"There's no rhyme or reason to what I do, I just do. A scoodly doo." pronouns: any, prefered she/her/🐍ask permission and tag me, if you want to use my works!!🐍/
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ElQ Is An Eye Supporter
ElQ is an eye supporter

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More Posts from Robby-bobby-tommy
I was too tired to stay on Philza's stream... But I am winning, ok?
Fitza staying as strong as ever.
I'll talk a bit about purgatory, since I didn't have time while it was happening.
During the purgatory, we all were thinking that Wallflower duo was dying, cuz they both hunt each other down, but in reality they only got stronger! They are one of the few duos who could kill each other and still stay besties for life. Closer to the end of the Purgatory, they met up and threw a dice together, laughing and joking. Even hugging!! They were in different teams, yet they still hugged and respected each other so much. The Eye B_tch tried to break Fitza up, but their not so platonic duo was stronger than that.
I think it's a stretch, but I felt very warm, when Phil woke up and called for Fit first. I dunno why, but they are very dear to me. Fit is Phil's closest friend and vice versa. So Phil waking up and seeking Fit is so sweet.
And now to yesterday's stream. I didn't watched it all, but I've had enough moments to speak of. Firstly, Fit greeting Philza right when the latter logged in, as they did wayy back, in the first few months of qsmp. Then Phil shows his crows his wings for the first time, which was already huge af. But then he trusted Fit enough to show them to him. And in reality, Phil just showed his greatest vulnerability and insecurity to this specific person, and if it's not the biggest gesture of trust I don't know what is. After Purgatory, they both were supposed to be colder to and be wary of each other, but no. They still confide in each other, being the most honest they can. Fit even apologized. And when Dadza called himself a dumbass, Fit quickly said he isn't one. I love them.
And then Phil and Fit spent a lot of time together, as they did before. Walking, talking, cleaning the server for their kids, joking about each other's d_c-. They're calm around each other, cuz they've known each other for years. I think it's a stretch once again, but I feel that Phil would show his wings to Fit first even if he had a choice.
And again, if we're going back more, when Phil saw the picture of the skull and called for Fit, the latter came almost immediately. After Crow started saying "stupid... Stupid bird brain" 2b2t veteran informed that he believed in existence of skull picture. War criminal sees that dadza starts to doubt in himself, so he reassures him and lets him join him and Pac in the dungeon. Putting friends before roommates (they are so gay, why is Fit in denial... No matter how jacked he is he can't beat Fitpac allegations).
They rotate in my head every second of the day. Their friendship is stronger than anything. If the world came crushing down, they're gonna be together. If one's in trouble the other is already planning the rescue mission. They know each other for a long time, they know how ruthless they can be, but they aren't afraid. They're here for each other. They put their trust in each other, giving each other access to private chambers (Fit's secret bedroom and kid's basement). They're prepared to break the rules, put oneself on the line for the other's sake. They even share illegal stuff with each other. Fit is bullets for Philza's gun. The best duo ever.
Pls...... Don't give me ideas... (Gimme, gimme more. Thank you very much )
Someone who I think could rival Phil when it comes to flying on the server would be FitMC since this man uses wings/elytra on 2b2t even fighting while flying. He also has videos of him doing tricks with them. I like to think that Fit when he's bored or has free time just spends his time doing dangerous flying tricks for fun which could have come in handing when fighting or needing to escape.
Some References (I would put more, but these are the main ones I was thinking about)
Freeze your brain!
Shatter your skull,
fight pain with more pain!
Forget who you are,
Unburden your load..
Forget, in six weeks you'll be back on the road
When the voice in your head
Says "You're better off dead"
Don't open a vein!!!!
...just freeze your brain...

Alright, folks, since qsmp is closed today, let's do something fun to keep ourselves entertained!
Out of all of the survivors, who do you think is hit the most with survivors guilt?

rbs are cool