Twst Berebis - Tumblr Posts
sakdjh Welcome back Yasu!! I have a question for you. Did any of yours oc's in particular enjoy their time at the vocal and dance championship (VDC)?

jlkjsadsd tnx for the warm welcome!! rly, ya’ll are too kind to this dumb clown sadhajksdh qwq
Considering I’m still catching up on the Pomefiore chapter (already nearly finished reading the translations), I’ll try my best to answer this ask as best as I can with my goldfish brain 🤡
Nearly everyone enjoyed the VDC, though some of the others... not so much, ahaha. Anyways, here’s some of their thoughts as the event progressed!
Orchis greatly enjoyed the festivity and overall vibe of the VDC-- so many people~!! So much liveliness!! They ate so much food to the point they nearly ended up eating everything from a lot of the food stalls. It was the most fun they’ve had ever since they woke back up from being dead~.
Despite having to be watched over by Hokusai for nearly the entire event, their overall experience was pretty fun~.
Raneus also enjoyed the entire event... somewhat. He did end up making a TON of money from the amount of people who sent him commissions (and that includes even people from other schools!), asking him to sew their outfits and even giving him the highest price they could offer in return for his finest pieces. Adding to that is the amount of sponsors he got from the exposure of his outfits, so needless to say, his network became wider again.
Viviane so BADLY wanted to join the VDC and was even excited to try for the auditions... but sadly, she accidentally over-exerted herself and ended up straining her ankles and achilles heel from doing dancing practices and stretching. She pouted for a while but decided to do the next best thing; support and cheer on her new friends and senpais (ie. Ace, Deuce, Epel, Kalim, Jamil, Rook, and Vil) in their spotlight~!
On the contrary, Berebis absolutely disliked the loud noises that was coming from the performances that the contestants for the VDC were making. So he sought to stay as far away as possible from the stadium and even willingly stayed behind in Diasomnia just because he wanted to desperately avoid the noise coming from the speakers of the event.
Of course, Cirnu along with Fuyume (and some coercion from Lilia) ended up convincing him to get out and try to enjoy the festivities.

Sebek yelled at him for nearly an hour and only at the very end did he realize that Bel was asleep throughout the whole thing, making him even more annoyed--
It's nearly 4:45 in the morning (at the time of writing) where I am but fuck it, my brain's creative juices are flowing but my body says no so HERE'S A TEXT POST ABOUT MY OCS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE DORM LEADERS--
(note: I WILL be drawing a relationship chart sooner or later... or in the future, hopefully soon 🤡🤡🤡)
Quintin Blanpine — Riddle Rosehearts
At first, their relationship was really.... kind of "cruel", in a way really.
What with Riddle essentially working Quin to the bone, though his reasoning was more of [He needs to build more confidence in himself] and genuinely thought that what he was doing was the right thing. Quintin wasn't PLEASED AT ALL with the treatment, but kept quiet about it...
.... at least until Chapter 1 occured.
They got to actually talking and found that they had some common grounds and became close acquaintances.
(One such thing is their shared thought of Seisear being a huge PAIN to deal with despite his usually good and sincere intentions; another is actually them bonding over the dormitory's hedgehogs and love of crossword puzzles.)
Seisear Marchare — Riddle Rosehearts
A one-sided "friendship" on Sei's part (initially).
Riddle really HATED how Seisear was almost always out-of-control "like a petulant child" and seemed to follow his own sets of rules, thus he more often than not hit the other student with his Unique Magic in order to make him reflect even just slightly.
Seisear on the other hand found Riddle to be quite the "hilarious little prince"~. He always found the redhead's reactions funny, and while he may act terribly uncontrollable, Sei does notice how lonesome and closed-off Riddle seems to be-- it's mostly the reason why he likes to bug his classmate almost all the time~.
(Thankfully it seems like after Chapter 1, they've actually become closer and a little bit more friendly... though Sei still keeps getting collared with [Off With Your Head!] due to how far he can go with messing with Riddle for the laughs~.]
Lala-Phula Tigris — Leona Kingscholar
Kind of an odd relationship.
On one hand, they both act somewhat antagonistic towards each other, on the other hand they're actually... kind of close??? To say the least??? Like, they casually throw snarky words and insults at each other, but they also acknowledge each other as "okay"???
Leona finds Lala to be more like a bothersome kid that won't stop pulling his tail for some attention (if you can call the regular declarations of challenge to be that).
Meanwhile Lala thinks that Leona isn't deserving of being "the king of the pack" (ie. dorm leader, in her own terms) but also begrudgingly accepting the fact that he is genuinely strong and thus respects him.
Raetel Gura — Leona Kingscholar
More animosity here than the previous one that Leona and Lala had, though it's not out of actual malice and there's no actual fighting that's happened so far (except for the first time they met), but there ARE some close calls here and there.
Though they're more prone to hurling insults at each other and getting creative with their wordings on how to best annoy the other instead.
Raetel is GENUINELY livid with Leona, mostly out of the fact that they know that Leona could do so much better but chooses NOT to and instead prefers to usually lazy around.
Leona on the other hand mostly thinks of Raetel just as "that fox-sham of a teacher's kid", along with expressing annoyance at how much Raet gets up in his case.
Leviotan Genov — Azul Ashengrotto
This relationship is on thin-fucking-ice. Period.
Levi knows Azul's type and thus is ALWAYS wary and cautious of his dorm leader, while Azul notes on how distrusting Levi is and is just as wary of his potential plans and methods in which he can foil him.
Funnily enough though, they actually respect each other to some extent and have some slightly similarities here and there that have even both of them acknowledging that fact.
It's to the point of them actually often being seen talking with each other, though if you inquire about that they'll just reply with "it's just business talk".
Viviane Genov — Azul Ashengrotto
Friends....???? To be more accurate, Vivi sees Azul as a friend (like she does with literally everyone else) while on Azul's end he's not sure if they could even BE called "friends".
They certainly are on good terms though that's for sure.
Viviane can see past through Azul's personality and pick up on how actually lonely he is and how much hard work he had to do to finally get to his current self, so she's genuinely really nice and friendly to him.
Meanwhile Azul's kind of wary about Vivi's sincere attitude and is a bit doubtful, though he doesn't mind it at all now that they're both in 2nd year and even seems to actually take a liking to having her in his company on occasion.
Azul still thinks she would make for a good business advertisement and attraction to Mostro Lounge, but Levi threatens to suffocate him to death if he ever tries to so he'll have to pass on the tempting thoughts.
Fuyume Yukitosu — Vil Schoenheit
Acquaintances? Of sorts?? It's,,, kinda hard to describe this relationship.
Fuyume has no specific feelings whatsoever to her dorm leader and is perfectly willing to go/do whatever he asks or whatever house rules there are.
Vil meanwhile likes the fact that Fuyu is among the more obedient (especially to the strict regiments that he makes EVERYONE adhere to) of the Pomefiore students, though he can't help but vocalize on how she should open up more to other people.
Which results in her acting like a confused child at times because she has zero ideas on how to NORMALLY converse with someone, so Vil personally takes to putting her in more social circles despite any plights she may have.
He is slightly bit jealous at how she doesn't need to do anything and still remain beautiful, but that feeling decreases due to the fact that she's basically almost like a wallflower with no life and thus can't help but also becoming strict with her in an attempt to get her to finally bloom.
Ophiou Chos Gorgos — Idia Shroud
Close friends!! They have a lot of shared hobbies, likes, dislikes, and interests!!!
They're even close enough that they call each other with nicknames and are even online friends (they even message each other whenever Idia doesn't wanna go out of his room).
Ophiou does sincerely appreciate and like Idia's companionship (along with Ortho), and is very grateful to have someone he could finally call a "friend", yet he does acknowledge on how isolated Idia is more so than himself and can't help but occasionally worry. He is also still mildly scared of being rejected by his (first) friend because of his eyes.
Idia, meanwhile, is DELIGHTED to find someone he calls a "kindred spirit" and is even more open and honest with Ophi due to this fact. Though even then, sometimes Idia's slightly afraid that he might push him away if he ever gets too heated up about any topic and end up looking/acting creepy.
Regardless, they both game together on occasion and even hold anime marathons. (Of course, Ortho is more than welcome to join in)
Raneus Salpho — Idia Shroud
This relationship, unlike the previous one, is more distant. The two of them don't interact that much, but whenever they do, it's with a comfortable distance between them.
It's not that they hate each other, it's just that sometimes their interests align and it's mostly the reason they interact. (Even though they've known each other from way back, they were still distant towards each other and didn't talk much)
Idia often approaches Ran for commissions in sewing cosplay clothing or even just general merchandise that can be sewn before quickly going back to his room.
Though the few amount of times he actually managed to talk with Ran, he found that they actually had some few common grounds... before Ran ended up (unintentionally) scaring him (again).
Raneis meanwhile is totally neutral to his dorm leader, but is a tiny bit annoyed with how Idia doesn't take care of his appearance and thus often finds himself essentially getting up on his face and even threatens him to take better care of himself. Besides that little nugget, he takes up on Idia's requests with no complaint whatsoever.
Cirnu Alva Valirgethen — Malleus Draconia
Cirnu treats Malleus like a younger brother and you can't change my mind.
Okay okay, but in all seriousness, they have a really close relationship! Almost sibling-like, in a way.
While Cirnu does like occasionally playfully messing with Malleus, it's just harmless fun and she's quick to apologize if she says anything out of line. She (also) looks out for Malleus and feels bad that he's not getting invited to anything by anyone, and tries her best to cheer him up by reminding the other Diasomnia members to NOT forget to invite him to any parties that the dorm may have.
(It's also the major reason as to why, despite knowing about it since way back, she allows and supports Malleus and Yuu to interact with each other.)
Malleus, meanwhile, does sincerely appreciate her efforts in making sure he does get invited to stuff and socializing, he does wish that she would be a bit more gentle in her readings since it's a bit embarrassing.
Especially since she often calls him "boy", despite the fact that even though she IS older than him, they only have a few years of an age gap between them.
Berebis R. L'Ephegor — Malleus Draconia
Another complicated relationship to explain??? Kind of????
On one hand, they've barely interacted with each other, but on the other, Malleus' heard of Bel so many times from either Lilia, Cirnu, Silver, and/or Sebek (definitely more with that last one due to his annoyance with Bel).
So Malleus more often than not decides to go looking for him out of curiosity.
After some awkward distance and general apathy (mostly from Bel's side) for a while, their relationship eventually becomes that of quiet acknowledgement and understanding. And occasional harmless jokes and teasing (from both sides).
Due to Bel being among the very few that neither fear nor revere him, Malleus finds some form of comfort and companionship in him. He's mildly curious as to why Bel is the way he is but doesn't push that topic any further since except for a few times due to being unintentionally more curious than he should.
Bel meanwhile didn't like the fact that the most powerful student of NRC kept approaching him and often ignored him, but eventually relented and decided to converse with Malleus. Only to actually end up slightly come to like how Malleus was different from his initial perception, and now kind of enjoys his company.... but you won't get him to admit it. Ever.
Okay what would Berebis do if Mizuki decided to poke him while he was sleeping (just to make sure he was still alive😂)

“Haah... I’m awake, I’m awake. So what the hell do you want now?”
He’s not amused to say the least.
Bel is, paradoxically, a light and a heavy sleeper.
That is to say, he can sleep through a hurricane no problem, but if you make even the faintest of sounds or even try to poke him then he wakes up (annoyed).

All three of them will be accepting any and all asks you wanna send until Feb 1st~2nd, so go ahead lol
Birthday asks for the January trio are now over!!
Anyone who wants to wish them a happy birthday can still do so, but no longer will these three accept any “birthday asks”!
We will now be returning to our usual spiel of any and all asks, random or not, yandere or not.
Along with preparing for the February birthday celebrants, so, stay tuned teehee~.

New Year’s Celebration outfits for the January Birthday Trio!!
(Raneus was their main designer and tailor; though the ones who paid to have their kimonos made were --REDACTED TO FOLLOW WITH PRIVACY AND SAFETY REGULATIONS FOR THE CLIENTS AS PER RAN’S “ORDERS”--)
Happy birthday!!! I got gifts for these sweeties and I hope they like! For Berebis it's a cat sized body pillow stuffed with dried lavender, Lala gets a pair of shiny knuckle rings (that I hope she doesn't use to punch with), and Viviane it's a music box that plays Part Of Your World!!

“Mmm.... not bad. You have good tastes. The pillow is even a cat, and they’re always nice. Rating is 10 out of 10.... zzzz~.”

“Heee~h. Usually I’m not one to wear these types of things, but since they ARE a gift, I’ll gladly take them. Now, to find someone to test them on... hehe, it was only a joke~.”

“It’s really cute~!! And the melody is really nice too; the song’s name is [Part of Your World] right? Eheh, I think I’ve heard the song somewhere too. Anyhow, thanks for the gift~! I’ll definitely give you something as good or even better sometime soon!”
Happy birthday💕💕💕sending lots of love I swear Berebis you'll just be poked every time you're seen to make sure you're alive(sorry not sorry) 🤣🤣🤣. Lala's ears look so fluffy I wanna pet them💕 and Vivi you're so adorable and look so cheerful 💕

“Haaahh... I give up. What do I even care. It’s not like it’ll matter anyways. I’ll just pretend this isn’t the least bit annoying at all.”

“Heeeh~? I may enjoy being pampered and being all friendly, but being touched is where the line is drawn. Don’t touch the king so casually, [little prey]. Perhaps I’ll only allow it sometime soon... but not today~.”

“Ehehe, even though I’ve already heard those words almost a million times now, it still makes me a tiny bit happy~!! Although I do think that there are other people more cute than me~. I hope we get to continue to be good friends!”

All three of them will be accepting any and all asks you wanna send until Feb 1st~2nd, so go ahead lol
Birthday asks for the January trio are now over!!
Anyone who wants to wish them a happy birthday can still do so, but no longer will these three accept any “birthday asks”!
We will now be returning to our usual spiel of any and all asks, random or not, yandere or not.
Along with preparing for the February birthday celebrants, so, stay tuned teehee~.
oh my god berebis is so cute 🥺😳

here have neko!Bel then-- //slapped
Dear Berebis
Hehe well...umm....I-I'm kinda nervous I don't really write letters like these.....well I-I like you. It kind of took a while for me to realize it since I'm kinda sheltered hehe. Well I kinda realized it when I poked you. Well umm hehe you can find me on the farther end of the school eating or playing video games....if I don't chicken out and hide behind my plushie.....if you know who this is.
Lots of hugs Anonymous
After he finished reading the letter, Berebis heaved a tired sigh as he casually laid aside the paper containing a confession for him.
Initially when the young man had first received it, he had no intentions of either opening or reading the contents as he was not interested in either confessing to or being confessed to by others. Yet he relented after much persuasion by Cirnu, Lilia, and Fuyume to at least give the letter a read and then form his thoughts afterwards.
Just as he had expected, it was an anonymous love letter.
“What nonsense...” Berebis softly sighed once again before yawning lightly, stretching a bit as he put himself in a more comfortable position whilst sitting on one of the couches in the Diasomnia dormitory, “... if you like someone.... then quit beating around the bush and go talk to them already... it’s not like you’ll have anything to lose besides your own pride and feelings....”
The young man looked up at the ceiling with a bored and empty expression, the back of his head gently hitting the couch’s headrest.
Of course, how would Berebis know about such things? After all, he himself had never confessed to or ever had feelings for anyone.
He had long since became numb to idea of forming emotional connections to other people and had long become skeptical and quietly wary and distrusting of others after being treated like a priceless doll for so long, thus causing himself to distance from others-- both the bad and good people.
Lavender orbs glanced over to the recently read letter, eyes seemingly stare it into the void and back as a sigh escaped the teen’s lips. “So troublesome...” After seemingly thinking more about it, Berebis groaned in mild irritation before lazily (and begrudgingly) standing up.
“It’s such a pain taking the initiative in a drag of a situation....” He was already 98.9% sure about the identity of the sender, so he had come to his conclusion of meeting them or rather her head-on. Though he notes to himself that, no, this is in no way a sign of affection or anything, rather it’s simply a case of him deciding that the least he can do is to give company to a “dreamer”.
“Time to go see a pink fox, I guess.”
Dear Bel, I really wanna see if you can guess who this is. I'm sorry for the whole "anonymous" shtick, but it's more convenient for me, don't you think so too? You... are so annoying, and clingy too! You always send me mixed signals and confuse me, but truthfully, I like you so much. Ehe, it's a little cheesy for me to say, and I know you don't enjoy these things but I really do. You probably already know this, given how amazing you are, but I had to get this off my chest. (- cupid anonymous 🌼)
“Pfft--” Although he tried to repress his reaction, Bel couldn’t help but let out a sound of disbelief and surprise, nearly choking on his own spit.
“The hell... even YOU jumped in on this hassle...??”
The young man scratched the back of his head as he stared at the letter he held in his hands, purple eyes seemingly boring holes into it as he was left uncertain as to what he should think or feel about this.
“Hmph. ... You idiot.”
Bel huffed lightly as his hand slightly crumpled the paper and his eyebrows furrowed a little bit. He carelessly folded it in into itself until it became too small that it couldn’t fold anymore.
“I won’t talk to you again... you stupid woman.” Flopping onto his back, Bel’s dark blue hair splayed itself across the pillow behind his head as he laid on his bed before rolling onto his side, hand still clutching the fold-up letter.
Although he said such things with an annoyed tone, the childish pout and light pink hue dusted on his face seemed to imply that his true and deepest feelings were otherwise.
“... So annoying.”
H- Hello, don't mind me just giving out some chocolates!!
*Gives everyone a box of homemade bonbons but with Leviotan, Opihou, Raneus, Berebis, Hokusai and Shir-Kani's box there's a letter*
Hey so I....... really really love you. You're incredible and wonderful and I'd kiss you if I wasn't a coward. You don't have to return the favor but I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart and you mean a lot to me ok byyyyye.
Leviotan: *raises an eyebrow* I see. *casually eats only bonbon before giving the rest to Viviane*
Sweets really aren't my thing. Plus, if you had the guts to write a love letter then at least have the guts to confront me in person. Sheesh. *scratches the back of his head, sighing*
(Vivi: Awww, thanks bro! But I already have so many chocos, and the biggest choco is from you~!! Even with my big tummy, I can't eat all of theseeee-!! ò3ó )
Ophiou: Eh? EEEEHHHH????!!! *shooketh because he received chocos from a girl* Eh-? Wuh-? Arereh-??? Hah-?
*Ophiou.EXE crashed; rebooting in 3... 2... 1...*
T-Th-Thanks....!! I, I guess....??! I-I-...! *takes deep breaths to calm himself down* .... I have absolutely no idea why you would even like (a monster) me, b-but.... I really am happy.....
Raneus: *skims through the letter casually tossing it away* She didn't put any caffeine in the choco right? *sniffs one piece* It doesn't contain any liqueur as well right? *squints eyes* I guess I'll feed them to O-chan (Ophiou) first to test if there's any.
... Love is unnecessary to me. *blunt* I'm not looking for it nor am I asking for it. Plus I don't even know who the sender is.
(Ophi: Ran--!!! Be a little more kind and considerate would you...??! OAO)
Berebis: ..... *sighs after reading the letter* Where in the hell are you all coming from... *crumples the letter before staring at the box of bonbons* ... I'm not hungry at the moment, but I'm not letting anyone take it.
Keeping it just in case I get hungry from my nap.... *yawns* Speak of the devil, I'm tired again...
Hokusai: Oh? Oho~? *chuckles* Interesting. I am honored to have earned the little lady's affections, but alas, I must reject such heartfelt confessions. It would be best if she were to direct these to someone else more suitable than I. Now as for the chocolates.... fufu.
Yes, I'll share these with my son~. *chuckles* I still recall him being an avid eater of sweets~.
(Raetel: SHUT UP OLD MAN, I'LL KILL YOU-!! WHO SAID YOU CAN SAY SUCH THINGS-- *he's embarrassed, forgive him*)
Shir: *blinks, smiles faintly* This feels rather nostalgic. Who would've thought that I would receive chocolates once more like this, I feel as if I had returned back to my younger self.
*laughs lightheartedly* Valentine's Day is not a custom really celebrated in my hometown, mainly because they see it as something stupid, so to receive chocolates and a letter once more like I did back in school is somewhat refreshing.
92 for anyone


(Bel; couldn’t find a gif that has both quotes in hhhh)

(Either Quin or Ophi)

(yes i know its cheating to put in more than one person but the gifs i found were just too good- :^DDDD)
Hi love hope you're doing well ✨💕💕💕how about 17, 20 an 31 for Berebis?
daskdjsahd hi Ashieeee~!! 💖💖💖 ehehe my brain is fighting my emotions again so doing not so cute these days uwu but other than that, i’m doing fine~! sorry i took so long to answer this but here ya go hhhhhh---
017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved?
For Bel, he believes in violence being justified so long as the thing that started the injustice deserves it.
For example, should you punch someone for absolutely no reason then he believes it’s perfectly fine to retaliate, but if you’re in the wrong and you hurt someone else then Bel believes that the other person(s) have the right to ALSO punt you.
… Though because he thinks it’s “too troublesome and tiring” to lash out in anger and act out in violence like that, he prefers to just not give a single crap about it and move on from it. But be warned, he’s the type of person to secretly hold lasting grudges.
020. What are their hobbies?
His hobbies include mountain hiking, potions-making, gardening, and reading.
… What? Didn’t expect him to have such hobbies? Hahaha~, don’t worry you’re not alone.
Actually, when he was younger, Bel had a lot more hobbies such as horseback riding, playing instruments (his favorite was the triangle), arts & crafts, playing board-games, etc.
Now if you asked him if he still does any of those, he’d look at you with a blank expression before going, “Don’t be stupid. Back then and now are two different things.”
He says it with such coldness, but if you look hard enough at his face when he says such things, you could tell that he’s holding back an unusual expression-- that of despondency.
031. Are they superstitious about anything?
Bel doesn’t believe in any superstition, period.
He thinks it’s stupid that anyone would believe such a thing such as “if a mirror breaks then it’s a sign of bad luck”, “if a black cat crosses one’s path then it’s bad luck”, etc. etc.
He also thinks that only an idiot would fall for literally any chain letter shenanigans; it just doesn’t make sense unless there’s an actual curse/spell involved. Bel’s the type of person who can and will (try to) find rational and logical answers in any question… so long he’s actually bothered to care about them.
But for the most part, if/when asked about what he thinks about superstitions and the like, he’ll respond with: “It’s all just hoaxes. So stop believing in them. Hah, don’t you have anything better to do?”

The current "leaders" of the 3 Great Yokai factions:
Shir-Kani of the [Oni]
Leviotan of the [Kitsune] (though he actually co-leads with his younger sister, Viviane)
Berebis of the [Tengu] -- due to reasons, however, he has personally not been involved in any of the affairs between the three races in so long, thus leading to the [White Plume] (Fuyume) to step in as acting-leader.
Extra Info about the 3 Great Yokai Races:
Originally, they didn't get along great. Like, at all. It was only thanks to the effort and the amount of blood shed by countless Kitsune, Oni, and Tengu-- along with the "3 Calamities"-- that this semblance of peace and friendliness among the three races exists along with humanity.
Oni usually have around a minimum of a pair of horns up to a maximum of 3 sets of horns on their head. The amount of horns are usually an indicator of how powerful of an Oni they are, but more often than not they're just decorations on the head of an Oni.
For the Tengu, the most common color of wings they can have is black. It's not uncommon though to see Tengu with wing colors of (dark shades of) red, blue, purple, etc.-- however, having white wings is EXTREMELY rare. It is also customary to wear masks reminiscent to that of birds whenever they leave their village.
Kitsune are able to have a maximum amount of 9 tails, with how many number of tails indicating how powerful a Kitsune is; the more tails one has, the stronger they are. There has been only one instance of a Kitsune reaching up to 10 tails, but any and all records of whomever that was are a tightly-guarded secret by the current Chief of the Kitsunes.
The Tengu live in secrecy within high up the mountains in one big community, usually where there is a lot of foliage. Even then, their village is hidden behind a veil of mysticism and an illusionary wall that separates the two realities. They prefer to not ever get involved with the dealings of humankind or even get dragged into the mess of the other two Yokais-- it's precisely because of this attitude that they are the only ones able to act as the "impartial ones" in case either the Onis or the Kitsunes do anything that would jeopardize the delicate balance they have with the humans.
The Oni on the other hand, are in complete opposite situation as they live out in the open and practically everyone knows where their city is. The main reason why no one ever even dares to try and invade them is because they have never once failed to drive off invaders from their land and have quite the fearsome reputation in regards to cruelty, intimidation, and inhumanity-- they don't bother much in regards to fixing this reputation since they all pretty much agree that it's convenient.
The Kitsunes, meanwhile, freely mingle and love among and/or together with humans but they are also very much welcome to return to their original Kitsune villages any time. Despite coming across as the most friendly of the 3 Great Yokai races, however, it is still widely advised to be on one's guard when you KNOW you're dealing with a Kitsune because they have a long-standing reputation of either being a [curse] or a [blessing] for anyone that comes across them.
Omg I'm probably late😅But if you're still doing the random ask game time how about 🙌for anyone 😳👀if you wanna tho
lololol you already sent an ask like this and it was actually next on my to-do list, though since there’s already two alike asks i’ll have to combine them into one ask to save on time kasdhsdad

omg hiiiii yasu 😳😳😳 can u tell us about yandere cinis and berebis?? 🥺💕
Oh hewwo yume 👀👀 nice to see u again in my inbox 🙈💖 jdbdissks anyways anyways-- yandere time--
Yandere Cinis is... kind of complicated.
On one hand she's very emotionally distant even if she interacts with others due to acting as a "student", keeping nearly everyone if not EVERYONE at an arm's distance. She rarely if ever lets anyone get close to her and seems to be void of any emotion besides the occasional look of interest and such. Cinis DOES care about others, but chooses to live a life of solitude of her own volition. But on the other hand, a small part of her deep inside desperately craves even some fragment of an emotional connection with someone again-- to a kind of obsessive and scary degree even. Though due to her intentionally choosing to forget a lot of things from her past because of her cursed wound, and also partly in order to avoid being in (emotional) pain for centuries, these dark feelings thankfully(?) haven't surfaced all that much.
... However, the moment she finds herself actually getting close to someone, it's when the "darkness" within her makes itself known once again to her. Cinis becomes desperate to not lose this one light that she's attained after years upon years of being lost in the darkness, with her own having steadily become dimmer and duller.
Cinis doesn't want to end up accidentally hurting her Darling like she did with her old friend but due to her being very much affection-starved, she becomes torn in two with how she's feeling. She ends up becoming very protective of them and is constantly afraid on the inside that something bad will happen to them if she's not around. Feelings of jealousy unknowningly flare up within her if her Darling looks like they're happy with someone else, but she chooses to try and avoid acknowledging them-- though it just ends up steadily making her all the more frustrated.
She ends up debating herself on whether or not she'll kidnap her Darling and whisk them away back to her home in the Far East, where she can feel all the better because that's where Cinis feels like her Darling can be the safest; she knows that place the most and is most familiar with the area. Hilariously enough, Cinis wouldn't feel all too guilty in killing someone for her Darling-- after all, she's used to killing others if needed be for the sake of protecting [that forest] and the nearby villages, so what's more if someone else dies for the sake of her Darling and especially their safety.
Yandere Berebis, meanwhile, is initially DISGUSTED and LOATHES his own feelings towards his Darling. Partially because he hates feeling like the hopeful and wishful young boy he used to be, and partially because he's scared that this is just a "dream"; a cruel and beautiful dream that he'll soon wake up from. He loves his Darling so much, but he hates how weak and needy they make him feel.
Funnily enough, the line between normal Bel and yandere Bel hinges on whether or not his Darling ends up becoming severely harmed/injured and what his reaction to that situation will be.
Normal Bel will indulge in crippling self-blame and despair at his powerlessness but ultimately keeping himself together and not doing anything drastic. Yandere Bel, meanwhile, snaps and his mind instantly goes to "unhealthy overprotective" mode. He chooses to lock up his Darling someplace safe and won't even let them leave even after they've already recovered. Bel realizes the irony of their situation and his own beliefs and thoughts-- he HATES being treated like a doll but is essentially turning his Darling into a priceless doll unable to leave their "home"-- but brushes it off; he doesn't care so long as it means his Darling is "safe".
Before things even reach that point though, yandere Bel acts rather similarly to normal Bel except for some small things; yandere Bel acts far more clingy and attached to his Darling and is a bit more persistent in keeping his Darling with him at almost all times, he has absolutely far LESS faith and trust towards literally everyone and is perfectly willing to utilise blackmail behind the scenes if it meant that those he considers "repulsive" will leave his Darling alone-- he's not stupid, however, because he knows he has to do it in a way that won't tip off his Darling that he was the one who made their (old) friend suddenly distance themself from them.
Bel is also perfectly WILLING to use any and all various types of potions that he knows, and will even go above and beyond in experimenting in creating newer types/forms that he could use on others-- be it sedatives, aphrodisiacs, POISONS, hallucinogens, etc etc.. Oh he won't ever use it on his Darling though! ... So long as they don't push him to do anything that would necessitate him to do as such.
12 and 14 for Berebis and lala👀
12. Family heritage?
Berebis R. L’Ephegor is the son of the current Duke L’Ephegor and his wife, and thus is the future heir of the dukedom.
The L'Ephegor family has history spanning for more than centuries and had been a noble household ever since the very beginning.
Funnily enough, many generations ago, one of Cirnu’s past lives was reincarnated into the L’Ephegor family; her life back then was “Cereus L’Ephegor”. Thus making both Berebis and Cirnu related in a sense, but as of the current time, not really, since her current life is different from her past lfe.
There were actually plans to engage both him and Fuyume, but talks never went through. (Nor did either Bel’s mother and Fuyu’s mom actually ever agree to it.)
Lala-Phula Tigris is the one and only younger sibling to the current Chieftain of the Tigris Clan, Shir-Kani Tigris, and is the second child of the previous Chieftain of the Tribe and his wife.
The Tigris Clan is a large enough community that it could consider itself a "kingdom" of sorts, but they flat-out refuse to label themselves as such. Still, it doesn't distract from the fact that they have a strong hold on any of the nearby lands and R E F U S E to bow down to almost anyone (it helps that they have the might and capabilities to back their words).
Although she’s fervently stubborn in denouncing her connection to the tribe and wants absolutely NOTHING to do with them.
14. Who does your oc look like the most on the family?
Honestly, Berebis looks so much like his father-- even down to almost looking like a younger version of him... except for the fact that his hair color is his mother’s. And the fact that he looks almost exactly like a carbon-copy/replica of his (dead) older brother.
Funnily enough, Lala would look so similar to her mother had it not been for her hair color turning up as white instead of the usual color of orange.
👁🗨 For Berebis 👀
👁🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
"Haah...? What kind of question is that?"
Berebis sighed, lazily scratching the back of his head before yawing softly.
"This is a rather stupidly bizarre question to ask someone... Couldn't this have waited until I woke up?" He couldn't surpress the annoyed and tired groan that left his mouth as he slumped his head back onto the sofa pillow.
"... But I suppose I'll humor you just a bit," the Diasomnia student muttered as he lazily sat up again, the furrowed expression on his face not once lightening up, "if that will get you to leave me in peace."
Berebis placed a hand on his chin as he seemingly thought of what to answer. "... I absolutely DESPISE going out you know? The excruciating heat and tiresome things you can stumble upon whenever you venture out is just simply ANNOYING~. What's so fun anyways in exploring foreign and unknown terrains? The possible new flora and fauna to experience and see? Finding potential ingredients for new concoctions? What a drag~..."
After ending his theatrical tirade with a sigh and a lousy shrug, Berebis stayed silent for a little while before saying, "It was a joke," with a deadpan expression and tone of voice.
"Was that satisfactory enough for you? Good. Now leave me be." The purple-haired man huffed lightly before laying his head face-first back onto the sofa pillow, unmoving.