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*brings Out Megaphone*

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*brings Out Megaphone*




Me, getting sad and hoping idia has gay tendencies in the game:

Me, Getting Sad And Hoping Idia Has Gay Tendencies In The Game:
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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

5 years ago

Do your ocs have a type when it comes to a s/o? Especially shir-kani in behalf of his fanclub


Quin’s type:

One the traits he’d like in someone is that they who won’t rush or cram too many things because to be frank, Quin is TIRED enough already in rushing too many things nearly everyday. He doesn’t want to also rush getting into a relationship. Though, just for them, he won’t complain in the slightest, not even in his head.

His type is someone who’s a lot more confident and positive-thinking than himself though not to the point of stupidity, although that too is charming in its own way a bit Quin also likes someone who will absolutely go for anything they want damned be the consequences since he used to be just like that when he was little though he then quickly panics a bit and tries to (failingly) persuade them to back out of it if it seems like too much trouble or they could get in danger.

If his S/O is a book lover/nerd/interested in magical beasts then you can bet this boy is instantly over the moon and is 101% thrilled to read books with them or tell them about all the various stories of yore, ancient magical creatures, etc. etc.


Sei’s type:

Someone cute, small, and soft is his preferred type. No, it’s not because he wants to easily monopolize them, rather, it’s because Sei is actually SCARED that he might end up losing them as well one day that this is the type of person he’s trying to find as his S/O since it’s easier to keep an eye out for someone with this description. Sure, while he loves a good game of hide and seek on the occasion, he doesn’t want his S/O out of sights for too long because he steadily gets anxious and fearful of potentially losing them.

An S/O with an aversion to conflict quickly pulls him in, and he doesn’t mind being their support all the time. He wants someone to always stay by his side no matter what may happen or whatever he says or does because he just wants reassurance that they won’t go anywhere and won’t leave him.

Sei feels drawn to people with a gentle heart while also being courageous but not stupid and knows what they’re doing. If they’re somewhat innocent then he feels inclined to keep them that way so that he doesn’t have to see them break down and lose themselves.


Lala’s type:

Someone strong. Like, physically strong. Someone who can hold their own in a fight will make her heart swell with pride, even more so if they win… which leads to her more often than not challenging them on occasion. They could also be someone who looks really tough on the outside, but v soft on the inside

Thoouuuggghhh—… her other type could also be someone who’s actually not physically strong but they’re incredibly nice and kindhearted. Sure, those types of people make her sick to the stomach due to how disgustingly nice they are, but she can’t help but be drawn to them all the same.

It’s fine too if they’re not particularly bright since she herself has braincells, even if she doesn’t use them all the time. Either way, she’d fight everyone if it meant protecting the one thing she wants to keep close.


Ophiou’s type:

He would like an angel. Please. Though because this isn’t a fairytale and he’s a monster, he doesn’t have high hopes at all hahaha—

The type of S/O Ophi is looking for is someone who’s very kindhearted and nice despite his initial harsh and distant words- they’d have to persistently try to get close to him because it won’t be easy to take down all his emotional walls and awkwardness. He doesn’t give a shit as to what race his S/O might be since all that matters to him is how the other person feels.

Because he is a soft guy at heart, he gets mushy if his S/O is the type of person who showers their lover with affection and is easily set flustered when they’re teasing him despite his usually quick recoil words.


Cirnu’s type:


Okay in all seriousness, she only wants [a good man]. By that I mean, she wants someone who is kind to others but isn’t a total pushover and knows when to be strict when they need to be. Someone who doesn’t like violence or fighting, but will be the first to engage in it if it meant protecting others and those they care about. Of course, flaws are inevitable and thus when things are too much for them to handle then she’ll be there for them and support them through and through. Someone romantic, but keeps things simple and personal (except for the occasional grand gestures, but only rarely).

She doesn’t mind a height difference really, but if her S/O is shorter than her then she can’t help but feel like lightheartedly teasing them just a little bit.


Bel’s type:

He’s not really looking for romance though it doesn’t mean that he hasn’t given it a single thought at least once. Though the first thing he wants in a potential S/O is someone who doesn’t buy all the shit that he says and is quite persistent, that or someone whom he’s known for a long long while now preferably long ago in the past.

Bel’s type of S/O is someone who is very independent, truly sincere, and quiet but not too quiet since it would remind him too much of a doll, he doesn’t mind them speaking a lot just so long as they don’t constantly shout or yell- they’re completely honest about everything they say (though he’s still panicking on the inside about whether or not they’re lying and can’t help but try to analyze and use his natural internal skepticism out of paranoia). If they’re a bit shy or have gap moe then prepare yourself for being teased, Bel won’t stop until you’re completely red in the face.

He’d also like someone who doesn’t take shit from other people and WILL have a good comeback at the aggressor, though if he sees that it’s actually having an effect on his S/O then Bel himself will do something about it. No one hurts the only person whom he genuinely cares about in the entire world and gets away scot-free.


Fuyu’s type:

Due to her complete inexperience with emotions and feelings, she herself isn’t sure about what an “S/O” is, and considering that she’s never felt or experienced love, she herself doesn’t know what it means to WANT a lover/partner.

Although if pressed for details persistently, then she might reply with “Someone “humane”… a person who’s liked by others and knows what they want.” Essentially, the type of person she’s looking for is someone open with others, confident, has flaws but doesn’t let themselves be taken over or swallowed by it (tho if they’re actually just really good at hiding it then it’s fine; she’ll still stay by their side and hold their hand or hug them).

Fuyu finds herself attracted to those who are true to themselves while remaining nice to other people, and if it’s just an act then she finds herself all the more curious about what is up with them and why they’re acting like this.


Shir’s type:

The type of person that he would fall for is someone strong— no, they don’t have to be physically strong, but rather, someone who won’t let themselves get beaten down so easily by others and will get right back up if they do tumble. Shir respects those types of people and can’t help but be drawn in by them.  If they’re a bit too feisty then he’ll act as their self-restraint and quickly try to pull them out of that situation before they get hurt.

He doesn’t mind them being independent, actually, he encourages their independence, though he does feel the need to protect and keep them safe every so often. If his S/O is prone to having problems with anything then he’ll sit down with them and have a personal but also deep talk with them in order to get the bottom of it, since he doesn’t want to see them hurting for any longer.

Are you short or tall? That’s okay because it doesn’t matter! If his S/O is short then he becomes all the more protective and clingy over them but won’t undermine their authority, and if his S/O is tall then he feels all the more reassured that they can handle themselves on their own (tho if they’re taller than him then he laughs about how knowing how Lala feels now)

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5 years ago

Hello, may I ask what is Cirnu's opinion of Pleiade ? She is so elegant and and admire her.


Cirnu: I fully support her relationship with Kalim as well, fufufu~. That Samsara child is a cute one too. I’d like to officially meet her sometime in the future and spoil her too.

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5 years ago


I- I did not expect this-


*begins crying* 




i usally don't do face forward portraits just cause they look wonky but ive been getting better at flipping the canvas so i tried it out once more and here was the results

 I Usally Don't Do Face Forward Portraits Just Cause They Look Wonky But Ive Been Getting Better At Flipping

This is a persons cradlesona on discord named "francis clemence" btw

And i REALLY liked how it came out and so i tried the same thing the next day but it was one of those days where it looked better in my head 😂

 I Usally Don't Do Face Forward Portraits Just Cause They Look Wonky But Ive Been Getting Better At Flipping

Ive been getting into twisted wonderland and noticed alot of ppl making ocs and this persons oc @randomikemendegen 👏 so cute 👏 and i love their artstyle and shading- but i didn't give them justice orz. I might try again with line art cause thats been working out too so we will see 👀

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5 years ago


Ara ara ara~?


She’s quite cute~

Decided To Make My Very First Twisted Wonderland Oc!! Tagging @angelprep @edda-blattfe @choconanime @eliphante123

Decided to make my very first Twisted Wonderland oc!! Tagging @angelprep @edda-blattfe @choconanime @eliphante123 and @randomikemendegen!! (character maker linked here)  

Name: Philyra Siren 

Dorm: Octavinelle

Year: 2nd

* The middle child to a family of merfolk, she and her sisters are known for their hauntingly beautiful singing. Though she doesn’t like singing as much seeing she’s often the one taking care of her sisters. Combine that with being the  middle child and you get a rather weak-willed mermaid. Sometimes she wishes the Magic Mirror put her in Ignihyde instead.

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