mixing together. laboured pants leaving your lips as you increase the speed of your grinding.

"Pup, I have to work." Chan grunted against your lips, pulling away slowly. You pouted.

"But Chan." You grabbed his hand, guiding it down into your panties. Chan shivered as his fingers came into contact with your wet pussy. He rubbed your clit slowly as a soft sigh left your lips. His technique made you want more, so much more than fingers. 

His fingers teasingly circled your entrance, fingers covering in your slick. You nuzzled into his neck, soft sighs hitting his skin. Whilst he was teasing your entrance and clit, his lips kissed your shoulder tenderly. He dipped a finger in your entrance, your walls welcoming him. Your essence and warmth coated his fingers as he thrusted it slowly.

You hummed softly, eyes closing. Soon, he added a second, scissoring and stretching you out. His fingers curled against your walls, stroking them with the sides of his fingers. Your pussy contacted and released around him, fingers getting soaked with each pull back.

"Chan, I need you." You pulled away from his neck, whimpering softly as you looked at your flushed boyfriend with glossy eyes.

"You have me, pup." He whispered.

"No. I need you." You slide your hand down to his crotch, squeezing his pulsating erection. Chan bucked his hips in your hand, grunting softly as he pulled his fingers out off your aching cunt.

"We can't, pup. I seriously have to work. We can when we get home." You whined at Chan, kicking your head back and groaning.

"I can't wait, Chan!" 

"You have to. I have to mix Jisung's vocals for this track before tomorrow so we can work on something else." His arms extended to the side of you, fingers tapping away at his keyboard again.

"Can you at least put it in?" Chan's fingers stopped, his eyes looking at you as you pouted. "Pleaseee. You'll feel relaxed and stress-free. Plus, I feel so empty, Chan. I can't wait till home to get filled by you." You gave him your best puppy eyes.

Chan groaned softly, nodding before resuming his work. You smirked, pulling his cock out off his restraints as you pulled your panties to the side. You grabbed his cock by the base, skin hot against your hand. You rubbed his tip up and down your slit, coating it in your essence. 

"Don't tease pup. If you want it in, do it now before I change my mind." Chan growled. You hummed softly, lifting your hips up before slowly sinking down on his cock.

You both groaned in unison. The warmth and wetness of your pussy along with the stretch was blissful to you both. You sunk all the way down, burying your head into his neck.

You kept still. The warmth of your pussy suffocated chan. Your walls involuntarily clenched around him, making him groan softly from the back of his throat. He could no longer concentrate on his work, his focus shifting to you.

His fingers hovered over the keys, hand stationary on his mouse. He had to squeeze his eyes shut, think of something other than your warmth and your soft laboured pants. He felt you grip onto his hoodie, bundling it up in your fists. "Focus Chan, you have to work." was all he could tell himself. 

He likes to think he has willpower, determination, but this was testing him and he's slowly failing. 

"I can't do this." he finally spoke, hands grabbed your ass as he stood from his seat, his cock still inside you. You giggled softly against his skin as he gently placed you on the sofa before towering over you. He placed his hands by your head before slowly thrusting. 

"You feel too good around me, pup. How am I supposed to concentrate on my work?"

Tags :
1 year ago

[1:20 am]

[1:20 Am]
[1:20 Am]
[1:20 Am]

pairing; bangchan x reader; soft smut

word count; 0.3k

tw; boob/nipple sucking, insecurity, comfort, reader has small tits, orgasm -_-

[1:20 Am]

laid on your boyfriend's bed the sound of his keyboard lulling you to sleep wearing one of his sleeveless shirts as a dress it fitted you, carelessly staring at the tv.

that was when you started staring at your chest. you never liked it, how small your breasts seemed compared to other girls your age. it always bothered you but chris always took your doubts away with his sweet words.

"honey you there?" he chuckled after calling you a few times, "um yes" you answered, your voice like a whisper, empty from the joy that usually fills it and he noticed. "yeah" you said sitting on his bed trying to cover your chest. "come on, they're beautiful okay?" he sat next to you understanding the issue.

you swallowed a sob "just lemme show you how cute and pretty they are okay?" he whispered in your ear kissing down your neck. "yes please" you breathed, " nah-ah baby you don't need to say please for anything today okay? i just want to to feel good" he cooed kissing your collarbones

he cupped your breasts over your shirt whispering "see? it's so cute and small, they even fit in my hands"; his hot breath tickling you and you let a sigh. he took your shirt off leaving you only with your panties and exposing you jiggling breasts. "oh look at that" with that he pinned your back on the headboard sucking on the skin between your chest and moving and sucking around your left nipple.

you let out small breaths as chris pinched your right nipple and keeping it between his fingers. he continued sucking on you and his other hand going down to draw quick circles on your clothed clit to push you of the edge. your orgasm approaching fastly as you ended up coming on your underwear and his fingers.

"see how pretty they are now?" he chuckled handing you your shirt and helping you wear it. "they're not that bad are they?" you giggled back and hugged him tight kissing his plush lips. "they're perfect " he said caging you in his embrace, turning off the lights and dozing off to sleep

[1:20 Am]


© @/bangchanisinmymind on tumblr | do not translate or copy my work without permission {feedback is highly appreciated! comment/DM for requests!}

Tags :
1 year ago

Can I request reader making sub Hyunjin cum through his pants with just nipple play 🫣

▪︎this is actually terrible I was so tired writing this

▪︎warnings : sub!hyunjin, cumming untouched, nipple play

Minors dni

Can I Request Reader Making Sub Hyunjin Cum Through His Pants With Just Nipple Play

You think he looks absolutely gorgeous like this. Sprawled out on your shared bed, shirt rolled up just enough to see his nipples.

you tell him if he's good maybe you'd fuck him afterwards.

"you're filthy hyunjin are you really gonna cum this quick?" you taunt while gliding your hand down his pecs.

"a-ah no.." he sighs as you lower your mouth back on his nipples, tugging at the other one.

You can feel him twitch from under you, a wet patch forming in his underwear as you toy with him.

"baby your twitching like crazy, you wanna cum?" Sucking and pinching his nipple Interchangeably.

"please?" he begs, hands trying to find something to grasp onto.

"I've been good I s-swear" letting out a needy moan before bucking his hips into the air.

"Is being good touching yourself while I'm on the phone?" you ask while leaving licks on his right nipple pinching the left.


"I asked a question didn't I?" You say before biting his nipple

"s-shit y/n please." whines spilling out of his mouth.

You start to mouth at his left nipple, leaving hickies all around the area.

"y/n, stop please." he grabs your neck but you remove his hands.

you gaze up at him before giving it a harsh tug.

"f-fuck I'm cumm-" letting out a string of whimpers and moans, arching up into your mouth. Moans dying down into soft pants.

"that's embarrassing jinnie, cumming from me playing with your nipples?" You fake pout grabbing onto his hips.

"I..." sighing as he looks down

"shh, it's okay. let me suck you off hm?

Tags :
1 year ago

“Hi lix.” You chirp watching your boyfriend grab something from the fridge.

He smiles upon your voice, moving to face you but your hands trap around his waist, squeezing his back against your chest. His eyes crinkle as you sway him side to side.

“Hi baby.” Now he finally turns around in your grasp but before he could say anything he’s cut off with your hands slipping under his shirt.

You bite your lip as you watch his reaction. Gliding your hands along his waist, over his abs, finally resting them back on his waist. He’s flushing red, looking around to make sure no one else is near.

“Have I ever told you how much I love your small waist?” You whisper and he’s gulping. “It’s so perfect.” His eyes are lidded not being able to resist your touch.

One hand wraps around his neck to bring him closer to you. Your lips wrap around his addams apple and he’s moaning. A hand shooting up to cover his mouth.

“Fuck, babe not here please, let’s go in my room.” He can feel his cock strain against his shorts, wanting to melt onto the counter you had him pushed up against.

He felt helpless, your mouth was licking and sucking his neck and your hands gliding along his torso, the other one rubbing him through his shorts. A pitiful whine leaves his throat as he throws his head back.

Felix was to sensitive for his own good, so it always made your job easier and teasing way more fun. You pull away abruptly, making his eyes snap open.

He’s met with your figure walking away, cutting around the corner. He whines loudly following after you.

“Not again.” He huffs, running to follow you in his room so you could help him with his problem.

Tags :
6 months ago

ᯓ★ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ― 𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧

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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: idol!Hyunjin x GN!reader, established relationship

𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: Fluff, suggestive

𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1.2k — 9 𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙

𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: suggestive at the end, mentions of drinking alcohol

𝘼/𝙉: This was my first request for Hyunjin! Jisung's version is coming soon. Hopefully you'll like it! :)

⤷ 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘢𝘺.

⋮ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗛𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 | 𝗝𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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When Hyunjin opened the door to your shared apartment, the smell of different spices hit him first. A little bit confused, he took off his shoes and put down his stuff before walking further into the apartment. He could hear your daily Spotify playlist playing over the speakers in the living room. His feet carried him through the apartment in search of you.

Hyunjin had a long day at work and couldn’t wait to feel your arms wrap around him while he took you into his embrace. He had to stay in the studio a few hours longer than expected because the songs they were working on were not really coming along as they had hoped. Chan tried his best to get it done as fast as possible, but he’s no superhero with superpowers. Sometimes it takes a little bit more work and time to get things done.

Normally, Hyunjin didn’t mind working a few hours longer than planned. That was before he met you, though. Before he met you, he often felt lonely. Sometimes it wasn’t a bad feeling, knowing he could be home as late as he wanted without having to consider anyone else with whom he shared his private life. At other times, he longed for the touch of a partner. He longed for intimate touches but also quick, fleeting ones—kissing his partner goodbye before leaving for work, coming home to cuddle in the late hours of the night, moonlight peeking through the bedroom window.

He found all of that when he met you, and he couldn’t be more grateful for it.

The tension and stress of the long workday began to settle in the muscles of his shoulders and neck. He could use a massage, preferably from you while you left soft kisses on his skin in between, he thought.

As he approached the kitchen, he could hear you humming along with the music. A soft smile graced his face as he stopped to just listen to you. You hadn’t heard him come in yet and were still focused on preparing Hyunjin’s favorite home-cooked meal. Cutting up the ingredients, you added them to the pan on the stove before seasoning everything just right.

Hyunjin watched you work for a few minutes before making himself known. Hearing his footsteps approaching, you let out a small yelp, placing a hand over your heart. “Oh my god, you scared me for a second, Hyune.” His face showed amusement at your reaction. “I didn’t hear you come in. I’m making your favorite meal, though.” You set down the cutlery and wiped your hands with a kitchen towel.

“I figured, but I didn’t want to disturb you. I love to watch you cook.” He took you in his embrace, and you wrapped your arms around him. By the way he leaned into you, you could feel how tired he was. “Long day?”

You felt him nod against you, still holding you close. “So busy, it’s stressful.” You peeked at his face and saw tiredness etched across his features. Giving him a soft peck on the lips, you stepped out of his arms and turned your attention back to the food on the stove, stirring it. Hyunjin came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your frame again, resting his head on your shoulder to watch as you cooked. You hummed along to the music once more, and Hyunjin soaked in the moment. Coming home to you cooking his favorite meal and taking care of him after such a long day was one of the best things in his life.

He absolutely loved his idol life, his career, and all the opportunities he’d had since debuting, but nothing beat this feeling with you—coming home to you, holding you, loving you, and being loved by you. He thanked the gods for the day when he bumped into you after you walked out of the coffee shop. Your drink had spilled all over you, and you were ready to get angry at the person who’d caused the mess. When you looked up, it felt like time stood still for a moment. He was the most beautiful man you’d ever laid eyes on, and you almost wanted to apologize for him bumping into you.

Hyunjin felt the same spark when your eyes met, and his breath caught in his throat. Even with your drink spilled all over your white shirt —which was totally his fault— you still looked gorgeous. Eventually, he made it up to you by buying you a new drink. You two started talking and haven’t stopped to this day.

“Go sit down, baby. I’ll pour you a glass of wine and finish up cooking.” Hyunjin let out a soft sigh as you turned around to get him a glass. He smiled to himself and headed to the bedroom to change. After returning to the living room, he saw a glass of red wine on the coffee table and noticed his favorite movie was already starting on the TV.

“What would I do without them,” he whispered to himself. He settled down on the couch, in his favorite spot, and took a sip of the wine. Finally relaxing, he thought, turning his attention to the TV. After a few minutes, he felt your hands on his shoulders. Softly, you began to massage his tense muscles, and he let his head fall back, closing his eyes. Your hands felt like heaven.

You continued the massage in silence, with the sounds of the TV and your playlist in the background. “Do you want to talk about your day?” you asked after a minute. A sigh left his lips, and he opened his eyes to look up at you. “Nothing special, we just needed to finish this song. It was just a long day.” You nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. “I’ll get two plates, and we can eat in front of the TV. Don’t move, mister.” Hyunjin chuckled, already missing your touch as you went back into the kitchen.

He heard you rummaging around, and after a few minutes, you reappeared with two plates. Sitting down next to him, you handed him his. You ate in comfortable silence, watching the movie you’d put on for him. After dinner, you quickly cleaned the plates and loaded the dishwasher. Hyunjin tried to help, but you motioned for him to stay seated and relax.

“You’re the best, you know that?” he said as you came back with more wine. You sat down and poured him another glass. “You work so hard. I thought I’d surprise you with your favorite meal. It’s the least I could do.”

You smiled softly at him and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. His hand came up to hold yours, and he left a small kiss on the back of your hand. Even though the gesture was small, it still gave you butterflies. Setting down your glass, you turned to him. “Are you fully relaxed now?” He nodded. “I think so. Thank you for taking care of me, baby.”

“Always.” You leaned closer and gave him a soft kiss. “I thought about running you a hot bath, and maybe I can join you?” Hyunjin hummed in agreement and kissed you again. “I think that’s a great idea. Afterward, I can properly thank you for taking care of me.” He pulled back with a smirk on his lips. You saw his gaze darken slightly and nodded, your hands running up his chest before resting at the nape of his neck. Leaning in for another kiss, you whispered seductively, “I think I love that proposal.”

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Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.

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6 months ago

♬⋆.˚ 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 ― 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠

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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: idol!Jisung x GN!reader, established relationship

𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: fluff

𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 1.5k — 10 𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙

𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: burned food, thats it

𝘼/𝙉: This was requested! I loved to write this one because this is inspired by something I did a few weeks ago. I tried to surprise my bf with cooking so he didn't have to do all the work but I failed, big time :') Hopefully, you'll enjoy it!

⤷ 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘢𝘺 (𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨).

⋮ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗛𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 | 𝗝𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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Jisung was tired. He just wanted to go home, cuddle with you on the couch or in bed, and watch Spirited Away. Comeback season was upon them, and he still wanted to spend as much free time with you as possible before he got too busy. After a few years together, you were used to him being so busy during comeback season, but you still wanted to make the most of the free time you had together before and during this time.

Jisung loved that about you. You knew how busy he could get because of his career. The long days, touring, and comeback stages were a part of his job and his life. Sometimes he wouldn’t come home to sleep. He would just sleep in the studio and continue the next day. You did express to him that you thought it was unhealthy to stay in his workspace for so long without having a break. And you meant really have a break. Closing your eyes for a few hours in the studio, waking up, and going straight back at it didn’t count.

You didn’t want him to overwork himself and at least come home in the evenings. Your shared apartment was only 15 minutes from the studio, so it wasn’t even a long commute home. You managed to talk him into coming home to sleep, even if it was in the middle of the night, so he could sleep in an actual bed with you and rest.

If he had an early morning and you had time, you’d wake up with him and make him breakfast while he got ready. You’d eat your breakfast together before he would leave for the day. This way, you’d still spend some time together. Other times, you would order takeout for him and his members. You’d bring it to him and eat with them. If they were really busy or behind schedule, you’d drop it off with a kiss and just eat your dinner at home.

Sometimes he wondered why you hadn’t left him yet. During comeback seasons, he was just so busy, he barely had time for you and your relationship. However, he found it difficult to communicate it when those feelings surfaced. He was scared you would realize you deserved better and leave him.

“You let me know that you are too busy and stressed to do anything with me. I know it has nothing to do with me and this is what your job requires of you. Yes, it is hard sometimes, and I miss you at times like that, but I love you too much to just give this up. I know that if the roles were reversed, you would support me and my dreams too,” you had said when he gathered the courage to address this to you.

After saying goodbye to the members, he quickly grabbed his stuff and went on his way home. During the day, you’d texted him that you’d be in charge of dinner tonight to surprise him. It brought a smile to Jisung’s face but also some concern. He knew you weren’t the best at cooking; that’s why you brought him and his members takeout on busy days instead of home-cooked meals. You could make simple things like scrambled eggs and warm up some soup, but that was about it.

It’s the thought that counts, Jisung told himself. He didn’t want to discourage you from trying new things, like trying new recipes. He texted you he was on his way home and couldn’t wait to see you. Putting his phone back in his pocket, he put on his headphones and went on his way.

Upon arrival at your shared apartment, he could hear your voice vaguely through the front door. He chuckled to himself and entered the home. Your voice echoed through the hallway, trying to rap Jisung’s part in a song of his you’d put on. By no means were you a rapper, but he could hear you having fun and moving around in the kitchen.

He quietly trekked to the kitchen to see you in action. You were moving to the beat of the music that was playing through the speakers in one of his oversized shirts. This was one of Jisung’s favorite sights: you being carefree and having fun, even if you were alone.

You cut up the ingredients before adding them to the pot on the stove. You grabbed your phone that was lying on the counter to read the next step of the recipe. While your back was turned to the doorway, you hadn’t noticed Jisung standing there leaning on the doorframe with crossed arms and admiring you.

In the most terrible pitch ever, you started rapping along with the music again. You added seasoning to the ingredients on the stove and read the next step again. Unbeknownst to you, the gas stove was on way too high and the food in the pan was slowly beginning to burn.

The burnt smell flowed through the kitchen and reached Jisung. He frowned and uncrossed his arms. You still hadn’t noticed he had come in and you definitely didn’t notice that the food was burning. Jisung reached out to you, and before he could tap your shoulder, you turned around.

You shrieked out in horror and dropped the cutting board with vegetables from your hands. Your hand clutched your chest as you recovered from your scare. “Ji, what the hell?! You scared me.” You let out a breath, and Jisung chuckled at your reaction. Before he could tell you, you already smelled the burned food. “Oh my god, no, I burned it!”

You rushed over to the pan and turned off the stove. A lot of smoke was already coming from the pan and filling the kitchen. The hood above the stove apparently wasn’t strong enough. Cursing and whining, you got the hot pan off the stove and threw away the burned food. You placed the pan back on the stove to cool off and turned around with a pout.

Jisung had to hold back his laughter when he saw your pouty expression. He opened his arms, and you immediately rushed forward to wrap your arms around him. Still chuckling, he gave you a kiss on top of your head and hugged you tight. “For once, I just wanted to surprise you with your favorite food, but I can’t even do that...” you huffed out against him. Pulling back slightly, Jisung looked at your face. He could tell by your eyes that you were frustrated with the situation. He pecked your lips before speaking up, “Don’t worry about it, baby. We’ll cook something else together.”

“Or…” you dragged out while your pout turned into a sheepish smile. “We can order takeout?” How could he say no to your adorable face? He nodded, “We’ll order takeout, less fuss after your little accident.”

Your eyes narrowed and you gave him a pointed look. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, babe. It’s the thought that counts, and I love that you tried cooking for me.” He smiled at you. “Nice save, Ji, you’re lucky I love you.” You huffed out, and Jisung let out a laugh at your reaction. Stepping out of his embrace, you cleaned up the mess you made and grabbed your phone off the counter. “You go and change; I’ll order takeout for us. Pizza?” you asked as you ushered him out of the kitchen. Jisung replied with a ‘yes please’ while walking down the hall to your bedroom to change.

You let out a groan when sitting down on the couch. This was not how it was supposed to go tonight. You just wanted to surprise Jisung with his favorite food, go to the convenience store together to get the cheesecake slices he loves, and watch some Studio Ghibli movies. I guess you can still go out for dessert or order it with your takeout.

As Jisung came back into the living room, you placed your order (with desserts). Setting down your phone, Jisung cuddled up next to you on the couch. While he was trying to find the most comfortable position, your hand ran softly through his hair. Passing the remote to Jisung, he put on Spirited Away and went straight back to enjoying the feeling of your hands in his hair.

After a while, your pizza arrived and you started to dig in. Halfway through the movie, Jisung turned to you with a soft smile on his face. His boba eyes admired you from the side as he soaked up this moment with you. Such a small and simple gesture meant the world to him.

“I know this is not how you’d hoped the evening would turn out, but I appreciate you looking after me,” Jisung spoke, his voice filled with warmth and love. You turned your face to him, mid-bite. Quickly swallowing your bite and almost choking on it, you returned his soft smile. “Anything for you, my love.”

He gave you a soft kiss before turning his attention back to the TV and his pizza. Jisung was content. He had everything he’d ever wanted: a career he’d always dreamed of and he had you.

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Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.

Tags :
6 months ago

─ .✦ 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐅𝐅!𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐧𝐮𝐝𝐞 📲

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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: bff!jisung x fem!reader


𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: suggestive, fluff-ish, humor-ish

𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: suggestive, cursing

𝘼/𝙉: another request! Hyunjin's version will come soon!

⤷ 𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘯𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵.

⋮ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗛𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 | 𝗝𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.

Tags :
6 months ago

─ .✦ 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐅𝐅!𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐧𝐮𝐝𝐞 📲

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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: bff!Hyunjin x fem!reader


𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: suggestive, fluff-ish

𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: suggestive, some cursing

𝘼/𝙉: requested! Hopefully, you'll love it :)

⤷ 𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘯𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵.

𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗛𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 | 𝗝𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.

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5 months ago

ᯓ★ 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 ― 𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧

⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖

⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖

𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: idol!Hyunjin x fem!reader

𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 3,2k (got a little carried away lol) — 𝟮𝟮 𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙

𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: angst, comfort

𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: hurt/comfort, reader's insecure and hyunjin is being oblivious most of the time

𝘼/𝙉: This is also a request. I normally don't really like reading angst but writing it is so much fun lol. Hope you'll enjoy this one!

⤷ 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘺.

⋮ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁

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You were heading to the studio with lunch for Hyunjin and the others. He didn’t reply to your texts all morning so you thought you’d surprise him and the others with lunch. You know how they can be when they are busy, so they probably appreciate it if you bring them something to eat.

You entered the building and down the hall to the studio they’d probably be at. Stopping in front of the door, you see it was not fully closed. Raising your hand to knock before entering, your hand comes to a halt when you hear your boyfriend’s voice.

You didn’t mean to eavesdrop, really. It was just that his voice was a little louder than usual, and you happened to stop by at the wrong time.

“Man, it’s so annoying. My phone keeps blowing up and she won’t leave me alone,” you could hear him let out a frustrating groan. “Sometimes she’s just… too clingy, you know? As if she can’t do anything by herself. ‘S driving me crazy.”

Murmurs followed your boyfriend's confession, but your heart was pounding so loud to hear their responses. Hyunjin said it so casually, but his words hit you like a punch to the gut.

Clingy? He thought you were being too clingy?

You thought you were just showing how much you cared for him — it hadn’t felt like too much. But now it felt like you overstayed your welcome like everything you did and every touch had been one too many.

Fighting back the sudden tightness in your chest, you swallowed hard. You stood by the door for a minute gathering your thoughts, before silently turning around to walk away. Your heart now aching with a newfound distance you weren’t sure how to close.

Apparently, your lingering by the door hadn’t gone unnoticed by one of the members. Felix saw something from the corner of his eye and before he could say something, he saw you turn around and walk away from the studio.

He frowned at the words of his friend and the thought of you possibly overhearing him. “She just cares about you,” Felix spoke up before getting out his phone to text you. He didn’t get a response from the older boy, at least not a verbal one.

You arrived back home when you heard your phone going off. Could it be Hyunjin? Did he text you a lie about how he was just busy and didn’t see your texts coming through?

You hated this. You hated this feeling of being lied to. If he thought it was too much, he should have just said so instead of going to his members behind your back.

Sure, he can vent to his friends. It’s not like you don’t do this with your girlfriends. But complaining about your partner and being actually hurtful? You wouldn’t do that.

You set down the bags that contained the lunch boxes before getting your phone out of your purse. It was Felix, asking if you just stopped by. He had seen you turn around and walk away instead of coming in.

You quickly typed a reply, saying you did want to stop by but forgot something at home. It wasn’t really a lie that he would believe, but at this point, you didn’t want to talk about it.

Your heart felt heavy and when you finally sat down on your couch, you felt the pressure behind your eyes building up.

Maybe you were overreacting? No, this was a valid reaction to something that felt so hurtful. This started a spiral of overthinking.

Were you really that clingy? And was it so bad that he might consider breaking up with you? He knew your last boyfriend said one of the reasons he broke up with you was because you were so overbearing towards him. But it was just because you love to show people you care about them.

In the beginning, Hyunjin assured you multiple times that you weren’t overbearing. He said he loved it when all your attention was on him and that you made him feel so loved and special with every little thing you did for him.

So what has changed?

You had hoped your afternoon would be filled with spending some time with your boyfriend, his friends and good food. Instead, it was filled with overthinking and tears.

In the days that followed you tried to act as if nothing was wrong. You tried to continue on, but his words echoed in your head and it made it impossible for you to be as relaxed as before.

Hyunjin could feel you were pulling back slowly, creating distance between the two of you.

The thing that stood out the most was how your frequent texting went from constant texting him things to a few texts a day to almost radio silence during the day.

Normally, you’d always ask him how his day was going, if he needed something to eat, if you could stop by to see what they were working on and even random things you’ve seen during the day that reminded you of him.

Now it felt like you only texted him out of necessity and not because you wanted to talk to your boyfriend.

The week continued, and it seems like the rift between you and Hyunjin has grown even wider. The tension kept knotting in your stomach and your hands kept fidgeting when you were alone together.

You were asleep, or pretended to be, when Hyunjin left for work and the dinners you had together were being eaten in an uncomfortable silence.

You cancelled a date night with the excuse of not feeling great and went straight to the bedroom. You didn’t come out for the rest of the night, leaving Hyunjin alone with his thoughts.

He felt like you were on edge, but he couldn’t figure out why or what had happened for you to be acting this way towards him. The sudden coldness and distance.

He had to admit, he missed your blabbing during dinner, or when you’re watching a movie and you tell him random fun facts about it. He just could not dwell long on your behaviour, because work still demanded a lot of his time and energy.

This resulted in the members deciding to go out to dinner together when they finished the last remaining details for the comeback. Felix suggested asking you along too; he got the feeling from his friend that something was going on between you.

Hyunjin hasn't talked much about you and what you guys have been up to lately, but he hasn't seen you in the studio during lunch lately either. You would normally come to surprise your boyfriend and the members while they were working hard on their comeback.

This also raised suspicions that you might have overheard Hyunjin's harsh words.

That brings you to here right now, at a table in a fancy restaurant, sitting next to Felix and Hyunjin. Your hands started fidgeting again, a habit you picked up the past few days.

Hyunjin sitting next to you, oblivious to your fidgeting, laughing and chatting with his friends - like hadn’t shattered your confidence with one careless comment.

“Hey, are you alright?” Felix’s voice was soft as he leaned closer, his concern clear. You gave him a small, forced smile.

“Yeah, just tired,” you mumbled. The lie felt heavy, but the ache in your chest felt even heavier.

Hyunjin’s laughter pulled your attention back to him. He looked so carefree and completely unaware of the hurt he’d caused. That’s what stung the most—how easy it was for him to say something that lingered with you, while he didn’t seem bothered at all.

Did he really not notice? Or does he not care enough to do something about it. Then again, you didn’t know if you should bring it up to him.

Felix spoke up again, “I haven’t seen you at our studio during lunchtime lately. What’s up with that?”

His attention was fully on you, trying to figure out what was going on in that head of yours. The question seems to caught you off guard. He observed you telling a forced lie to him about your absence. Suspicion confirmed.

Your eyes strayed quickly to Hyunjin but it seemed you didn't want to focus your attention on your boyfriend. His attention went to your hands, which were still fidgeting. He knew now that you indeed heard your boyfriend tell his members that he thought you were clingy and it was eating away at you.

This needs to be resolved quickly, he thought, but he didn’t want to intervene right now. It seems like you need a friend in this moment and he wanted to help you not have the troubling thoughts in your head for a moment.

He switched up the conversation with a different question to ease your mind, and you seemed to be eager to change the topic.

And this did work for a while, you were having good food and good conversations with the rest of the group. Except for Hyunijn, and it didn’t go unnoticed by him.

After the dinner ended, and everyone went their separate ways home, you fell back into an uncomfortable silence again. The car ride home seemed to last hours when it was in fact only a 20-minute drive.

Hyunjin tried to place his hand on your leg, but you just slightly turned your body the other way and faced the window the entire ride home.

When you stepped foot into your apartment, you immediately headed to your bedroom to change into your pyjamas. Hyunjin still was a little confused and watched you disappear into the bedroom.

Deciding to confront you about the distance he felt, he went after you. You were already in the bathroom, removing your make-up.

“Hey,” Hyunjin’s voice was cautious, a little hesitant. “Is something wrong?”

You didn’t answer him straight away. Your eyes found his and you looked at him through the mirror, before settling back to your own reflection to continue removing your make-up.

Should you admit that you’d heard everything? The hurt twisted inside you, mingling with the fear of pushing him away even more.

Finally, you turned to face him, your voice barely audible. “Do you really think I’m clingy?”

The question clearly caught him off guard, he just stood there and blinked at you. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but the words didn’t leave his lips.

The silence followed by your question was suffocating and it made you second — no, triple—guess all the thoughts and emotions you’ve felt for the past days. The reaction he gave you made your mind wonder if you might be overreacting to five simple words.

‘Sometimes she’s just too clingy’.

You felt so vulnerable, but you couldn’t hide your unspoken thoughts anymore. Your eyes stayed focused on Hyunjin. He swallowed thickly before parting his lips to speak. “You’ve heard?”

He had no idea you were at the studio, or near the studio when he was venting to his members.

A sad and tired sigh left your lips and you turned your attention back to your reflection, continuing your skincare. It felt weird, acting as if it was just a normal question, meanwhile the words chipped away at your confidence.

“It’s just... sometimes...” His voice finally broke the tension, but it didn’t sound as sure as you’d hoped. Running a hand through his hair, frustration flickering across his features.

You could see him trying to find the right words, but every second he hesitated only making your chest tighten more.

“What? Sometimes what?” you pressed on. “I’m sometimes too much? Am I too close all the time? Overbearing? I can’t do anything by myself?” Though your voice was quieter now, he could hear the hurt and uncertainty bleeding through.

He winced slightly at your words and pressed his lips together. He let out another sigh, “No, it’s not like that. I- I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just…” He trailed off, trying to find the right words.

You didn’t respond to his words, just waiting for an explanation as to why he said you were ‘too clingy’ and ‘couldn’t do anything by yourself’. But the explanation never seemed to come, the words stuck in his throat.

Though, you weren’t sure what you wanted to hear. His silence felt louder than any explanation he could have given.

“I was venting, and I just… I didn’t know you heard that... I’m sorry.” Frustration was seeping into his features. “It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you or- or what you do!” His voice softened and his eyes searched yours.

He didn’t know whether to take a step towards you and reach out or keep his distance, though the latter option is something you already succeeded in the past few days.

It didn’t feel good enough for you. The words fell flat between you, without meaning. You felt your chest tighten again and the suffocating feeling in your throat came back. The burning sensation of fresh tears behind your eyes was building up, ready to be released down your cheeks.

Turning away from him and nodded, “I get it, Hyunjin.” The man winced at the sound of your voice and hearing his name coming from your lips. “It’s fine. My ex said the same things, I’m used to it by now.”

It wasn’t fine. You weren’t used to it, not by a long shot. But you didn’t know if you could handle hearing more, or even if you wanted to.

Pushing past him, you went back into your bedroom. Turning on the lamp on your bedside table, you pulled back the covers and got into bed. Hyunjin lingered in the bathroom, trying to gather his thoughts on how he could explain to you he didn’t mean it like that.

He didn’t mean to hurt you, it was just in the heat of the moment and being stressed out because of work didn’t help either. Not that it should be an excuse.

You reminded him of the words your ex had said to you tugging at his heartstrings. That hurt. He knew it was a bad and rough break-up for you.

Even though it was so significantly small for him, something said in passing when he was stressed, holds an entirely different meaning and feeling for you.

You lay in bed staring at the window, silently letting the salty tears run down your face, and onto your pillowcase. From your position in bed, you reached out to turn off your light. The darkness engulfed you.

Hyunjin came into the bedroom after a minute. You felt the bed dip behind you, and he softly reached out to you. He rested his hand on your shoulder, trying to be comforting to you.

He could hear your breathing, uneven and heavy. Without seeing your face, he knew tears were rolling down.

The moonlight is peeking through the see-through curtains in front of the window., and it lit up your face. Right now, that was the only light in the room. You stayed quiet, not trusting your voice to say anything to your boyfriend.

“It’s not fine,” he murmured, almost like he was talking more to himself than to you. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.” When he didn’t hear anything from you, he continued.

“I just…” He exhaled slowly, clearly struggling. “I didn’t know how to explain it. Sometimes, when I’m stressed or overwhelmed, I don’t know how to handle things. But it’s not about you. It’s never about you.”

His words hovered between you. The sting of what you’d overheard lingered, reminding you of how easy it was for him to call you clingy in front of the others.

You wondered if he even realized how much that had hurt, or if he was just trying to smooth things over now that he knew you’d overheard.

“Then why say it at all?” you whispered, barely able to keep your voice steady. “If it wasn’t about me, why say it like that? Why make me feel like… like I’m too much?”

Hyunjin looked pained, his eyes flickering with regret as he gently pulled you to him in the dark. “You’re not too much. You never are.” At his words, you turned to face him.

Carefully he reaches for your hair to brush the loose strands from your face. “I know it's not an excuse to say I was stressed, but I really didn't mean it. The past few days I felt the distance between us and it ate away at me. I didn't know what was going on and what I had done to make you distance yourself from me.”

Your silence urges him to continue, “I didn't know how to bring this up, but I understand why you've been so distant these past few days. I was just venting to my friends without realizing this could hurt you. Especially after your break-up with your ex, I'm so sorry...”

His fingertips traced the side of your face before wiping away the tears that ran free. You swallowed hard, you wanted to believe him. You really did, because it is normal for people to vent about their feelings, good and bad.

But another part, the part that heard him so casually say you were clingy, kept you guarded.

Your hand reached out for his that was still lightly tracing your face, “I don’t want to feel like I’m smothering you, Hyunjin. I just… I don’t know what to do now.”

“You know, I missed your random texts. The one you always send if you see something that reminds you of me. And when you ask me how my day is going. The boys also have been asking about you, y’know.”

The sincerity in his voice made you look up at him. “They miss you at lunch too, just like I do.” For the first time since this conversation started, you saw the cracks in his usual confidence.

“It really hurt, the way you said it so casually too. And it felt like a punch in the gut after you know what my ex said to me. But it is my insecurity, not yours. I just need to figure out how to deal with it.”

He gently shook his head. “If you feel hurt about what I said, that is completely valid. I know it is an insecurity of yours, and I shouldn’t have been so casual about it.”

You let out a sigh and initiated intertwining your fingers with his. The small act brought a soft smile to his face. Watching your features, being lit up by the moonlight, he felt his racing heartbeat calm down.

“We’ll figure it out together baby. If I feel like I don’t need a distraction during work, I’ll put on my do-not-disturb mode on my phone, okay?” His words made you nod in agreement.

“And I will try to communicate my feelings more, especially when it comes to something like this. I realize now that I just have to talk about this when it bothers me.”

In response to your words, he nodded. “I love you, baby, so much.” Before you could respond he drew you closer, his lips brushing yours in a lingering kiss. “I love you too Jinnie.” You tugged him closer, kissing him with tender, quiet softness. You finally felt the tightness in your chest melt away.

He wanted to do better for you. His hand in yours felt like a promise—one he wasn’t going to let slip away.

⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖

Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.

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5 months ago

─ .✦ 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 — 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 📲


𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: idol!jisung x reader

𝙎𝙎: 4

𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: lil angsty (just a smidge) but mostly fluff

𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: reader being insecure, jisung being a cutiepie

𝘼/𝙉: this one was requested as well and I loved to write this one. Anon; hopefully this is what you had in mind. Thank you for requesting !

⤷ 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨, 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 ‘𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩’ 𝘰𝘳 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥. 𝘏𝘦’𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶; 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩.

⋮ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁




Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.


Tags :
5 months ago

─ .✦ 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐟!𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫 📲

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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Idol!Jisung x fem!reader, established relationship

𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: fluff, suggestive

𝙎𝙎: 10

𝙏𝙒/𝘾𝙒: jisung calls reader baby a lot, suggestive themes, just a lot of tooth rotting ily fluff

𝘼/𝙉: requested by anon! Super cute idea, and Hyunjin's version will be up soon!

⤷ 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳.

⋮ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗛𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 | 𝗝𝗶𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴'𝘀 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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Ⓒ︎ 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘥. 𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵.

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