retash-tash111 - yoursexycounselour

23 to be I don't send minors,bigots,etc dni spiritual sexpert my space is your's daddy I'm horny and I wanna help

18 posts

.I Adore Women.

.I adore women.

More Posts from Retash-tash111

4 months ago

found this today

Found This Today

Please use these terms correctly. Not doing so will deeply harm the people who actually have experienced trauma, gaslighting, triggers, and people who have NPD.

Edit: okay holy hell this blew up overnight. To everyone who is mentioning the censoring - I did not make this graphic, nor did I censor it. I ABSOLUTELY AGREE and it actually kind of ties into my original point. That being said, PLEASE stop reblogging just to say that. I know. Everyone knows. It has been said enough.

5 months ago

I don't wanna sound dumb or anything but I'd like to know if you'll help me with this one thing.

I might be pansexual (which isn't the point of guidance) but I'm definitely trans,my parents can't really see any changes since I've always dressed like a tomboy but there definitely are!! I don't know how they'd feel about it if they knew but I know it's closer to anger than acceptance,what should I do?


First and foremost. Nothing you ask can be dumb nor stupid nor anything that wouldn't make you deserving of counselling!!! like to just let you know how grateful and proud I am of you for just reaching out and venting and also being so sure in yourself to claim these titles!!! It took you a while to get there or be comfortable in them and that's worth alot of pride!

2. Although I believe that we as human beings should be honest to those we are in community with I do think it can be complicated with parents.

You have to ask yourself these questions.

1. What are there views on others? What would they think if you were a stranger and they knew you were trans?

2. Have they ever been abusive?

3. Have there been instances of being kicked out before.

4. If so,do you have a safety net to fall on if they don't take the news appropriately and end up threatening your life and safety?

5. Can you trust those around you not to use this against you if they are your safety net and if so,can you stand on your own two feet by yourself?

These may be hard questions that come with hard tasks but down the line you will realize how much stronger you've made yourself by going through this and standing in it!

When you can be in an independent position where you are equal to your parents i believe it's the best time to tell them who you really are because whether they accept it or not right away they'll have time to and you'll be on your way to reconcile yourself..

If you haven't heard it today I WISH THE BEST FOR YOU!!!

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4 months ago

this really helped me.

retash-tash111 - yoursexycounselour
4 months ago

Hello, this is a longshot saving life call, I am Salma from Gaza. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, just an injection for today to save my life please I beg. I was diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes and due to the current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. My donation link is attached in the pinned post, I might have sent this ask to you earlier but kindly consider donating and sharing. This is the only option I have at the moment to save my life from going into a coma.

I'm reposting for anyone for is able to financially help out my girl Salma!

Anything counts donations, reposts,etc!!!

I hope you make your goal and live a life of recovery and prosperity!!!

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4 months ago

for the time being,I'm back to being horny and sexual. Please spam me sickos 💋💋💋💋

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