Kol Mikaelson - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I am here~ Part 2

I Am Here~ Part 2


Part 3

You woke up when someone stroked your cheek. “Darling it is time to wake up~” a gentle voice cooed. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Kol smiling down at you. You were still in his protective embrace and blushed professionally once you had realized it. “I am truly sorry to wake you up dear, but your friends want to leave, and I fear they will not be happy to leave you with me.” He explained softly with a grin on his lips once he noticed your blush.  “I-I am sorry” you all but squeaked. Kol just laughed, his laugh was beautiful and melodic you noticed blushing again. “Why are you apologizing love. It was me who wanted you to sleep in the first place, also who would not like such a beautiful woman in his arms.” Your heart raced at his words and Kol’s wolfish smirk told you he heard it loud and clear.

Did he really think you were beautiful? Or was that just his charm? You meant why…  “Relax Darling, take a deep breath. You are stressing yourself out. Also, there is no need for overthinking. Your friends just noticed they do not know where you are, you barely slept 15 minutes and by all means you are beautiful there is really no need to overthink that part, love.” He smiled at you a true, caring and gentle smile. You were at a loss for words. Your cheeks were burning by now. Not knowing what to do you hid your face in your hands. You were not used to such open compliments or being so close to someone. Most people would describe you as quiet shy. Kol chuckled softly and gently took hold of your hands bringing them to your side again, gently but determined. “Look at me” he spoke softly and you complied. “I just want you to know that you can come to me if you ever need help or just someone to listen or anything really, okay? I’ll be there. I do not care about this whole enemy stuff (y/n). I want you to be safe and happy, Darling.” He gently stroked over your hair with one hand. “w-why?” you were honestly confused. “You will find out the time, Darling. For now, we focus on getting you happy and healthy again, okay dear?” You still had a lot of questions and were a bit scared to trust him, what if this was some kind of trick? Still, you could not find how helping you and looking after you just now could be useful for him. He could have just compelled you into anything since you were not on vervain and he knew. You really had the worst allergy to have in a town full of vampires.  “Hey,” Kol gently spoke “no need to worry, I promise you will always be safe with me.” You nodded and spoke softly, so silently it was a good thing Kol had vampire hearing “Thank-you Kol” He helped you back on your feet and put an arm around your waist. Then he brought you back into the ball room and soon enough your friends came to you “Let go of her Kol!” Stefan demanded but Kol just laughed yet it sounded kind of could and dripping with sarcasm. “She was with me for the whole evening. I expected you to do a better job in watching over her. Are you really that settled on this little fight with my brother that you forgot to look after your friend?” You flinched at that but to your surprise Kol’s hold on you got tighter in a comforting way. “I know you care about her, so I advise you to get your priorities straight or I make sure you regret it.” You saw how Elena wanted to say something, but Damon was faster. “He is right… we should have never lost you in here and should have looked for you from the beginning. Better not even bring you here, you did not want to go in the first place.  I hate to admit it, but you are right Kol …this could have gun horribly wrong… thank-you for looking after her…(y/n) I am truly sorry…” You excepted the apology and went home with your friends. Later that night you heart a knock on your window and when you carefully took a look you found a single white rose with a piece of paper attached to it. “Cannot leave you without a way to contact me now, right Darling?” You smiled at the rose once you realized Kol gave you his number. You put it in your phone and wrote him “Thanks again for tonight and for making sure I got home safely.” Only a few seconds later you received an answer. “Sleep well Darling”.

 A few days later you were walking around town looking for a birthday present for Caroline. Not an easy job, you can tell. You huffed as you turned down the third shop you had visited. You stepped out of the door and realized it had gotten much colder. You could have scolded yourself for not bringing a jacket.  “You really should have brought a jacket, love” you suddenly heart behind you and before you could jump because of the slight scare it gave you, you were engulfed by a warm leader jacket. Kol. You blushed professionally one you realized he had just given you his jacket and had been wearing it mere moments ago. The jacket was still smelling like him, its scent luring you in. “Thank-you…” you whispered and shyly looked up at him. He smiled at you and gently began to rub your arms in an attempt to warm you up. Normally you would shy away from contact like this but with Kol you felt save. “It is getting dark soon. Do you still have anywhere to go? I could accompany you. This town is not safe when its dark.” “It is never really safe” you mumbled. Kol frowned “You are right it is not.  Even more of a reason to stay at you side.” “That is really kind of you K-kol.” You stumbled upon his name, still a bit shy and insecure, “but do you not have anywhere to be, I would feel awful for keeping you away…” With any other girl Kol would have said they wanted to ditch him but with you he knew you were honestly worried to be a burden to him. “No, it’s fine. I have nowhere to be. I was just walking around a bit when I noticed you. Had to get out of the house. Klaus and Bekah are screaming at each other since this morning.” “I am sorry…” “You are too much of a gentle soul for this town.” Kol smiled at you and offered you his arm. You smiled and took it feeling much better with him at your side. He brought you to your house while you two just talked about different topics.

You really enjoyed yourself so when you got up to your door you turned around and smiled at him “Wan to come in? I am sure my house is way calmer than yours at the moment.” Suddenly Kol was right in front of you. “It my pleasure, dear but Darling please do not invite vampires so easily into your house. You never know what they do to you.” “Yet you had your faire chare of chances and instead of hurting me, you made sure I was safe” you smiled at him “I have a feeling I can trust you Kol or at least learn to, since I am generally really bad at it….” “You just invited me in, if you are learning you are taking huge steps, Love” Kol chuckled. “My friends probably will not be happy about this.” You accidently spoke your thoughts. “If they have complains they can talk to me about it.” Kol gently stroke your cheek making you blush yet again. He laughed softly and you both entered the house. “Where is your family?” “My parents are on a business trip. They are often away. I life more alone than not. Don’t worry I am used to it. They always were quite busy.” “You must have been lonely” “Huh?” “You just said it yourself, darling” “yeah ...I ...it is just…normally  no one really …” “listens enough to realize you were hurt, still are?” “How…” “I am quite old, dear. You get good at reading people it is really hard to lie to me or my siblings, even without our supernatural powers.” “oh…” Kol laughed softly and gently pulled you in his arms, letting you time to escape if you wanted to. When you did not, he put his chin on your head and gently stroke your back. “When you feel lonely you can call me okay? I know how much it hurts to feel alone or to feel misunderstood. If you want, I come and keep you company or I can take you to my house. I promise it is always full of life. Funny seeing nearly everyone in the family is dead in a way.” You did not know when or how but at some point, while you were talking with Kol on the coach, you fell asleep and the next morning you woke up tucked in, in bed. It was a good thing he had convinced you to change into Pajamas. That man really wanted to make sure you slept enough. You wondered if he knew that you rarely had slept the last days or more like weeks because of your nightmares. You were surprised that you had not had one this night. The opposite your dream had been one of the most pleasant you ever had. You turned around to find a note on your table “I have told you; I keep you safe.”

Please comment if you want to be tagged in Part 3 =)

Comming soon! Also I would be really happy about feedback!!! Please do not just read it and leave me hanging! Have a wonderful day <3

Credits for the picture go to Free-Photos on pixabay. You can find the link below!

Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/photos/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1149558">Free-Photos</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1149558">Pixabay</a>

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3 years ago

I am here~ Part 3

I Am Here~ Part 3

Part 1

Part 2

Please comment if you want to be tagged in Part 4 =)

I would be really happy about feedback!!! Please do not just read it and leave me hanging! Have a wonderful day <3

The next days at been quite normal, that was until a fight broke loose in the gang and since you tried to keep a neutral position everyone ended up trying to pull you on their side until Elena said: “Leave it, doesn’t matter anyway whose side she is on” that had hurt. 

You knew you were never the main focus of the group and that was fine, you just wanted to be friends and for everyone to be happy, but Elenas words sounded like you did not matter AT ALL and that deeply wounded you. You felt tears brick in your eyes and tried to blink them away. Everyone just stood there in silence. You hoped for anyone to speak up and say she was wrong, but they just stood there. “I…I should …go” “(y/n) wait …” Stefan regained his composure first. “Elena that went too far” Bonnie now added and everyone else nodded but for you the damage was done. Did they really mean it or were they just feeling petty? A gruesome voice asked in your head. “What, I did not mean it like that” Elena tried to defend herself, but you felt like it was a lie. You saw Elena as a friend, and you knew she had many good sides, but you also knew she needed to be the center of attention. She might even mean it right now, maybe did not even mean to say it, but she did, and you felt like she had meant it like this when she spoke. Neither way she had deeply hurt you and had feed your insecurities. “It…it’s alright. Still I …I need to go home…” “Then at least let me bring you. It is already dark.” Caroline offered but you shook your head, you needed to be alone. “Good than I will bring you” Damon retort “ and that is not an offer but a demand.” Their reaction helped you to feel a bit better but your insecurities and  self doubt were still eating you alive. You nodded weakly to exhausted to argue. Damon drove you home in silence having noticed you were doing you best to keep yourself together. It hurt him to realize that you felt like you could not cry in front of him. When had he messed up? He was sure he did at some point. Or maybe it was him being close to Elena? Might be both. He sighed: “Listen (y/n), you should not be alone right now.” You just shook your head “Thank-you for bringing me home.” “(y/n)…can you at least call someone over …any one…” he begged even so he did not know who she should call, her friends were all back at his house.  Then he remembered the ball, recalled how Kol had an protective arm around you, had watched out for you… he could not really be considering this …but if it was for your sake…Kol seemed sincerely… “Good night Damon” he heard you whisper weakly and had to watch you getting up to your door. Sure he could have stopped you, but he felt like it would make matters worse. “God dammit” he cursed and did what he never thought he would do. He made a call to the only Mikaelson he had a phone number of. “Elijiah? Is that annoying brother of you close by? No not Klaus the other one. Yes, yes I mean Kol. I … think he will want to talk to me…tell him it is about (y/n).”

You heard Damon drive away and sighed. With your last energy you went up the stairs to your room and let yourself fall onto your bed. You knew you should probably change clothes, get something to eat and so on but you needed all your energy to not cry, you could not cry, you would not cry…It would only hurt more. Suddenly your phone was ringing.  You took a look and saw Kols number. Slowly you picked up the call. “Hey…” you hated to know that your voice had cracked. “Hey Darling” Kol spoke softly “would you be so kind and turn around and open that window of yours for me?” “Huh?” was your not so intelligent answer, which made him chuckle. “Turn around, love” You did and there he sat on your window ledge. You always had wondered why there were ledges inside and outside but right now you were relieved they were. You opened the window and let him in. “He-hey…” you mumbled. Kol smiled softly at you “Hey to you too, Darling”. “What are you doing here…not …not that I mind you being here…I mean …I” Kol laughed but then he got serious. “How are you holding up?” “I am okay” you lied not wanting to bother him, thinking it was already sweet enough that he went out of his way to check. Kol sighed and pulled you in an embrace “ I know you are not” You had been doing so good in holding back the tears but as soon as Kol hugged you, your walls broke and you let out a sob. Another sob and a sniffle followed until you were full on crying your eyes out. Kol holding you hushing you and whispering sweet, sweet nothings in your ear. You did not remember when or how but Kol managed to get you to lay down with him on the bed but you ended up snuggled in his chest, the blanket pulled over you. You had told Kol of the evening and he informed you that Damon had told him, even so it had been not necessary because he had meant to check on you either way a bit later, but he thought it might help you that Damon had cared enough to call him. You were still whimpering from time to time, your body was still trembling and Kol needed a lot of strength to not go and rip Elenas heart out. He knew you still cared for her, even if he could not understand why you would do so, he respected it. Yet it did not stop him from muttering “If she dares to hurt you one more time, I will make sure she feels ten times worse.” “It…it is fine Kol” “no it is not” he breathed and looked at you concerned. “Do you think you could handle taking a shower or a bath on your own? You are quite cold Darling. I do not want you to get sick.” You nodded weakly. You felt terrible exhausted. You had been at your limit before today and this day adding to it, it was just too much. “Okay, would you allow me to prepare a bath for you? You have a bathtub right?” You nodded again. Normally you might would have found it embarrassing to let him wonder your bath and search for your stuff but you knew deep down that you would not manage on your own, still you felt bad for him having to do it. “You do not need to do that, you know that right?” You asked him. “I know Darling but I want to. Please let me help you. “ Again you gave a soft nod. Suddenly he disappeared and you could have sworn you saw him in a blur a few times then he reappeared in front of you. “all finished.” “Thank-you.” You tried to stand up but to your great horror and embarrassment your legs simply gave up under you. Thankfully Kol had reacted and caught you. Now he was holding you up with one arm around your waist and the other around your shoulders. He softly gazed at you, a look if concern evident in his beautiful eyes. “Would you …would you allow me to assist you? I would of course close me eyes and keep them closed. I just worry to leave you on your own right now.” You did not manage to speak up but you nodded. Still feeling like a bath would be a good idea. Kol gently picked you up carrying you bridal style to your bathroom. He sat you down on one of the counters he realized that you were nearly asleep. “Oh Darling, you need to watch out for yourself.” He mumbled sadly. He heard you utter a sorry and gently stroke your head. “shush…” True to his word he closed his eyes and began to help you undress. Nothing to intimidate. Just things like taking your socks of or helping with your shirt. You asked yourself sleepily how he knew exactly what your were doing when he had his eyes closed. Kol brought you a towel putting it around you and then carrying you to the tube helping you stand by your shoulders while you got rid of your bra and panties and then holding out a hand to support you when you stepped in the tube. Only when your body was fully emerged in the bubbles Kol opened his eyes, kneeling down to your eye level. I will wait next door, call me if you need anything.” He went to leave but you stopped him. “Please …don’t leave me alone” “okay” he mumbled and said down on the floor. So that he could see your face but nothing more even if the bubbles should pop. You just said there in silence but it was a nice silence until you found the strength and courage to ask “Kol, why are you doing all this?” “I already told you, I want to see you happy and save.” “but why…?” “you are so innocent it is precious. “ Kol mused and gently hold his hand up to caress your cheek. You relaxed into his touch “Let’s keep this topic for another time Darling. I think you could use some sleep.” He helped you just like before, being a gentleman and closing his eyes all the time. When he had you tugged back into your bed he smiled down at you. He saw a glimmer of fear in your eyes when he straightened. “Want me to stay?” he inquired gently, and you just took hold of his hand as an answer. A second later you were again laying tucked into his chest. “Try to sleep darling. Do not worry I keep you safe.” You fell a sleep in his arms and drifted into a dream. Sadly, you soon had to realize you were prone to another nightmare. You were running for your life without even remembering anymore what you were running from. You just knew it was getting closer. Just when you thought it would get you strong arms embraced you. At first you tried to break free but then you recalled the scent of the body holding you and only seconds after you heard his voice: “Relax Darling, just me.” “Kol…” you whispered, and he hugged you a bit tighter. “Let’s get away from here” He showed you the most beautiful places he had seen and offered to show them to you for real one day. Always prompting you to say that it was really nice, but you could never except such generosity. Making him laugh and say that you do not need to worry about it. At one point he took you stargazing, and you figured you fell into a deeper sleep then and there.

Credits for the picture go to Free-Photos on pixabay. You can find the link below!

Bild von <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/users/thedigitalartist-202249/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4725165">Pete Linforth</a> auf <a href="https://pixabay.com/de/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4725165">Pixabay</a>

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Imagine You Are Hope’s Babysitter And All The Mikaelsons Have A Crush On You.

Imagine You Are Hopes Babysitter And All The Mikaelsons Have A Crush On You.

Elijah watched in amazement as you tutored his niece in reading. You sat at the table with Hope at your side, focusing intensely on the gliding of your finger and the soft instructions of your voice. She seemed almost memorized by you-not that Elijah couldn’t see why. For a hunter, you were extremely gentle and loving. Something which contrasted surprisingly well alongside your fierce protective streak. While Elijah admitted, he had his doubts when Hailey first introduced you as Hope’s nanny, he could no longer picture anyone better to babysit his niece.

“Amazing, isn’t she?” Klaus spoke up, snapping Elijah from his trance.

Elijah gave a short nod, swallowing his slight embarrassment of being caught staring. “That she is. We’re very lucky to have her.”

“More than lucky a woman like her only comes once in a lifetime.” Kol’s voice came from behind. He stood propped up against the doorway, his dark brown eyes watching the huntress keenly. It was clear that the youngest of the Mikaelson siblings had taken an interest in her. Something neither brother liked.

“Stare all you want little brother, but (y/n) belongs to me.” Niklaus declared. Elijah couldn’t help, but snort at this. “Please Niklaus, just because she works as Hope’s babysitter doesn’t make her yours. Besides which (y/n) is a person not an object to lay claim over.”

“He’s right, Niklaus. You can’t choose who, (Y/N) falls for.” Rebecca chastised, appearing suddenly next to them. Like earlier with Kol, she had a predatory type look as she gazed longingly towards (Y/N). “Besides ever thought she might like someone a little more…feminine?”

“Bloody Hell. Is she a witch or a huntress, cause apparently we’re all under her spell.” Klaus growled in disbelief. “Who’s next? Hayley? Freya? Our deceased parents?!”

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7 months ago

My Darling Blood Bag

Kol Mikaelson x Reader


My Darling Blood Bag
My Darling Blood Bag
My Darling Blood Bag

“I’m never going to finish if you keep distracting me.” For the last ten minutes Kol has been kissing all over your neck. Continuously distracting you from your homework. 

“I can’t help myself darling, you’ve been focusing on that stupid piece of paper all evening. Im beginning to feel neglected”, he tilts your head towards him placing a deep kiss on your lips. Though before you can get too lost in the kiss you push him away.

“If I get a bad grade on this stupid piece of paper my mom will kill me” Kol dramatically sighs, turning your chair around so he can face you. 

“I’ll compel you an A”, now that was an enticing offer. You’ve been working on this assignment for the last hour and a half, and have barely made a dent in it. It’s also due tomorrow so that was just making you more anxious. So you could either continue to struggle trying to finish or you could pay attention to your charming boyfriend. The choice is obvious

Your assignment is long forgotten as Kol tosses you on the bed, a large smirk on his face. “Finally now you’re all mine” he nuzzles his head into your neck, placing soft kisses against your neck. The soft kisses turn harsher before he finally sinks his teeth into your skin. 

This was Kol's favourite activity… well second favourite. He’s constantly telling you that your blood is the sweetest thing he has ever tasted, and you have no complaints. You absolutely love the feel of Kol drinking your blood. The soft feel of his lips on your neck combined with the pain of his teeth sinking into your neck, it’s just so intimate. You never get enough of the feeling.  

“Noo, not yet” You whine when he pulls away, grabbing at his shirt trying to pull him back. 

He chuckles his hand wrapping around your throat to push you against the bed. “Darling, do you want me to drain you dry?” his teasing tone makes you pout. Kol was always playing with you, it’s something you both love and hate about him. “Aww don’t pout, my little blood bag” You roll your eyes at the nickname though instead of commenting you pull Kol in for a kiss, one he’s all too happy to accept.

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6 months ago


Rockstar Kol Mikaelson x Reader



The bar is so loud and hot, your ears ringing and a light sweat is coating your skin. It was all worth it though just getting to hear them play you'd wait hours in the cold or blaring hot to see them. Them being your favorite band Veil Of Shadows. You've been obsessed with them since you came across one of their songs on your Spotify. They were still a small band doing gigs at bars, but they were growing in popularity. If tonight's anything to go off of soon they'll be playing at bigger venues.

Though there's another reason you like Veil Of Shadows so much, and that was due to their lead singer Kol Mikaelson. Not only did he have an amazing voice he was drop dead gorgeous with an english accent, the complete package. You also know for a fact he’s amazing in bed, something you learned at his last gig.

That night has been in a constant loop in your head. It wasn't even just the sex, the two of you just had amazing chemistry. After his concert the two of you went to a nearby Taco Bell. It was around 2 am so it was deserted. The two of you talked for what seemed like forever about anything and everything. It's was one of the best conversations you ever had.


"Guess what your best friend just got for us?" your friend shouts into your ear. She's positively buzzing, jumping up and down.


"Well I happen to know the bouncer and he said he can get us backstage for a measly ten bucks" her grip on your arm gets tighter. She had no idea about your night with Kol, honestly you're not sure if she'd believe you. "Come on," she leads you through the crowd. "The concerts about to end so we need to meet him before everyone starts swarming."

The bouncer leads you through the back, there's a few people already there. You start to get nervous as you hear the music start to fade. Would he recognize you or were you being delusional thinking he would remember you.

Your worries fade when he walks through, as soon as you make eye contact a smile covers his face. Your friend squeals when she sees him coming.

"Well hello Darling, I was hoping we would meet again. How Did you like the show?" Your friend immediately turns towards you, her eyes wide. You already know you are in for an interrogation from her later. For now though you need to focus on the handsome man in front of you.

"The show was amazing, but you guys are always good." he chuckled a smirk covering his face.

"I'm glad you liked it, did you like the heart I sent your way?", the heart he was talking about was just a hand heart he did toward the middle of his act. You couldn't believe that was for you.

The rest of the night Kol stuck by your side, and by the end of the night the two of you exchanged numbers. Before heading back to his place.

The next concert of his you'll be going not only as a fan but as his girlfriend.

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5 months ago

Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal

Kol Mikaelson x Reader


Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal
Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal
Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal

Inspo~ Mama I'm in love with a criminal And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical Mama please don't cry, I will be alright All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy ~Britney Spears

You should have known he was too good to be true. He was the perfect boyfriend, handsome, funny, caring, and he had an accent -A BRITISH ACCENT. He was just too perfect, he had to have a flaw though it didn’t have to be such a big one. I mean you could get over the vampire thing if anything it was kinda a plus I mean everyone goes through a vampire phase. Even the fact he’s related to Klaus, wasn’t a complete deal breaker. No, what you couldn't get over is the fact he beat Jeremy up with a bat and nearly pummeled the boy to death. You can still remember the call you got from elena she was in tears begging you to come back to mystic falls. 

You had decided to go along with Jeremy when Elena sent him away just wanting to have a normal life with no drama. Though you unknowingly had fallen smack dab in the middle. 

You were packing up your room, desperate to get back home and comfort your friend. A knock on your door has you freezing. You were hoping it was anyone but Kol, you had no desire to see him. After that call with Elena you never even wanted to hear his name again. You felt like such a fool, you were just a pawn, a means to mess with Elena. 

“Darling would you open the door?”, you don’t move hoping that your silence will make him leave. “I suppose you heard about the Jeremy thing but it was nothing personal. Now open the door before I kick it in” you thought the threat over, eventually deciding to stand you don’t know how you would explain a kicked in door. 

You kept your face neutral as you opened the door, Kol on the other hand wore a smirk. “I do hope your not here to beat me with a bat”, in truth you should be scared but you just couldn’t bring yourself to be. No, you're already feeling too much to be scared of him. 

“Darling,” he reached out, going to stroke your cheek, you quickly dodge. It didn’t seem to upset him though. “Even when you're mad I find you completely irresistible.” You tried your best not to be affected by his words. Yet you still found your heart quickening, in your defense it was only a short while ago that this man was your boyfriend. It was only fitting that there was residual feelings even if you wished there weren't. “Let me make it up to you” he’s reaching for you once more, this time however he moves too fast for you to react. His lips smashing against yours in a heart aching kiss. 

“Kol” you mumble against his lips. Your arms rest on his chest your not sure if you wish to push him away or pull him closer. 

“I love it when you say my name” he groans as he moves his lips against your neck. You shouldn’t let this continue.

“Kol we shouldn’t-I shouldn’t” you finally managed to push him away. Or at least get him to stop kissing you. He still had you held close against her. 

“I don’t want this to get between us, I care for you shouldn’t that be all that matters?” His words gave you pause. You wish it was that easy but the ‘this’ he’s talking about is him beating up your friend's brother. You couldn’t just look past that. “If you can overlook your friends' actions towards my family, then why can’t you look over mine towards theirs?”. His question had you pausing. When he said it like that you realized just how hypocritical you had been. 

When it came to your friends you always excused their actions, even the most questionable ones, because they only did what they had to. So if you can excuse their actions maybe you could forgive Kols. “I’m not saying I condone your actions because I don’t but-” you're not even able to finish your sentence before Kol is kissing you. This time you don’t push him away. 

For now you just want to focus on the warm feeling he makes erupt in your chest. Not on how your friends are bound to react to your choice in men, but what can you do your in love. Even if he may be a criminal in their minds to you he’s just your Love.

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5 years ago
Last Boards For Tonight For Freya Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson, & Kol Mikaelson! Let Me Know What You Think!
Last Boards For Tonight For Freya Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson, & Kol Mikaelson! Let Me Know What You Think!
Last Boards For Tonight For Freya Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson, & Kol Mikaelson! Let Me Know What You Think!

Last boards for tonight for Freya Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson, & Kol Mikaelson! Let me know what you think! See ya, loves~!

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4 years ago

Relax darling

Kol Mikaelson

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2 years ago

The Chaos Theory (6352 words) by Lady_Ye Chapters: 3/30

The Chaos Theory (6352 Words) By Lady_YeChapters: 3/30

Chaos theory states that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization. This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos.

Caroline Forbes, a monster with her humanity intact. One who prided herself on her morals and control.

Kol Mikaelson, the unhinged orignal. The forgotten sibling who was always left behind with a dagger on his back and chaos in mind.

Katerina Petrova, the girl doomed by her cursed blood. A lie, a shadow, created by destiny itself to wither away. One is for all and all is for one.

An unlikely trio with a burning urge to survive. But how far is one willing to go? Limits will be tested, bonds broken and morals left behind in this game of survival.

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3 years ago

Secret Agent

Elijah Mikaelson x fem!oc x Klaus Mikaelson

Summary: Hope went missing and not even Freya can find her. Klaus and Elijah's human girlfriend can help them especially when the people who kidnapped Hope left a drawing of an octopus in it.

Warnings: Tiny panic attack, blood, kidnapping, bad grammar

A/n: First fic I've wrote yay! I'm sorry in advance for wrong grammar. But anyway, enjoy reading!


"Found anything yet?" Klaus asked impatiently pacing around the room.

Hope was missing and everyone is trying their best to find something. The people or person who kidnapped Hope left a note that just have an octopus drawing in it and it certainly did not help them since they have no clue what the octopus means.

"Klaus be patient and calm down" Elijah scolded his younger brother even tho he too, is having a hard time calming himself.

"I can not calm down brother! My daughter is missing and all clue we have is a stupid drawing of an octopus!" by now, Klaus' voice was getting louder and louder to think that he was already yelling.

Freya is sat down the floor trying to do a location spell to find hope but there was a magic strong as hers that is blocking it.

"Hello everyone—oh" Alena Sinclair, Klaus and Elijah's girlfriend, greeted with a cheerful expression but was turned into a confuse look when she saw everyone's state.

"Hello dear" Elijah greeted her with a small smile. Alena started making her way to Elijah and kissed him in the cheeks.

She turned to Klaus and hope to greet him but he was clearly stress, pacing around the room with his hands on his hair.

"What's wrong?" She asked Elijah.

"Hope is missing and Freya is trying to find her but she thinks that there was a strong witch, strong as hers, blocking the magic." Elijah explained. Alena's smile fell and her faced morphed into a worried expression.

Alena was like Hope's second mother. Whenever Hayley is busy with the wolves, she would be the one taking care of Hope. And with her being Klaus' girlfriend it gave her and Hope more time together. Hope started calling her 'mama' when she turned 8 while she calls Hayley 'mom'

"Well is there any clue or anything that can tell us where she is?" Alena asked, worry in her voice.

"Well there is this octopus drawing that is colored red and black an—"

"W-wait wait!" Alena cut Elijah off. "An octopus?!?" She asked, gaining everyone's attention.

"Yeah, here" Kol handed her the drawing with his other hand as his left hand was on Davina's shoulders calming her down.

Alena stared at the drawing wide eyed. Memories started flooding in her mind. This can't be possible, there is no way that they were still alive.

"Do you know what it means Lena?" Hayley asked her, her voice in a whisper. Jackson beside her hugging her for comfort.

"Yes but I-i might be wrong" She whispered back her reply. Her worried expression turned to a mixture of disbelief, fear and anger.

"Well then what does it means?" Klaus asked her.

"I will explain later but right now we have to go to New York" she replied. Her eyebrows furrowed, bitting her lip.

"New York?" Freya asked. Alena just nodded her head.

—New York—

"So darling, why are we here again when we're supposed to be looking for Hope?" Kol asked.

The Mikaelson's, Hayley, Jackson, Davina and Alena were all standing infront of a tall building.

There was a lot of people wearing suits or catsuits or holding some gears.

Alena said nothing and started walking inside and gesturing her head for them to follow her.

"Come on" she said.

Everyone looked at each other with confused face but they followed her in.

Alena led them to a big office. Once that everyone was inside, she closed the door and locked it.

"So, what do you know about the octopus my love?" Klaus asked.

Alena cleared her throat. "Wednesday wake up, we got some work to do"

The blinds closed and holograms started showing. The monitors started opening and a femanine robotic voice spoke.

"Hello Lady Lena, its good to have you back. You have 5 recent unfinished projects, 3 recent received files from Doctor Jake and Agent Phil." Wednesday, The AI said startling everyone but Alena.

"Who was that?" Kol exclaimed. Alena who was walking towards the desk turned to him. "That's Wednesday my Ai, Artificial intelligence"

"You have an Artificial intelligence?!?" Finn has been fascinated with computer science since the moment he learned how to used a phone.

Alena chuckled. "Yes" before saying. "Wednesday please get rid of the holograms and replace it with all the files that you have on Hydra"

Many holograms appeared surrounding the room.

"What is Hydra?" Davina's question was ignored by Alena.

"Wednesday try to search for Hope Mikaelson" Alena said sternly. It was the first The Mikaelson's heard Alena serious, she was mostly cheerful and happy and positive.

A hologram appeared. Hope's picture popped up and text too. Wednesday started speaking again.

"Hope Mikaelson, 14 years old, daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner, Date of birth: January 4, 2012, 5'3 tall"

"How does she know all that?" Klaus exclaimed.

"She's an Ai brother, Artificial intelligence" Finn replied and Klaus glared at him.

"Wednesday where is Hope Mikaelsons location right now, specific location" Alena ignored the two and ordered the bot.

"Siberia, Russia miss. Where the Winter Soldiers were held" With that, Alena paled.

What if they turned her into a Winter Soldier? What if they use her? What if they turn her into a weapon? How does Hydra even know who Hope is? They knew about supernaturals?

Alena was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice that Klaus, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah and Finn sped off to find Hope.

Hayley went to Alena noticing that she was now sitting down with her knees in her chest.

"Lena you have to calm down, follow my breathing honey" Hayley instructed.

Once she noticed that her breathing is now normal, she spoke. "Hey what happened?"

"Wha-what if they turn her into a weapon? what if they use her?" Alena said her mind running with questions again.

"Lena calm down, Klaus and the others will take care of it and you know that nobody mess with the Mikaelsons and live" the wolf tried to reassure the agent.

"Y-yeah you're right" The Sinclair girl calmed down.

—An hour later—

"We're back" Kol announced. Hope ran to both of her mother's arms hugging them tight.

"Ohh thank God" Hayley and Alena both sighed in relief.

Alena turned to see her lovers covered in blood. She ran to them concerned.

"We are okay love, you don't need to worry about us" Klaus assured their lover. He kissed her first deeply as a thank you. Hope wouldn't have been found earlier without Alena's help.

"Thank you love, for finding Hope" Klaus said after they broke apart. Alena smiled and muttered a 'you are always welcome my love' which made Klaus smile widely with the pet name.

Alena turned to Elijah and kissed him too, and asked if he was also okay after they broke the kiss which Elijah nodded in reply assuring her too that he's fine.

"Now darling, you might need to explain with this all" Kol said gesturing the room with holograms and computers.

They all sat down in the sofa's after Alena ordered Wednesday to remove the holograms and open the blinds.

"Well it all started when I was 9 I think? Nick Fury found me at the street with bags in my hands. He asked me why was I all alone in the streets at night and I explained to him that I was kicked out of the orphanage and I had to stay in the streets. He made a decision to take me under his wing and from that day I was introduced to the world of spies, agents and assassin's. Nick trained me into becoming a great spy and agent. I was taught everything I need to know about, how to fight, how to use guns, knives and more weapons. He taught me how to watch my back every time and to not trust anyone. I grew up fighting for my way to become a great agent and make my father proud. And well, now I am a level 9 agent." Alena explained.

"Wait then how did you end up in New Orleans?" Davina asked.

"I was sent for a month mission to get information about supernaturals. Apparently my father found out about supernaturals and wanted to know more about them." Alena replied putting her hands in her lap.

"Wow so you've been an agent all along" Hope asked excitedly.

"Yes hon" Alena hummed in agreement.

"Wait can you teach me how to fight ma?" That gained everyone's attention and heads snapped to Hope's direction.

"I don't know honey" Hayley looked unsure.

"Please mom please please please, plus you know mama would take care of me and not get me to any trouble" Hope pleaded.

Hayley looked at Klaus who looked at Alena who looked at Elijah.

"Why not I mean, Alena would take care of her right my love?" Elijah asked. Alena hummed in agreement.

"Fine" Hope cheered loudly with that.

"Wait can you teach me too?" Kol asked loudly.

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3 years ago


Klaus Mikaelson x fem!oc

Warnings: curse words?, a little angst, talk about hiding body, murder and kind if ooc klaus.

Note: I wrote this about 5 am in the morning and I'm posting it now. I'm a little sleepy so watch out for some mistakes.

part 2 here!



I cringed at the loud volume of Venom's sound.

"Are you okay my love?" Klaus asked. Everyone's looked at me concern. I snapped out of my trance.

"Huh?" I hummed. The Mikaelson's, Davina, Cami, Hayley, Marcel and I were in the living room discussing another witch problem who was trying to kill Hope. I was listening attentively but Venom decided to shout at me, making me cringe. Which Klaus seemed to notice. I'm not surprised tho. When Klaus and I started dating, he always notice small little things I do.

Like how I tilt my head when someone is threatening me—which probably means that I will kill them. Like how I either bite my nails, play with the hem of my top or I just can't stay still when I'm nervous.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine don't worry. I just remembered something" I answered smiling at them. Everyone went back to talking but I saw Klaus still looking at me with confusion written in his face. He nodded along to make it seem like he was listening.

Yeah, that's the problem. Nobody knows about Venom. Not even my own boyfriend or my sister, Hayley, or anyone in general.

I became Venom's host when I was 18—I'm now 19, turning 20 in a few months—when he found me walking around New Orleans.

I just came back from the bar that Cami work in and I had a huge cut in my ankle. I assured Cami that it will heal, especially since I am a werewolf.

I didn't notice a black thing that I think looked like a slime, went in my wound.

I met Venom the day after. My wound was healed but I felt extreme hunger. Venom came out from my shoulder and said "I am Venom, and you are mine" which confused me.

I tried for weeks to get him out of me but he was stubborn. I was surprised when he said that he liked me and my wolf seems to accept him. I didn't even know that they could communicate.

Eventually, I gave up after he explained to me who he really is. I was stuck with Venom for a whole year and things went smoothly.

No one knows. All they know is that I am Hayley Marshall's sister who is a werewolf like her.

The meeting ended but everyone stayed for dinner. I tried eating and acting normal but Venom kept mumbling about how he hadn't had brains since last month—which was a total lie. I fed him 5 cow brains last week.

"I don't like cow brains!" he hissed. I rolled my eyes. I forgot that this idiot can hear my thoughts.

"I AM NOT AN IDIOT" he then shouted. I tried not to react from the loud sound.

Yeah yeah. I replied in my mind. It was a good thing I can communicate with Venom in my mind or else my secret would probably be known by now.

"Now. Feed me brains. Not cow brains" he said sternly, demanding me as if I was his maid.

Why not? I thought you like cow brains? I mean, you finished up 5 of them last week. I said

"I only ate it because there is chocolate syrup in it" he answered.

I raised an eyebrow. I was lost in thought that I didn't even notice Klaus staring at me with furrowed eyebrows.

Then, I'll just put chocolate syrup again. I told him

"No. You listen here Aviana Grace Marshall. You are going to get your ass of that chair, get out of that house and let me control." he demanded very seriously. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ana?" Hayley called me. I looked up from my plate and saw that everyone was staring at me. Again.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We called you 10 times now Via, you sure you're okay?" Marcel asked. He was always like a big brother to me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I forced out a chuckled. "I just had something in thought" I smiled which convinced everyone but Klaus.

My lover leaned closer to me since I was beside him. "Love, I saw you rolled you're eyes five minutes ago and you flinched out of nowhere just an hour ago."

I smiled softly. "Nik, I am fine. I just had something in mind" I really need to change excuses, I've been using that for 7 weeks now.

"You suck at lying"

shut up V.

I heard Nik muttered something under his breath. "That's what you said last time"

I wanted to tell Nik about Venom but something keeps preventing me to tell him.


Oh my god V. Fine! We will get your stupid brains later. I gave in.

After dinner, I sprinted out of the mansion yelling "I'll be back in a few hours! Just have some business to do"

—Klaus Pov—

Aviana and I have been together for months now but sometimes I can't help but think she isn't telling me something.

I love her, I really do. But sometimes I hear her talking to someone on the phone from the other room and she's hardly ever home.

I heard the bedroom door opened. I looked up to see my girlfriend walking in, panting a little.

"Where have you been?" I asked her, my voice raising a little. I can't help but let in the negative thoughts in my mind.

"Oh Nik, I am so sorry. A friend of mine just called earlier this morning and they needed my help" she apologized, walking over to hug me.

The negative thoughts disappeared the moment she wrapped her arms around me.

I hugged her back and we stayed in that position for a few minutes before we let go.

I looked at her seriously, I have to know what she is hiding.

"Love, we need to talk"

—Aviana's Pov—

"I got brains, I got brains, I—"

alright! alright! shut up!. I yelled at him.

My inner wolf was growling at Venom, probably because he just disturbed her nap time by his loud voice.

"Jeez little vixen, calm down" Venom said to my wolf.

"Your wolf has quite a temper doesn't she V number 2?" I can picture Venom saying this with a grin on his face if that even is possible.

When Venom met my wolf, he quickly named her vixen. I asked him where he got the name and he told me that he overheard it from the neighbors.

V number 2 wha—? nevermind. But yes, vixen has a short temper Venom so be careful. I told him. And V number 2??

"Yes. I'm V number one, you are V number two. Get it cause V as in Venom and V as in aViana?" he said with a cocky voice, obviously proud with the nickname

Wait how come I'm number 2? I asked

"I'm older"

I'm cooler

"No you're not"

Yes I am

"Can you eat brains? Can you be bullet proof? Can you be stab but not die?"


"Told you"

shut up. I silenced him, I can hear him sniggering at me. We finally arrived back at the mansion after brain hunting.

I think I've been out for 3 hours. I spent the rest hours digging graves for the headless bodies. I could've just removed their lungs and organs out and throw the body at sea. Or I could've just put on a fire, chopped the bodies and cooked it in a pan till its burned black. Problem is, where was I going to get a pan?. I could've just asked Marcel instead but he was busy. Plus he would lecture Venom for hours.

Yes, Marcel knows. One of his night walkers saw Venom transformed back to me and Marcel talked to me about it. I told him everything and asked him if he could not tell anyone. The night walker who saw us died. Rebekah killed him because he was cat calling her. Marcel has been covering and helping me with Venom since then.

Anyway, I'm back at the mansion and it looks like only Nik was home since his scent was the only thing I smelled.

I went into the bedroom and opened the door. Nik was sitting at the edge of the bed, looking out the window. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me.

"Where have you been?" He asked, raising his voice a little. I can't help but feel guilty, I wanted to tell him really.

"Oh Nik, I am so sorry. A friend of mine just called earlier this morning and they needed my help" I lied hugging him. I lied to him. I have been for a while now.

After a few minutes of hugging we let go.

He looked at me seriously and said.

"Love, we need to talk" I gulped.

"Did I do something wrong? Are you breaking up with me? Did something happen with Hayley? Hope? Marcel? Elijah? Kol? Anyone?" I asked all in one breath. Did something bad happened to them while I was gone?

"No no one is hurt nor something bad happened" He assured before talking in a soft voice and saying. "Is there anything you are not telling me Aviana?"

"Oh no Nik, I—why would you think that?" I was concerned. Did he found out? Did Marcel told him?

"It's just you have been going out with some business and with some friends, you are hardly at home anymore. And you're always talking to the phone with someone. Are you cheating on me?" He asked. His voice soft and some tears pooling in his eyes. Klaus Mikaelson was never the one to cry. I felt angry at myself for making the love of my life cry.

"Nik I would never do that to you! You know that" I told him, cupping his face with my hands.

"Then what are you hiding?" he whispered. I sighed. I have to tell him.

"Venom" I said. He looked confuse until Venom appeared from my shoulder.

"Hello Klaus" V greeted.

"What the fuck is that Aviana!?" He yelled, walking backwards and pointing at Venom.

"I am not a 'that' you stupid hybrid" Venom hissed.

"Venom!" I said sternly, clearing my throat.

"Klaus this is Venom, my symbiote. Venom this is Klaus, my boyfriend. Although you already know that" I introduced them both.

"A symba what now?" Klaus asked.

I sighed, oh this is going to be a hard to explain. I thought.

"I can tell the story for you Via" Venom insisted. He did a "ehem ehem" before saying.

"Once upon a time—"


Tags :
3 years ago


part 2 of this

Klaus Mikaelson x fem!oc

Warnings: Uhh mention of knife?? Idk but if there are any warnings please inform me!!!

A/n: hello there! sorry I haven't been posting for a while now I have been busy with school and family stuffs but I'm back!!, Anyway let's goooo!


"So...he is just inside of you?"


"That is..."

"I know" I pursed my lips, nodding awkwardly.

I explained to Niklaus pretty much everything. We were sat down in our bed facing each other.

"Wait hold on" He furrowed his eyebrows and pointed at me. "Marcel knew?"

"Oh yeah for a while now" I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

"So you told Marcel before telling me" Nik glared at me lightly and scoffed. My mouth formed in an 'O' and I sighed.

I looked at him with a guilty expression. "To be fair...he saw venom transformed and you have a lot going on your plate right now with Hope and the witches"

His glare softened lightly, he can never stay mad at me even if he tried.

Nik sighed. "Fine" he paused "Does anyone know?"

I thought about it before I shook my head no.

"Do you want to tell them?" He asked softly. Even if I didn't say it our loud, he knew I was scared. Scared that they will be afraid although they're literally vampires and werewolves. Scared that my sister would never look at me again because I kept this secret from her. We had a promise since we were little. We promised we would tell each other everything.

"Can....not yet" I sighed. Nik nodded, understanding.

He leaned in and kissed me. His hands found its way to my waist as he lift me up a little to place me in his lap. His back was now rested on the headboard and I was sitting on his lap.

I let myself melt on the kiss, pushing away all the problems and stress.

He pulled away slowly and placed his forehead on mine. I sighed happily.

"I will keep you secret love, don't worry" He promised and peck the tip of my nose.

I giggled softly. "I know, I love you"

"I love you too" He replied. We held each other, embracing and enjoying the moment hoping it would like this everyday.

—A few months later— (big time skip ik)

For the past few months it had been easier for me to keep venom. Klaus was helping a lot, whenever venom was hungry, he would help us cover the body—but since I put venom in a chicken diet, less traces of dead bodies where found.

"Aviana!" Hayley called from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, this is the third time she called me.

"Yes dear sister of mine" I asked sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes at me. She stopped cutting strawberries and looked up. "Can you look after Hope for a while?"

"Sure, why? where are you going?" I asked her, picking up a piece of strawberry from the bowl.

"Some business with the wolves" She shrugged and continued cutting strawberries.

I looked at her raised a brow. I know my sister, she doesn't look me in the eye every time she lies.

She felt me staring at her and looked up again. Once she saw the look on my face, she rolled her eyes.

She sighed. "I just needed a time alone"

The look on my face immediately turned in to a sad look. Hayley had been working hard for the past few days—come to think of it, I've never seen her at the mansion anymore.

"How bout you and I have a sisters day and we can leave Hope with Rebekah?" I offered her. It has been a long time since we hang out.

Hayley chuckled. "You sure? Don't you have a date with Klaus?" She sent me a teasing smile.

I scoffed. "He had an emergency meeting with Marcel and the others so we have to move our date to Saturday"

Hayley looked at me for a second before nodding.

"Sure, Let's have a sisters day" She chuckled softly. I let out a silent cheer and hugged her.

"Watch out for the knife!" She warned and I started laughing which caused her to laugh too.

—That night—

Hayley and I had a wonderful day. I can't remember the last time we had a free day for ourselves.

When we got home, everyone was in teh mansion chatting around, waiting for dinner.

I went to the kitchen while Hayley went upstairs to check on Hope and to put our bags away.

I saw Freya and Finn cooking dinner.

"Hey guys" I greeted them and gave them both a short side hug each.

"Hi, where did you and Hayley ran off too?" Freya asked as she wiped her wet hands on the towel.

"We had a sister day, we went shopping and then we went to the park we used to go to when we were young and then we—"

"Sorry to cut you off Ava but dinner is going to be served now" Finn cut me of, he started putting the dinner on the table.

I nodded my head. "Alright, I'll call Hayley"

Everyone was eating and having a conversation while I started zoning out. I feel like there is something bad going to happen.

V? you good?. I heard venom ask

Yeah, yeah I'm okay. I answered

"So Avi, what did you and Hayley do today?" Freya's voice snapped me out off my thoughts.

I looked at her and put on a small smile, recalling my and Hayley's day a while ago.

"We uh went shopping and we went to the park and we hang out in a cafe" I took a bite of my steak after I said that.

Rebekah smiled. "Well you have to show me all the new clothes you bought after dinner"

"Oh you are going to love the new top Avi brought" Hayley said.

There was a loud noise outside that caught everyone's attention. Everyone immediately stood up.

We started walking outside to see what was going on.

Ugh, that noise!. Venom screeched. I stoped walking when the realization hit.

The noise kept on going and going. I saw witches banging on metal while muttering spell that stopped the Mikaelsons and Marcel. They were now covering their ears and kneeling down.

"Aviana Marshall! I have been longing to meet you, dear" An old woman—probably 40s or 50s—stood in the middle of the group of witches.

"My name is Arianna Johnson, a pleasure to meet you Aviana" She grinned. I looked at her in confusion.

"What do you want from me?" I hissed.

"Simple, I want the symbiote" The woman, Arianna, started making her way infront of me.

I couldn't do anything. I feel my wolf whimpering in pain and venom weakening from the noise.

She raised her fingers on my forehead and all I saw was black.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM HER!" I heard a faint voice, who I assumed was Klaus, yell at her but was followed by a shout in pain from him.

I tried fighting but it all fades to black.

—Klaus' Pov:—

They took her.

Aviana collapsed and the witches stop the noises and lifted her with magic and disappeared. My siblings, Marcel and I stood up.

"Where is she?!?" Hayley shouted in anger.

"The witches took her" Marcel grumbled angrily.

"They took her! THEY TOOK AVIANA!" I started yelling in anger.

Elijah sped to my side. "Calm down brother. We will find her"

"We better or else I will kill everyone" Hayley muttered with a huff. I kept silent, I was thinking ways to kill the witch who took my Aviana.

"Uh oh, Nik is silent. That's a bad sign" Kol said.

"Shut up Kol" I replied before walking back in.

"We have to find her" I heard Elijah say, "Freya?"

Freya nodded. "I'll try and locate her"

"I'll call Davina," Marcel said before leaving.

"Kol and I will start searching" Rebekah informed and dragged Kol.

Elijah sped beside me. "Brother, We will find her. I give you my word"

A little cliffhanger but I'm already working on part 3 soo yeahhh.

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3 years ago

okay so Im probably going to get drag for this but, in tvd universe….

the originals had a better plot but

tvd had a bigger impact than the originals…

like back then (before i watch show) people always talk about tvd and i didn’t even know about the spin-off

Okay So Im Probably Going To Get Drag For This But, In Tvd Universe.

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2 years ago

okay so im mostly on wattpad and there is a lot watching film / show aus which i love. Mostly i read marvel and tvdu but i hate how is all hating on caroline or her kids (especially on lizzie, they bring her down with her bipolar disorder which makes me so mad)

There this au were is marvel and tvdu crossover but the centric characters is and oc and caroline which thank goodness for that!! Since caroline is literally my comfort character!!

Can anyone recommend me watching au fic of any fandom but if is tvdu please no caroline bashing because


Okay So Im Mostly On Wattpad And There Is A Lot Watching Film / Show Aus Which I Love. Mostly I Read

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2 years ago



Caroline laid down on the floor. Her body was completely aching. She tried to stand up but she couldn't. She was on her left side stretching her neck and rubbing her eyes that were so tired that they begun to burn and itch. Eventually after a struggle she stood up and her eyebrows furrows in confusion as to where she was.

Taking in her surroundings, she immediately knew she was in mystic falls woods. Walking down the familiar path to go back to town, her thoughts began to consume her, to where she was and the fact she just came to terms that she is pregnant with twins.



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2 years ago

𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗘 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

CAROLINE STOOD PARALYZED unable to comprehend all the emotions running through her. Here she is, the last one standing, with nothing but a cold breeze hitting her face. The undying of emotions that swept to her like a hurricane. What should she be feeling? Or what is the correct emotion that she should be feeling because everything is too overwhelming.

Solace. The weird sense of calmness she feels after all this mess as the ruby red stain on her clothes began to suffocate her but yet relief washed over her. A sense of relief that she will get to see another day, see the bright sun that shone beautifully against her golden lock, the blue bright sky that reminds her of the strength of her mother.

Guilt. For the other tributes who won't get to see another day. Caroline felt tears prinkle in her but she did not want to let it out and seem insolent.

What is she supposed to say to the victim's family? A bunch of rapid, fevered apologies? As if apologies will undo the fact she is standing and others aren't.



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2 years ago

stop why do so many people hate caroline?!???

she literally does nothing wrong and is a ray of sunshine, like yea she is not perfect but no person (or character) is perfect, we are all flawed, we all have our things that give us space to grow as person!!!

i do not mind since everyone can stan who they want but i want to know what you all have against my girl?!??

what did she do to you all, for some to hate her so bad? 😭

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