7 years ago

Witch Island (dawsons creek)

Imagine Pacy Witter wants to make a strictly no strings attached sex pack.

Y/N was currently on a boat with her friends, Dawson, Joey, Jen , and her best friend Pacy , on their way to Witch Island.

They all decided to team up with Dawson for their history project. A documentary on Witch Island.  Legend says: in 1692 , 13 teen girls were banished to Witch Island because they were suspected of practicing witchcraft. A year later died in a fire.

Y/N sat on the boat next to Pacy , quietly observing the woods they were coming upon. She didn't even notice the boat driver filming everyone including her, forgetting he was doing a documentary himself of people doing a documentary of Witch Island.... lol.

Finally stepping off the boat, everyone was greeted by a Capeside historian Wendy, who takes them to the gift shop as she talks about the history of Witch island. At the gift shop Jen starts to make a love potion "drink this Pacy" says Jen. He just looks at it with discussed and shakes his head no. She crossed her arms " I bet it'll make you and Y/N  fall in love by the end of the night " she tempts him. Pacy looks over at Y/N as she is too invested in the book she's reading and looks at Jen " I bet I won't " he says as he takes a drink then looks at her like nothing happened.

Jen makes her way to Y/N "Y/N drink this, it'll make you fall for Pacy" says Jen.  Y/N looks at the drink for a moment thinking what's the worst that could happen??? And with that downs the rest of the drink with discussed . Y/n notices that there's only 12 graves where's the 13th ? Wendy tells us the body of the 13th girl was never found. Some believe she haunts the island others say she ran away with her boyfriend. Wendy says the Island is charged and people who love someone who they can't have can feel it.

Dawson asked Wendy to take us to the church the girls were set on fire in , that's in the woods. She said no, no surprise there it was getting a bit late. She said if we were smart we wouldn't go, guess what we weren't smart and went anyway. We all made it alive. Y/n walked around with Pacy trying to see if there was any changes in him towards her. " Feeling different yet Pacy"? Asked Y/n he bounces from one foot to the other "no, you "? He asks. Y/n just shakes her head no.

After awhile of sitting around the church investigating anything unusual oh and not to mention the boat driver left so we are stuck tell morning! Pacy and Y/n were sitting in a corner of the church away from everyone y/n stealing glances of Pacy having enough not really believing that potion is working ask "anything yet"? Y/n ask. Pacy after a few moments looks at y/n

"No y/n , but how about this" he starts and picks back up "we make a no strings attached sex pack"? He asks you. You look so dumb founded he starts again " we are both good looking, young adults with a healthy sexual appetite and needs, we should try this for 2 weeks and see how it goes, how about it y/n"? He asks with hope and angst clear on his face. Y/n  to say the least was nervous yet turned on by the idea of him alone. " okay Pacy, 2 weeks " said y/n  with a slight blush creeping up.

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3 years ago
Jodie Turner-Smith On How She Met Her Husband, Joshua Jackson.
Jodie Turner-Smith On How She Met Her Husband, Joshua Jackson.
Jodie Turner-Smith On How She Met Her Husband, Joshua Jackson.
Jodie Turner-Smith On How She Met Her Husband, Joshua Jackson.
Jodie Turner-Smith On How She Met Her Husband, Joshua Jackson.
Jodie Turner-Smith On How She Met Her Husband, Joshua Jackson.
Jodie Turner-Smith On How She Met Her Husband, Joshua Jackson.
Jodie Turner-Smith On How She Met Her Husband, Joshua Jackson.

Jodie Turner-Smith on how she met her husband, Joshua Jackson.

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3 years ago

If I was married to the man, I would make fun of him every time that song came on!

Jodie Turner-Smith and Joshua Jackson 🥰

(Jodie is poking fun of her husband, Joshua, about Dawson's Creek who played Pacey Witter on the show 😄)

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1 year ago

'Rabbit Hole' y 'Atracción fatal' canceladas por Paramount+.

Paramount+ está dando las gracias, pero no gracias a las segundas temporadas de Rabbit Hole y Fatal Attraction. Rabbit Hole fue un drama de espías protagonizado por Kiefer Sutherland; Atracción fatal fue una reinvención de la película de 1987 protagonizada por Joshua Jackson y Lizzy Caplan. “Queremos agradecer a todos los equipos creativos de ambas series, a los equipos y a los fantásticos…

'Rabbit Hole' Y 'Atraccin Fatal' Canceladas Por Paramount+.

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