SiMPLY aN aRT eNTHuSiaST oF aNYTHiNG i FeLL iNTeReST WiTH, eiTHeR SFW (SaFe FoR WoRK) oR NSFW (NoT SaFe FoR WoRK) CoNTeNTS. (eaRLY WaRNiNG iF Ya eNCouNTeReD aN eXPLiCiT CoNTeNT oN Ma PaGe)i Do NoT CLaiM MYSeLF To Be CaLLeD aN aRTiST BeCauSe i'M JuST a HoBBYiST WHo HaVe LiTTLe TiMe To DRaW STuFF. i Do DRaW BuT NoT aS a PRoFeSSioNaL aS iT LooKS, iT MaY LooK GooD oR SoMeTiMeS a FaMiLiaR aRTWoRK eXiSTiNG SoMeWHeRe Due To THe aRTSTYLe ReFeReNCe THaT i uSe. (We aLL KNoW THe CoPYRiGHT THiNGY So... i'M aWaRe oF THaT aND TRieS MY BeST NoT To "CoPY" THe aRT ReFeReNCe MaTeRiaL THaT i uSe)BeFoRe i FoRGoT eVeRYTHiNG... i'M Rowney, aN aDuLT MaLe PeRSoN WHo THiNKS WiLL BoRe You iF He DoeSN'T SHaRe HiS SeXuaL oRieNTaTioN To THe TuMBLR CoMMuNiTY... *WHiSPeRS* "i THiNK i'M "Bi"". aNYWaY... eNGLiSH iSN'T MY MaiN LaNGuaGe So PLeaSe "BeaR" WiTH Me... (iNSeRT "BeaR" PuNS HeRe) i'M oPeN To eVeRYoNe WHoSe WiLLiNG To KNoW/aPPRoaCH Me BuT i HaVe To WaRN You THaT (i BiTe) i'M a MooDY PeRSoN. i MaY HaVe DoNe FeW TRaDiTioNaL aRTWoRKS BuT, i HaVe To ReMiND You THaT i DoN'T Do ReQueST oR CoMMiSSioNS, JuST RaNDoM FaN-aRTS oF aNYTHiNG i WaNTeD To DRaW. (So PLeaSe aSK THoSe "FRee aRTWoRK" ReQueST To SoMeoNe WHoSe GeNeRouS aND KiND eNouGH To TaKe THe BaiT...)oVeRaLL... i'M a TRaDiTioNaL NoViCe aRTiST WiTH aN oDD PeRSoNaLiTY BeHaVioR. aND MaiNLY! SoMeoNe WHo aLWaYS TYPeS iN aLTeReD LeTTeRS SiMiLaR To a HoMeSTuCK CHaRaCTeR. (JuST CoiNCiDeNTaL, DiDN'T CoPieD HiM) iT MaY LooK DiFFiCuLT To ReaD BuT PLeaSe BeaR WiTH Me aGaiN FoR MY oDDiTY, i HaVe GRoWN QuiTe aTTaCHeD To THiS STYLe So You CaN CoNSiDeR iT aS MY OCD. (oBSeSSiVe-CoMPuLSiVe DiSoRDeR)SHaRe/ReBLoG, LiKe (HeaRT THaT THiNG), CoMMeNT, LeaVe a NoTe, SeND Me a MeSSaGe, TaKe CaRe aND HaVe FuN aLWaYS?!~ Rowney ~
275 posts

i FoRGoT To PoST/SHaRe THiS HeRe… (THiS iS JuST ReCeNT)
YeaR 2015, i DeCiDeD To MaKe a FuLL aRCHiTeCTuRaL HouSe PLaN FoR MY GaNG (BiLToN, Rowney & CoSBie). House i’Ve SoMeWHaT FiNiSHeD iT oN bTHe SaMe YeaR BY CaReFuLLY ReVieWiNG THe SaiD HouSe/HoMe DeTaiLS THaT i’Ve MeNTioNeD oN THe PRoGReSS oF MY SToRY WRiTTiNG oF MY FiCTioNaL CReaTioN eNTiTLeD: “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR”. 🙂
i Do HaVe No KNoWLeDGe NoR SKiLLS oF aN aRCHiTeCT (aSiDe FRoM THe FaCT THaT MY DaD iS a oNe FiNe aRCHiTeCT BY TRaDe)😶. BuT i DiD STiLL MaNaGe To CReaTe a GooD PieCe oF aRCHiTeCTuRaL BLuePRiNTS BY uSiNG MY DaD’S ReFeReNCeS oR HoMe MaGaZiNeS. 😦aND… VoiLa! i DeCiDeD To Do a HiGHLY DeFiNeD ouTPuT oF MY HouSe PLaN! (To MaKe THe SToRY SHoRT: i uSeD a “BuiLD a HouSe PRoGRaM” LiKe MoBiLe aPP aND… PReSTo! 48 HouRS oF HaRDWoRK = FaNTaSY HouSe) 🤗(See PRoGRaM NaMe BeLoW)
Planner 5D House Interior Design Room Decorating © Planner 5D, LLC BoRDeR/FRaMe & STiCKeRS © Photo Grid
P.S. CHeCK LiNK BeLoW FoR THe WHoLe iMaGe SeT (& TouR): http://sta.sh/2v0qobwsypc?edit=1
ryusimmian liked this · 7 years ago
More Posts from Rowney-eiyt

DiD Ya’LL KNoW THaT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” PRoJeCT iS aLMoST a YeaR oLD? (JuLY 29, 2015) 1 YeaR aND 86 DaYS oLD CReaTioN 😗
aLTHouGH… i FeeL LouSY SaYiNG THaT i STiLL HaVeN’T FiNiSHeD WRiTTiNG THe 1ST CHaPTeR oF THe “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” SToRY… So… 😓MY aPoLoGieS WiTH THe DeLaY. (GoT a BuSY SCHeDuLe Ya KNoW.)
aND aLSo… PLeaSe DoN’T FoRGeT To CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓

THiS iS MY FaVoRiTe “oLD” CHiBi DRaWiNG i MaDe THaT FeaTuReS MY GaNG/oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeRS 😋 oN a SuMMeR SeaSoN ☀️
BiLToN LooKS LiKe a FaT RiPPeD TuRKeY WiTH CHiCKeN WiNGS, Rowney oN THe oTHeR HaND iS SWeaTiNG, DoNT eVeN aSK WHY CoSBie iS WeaRiNG a SKiRT… (aCTuaLLY iTS a KiLT) 😁
aLSo… PLeaSe CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓

HeLLo eVeRYoNe!? 😀 JuST WaNTeD To SHaRe oNe oF MY FaVoRiTe aND oLD "aNiMe FiGuRe PHoTo CoMiC PRoJeCT" THaT i uSe To MaKe... 🙃 See LiNK BeLoW FoR THe WHoLe CoMiC PReVieW: http://rowney-eiyt.deviantart.com/art/PiRaTe-101-CoVeR-411024866 THaNKS FoR VieWiNG (iF Do?) aND HaVe FuN aLWaYS?! 😁

LeT’S STaRT iNTRoDuCiNG You GuYS To MY oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR(S) 😎 i WouLd LiKe You To MeeT “CoSBie” THe SaTYR
Name: Cosbie Age: 31 Height: 5'7’’ Race: Satyr Eye Color: Electric Blue Hair Color: Auburn Brown
Appearance: A satyr with a less coiled horns similar to a Ram horns, athletic human body type and with a clan tattoo on his right Pecs, has a small fluffy goat tail on his back, a small tuft of chest hair in the middle of his chest and sprouts a small amount of facial hair on his chin. He also has a small trail of Pubic hair which ends on his belly button and wears a snugly brown loin cloth wherein the “Scapegoat” is hanging on the right side of his hips. He keeps/carries on his right hand one of the “Ygg Daggers” with the symbol of Speed and wears the other pair of “Mhungi earring” on his right pointed goat like ear. He also wears/carries the “Rasymas Whistle” around his neck.
Personality: Oldest of the Satyr Brothers. He’s Moody, Quite, Calm, a bit skeptic and overprotective towards his younger brother “Bilton”. He’s a skilled satyr in terms of calculated paces and also good at handling the Haste Blade (YGG Dagger with the “Speed” symbol). He acts on his own will and hardly follows orders from his superiors especially on his first accidental summoner named “Rowney”. He’s also a very reliable companion.
Hobbies: Cosbie tends to act on his own and makes sure to leave impressive results on his works, he always visits their tribe chief to gather information about summoners, and enjoys sprinting and pondering deep thoughts.
Likes: Bilton, Tranquility, watching playing young beings and orderliness
Dislikes: Being too emotionally expressive, Mingling with other Races, Mortal humans and various dealings or troubles that Bilton causes.
History / Bio: A fatherless faun that was raised by their mother along with his younger brother Bilton, he was known as a reputable Satyr on their clan due to his skills and rational decisions, he greatly looks after his younger brother (Bilton) due to his promise from their mother, He also used to admire the adventure tales of their mother and always visualized how wonderful and sensible mortal human summoners are. He then lost faith to humanity after overhearing the reason of their mother’s disappearance from their tribe chief.
Extra info: Cosbie doesn’t want Bilton to know the truth about their mother’s disappearance knowing how Bilton greatly admires summoners especially their first accidental summoner (Rowney), he first doesn’t want to show some respect and affection on Rowney but seeing Bilton being happy with their master he tends to overlook his hatred on mortal human and gives Rowney a chance to redeem and prove himself that he is different or special.
aLSo… PLeaSe CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓

LeT’S STaRT iNTRoDuCiNG You GuYS To MY oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR(S) 😎 FiRST oFF!! “Rowney” (MY DRaWiNG PeRSoNa) THe aCCiDeNTaL SuMMoNeR
Name: Rowney Age: 25 Height: 5'4’’ Race: Human Eye Color: Hazel Brown Hair Color: Smokey Black
Appearance: Rowney has an average body size, he always had this innocent and calm look on his face which always confuses him to be minor despite of his mature age.
Normally sees him wearing a pair of jeans, a Shirt underneath an over-shirt, wears skate shoes and his eyeglasses. He also wears normal clothes at home like a comfy Shirt and some baggy looking cargo shorts paired with sandals.
Personality: Quiet, kind and very secretive. He doesn’t interact much from the people around him, he pays good attention on all of the stuffs his doing and tries to get a good output from it. He keeps everything in order and always tries to control every situation according to his plans and quick judgment.
Hobbies: Stares blankly and talks to himself, Reads books during his free time, he always tidy-up things and cook, Wanders around their families farm or takes a stroll on a nearby forest during Vacations, Rowney Daydreams and imagine a lot things such as having some extra-ordinary powers and many more.
Likes: He loves animals but he doesn’t own any pets at home, he likes listening to music, collects and read a lot of books. Rarely sees him outside his room therefore he likes indoors more than outdoors, likes fruit juices and pastry foods. He also secretly likes Bilton’s hugs and Likes Cosbie as an older Brother.
Dislikes: Hates loud noises, summer days especially “sweat” and dislikes Socializing with others. Hates Pointing whats obvious, Doesn’t want the Satyric Brothers to know that he’s not confident enough to help them on their problem. Doesn’t like being harassed and teased.
History/Bio: A young adult that happens to hate venturing the world outside his comfort zone, both of his parents works abroad and he has an older sister which is already married and had a family of her own. Technically He lives by himself on their family’s old house. Rowney works on a home-based job and very generous to his neighbors especially when he cooks too much foods.
Extra info: He doesn’t have any company of friends. He can’t still believe that he is now living with two mythological creatures a.k.a “Satyr” and was doubting the fact that he might have some mystic talents inside of him.
aLSo… PLeaSe CHeCK/See LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” WoRK(S): 🤓