razerlickangel - Everyday Ecntric Chameleon
Everyday Ecntric Chameleon


109 posts

Witch Island (dawsons Creek)

Witch Island (dawsons creek)

Imagine Pacy Witter wants to make a strictly no strings attached sex pack.

Y/N was currently on a boat with her friends, Dawson, Joey, Jen , and her best friend Pacy , on their way to Witch Island.

They all decided to team up with Dawson for their history project. A documentary on Witch Island.  Legend says: in 1692 , 13 teen girls were banished to Witch Island because they were suspected of practicing witchcraft. A year later died in a fire.

Y/N sat on the boat next to Pacy , quietly observing the woods they were coming upon. She didn't even notice the boat driver filming everyone including her, forgetting he was doing a documentary himself of people doing a documentary of Witch Island.... lol.

Finally stepping off the boat, everyone was greeted by a Capeside historian Wendy, who takes them to the gift shop as she talks about the history of Witch island. At the gift shop Jen starts to make a love potion "drink this Pacy" says Jen. He just looks at it with discussed and shakes his head no. She crossed her arms " I bet it'll make you and Y/N  fall in love by the end of the night " she tempts him. Pacy looks over at Y/N as she is too invested in the book she's reading and looks at Jen " I bet I won't " he says as he takes a drink then looks at her like nothing happened.

Jen makes her way to Y/N "Y/N drink this, it'll make you fall for Pacy" says Jen.  Y/N looks at the drink for a moment thinking what's the worst that could happen??? And with that downs the rest of the drink with discussed . Y/n notices that there's only 12 graves where's the 13th ? Wendy tells us the body of the 13th girl was never found. Some believe she haunts the island others say she ran away with her boyfriend. Wendy says the Island is charged and people who love someone who they can't have can feel it.

Dawson asked Wendy to take us to the church the girls were set on fire in , that's in the woods. She said no, no surprise there it was getting a bit late. She said if we were smart we wouldn't go, guess what we weren't smart and went anyway. We all made it alive. Y/n walked around with Pacy trying to see if there was any changes in him towards her. " Feeling different yet Pacy"? Asked Y/n he bounces from one foot to the other "no, you "? He asks. Y/n just shakes her head no.

After awhile of sitting around the church investigating anything unusual oh and not to mention the boat driver left so we are stuck tell morning! Pacy and Y/n were sitting in a corner of the church away from everyone y/n stealing glances of Pacy having enough not really believing that potion is working ask "anything yet"? Y/n ask. Pacy after a few moments looks at y/n

"No y/n , but how about this" he starts and picks back up "we make a no strings attached sex pack"? He asks you. You look so dumb founded he starts again " we are both good looking, young adults with a healthy sexual appetite and needs, we should try this for 2 weeks and see how it goes, how about it y/n"? He asks with hope and angst clear on his face. Y/n  to say the least was nervous yet turned on by the idea of him alone. " okay Pacy, 2 weeks " said y/n  with a slight blush creeping up.

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7 years ago

Rebloging for my son who is obsessed with five nights at Freddy's!

@talesfromthecreed ()
@talesfromthecreed ()
@talesfromthecreed ()
@talesfromthecreed ()

@talesfromthecreed (☟)

8 years ago

Slow down there (Degrassi)

Imagine: Being on the verge of a break down and Craig Manny see's the sings and tries to help.

Degrassi is the school y/n has been going to for the past 2 months and she is still not too

sure what to make of it yet aside from the fact it's full of way too much drama!

Y/n tried to keep to herself for the most part with the exception of Spinner Mason and

Craig Manny. Spinner Mason may be a little attractive ,lets put that aside for a min. because

he is somewhat obnoxious, he is not stupid but I think he chooses to just shut his brain off,

he does seem to be a good friend to have and when it comes to y/n he does bug her a lot

and she's slowly getting over it and warming up to him which he can see he's breaking down

some of that stone wall of her's but he does realize it's going to a lot more to bring down those

walls of her's.

That's where Craig Manny comes into the picture. Craig and y/n mostly talked or just sat

together out of conveyance,comfort, and familiarity. Y/n her 4th day at Degrassi had held

whiteness to an episode of Craig's one of his bipolar episodes, y/n was not aware of Bipolar

before that day.

                               *Flashback 1 month and 3 weeks*

I'm not sure I really want to walk through these damn doors again thought y/n

"I could ditch, or hide out somewhere tell schools over" y/n whispered to herself as fellow class

mates passed and shoved there way into the building. She gave in and decided to be good

and get it over with, as she rounded the corner she heard some banging, y/n looked down the

hall to see this tall guy with curly hair hitting his locker and class mats just passed or pointed

and talked shit to whoever they were with at the time. Y/n not sure if she should approach

or mind her own business started to walk towards him without a second thought.

Y/n stepped up to his left side "Slow down there, your going to break you're hand" she said

with a small smirk on her heart shaped face. Craig stopped for a split second to look

at who was talking to him , when he looked at her e/c he was taken back by the

concern in them . Y/n looked at his locker maybe he can't get it open she thought

so she tried  again she pulled him away from the locker and walked up to it

looking back at him "Can you not get it open or something"? she asked looking

back to the locker trying  to unjam it seeing if that's the problem. Craig was starting to

calm down and spoke up " It's fine" he said to her . Y/n looked at him happy he stared

talking but confused by what he said, and he obviously saw the confusion because

he followed up with " the locker is fine, I was just .... pissed and needed something to hit ". he

stated. Y/n understood that feeling all to well she got it , she looked around the hall

it had gotten more crowded, screw it she thought and with that she turned around and

punched his locker as hard as she could and Craig was taken by surprise by her action

with a laugh he asked her " why did you just punch my locker?" he asked . Y/n smiled

at him feeling better herself after hitting his locker , she noticed Craig was looking

uncomfortable all of a sudden. "you okay there?" she asked him. the only thing he said was

"Once people think you're crazy, I think they just think about that" he said looking around the

hall. Y/n felt bad hearing this , she didn't find him crazy so what he punched the hell out of his  

locker big deal that doesn't make you crazy! Y/n put a hand on his shoulder "I'm Y/n and I don't

find you crazy" she said to him. and that's what kicked off their beautifully odd friendship.

                                       *end of flashback*

It was now Y/n who unknowing to her who was having a break down.

Craig could see that , that's why he's been more on top of her lately

Y/n didn't think anything of it even though it was hard not to notice how he was always by her

side as of late.  It was lunch now and y/n was just dropping off some books in her locker

when Jay passed right into her pushing her more into her locker "Oh didn't see you there

casper" he said with a grin on his stupid face. Craig saw what had just happened and before he

could stop himself had Jay up on the wall and hit him one good time and then made his way

over to where y/n was still standing at her locker with her back to everyone with clinched fist  

wanting to scream from Jay and his actions so she started to hit her locker.

Craig came up to y/n side "Hey calm down y/n" he said putting his hand on her shoulder to get

her attention. Y/n felt Craig's hand and started to slow her breathing down, Craig came closer to

y/n side resting his head next to her's on the locker "Slow down there, it's going to be okay" he

said to her she tilted her head to look at him "I'm fine as long as you stay by me" she said with a look of sadness.

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8 years ago
I'm Starting To Write Again And What A Better Way To Start Then With Imagines! Here Are My Favorites

I'm starting to write again and what a better way to start then with imagines! Here are my favorites I'll be posting about. Riverdale The originals Shameless The walking dead 💀 American horror story Degrassi The fosters Once upon a time Dawson's creek Boy meets world Charmed Roswell 90's movies đŸŽ„ and characters

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8 years ago

special enough ( Originals)

       Imagine : Your a witch with special blood that keeps Kol from going on a feeding frenzy .

Kol Mikaelson had just lost the only love of his life Davina Claire. 

He was lost, he tried everything to get her back. He even enlisted Y/n Y/l/n to help him. A witch who’s bloodline is so powerful no one dare to even spake their name out loud. For Y/l/n is respected and feared much like the Mikaelsons. 

Y/n may be powerful but even she was unable to bring back Davina, she was too far gone.

Y/n felt horrible , useless to Kol. She could clearly see he was spiraling out of control and she was at a loss. Kol went on a blood binge and it was not a pretty sight. Y/n finally having enough of his excessiveness that she barged in his room where she saw him changing a bloody shirt. 

“Enough is enough Kol” she said “I get the grievance but you can’t just practically drain this town Kol”! y/n said a bit loud . he just ignored her presence,  walking past her  to leave but she magically locked him in his room with her forcing him to listen to her. yes Kol was getting pissed off! Y/n did not give a damn. “Kol if you feel like you have to drink from anyone then 
.” she stared to say getting a bit nervous “drink from me ” she finished . Kol was now amused by this offer . “What make’s you think that your blood will be enough”? he questioned .  she wasn’t sure how she should respond but decided to just give it to him straight.  "because my blood is enough to satisfy even an original" y/n answered him confidently. before she knew what was happening he grabbed her and drank deep.

It’s been 3 days and y/n was just now feeling better after that day , that day that she stupidly offered herself to an original! Kol Mikaelson.  Not a single word from him in 3 days , and to be honest she was a mix between relived and a bundle of nerves.

 Y/n was in the kitchen getting a drink of milk when she felt a gust of wind flow through her home coming from her living room. Y/n was not sure that she left the window open , unlikely . she made her way back to the living room and to no surprise there was Kol himself perched at her bay window. she felt a little relived not sure why she felt that of all feelings but it was probably because he wasn’t covered in someone’s blood.

 Kol just sat there unmoving starring at her with his dark eyes. It creeped  y/n out he didn’t even look like he was breathing just stone cold starring . “what are you doing here Kol” y/n asked. he didn’t answer her just watched her. she was becoming uneasy by now making sure to stay across the room from him. “you here because you need more blood , don’t you”? she asked sure of it. He smirked at her showing some teeth, and she was defiantly creeped out by this and no vampire has ever freaked her out like this before. “come on Kol knock it the hell off and say something already” she said with what confidence she had left from this freaky interaction. Kol speed to y/n not giving her a chance to back away and looked down at her neck mesmerized and hungry as hell but not just for blood not any ordinary blood but the kind that’s special enough even for an original.

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7 years ago
If You Dont Think Remus Got Drunk At Parties & Behaved Like This Then You Are Wrong Sir

if you dont think Remus got drunk at parties & behaved like this then you are wrong sir