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What If... The CEOs Were Hybrids? | BTS OT7 Au

What if... the CEOs were hybrids? | BTS OT7 au

What If... The CEOs Were Hybrids? | BTS OT7 Au

Part 1 of my multiverse au mini series. Massive thank you to @oknymz / @shadowofahope for keeping me alive and sane and editing bits for me, otherwise I would have run away from this completely. And to everyone who kept cheering me on.

Warnings: 9k words, possessiveness, testosterone, jealousy, suggestive shit, sexual tension, general horniness, mentions of scenting + marking + breeding (the usual hybrid trope stuff). Blood (only a few drops).

playlist: Honey - Halsey

Hybrids: KNJ - Wolf, KSJ - Bear, MYG - Panther, JHS - Lion, PJM - Arctic fox, KTH - Tiger, JJK - Bunny.

You were late… not actually late, not by the company’s standards, but by your own. The bunny hybrid watches the clock tick closer to the scheduled meeting time, bodies pouring into the room with their own scents, but he couldn’t smell you. You normally attend meetings half an hour early to set up, Jin had noticed the habit and the maknae was hoping to catch a glimpse of you before everyone attended, but when he entered, expecting to see you, you were nowhere to be found.

He nibbled on his bottom lip in worry, where were you? The moment he decided to text the others, and yourself, he finally sees your figure rush in through the door. Relief fills him, albeit only momentarily.

Jungkook inhales and freezes for a moment. If you paid any attention you’d see his doe eyes dilate, his leg thumping underneath the desk.

Why did you smell like that? He grips the armrests to the chair with his nails almost tearing the metal to shreds like he were a wolf hybrid not a bunny. Someone obviously had their hands all over you last night. Why else would you smell so good? The state of you now, slightly dishevelled and tired, small dark circles under your eyes, he bet you didn’t even have time to shower, the smell is so pungent he can barely think of anything else.

Jealousy burns into anger at the thought of another with you, doing things only he and the other CEOs should be doing. He sniffs the air again, trying to see if he can detect who the culprit is behind your rendezvous, and pauses. He can’t smell anyone else… so why… did you smell… so… wait. Did you…

You… by yourself…

The lights in the meeting room dim for the presentation just as his cheeks turn bright red, his brain short circuiting. The thought of you alone, pleasuring yourself was too much for his brain to comprehend.

Mount her, his baser instincts cloud his mind, he grips onto the table in front of him so hard he can hear it breaking. Nip her cute little butt into position and mount her.

He chews his lip like a lifeline, watching you write down your notes in the dark. His head snaps to a random direction when you turn towards him, having felt the pressure of his stare.

You frown, was something bothering him today? You finally noticed the thumping under the table from where you were sat, the other employees ignoring the sound as the speaker continued the presentation. You were so distracted by the ache in between your legs and your state of burn out you didn’t even greet him this morning. Maybe that was partially on purpose… you don’t think you could control yourself from ogling and drooling if met alone with the youngest CEO’s handsome face this early in the morning, even now your legs rubbed together to try to stifle the dull throb that settled in as your thoughts ran rampant.

You hadn’t slept well last night and you tried everything, and you mean everything. By Sod’s law you finally caught some sleep around half four in the morning only to sleep through your alarm. Great start to the day… you needed coffee, and lots of it.

Yoongi always had access to coffee, maybe you could bribe him into getting you some, it was no secret the CEOs had a soft spot for you, their favourite human and employee. Even the stoic panther gave into you when you wanted something. You’re sure after a session of your playful banter he would be more than willing to give in. He always gave in in the end…

You don’t know why your thoughts are turning you on, or maybe it was the face of the hybrid CEOs and their sultry smirks filling your brain that has you dripping in arousal. You try not to show anything on your face as your thoughts become more debaucherous, shifting uncomfortably in your seat, unable to stop them from heading that way.

You notice the bunny hybrid sniffing the air audibly, frowning as he closed his eyes as if in pain… maybe his rhinitis was playing up.

​​You walk into their office with a mountain of paperwork in your hands, unaware of the way 5 of the CEOs inhabiting the room freeze. What was that smell? Ears on end and attention completely drawn to you, they find themselves needing to gulp for air but every breath is contaminated with you.

Taehyung is the first to make a move, one thought in his mind as you put the files down on Jungkook’s desk. You startle for a moment when you feel his nose brush against your neck as he sniffs.

“Taehyung,” Namjoon says wearily in warning, knuckles turning white from the grip he has on his desk. The others only gawp, unable to move or breathe if they wanted to.

The tiger presses himself against your back as softly as he could, groaning as the need to have you in his hands overwhelms him. His hands reach for the wood of the desk in front of you, effectively trapping you in his little cage.

“Do I smell bad?” You lightly chuckle but with worry. You didn’t have time to shower this morning, did you stink?

“Like golden honey beautiful girl,” Jin grins cheekily from his seat, the bear hybrid laughing to himself at his inside joke.

“Oh…. Tae, do you not like honey?”

The tiger only hums against your neck, a pleasant shiver running through your skin as he subtly scents you, rubbing his head against you as unassumingly as possible.

“Taehyung,” Namjoon doesn’t shout but his voice is firmer than before, making you jump a little.

The growl that vibrated against you screamed territorial aggression, the room stills for a second, the lump in your throat as you swallow is the only sound heard to their sensitive ears.

You try not to think about how much you hated that he backed away, you try not to let it show on your face as you pick up the files from the surrounding desks, unaware of the tiger’s eyes on you, of all their eyes on you. You felt empty without his embrace, a sudden cold penetrated through your clothes without his heat.

Jimin flashes you a smile that doesn’t reach the hungry look in his eyes as he hands you the file himself, fingers brushing against your own as you take them. He can feel your pulse resonate through your skin.

To his surprise you lean in closer, were you trying to test his patience? He was already trying to hold his breath, your scent already starting to dim the human side of him, and unleash the beast.

“Is Jungkook feeling okay today?” You whisper to him even though you know logically they can all hear you, being hybrids and all. “He seemed a bit anxious at the meeting this morning.”

The arctic fox hybrid smirks, so Jungkook was struck with your delicious scent first, poor bunny. He almost laughs aloud.

You don’t wait for his answer when you hear someone walk through the door, all of you turning to the sound. The panther hybrid stops in his steps when he breathes in, eyes snapping to you as they dilate. You watch his tail swish behind him more enthusiastically than you’d seen before, his piercing gaze making you feel more and more like prey, heart rate accelerating as your instincts remember who in the room was a predator. Didn’t you want something from him earlier? Your brain was drawing blanks.

“Umm so I should get back to work,” breathing suddenly becomes harder as you swallow down your sudden nerves, hastily walking out of the office as the eyes of 6 hybrids never leave you.

“Why does she smell so good?” Yoongi asks bluntly when you’re out of ear shot.

Taehyung groaned at the reminder, you were so close to him, if someone hadn’t gotten in the way... He glared at the lead CEO who purposefully ignored him.

“No idea,” Jin shrugged with a grin, “but I am not complaining.”

“I am!” Taehyung exclaimed in aggravation. “Anyone can smell that, do you know how many hybrids work on this floor alone?”

“Hyung, why did you let her leave?” Jimin’s eyes narrowed at the panther in distaste, the words of his best friend making him realise he was right. “She was safe here.”

“Safe?” Hoseok scoffed with a mocking look. “The tiger was going to bite her if she stayed.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Taehyung snarls, his own glare mirroring Jimin’s but with the lion on the receiving end.

Namjoon tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for the discussion to settle otherwise he was going to have to bring it to an end. He sucked in his cheeks in annoyance, jaw set in anger as they continued to argue. He’s a second away from speaking when the door opens once more, silencing the argument as they turn to it again, hoping it was you.

The youngest of the CEOs finally joins them, walking into the room in a daze, eyes blank, unseeing towards the others as he sits in his chair.

“All good Jungkookie?” Hoseok snickers knowingly as the maknae nibbles on his bottom lip, drowning in his not so innocent thoughts.

“How did your meeting go?” Jin chuckles.

But all Jungkook could think about was how fucking good you smelled.

“How long was the meeting?” Yoongi asks with a smirk.

“He was in there for two hours,” Jimin laughs teasingly.

“Wow, I could barely sit here for two minutes,” Hoseok was impressed. “Taehyung didn’t even last a second.”

“Well done Jungkook,” Jimin commends, nodding in pure appreciation.

“It was torture,” the bunny finally breathes before groaning into his hands as he covered his face. “And she was just sitting there oblivious.”

His doe eyes peered out to look at his Hyungs in disbelief, how did you not know? You knew hybrids had a heightened sense of smell, did it just bypass your brain that they could smell the things you did? How sleep deprived were you to forget something like that?

“I just wanted to…” the thoughts of what he wanted to do in that board room was filling his mind again, he didn’t care if they all watched, let them all watch, he would make them. His eyes go blank again as he loses himself to his fantasies.

“Could you imagine… if she just stayed here with us…” Hoseok stifled a moan as he rubbed his eyes with his palms, as if that would scrub out the pictures his words induced.

“Wash your dirty thoughts out of your head before we get a harassment complaint,” Namjoon finally speaks, mumbling as he completed the paperwork in front of him sloppily, his own mind occupied in hypocrisy. Images of you on all fours for him flashed in his head without permission as much as he tried to will it away. How good you would look presenting to him, begging for him. Full of his cum and pups…

“Easier said than done,” Taehyung mumbles, still able to taste your scent on his tongue. How he didn’t lick your skin when his head was buried in your neck he’ll never know, self restraint wasn’t his forte.

“We still don’t know why she smelled like that,” Hoseok reminds them all, thinking to himself.

“You don’t think she was on a date or something do you?” Jimin asks aghast.

“I couldn’t smell anyone else,” Taehyung replies, he wouldn’t have liked it if he did, the smell would be tainted, nauseating.

“She did it to herself,” Jungkook informs them despondently, filling in the blanks.

The air thickens around them as new images enter their heads.

“Well fuck…” Yoongi breathes. His poor enticing little Kitten didn’t have anyone to play with, maybe they’d have to fix that, before anyone else had the same idea.

“Y/n have you-” Suran halts at your desk, eyes going wide, a growl almost leaving the chihuahua hybrid’s mouth as she smells you. Her thoughts jump to conclusion and accusation, putting two and two together to paint completely the wrong picture.

“Suran…?” You frown, but she only grimaces.

You smelled like sex, and Kim Taehyung.

You absolute whore, Suran thinks but the words are stuck in her trance of shock. She knew something was up with you and the CEOs, now your scent let it slip. She wasn't the only hybrid on this floor, everyone else would smell it too and figure out the truth. She would just sit back and watch it unfold, pick up the pieces when they realised you weren’t worth an ounce of their time.

She grits her teeth, the anger in her head reaching boiling point.

“Go take a fucking bath,” she yaps as she stomps away, leaving you confused as well as worried.

That was the second time someone commented on your smell. It was one missed shower surely you couldn’t smell that bad? You subtly take a strand of hair under your nose, sniffing but your human senses couldn’t figure it out.

You look around the room in paranoia, and you swear you see a pair of ears duck as soon as you turn that way. People were talking about you, you could feel it. And there was only one hybrid you trusted to tell you the truth, even if it hurt your feelings.

Your scent tainted the office so badly the hybrids couldn’t think, and as much as Yoongi would have loved to indulge in it like a house cat on catnip, he had work to do. Yet the clean air of his office made him grumpy, the ghost of your smell clinging desperately to his nose. What was the point in leaving the office when he couldn’t get his head in his work.

His thoughts are disrupted by a soft knock on his door, too light for human ears to hear but his perked up immediately.

“Come in,” he calls out before the figure behind it could run away.

Sure enough, just as he had suspected, the door opens to reveal you with your head hung low.

“Kitten?” He frowns in concern when you close the door behind you, leaning back on it without meeting his gaze. Your intoxicating scent was dulled by something sour. “What’s wrong?”

Why did you look so downcast? Did someone say something to you about your scent? Shit, he should’ve argued with Namjoon like the maknae line to call you back into the office, what the hell happened in their absence? The regret is instant, his claws were coming out, who did he have to scratch for making his kitten like this?

You mumble something that was incoherent even to him.

“Y/n try again,” he sighs. “Louder kitten.”

“Do I smell really bad?” You look up at him with glossy eyes and a protective growl comes up his throat. “Everyone keeps looking at me weird and the other CEOs said I didn’t but I think they were lying and I know you’ll tell me if I do.”

The teary word vomit makes Yoongi get out of his seat in concern.

“You don’t smell bad,” he swears as he approaches you, anything to get those tears away as they formed.

“You promise?” Your bottom lip trembled, and his features softened at the sight. You hated being vulnerable, so he knew this was playing on you more than what you were willing to admit.

“What’s that stupid thing the fox does with you?” He mumbles to himself in thought before turning to you with a smile.

He props up his pinky finger, holding it out to you and it makes you release a watery laugh. He grins when you take it with yours, thumbs pressing together as you sealed it.

“Are you sure?” You can’t help but ask. “Someone told me I needed to go take a bath.”

Who the fuck told you to do that? His eyes narrow, tail moving in aggravation. Dammit, they really should’ve kept you in the office, and he was definitely not going to let you find out what the smell really was. As much as he would love to watch your embarrassed little face, he knew you’d avoid them like the plague out of shame once your brain started overthinking the situation.

He’s about to speak and reassure you when he notices another odour mixed with yours, and it sets his jaw on edge. The stupid tiger scented you? Was he an idiot? Although those are the thoughts in his head he can’t deny the animistic jealousy turning him bitter.

Felines are sedentary hybrids, or that’s what Yoongi likes to tell people when they ask why he naps so much, sometimes in panther form on the desk which terrifies his human and prey employees. This pacing he was doing was weirdly out of character, but you don’t notice it. You are so focused on your work you have no idea his eyes are on you the entire time. He comes to stand behind you, leaning down as if you look at the computer screen over your head as his arms cage you into his hold.

“How’s the file coming along?” he asks as an obvious excuse, too bad you were too oblivious to see it. He pretends to read the screen as he rests his chin on the top of your head.

He hums as if in thought, moving his head as if in contemplation, when in reality he was just trying to rub his scent gland against you. His hybrid sight could see you smiling at the action even in the reflection of the screen.

He couldn’t help it. The smell was pulling him towards you the whole afternoon, first he thought he could resist but then he convinced himself one small scenting action wouldn’t hurt. One turned into ten. He rubbed his cheek against yours the last time he ‘checked’ your work, he even pretended he had a temperature at one point; taking your hand in his as he rubbed it against whatever scent gland he could, asking you if he felt hot and “are you sure?” when you replied he was warm but not feverish.

“What is it with you and New Times Roman?” he pretends to sigh exasperatedly, knowing how you felt about the font.

“It looks elite on documents Yoongi,” you grumble, pouting in a way that you thought he couldn’t see. He has to bite his lips to stop the grin stretching too far. “Seriously, how did you make it as CEO with such poor font decisions?”

“Helvetica is-”

“Helvetica my ass, that is such a basic boring choice and you know it,” you cut him off, tilting your head back to look at him but he doesn’t budge, your lips almost graze his scent gland, the proximity has him preening. Dammit, he was becoming more hormonal than the maknaes. “That’s such a lazy choice of penmanship Min Yoongi.”

You shake him off of you, sending him a grumpy look that makes him smirk as he drags his office chair beside yours. He smiles at you innocently when you give him a narrowed distrusting look.

“Someone needs to check you’re doing it right,” he explains himself much to your chagrin, shuffling closer until a part of him is pressed against you. Now he finally felt content, realising all his fidgeting was because he needed to be touching some part of you at least. He leans in closer under the guise of watching you work.

“You never micromanage me,” you huff, pride taking a shot, he didn’t trust other people when they worked under him, but he did you.

To your surprise there's a soft kiss to your temple, and you turn with your jaw open to see him turn back to the computer screen, but you don’t miss the blush.

Shit, your heart rate was skyrocketing, and you were so sure he could hear. Deep breaths, calm, relax, do not let them know. You turn back to the keyboard, typing away slowly not to make a mistake in your giddy mindset. You remember once when Jimin asked you cheekily why they heard your heart rate fluctuate so much, obviously knowing they were the reason why… the first lie your brain could come up with was a heart condition… Now whenever the youngest trio heard it beat louder they acted concerned, physically checking that you were alright, despite knowing there was nothing wrong with you at all, and making your state so much worse.


Namjoon didn’t knock when he opened the door to find the panther hybrid, but as soon as it opened he’s hit in the face with the most fragrant concoction of aromas he's ever had the pleasure of smelling. His hand tightens around the handle to ground himself. He catches a glimpse of Yoongi fawning over you as you worked with his gummy smile wide before he spun his head in shock at the new arrival.

“Joonie,” you greet him with a smile that starts to deflate when you see accusatory eyes aimed at the CEO currently sitting next to you.

“Babygirl, would you mind grabbing a file for me from the office?” he asks you with his eyes set on the panther. It was an obvious excuse but he needed to speak to his friend alone.

You nod, feeling a tension rise in the room as you looked between the hybrids, worried they were going to fight.

“No, I’ll go grab it for him later,” Yoongi declares as you rise from the chair, grabbing your elbow and pulling you back down, taking both you and Namjoon by surprise. The wolf feels his alpha side of him flare with anger at the direct defiance to his command, but he swallows it down as Yoongi tells you, “stay here.”

His gaze is firm in his instruction, a hidden warning behind his words as he moves towards the wolf. They both give you a tight lipped smile as the door closes, leaving you in the room to wonder what the hell was going on. You hear hushed angry whispers on the other side of the wood, but can’t make out any words. The urge to eavesdrop is more than tempting but if you got caught you didn’t want to get scolded or worse, feel their disappointment.

“It smells like you’ve just started your honeymoon in there,” Namjoon growls sarcastically in anger at the panther. “This I expected from the maknaes Hyung, what are you thinking?”

“Someone commented on her scent,” Yoongi snarls back, a gutteral sound vibrating in his throat. “And the stupid tiger scented her, I had to keep her in here.”

Namjoon’s eyebrow shoots up, he’s known the second oldest CEO for the longest out of them all, so he knows the look on his face when he’s trying to cover up his own misdeeds. He wasn’t stupid, he could see what Yoongi was doing even if the panther was pretending he didn’t.

“So you decided to scent her yourself?” Namjoon scoffs.

The panther looks visibly embarrassed when the lead CEO calls him out, face burning while he tries to school his features.

“Why don’t we try coming up with a solution for this dilemma rather than start throwing accusations?” Yoongi suggests to the wolf with narrowing eyes. “We have to keep her away from the other employees.”

“Hyung, if you're having trouble with self restraint then I don’t think any of us are going to cope being near her,” Namjoon sighs. “We could ask her to stay here, you can come back to the main office.”

“We’re not leaving her alone,” the panther almost hisses at the suggestion, irritated at the thought of you being left unprotected in the mating den he was building inadvertently. “Anyone could come in.”

“You’re not staying here,” the command could be seen in his eyes even without the words.

“Why don’t we take turns keeping an eye on her?”

Namjoon contemplates it for a second, if they only were around you for short bursts of time, leaving when the smell started to fog their judgement, rotating often enough so they could get a breath of fresh air in between shifts and clear their lungs, they might be able to pull this off.

“That could work,” he accepts.

“Obviously the maknaes are out,” Yoongi states matter of factly.

“Of course,” Namjoon agrees, as much as he loved them, he couldn’t trust them. Not with this, not with you.

You were a bit confused as to why you were told Hoseok needed you in the office, well actually that part was easy to understand. What you couldn’t comprehend was why Yoongi felt the need to escort you, or why he was glaring at anyone who entered the empty corridor, the look strong enough to get them to back away… or why the corridors were empty at all. But then again you missed Namjoon’s call for all the employees on your floor to gather at the cafeteria for an announcement, occupying them all with free beverages for all their hard work.

Yoongi is reluctant to leave you when you enter the office, his territorial side coming to the forefront in a way he could no longer deny. Maybe Namjoon was right, he was losing control of his self restraint around you, and the longer he stayed the more it decreased.

“Sunshine!” The lion hybrid calls out for you from his workspace, dragging a chair from Yoongi’s desk to his own and patting the seat for you to take. “Hyung, didn’t Namjoon need help with that new secret project?”

Hoseok recognises that look in the panther's eyes, the burning jealousy as you stepped away from him, suppressing the urge to roar out in objection. He flashes him a pointed look when he could smell the extent of Yoongi’s scenting the closer you got, how did he manage to get away with that without you realising?

“Secret project?” you ask intrigued, looking between them both, trying to decipher their silent communication, missing the fact that the secret project was in fact you. “You guys always tell me about new projects.”

Hobi snickers at your pout, he swore you didn’t know you were doing it sometimes. Yoongi had pointed it out to you a couple of times that you did it, and you denied it despite wearing the pout while arguing. He and Taehyung were in the room once when the conversation came up, and of course they had to imitate you teasingly to prove a point.

“I should go,” Yoongi announces reluctantly, a blank look on his face except for his eyes that were calling out for you to ask him to stay. You don’t translate the look but frown at the intensity of it, wondering if everything was okay.

“Have fun!” you yell after him as he walks away, turning back to Hoseok. “Spill, what secret project?”

The lion only chuckles, pulling out the paperwork he had prepared for you to keep you occupied.

“We need to get all of this done before the end of the day sunshine,” he informs you as you gawk at the sight. There was no way you both would be able to get this done, but that was the point, you just didn’t realise it. “But I might have to cover a meeting or two today, think you could just stay here and get as much done as possible?”

It was a cover in case he needed to make a quick exit, but you didn’t catch on.

“I’d be okay to stay here?” you ask, normally you went back to your own desk on the office floor when you didn’t work with the CEO you were helping.

“It might be a bit too distracting out there sunshine,” Hoseok explains hesitantly, not technically lying since yes it would be, but the distracting factor in the building would be you. “This needs to be done as soon as possible.”

“Okay,” you inhale deeply before exhaling. “Let’s do it.”

He flashes you a grin, turning back to his work as you started yours. He tried hard not to focus on the sweet smelling fragrance that was slowly spreading around the room, but it was easier said than done.

You’re trying to work through the load as quickly and efficiently as possible, a determined frown plastered on your face that Hobi can’t help admire. He’s almost worried how fast you’re ploughing through your pile, hoping someone had something set as a backup in case, by some miracle, you did finish the task.

An hour passes by in near silence, before he starts feeling a little light headed from the air around him. It wasn’t even as intense as it was earlier, and Yoongi’s and Taehyung’s essence dulled it down, but he could feel himself become restless, the urge to reach out and touch you compelling. Thankfully you’re too occupied to notice his internal battle, all he can hear is the rustling of the inked sheets of white.

“Ow!” you cry out as the paper cuts your skin like a knife.

The lion turns to you in worry, the scent of blood adding to the cocktail in the air. You hold your finger close to your face, watching the droplets of red bead out of the line with a pout. That stung like a bitch.

One side of his face lifts in a smirk of amusement and endearment from your expression, relieved it was nothing serious.

“Hoseokie,” you whine, turning your finger to show him the cut.

You don’t know what you were expecting him to do, laugh at you maybe? Call you cute at most? Definitely not what he actually did. The CEO takes your hand in his own, bringing the cut to his lips. At this point you think he’s going to kiss it, the playful look on your face turning to one of shock and want, eyes flickering to his lips before you meet his gaze again.

His tongue swipes the cut clean and you lose the ability to breathe. His stare doesn't budge, even when he puts your finger into his mouth. He’s… I… It’s just… Your brain loses the ability to think even when the digit is pulled out, finally his burning gaze now inspects the papercut, humming pleasantly to himself. He’s glad hybrid lions don’t share the same papillae on their tongue as actual lions do, that would’ve been uncomfortable for you. His tongue, as well as Taehyung’s and Yoongi’s, were more textured than a human’s but much softer than the sandpaper quality of their animal counterparts.

It made for an experience in the bedroom, his thoughts shift to a more smug sexy mindset, remembering a few past romances that definitely had no complaints about his performance. He can’t help but look at you and wonder how you would react, how you would feel on his tongue.

That was one thing he shared with his lion half, an insatiable high sex drive, and your scent wasn’t making this easy for him. As much as his instincts screamed at him to not even think about it, he knew his time in the office with you needed to come to an end, otherwise he was not going to be able to let you out of his sight. An evil little voice starts whispering in his head, he could easily just lock the door so the others wouldn’t interrupt or take him away from you. If you somehow ended up bent over the desk, or sitting on it in front of his chair with your legs wide open so he could lick the ache away… well it was only nature, no one could blame either of you for that, not even Namjoon.

He smirks when he notices you fidget in your seat, a new wave of arousal saturated the air, maybe you were thinking the same thing.

You were.

“What do you mean we’re not allowed in the office today?” Jimin deadpans at both of the older CEOs.

“It means what you think it means,” Yoongi rolls his eyes as he speaks, ignoring the childish glare the maknaes were sending his way.

“Just get on with your work,” Namjoon instructs, not giving into any sympathy for the younger hybrids, it was for your safety after all. “You guys can play your usual games with Y/n tomorrow.”

The bunny hybrid’s features started slowly simmering with rage.

“So we can’t be trusted?” Jimin scoffed while the thick anger in the younger two’s throats prevented them from speaking.

“Taehyung’s already scented her,” Namjoon doesn’t look impressed when he glances over at the tiger. “We can’t let the situation get any worse than what it already is.”

Taehyung looks away from them both in disgust. Were the hyungs really containing you like you were a problem?

“Let’s not pretend that Yoongi hyung doesn’t reek of angel,” Jimin spits through gritted teeth, glaring at the panther with disdain. “I was wondering where she disappeared to, should have realised.”

“This is proof enough you three can’t be trusted,” the wolf hybrid sighs in disappointment, was he really hoping they would just accept his decision with maturity and understanding? He really should’ve known better.

“Can we just stop acting like Y/n isn’t our mate?” Jungkook finally erupts, his fury uttered in a steady eerie calm, while his eyes burn with fire. “Of course we’re going to want to be with her when she’s in this state, of course we’re going to seek her out and play with her and guard her, but we have enough sense to know when to stop.”

There's a nonverbal fight that ensues between the lead CEO and the youngest, both of them unflinching in their staring match. Namjoon decides to ignore the first part of the maknae’s speech, he’s had that discussion too many times, the testosterone in the room was not going to listen to reason.

“I can’t take that chance.”

It was Jin’s turn to ‘keep an eye on you’. He’s approaching the office as Hoseok leaves it, a pleasant grin on the Lion’s face… The one Jin used to see when Hoseok ‘slept late’, back before they had all met you. What exactly went on in that room?

“Hobi,” Jin greets him with a look of suspicion. “You’re looking… happier than usual.”

He only sniggers back, a look of triumph on his face that Jin couldn’t decipher.

“I made it worse,” he admits with a wave as he walks away. “Sorry Hyung.”

Jin's confused look turns to one of nerves, gulping before he takes the handle and opens the door. He holds his breath when he enters, a foolish attempt of denying your scent, but he couldn’t hold it for long.

He makes it to his desk before he inhales, instantly clutching onto the desk as it hits him full force. His eyes narrow at the concerned look on your face, were you trying to kill him or just test his patience?

“Jinnie are you okay?” you ask, eyes wide with worry.

He presses his lips together before he answers, walking to the windows of their office quickly to open them. It was so intense, it was going to make him choke, or moan, he didn’t know which was worse.

“Fine honey,” he reassures you stiffly. “It’s just a bit hot in here.”

You go too quiet for his liking, he glances over at you before making his way back to the desk with a frown. He’s about to ask if you were okay, but the little laughter that escapes you reassures him.

“Honey?” you repeat teasingly.

His ears burn, as he shyly smiles at the desk, trying to hide behind his hair as he looked over the paperwork in front of him.

“You’re still my beautiful girl,” he admits, making your insides warm, a stupid grin plastered on your face as your heart skips repeatedly. “But the tiger has two names, we should get two too right?”

You bite your lip to stop from letting noises out of your mouth from the mushy feeling you were experiencing.

“Do you not like it?” Jin asks without taking his eyes off the letters in front of him, checking random things off with the pen in his hand.

“No I love it,” you’re quick to reassure him, turning to your own workload on Hobi’s desk. “Bears love honey right?”

He chuckles loud enough for you to hear, a warm smile on both your faces.

Taehyung nearly growls menacingly at an employee, Jimin and Jungkook aren’t far from doing the same.

“Seriously, did you even read the formatting notes?” Jimin scolds Seulgi uncharacteristically. Did no one know how to do things properly except you? What was the point in all these useless people?

“Sorry Depyunim,” the lynx hybrid bows in apology as he walks away muttering to himself.

Their anger had surged due to one Kim Namjoon, and of course the hybrid behind him, Min Yoongi. Sometimes Jimin swore that the panther hybrid had it out for him when it came to you. But then Jimin couldn’t deny he probably got as good as he gave, but not like this, this was beyond unfair. This was unjust.

The three maknaes conjugate in the middle of the work floor, not breaking stride as they walked out before they bit someone’s head off.

“I can’t believe they're keeping her in the office away from us,” Taehyung’s voice rumbles for his friends to hear.

“I can’t believe we’ve been banned from our own office,” Jimin hisses under his breath.

“I spent two hours in a meeting with her where nothing happened,” Jungkook complains, looking pissed as ever. “And I can’t be trusted?”

He scoffs at the audacity of it, the sheer greed of his hyungs. He wasn’t some baby, Taehyung wasn’t a cub, Jimin was more mature than all of them sometimes, this screamed prejudice, and the hell were they going to take it playing dead.

Bears have very long tongues. Ever since your earlier encounter with Hoseok you couldn’t get certain thoughts out of your head, or stop where they were heading.

At this moment, you were chin in hand, elbow on Hoseok’s desk, watching the bear hybrid sort through his paperwork with glazed eyes. You couldn’t help thinking about all of them, but Seokjin was the one in front of you and once you started dwelling on the subject you couldn’t help where your mind went.

You notice the sudden startled look on Jin’s face, his head jerked towards you, eyes wide with panic.

What the…

He almost choked. Why did the smell suddenly get ten times more abundant? He opened the window to ventilate the room enough so that he could cope, but even still his methods were no match for the way you were emitting that delicious scent unconsciously.

You feel caught, quickly turning back to your work as your cheeks burned.

What a dangerous girl, Seokjin thought to himself as he gulped, quickly taking out his phone as he texted the leader that his time in this heavenly punishment needed to come to an end if he wanted to maintain his abstinence. Who knew temptation came in the form of a horny human girl?

Thankfully the wolf hybrid was quick to respond, a simple ‘on my way’ sent in reply.

Jin can’t help chuckle out loud to himself about the situation, making you turn to him with a puzzled expression. You didn’t even realise how you were turning them crazy. In all honesty, though they never admitted it openly, they had smelled you becoming turned on by them before. But this time something was different, the erogenous scent was just more concentrated because it was the first time they could detect your earlier orgasm, especially since it soaked into your skin. It was like a beacon to mate for them, and they were all so receptive, if you were a hybrid you would’ve seen it and reacted and finally they would no longer have to abide by Namjoon’s stupid rules. For the first time in a while the bear feels resentment towards the lead CEO.

Talk of the devil. Once again Kim Namjoon opens the door without knocking first, once again he's struck by the potency of your arousal. He strikes you with an intense glare, making you wonder if you should be here, or whether you had outstayed your welcome in the office.

“Umm I should probably finish this back at my own desk,” you try to say lightheartedly, but the dejected feeling in your chest weighs on your voice.

“Sit.” The order is almost barked out as you stand from the chair, and immediately your ass is back down, eyes on the wolf hybrid in anticipation. Even Jin is taken back by the outburst.

With a harsh exhale, Namjoon tries to calm his own territorial testosterone.

“Those papers need finishing today,” he informs you calmly although the tone doesn't reach his face. “If you go back to your desk you know you’ll get distracted with helping the other employees on their projects, babygirl.”

That… seemed reasonable, so why were you wearily watching the CEO approach his own desk next to the one you were currently occupying.

Jin catches the corner of your eye, your attention turning to him as he departs silently with a wave, a comforting smile on his face. They were all giving you whiplash today, you were so confused as to what was going on. Was it some sort of hybrid season where certain traits and behaviours were prevalent? There was usually a memo for that sort of thing.

There's a palpable tension building in the room and you’re trying to wrack your brains as to why. Did you do something to piss him off? His jaw is clenched with such force you’re scared his teeth will break under the pressure.

You won’t know unless you ask.

“Joonie,” you hesitantly say, hoping the nickname will earn you his dimple, but he barely acknowledges you. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine Y/n,” he snaps, but that's how you know he’s lying.

He called you by your name, and not his term of endearment. Your whole body deflates as you feel your heart sink, what did you do? Your brain goes into overdrive, overthinking every interaction you had with the male since your last friendly encounter with him. Just the other day you were both laughing as you exited a meeting together, what changed since then?

“Did I do something to upset you?” you press in a small voice, scared about his reaction. He sighs, hearing the sad tone in your words. It's just very hard to restrain myself from wanting you babygirl, but how does he say that out loud and live with your rejection.


It was so obvious how much they adored you, that's why he didn’t believe you were completely oblivious, sure you reciprocated their affection but you never crossed a line even when they might’ve. The others were growing impatient, blaming Namjoon for being unable to confess but he had told them all, they weren’t to say anything unless you did so first. The matter was too complicated, they were your bosses, they were hybrids, polygamy was normal for some breeds, but not for humans, not really. The imbalance of power was too skewed, this needed to come from you, otherwise any relationship they suggested might only be agreed upon from a place of fear.

What if you thought you had to say yes otherwise you could lose your job or you thought they were taking advantage of their positions and you felt coerced to submit. There were too many ways this could go wrong, it could create such an awkward atmosphere and cost them the time they spent with you. This was enough, he had said it to the others so many times, the idea of losing you in any way terrified the wolf hybrid, so much so that even he was blind to your own sentiment.

An uncomfortable silence ensues between you both until you’re forced to interrupt it. Namjoon hears the chair slide back, about to question your movements when he sees you approach his desk.

“These need your signature depyunim,” you don’t look at him as you pass him the papers, and with your close proximity he finds himself wanting you to. You just encompassed him with that hedonistic scent and he felt his animalistic side reach breaking point. He hated it when you called him depyunim, the term was too distant, it reminded him of the barriers he had to enforce between you and for once he wanted to give in to the impulse to tear them apart.

You’re still holding on to the papers, expecting him to take them, when his hand wraps around your wrist, yanking you closer, forcing you to look at him. His more sadistic side enjoys the way your eyes dilate, the way your breath catches in your throat as you struggle to speak. He signs the papers without breaking eye contact with you, he could feel your pulse accelerate through your wrist, enjoying the taste of adrenaline that joined your scent in the air.

“Thank you babygirl,” he gutturally praises you, letting go abruptly. You catch your breath then when you nearly stumble, panting lightly as you avoid his gaze, taking the contract back to your temporary work station.

Your phone buzzes, and absentmindedly you reach for it, the text inducing a frown on your face but not quite breaking you out of the trance the wolf hybrid put you in. You breathe deeply as if to calm yourself, the CEO near you is about to voice his apology but you’re shooting out of the room before he could say a word.

“Ineedtogotothebathroom,” it comes out a jumbled mess but he heard it clear enough.

He lets you go, groaning out in regret of his actions. He’d make it right when you came back, hopefully this short break from your presence would clear his head.

You made sure to wait until the corridor was empty, your head turning from side to side to ensure the coast was clear. You knew this particular filling room you were standing outside of well, you cried in it a number of times when the stress levels got too high to cope. You just didn’t understand why Jungkook had texted you to meet him here urgently. The text just said ‘emergency - store room b, don’t tell hyungs.’

You knock on the door, still checking that no one was around as the door opens, a hand grabbing yours as it tugged you forward. You stumbled into a chest as the door slams shut, hearing the lock turn, trapping you inside with three maknaes. The first thing you notice is their devilish smirks when you pull away, although still caught in the grasp of the tiger hybrid. The second is the mischievous swish of two tails.

You watch Taehyung sniff the air, his dark stare penetrating you as you hear the possessive rumble in his chest.

“Hyungs,” Jimin scoffs, shaking his head. They scented you? There were different variations of intensity but you were covered by three of them, hints of Namjoon still fresh from his earlier ministrations. They might as well have put a collar around your neck with their names on the tag, the CEO was seething.

“Where have you guys been hiding all day?” you ask, missing the irony completely.

“Did they seriously have a problem with you doing it subtly and then do it themselves a hundred times worse?” Jimin turns to the tiger, ignoring your question completely as he fumes.

“How did they expect her to leave today without someone noticing their stench on her?” Jungkook snorts in disbelief and outrage, arms crossed as he leans back on one of the filing cabinets.

“What!” you suddenly feel very self conscious when their gazes shift to you. So you did smell. You smelled of them. But…

Your mind flashes back to your vexed chihuahua colleague, did she smell Taehyung on you? Is that why she was so enraged? But… they’ve scented you before, not to the extent that the maknaes were suggesting the older CEOs did but… it was inevitable. You all spent so much time together, scents were going to rub off on one another. You’re sure they've accidentally scented other employees too, although the thought does make you sulky.

“Angel, are you telling me you haven’t noticed the hyungs smothering you?” Jimin doesn’t believe it, there was no way you were that blind.

“But why would they…” your mind goes blank in your state of stupor, not even allowing you to think of reasons as it would lead you down a very uncertain road called hope and misery. If they wanted you like that, they would’ve said by now. You squash down the yearning rising in your heart, reminding yourself for the hundredth time, hybrids were just naturally more physically affectionate than humans, their actions meant nothing to them the way it did to you.

“Why are humans so aggravating?” Taehyung sighs.

“Hey!” You take offence, scowling at the tiger hybrid as you tried to detach your arm from his hold. “Just because I’m not as intune to my surroundings the way you are or that familiar with hybrid behaviour doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

“I didn’t call you stupid flower,” Taehyung muttered gruffly, pulling you back against him easily.

“You insinuated it,” you retort, pushing him away with an annoyed pout.

“Angel,” Jimin tries to placate you but you can hear the undertones of amusement in his voice as he wraps his arms around your middle from behind. His chin rests on your shoulder, lips turned to your ear. “For someone so clever, you have to admit you can be a little dense sometimes.”

“So spell it out for me,” you dare, eyes narrowed as you tilt your head towards him.

They don’t speak, if anything they looked like their jaws were suddenly wired shut, and it pissed you off. You rolled your eyes, sighing.

“Fine,” you dismiss your earlier request. “At least tell me why they’ve scented me.”

Again you're met with silence. Now who were the aggravating ones?

“Is this just some hybrid thing I’m just not educated about?” you ask with a huff. “If you guys won’t tell me I’ll just go ask the others.”

“No you’ve spent enough time with them,” Taehyung grumbled, pouting like you were earlier.

Jimin rubs his cheek against yours but you turn your head away, making him whine sadly. He’s been craving you all day, his precious vixen, why did you move away?

“No, no more scenting until someone tells me why,” you say firmly. “You guys have been acting weird all day.”

“Bunny,” Jungkook hesitates for a moment, trying to word it right in his head without spilling the thing Namjoon forbade them from telling you. As angry as they were with their pack alpha, they wouldn’t disrespect him. “You know you’re our favourite human right?”

You ignore the burst of gratification in your chest from his words, nodding slowly.

“Well, because we’ve known you for so long, our… animal counterparts translate our… fondness for you,” he stumbles with his words, touching his ears as part of his nervous habit, avoiding your gaze. He tries again. “That side of us recognises you as part of the pack, but you don’t smell like us, so we get the urge to correct that.”

Both Jimin and Taehyung are impressed by the explanation, looking surprised at the genius of the maknae, which you thankfully miss.

“Oh,” it takes you a second for the information to compute, an affectionate warmth spreading out from your middle. A small voice in the back of your head utters a reminder that he means platonically, crushing the pleasant feeling, but you shake those thoughts away. This was enough.

“So can we scent you? Please?” he pleads, reaching for you as he approaches.

Jimin pushes you into his arms and the rabbit hybrid immediately encircles his arms around you, rubbing his nose against your cheek as you giggle at the sensation. He grins happily, hugging you tight, eyes closing in content. This was perfect.

“Kookie, are you sure you’re a bunny hybrid?” you laugh as you’re smothered in his embrace.

“Not this again,” he groans.

“Let’s look at the evidence,” you tease. “You’re too muscly to be a bunny, way too tall, and Jinnie says you go boxing a lot.”

“Noona,” he whines. “I’m not a kangaroo.”

“Are you sure?” you snicker.

He pouts, pulling away from you to crouch down to your level.

“These are bunny ears,” he informs you, playfully scolding you with the look on his face, taking your hand in his as he makes you touch his soft ears. He tries not to thump his leg happily against the ground at the sensation, but it shakes in his effort. “See?”

“Hmmm I’m not convinced,” you tease.

“You should show her your tail,” Jimin says, smirking suggestively, eyes disappearing into crescent smiles. You glare at the arctic fox, missing the look on Jungkook’s face as you scratched the base of his ears. He can’t stop his leg this time.

“My turn,” the tiger announces, pulling you away from the bunny. You bite your lips to stop from laughing at the disgruntled expression on the maknae’s face.

Taehyung sits on the ground, pulling you down with him until you land in his lap, but he looks unfazed.

“Pets please,” he demands politely, bowing his head down. Seriously, was this your boss? You smile endearingly as your hands reach for his ears, starting at the base with a scratch the same way you had with Jungkook. His response is instant, head nestling against your neck. He chuffs in content, the sensation against your skin a little ticklish, but you were pleased you caused the sound.

“Me too,” a familiar whine is heard as another body joins you both on the ground, Jimin places himself as close to you as he could, tail whipping side to side. He rests his head on your arm, nudging you so you’d take the hint. His fingers trace the side of your waist lightly, eyes on that tender look on your face. He softly purrs, caught in a daze as the scent of you and them intoxicates him. You’re surprised he’s waiting so patiently, well patient for Jimin, the three of them normally fought over your attention loudly, this was unusual.

The bunny joins you all on the floor, rubbing his face against your back, closing his eyes as if he were going to nap in the position all day. He could if he wanted to, he grins, satisfied that their scheme was a success. His fingers itched to pull you away from the tiger but he would wait his turn to indulge in you, that was the agreement between them.

Your attention is pulled three ways, Jimin’s soft tail was dancing on your exposed thigh where your skirt bunched, Taehyung’s breath was felt against that spot on your neck that had you restless, unaware of his inner animal begging him to at least graze his teeth over your skin if he couldn’t mark you. Jungkook’s fingers pitterpatted across your back, lips pressed against the middle of your shoulder blades. His thoughts were both similar and different from the tiger, yeah he wanted to bite you but he wanted you to cover him with your own bites, scratches and marks too, then everyone would know who he belonged to.

“Hey If i were a hybrid what would I be?” you ask randomly to distract yourself from all the senses your body was experiencing.

“Tigeress” “Bunny” “Vixen”

You chuckle as their responses come all at once, starting to relax in their hold. Just let yourself enjoy this for now.

The four of you spent the rest of the day in the store room, work completely forgotten, completely unaware of the four hybrids in the building searching for you desperately. Well not completely unaware… the three maknaes share a look between themselves as hours pass, the whole point of the hyung’s plan was to keep you hidden from other hybrids so they wouldn’t catch a whiff of their mate.

The three of them were doing just that.


taglist: @nlost21 @pb-n-juju @needyomnivore @lvpersona @marvelfamily3000 @love2lovesworld @halesandy @dreamamubarak @deepseavibez @mikymouse0729 @barnesrogerslover @itismochirice @scribblemetae @swga-ficrecs @pipminnie @agustverse

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More Posts from S-mayhem4

3 years ago
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Are Any Of You Guys An INTJ (Myers-Briggs) Personality Type?

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3 years ago

What if... the guys were the detectives, and you were the kingpin? | BTS OT7 au

What If... The Guys Were The Detectives, And You Were The Kingpin? | BTS OT7 Au

So this au is based off our little love where the roles are reversed. This started out as my favourite chapter ever but omfd did it get long, this is the longest chapter I've ever written. DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, the morals in this story are off by 100s, even if they are funny

Warnings: (soft) Yandere, blood, guns, death, violence, corruption, stalking, unhealthy obsessions, suggestive shit, crime, (I swear it’s lighthearted…) 13K words

Playlist: Lilith - Halsey, Lighthouse - Halsey, Infinity Piano Version - Jaymes Young

Captain Namjoon, Detective Hyung line, Officer Maknae line

From the corner of your eyes you see them in the flanks of your men, you have to stifle a smirk but it finds its escape anyway. Did they really think you couldn’t recognise them? How cute… it was almost endearing, the way Seoul’s police force were obsessed with you. Did they think you didn’t know about their little task force specifically made for you? Did they not think you knew exactly who was on it, you’d seen seven faces following you everywhere, you even spoke to some of them on occasion, did they really think you were this dumb?

You ran an entire empire in this country, by yourself, the kingpin of Seoul, of the whole nation. You don’t know whether to be insulted or not, they must know you’ve caught on to their little game. But that was fine, of course you’d play.

You’re barely listening to your men give you status reports on their areas of your syndicate, eyes staring at the two undercover policemen in your ranks with a grin. What were these two called again? Ah, that was it, Detective Kim Seokjin, and Officer Kim Taehyung.

Well, you wanted my attention boys, you now have it.

You notice them try not to shuffle under your gaze, and you wonder whether they’re sweating under the collars of their shirts. Really, they could’ve done a better job of disguising themselves, one leather jacket over a shirt really wasn’t going to cut it, even if you had no clue who they were.

Their demeanour on the other hand, the way they played it so cool while your eyes never wavered away from them, that was impressive. Really you were surprised they let an officer join the detective in this sting operation, surely he was far too inexperienced to be able to pull this off.

You can see the determination he has written on his face to hold your gaze. You decide he’d be the one you broke first.

“Boss, you wanted to see us?” Taehyung says wearily looking at Jin as they enter your chambers. The younger of the two audibly gulps at the sight of you, but not in fear.

“Ah, Jin and V, right?”

You watch his tongue slip out of his mouth for a second when you turn around to greet them. His mask broke the moment he saw you in your nightgown, the way the lace hugged your chest and your waist tight under the silk robe. His eyes were unable to tear away from checking you out. The older of the two at least looked a little more composed, but the top of his ears were becoming redder the more he took in the sight. Both their eyes glaze over as you strut towards them, and you could see the signs of them trying to regain control over themselves. Well, that was flattering.

“Take a seat boys,” you command with an unwavering smile. “I don’t have any alcohol, but I can ask Kai or Suho to bring some for you if you’d like.”

They watch you pour yourself a drink from the crystal decanter, hesitating to sit on the loveseat sofa in your chambers. Your bedroom was the size of an apartment, every item inside worth over thousands, if you even bothered to pay for it.

“We’re okay boss,” Jin replies for the two as you sit across from them in your own seat, a glass coffee table between you. He tries not to let his gaze wander to the way the black material slips up your thigh, staring directly into your own eyes instead. “What did you need?”

“I meet everyone who has to work for me,” you explained after a sip of your beverage. “See if they’re the real deal, make sure they’re competent, I’ve got a business to run boys, think of this as your interview.”

Well this was unexpected for them, you watch as they try to hide the panicked light in their eyes as they turn to each other, but you misread the sign. From where you were sitting you deduced that they were afraid of being caught, but you couldn’t hear their thoughts; they were afraid you were going to send them away, or worse, not like them.

“Where have you worked before?” You ask without hesitation, stare firm and calculating.

“Overseas,” Jin responds immediately. “We’ve worked in China with Jackson’s lot.”

“I know Jackson,” you say with a smile that sours their demeanour. “I’ll verify you both with him, good excuse to catch up over dinner.”

Again there was a misunderstanding behind the meaning on your part, you think you’ve caught them in a lie, and you have, but they didn’t like the way your face lit up at the mention of another man. They didn’t know you and Jackson were close, maybe it was time to get in contact with the overseas forces and put that to an end.

“Okay next question,” you clap your hands together as you speak. “If I asked you both to dispose of a body, what would you do?”

You lean your elbow on the siderest of the couch, resting your face in your hand while you wait expectantly for their answer.


“Not you,” you interrupt Seokjin, pointing a finger at him before sliding it over to aim at Taehyung. “Him.”

They’re both surprised but not put off, you ponder over their knowing smirks, finding the sight slightly macabre. Maybe it wasn’t the right question to ask, they’re police after all, they would have seen a hundred bodies and a hundred different ways the deed was done and disposed of.


“Next question,” you cut them off again to their disbelief. “You’re taking too long to answer.”

“My shipment is off by hundreds, you accepted the paperwork, how do you make up for the missing inventory?”

That one has them thinking, frowns deepening as their fingers fumble together. Got you, the smirk on your face widens as seconds pass but you school it back to stern.

“Maybe you’re both not as experienced as you say,” you dismiss them with a flick of your hand. “In that case I don’t think I’ll be needing either of your services.”

“No boss!”

You jump at the sudden outburst, you almost have to wire your jaw shut with how badly it wants to fall when the younger of the two slides off the seat onto his knees, crawling towards you in desperation.

“We can learn, we can do better,” Taehyung grovels, head bowed as even Jin watches in surprise.

“We only want to please you,” he says before he kisses your feet, smirking at the way you shudder but he quickly repaints his expression before looking up at you with devotion in his eyes. You had to hand it to him, he was a good actor, you felt compelled to believe him. This was probably why he was picked to infiltrate you. “Don’t send us away, we’ll do whatever you want.”

Your nails scrape the fabric of the sofa when he places pecks to the exposed skin from your ankles to your thighs, stopping just above your knee, a pleasant hum in his throat before he decides that was his favourite spot, letting himself kiss that part again and again.

Jin shakes his head but wears a proud smirk on his face that disappears before you can look at him and blow his cover. He had to credit Taehyung, using the situation to his advantage, anything to get you closer, anything to have you within reach.

You finally snap out of it when you relearn how to breathe, hand grasping his hair as you gently pull him away from grovelling on his knees. He tries to rub his cheeks on your skin, a whine released from his lips as he looks up at you like you took away his favourite toy.

“Are you trying to seduce me?“ you ask airily, unwilling to admit he had an effect on you despite the signs you couldn’t hide.

He shakes his head even though it’s a lie, hands squeezing your thighs as they grab them as if to convince you. It takes everything in his willpower not to rub them up and down while you sat like this, let them slip under the fabric of your nightgown, it was so thin, but he wasn’t complaining. The others were going to be so envious.

“Go sit back down on the chair, V,” you order in a neutral tone, eyes narrowing in distrust. The way you say his undercover name makes him panic, why did you say it like that?

Begrudgingly he does as he’s told, eyes on you like a puppy but it only irritates you because you know it’s a farce.

“Let’s end this game here, okay?” You huff out annoyed, partly at yourself for entertaining them at all, mostly because they had somehow crawled under your skin in a very short amount of time and you didn’t like it, not that you were going to admit to anything at all.

“What game?” Jin asks, confused.

“Do you really think I didn’t recognise you both?” Honestly the situation was just so stupid it had you laughing out loud.

Taehyung’s jaw drops in complete stupor, you knew who they were? There was no way you could-

“I mean what was the plan here Detective? Get close to me, get all my secrets, I mean the seduction tactic is a little overplayed isn’t it? Did you really expect me to fall for it?”

They both look a little uncomfortable being called out, and for the third or fourth time that night you misread the signals again. In a nutshell, yes, that was exactly what they wanted, it was the first step in Namjoon’s masterplan to get closer to you without you shooting them.

“If you knew why didn’t you have us killed?” Jin asks, eyes piercing into you as if that would bring him answers.

“Because you’re harmless,” you reply with a tone that was a little mocking. “You and your taskforce, believe me if I thought you were an issue, you’d be long gone.”

Your grin grows for a moment as you let your words sink in, but their reaction has it faltering.

“Harmless?” Jin chuckles, finally breaking into a smile that made you try not to think about how attractive he was, those plump lips framing his teeth, how good they would probably feel on your skin… shit, did someone spike your drink or something? Where were these thoughts spawning from?

“You’ve had plenty of opportunities to take me down,” you respond with a frown, eyes narrowing on the two laughing figures. “But you haven’t, I suspect it's due to a lack of competence.”

You try turning the tables around with that insult, sneer on your lips before you down the drink in your hands. You knew this feeling creeping up from your fingers to your chest, you were losing control of the situation, but you didn’t exactly know how.

“Love,” Taehyung calls for your attention with his own grin, the boyish needy attitude dropped, it wasn’t going to work this time so what was the point. You hate to admit you don't dislike the sound or the name when it came from him. “Did you think for a second that maybe we were the ones that let you get away with everything you’ve been up to?”

They see the shock on your face, finding the sight of you taken back alluring. Oh their little love, you had no idea what they were capable of.

“Why would you do that?” All playfulness was gone from your tone as you demanded an answer, trying not to show that they were starting to intimidate you. You liked knowing things, it made you in control of every situation, it was why you didn’t drink , not a drop, you were always the one in power in the room… this was unknown territory and you didn’t like it.

Taehyung hums as if in thought or agreement, the sound is deep, it reverberates into your soul like a vice or an embrace, you just couldn’t tell which yet.

“Why indeed,” he smirked as he spoke, the pair of them standing to make their leave. That was the end to their operation, and yet they were almost happy it failed, it meant they got to have this conversation with you, no fake identities or personas needed.

“You’re a clever girl, little love,” Jin’s face was nothing but amused. “You’ll figure it out.”

“You both are back very early,” Hoseok frowns as the two undercover agents return to the precinct bullpen. “You realise infiltrating a syndicate means you can't come back and visit?”

“She caught us,” Jin laughs as his team's brows furrow in worry.

“She knew who we were,” Taehyung bares his teeth in his boxy grin, looking like a delighted kid who just got given ice cream. “Spotted us straight away.”

Given the situation, he should not be looking so proud… but the five men sitting at their desks relax at his words, their faces turn almost giddy.

“She’s paying attention,” Namjoon smirks, nodding as the information runs through his mind.

“She’s noticed us,” Jimin shyly smiles, blush creeping onto his face at the thought of you seeing him when he had to tail you. You didn’t put a bullet through his head, that must mean something right?

“And she hasn’t killed us…” Yoongi's words mirror Jimin’s thoughts, looking pleasantly surprised. Out of all of them he was the most sceptical of their ideas, surely a big bad lady boss like yourself would catch on to their schemes and end it. “Or the two of you, now why would she do that?”

“So everytime one of us has approached her, she’s known? About the taskforce?” Jungkook says, a little stunned, doe eyes wide and bright like a window to his thoughts. He, Yoongi and Namjoon were the only ones who got to talk to you before the undercover sting. You knew they were police, they hadn’t hidden that, your encounters with them were one of the driving factors of their ‘interest’ in you. Namjoon forbade the others from making contact, planning this operation for a while, now he realises it was done in vain, but he didn’t mind it when it revealed you noticed them. That was the whole point of it anyway, to get closer to you, and you were onto them the whole time, clever girl.

Anytime you were brought in for questioning it was Yoongi that interrogated you, Jungkook sometimes in the room, the others watching behind the mirror, slowly falling for the most dangerous woman in Seoul.

“Why haven’t you shot me yet?” He trembles in front of you, hands tied behind his back as you pressed the barrel of the gun into his forehead. The half built warehouse was empty, just as you knew it would be, workers on strike and all. It was the perfect place to play your scene, arches of brick on every side. Never play cat and mouse without an exit strategy in case things go south.

“I’m waiting for some friends,” you tell him casually, rotating your arm, to move the sleeve off your black leather jacket, eyes on the back of your wrist for a moment as the watch ticks by. You set the bait, where were they?

“Please boss let me live,” he whimpers pathetically in front of you. “I have a family.”

“No you don’t Mark, stop lying,” you roll your eyes, this better not be a waste of time.

“Boss I didn’t betray you, I didn’t-”

His words are cut off when you hit his jaw with the metal in your hands, it takes him by surprise. You weren’t normally this aggressive, behind the mask of the kingpin you were human, and he tried to take advantage of that. But you had a job to do, and an empire to keep from falling, you couldn’t let this be swept under the rug.

“You tried to overthrow me Marky,” you sigh, disappointed in your recruit. “You had potential to really make it in my ranks, but trying to put a bag over my head was a really stupid piece of shit thing to do. I can only guess what was to come next.”

You kick him back down as he tries to rise from the ground, the blood already splattering messily on the floor below.

“Y/n!” A voice yells on the other side of the building in warning and shock.

Perfect, grin on your face, you finally pull the trigger.

The crack of the bullet leaving the gun snaps through the air like a slap, the stunned police watch frozen as the body goes limp on the floor. You turn and move like lightning out of the building into the maze of walls outside. They finally feel their limbs find movement as they watch you disappear, chasing after you in haste.

“Jungkook, Jimin, cut her off,” Hoseok yells to his officers as he starts to catch up with you. The two men disappear from his sides, down the tunnels of alleyways and building sites. “Y/n stop!”

You don’t listen, running into one of the alleyways but he’s close behind you.

“Y/n stop or I’ll shoot!” he warns you at the top of his voice. That has you skidding to a halt, to his surprise, he didn’t think that would work, he would never… but then again, you didn’t know that.

You stand in a junction of paths, the one you were currently on, and a side route that led to a busy road. You could lose him there… but that wasn’t your goal.

“Hoseok,” you greet him breathlessly and he tries not to focus on how much he likes his name said that way. “We’ve never had the pleasure of meeting, shame it has to be with you pointing a gun to my head.”

You had the audacity to chuckle.

“Put the gun down Y/n,” he commands, as Jimin runs in behind you, blocking another exit, mirroring Hoseok’s stance.

“You’re not going to shoot me,” you state as a matter of fact. “Neither of you.”

You turn to Jimin, head tilting and brows rising playfully as if he wasn’t pointing a weapon that could end your life towards you. His voice is caught in his throat, you see the gun shaking in his hands, and you knew you were right, he didn’t want to hold it when it was aimed at you.

“Hi Jiminie,” you say with a wave. “Nice to finally meet you, you do a good job with following me baby. Took you a while today though.”

You giggle at the blush that coats his face at your praise despite the way his eyes were trained on you seriously.

“It’s protocol little love,” Hoseok’s voice is firm, calling for your attention, his grip on the gun unrelenting, arms straight as an arrow. “I’m gonna have to if you don’t drop your weapon.”

“We saw you kill him Y/n,” why does Jimin sound disappointed in you, why did it flare a bitter feeling in your chest as if you cared? “You’re gonna have to come with us, please put it down little love.”

There was that term again, you remember when the oldest of their team said it, the way you thought about it all night. It didn’t sound like he was mocking you, you were almost certain he said it with… affection? Whatever his tone was, it kept you tossing and turning all night, unable to get a wink of sleep.

“He tried to kill me first,” you inform them with a pointed look.

They share a glance between them, blood starting to boil at the fact someone had tried to hurt you and they weren’t there to protect you at all. Yoongi was right, this line of work would kill you.

“And like I said,” your features grow stern. “You won’t shoot me.”

You walk away from them both to the third path of the alleyway, unaware of the body that was hiding in the shadows. You only manage three steps before he’s pushing your back against the wall, pressing his weight against you as he painfully grips the wrist of the hand holding the gun. You drop it like a stone, and Hoseok and Jimin run up to you both, the younger of the two kicking it far out of reach.

You don’t know how long the staring match between you and Jungkook lasts, but his eyes pierce you through and through, ironically like the bullet of a gun. You struggle against him a little but he only responds by pushing himself on you harder. You wonder if he can feel your heart racing where your chests are connected, you want to blame his weight for your inability to breathe or the need to breathe deeper. Your eyes never leave his despite his burning gaze, every cell of your skin on fire under it.

His thighs are thick against yours, one leg slotting between them. You try not to think about how you could easily rub yourself against him given the situation, soothe an ache that suddenly presented itself in this unusual situation, but your mind wonders that way, unaware that he was thinking exactly the same. But his thoughts have a more pronounced way of revealing themselves than yours do. He looks unfazed when you feel something hard grow against your hip, your mouth gaping open in shock. You finally look away when he raises his eyebrow, smirk adorned on his face. Shit, why was the youngest of this task force suddenly too sexy for you to handle? He’d always been reserved before, when did this audacious side of him develop?

“You’ve been bad Noona,” he tsks, hand reaching his back pocket for the cuffs.

You’re about to scoff and reclaim control when you feel his lips press against your hair near your temple, rendering you speechless. Why was your heart beating so fast?

“Y/n L/n,” he breathes against your temple, and you swear you feel your heart stop. “You’re under arrest.”

The hold he has on your wrist is used to turn you, only moving away far enough to do so. His hands were rough on your arms, pushing your front to the wall, but the way he makes sure not to hurt you unveils the pretence of his harsh act. Gentle hands slot your wrists into the cuffs, they're loose enough that they’re not uncomfortable.

“Never took you to be this kinky Officer Jeon,” you comment, rolling your eyes. “It’s always the quiet ones.”

You don’t see the shit eating grin on his face at your bratty attitude against authority, tongue passing over his teeth in thought before it’s pressed against his cheek in faux annoyance. The cuffs suddenly tighten, making you hiss as they dig into your skin.

The other two were watching the encounter with amusement, unable to help themselves chuckle at your pout.

“That was mean,” you say with a slight whine in your tone, making them snigger as if they hadn’t just witnessed you murder someone in cold blood.

Jungkook pushes you towards their car as Hoseok opens the back door for you.

“Your carriage awaits,” he grins when you roll your eyes, not missing the amused smile you were trying to stop.

You pretend not to notice the way Jimin holds his hand above your head so you don’t hurt yourself when you duck into the car, what a five star service for a criminal. You’d have to write them a letter of praise.

Jungkook takes the driver seat, the two others sitting on either side of you, you wouldn’t call it cramped in the back, but it was cosy. Both the men next to you stare out of the window, appearing unaffected to the way your thighs were pressed against theirs. Jimin has his elbow against the window, fingers on his lip as he tries to hide his smile that revealed where his imagination was taking him. Hoseok wasn’t doing much better on the other side.

You're glad they’re all occupied, hopefully they wouldn’t notice the way you’re trying to get out of the cuffs, the metal digging into your skin painfully as you try to slide your hands out. If you could get one out, you could easily steal the gun off one of them in case you needed it later.

Unfortunately your efforts were useless, but you refused to give up. Stupid bunny teethed officer, how tight did he put these things on? Your shuffling gathers their attention, two palms press down on your thighs with a squeeze.

“Stop moving,” Hoseok mumbles.

“Wanna let me out then?” You reply, still trying despite how much it was hurting.

Jungkook looks at you through the rear view mirror for a moment before turning back to the road, hands tightening on the steering wheel. He let it sink in then, how much trouble you could be in, how pissed their Captain was going to be when he heard.

“How do you always find yourself behind bars, little love?” You hear him before he emerges from the shadows. His hair had grown since you last saw him, it was slicked back, and you had to admit you liked it this way.

“If it isn’t one of my favourite detectives,” you beam at him from the bench you’re sitting on, as if you hadn’t just been caught red handed with the smoking gun. “I think the question you should be asking me is how do I always manage to get out.”

“You must be one lucky criminal,” he laughs to himself, hands in his pockets as he walks closer.

“What is this Detective Min, the preamp before the interrogation? You know anything I say here is off the record right?”

He smirks, chuckling to himself knowingly. The smile fades quickly when he hears you wince, adjusting your arms under his gaze. His face goes blank.

“Well?” You push, crossing your arms expectedly as you await his response. His stare doesn’t leave your limbs.

“Are you hurt?” He asks gruffly, taking you by surprise.

“What the hell does it matter?”

“Are. you. hurt?” He punctuates each word as he repeats himself, hands holding onto the bars as if he could break them to get to you.

“I’m fine,” your crossed arms become tighter as you close in on yourself, starting to feel vulnerable under his questions.

“Liar,” he almost growls back. “Where are you hurt?”

His stare makes you self conscious, unable to meet his eyes as you look off to the corner somewhere to regain composure, heart caught in your throat. You lightly scoff, what did he care?

“I’m not hurt,” you say through gritted teeth, meeting his gaze straight on, matching his anger, wherever the hell it was coming from.

“You either tell me where it hurts,” he starts his threat in a lighter tone, one corner of his mouth rising as he visibly challenges you. “Or I come in there and see for myself.”

You're lost for words, the dare in his eyes goading you into checking if he was true to his words. But a part of you knows he is, and you don’t know whether you want to call his bluff.

“Be careful detective,” you press your lips into a fake smile. “Someone might sue you for harassment.”

He sighs, nodding as if in agreement, but you don’t realise it’s not with you.

“Fine,” he states. “The hard way it is.”

Your jaw drops as he leaves, hoping he wasn’t serious. Why didn’t you just tell him? It’s not like you pushed paper for a living, of course you were going to get hurt from shit.

You continue to gawp when he comes back, keys in his hand and something under his armpit. Sure enough he opens the lock, and if you weren’t so caught in your stupor you might’ve used the opportunity to escape, but a part of you wants to see what he does next. He locks the door behind him, throwing the keys out of reach so he’s as trapped in here as you. He turns with pride in his eyes, did you really think he’d keep the keys in here when you could easily take them off him?

He takes a step towards you and you finally close your jaw.

“So are you going to tell me or am I going to have to find out for myself?” He smirks.

“And how exactly would you do that?” You challenge back.

“Well I’d have to see where you were hurt, little love,” he grins sadistically as he explains. “The clothes might have to come off.”

He stifles back the laugh at your mortified expression.

“Wrists,” you mumble, looking away with a grumpy pout. “And my knee.”

“Was that so hard?” He chuckles, finally revealing the first aid kit he kept under his arm.

You gulp as he kneels in front of you, taking the chance to take him in as he focuses on your knee. You let him roll up your jeans, a disapproving noise in his throat when they don’t come up to where he needs. You stay silent even when he rips the fabric, not willing to admit the show of strength was a little hot, especially when you notice the scissors in the kit he could’ve used. Idiot, didn’t he realise you could use that against him?

“This line of work is dangerous little love,” he sighs, cleaning and disinfecting the graze on your knees, blowing lightly on the skin when he hears you stifle a wince. He found it so endearing the way you tried to hide your pain, but he didn’t want you to, he wouldn’t be able to help if you did. You shuffle uncomfortably at the sting. “You’ll keep getting hurt if you continue.”

That makes you smile, letting out a laugh under your breath.

“How can I get hurt?” you chuckle, grinning down at him. “I’ve got seven of the best this country has to offer looking after me.”

The way your eyebrow rises, as if daring him to argue with you, to prove you wrong, but he doesn’t. To your surprise he nods in agreement, grinning at the compliment you inadvertently gave. The best this country had to offer huh?

“And yet here we are,” he grumbles, placing a plaster onto your cut..

“Here we are,” you giggle at the ridiculousness of the situation.

“Show me your wrists,” he instructs you, but he has your smile sobering. You didn’t want to.

“My wrists are fine doctor detective,” you roll your eyes again as you speak, trying to make nothing out of it, but the way you turn your head away ignites his worry.

“I won’t ask again, love,” he warns, and for some reason his tone makes you surrender.

Yoongi watches the tentative way you uncross your arms, unable to meet his gaze as you hold both your wrists in front of him. The sight has his anger boiling.

“Stupid maknae,” he growls under his breath, teeth pressed hard together as his features sour.

You scoff.

“It wasn’t the kid’s fault,” you explain unimpressed, yeah he might’ve put the cuffs on extra tight after your arrest but a part of you didn’t like the idea of him getting into trouble. “It’s mine for trying to get out of the handcuffs.”

There’s a pause as he studies you and the nonchalance of your attitude that you try to keep up.

“Idiot,” is all he says as he takes your hand in his own, trying not to appear affected when you winced more audibly this time. The cuts were deeper than what he expected, how the hell did you think you’d escape? Did Hobi and Jimin not realise during the journey? He shakes his head. You would never learn, and it seemed neither would they.

You can’t help admire the way he looks after your wounds, such a gentle expression on the usual stoic detective. It's almost endearing, and you catch your thoughts before they can fall any further. It’s a game, that was all, and you weren’t going to get caught in their trap.

You tell your heart to shut up when he looks up at you after he’s done, soft smile on his face you’d never ever seen before. He takes both your wrists in his hands, lifting them to his lips and you keep the surprise out of your eyes when he kisses each one.

Yoongi had taken you to their interrogation room hours later, seating you on the chair. You expected him to take a seat on the opposite side of the table, but instead he moves to leave the room, catching onto your baffled expression in the mirror. He always interviewed you, this was a change.

As he approaches the door, another figure behind it opens it. The two men nod at each other in greeting before crossing paths, and the detective shuts the door behind him.

There was no question that the man approaching you exuded nothing but power, enough to rival your own, but he was of a much taller physique with muscles that strained against his shirt. Your eyes drift to his toned chest, those poor buttons were holding on for dear life.

“Ooo I get the captain,” you say playfully, shifting the control in the room to your side, head tilting with a smile. “Aren’t I lucky.”

“You killed a person Miss L/n,” He states with no humour in his expression. “And were stupid enough to get caught.”

The growl in his voice, the one that wears disappointment but sounds like disapproval pissed you off. You scoff.

“Did you think for a second,” you repeat the words uttered to you nights ago by one of his officers, “that maybe I wanted to get caught?”

You smirk as he frowns.

“Also aren’t I supposed to be in handcuffs?”

You raised your free hands for him to see, and immediately he noticed the cuts Yoongi told him about moments ago.

Behind the one way mirror, you don’t see the glare five men give the maknae, a sheepish apology fumbling out of his lips at the look. He didn’t want to hurt you, he didn’t mean to, he was just playing.

“I think he’s apologised enough,” Yoongi grunts as he notices the way tears are forming in the youngest’s eyes. “His dick was doing the thinking for him.”

“Kid doesn’t know his own strength,” Hoseok sighed.

“It's not like you and Jimin stopped him,” Taehyung grumbled with a glare.

“I think we’re all forgetting that our little love didn’t help herself in the situation,” Jin chimed in, arms crossed as he watched you and Namjoon. One day he’d be in the interrogation room with you too, the way they all watched whenever Yoongi and Jungkook had a go, it was almost classed as foreplay.

“Why do you need cuffs if this is where you want to be?” Namjoon smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“I wanted to see what you would do,” you answer honestly.

The man in front of you groans, face in his hands as his patience runs thin.

“Y/n do you have any idea how hard this one is going to be to cover up?” he asks you exasperated.

You suck in a breath in shock, you knew it, and yet you were still surprised. They had been the ones to clean up after you, you thought it was mere incompetence that had them failing to actually ascertain evidence against you, but they were corrupt. The only question that remained was why.

“Now why would you do that Captain Kim?” your voice is sincere in its question although on edge, you didn’t trust something you didn’t understand.

He has the audacity to laugh under his breath, but you hear it and see it in the way his shoulders move.

“You still haven’t figured it out…”

“Figure what out?” you almost snarl, what the hell couldn’t you see, what the hell was their motive behind trying to toy with you?

“Yoongi, turn the camera back on,” he leans back in his chair and calls out to the mirror.

You stare at it head on, wondering who was behind watching next to the detective. The corner of your lip lifts in a fake smile, hand waving once to greet the onlookers before turning back to the captain.

“Let's start the interrogation, shall we?” Namjoon grins at your grumpy expression. “I trust you won’t say anything incriminating little love, it'll just make my job harder.”

No charges. Nothing. You were expecting something, a court case, jail time, heck even community service, but they gave you nothing except a verbal slap on the wrist.

You grabbed your belongings, aware of the six eyes behind you watching your every move.

“Where’s my gun?” you turn to ask them as you put on the leather jacket.

“We’re keeping your toys love,” Jin informs you with a smile. “It'll only get you into trouble.”

You let out a breath of laughter and disbelief.

“You realise I can get my hands on another one as soon as I walk out of here right?”

They can’t help mirror your grin as you shake your head, this was everything they were working towards, your presence, your time.

“Right detectives and officers, I think it's time I said goodbye,” you say without thought, noticing the way their features sour immediately.

“What do you mean goodbye?” Yoongi growls.

“Where are you going?” Jimin asks in panic. “You can’t leave.”

“Namjoon said you can’t leave the city or country, little love,” Hoseok informed you heatedly. “Incase we have any further questions.”

“We finally met, why would you go?” Taehyung grumbles, a strict expression on his face.

Woah… the looks they all had were varying but very intense. You chuckle to yourself but it only makes their glares harden.

“I mean as in goodbye for now, not forever,” you laugh, walking away as their features relax in relief.

“Why didn’t hyung let us keep her here longer?” Jungkook complains with a pout, he hated watching you leave. It filled him with anxiety.

They were becoming more… blatant with their tailing, as if they were waiting for you to call them out, approach them and ask them what the hell they were doing… they were, but you didn’t. To their frustration you just smirked and ignored them, waiting for them to make the first move in this game of chess.

You obviously won.

They just had the worst timing, and the most dramatic entrances. You were overseeing a shipment, Suho and Kai with you as you all worked. You knew they were close somewhere, keeping an eye on you silently. The moment they snapped and revealed themselves was when your puppy-like left hand man grasped your shoulder as you both laughed.

“Suho seriously that was such a dumb joke,” you cackled, grinning and unaware of the approaching figures.

“Why are you laughing so hard then boss?” he makes a silly face that you return with your tongue out, Kai still holding on to you as he tried to catch his breath through the laughter.

His hand is ripped away from you, and you all turn to see the culprit.

“Kim Jongin you’re under arrest for aiding and abetting a crime,” Taehyung growls in his deep timbre, surprising you all. “You have the right to remain silent.”

He carries on with his speech, glare piercing through you. You didn’t say a word to them, and here you were laughing with two men, what a way to piss him off.

“Taehyung,” Jin whines behind the younger officer. “Do you know how much paperwork this is going to cause?”

Suho is quick to aim his gun to their heads, but they don’t look scared at all. You shock him when you push his aim to the ground with your palm, a mild annoyed expression on your face as you roll your eyes for the umptenth time in their presence.

“Boss?” he says.

“They’re cops Suho let's not be rash,” your tone is light which makes him frown more, sure you feared nothing, kept your cool until someone pressed ignite and you blew up more deadly than a volcano, but surely you’d be fighting this.

“Boss…?” he repeats himself in a higher, more worried pitch. Had someone hit you in the head or something?

“You know what the penalty is for killing an officer,” you sigh. “I don’t want to pay it, do you?”

He’s flabbergasted… there’s three of you and two of them, he knew you could take them, so why were you…

“Detective,” you greet Jin with a smile as if he were an old friend before turning to Taehyung. “Officer, what a pleasant surprise. How about we go and discuss this situation like gentlemen? There's a little cafe on the bank over there.”

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Jin grins, those plump lips calling for your attention. “Lead the way.”

“Of course,” you playfully play your part. “But if we could clear up this misunderstanding and let Kai go, I would be more than grateful.”

Taehyung hasn’t broken his stare on your face, jaw clenched. No, he didn’t want to let the asshole go, he touched you, didn’t you get that? Maybe he was overreacting, the distance you were keeping stirred such a bitter jealousy in his gut he couldn’t stop it from imploding when the scum he was arresting crossed the line.

“Taehyung…” Jin tries to reach the younger officer with his tone, keeping it light, much to the confusion of Suho. “Not today.”

Behind his words is a promise, Taehyung can hear it, a wordless vow that they would make this idiot suffer another day. He pushes Jongin away roughly, taking your wrist in his hands as he walks you both in the direction of the cafe. Jin bids farewell to the two of your men, following behind you both quickly until he walks on your otherside.

Suho and Kai only watch with their jaws wide open. What the hell was that?


Kim Taehyung still hasn't let go of you even as you both sat next to each other in the booth, Jin sitting across from you, but instead of your wrist he’s now holding your hand, like you were a couple. He also hasn’t said a word to you, flickering through the menu with a blank expression.

“Have you guys run out of cuffs or something?” you ask, raising the hand joined to the officer. “I’m not going to run away, you know, you can let go.”

The glare he shoots your way immediately has you shutting the suggestion down.

“Okay,” you gulp. “Maybe not.”

Jin chuckles at the look you send him when Taehyung turns back to the menu.

“So what were you guys doing in the area?” you ask as if you had no clue.

“Just passing through,” Jin replies with a shrug.

“Right, what a coincidence that you seem to be doing that wherever I am.”

“We must frequent the same places, little love,” he smiles widely, enjoying being able to talk to you freely.

“Okay I have to ask, what is it with the whole ‘little love’ thing?” you couldn’t help asking the question, it had been bugging you since you first heard it.

“It's a term of endearment,” Jin informs you as if the answer was obvious, that part was, but that’s not what you meant.

“I know that,” was it bad that he loved it when you rolled your eyes at them with that amused smirk on your face? “Why are you using it with me? I didn’t think we were that close.”

“Ouch,” he gasps, suddenly grasping his chest as Taehyung beside you almost growls in disapproval of your words. What a way to hurt them, how cruel of you. “That was harsh love.”

His reply still doesn’t answer your question, they had a funny way of talking to you but telling you nothing every time.

“I want ice cream,” Taehyung finally says, segueing the conversation to food. “Share it with me.”

For a second you think he’s talking to Jin, but when you look at him he's staring at you expectedly, squeezing your hand gently as you recover from surprise.

“Oh,” you don’t know what to say as your cheeks start burning, maybe ice cream was a good idea… “Yeah sure, what flavour?”

Jin watches the moment fondly, unable to dim his bright grin even if he wanted to. You make it burst wider when you turn back to him, “Jin you sharing with us too?”

“Are you an idiot?” you hiss and the officer only looks up at you like you were the only light left in this world.

“Seriously, are you a rookie?” You ask annoyed as you pull him out of the business deal he just tried to infiltrate alone. “Where the fuck is your backup?”

He can’t contain the joy in his chest as he watches you fuss over him angrily, it meant you cared. The way you were scolding him as you looked up and down his form, he can’t help but smile.

“It isn’t funny, idiot,” you bite, you really had to cool Jinyoung down. The man was aged and old fashioned, he didn’t hesitate to throw the officer around. “Why did you come here?”

He doesn’t tell you it was because he missed you, you weren’t ready to hear that yet. He didn’t even tell you he didn’t fight back because you were doing that so cutely for him, he just wanted to see what you would do. Your reaction when the old man pulled the gun on him had him lovestruck.

“Jimin!” You both hear Jungkook’s voice as he runs towards you, as soon as he spots you his concern for his friend takes a backseat.

“Are you okay?” He quickly asks you, a soothing hand on your arm that rubs up and down as he checks you for signs of harm.

You scoff.

“Your idiot partner was seconds away from having his head blown off,” you feel a flare of anger again, eyes narrowing on the officer. “Keep a close eye on him, or better yet if you haven’t trained the puppy keep him on a leash.”

You’re about to walk away but when you let go of his wrist he whines in protest, grabbing you hand and pulling you closer with that unnerving yet innocent smile he had, one that just didn’t feel appropriate from your point of view. The idiot almost died. Why was he smiling like he just heard the best news of his life? Masochist…

“I think he really hurt me,” he whimpers pathetically for your attention.

“He hurt you?” There’s smoke coming out of your nose and ears, they swear it. That fierce mafia expression etched across your face that translated to ‘someone’s going to die today’. You looked like a bull about to charge, and Jimin was the reason. You were protective over him, the officer on the task force sent to take you down, he could feel his motors turning at the thought, stifling a moan.

Even Jungkook looked a little turned on, biting his lip when you pulled Jimin’s tucked in shirt from his trousers pulling the material up to see his bare chest. You push any admiration for it to the back, shoving the feeling down as you look for a sign he was injured.

“Where?” You poke his abs but they looked fine to you.

“Aargh it hurts!” He pretends to writhe a little, closing his eyes. The youngest thought it was an awful acting session but he knew the officer better than you did.

“Should we take him to a hospital?” Jungkook asks, laying the concern on thick. “What if it’s internal bleeding?”

To their surprise you crouch down until you’re eye level with his waist and the sight has them both feeling blood rush out of their brains down to their dicks. You press on the skin with your finger tips, looking for any signs of discomfort when you look up, but gone is the whimpering mess and in his place stands a man. You gulp when you meet his hooded eyes, quickly focusing on his bare torso again.

“I don’t see any damage, you’ll be fine,” you stand quickly, turning to the maknae who’s expression was not that different to Jimin’s but he had a dangerous subtle smile. “Keep an eye on him, I’m too busy to babysit a bunch of cops.”

“What do you think she wants?” Taehyung almost bounces in the passenger seat of the unmarked car as Yoongi drove. They were meeting the others at the location of one of your many offices, though to the public that information was unknown. Even their higher ups had little clue how big your syndicate really was.

In three separate cars they made the journey at your request. A little invitation left on their desks overnight, for them to find in the morning. No name, just an address and time, but they knew it was you.

The officers are quick to run out of the car towards the building, the detectives just as eager but playing it cool.

“Captain Kim?” a burly man in leather asks them as they approach the main elevators. They all nod in reply as he lets them through, pressing the highest digit on the pad and stepping away to let the doors close.

The journey was dragging, Jimin fidgeted as he watched the numbers rise closer to the floor you would greet them on.

“Why is it so slow?” Taehyung huffs, tapping his foot as he eyed the numbers with impatience.

Finally they hear the ding they were waiting for, the doors not opening quick enough as they walk though. It seemed the whole floor was your office, every inch of wall surrounding them was bullet proof glass that looked out into a panoramic view of Seoul. You had eyes on the city of Gangnam, but the only view they appreciated was you, dressed in a black slit dress, standing in front of the glass desk.

“I have a proposition for you all,” you inform them, cutting to the chase, hiding your nerves under seven questioning stares.

“Trying to bribe the police?” Yoongi smirks, almost proudly. “What makes you think we’ll accept anything you offer?”

You fight your own smirk as you look down, you had a feeling he would accept anything you wanted despite his words, hell, he knew it too.

“I’ve heard the state doesn't pay our protectors very well for all your hard work,” you continue. “So what if I offered you all a position with me instead?”

They mask their shock, although on the youngest trio it shows for a moment before they school their features.

“That would be very tempting,” Namjoon admits, sauntering closer to you, admiring the way you leaned back on your desk. So very tempting…

You tilt your head back to keep his gaze as he stands in front of you, finger tracing the corner of your jaw to your chin before he leans down lips almost touching yours.

“But why would we want to accept that?” he asks softly.

You felt his breath on your lips like the ghost of a kiss, teasing as he grins. You try to seem unaffected, but he doesn’t miss the way you swallow, the way your eyes dilate as you take him in, or the grasp you have on the edge of the desk.

“Take it or leave it,” you answer once you’ve composed yourself, you’d be disappointed if they decided on the latter but you’d never let it show. “I won’t ask again.”

You pushed his finger away from your chin but he grabbed your hand as you did, fingers sliding down to your wrist, gripping hard. His eyes penetrate yours, almost scolding you for your action.

“Let’s drop the act for a second,” you huff in annoyance, eyes narrowing against him. “You guys want something from me, it’s the only explanation I can think of for all of this, so if it isn’t a seat in my syndicate, then what?”

Namjoon chuckles at your words, dimple cratering his golden cheeks. Damn, there was your heart going again, you thought it was currently occupying your throat but no it was pounding against your rib cage, announcing its location.

“There’s no act, little love,” he reassures you. “But you’re right, let's be very clear so there are no misunderstandings down the road.”

He moves the wrist in his hold behind your back, pushing you closer to him as you come away from the desk, but he backs you against it again with his hips.

“We’re not interested in your business, just you,” he reveals, grinning at the way your breath catches in your throat as your hard stare melts. “So why would we accept your little offer when we could just take you back to the precinct and lock you away with us for good?”

Your cheeks burn as he tilts his head at the question, waiting for your answer but you push feebly against him with your free hand on his chest instead. This was too intense, you weren’t used to attention like this. You twist your other hand in hopes of releasing it from his grip but he doesn’t let go.

“Think about it, you’d look good chained up,” he whispers suggestively making your jaw drop.

“I'm in favour of that,” Yoongi’s voice is heard from behind Namjoon as he stands with his arms crossed, seriously considering the option. “It keeps her out of harm and out of trouble.”

“But Noona worked so hard to build her empire,” Jungkook hums in thought. “Shouldn’t we let her keep it?”

“We could protect her,” Jimin chimes in his piece that resolves Yoongi’s issues.

“We’ve given her the option, why don’t we ask her what she wants?” Taehyung suggests.

“I want you to let me go,” you complain sternly to the man in front of you, still trying to release yourself to Namjoon’s amusement.

“Not happening, love,” Namjoon says, meaning something deeper than the surface of his words. “But maybe we should keep playing this ‘game’ until you realise we mean what we say.”

“I’m ignoring you,” you don’t even glance his way when he stands next to you, hands in his pocket. You had planned for a day of unwinding at the park before hitting the shops for some retail therapy, but it looked like they planned to interrupt it.

“That’s mean, little love,” Hoseok chuckles, his hair blowing in the wind.

“It’s actually my day off,” you sigh, turning away from him but of course he follows. “So you don’t have to worry about any crime today, Detective.”

“Is that how we tell?” he chuckles admiring your attire for the day. “Leather jacket for kingpin mode, denim for Y/n?”

“I don’t want to talk to you,” you pout, still a little upset that your pride took a hit the day they visited your office. Their stupid smirks embedded in your memory when they left. Anyone else that disrespected you like that would end up being found dead by the Han River, which begged the question; why had you let them live?

“You just did,” he quips childishly, grinning like a madman, almost skipping as he kept up with your pace.

There was his favourite eye roll.

“I might not know what game you and your friends are playing Detective Jung,” you reprimand him without breaking stride. “But I am taking myself out of it, I am not a chess piece.”

You’re pulled back by a hand to your arm, turning you to face him as you both stopped. It was a quiet day in the park, that's the reason you can hear your heart pounding in your ears, you tell yourself. It absolutely wasn’t because of the darker expression that overtook his bright sunny disposition. He inches closer to you, and you don’t back away, you were no coward, did this cop seriously think he could intimidate you?

“Dove if you were a piece you’d be the queen,” his voice is low, sultry, you hadn’t heard it like this before, you didn’t think it was possible for him to sound so seductive. “You control the board darling, we’re merely the pieces you control.”

His hooded eyes glance at your parted lips, watching the way you gulped, before schooling your features.

“Too bad you refused,” you push him back, finding the strength to breathe at a distance. “I don’t offer anything twice.”

“We didn’t actually reject it, my love,” he states. “We’re just thinking about it.”

“Well I withdraw the deal,” you respond pettyly. “So don’t stress your pretty head about it.”

The smirk he gives you as you walk away doesn’t scare you, but you imagine it would to anyone else. He makes no move to follow you this time, both his hands put in his pockets as he watches you leave. You glance back at him once, his expression didn’t change.

It was the devotion in his eyes that put you on edge, because you just couldn’t figure out why it was there, or what it was there for.

You fucked up, and you knew it. You were reckless sometimes, your pride couldn’t help it, you were strong and independent, and you wanted the world to know it. You didn’t think twice to go meet the ruthless leader of China’s second biggest triad alone. Heck, you even greeted Jackson as an old friend, with open arms, the pair of you were almost close, as close as you could be as two untrustworthy criminals. You, at least, had some honour. But maybe you lost a brain cell with your judgement here.

You can’t stifle the groan of pain that leaves you as he shoves you against the wall, teeth clenching, eyes closing at the sensation. Fucking piece of shit.

“You killed my friend Y/n,” he sighs, hands fisting in the neckline of your dress as he pushes you against the bricks the more you struggle.

“What! I didn-”

“Mark was as close to me as a brother.”

“You sent him?” You can't keep the high pitched shock from your voice. “He was such a waste of space, I thought he was acting alone.”

The side of his lip lifts in a humourless way, a way that said you were gonna regret your words.

“He was supposed to bring me your empire,” he reveals, bringing his face menacingly closer to yours as he snarls. “I didn’t want to have to come and take it myself.”

“Wow Jackson,” you scoff, keeping the atmosphere as light as you could from your end until you figured out how to get out of this alive. “I thought we were friends.”

He sincerely smiles at that, almost laughs even.

“Hell I was really fond of you,” you sigh in disappointment before you act.

With all the strength you had, you smash your forehead against his nose. The headbutt takes him by surprise, stumbling back as his grip loosened enough that you could release yourself, kicking him before he had a chance to retaliate. His men were downstairs; when your title was put to question you ended the life of those who uttered it, but your survival instincts reminded you, any second he could call his men that surrounded the building, you needed to get out.

You run, like your life depended on it but your footing was off from how you landed. You barely make it a distance before his body tackled yours, the pair of you falling to the ground from the collison. You're already fighting back, trying to get his body off of you but he has the upper hand, punches raining down on your form. You try to hit him back but he only twists your arm painfully, shoving your face into the concrete. Somehow you push all your force to knock him over, straddling the bastard quickly as you return his hits with all your strength.

He’s not kept down for long, you both roll on the ground locked together in the brawl, before his hands fist around your throat. You kick back, clawing his hands and his face but his grip is relentless.

He yells for his men but you can feel your heart beating in your brain, that wasn’t right was it?

Jackson glances around the warehouse, waiting for his men to rush in.

“Where the fuck are the-”

He’s about to yell at them as the door opens, but it isn’t them.

Kim Namjoon walks in with Hoseok, Jungkook and Jimin. Their stone stoic faces doing nothing to hide the fire of rage glistening in their eyes. Fire, Jackson swears, he can see blaze harsher as they take in the sight.

Jimin’s steps were the quickest as he grabs the triad’s leader and throws him off you, surprising you with the ferocity of his attacks. You barely manage to take a breath in, coughing as air feels harsh inside your windpipe.

The remainder of Jackson’s men finally enter the room, most of them dead around the building from the police strike, but Jungkook intercepts them before they can reach you. Your vision is blurred but you worry for the youngest as he takes three on at a time, protecting you and Jimin from their attacks. He’s so swift most of their hits barely graze him, you wince when you see a pipe colliding with his arm but he barely flinches.

You’re so entranced by the officers you miss the detectives by your side. You don’t take your eyes off Jimin’s ruthless punches to the lifeless body on the floor that was once Jackson Wang. You try to stand, to help but you stumble. Hoseok catches you as you fall. You hear the sound of bullets, the fear that they were hurt trying to force adrenaline into your veins but it only makes your head spin.

Hoseok soothes the mess of your hair out of your face, cradling you in his arms. You try to speak but he hushes you, you can’t hear his words as he whispers comfort, his lips pressed against your temple. He holds you like you were the air he so desperately tried to breathe into his lungs, as if he were the one struggling to breathe and not the love of his life losing consciousness in his arms. Your bones are begging for rest, and despite the onslaught of bullets firing around you, you feel a weird sense of safety.

For once, you give in, head resting against the juncture of his neck as you fall asleep.

There’s an incessant beeping light when you try to wake up, eyes squinting at the round bright beam above you. Wait, light can’t beep, something around you was emitting the annoying sound. The sound was your heart beat on the monitor but you had no way of knowing that yet.

Disorientated, you try to get your bearings back, body already trying to panic about the unknown location you were in. But your brain couldn’t handle all the signals of danger, the onslaught of senses on overdrive causing your head to hurt. You wince, face scrunched before you feel a thumb over the bridge of your brows, rubbing gently as if to iron the creases out. The pain in your limbs was dulled, you could tell, which meant someone had hooked you up to some drugs, and while you hated it was without your consent and out of your control, you’re grateful. Your lips are dry, out of habit you lick them, tasting a hint of iron in the corner.

When you finally come to, the thumb has moved to your forehead, still stroking softly as if it would take the ache away. The last person you expected to see next to your hospital bed was Kim Seokjin.

You see a figure at the end of your bed, turning your head slowly to find Yoongi standing against the wall with his arms crossed. Why did they both look so angry?

You try to speak but end up wincing again in pain from your bruised throat, the pair of them tsking, rage coming off of them in waves.

“If you say a word I will get the nurse back in here to put you back to sleep,” Yoongi threatens, voice lower than you had ever heard it.

“How does the leader of the biggest crime syndicate go to a deal alone?” Jin scolds you, the anger in his system sending him into a rant. “Do you think you’re invincible? Where were your men? What was going through your head? I really thought you were a clever girl, but you can’t even see what's in front of you, what hope do you have?”

They ignore the pout you send their way, regardless of how cute they found it, you were in so much trouble, did you have any idea? Jin isn’t completely unaffected, taking your hand in his that he squeezes during his spiel. They were worried sick, none of Jackson’s men were left alive when met with their rampage, Namjoon was having to deal with an inquiry with the higher ups while they tried to cover any evidence tying to you or them up to the crime scene.

“Don’t pout at me little love,” his voice gets louder and you find yourself wondering how someone can speak so fast and so much without taking a breath. “What would we have done if you died? Did you even think for a second? Going into dangerous situations alone, if we even showed up a minute later, what then? There’s only so much we can keep an eye on, help us help you!”

“W-water…” you break his rant with a hoarse whisper, and it clutches his heart. He continues albeit at a reduced volume, putting the paper straw in your glass before bringing it to your lips.

“Little sips, little love,” Yoongi comes away from the wall in concern, standing on the end of the bed holding onto the frame as he watches you for any signs of more discomfort.

“What is the point in having all these men at your service if you leave them behind,” Jin continues as he puts the cup down after you’re done. “Useless bastards, can’t even keep an eye on their boss, if we don’t have them all arrested-”

“Hyung!” A new voice joins the room, yelling at the oldest detective. Jimin looks annoyed as he and Jungkook come in with an overnight bag. It was their shift to watch over you. “How can you shout at little love after everything she’s been through!”

“Who’s shouting?” Jin yells back, ears turning red.

Jungkook is quick to come by your side as Jimin and Jin have it out verbally, checking over you once. His soft face of concern hardens with every visible cut and bruise he inspects.

“One of her men is currently trying to get her discharged,” Jungkook says to them while staring at you cooly. “Go deal with them on your way out.”

He notices the alarm in your eyes, assuming it was for the safety of Suho who was currently arguing with your doctors. In reality it was because you did not want to be in hospital. You try to get up and out of the bed but an arm across your chest stops you, the gaze on the youngest’s face piercing with warning. You huff but concede, hoping they wouldn’t actually hurt your men, it was hard to find valuable loyal ones.

Jin marches over back to your form, taking your hand again before he pecks it quickly, walking away in a storm, still muttering away about the situation.

“If anything happens to her on your watch…” the thinly veiled threat aimed at Jimin as he walked out.

Jungkook moves aside to let Yoongi closer to you, the stone-faced detective brushing your hair back gently before pressing his lips to your forehead, you can hear the beeping from the monitor get faster. You can feel a subtle smirk against your skin as he lingers there, stealing your breath again. He moves away slowly, eyes boring into yours, much softer than what it was now that he had to say goodbye for a little while. He follows Jin out of the ward. You blink a couple of times as you come out of the shock, what the hell was that?

You look over at the officers with a questioning gaze but you’re met with silence. The blank expressions on their faces were making you want to hide. Why was this so much worse than Jin’s ranting? His scolding was loud and energetic, that was how he got his frustrations out. Jimin and Jungkook however were staring a hole into your body with their arms crossed in an eerily calm manner. Their gaze is so intense you have to look away before you squirm under it.

You clear your throat, the atmosphere becoming uncomfortable but their hard stares were still felt crawling on your skin. You want to say something to break the tension but you were drawing blanks.

“D-did you get hurt?” you sound so small, throat burning as you speak but you couldn’t handle the silence anymore.

“Do we look hurt?” Jungkook scoffs, looking away with a roll of his eyes in annoyance. He might’ve had a few bruises here and there but nothing you should be concerned about, nothing that should take away attention for your crimes of meeting the triad leader alone.

Jimin takes Jin’s previous seat beside you. He shows you the back of his hands proudly and the state of them makes you gasp. His knuckles were black and blue, cuts extending to his fingers, you gulp at the look in his eyes, the message finally coming through; it was for you. He notices the sparks of realisation in your eyes, you were finally understanding their so called motives. You don’t flinch when his hand caresses your face, his thumb stroking your cheek, a loving smile on his face.

It had been a month, they had kept you in the hospital for a month! You were perfectly fine to go home after the first week, but every time you tried to leave, one of them would carry you right back to the empty ward you were occupying. They rotated shifts every 12 hours, always coming in pairs so if one of them slept the other would keep an eye open on you. The only person who hadn’t yet come to see you was the Captain, and hell were you going to admit that the fact might’ve disappointed you a little.

Taehyung gave you hell when he first saw you, he kept silent for most of his ‘shift’ until you accidentally opened a stitch or two, and then his pent up fury came raining down until he cried. That was an experience… you try not to think about how you let him crawl into your hospital bed as he sobbed, immediately holding you while he complained.

It was his shift today, but he came alone which confused you. Had you lulled them into a false sense of security because you’re sure you could overpower the officer if you wanted to, you might use a couple of dirty tricks but you’re sure he wouldn’t mind. Taehyung notices your glance at the door, chuckling to himself. You had tried many times to escape before, even though they were only keeping you here for your recovery. If you tried to fight them they would cuff you to the bed, they couldn’t take the chance of you hurting yourself any further. You thought you got close once when Jungkook and Yoongi were watching you, the seduction tactic transparent to the pair but they indulged a little if it meant they got a taste of you acting that way.

“Hyung is sorting out your paperwork, little love,” Taehyung’s deep voice rumbles, “You’re being discharged today.”

“Finally,” you exhale dramatically, making the smile on his face more pronounced. “I haven’t appreciated the kidnapping.”

“I wouldn’t call it kidnapping when you were given access to your phone so you could run your empire,” Namjoon makes an appearance through the sliding doors, discharge papers in his hand which he folds and places into the pocket of his trench coat. “We didn’t even take it off you when you organised a getaway with your men.”

“I was still kept here against my will,” you deadpan, ignoring the fluttering in your chest at the sight of a man you hadn’t realised you missed until you saw him.

“If we let you out, little love, you would just make all your injuries worse,” he rebukes you.

“You know what, what's done is done,” your lips stretch unnaturally in a fake smile. “I’m in a forgiving nature today, my prison sentence is over, I am a free woman.”

You jump out of the bed, not bothering to pack or change as you walk over to the door but you barely make it five steps before you're picked off the ground with an arm around your waist. Again? Seriously?

“We’re taking you home,” the captain explains when you turn to look at Taehyung whose chest your back was pressed up against.

“I can get myself home thank you,” you state as you push the arm away from you. “I’m perfectly fine and healed.”

The officer's hands on your arms stop you from taking another step as you both face Namjoon. You don’t know how you could tell, but you were playing with his patience.

“Little love, let's make this clear,” there was no concealing the threat in his voice as he steps towards you, a finger under your chin as he tilts your head back so you don’t look away from him. “I can carry you to the car like the queen you are, or I’ll throw you over my shoulder, either way, you’re coming with us.”

“Hyung will spank you if you choose the second option,” a mischievous warning whispered in your ear from behind you. The dimpled smirk in front of you suggested the threat was not entirely empty.

“Compromise,” you clear your throat, crossing your arms. If your men saw you now, you think they’d never believe your brutal nature again. “I walk to the car, and you take me home.”

Taehyung whines at that, as if your proposition was no fun.

“What’s wrong with us carrying you?” Namjoon grins knowingly.

“My dignity.”

At least that makes him chuckle. He offers his hand out to you expectantly, is he for real? You ignore the burning in your cheeks when you take it without looking at him directly, he intertwines your fingers together as he starts leading you out. Taehyung races for your other hand, swinging it back and forth and effectively stopping you from face palming. You make it out of the hospital while staring intently at the floor to avoid anyone’s gazes, your whole body on fire from the embarrassment. It’s when you get to the car park that you start to struggle, your ankle hadn’t completely healed but you were in no way going to mention that unless you wanted to stay in that stupid ward for another month.

Namjoon however, doesn’t miss the way you wince, stopping in his tracks as he sighs. The hands holding yours are gone, and in a second before you can question it you're lifted to the air with an arm under your knees and one supporting your back. Your hands clutch onto his shirt in surprise, as if he would drop you, but one look at his face said not to even dare think he would.

There were people around for pity's sake, you hid your face in the crook of his neck, your hands on holding on to it for support, closing your eyes and hoping no one would notice you. To say he was delighted with the reaction would be an understatement.

He doesn’t even put you down when you’re in front of the Mercedes, Taehyung climbing into the driver's seat with a smirk as Namjoon places you in the backseat. You try to focus on anything other than how close his dimpled cheek is when he straps you in, appearing as unaffected as possible. Dammit you were in deep, as much as you tried to deny it, you were a little more than attracted to these corrupt cops, even if they held an unhealthy obsession with you.

You don’t even try to escape when he closes the door, running to the otherside so he can take his seat. It isn’t long before you’re out on the road, a comfortable silence between you all.

“We thought about your proposal little love,” Namjoon breaks the quiet moment, looking out the window while Taehyung glanced in the rear view mirror waiting for you to react. “And we accept.”

“Why?” you frown, you thought the deal was long forgotten.

“Someone needs to keep an eye on you,” he chuckles.

You narrow your eyes in distaste, you did not need looking after.

“That’s not your concern,” you reply. “And the offer is no longer on the table.”

“Love, I think we’ve made it more than obvious now,” Namjoon says fondly, your stubborn nature was something he admired. “And you can stop pretending too, you’re attracted to us, and we’re attracted to you.”

You finally look at him to see his eyes trained on you, the way he said it, like there was something more embedded in that word. Taehyung tries not to smirk or laugh, that was a definite understatement, but you weren’t ready to hear what they really felt for you just yet.

Even this confession left you winded, not used to the intensity of their attention, not in the romantic sense at least.

“I’ll umm-” you clear your throat again, trying to remain composed under his stare. “I’ll think about it.”

They’re both content with your response for now, grinning as the journey was coming to an end. It didn’t really matter how much you denied it or refused to see the truth, they were besotted with you, and regardless of what came in the way, you were theirs.


Taglist: @itismochirice @scribblemetae @swga-ficrecs @pipminnie @cjphoenix135 @barbiannh @agustverse @nlost21 @pb-n-juju @needyomnivore @lvpersona @marvelfamily3000 @love2lovesworld @halesandy @dreamamubarak @deepseavibez @mikymouse0729 @barnesrogerslover

2 years ago

ENFJ: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated.

INFP: Killed without hesitation.


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