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7 months ago

I swore to myself I wouldn't buy a g3, ever...but I love Frankie so much I couldn't resist buying one.....

I Swore To Myself I Wouldn't Buy A G3, Ever...but I Love Frankie So Much I Couldn't Resist Buying One.....

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1 year ago

I was too tired to stay on Philza's stream... But I am winning, ok?

Fitza staying as strong as ever.

I'll talk a bit about purgatory, since I didn't have time while it was happening.

During the purgatory, we all were thinking that Wallflower duo was dying, cuz they both hunt each other down, but in reality they only got stronger! They are one of the few duos who could kill each other and still stay besties for life. Closer to the end of the Purgatory, they met up and threw a dice together, laughing and joking. Even hugging!! They were in different teams, yet they still hugged and respected each other so much. The Eye B_tch tried to break Fitza up, but their not so platonic duo was stronger than that.

I think it's a stretch, but I felt very warm, when Phil woke up and called for Fit first. I dunno why, but they are very dear to me. Fit is Phil's closest friend and vice versa. So Phil waking up and seeking Fit is so sweet.

And now to yesterday's stream. I didn't watched it all, but I've had enough moments to speak of. Firstly, Fit greeting Philza right when the latter logged in, as they did wayy back, in the first few months of qsmp. Then Phil shows his crows his wings for the first time, which was already huge af. But then he trusted Fit enough to show them to him. And in reality, Phil just showed his greatest vulnerability and insecurity to this specific person, and if it's not the biggest gesture of trust I don't know what is. After Purgatory, they both were supposed to be colder to and be wary of each other, but no. They still confide in each other, being the most honest they can. Fit even apologized. And when Dadza called himself a dumbass, Fit quickly said he isn't one. I love them.

And then Phil and Fit spent a lot of time together, as they did before. Walking, talking, cleaning the server for their kids, joking about each other's d_c-. They're calm around each other, cuz they've known each other for years. I think it's a stretch once again, but I feel that Phil would show his wings to Fit first even if he had a choice.

And again, if we're going back more, when Phil saw the picture of the skull and called for Fit, the latter came almost immediately. After Crow started saying "stupid... Stupid bird brain" 2b2t veteran informed that he believed in existence of skull picture. War criminal sees that dadza starts to doubt in himself, so he reassures him and lets him join him and Pac in the dungeon. Putting friends before roommates (they are so gay, why is Fit in denial... No matter how jacked he is he can't beat Fitpac allegations).

They rotate in my head every second of the day. Their friendship is stronger than anything. If the world came crushing down, they're gonna be together. If one's in trouble the other is already planning the rescue mission. They know each other for a long time, they know how ruthless they can be, but they aren't afraid. They're here for each other. They put their trust in each other, giving each other access to private chambers (Fit's secret bedroom and kid's basement). They're prepared to break the rules, put oneself on the line for the other's sake. They even share illegal stuff with each other. Fit is bullets for Philza's gun. The best duo ever.

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6 months ago


Ship Dynamics (2)

Joke's on you guys, you're getting family AND ship headcanon stuff! Let's jump straight into it, after the tags:

@peaches2217 @itsavee4117 @bberetd @keakruiser @silenzahra

@vulpixfairy1985 @akiiame-blog @pinkcreamypeach @zocchini37 @waterbottle2006


⚠️Just a quick heads up before we get going: There WILL be sexually explicit points in here! They're not discussed in too much detail, but, still! They will be prefaced with "In the Bedroom" And will have a 🌶️ before it so you know that point is gonna be spicy.

Mareaisy (Mario/Peach/Daisy)

I'm breaking this 'cule into parts, since they have a slightly different dynamic with each other-

Mario x Daisy

As @peaches2217 so eloquently put it, these two are like children on the playground bullying each other to show they like each other

I don’t intend to spoil anything, but they really have a Deadpool x Wolverine dynamic, but they’re constantly switching who has whose energy. (e.g., Mario sometimes has Deadpool energy, sometimes he’s more Wolverine, and vice versa)

They’re also very: “Fuck you.” “Fuck me yourself, you coward. :)”

As mentioned in a previous post, Daisy will sometimes literally scoop Mario up in their arms to kiss them. Despite his heavier frame, Daisy’s STRONG, so they have no trouble picking him up to do that. It also gives them a chance to tease him for being short.

They have and will blow something up if left alone together for too long. They’ve also tried to make a cake to surprise Peach, which turned into a food fight involving cake batter, flour and icing. They were shortly thereafter promptly banned from the castle’s kitchen without supervision.

They’re extremely sassy with each other, almost to the point where it seems like they hate each other from an outside perspective, but they actually love each other almost to the point where it’s gross

🌶️ In the bedroom (NSFW): Daisy’s the top, and pegs Mario. ‘nough said. They don’t OFTEN go to this base with each other, but it’s guaranteed that Mario will have a hard time walking for the next day or two when they do. Sometimes Mario tries to switch it up, but Daisy almost always shoots him back down; they just tease him too much to let him get into the ‘top’ position, y’know? There have also been several times when Daisy’s slept over where Luigi hasn’t even known that they’re there, and they scare the shit out of him almost every time they head into the kitchen the next morning. Luigi’s also found… questionable things, to put it lightly, in Mario’s room sometimes after Daisy leaves. (They have their own rooms, technically, but they got it set up so there was nothing but a [surprisingly soundproof] door separating them)

Mario’s nicknames/pet names for Daisy: desert flower; Smart-ass (/aff); Dumbass (also /aff); Crazy Daisy; murder mittens; cat eyes; hun; babe; Dais’

Daisy’s nicknames/pet names for Mario: short stack; shrimpy; squirt; baby bear; baby boy; little man; Superman (no they do not understand the reference); teddy bear; hot pocket; ‘Stache; sweetie; baby; lover-boy

Daisy’s favorite date with Mario: when they went go-kart racing (not as a group, just the two of them), and that adrenaline continued into… something later that night, wink wink

Mario’s favorite date with Daisy: When they went and explored one of Bowser’s abandoned mini-castles near the Mushroom Kingdom, before proceeding to “accidentally” set it on fire (nobody was hurt, ofc!)

Overall: Friends-to-lovers meets playful, almost-mean banter meets Poolverine vibes except both are sometimes Deadpool and THAT is when they get into trouble- 10/10 ❤️🧡

Peach x Daisy

Daisy and Peach are the classic friends-to-lovers trope. They got introduced to each other fairly young (Peach was maybe 6-7 and Daisy was 5). It was mostly for political stuff (mostly “babysitting” while their parents were conducting allyship stuff), but there have been times where they just ran off to hang out outside of their royal duties. This “running off” mostly involved playing in the woods near Peach’s castle (or near the oasis just outside of Birabuto). Daisy was taught how to play nicely with animals and Peach learned a few fighting skills from Daisy, especially when they were a little older.

Suddenly, Daisy stopped coming around. News of the King and Queen’s passing reached the Mushroom Kingdom, and then it made sense to Peach: Daisy was mourning and likely traumatized from getting kidnapped, of course they’d need time before feeling comfortable leaving their kingdom again.

When Daisy finally came back, they were about 22-23 at the time, and Peach fell HARD for them. Daisy looked completely different from the last time she had seen them, and they looked good. Daisy also fell HARD for Peach. When they got home after that first visit, they thought they were having a heart attack, or got food poisoning, or contracted some sort of Mushroom Kingdom-specific disease. But, no, it was just love. :)

🌶️ In the Bedroom (NSFW): Peach is a pillow princess, full stop. Daisy isn’t nearly as rough with her as they are with Mario, unless she specifically requests it. They also almost always do that at least once per visit (i.e., if Daisy goes to Peach or vice versa). Yeah, uh, Daisy’s feelings for Peach are more sexually charged than their feelings for Mario, but they still love him the same, of course.

Peach’s nicknames/pet names for Daisy: sweetheart, dear, love, honey, baby (it’s hard to come up with nicknames when your partner’s name is a two-syllable word-)

Daisy’s nicknames/pet names for Peach: Peaches, Peachy-pie, cutie-pie, sweetie, sweetheart, baby doll, my love

Daisy’s favorite date with Peach: when they went to Bubblaine together, just the two of them. It was super nice, super romantic, surprisingly chill (largely because Bowser KNOWS not to touch Peach when Daisy’s nearby)

Peach’s favorite date with Daisy: Their first date, which was a stroll through Mushroom Woods followed by a picnic on the tallest hill on the outskirts of Toad Town

Overall: very cutesy, very demure, very respectable yet very spicy~ 10/10 🧡🩷

Mario x Peach

Mario’s much more polite with Peach; he’s like the “take you out to dinner and then ask to kiss you even though you’ve been on dozens of dates already” polite

Mario is Peach’s knight in shining armor, and she makes sure he knows it, often spoiling him, especially with snacks/cakes/etc.

When they have a planned sleepover, it’s usually at the castle. The last time Peach slept somewhere other than Daisy’s or her castle, it didn’t go very well, and it nearly gave poor Toadsworth a heart attack.

Mario and Peach’s dates are far less chaotic than his dates with Daisy – they usually go for a stroll around the kingdom, grab lunch or dinner, head back to the castle before Toadsworth has an aneurysm over his daughter (/hj) - They’ll sometimes sneak out to look out at the stars at night; Mario knows a place that has the most beautiful view of the entire kingdom AND the sky that they can go to

Mario would, quite literally, go to the ends of the world for Peach, dropping everything to go rescue her if she needs him

🌶️ In the bedroom (NSFW): Peach, again, is a pillow princess, and Mario tops. He’s super gentle with her though, making sure she’s doing okay throughout and that they take a break if either of them feels like they need it. He doesn’t exactly have the facilities to do anything penetrative, BUT they’re able to make it work (you can probably fill in the blanks there)

Peach’s nicknames/pet names for Mario: dear, sweetheart, honey, cutie, babe, baby

Mario’s nicknames/pet names for Peach: Peachy, Peachy-pie, Principessa, amore, sweetheart, Peaches

Peach’s favorite date with Mario: Their date during the Star Festival (Bowser ACTUALLY left them alone that time-). It was super romantic and fun and she personally had a great time.

Mario’s favorite date with Peach: When they went to Isle Defino. Once everything was sorted out, he had a lot of fun just relaxing and spending quality time with Peach.

Overall: Very sweet, very classic, fan fave, 10/10 🩷❤️

Luisley (Luigi/Peasley)

Peasley (sometimes literally) sweeps Luigi off her feet every time they’re in each other’s company. He’s always spoiling her and making her feel like the princess he thinks she deserves to feel like

For their first anniversary, Peasley got Luigi a golden locket with a heart engraved on it. Inside are his favorite pictures of him and Luigi. Luigi has not taken it off since then, except to shower so it doesn’t rust, along with getting him a bouquet of gold and green roses (he continues to do this every anniversary, and brings him at least one red rose whenever he visits her in the Mushroom Kingdom) and treating her to the fanciest candlelit dinner in Nin, complete with an orchestra and a small fireworks show afterward (the fireworks were at the castle, and they were in a spot on the other side of the kingdom, so it fortunately wasn’t too loud for Luigi).

Luigi gets along well with Queen Beansgrove and the other members of the Beansgrove’s royal staff, such that he’s welcome without any prior notice at the castle

Luigi runs off to Peasley’s once or twice a month – not that Mario’s complaining of course, he’s happy Luigi found someone who makes her happy, truly. He would just appreciate a heads up sometimes so he knows not to worry if Luigi suddenly goes missing. Most of the time, when they leave, they can’t stand being away from each other for more than 2-3 weeks at a time, so they make up for the absence when they’re reunited, if you catch my drift.

🌶️ In the bedroom (NSFW): Peasley and Luigi tend to switch. Peasley is usually the top, but when Luigi is feeling confident enough to top, Peasley is still a power bottom. He knows what he wants, and he still takes control even when Luigi’s on top.

Peasley’s nicknames/pet names for Luigi: Lulu-bean, my love, dove, dear, darling, Weegie-bear, princess, “my gorgeous girl,” “my darling rose~”

Luigi’s nicknames/pet names for Peasley: Peas, princey, babe, honey, sweetheart, Easy-Peasy (/lh)

Peasley’s favorite date with Luigi: Definitely their anniversary date. They’ve made it a point to continue doing the same thing for their anniversary, too, since Luigi is someone who doesn’t like surprises too often

Luigi’s favorite date with Peasley: Also their anniversary date! It was a little extreme, in her opinion, but she knew it came from a good place. Nobody would do that much if they didn’t care about you, you know?

Overall: Very Prince Charming/Cinderella vibes, kind of. You better respect Luigi around Peasley or he’ll make you (with his sword 😊). 100/10 best beans 💚💛

Anyways, yeah, there ya go! I just wanted to explore these ships a little bit more, and figured this was best time/place to do it. If you want some more info about them, just lmk. :)

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