Ray (she/her) / 18 / Major Ghost Fan / Big dumb idiot who likes to draw / commissions open - https://ko-fi.com/puders/commissions
316 posts
Puuuders - Puders - Tumblr Blog
send me song recs and i'll respond with:
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library

Ugghhfff idk if I will finish this bc so much work to color
But here is the Lineart in case I don’t
Terzo wants Omega to take his mask off and show his pretty face more. So he runs away with it ❤️❤️❤️
The one of him draping it across his face ruins me so much and idk why
Terzo and his NORMAL reaction to fans' underwear on stage

Wield the yellow kazoo! It is your destiny!
Random gift for @sp1ll3d1nk bc I love their terzo clay figure
Commission me!
YEAAAHHH I love this so much ❤❤❤
Movie Night (kabukiaku AU)
TerzoMega ~ Smut below the cut
Ao3 Version
Based on the character depictions of Terzo and Omega that have been lovingly crafted by @kabukiaku , thank you so much for allowing me to create something based off of your characters, and for giving me guidance and insight along the way! They truly are so special to me, and writing them has been such a fun process!
If you enjoy this story, check out her other socials too!
kabukiaku's Ao3
kabukiaku's Ko-fi
Omega is ready for date night with Terzo. Or is he?
Omega fidgeted in front of the door to Terzo’s chambers. He scanned his surroundings, making sure he hadn’t been spotted. Clutching the bouquet of roses in his hand a little tighter, he steeled himself and made his first tentative knock, wondering idly when the butterflies would still. Deep down, he knew they wouldn’t.
Terzo wasted no time in answering, greeting him with a dazzling smile. Omega’s stomach did a backflip.
“Ciao bello,” Terzo greeted him warmly, taking a moment to look him up and down. “Aren’t you looking dashing tonight,” he assessed, approving of Omega’s powder pink sweater vest and dark grey slacks. Terzo stood on his toes expectantly, Omega leaning down to allow a kiss to the cold metal cheek of his mask.
“Come in, come in. Put your things down,” Terzo said, ushering him inside and taking the flowers with a playful bow. Omega obliged, setting his bag by the door. He’d needed to stop by his own chambers before their date; even though he practically lived at Terzo’s at this point, he had needed to refresh his ever-growing wardrobe that was accumulating in Terzo’s closet. Omega shuffled his feet, waiting awkwardly for Terzo to come back with a vase. Omega still needed him to take the lead, even after all this time. After a moment Terzo returned, carefully arranging the flowers before taking his hand and drawing him to the sitting room.
“Sit, sit. Make yourself comfortable,” Terzo instructed, letting his hand slide up Omega’s arm, lingering at his shoulder for a moment. Omega did as he was told, settling down at one end of Terzo’s plush purple suede sofa, propping himself up on an armrest. He watched as Terzo fussed with his beloved Stella, the antique projector that was his most prized possession; tonight was movie night. When he had selected a film and successfully set everything up, he beamed at Omega before shutting off the lights.
“You’re in for a treat tonight, my darling ghoul,” Terzo said as he took his seat at the other end of the sofa, curling his legs up under himself. “We’re watching The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. A true piece of cinema history. I think that you will love it.”
Omega felt himself begin to relax more as the images flickered before him. He wondered why date nights always set his heart to fluttering; for all intents and purposes, they lived together, after all. But there was just… something about the formal nature of calling it a date. It was something that Omega had never really done before, not until he met Terzo. Terzo was different. He was special. He made Omega want to step outside of his comfort zone. To learn.
Terzo drifted closer and closer as the film progressed, spouting facts about the movie and its production all the while, and when his head finally came to rest on Omega’s shoulder, it was a welcome relief. Omega wrapped his arm around Terzo’s much smaller frame and pulled him snugly against his body. Terzo let out a little sigh.
When the film was over, they sat in silence for a few long moments, content in each others arms.
“So, what did you think, amore?” Terzo asked, running a hand across Omega’s chest. Omega was grateful that the growing blush across his cheeks was concealed behind his mask. He swallowed hard before clearing his throat.
“I enjoyed it. I felt like the themes were very reflective of the time it was made it, yet still timeless.” He really had been listening intently to Terzo’s impromptu lesson. He always did, and he wanted to affirm to Terzo that he hadn’t been just talking to himself. “I can see many similarities to the more modern-day films you’ve shown me. It must have been very influential.”
Terzo looked pleased, rewarding Omega with a peck on the forehead of his mask as he went to stand up. “My my, you are such a quick learner, mia ombra.” Omega grinned.
They ended the night as they often did, with Terzo’s favorite, Metropolis. This time when Terzo returned to the sofa, he resumed his previous position, nestling firmly into Omega’s side. Omega hummed, content. Throughout the movie Omega found himself stealing longing glances at the human tucked beneath his arm, lost in the comfort of his warmth and weight and hanging on his every word as he continued to talk about what they were watching. He was enraptured. Omega would happily watch this film every night for the rest of his life if it meant that he got to hear this passion in Terzo’s voice. The film ended too soon, as always, and again they sat together in the quiet darkness.
Terzo turned to nuzzle his face into Omega’s chest, inhaling deeply, breathing in his scent, his hands beginning to wander. When Terzo’s fingers teased their way under the hem of Omega’s shirt and began sliding up his stomach, Omega’s breath hitched.
“Grazie, mio caro. I know you have seen that one many times. It is just the perfect way to end a date, don’t you agree?” Terzo said, looking up at Omega through lowered lashes.
“Y-yes. It’s, uh… It’s an excellent portrayal of class divide. Really speaks to those at the bottom. To searching for a better tomorrow…” Omega stammered before trailing off as Terzo’s hand grazed his pecks. His face was getting hot.
“Mmm, you are such a good listener.” Terzo craned his face up to place a kiss to Omega’s neck, then another, trailing his way up to the edge of Omega’s mask. He climbed onto Omega’s lap, tongue snaking out to take a lick up Omega’s thoat. Omega let his head fall back as Terzo began to move his hips, gently grinding down on him. Omega felt himself stir, repressed excitement that had built up all throughout the night bubbling to the surface.
Terzo’s hands resumed their explorations under Omega’s shirt before going to lift it from the bottom. Terzo’s eyes met his questioningly, asking for permission. Unable to find his voice, Omega nodded enthusiastically. Terzo’s answering smile made Omega’s heart skip a beat. Terzo removed Omega’s sweater vest and shirt in one go, being careful not to displace his mask when lifting it over his head. Omega sighed as the growing heat that had been trapped began to dissipate. Terzo’s hands greedily roamed the now-freed flesh, making stops along the way to tease, to tangle in the soft white hair he found there. His mouth reversed its course back down Omega’s neck, trailing licks and soft kisses down his chest. Terzo’s tongue swirled around a nipple and Omega tried and failed to bite back a moan, his breath echoing harshly in his mask. Terzo released him with a gentle smacking sound, looking up at him with hooded eyes.
“Would you like one more show before the night is over?” Terzo purred. Omega nodded, unsure of what Terzo was planning but eager to find out.
Terzo rose to his feet, slowly unbuttoning his shirt as he fixed Omega with a sultry stare. Terzo was close enough that their knees touched. He shrugged the garment from his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. His hands trailed down his own chest now, his stomach, teasing just under the waist of his pants. Terzo undid his belt, then his trousers, revealing a pair of black lace panties, the fabric straining against his erection. Those he took his time with, sensually sliding them inch by painful inch down long, shapely legs. By the time Terzo stood naked before him, save for his socks and garters, Omega’s own pants were painfully tight. Omega shifted in his seat, hands itching to touch but keeping patiently to themselves.
Terzo guided Omega into lying down on his back, fitting as much of his tall frame as he could on the sofa. Terzo straddled him, moving to undo Omega’s belt. He shimmied Omega’s pants down his hips, leaving his underwear on. Terzo cupped and rubbed Omega through the thin fabric, lingering at the growing wet spot sticking to Omega’s skin. Omega whimpered, hands drifting up above his head.
“Si. Mio amato monstro, always such a good listener,” Terzo cooed at Omega, leaning down to place a kiss where his mouth would be. Omega wished he’d taken off his mask, wished that he could kiss Terzo back, but with the way Terzo’s hand felt on him, he couldn’t have found the strength to remove it if he tried. Terzo began to move his hips rhythmically, his precum-wet cock gliding across the fabric of Omega’s underwear. Omega groaned.
Terzo’s hands teased beneath Omega’s waistband before dipping down below, pulling him free. Omega winced a little at the contact, overstimulated from the previous friction through the cloth. Terzo began stroking him with one hand, cradling his balls with the other. He bent down to run his tongue up Omega’s shaft, stopping to suck gently on his tip. Terzo touched himself, too excited by the noises Omega was making to wait. He fit as much of Omega as he could into his mouth and began to bob, Omega writhing beneath him. The room was beginning to spin.
Terzo pulled away to catch his breath, sitting up and leaning back on a palm, resuming pumping himself, his mismatched eyes boring into Omega.
“You like what you see, amore?” Terzo said with a chuckle as a fresh drip of precum slowly trailed its way to Omega’s stomach. Indeed, he quite enjoyed what he saw. He must be a sight himself, he thought, sweaty and flushed and foggy as he was now.
Terzo leaned forward, rubbing their cocks together, and began to grind. One of Terzo’s hands found Omega’s above his head, fingers twining together. Omega’s free hand slid up Terzo’s thigh until it found its place on Terzo’s ample ass, squeezing firmly. Terzo’s mouth once more found a nipple and Omega threw his head back with an unrestrained moan. Terzo began caressing Omega’s chest, his belly, his hip, before reaching down to rub his inner thigh. Whimpering pitifully, Omega tangled his fingers in Terzo’s hair. His tail wound its way around Terzo's leg, needy. He wanted so badly to pull Terzo’s face down to meet his for a kiss, again cursing his lack of forethought.
When Terzo began to ride him faster, Omega let his arm fall uselessly to the sofa, fighting hard not to tear into the fabric with his claws. Terzo licked the side of Omega’s mask before nipping at his ear, his breath harsh against Omega’s skin.
“Omega…” Terzo whispered to him. “I want to hear you. I want to hear you say my name when you cum.”
Omega gritted his teeth, fighting with all of his strength not to finish on the spot. He began to move his hips in time with Terzo’s almost involuntarily, bucking hard when Terzo’s teeth sank into his shoulder. Fingernails scratched down Omega’s chest, stinging sweetly. Terzo released his bite to softly moan Omega’s name in his ear, over and over.
“Terzo!” Omega came with a cry, back arching, body trembling. Terzo gave a few more frantic thrusts before following behind, sighing beautifully.
As Terzo fell to Omega’s heaving chest, Omega heard his own heart pounding wildly in his ears. They lay there in a heap together, a mess of tangled limbs, tail still clinging tightly. Omega rubbed soothing circles into Terzo’s back, although trying to steady himself more than his little human partner. When he had gathered the strength to do so, he lifted a shaking hand to his mask, taking it off with a sigh of relief before gently setting it down on the floor. He coaxed Terzo into lifting his head, finally pressing their lips together in a tender kiss. Terzo’s tongue licked up into his mouth, and Omega couldn’t help but smile.
“Mmm,” Terzo hummed, before letting out a small yawn. “Do you think we should go to bed now?” He looked dreamily sated.
Omega nodded, stretching languidly and becoming aware of how sticky his stomach was with both of their release. “Maybe a shower first, tesoro.”
“An excellent idea, my darling” Terzo said, cringing as he pried their bodies apart. He extended a hand to Omega after he’d made it to his feet, an offering Omega gladly took. His knees felt weak as he stripped his pants and underwear the rest of the way off, leaving them where they fell as they headed hand in hand toward the ensuite.
While they waited for the water to heat up, Terzo pulled him down for a kiss, soft at first, but quickly building. As they broke away to catch their breath, Terzo met his gaze, a hand finding its way to the back of Omega’s neck.
Terzo smirked up at him, mischief in his eyes. “Maybe we have time for an encore, no?”

Me when I try something new to my art and it makes it look so much better so now I have to resist the urge to purge everything I have ever posted bc it doesn't look good anymore
@ofthemorningstars this is exactly you sending me the most random stuff and I love it
being an online weirdo is fucking awesome because you get to befriend other online weirdos. just now saw a sexual motorcycle post and i was like "hey i'll send this to my buddy, The Motorcycle Fucker" and sure enough it was a smash hit

© Paul Harries. These were taken at Botkyrka church in Norsborg, Sweden.
My nsfw meter is empty. Ive been trying to do it today but I'm just not into it
Rip ghostober
I'll draw prompts that I feel like drawing

Pumpkin carving double date 🎃🖤
Secondo isn’t the best at carving pumpkins, but Omega enjoys it a lot 💕
Commission me!
A little guy II COMPLETED (part 3)
HE IS FINALLY DONE Y'ALL Here he is with and without his hat!!

Under the cut is some stuff I want to say + up head pov

My bad for taking a while to post him, I wasn't lying when I said marching band was getting to me.
I might not be posting a lot in October since this is our hell month, but I'll do my best to give you little snips of what's going on.
I'm really happy with how he turned out and I like the kazoo I gave him. Tbh i'm shocked I even finished him because I just got sick...
Any who tysm if you made it this far, I hope the rest of your day goes well!!
me talking about terzo and/or omega online: He can give me a bloody nose and I would say thank you
Me if I actually met terzo and/or omega: Um I um um I um I um uh um I um you um I um I
I want the second makeup version to actually beat me like I owe him money
how is this the same person?!

In Pursuit of Something Better - Part 9
Ghost fanfiction
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A/N - Sorry I took a big fat break from writing this. The motivation is back 😈
The ghouls argue a few days after the discovery.
Read on AO3
1.6k words
Some blink and youll miss it smut
It was not necessarily easy to ignore the tension that fogged the quintessence’s ghoul’s mind over the following days, but focusing on what he would do to his Papa during their shows kept him somewhat distracted. He almost felt guilty, like he was taking his frustrations out on the innocent man. Flooding his body with quintessence at the soonest moment, before he even connected with an audience member, just to release his tension. After the ordeal, Terzo would furrow his painted brows at Omega as he continued his song.
“Wait a little longer, si?” Terzo would scold him in the backstage area after their shows. Yet, Omega would not. He could not. Once again, Terzo’s body jolted at the improper timing of the substance. His knees wobbled and he fell to his knees, drawing a sharp breath into the microphone, reaching out desperately for a crowd member.
Another man took the papa’s hand. Terzo clung to it, watching his hand twitch and a faint glow in his veins emerge. Terzo’s mismatched eyes flickered up to meet the man’s gaze.
“I can see through the scars inside-“ Terzo was cut off by the man tugging on his arm. Terzo grunted, falling forward, catching himself for a brief moment before the man grabbed him by the sides of his face. The music continued as Terzo was gagged by the man’s lips and tongue, gripping him so tight that his nails dug into his painted cheeks.
Fire sparked from behind, swinging across the stage as Alpha’s tail swished behind him. He stomped forward towards his papa, simultaneously as Omega had done the same. The guitars had stopped, replaced with the sounds of Terzo’s struggling grunts, desperately fighting off the grabbing hands of numerous other attendees.
Omega locked eyes with Alpha. Temporarily adjusting his attention to his packmate, he roared at him with his mind, a deafening sound rattling inside the fire ghouls head that caused him to meaninglessly cover his ears and halt in his tracks. Omega slid to his knees, grabbing Terzo by the waist with one hand, swiping at the hands of the ritual goers with the other. His eyes burned bright, subsequently increasing the quintessence flowing through Terzo, into the man assaulting the pope with his mouth.
All the music had stopped at this point. Terzo’s veins were bright white, shining through his clothes. The man’s as well, and with each touch, the quintessence plagued through the crowd. People turned to one another, aggressively making out, dry humping, touching.
With a final tug, Omega pried Terzo away from the man. His body was almost entirely limp, mouth hanging open, drooling on the stage. The other ghouls surrounded the, trying to hide the scene as Omega held Terzo bridle style and carried him off the stage.
“No more of this,” Omega hissed, the corners of his lips quivering, “that is enough.”
Terzo stared up at Omega. Tears dripped down his smudged paint, fingers gripping Omega’s suit.
“Fuck me.” He choked out, “just one more ti-“
“Shut up.” Omega barked, noticing the jerk of Delta’s head in his peripheral vision.
”Please Omega, I won’t-“
Omega covered Terzo’s mouth. It silenced him for only a nanosecond, soon replacing his begging with moans as Terzo maneuvered Omega’s thick fingers into his mouth and began sucking them.
Omega dropped Terzo on to a black leather couch, ripping his fingers from his mouth. He writhed, turning to face the back, grinding against it.
”What?” Delta asked from behind, startling Omega. “Again? Did you have sex with him?”
”No, he’s just delirious.”
”Are you lying?” Delta tugged on Omega’s sleeve. “Look at me, are you lying? Did you have sex with him? Omega, please-“
”Delta, relax.” Omega growled. “He is only saying that because-”
”Terzo Emeritus,” a taller man dressed in a black dress shirt holding a phone approached the group, “Sister Imperator would like to speak with you.”
”No!” Omega yelled, “He is sick. Tell her he is sick!”
“Let me speak with her-“ Terzo reached up to take the phone.
“NO!” Omega roared and slapped the phone to the ground. He stomped on it and grabbed Terzo by the collar of his suit.
”You dumbass! Where is your brain? I know you have one!”
”What the fuck is happening?” Pebble groaned, half annoyed, half frightened. Delta took his hand, holding it tightly and bringing him close.
“Do not speak to me like that,” Terzo growled back, sitting up. He looked like a wreck, though the fire in his glare told Omega he was regaining his strength.
“You are the one who wouldn’t wait. What is your deal?”
Omega’s eyes darted to Alpha who stood silently and watched, eyebrows raised.
“I don’t have a deal.” Omega grumbled.
“Then shut your mouth. It is your fault.” Terzo hissed. “I will tell Sister we got too passionate.”
”So I just decided to do that? Because we got too passionate?”
“Do you propose another idea?” Terzo pressed his middle and index knuckles to his forehead, leaning against the couch.
“We go about that rebellion shit you were talking about,” Delta chimed, almost sounding angry, “I don’t understand why we don’t just eat her.”
”You think anyone would come to our ministry and rituals if the ghouls eat their masters?” Pebble asked.
“Who the fuck gives a shit?” Delta growled back. “Who cares? They all deserve to die. They do shit like they did to Earth.”
Delta’s eyes snapped up to Alpha.
”Shut up, Delta.” Omega glared at Delta.
”What?” Delta’s chest puffed out, his ears twitching. “You tell me to shut up? You always tell me to shut up! Why don’t you stop bitching at me? Why don’t you bitch at him?” Delta pointed to Alpha.
”He isn’t doing anything.” Omega’s voice dropped lower, his eyebrows raising.
”You bastard!” Delta snarled. His chest tightened. “Fuck Sister Imperator! We will steal the Grimoire and then we will eat her.”
”She doesn’t have the Grim-“
Omega slapped Terzo in the back of his head with his tail. All eyes turned to Terzo.
”What?” Alpha asked quietly.
”Oh, for Lucifer’s sake!” Omega roared. “You are all children! Just shut the fuck up! Just shut up!”
“You shut up!” Alpha lunged towards Omega. “All you do is hide shit! You tell everyone to shut up and then say nothing!”
Omega scoffed. “You want to talk about hiding shit? You fucking backstabber?”
“You are clearly fucking Terzo, don’t even start.”
“I only fucked him once!”
”I only fucked-“ Alpha trailed off, looking towards Delta. He was almost started by the burning, wide eyed glare from the water ghoul.
”Don’t lie.” Omega huffed through his nose. “Either quit talking or ruin your own life.”
Alpha pursed his lips slightly, eyes dropping to the ground.
“Why is anyone fucking any of the clergy?” Delta spoke through gritted teeth. His deathly eyes darted between Alpha and Omega.
A wave of silence washed over the group, only the muffled sounds of the crowd yelling audible, along with the unsteady huffs and bubbling water emitting from Delta. Terzo seemed to have completely checked out mentally, sitting on the couch with his chin on his hand, lost in thought.
”Who the hell is Earth?” Terzo finally asked. His question was met with a few despondent glances, broken immediately.
“He was the earth ghoul before Pebble, Alpha spoke quietly and breathily. Omega’s eyes moved to the side, facing Terzo but looking at Alpha.
”He was banished.”
More silence. All eyes were locked on Alpha.
”I…” Alpha choked. His ears curled downwards, his tail limp on the ground.
”I had sex with Secondo. Earth walked in.”
Terzo furrowed his eyebrows. “And he was banished for that?”
”I didn’t know he would be,” Alpha murmured, “Secondo just told me he was going to deal with it or something. I didn’t think he would banish him.”
”Hm.” Terzo tilted his head on his hand, bouncing his knee. “I don’t remember there being a banishing ritual.”
”A ritual?” Delta looked down at Terzo. “There is no ritual. It’s a spell.”
“No,” Terzo leaned back, “before you ghouls were summoned, my father had ghouls. When he retired I got to watch him send them back to the pit. It’s in the same circle of rocks and candles as ghouls get summoned in. I was never allowed to watch a ghoul be summoned when I became a Cardinal, but I got to watch them be banished. Something about unclipped ghouls being dangerous.” Terzo waved his hand. “Anyways, there has not been a banishing ritual since my father retired.”
”Well you fucking missed it,” Delta hissed, though a tone of uncertainty underlined his voice.
”I don’t think I missed anything.” Terzo looked up at Delta.
”Stop,” Delta pinched his eyebrows, his skin starting to drip on the floor, “I don’t want to hear any more!”
“Maybe Earth is still here-“
“Earth wouldn’t just leave me!” Delta hissed at Pebble. “Where the fuck would he even be?”
”I remember that Secondo took him downstairs…” Alpha murmured, looking sheepishly at Delta. ”He made me seal the door shut though. But I think I could melt it back open.”
“We aren’t at the ministry.”
”We can take another trip back there in a few days,” Terzo said, “on our next day off.”
”Delta, don’t get your fucking hopes up,” Omega warned, “if he is in that damn room he’s dead at this point.”
“No, he could burrow. He is an earth ghoul. He could still be alive!”
”Oh, I am sure that Secondo didn’t collar him, hm?”
Delta fell quiet. Omega sighed.
”I will go in there with Alpha. We will tell you what we find.”
I decided I am not going to finish the days I missed bc… I simply don’t want to
But continuing on from day 5!
Day 5 - Lingerie
Ghostober 2024

Me trying to decide whether I want my version of terzo to be a clean shaven submissive twink or unshaven bratty power bottom
your commissions page doesn't seem to have any will/won't draw or maybe I'm just not seeing it so I was curious if you are willing to do NSFW for OC x Papa?
Yes I do NSFW! I don't put my won't do's on Kofi because Kofi doesn't like adult content lol, so here is my (subject to change) won't do's list.
You can request a NSFW commission on Kofi though ❤

Let them get married
Commission me!

Gonna be really busy these next few days. Might not upload my ghostober art for a couple of days, probably til the 4th and 5th. They will be done though! Just don't feel comfortable drawing things like that around other people lol. It's a lot harder to hide on my ipad, so I will just be working on thumbnails for them til I can finish them. So sorry for that.
But! That's another thing I wanted to talk about. I feel like my page hasn't been what I have wanted it to be lately. I think I'm going to cut back on the nsfw. I enjoy drawing it, but as an asexual who seems to only enjoy the art, I need to take a break from creating it (looking at other people's nsfw art never gets tiring for me though). So apart from Ghostober which I am still participating in, my fics and art will be sfw for a while ❤

Ik this was posted like 10 minutes ago but damn first of all
Im heart broken because Terzos a skeleton. Maybe he won't be coming back :( but also why are they all different colors?
But secondly, I might be overthinking it but it's strange to me that Copias holding a knife pointed towards Terzos skull. Hmm. I wonder if it means anything

He would
Commission me!

My local spirit Halloween finally opened today
Commission me!