rowney-eiyt - Rowney

SiMPLY aN aRT eNTHuSiaST oF aNYTHiNG i FeLL iNTeReST WiTH, eiTHeR SFW (SaFe FoR WoRK) oR NSFW (NoT SaFe FoR WoRK) CoNTeNTS. (eaRLY WaRNiNG iF Ya eNCouNTeReD aN eXPLiCiT CoNTeNT oN Ma PaGe)i Do NoT CLaiM MYSeLF To Be CaLLeD aN aRTiST BeCauSe i'M JuST a HoBBYiST WHo HaVe LiTTLe TiMe To DRaW STuFF. i Do DRaW BuT NoT aS a PRoFeSSioNaL aS iT LooKS, iT MaY LooK GooD oR SoMeTiMeS a FaMiLiaR aRTWoRK eXiSTiNG SoMeWHeRe Due To THe aRTSTYLe ReFeReNCe THaT i uSe. (We aLL KNoW THe CoPYRiGHT THiNGY So... i'M aWaRe oF THaT aND TRieS MY BeST NoT To "CoPY" THe aRT ReFeReNCe MaTeRiaL THaT i uSe)BeFoRe i FoRGoT eVeRYTHiNG... i'M Rowney, aN aDuLT MaLe PeRSoN WHo THiNKS WiLL BoRe You iF He DoeSN'T SHaRe HiS SeXuaL oRieNTaTioN To THe TuMBLR CoMMuNiTY... *WHiSPeRS* "i THiNK i'M "Bi"". aNYWaY... eNGLiSH iSN'T MY MaiN LaNGuaGe So PLeaSe "BeaR" WiTH Me... (iNSeRT "BeaR" PuNS HeRe) i'M oPeN To eVeRYoNe WHoSe WiLLiNG To KNoW/aPPRoaCH Me BuT i HaVe To WaRN You THaT (i BiTe) i'M a MooDY PeRSoN. i MaY HaVe DoNe FeW TRaDiTioNaL aRTWoRKS BuT, i HaVe To ReMiND You THaT i DoN'T Do ReQueST oR CoMMiSSioNS, JuST RaNDoM FaN-aRTS oF aNYTHiNG i WaNTeD To DRaW. (So PLeaSe aSK THoSe "FRee aRTWoRK" ReQueST To SoMeoNe WHoSe GeNeRouS aND KiND eNouGH To TaKe THe BaiT...)oVeRaLL... i'M a TRaDiTioNaL NoViCe aRTiST WiTH aN oDD PeRSoNaLiTY BeHaVioR. aND MaiNLY! SoMeoNe WHo aLWaYS TYPeS iN aLTeReD LeTTeRS SiMiLaR To a HoMeSTuCK CHaRaCTeR. (JuST CoiNCiDeNTaL, DiDN'T CoPieD HiM) iT MaY LooK DiFFiCuLT To ReaD BuT PLeaSe BeaR WiTH Me aGaiN FoR MY oDDiTY, i HaVe GRoWN QuiTe aTTaCHeD To THiS STYLe So You CaN CoNSiDeR iT aS MY OCD. (oBSeSSiVe-CoMPuLSiVe DiSoRDeR)SHaRe/ReBLoG, LiKe (HeaRT THaT THiNG), CoMMeNT, LeaVe a NoTe, SeND Me a MeSSaGe, TaKe CaRe aND HaVe FuN aLWaYS?!~ Rowney ~

275 posts

FoR THiS YeaRS (2017) ARTWoRK MaSTeRPieCe

FoR THiS YeaRS (2017) ARTWoRK MaSTeRPieCe

FoR THiS YeaR’S (2017) aRTWoRK MaSTeRPieCe 🤓

i HaVe DRaWN THoSe oRiGiNaL aND FiRST DiGiMoN(S) (LeoMoN, BuKaMoN & TaNeMoN) THaT We aLL LoVeD. 😊

(eXCePT FoR “MeiCooMoN” (THaT KiTTY LooKiNG DiGiMoN)) aLTHouGH… LeT’S aPPReCiaTe ouR NeW FeLLa WHoSe TaGGiNG aLoNG WiTH THe GRouP 😼

FoR THiS YeaRS (2017) ARTWoRK MaSTeRPieCe
  • ryusimmian
    ryusimmian liked this · 7 years ago

More Posts from Rowney-eiyt

7 years ago

LeT’S STaRT iNTRoDuCiNG You GuYS To MY oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR(S) 😎 i WouLd LiKe You To MeeT “CoSBie” THe SaTYR

Name: Cosbie Age: 31 Height: 5'7’’ Race: Satyr Eye Color: Electric Blue Hair Color: Auburn Brown

Appearance: A satyr with a less coiled horns similar to a Ram horns, athletic human body type and with a clan tattoo on his right Pecs, has a small fluffy goat tail on his back, a small tuft of chest hair in the middle of his chest and sprouts a small amount of facial hair on his chin. He also has a small trail of Pubic hair which ends on his belly button and wears a snugly brown loin cloth wherein the “Scapegoat” is hanging on the right side of his hips. He keeps/carries on his right hand one of the “Ygg Daggers” with the symbol of Speed and wears the other pair of “Mhungi earring” on his right pointed goat like ear. He also wears/carries the “Rasymas Whistle” around his neck.

Personality: Oldest of the Satyr Brothers. He’s Moody, Quite, Calm, a bit skeptic and overprotective towards his younger brother “Bilton”. He’s a skilled satyr in terms of calculated paces and also good at handling the Haste Blade (YGG Dagger with the “Speed” symbol). He acts on his own will and hardly follows orders from his superiors especially on his first accidental summoner named “Rowney”. He’s also a very reliable companion.

Hobbies: Cosbie tends to act on his own and makes sure to leave impressive results on his works, he always visits their tribe chief to gather information about summoners, and enjoys sprinting and pondering deep thoughts.

Likes: Bilton, Tranquility, watching playing young beings and orderliness

Dislikes: Being too emotionally expressive, Mingling with other Races, Mortal humans and various dealings or troubles that Bilton causes.

History / Bio: A fatherless faun that was raised by their mother along with his younger brother Bilton, he was known as a reputable Satyr on their clan due to his skills and rational decisions, he greatly looks after his younger brother (Bilton) due to his promise from their mother, He also used to admire the adventure tales of their mother and always visualized how wonderful and sensible mortal human summoners are. He then lost faith to humanity after overhearing the reason of their mother’s disappearance from their tribe chief.

Extra info: Cosbie doesn’t want Bilton to know the truth about their mother’s disappearance knowing how Bilton greatly admires summoners especially their first accidental summoner (Rowney), he first doesn’t want to show some respect and affection on Rowney but seeing Bilton being happy with their master he tends to overlook his hatred on mortal human and gives Rowney a chance to redeem and prove himself that he is different or special.

aLSo… PLeaSe CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓

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7 years ago

DiD Ya KNoW THaT i aLSo HaVe SoMe oTHeR oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR(S) 😬, a CHaRaCTeR oF DiFFeReNT DiMeNSioN/GeNRe… WeLL… JuST CHeCK HiS DaTa…😐 (i DoN’T NoRMaLLY uSeS HiM oN a DaiLY BaSiS BuT oNLY THRouGH oCCaSioNS) 😑

Name: Sid Altea Age: 20 Gender: Male Status: Single (and a Mortal) Height: 5'7’’ Race: Human Job/Class: Magical Haberdasher and an Amateur Sorcerer Eye Color: Yellow Amber Hair Color: Ash Blonde Complexion: Medium skin with rosy/red undertones

Appearance: Long haired (and tied up) deadpan guy, who comfortably wears worn-out or old looking clothes but still paired with a not so old looking long leather coat which got these number of long leather straps tied into his right arm as a magical tool that he uses to aid him on his work, and also he’s a bit lacking “appendage”; he lost his right hand due to an accident when he was young.

Personality: Stolid, Erratic, Facilitative, Adaptive, a bit clumsy and positively Oriented when it comes to his ambition (To become a Wizard).

Hobbies: Helping his parents with the various works on their “Magical” Haberdashery shop, secretly reads his confidential stash of magical tomes and scrolls, furtively practices his wizardly magic skills and enjoys being alone.

Likes: Learning new magical things, Loves his family, working at their shop and being a lone wolf (Not a predatory Wolf ya Dum-Dum!).

Dislikes: Nosy people, Having Peers, and for being forbid by his parents on edifying himself on the learnings of Wizardry magic.

History/Bio: Came from a family of Magical Haberdasher or should we say: Persons who uses magic to remodel, reinforce, restore and many “RE” (Just kidding) uses magic in garments. Sid is the second offspring or should we say the youngest among the 2 sons of his parents “Eedma & Bruese” he got an older brother “Crous” whose 13 years older than him and works as a tradesman who travels a lot, Sid was immediately introduced to his family’s trade and talents when he turned 8, at first he enjoys the experience of learning his family’s gift until one day an old Wizard named “Siemens” visited their shop to make use of the Magical Haberdasher’s service on offering them to work with a school of magic owned by a fellow wizard which a friend of his, Being a curious kid and having no knowledge of what are the things outside, Sid questioned the old man what is a “Magic school” the old man didn’t reply but he simply showed his old looking wooden wand and entertained our young boy Sid a magic spell by reanimating an available piece of paper taking a shape of a bird and then burns it in process to reveal a real living bird flying around inside the shop, on that day and after his parents and that old man had discussed their agreement with the partnership with the said establishment Sid wanted to become like the old wizard who knows other magic other than the magic he learned from his parents, before the old wizard left their shop he gave his hat to Sid for being grateful towards him for his little enjoyable laughter during their little time, Sid accepted it and thanked the wizard and immediately become good friends with the old wizard. Sid’s parents knew that Sid’s been fascinated with the Wizard’s magic and got concerned that Sid may lost his interest on learning their family’s magic methods so they somewhat demoralized their description of how a Wizard’s magic works which somehow worked with our frightened Sid. Even after Sid’s parent’s misinformation and pretenses; he still believed that the old wizard is a good sorcerer, so whenever the old wizard visits their shop he always tries to prove his beliefs by convincing the old wizard to teach him some wizardly magic spells, the old wizard wasn’t surprised with Sid’s enthusiasm because it reminds him his young years where he’s also bedazzled on learning magic spells, the old wizard also knew by observation that Sid’s parents disagree with the idea of their young son learning Wizard magic but he still insisted on helping the kid to achieve his desires by secretly providing him some few scrolls and tomes of basic wizard magic that he can read and study. Sid vowed to his old wizard friend that he’ll never tell his parents about their little transaction and his study of other forms of magic, he did also promised to never lose interest on the magic that his parents are teaching him which the old wizard impressively be grateful with because our young 8 year old Sid has an awareness of being liable and admirable on both his ambition on learning wizard magic and determination on focusing on his family’s talent. At the age of 11 Sid have shown a great talent on his Magic in Haberdashery and proven to his parents that he is reliable and a great help on their shop plus he may still haven’t tried casting some wizard magic spells which he have learned on reading all of those magic scrolls and tomes he received from his old wizard friend but his confident enough that trying out his learnings isn’t a bad thing to do; he then decided to one day while his parents were out, he’ll going to try cast a magic spell. Although Sid may have succeeded on casting his first fireball without using a wand but he did panicked when his mother (Eedma) came back to check him inside his room, The flaring fireball which is floating on his right hand suddenly burst setting fire into his right hand, Sid’s mother panicked seeing that her Son’s hand is burning “magically” so she end up doing the quickest way to get rid of the fire: cutting the source of the fire preventing it to spread, and when I say “Cutting” it means cutting Sid’s burning right hand with the use of her Magical sharp shears that can cut through hardest material (I’m trying to point out that it can even lacerate human flesh and bones), So yes it may look hilariously tragic for our poor Sid to lose his right hand on his first attempt of doing wizard magic and what’s more dreadful here is that the “accidental” cutting of his hand is like a form of punishment from his parents for being disobedient. Sid grew normally even he’s missing an appendage (Right hand) and having been forbidden by his parents on casting wizard magic, he still works with his parents on their Magic Haberdashery shop and also secretly meet up with his old wizard friend to borrow some instructive tomes and scrolls of wizard magic.

Extra info: A more unexceptional and unfortunate tragic story about Sid’s twist of fate; Sid’s been occasionally visiting his old wizard friend to further his learnings on Wizard magic, it’s been his habit to borrow some magical tomes and scrolls whenever he’s paying a visit but that day is different, He’s old wizard friend isn’t home so he tried to wait for him but felt impatient and uneasy because he slip his way out on their shop when his parents were out, He randomly picked and took a few scrolls of magic on his old wizard friend’s library and left the place to return home. Back at home he luckily managed to sneak into their shop without being noticed by his parents but was asked for a hand (not a hand but “help/aide”) due to a huge amount of workload on their shop, Sid’s father (Bruese) gave him his assignments along with a scroll of Haberdasher magic which he still haven’t taught him because It requires a certain level of expertise, Sid’s father knows that his Son is proficient and astute enough to do the job so he just gave him some instructions that the item’s he gave for his job must be restored back to its former condition by the use of “instaurare” or restoration magic, Sid favorably accepted the job and took all of the stuffs (a heap of various vestures or garments) then went straight to his workplace (his bedroom) to try out the scroll of Restoration magic and cast it first on a random sample object: The old drably looking Wizard Hat he got as a keepsake from his old wizard friend. A few moments later after reading the scroll of magic, the next thing he knew was he’s staring at his own catatonic figure which suddenly fall in a faint and what’s worst here is; he’s too dumbfound to comprehend that his current position is similar to the outlook or point of view of the Wizard hat which heretofore he’s holding, he tried to shout and call for help which lasted for more than hours but it seems that no one could hear him until his mother (Eedma) came to check his status on his work only to find out that her son is laying down on the room’s floorboards looking unconscious, Sid’s mother called out her husband to get some help which he queasily did without asking questions, at that moment Sid as an old leather Wizard hat was been cast aside by his mother to make room for his insentient body and Sid witnessed everything that happened before and after help arrived, he kept on shouting and calling their names but it appears to be that his voice were unable to heard. After a long solitary time inside his messy bedroom and workplace, and after those unknown people took his body out, his mother came back looking downhearted and weeping while looking over the place, she cried holding Sid’s belongings and wailed at the same time, by that time Sid who is now an old unmoving leather Wizard hat situated on a far corner of the room down the floorboards realized that his parents have falsely yet accurately learned that his body is dead, Sid tried to call his mother but failed again for being ignored or not heard but got luckily noticed and picked up (Sid as the Wizard hat) by his mother while whispering something: “I knew that this hat is always precious to him.”, After that dramatic scene inside his room Sid’s mother took him out (Carried the hat out of the room) and went outside the house to meet up with few familiar faces along with a wagon that has a coffin on it, Sid who is now an old leather Wizard hat wanted to wake himself on this shocking and desolate dream but failed on his attempt on wailing out to get the people’s attention until they got to their destination: the town’s boneyard. Sid saw how mournful both of his parents are while watching those pallbearers carrying his coffin making their way on their family’s mausoleum and putting the coffin inside a vacant tomb, Sid furiously struggled crying out for help but his mother who still looked doleful and overlooked him puts the Wizard hat inside and beside the coffin on the tomb. It’s official: Sid’s lifeless body has been buried and kept inside the mausoleum to rot forever, what worst here aside from being an obsolete drably leather nonmoving and nonvocal Wizard Hat is: he’s also stuck up inside the crypt.

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7 years ago

i FoRGoT To PoST/SHaRe THiS HeRe… (THiS iS JuST ReCeNT)

YeaR 2015, i DeCiDeD To MaKe a FuLL aRCHiTeCTuRaL HouSe PLaN FoR MY GaNG (BiLToN, Rowney & CoSBie). House i’Ve SoMeWHaT FiNiSHeD iT oN bTHe SaMe YeaR BY CaReFuLLY ReVieWiNG THe SaiD HouSe/HoMe DeTaiLS THaT i’Ve MeNTioNeD oN THe PRoGReSS oF MY SToRY WRiTTiNG oF MY FiCTioNaL CReaTioN eNTiTLeD: “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR”. 🙂

i Do HaVe No KNoWLeDGe NoR SKiLLS oF aN aRCHiTeCT (aSiDe FRoM THe FaCT THaT MY DaD iS a oNe FiNe aRCHiTeCT BY TRaDe)😶. BuT i DiD STiLL MaNaGe To CReaTe a GooD PieCe oF aRCHiTeCTuRaL BLuePRiNTS BY uSiNG MY DaD’S ReFeReNCeS oR HoMe MaGaZiNeS. 😦aND… VoiLa! i DeCiDeD To Do a HiGHLY DeFiNeD ouTPuT oF MY HouSe PLaN! (To MaKe THe SToRY SHoRT: i uSeD a “BuiLD a HouSe PRoGRaM” LiKe MoBiLe aPP aND… PReSTo! 48 HouRS oF HaRDWoRK = FaNTaSY HouSe) 🤗(See PRoGRaM NaMe BeLoW)

Planner 5D House Interior Design Room Decorating © Planner 5D, LLC BoRDeR/FRaMe & STiCKeRS © Photo Grid

P.S. CHeCK LiNK BeLoW FoR THe WHoLe iMaGe SeT (& TouR):

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7 years ago
FaN-aRT PReSeNT FoR Yuuya181
FaN-aRT PReSeNT FoR Yuuya181
FaN-aRT PReSeNT FoR Yuuya181
FaN-aRT PReSeNT FoR Yuuya181
FaN-aRT PReSeNT FoR Yuuya181

FaN-aRT PReSeNT FoR Yuuya181 🙂

THiS iS “MaHaL”, Yuuya181’S NeW oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR 😏 WHiCH i RaNDoMLY DRaW… (FoR FuN) 😜 (eVeN iT GReaTLY DiFFeRS iN CHaRaCTeR DeSiGN) 😕

BoRDeR/FRaMe & STiCKeRS © Photo Grid

WaNNa See THe uNCeNSoReD? 😁CHeCK THe LiNK BeLoW:

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7 years ago

THaT MoMeNT “i” ReGReTTeD DRaWiNG MR. uNiVeRSe oN HiS DReaMY RoCK aGe TeeNaGe TiMeS…

GReG uNiVeRSe © STeVeN uNiVeRSe © CaRTooN NeTWoRK

BoRDeR/FRaMe © Photo Grid


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