rainbowblightmare - Art Blog. :)
Art Blog. :)

Yeet. https://www.deviantart.com/pandytheface https://www.instagram.com/pandytheface/?hl=en https://mobile.twitter.com/AndythefaceP

383 posts




Who hurt my baby? >:(

GoreTober Day 13 - Nosebleed

GoreTober Day 13 - Nosebleed

Love-a-lot had a bit of an... Issue, but don't worry she'll be just fine.

(I'm so sorry for this being late, I was to tired to stay up late last night, I'll still draw the next one for today too.)

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More Posts from Rainbowblightmare

4 years ago

Hey @carebearbro ! I saw your Tenderheart Facepalm Meme! And I found two images that may be meme material. >:)

Hey @carebearbro ! I Saw Your Tenderheart Facepalm Meme! And I Found Two Images That May Be Meme Material.

"The Audacity of this B**ch,

Hey @carebearbro ! I Saw Your Tenderheart Facepalm Meme! And I Found Two Images That May Be Meme Material.

When someone mistakes Birthday for Funshine the 46th time...

Hey @carebearbro ! I Saw Your Tenderheart Facepalm Meme! And I Found Two Images That May Be Meme Material.

Hey @carebearbro ! I Saw Your Tenderheart Facepalm Meme! And I Found Two Images That May Be Meme Material.
Hey @carebearbro ! I Saw Your Tenderheart Facepalm Meme! And I Found Two Images That May Be Meme Material.

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4 years ago

Hey FYI the way they show CPR on TV isn't how it actually goes. They can't do proper CPR on actors because its dangerous to do it properly on someone whos heart is still beating, but that pathetic soft little gentle chest-press that you see on films and shows? And the way their shoulders move a lot? Yeah, nah.

CPR is hard work. You've got to press the persons chest down one third of the chests depth. Thats not something you can do by pressing gently on a chest. You have to have straight arms, lock your shoulders, and use your whole body weight to press down on the chest. And you have to do it fast. A great song to sing to get the pace right is Staying Alive by the Bee Gees. Easy to remember, because when you're pumping someone's chest to manually manipulate their heart you are gonna be begging that they stay alive.

I really cannot emphasise the importance of learning CPR enough. It's so important. Please learn it. Even if you dont have access to a proper course -- even if you just look some tutorials up on YouTube, and then practice the pumping action on your mattress, that would be better than nothing.

You dont even have to worry about mouth to mouth, if thats a concern for you; most CPR advice these days is to not bother with mouth to mouth unless there are two of you and you're both trained; the action of chest compressions works well enough to compress and expand the lungs that it sort of functions as a two-fer; it beats the heart and it pumps enough air through the lungs that you don't have to do the mouth to mouth part.

Please learn CPR. Please.

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4 years ago
A Brilliant Explanation Of Consent For Anyone Who STILL Doesnt Get It.
A Brilliant Explanation Of Consent For Anyone Who STILL Doesnt Get It.
A Brilliant Explanation Of Consent For Anyone Who STILL Doesnt Get It.
A Brilliant Explanation Of Consent For Anyone Who STILL Doesnt Get It.
A Brilliant Explanation Of Consent For Anyone Who STILL Doesnt Get It.
A Brilliant Explanation Of Consent For Anyone Who STILL Doesnt Get It.
A Brilliant Explanation Of Consent For Anyone Who STILL Doesnt Get It.

A brilliant explanation of consent for anyone who STILL doesn’t get it. 

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4 years ago

Yis, love everyone. :)

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