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Rwbyangst12 - RWBYAngst

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Major Path to Nowhere spoilers under the readmore, Shalom Interrogation thoughts and theories, got some serious theory crafting and some silly ones
Chiefff I love her so much, getting to hear her voice again is amazing, and her past is so sad!

Due to her saying: "Mark my words, you'll regret this. If you don't end me right now, you're in for a world of pain!" It leads me to believe that past Chief was provoking her on purpose, so that Shalom would be "forced" to kill her in order to remove the shackles.

About that Chief.... um, past you probably would depise that you're still alive... :(
Past Chief: *hates Shalom, hates everything, everyone, herself, shackles Shalom out of anger and desperation so Shalom would kill her*
Shalom, finally experiencing emotions again: FRIEND :) She's so amazing, able to fly under the radar, she's so great, incredible, even now she keeps her humanity(-> proceeds to call us a monster, multiple times)
SHALOM I know your experiencing emotions again in awhile so you're clearly overwhelmed but girl calm down she didn't do what she did to be nice or to help you! She probably knew nothing about that, she just wanted death... :(
Also... I know the Shalom touches the Chief (presumably on the head as seen in the first CG) Also the CG is so pretty, poor past Chief looks so depressed and broken in how she was slumped over in that chair. Yet even after that, there seems to have been a delay between that touch and Shalom being shackled..? Does this mean that the Chief shackled Shalom without touching her?? Chief is straight-jacketed. If the Chief's shackles were always hers, then it stands to reason past her would know more about it, things she possibility wouldn't want to tell anyone about. Something present her has also done, hiding information for her own protection.
Not to mention, in the prologue, the Chief also shackled Hella without meaning to... So maybe it really doesn't require touch, it's just easier to establish the connection to a Sinner's mania through touch?

On a serious note.. What happened... Past Chief seems to hate everything, everyone, and most importantly, herself. She obviously seemed to want to be dead. (Whose protection is the straightjacket for? Hmmm?) I mean, obviously a lot happened to her.

"I will never forgive, never!!" Forgive what? Did Past Chief find out something she shouldn't have about the MBCC, FAC, 9th Agency, Paradiasoes? Never forgive about being experimented on by the Underground?(In the unfurl flashbacks when taking about how the shackles were acquired from the Underground, it shows the Chief in a strange form, so it seems that she and her shackles were the og, and her shackles were presumably "defective" from the Underground Shephard's(?) .
Then due to her being presumed defective, hence a risk Paradiasoes wouldn't like, when really it was her shackles and not her personally, her shackles were replicated into the previous Chiefs of MBCC until for some reason("no other choice but her") she was forced to become Chief. Perhaps the shackles being implanted into her, and possibly the experiments done on her to replicate it so other people could wield them. Perhaps she found out about the secret MBCC lab(possibly the lab the replication experiments happened) that Suspect R destroyed in the prologue which is shown behind her actually. It's all very curious, and all of those could be a factor. It required the Chief credentials to access, so it's possible that the Chief found out about it, and hence Suspect R somehow? (To me due to Suspect R's closeness with Chief and how initially she wanted to take Chief with her in the prologue, it makes me feel like Past Chief and Suspect R were in cahoots until the plan fell apart? Perhaps to get back at the world, since Suspect-R seems motivated by the administrations failures, and also Suspect-R expresses disgust by the shackles, perhaps Past Chief shared a similar view on the shackles and the exploitation(replication) of her powers, hence one of the reasons she wanted death to prevent this? )
It's all so interesting and curious. It's hard to craft theories with so little info since a lot of it isn't certain, and what info we were given spawns even more questions...
Anywho, serious theory crafting over, silly theory crafting next:
Second of all,

I love how this implies that the Chief was given a haircut BEFORE being shoved into the reconstruction pod. The Chief's hair is indeed longer in the past!

Lmfaooo, who do you think gave her a haircut and why?

I vote Nightingale 😂
Nightingale: Chief, with all the operations you've been on, your hair gets so messy because it's so long. Instead of complaining about it, let me fix that for you :)
Past Chief, probably traumatized by experimentation: NO
Nightingale: *>:(*
Reconstruction Researcher: We're about to place her in the pod.
Nightingale, scissors in hand: ONE MOMENT-
Adela: If you ever need a haircut, please, stop on by.
Present Chief: I'll consider it :)
Nightingale: You've got to be kidding me...
Lmfao, remember the whole "Midnight Barber" meme audio, Nightingale is the Midnight(ingale) Barber
Why did Qrow tell Dudley or Dee? To turn off the gun Turrets when Grimm are attracted to negative emotions i.e the scared or worried passengers in the trains as it runs on set tracks on a mountain side. If anything they should be more worried about a potential avalanche (unless theirs a hard light barrier on the mountain protecting the tracks) the turrets would actually do a better job protecting people then getting up top of said train.
Also why did Ren and Jaune just now figure out that they can hide the passengers after a huntsman gets killed, another breaks his arm and is then assaulted by one of your members for doing his job, and then you realise you could've just stayed on board and have your weapons out just incase. The windows were protected, the train had gun Turrets, they could've Gone to the back of the train just in case to help cover the rear. DON'T GO ONTO THE ROOF OF A HIGH SPEED VEHICLE AS IT'S MOVING WITH GUN TURRETS FIRING AT EVERYTHING THAT MOVES AND YOU BARELY HAVE ENOUGH ROOM TO FIGHT YOURSELF ALSO TRAIN'S HAVE TUNNELS AND YOU ARE ON THE. EDGE. OF. A. MOUNTAIN. STAY INSIDE.
(Trust me I didn't know IGN was hosting RWBY content, it's a surprise to me too.)
RWBY:V6 truly is the volume where Team Kids became an unlikeable bunch of entitled heroes.
Even people as harmlessly amusing as Dee and Dudely need to be threatened with their jobs just for introducing themselves and what they do.
The writers couldn't be bothered to make an actual, unlikeable asshole that accosts the kids. They had to make two brothers who are just Huntsmen himbos that pose no threat. It would've been funny to see Team Kids amuse them and work together with them, but they quickly go into antagonizing them from the jump. Even Qrow - as much as I felt bad for him in this particular volume - was cringe.
Can't forget that one of the brothers gets killed and the team still thinks about antagonizing the living brother just because they want to do everything their way.

So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.
AI art bros are big mad about it.
Did anyone else come from successful families on both sides where each generation is expected to succeed or do better than the last but you're in your final year of high school and have done nothing to prove so by wasting your potential despite having worked hard for most of your life?
Is anyone hear the youngest of your family and already considered the smartest or the best of your already highly capable older siblings, but because in everyone's eyes they wasted their potential everyone's putting the expectation to be the "successful one" even though said siblings are already doing well in their own right and it's just the way your family has perceived what they've done as failing?
Did anyone else constantly succeed growing up in terms of either academics or extra curriculars to the point everything became a complete bore to you so you get accepted into an international private school in hopes of giving you a challenge with your families encouragement. So you go and you thrive but over the years your mental health begins deteriorating so you beg to be let to go back to public school where you think you'll do well because what they're teaching now was already taught to you at private school but you brain just wants rest and doesn't care about failing or succeeding you just want to be able to sleep everything away?
Did anyone else do really well in one languages but not know they're mother tongue because of systematic racism so when you're school finally gives you a chance to learn it you're family convinces you to go but you were already doing so well in a different language and now have to transfer to another so you don't let your family down?
Did anyone else do so much extra curricular activities because you were afraid of making friends and these were some of the only ways you could talk to people but you did them for so long and you became so good at them that these became boring to you as well and for once you just wanted to have a weekend, lunchtime, or some after school time to yourself where you didn't have to worry about practice, training, and homework without missing one?
Did anyone else have to take extra swimming lessons because it's an essential life skill but your fear of deep water prevents you from ever using these skills so you stay in the shallows and feel like the money and time spent on those lessons went to waste?
Did anyone else's family sign them for an after school club because you appearently need to learn new skills for the future but you're already so busy and these lessons are expensive so once again you're wasting more time and money but this time even though you've confronted your family they tell you no but you're suffering of boredom and anxiety of not having learned or understood anything for two and half hours?
Did anyone else miss out on the chance to learn basic life skills like communication, cooking, and cleaning, and first aid because you were too busy trying to succeed at everything else to the point it caused you crippling loneliness and made you think that everyone else's opinion if you was more important than you yourself?
Did anyone else have complete plan for the future because you thought said plan would go the way you were expecting things would work out but the world was already shit and because you're failing at just about everything you were good at now you don't know if you'll make it to uni because you don't have enough credits and you might have to repeat. You don't know if you'll go to art school because no one cares about artists careers. You don't know if you'll become an architect because now you're always destroying your work in frustration because it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. You don't know if you'll write a successful book because you can't sort out in your head how to sort out the plot, characters, and symbolism and weave everything into a compelling story. You don't know if you'll become an animator because of the crappy work hours compared to payment.
You're plan failed and you have no idea what to do. You've wasted everyone's money and time and you've wasted your potential and lost your future.
No, Just me? Okay then.
people are absolutely EVIL about the boundaries of “picky eaters”. no, they do not have to try it. yes, they can know they don’t like it without having eaten it before. no, they probably have not suddenly grown a taste for the food they’ve said they hate. no, they probably are not going to like it in the Special Way This One Place Cooks It. yes, you are being a bad friend if you try to “trick” them into eating it anyway