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Hehehehe food date go brrrrr
Melanie gets the honor of being among the very few (that isn't Vivi) to taste a bit of Levi's cooking/baking 🙈🙈
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More Posts from Randomikemendegen

Why hello, I am back with more questions 😌😌
Jgjdkck if it's no bother could I have an explanation for why you categorised your OCS as such from my last ask??
If not all then maybe one from each? 👀👀
hdkjasd lololol wb Aya!!!
ok so- i’ll be doing one OC from each category to save on time ehe 🤡
Hokusai from the “Best Yandere” category
Cinis from the “Mild Yandere” category
Leviotan from the “Worst Yandere” category
yes yes i just realized that i picked the first OC from each category bite me lol 🤡ANYWAYS--
Hokusai is counted among the [best yanderes] to have/be stuck with mainly because of the fact that, because he’s already been there, he KNOWS how it feels like-- to have such dark thoughts towards others and how far one is willing to go for their Darling. Adding to that fact that he’s mellowed out considerably after millennia, Hokusai takes great lengths to ensure that some of his darker actions do not repeat themselves in the present. As a result, he gives his Darling full autonomy and allows them to live a life outside him; Hokusai would give them almost literally anything and everything in the entire world should they just ask for it--- but that doesn’t mean his Darling’s fully “free” and “safe” yet-- oh no no no.
This is only but an illusion that he has conjured up in order to ensure that the happiness and love exchanged between him and his Darling is consensual and genuinely reciprocated.
Cinis, meanwhile, is counted amongst the [mild yanderes] mostly because she is torn between two feelings. On one hand, she WANTS to dote on her Darling-- to smother them in adoration and affection that she feels like they deserve. But due to her admitted inability to properly/correctly socialize and emotionally connect with others, she has a rather hard time on how to actually express her emotions even towards her Darling, which causes her no end of frustration, confusion, and heartache. Thus, she ends up at times acting rather distant towards her Darling because she is attempting to compose her thoughts and trying to understand better on how to “act” more affectionate.
But as a result on the other hand she ends up occasionally emotionally neglecting her Darling. She doesn’t mean to do it, but she’s trying her best... so do forgive her, Darling.
Oh Leviotan, where do I begin with this one? Well, for starters, while on the surface he is pretty (genuinely) doting and caring towards his Darling, giving them lavish gifts and material goods along with the occasional physical intimacy (such as cuddles, hand-holding, etc. etc.), he is rather VERY emotionally manipulative and sadistic. Oh don’t get him wrong he does genuinely love his Darling and would quite literally KILL for them (and even kill them if things came down to it), it’s just that a part of him just wants to see them experience all of these sorts of emotions and feelings BECAUSE of him.
All the tears they shed, all the smiles they let out, the scared expressions on their face, their anger, their surprised-- all of it. It is because of him and him alone. Darling.
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌💖

🥺🥺😭😭 love your art, ocs, and works fam 💖💖 would love to interact/talk with you but I'm cursed with "awkward bish-initis" unfortunately djdisssjsk 🤡🙈
omg hiiiii yasu 😳😳😳 can u tell us about yandere cinis and berebis?? 🥺💕
Oh hewwo yume 👀👀 nice to see u again in my inbox 🙈💖 jdbdissks anyways anyways-- yandere time--
Yandere Cinis is... kind of complicated.
On one hand she's very emotionally distant even if she interacts with others due to acting as a "student", keeping nearly everyone if not EVERYONE at an arm's distance. She rarely if ever lets anyone get close to her and seems to be void of any emotion besides the occasional look of interest and such. Cinis DOES care about others, but chooses to live a life of solitude of her own volition. But on the other hand, a small part of her deep inside desperately craves even some fragment of an emotional connection with someone again-- to a kind of obsessive and scary degree even. Though due to her intentionally choosing to forget a lot of things from her past because of her cursed wound, and also partly in order to avoid being in (emotional) pain for centuries, these dark feelings thankfully(?) haven't surfaced all that much.
... However, the moment she finds herself actually getting close to someone, it's when the "darkness" within her makes itself known once again to her. Cinis becomes desperate to not lose this one light that she's attained after years upon years of being lost in the darkness, with her own having steadily become dimmer and duller.
Cinis doesn't want to end up accidentally hurting her Darling like she did with her old friend but due to her being very much affection-starved, she becomes torn in two with how she's feeling. She ends up becoming very protective of them and is constantly afraid on the inside that something bad will happen to them if she's not around. Feelings of jealousy unknowningly flare up within her if her Darling looks like they're happy with someone else, but she chooses to try and avoid acknowledging them-- though it just ends up steadily making her all the more frustrated.
She ends up debating herself on whether or not she'll kidnap her Darling and whisk them away back to her home in the Far East, where she can feel all the better because that's where Cinis feels like her Darling can be the safest; she knows that place the most and is most familiar with the area. Hilariously enough, Cinis wouldn't feel all too guilty in killing someone for her Darling-- after all, she's used to killing others if needed be for the sake of protecting [that forest] and the nearby villages, so what's more if someone else dies for the sake of her Darling and especially their safety.
Yandere Berebis, meanwhile, is initially DISGUSTED and LOATHES his own feelings towards his Darling. Partially because he hates feeling like the hopeful and wishful young boy he used to be, and partially because he's scared that this is just a "dream"; a cruel and beautiful dream that he'll soon wake up from. He loves his Darling so much, but he hates how weak and needy they make him feel.
Funnily enough, the line between normal Bel and yandere Bel hinges on whether or not his Darling ends up becoming severely harmed/injured and what his reaction to that situation will be.
Normal Bel will indulge in crippling self-blame and despair at his powerlessness but ultimately keeping himself together and not doing anything drastic. Yandere Bel, meanwhile, snaps and his mind instantly goes to "unhealthy overprotective" mode. He chooses to lock up his Darling someplace safe and won't even let them leave even after they've already recovered. Bel realizes the irony of their situation and his own beliefs and thoughts-- he HATES being treated like a doll but is essentially turning his Darling into a priceless doll unable to leave their "home"-- but brushes it off; he doesn't care so long as it means his Darling is "safe".
Before things even reach that point though, yandere Bel acts rather similarly to normal Bel except for some small things; yandere Bel acts far more clingy and attached to his Darling and is a bit more persistent in keeping his Darling with him at almost all times, he has absolutely far LESS faith and trust towards literally everyone and is perfectly willing to utilise blackmail behind the scenes if it meant that those he considers "repulsive" will leave his Darling alone-- he's not stupid, however, because he knows he has to do it in a way that won't tip off his Darling that he was the one who made their (old) friend suddenly distance themself from them.
Bel is also perfectly WILLING to use any and all various types of potions that he knows, and will even go above and beyond in experimenting in creating newer types/forms that he could use on others-- be it sedatives, aphrodisiacs, POISONS, hallucinogens, etc etc.. Oh he won't ever use it on his Darling though! ... So long as they don't push him to do anything that would necessitate him to do as such.
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌💖 For a nice person, that I am happy to know 😊

"""nice person"""
*sobs uncontrollably*
hmm if yan asks then 🤔 which ocs would be capable of killing their loved one if it came down to it? like “if I can’t have them no one can” sort of!
Oh that's an easy answer lol
"If I can't have you then no one will": Leviotan, Lala, Raneus, Orchis, Fuyume, and Seisear.
Trigger Warning(?): Character death(s)
Leviotan would rather kill his Darling than let literally anyone, besides Vivi, have them if it came to that-- like if he had no other option left (honestly it would not surprise me if Levi and Vivi share a Darling). He doesn't necessarily want it to come to that point, but if it is already too far gone then he'd kill his Darling to ensure no one else would have them.
Lala would rather kill others besides her Darling but if it came to losing her Darling to someone else then she would. She'd prefer to kill them with her bare hands, by strangulation, than using anything else as much as it pains her since she's making this very personal.
Raneus would take a slightly unique spin on killing his Darling-- he'd personally bite them with his fangs and inject a lethal venom through their veins/arteries. To him it makes things personal and it shows on how much he truly and genuinely loved/cherished them. (As a result, he doesn't ever fully recover from this and has one of the lowest chances of ever taking another Darling)
Orchis already has a very skewered moral compass and morality due to being an Undead, so them being a Yandere would practically spell out their Darling's doom. Death by being eaten (alive) is practically an unavoidable (bad) end when it comes to yandere!Orchis; to them, it's the highest form of "love" because then it means that their Darling will become a part of them even if death reclaims them.
Fuyume, along with Leviotan, would be the only ones who are thinking of killing their Darlings as a "practical and logical" sense. If her Darling doesn't love her or if someone else is trying to take her Darling away and there is no other option left, then she WILL kill them. By being frozen to death. And due to her nature as a Snow Fae, while she might feel SOME form of loss and sadness at losing her Darling, in the end she thinks it's the only logical conclusion.
Seisear is probably among the ones who, should their Darling die, would kill himself afterwards to join his Darling in death. He doesn't want to be alone again nor does he want to end up "killing" the person he loves the most ever again, but due to his already very fragile mind he WILL end up snapping and killing his Darling. Sei just didn't want to lose them to anyone, but it still doesn't change the fact that he killed them.
Yandere Yuuya WILL kill their Darling. Guaranteed. The idea of anything separating them breaks Yuuya's heart and thus they decide that, before that even ever happens, they'll kill their Darling first and join them in death.
After all, even if death do us apart, right~?