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Atlaisea Index

Mun Yasu || Main multi-purpose fandom blog; mostly/mainly OC-centric and (art)reblogging || Ask box: OPEN || I'm back!! || 20+ years old

903 posts

Laksjklsd Theres Nothing Much Interesting About Me But Ill Try Sksksssks

laksjklsd there’s nothing much interesting about me but I’ll try sksksssks

I was told by my grandmother that I got followed quite a few times when I was a child by this lady when I went from school to my grandparent’s house (I would always stay there for a while until my parents came home from work), and she would always say that she’s reminded of someone back home and that I was really pretty. (It’s weird honestly lol, I have absolutely no recollection about this whatsoever, and I’m mostly told this by my granny).

I used to be a rather impish kid who would tie one of my grandfathers to the rocking chair as he slept, and would often cover the small wardrobes/drawers with powder.

When I was a kid, one of my grandmothers mentioned that, one morning/evening(i forgot which sksksksks), I was doing something for a bit before I looked up at the ceiling or at the doorway and said one of my dead great-grandmother’s name..... even though I’ve never met or heard her name in the slightest until I was more grown up.

tagging: @ellovett @thecoolsquirrel ​@tawmatore​ @not-twisted-enough and anyone else who wants to join aldjdasdj 

(sorry if i seem a bit out of it-- im in a serious daze and have no fucking clue about anything anymore)

Tag Game

I was tagged by @pumpkiethepie thanks, love! I wanted to make a seperate post for this ;)

Rules: post 3 facts about yourself and tag the first seven people in your notifs

1) I used to be a very 'talented' artist (as others said but I personally hate the word talented) but I couldn't handle the pressure and other people's ridicilous expectations. (Just because I won two of worldwide art contest people thought I had some god like skills) So I always experience fear of being a dissapointment with everything I do.

2) I can speak Japanese but I can't write. Never studied the alphabet.

3) This is more interesting, getting outta my gloomy corner. I was born 1.5 kg almost half a baby. *smol baby, still smol*

Tags: (I will just tag bunch of people) @yandere-romanticaa @yandere-wishes @yandere-of-your-dreams @feedmestraycats @geodraconia @beheadedruler @bored-storyteller @nonsensical-twistedriddles

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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

4 years ago

19. For some reason (Your!oc) has to share a bed with someone, who would they be willing to share a bed with? With Choco and Bao!

Both are pretty okay with sharing beds with people! One sleeps about anywhere and the other invades people beds😂

Gonna take my pick from your ocs

Choco:Loralei can be a good pick,if the queen wants the whole bed Choco can just turns into a lil mousy n sleep on the floor on some blanket comfortable and then there's Mable! She'll gladly share the bed with her.

Theres also quintin(from @randomikemendegen) where she absolutely wouldn't mind.

Bao:Prolly invaded Di-Xin and Yabu beds at some point so what's the difference here?hahaha joking aside Deion is a good candidate to share the bed without any problems,the most only concerns is that she doesn't start planning a party with him at 2 am.

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4 years ago
A New Student Has Joined The Ignihyde Dormitory!!

A new student has joined the Ignihyde dormitory!!

Meet [Raneus Salpho]-- a 2nd year student with a sharp tongue and much like most of the other Ignihyde students, mostly keeps to himself and doesn’t interact much with others. He doesn’t really like conforming much to rules and doesn’t seem to particularly care about how others think about him, preferring for others to just mind their own business.

He actually comes from a family extraordinarily skilled in the art of sewing, with him being one of the best throughout his family’s history, and is able to make an entire outfit in, at his fastest, a single overnight work. Even better is that he’s twisted from [Arachne] in Greek mythology.

Raneus is also actually a spider, and while normally he would look a lot more “hideous”, he is able to hide away those traits of his thanks to buying certain potions that Berebis makes on his spare time. That being said, he’s not really afraid to freak out others by using his webs and magic and such.

He doesn’t mind selling out his web and works, but he charges quite high prices. It’s all worth it though, as the products are all of high quality and are excellent craftsmanship.

Surprisingly though, he gets along quite well with some people such as Sam(more of business partners really, Sam sells what Raen makes, and the latter gets profits), Trey(though it’s mostly the spider leeching off of Trey’s sweets in exchange for some favors and stuff), Ophiou, Idia, and Ortho(all four of them are from the same place of origin and have known each other for sometime)

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4 years ago

fuyume is so cute i will cry. also that last post is very relatable because i've always had issues with understanding expression too so it gave me a fuzzy warm feeling ^^


“Ah... please do not cry. That would be rather distressing for others, and for myself as well seeing as I am the reason for your tears. .... I am flattered however with your compliment, so... thank you.”

(Mun: I’m glad that Fuyu seemed to sort of connect with you in a way--! lasdjadsld Kind of ironic tho, that a snow fae managed to give you a warm fuxy feeling lololol but hey, it’s all good uwu)

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4 years ago

Hello ! I don't know if you are still doing the OC ask but... 2) With Viviane and Samara and 12) for Cirnu please !


(Mun Yasu: I’m gonna be combining both of these asks since they start out the same ahahahaha- sdkjsadslakjda)

2. What would (Samara) have to do to befriend (Viviane)? 

Oh Samara, babby, you don’t have to do much because Viviane will be the one who most likely initiate the friendship uwu!! 

The albino 2nd-year has ZERO fear and will approach almost anyone (which is why she gets along with almost everyone). The friendship would probably 100% be instantaneous, honestly, with how both girls act and how very friendly they are. (If they become closer friends, then Levi just might also watch over Samara as well since she’s Vivi/Lorey’s friend)

If Vivi wants to be your friend, then she’ll keep approaching you no matter what even if you try to scare her away~. After all, she believes that no one wants or deserves to be truly alone.

12. If (Cirnu) was forced to adopt someone's ocs as their child, who would it be? Why?

Bro if I told you everyone in Cirnu’s “forced”(you mean, WILLING) adoption list, we’d be here all day lolol— but for question’s sake, I’m gonna be listing a handful down below:

( @prometheanglory )Penn & Nik: The moment Cirnu just sees the twins, she just instantly says, “How cute~.”, and instantly pats them both on the head. She feels a bit sad when the two seem to flinch from her touch as she didn’t mean to frighten the two lads.

( @the27th )Pleiade & Samara: She already dotes on Pleiade quite a lot (helping with the fact that they’re both from Diasomnia) and finds her enthusiasm quite cute. With Samara, Cirnu finds her to be even cuter and even comments how lucky she is to have Pleiade and Kalim as her parents.

( @minoux-x )Nyx: Cirnu just sees Nyx for one second and immediately tries to give him candy; he’s too cute to resist. Plus, Nyx reminds her of one of her little brothers; they’re twins btw, and Nyx specifically reminds Cirnu of the younger twin, who is a bit more quiet and aloof but can be rather cute and sweet especially when wanting attention from the family. 

( @conquer-the-raven )Maple: Shy girl? Cute girl?? Small girl??? Say no more, dark big sis Cirnu is on her way to pat the cute fennec foxgirl on the head (and maybe give her a bit of nudging and confidence to interact more with Jack uwu)

( @oiseaunoir11 )Al: Cute cyborg child/son, she 100% thinks he deserves all the support and love that he gets from his friends and such, and also 1000% supports his and Idia’s relationship~. uwu

( @briarrosescurse )Rozalina: Ah yes, another fellow Diasomnia dorm mate (Cirnu dotes on everyone from the dorm, baring Lilia who’s the only exception; not even Malleus can escape the doting). ANYWAYS— Cirnu  finds Roza’s child-like curiosity, innocence, and cheerful demeanour to be her best traits and finds herself wanting to protect and dote on the blonde girl uwu.

( @piraticusdorm )Tink: They may be of different fairies/fae, but the doting knows no bounds! Watch as Cirnu makes her way over to the Piraticus dorm to try and establish a friendly relationship with Tink, and perhaps also with Conrad and Krok~ (Also if Nyx reminds Cirnu of her younger brother, then Tink reminds her of that same brother’s older twin, if to an extent)

Bonus OCs that are on the adoption list: ( @circuscarnage )Anna, ( @not-twisted-enough )Taniya, ( @ellovett​ )Raven, ( @perawuat​ )Amelie, ( @noahramschakledorm​ )Noah, ( @f55mi​ )Maggie, ( @wilted3sunflowers )Shiloh, ( @permanentlyexhaustedowl )Aya, and SO MUCH MORE~!

11. If (Berebis and Levi) was forced to marry someone's oc regardless of feelings, who would it be? Why?

Bel hates the idea, nay, the mere EXISTENCE of forced marriage. Honestly he’d rather swallow his strongest sleeping(poison) potion than go through with something like this. He might make a few exceptions for some people though, such as @briarrosescurse​‘s Rozalina. She’s not that loud, she’s a really nice person, plus she’s rather interesting so Bel’s fine with her (that and he won’t actually admit it but he genuinely sympathises with her and might even get off his ass and use his lazy genius-ness to its full potential to help her, since he can’t actually let a person like her be.... what? He’s not a complete jerkass; it’s just that Bel himself shut off his speech/attitude filter a long time ago and became rather apathetic and cynical)

On the other hand, Leviotan doesn’t really care much about stuff like these so anyone’s fine (plus he is actually a gentleman after all despite his aloof and rough appearance... he’s gonna end up giving any guy the cold shoulder tho). Anyways— one of he people he probably doesn’t mind being put into a forced marriage with is @hlebkamendraws‘ Crow; he likes her attitude, the fact that she can take care of herself/be independent, but still have some really cute moments that, honestly, he finds a bit interesting and a tiny bit endearing (it helps that Vivi completely accepts any and all partners that Levi can potentially end up with)

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4 years ago

💖Oc with Oc Interaction Ask/Tag Game💖

Rules: Tag friends or mutuals you think would wanna do the ask game with their ocs, this game can apply to any fandom!

Making a yandere version so stay tuned for that

Your!oc: Name of the mun's oc

My!oc: Name of the oc of the person sending the ask

Oc With Oc Interaction Ask/Tag Game

What does (Your!oc) think of (My!oc)?

What would (My!oc) have to do to befriend (Your!oc)?

What would (My!oc) have to do to seduce (Your!oc)?

How would (Your!oc) react to (My!oc) confessing to them?

How would (Your!oc) confess to (My!oc)?

What does (Your!oc) find attractive in (My!oc) as a partner?

What does (Your!oc) find attractive in (My!oc) as a friend?

(My!oc) is having a birthday party and (Your!oc) is going, what kind of birthday present would they bring for them?

Any ocs that (Your!oc) would be attracted to romantically?

Any ocs that (Your!oc) would be attracted to platonically?

If (Your!oc) was forced to marry someone's oc regardless of feelings, who would it be? Why?

If (Your!oc) was forced to adopt someone's ocs as their child, who would it be? Why?

What two ocs does (Your!oc) seem to be the love child of?

What ocs does (Your!oc) share a lot in common with?

What ocs does (Your!oc) seem like the opposite of?

(Your!oc) is in a fight and needs backup! Which ocs would they ask for assistance?

(Your!oc) is doing a trust fall, which ocs would they trust in catching them?

(Your!oc) can have anyone to be their date platonically or not to a party, who would they take? Why?

For some reason (Your!oc) has to share a bed with someone, who would they be willing to share a bed with?

(Your!oc) is close friends with everyone and is having a bad day, which ocs would they go to for a pick me up?

Oc With Oc Interaction Ask/Tag Game

I Tag: @yandere-wishes @prometheanglory @piraticusdorm @permanentlyexhaustedowl @perawuat @wondersbeyondcompare @wilted3sunflowers @randomikemendegen and anyone else that wants to join in!

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