Okay But Foolish Love Or Host And Being His S/o(secret While Being A Streamer Too) And Him Picking You.
Okay but Foolish’ love or host and being his s/o(secret while being a streamer too🤭) and him picking you. Then after having soft sex and just him tell you how much he loves you. <3
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More Posts from Rebirthbunbun

sly as a fox

Soon, y’all. Soon.
My New Girlfriend In which they get transformed into girls for a period of time Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor Dev Notes: I love girls so much they are so hot hnrghhh I'm sorry if it isn't the best, I wanted to write it but it got a little difficult and wanted to post smthing for you guys. Not edited

The Anti-Lucifer League has come up with their latest plan, turning Lucifer into a woman by the usage of a curse on the jacket he wears daily. As he put on his jacket, the morphing started. After he realized what had happened, there was no stopping it. Lucifer had fully turned into a female for a full 24 hours. Sighing, he, er, she? She went to find Satan and Belphie and scold them for their prank, but it went through one ear and out the other. The rest of the morning went without a problem, as there was no RAD or meeting for her to attend. It wasn’t until you came to have lunch with her was the predicament seen by anyone else but the culprits.
“Well, well, well… look at my pretty girlfriend doing her paperwork” you spoke, smugness in your voice. Lucifer looked up, anger on her face.
“If you came to taunt, I welcome you to leave before I get angry" she replies, tone sharp and dangerous.
Approaching where she sat behind her test, a smile stretching even further across your cheeks at her glare.
Humming, you softly card your hand through her hair, pulling her head close to her stomach.
"My pretty girlfriend" you whisper, and feel all the tension holding in her body melt away. After all, pretty girls don't need to be so stressed.
Mammon has once again, had a plan backfire intensely on him. Stealing a book that looked like it could get him a pretty Grimm was his downfall. Now, he was processing the extremely feminine figure that he owned.
"Mammon! I have you seen my- oh, oh"
Whipping around, the two of you just stood, looking at each other.
"Listen human! Don't look so in disbelief-" Mammon starts on another rant, about how he is so great even as a girl or something. You don't know, as you're trying to process how someone can look so hot as both genders. Some people just get it all, you guess.
"You're hot" you blurt out, cutting off the never ending rant from the prettiest girl you ever had the pleasure of seeing
"O-oh course I am human!!" she announced loudly, but the high pitch was disguising nothing.
Laughing, you go and wrap your arms around her waist, “My pretty girlfriend. Maybe I should show her off, hmm?” you tease.
“Stop” she whispers quietly, burying her head into the crook of your neck.
“Okay, okay, just for you pretty girl”
You hear her squeak and can’t help but giggle in response.
Levi was going insane. He feels like the main character of “Help! I Constantly Am Getting Cursed and it Keeps Causing Problems!” where in the one episode that he too, was turned into a girl with no clue on how it happened and how to change back. Gah! He has too much anime to watch and in this new physical form everything feels-
“Levi!! Look at this new two player game I got usss…” you trail off, looking at the cute girl who used to be your cute boyfriend.
“Like the new form, what caused you to try this one out cutie” you say with a wink.
“Stop with your normie tactics! I didn’t try this out, it suddenly happened” she says, stanced like she was going to fight you.
“I’m not complaining,” is all you say, making it obvious that you were checking her out.
“StOP!”her voice cracks, hiding her face in her hands.
“Cute girls should be looked at Levi, you of all people should know that!” you say, walking closer and pulling her hands away from her face. She squeaks loudly, and attempts to run away. You know her tactics at this point and prevent her from running by wrapping your arm around her waist a pulling her close
“Going somewhere baby?”
Preparing a curse that he was going to use on Lucifer has ended in ruin, and now Satan is looking at himself, but it is, well, different. At least he knows if he learns to cast it will be good to use. His hair is longer, and his chest is obviously heavier. Next time you ask for a back massage, he will indulge you, it must be hard to have to deal with them all the time. As he continues looking at himself in a more feminine form, she never hears you open the door.
“It’s nice to know you realize how pretty you look like this, darling”
Satan jumps, and turns to see you, looking at her from the doorway.
“It is new is all,” she replies while turning away, “I just wanted to make sure that the curse worked is all”
“It worked quite well if you asked me” you reply, coming closer and wrapping your hands around her waist. You hear her quietly huff, but in the mirror you see her smile.
“You look pretty,” you whisper into her shoulder
“Thank you, love, you look magnificent yourself” you smile at her reply. Using your hands, you pull her to turn to you. She indulges you, and finally you get to see her really pretty face even closer. You smile, pulling her down for a kiss that she easily indulges in.
Asmo doesn’t know what happened, and honestly doesn’t care. He was too wrapped up in looking at this cute new form. He did shoot you a text that he had a surprise for you. She was holding different clothes up to her new body, seeing what would look better on her.
“Asmo? What’s up?” you ask as you walk into the 5th born’s room.
“Honey! Which one do you think looks better”, you him- no, her, ask you. You look, mouth agape as you look at the pretty woman in front of you
“I, you, Asmo, what??” you say, trying to make a connection of how your boyfriend has now turned into your girlfriend.
“Don’t I look cute?” Asmo says, striking a pose for you.
“Adorable as always babe, but what happened?” you ask, walking towards her.
“I dunno! I just went with it though” she replies, turning back to the mirror, “Now, which one?”
“I like the first one” you reply, sitting down on the bed.
“Hmm, I do too,” she says. She sets the outfit down, and approaches you.
“You never said if you liked the surprise” she pouts, running her hands across your shoulders.
“I love anything when it comes to you” you reply, smiling up at her. She hums, happy with your response. She leans down and kisses you. Softly cupping your cheek and slightly nipping at your lip. She pulls away all too soon, leaving you breathless.
“You’re so cute” is all she says as she goes in for another kiss.
Beel is confused. He doesn’t understand what happened, at one point he was just eating some food, next he felt his body was different, changing. Turns out the cake he ate was cursed to turn anyone brave enough to eat it into a girl. He just shrugged it off and went about his day. It wasn’t until he saw you did he really remember what happened
“Beel! You look so cute” you gushed, and Beel blushed. “Cute girl, pretty girl” you coo up at her.
“Do you think I really look that good?” she asks, blushing a bright red.
“Of course baby! I think you’d look good no matter what you were!” you said, nuzzling into her stomach. She giggles, smiling at you. Pulling away, you look up at her with adoration.
“Kiss?” and Beel indulges you, bending down and placing your lips together. Your both smiling a little bit, and as you pull away from each other, your grin widens. “Another!” you demand, and once again she indulges you. She bends down and cups your face and places her lips against your again. You pull her in even closer, leaning closer together. This one is longer than the first, and when you both pull away your breathless.
“Thank you” you say, “Nothing beats a kiss from someone so cute” you reply with a wink. She just smiles down at you.
“Well, let’s go get something to eat, baby” is all you say, laughing at the excitement in her eyes.
Belphie wakes up from a nap with you a feels a little different. Letting out a soft grunt, he turns towards you
“Wake up” he says, shaking you, but he realizes his voice sounds different. “Mmprh, Belphie what is it?” you say, opening your eyes. Then, they open wider.
“Belphie, holy shit”
“You’re a girl!” you say, tiredness and amusement are in your voice, “A very pretty, pretty girl” you tag on smiling at her.
“Ugh, the thought of it makes me tired” she replies, turning back around.
“Hey!” you reply with a giggle, “C’mon! Let me look at you more!”
Turning her onto her back, you move to sit on top of her thighs. You place a quick kiss onto her forehead, and the ends of her mouth quirk up.
“What do you think happened? Did you make someone mad or something?”
“Dunno, don’t care” is all she replies. You smile, leaning down to place a quick kiss on top of her closed eyes.
“Stop that” she says, opening her eyes with a glare.
“Make me, brat” you reply with a smugness in your voice. Belphie huffs, and closes her eyes. While you take the time to admire her face. You always thought Belphie looked cute sleeping, but right now she looks like Sleeping Beauty, and it makes you think of all the stories you heard as a child.
“A princess, cursed to sleep forever, will be awakened by a kiss from her true love!” you say, flourish in your voice as you lean down and place a kiss onto her lips. Belphie reciprocates immediately, and flips the two of you in the middle of it. When you pull away, she is hovering above you.
“You’re annoying, did you know that?” she says, but it’s obvious that she is not upset at all
“You can’t expect me to leave you around when you look so pretty”
“Then you’ll pay for it” is all she says before bites you.
“Hey! Ow!” “You’ll regret waking up this ‘princess’,”
Good luck
-I was talking to the Moon/Sun-
Head Canons!! Demon brothers + main Side Characters!!(im not even near the part with the new sides) I’m basing this off of a TikTok sound :D

He would be the one to say it about you
This would probably during a sleepless night for the both of you
“Mc I was talking to the Moon last night, it told me about the Sun, so I told it something about you my dear.”
You would be the one to tell him !
Especially after getting put down by his brothers
“Mammon you wanna know something that I did last night?” Mc says quietly while laying with him on the his bed “w-what?” He mumbled, “I was talking to the Moon last night and it told me something about the Sun, so I told it something about you.”
You would be the one to tell him
He would be putting himself down and you had enough of it
“Levi! Look at me!” He looks at you surprised “You have to stop putting yourself down… You know I was talking to the Moon last night, and it told me about the Sun, so I told it something about you.”
He would be the one to tell you
I feel like it would be when you would be explaining a special interest of yours
“Mc my dear, if I may say something,” he paused “I was out talking to the Moon last night and it told me something about the Sun, so I told it something about you too” he smiled at you. “I love you”
You would be the one to tell him
This would be during nb! When they first get to the devildom
“Hey Asmo, I was talking to the Moon last night and it told me about the Sun, so I told it something about you.” You smiled at him. Asmo was just lefted to shock at the words you said with tears in his eyes “Thank you Mc.”
You would tell him !
He was blaming himself again
“I could’ve saved them both, I didn’t want her to die..” Beel scared to even look into Mc’s eyes, “Beel I love you so much but please stop blaming yourself, you know I was talking to the Moon last night and it told me something about the Sun.” They took a small pause “so I told it something about you.”
He would be the one to tell you!!
This would be when you guys are stargazing in the planetarium !! :D
“Mc, I was talking to the Moon last night and it told me something about the Sun, and I told it something about you.” He said looking up at the stars, the moon shining brightly on the both of you. “I love you Belphie,” “I love you too, now sleep.”
This was so long so look out for part 2 with the dateables!!