purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀

20 posts

Purplepotionmaster - Lui - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Hi, I'd like to know your opinion. Why do you think Peter betrayed the Marauders and blamed Sirius?

By the way, I hope you are very well.

Thank you for the perfect cue. Time to roll up my sleeves and dissect the bane of the Harry Potter fandom: Peter Pettigrew.

Why did he betray the Marauders? I like the phrasing. Because behind it, the real question to ponder is lurking. Did Peter ever betray his friends, or did he just betray the Marauders, the twisted idea of inclusion that he never really had? Oh, don’t get me wrong—there’s no denying that James and Sirius were practically the poster boys for friendship. No argument there. We’ve all heard that tear-jerking speech from Sirius: “I’d rather die than betray my friends.” And fair enough; Sirius had every reason to be an emotional wreck—he was talking about James, the only person he ever truly gave a damn about. Sure, we don’t know everything about their golden years, but what we do know makes it painfully clear: James and Sirius? They were a two-man act, a bond so tight it was as if they shared the same heartbeat.

Hi, I'd Like To Know Your Opinion. Why Do You Think Peter Betrayed The Marauders And Blamed Sirius?
Hi, I'd Like To Know Your Opinion. Why Do You Think Peter Betrayed The Marauders And Blamed Sirius?
Hi, I'd Like To Know Your Opinion. Why Do You Think Peter Betrayed The Marauders And Blamed Sirius?

But where on earth did this idea come from that someone else—anyone else—was ever part of that special bond? The books paint a pretty stark picture if you care to look. There was the alpha pair leading the charge, while the other two trailed behind, playing supporting roles. Look at how they chose Pettigrew to be Secret Keeper in the first place—not because they thought he was capable or smart, but because they figured no one would suspect him. Translation: “We don’t think you’re much good for anything, Peter, but hell, no one else does either, so maybe that’ll save our skins.” And yet somehow, fans cling to this rose-colored myth of brotherhood. Four souls, brought together by some unshakable bond of loyalty. Let’ get real here. There’s a very good chance that Peter didn’t even see James and the gang as friends. He was just along for the ride, hanging around like a dodgy uncle at a family reunion.

People love to reduce Peter’s Animagus form to a symbol of cowardice and betrayal, but they miss the real significance of what a rat actually represents—survival. And at his core, that’s exactly what Peter is—a survivor. Strip away all the noise, the grand ideals, and lofty heroics that everyone around him seemed so fond of, and what you’ve got left in Peter is raw instinct. He wasn’t guided by some deep-seated belief or conviction. No grand moral compass pulled him one way or another. He’s the embodiment of the quintessential “baby boy” trope—the “please take care of me” type. (Sorry, Regulus, but the Chalamet fancast isn’t enough to hold the title. Hand over the badge.)

What Peter craved more than anything was protection. It didn’t matter whether it came from James Potter or the Dark Lord himself. The man just wanted someone bigger, stronger, meaner to pat him on the head.

Hi, I'd Like To Know Your Opinion. Why Do You Think Peter Betrayed The Marauders And Blamed Sirius?

Pettigrew was already used to playing second fiddle to James and Sirius, who were so full of themselves they practically had their own gravitational pull. So when Voldemort strutted onto the scene, another powerful, arrogant tosser demanding followers, was it really such a massive shift for Peter? Hardly. It wasn’t life-changing. It was just a change of scenery. He did what he was best at: finding the biggest bully on the block and pledging his allegiance to survive. Sirius and James had been grooming him for it for years without even knowing.

It’s easy work, bashing Peter. Man’s got a face like a rodent and a spine to match—hardly the makings of a tragic anti-hero, is he? Sorry, Peter, but “pretty privilege” isn’t swooping in to save you like it did for Slytherin Skittles. If Pettigrew had even a hint of good looks, we’d have a library of fanworks trying to paint his redemption. But with a face like that? Not a chance. Instead, we get a convenient scapegoat for the fandom to rally against, letting the poster boys soak up all the angst. The sacred friendship betrayed! A tale for the ages, and people can boo-fucking-hoo about it for eternity.

As you can see from my lengthy ramblings, I’m doing just fine—so no worries in this department.

5 months ago

The Hidden Tragedy of Snape's Sacrifice is He Died at 20, Not 38

Where does the idea of selfish Severus Snape and his possessive love come from? Do people really believe that Snape died in the Shrieking Shack at 38, at the hands of Voldemort? Do they honestly think that, until he was 38, he lived a normal, happy life, full of hope and dreams, right up until that last minute when everything was suddenly ripped away from him?

Snape didn’t just die in that moment. His life ended 18 years earlier, when he was 20 years old, standing on a hill in front of Dumbledore. That’s when he gave up everything—his freedom, his future, and his life—in exchange for the safety of the Potter family: James, Lily, and Harry.

From that moment on, Snape no longer lived for himself. He had no control over his own fate; his life had been bargained away to protect others. Every step he took after that was part of a long, ongoing sacrifice.

People say they don’t like Snape because he didn’t make up for his mistakes the way he should have, that his redemption arc wasn’t complete. Excuse me? I’m not sure what more a person can give than their life. What’s more precious than their time and youth? What’s more important than their freedom? Snape sacrificed all of that—what else did he even have left to give?

He was barely out of his teenage years when he chose to give up everything—his youth, his dreams, his ambitions, even his loyalty—for people who didn’t care about him. Yet, Snape stayed on that path with unwavering courage for the next 18 years, never backing down.

In truth, Severus Snape was a boy who lost his life at 20. The only thing is, they didn’t bury him until he was 38.

5 months ago

Severus Snape is my favorite literary character, I feel so sorry for him, this tragic boy with a bad home life, who didn't have a safe or a magical name to help him when he arrived at Hogwarts.

The school that was supposed to be his new home became his personal hell. The man who made the wrong choice and lost his childhood friend, the only person who showed him kindness, even if he wasn't friend enough, because he couldn't hide his laughter when he saw him in such a humiliating situation.

The man who lost his life when he gave it to a second master when he was 20 years old. Who never left home or school where he felt unhappy.

He was unable to change, grow, mature, as he was trapped by invisible shackles, dragging guilt, pain and misery. Who sacrificed everything for a boy, a plan set for the greater good.

Who died looking into green eyes for whom he would do anything. The man who never complained about how little he received. His life didn't have good moments, he didn't have a group of friends by his side, a family from a daisy commercial, even if for a short time.

There was no happy ending 19 years later. He was born, raised and died in pure pain and misery. Few characters in literature are so miserable, with so few good moments, but with such a strong moral code.

That's why we still discuss him today, that's why there are so many interpretations about this character, Severus Snape, hero or villain? Well, in my opinion he is only human.

5 months ago
Post War Snarry

Post war snarry

5 months ago

Snape to Harry

Snape To Harry
5 months ago

Well, after reading Snater arguments on Reddit, there’s something I’d like to comment on. I mean, I’m a lawyer, and I’m a lawyer who advocates for social reintegration, not punishment. So when I think about morally questionable characters, I always think like a lawyer. It’s something I can’t avoid because I spent years memorizing laws, and that fries your brain, so you’re just going to have to bear with me here.

The point is, I don’t give a damn that Snape hung out with the bad guys. I don’t care that he followed Voldemort because, from a legal standpoint, Severus more than paid his debt to the community. First of all, there’s no evidence that Severus killed anyone before Dumbledore asked him to perform a rather shady kind of euthanasia. That means his involvement with the Death Eaters was essentially collaboration with a criminal group. If we take into account that he later switched sides and became cooperative with the “good guys,” then in any trial, that would already significantly reduce his sentence, which, considering that he didn’t commit murder, wasn’t involved in any attempted homicides, and didn’t directly collaborate in major crimes, would already be pretty short.

But if we also consider that after switching sides, he worked as a double agent, then we can count his service as a kind of probation with community service. In other words: serving a sentence. For me, Severus Snape served both time and punishment for the actions he committed. A sentence that was much longer and harsher than his crimes warranted. So I don’t give a damn what he did before because he’s already paid his debt to society, and any democratic legal system would see it that way. And I don’t believe in life sentences or the death penalty because they’re useless, capitalist punishments, so whatever. The point is that Severus paid. He paid with his life, both metaphorically and literally, because from the moment he joined Dumbledore, he had no life of his own. He had no future. His entire world became focused on doing whatever it took to pay his debt to society. A debt that, in the end, led to his death. So, yeah, he might seem like an asshole and a bad person to you, just like I see plenty of assholes and bad people who come into my office, but the reality is, if they serve their sentence, they settle their debt. And Severus paid more than he owed. Honestly, I wish there were lawyers and therapists in the wizarding world—maybe that’s why things are such a mess there, lol.

5 months ago

me and who

Me And Who

.°made by me ୭̥

5 months ago

My favorite headcannon is about Snape not growing his beard so he wouldn't look so much like his father.

Tags :
5 months ago

Beetlejuice in the first movie: I want to get back to the land of the living to terrorize humanity in any way that I can, this weird goth girl is just a means to an end

Beetlejuice in the sequel, who keeps a framed picture of Lydia on his desk: It has been thirty years since I've seen my wife Lydia Deetz, the love of my life, my one and only, my other half, the only woman I’ve ever truly loved, my—

5 months ago


5 months ago
Hope I Was Not The Only One Who Lost It At The Movie Theater, When Beetlejuice Kissed Lydia's Hand...

Hope I was not the only one who lost it at the movie theater, when Beetlejuice kissed Lydia's hand...

5 months ago
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
5 months ago
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
purplepotionmaster - Lui🦴🥀
5 months ago
2007 Emo Is The Best Style

2007 emo is the best style

5 months ago


5 months ago

always fascinates me when people take regulus black, who we got like 3 pages of surface level information on in canon, and then give him the exact story arc that snape ACTUALLY had in canon? but they hate snape for doing essentially the same thing regulus did because they can't fancast him as timothée chalamet

5 months ago

Severus Snape is a much better person than I am because if I had to make a potion for my former bully I would not resist the urge to alter it to humiliate them.

5 months ago

Y'all can't tell me this didn't happen.

Y'all Can't Tell Me This Didn't Happen.
5 months ago
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok
Gif: @victorbloodcroft On TikTok

Gif: @victorbloodcroft on TikTok

5 months ago

I love the virgin, inexperienced, submissive, demisexual and old-fashioned values Severus Snape