𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐠𝐨.

412 posts

Would You Be Interested In Writing For Any Other 90s/80s Series Since You Write For Mighty Ducks Already.

would you be interested in writing for any other 90s/80s series since you write for mighty ducks already. this is kind of far fetched but i was just wondering, i really like your writing <3

tbh if you have anyone in mind, i'll probably write for them. i want to write for the outsiders and i even put them on my masterlist hoping to find inspiration for a story for them, but i haven't yet *eye roll*, but request anything/anyone even they are not on my masterlist.

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3 years ago

the devil’s command. theodore nott x reader

the story of persephone; the sweet daughter of goddess demeter who was kidnapped by hades and later became the queen of the underworld. heartbreak; (of a person) suffering from overwhelming distress; very upset.


you never trusted draco nor was he ever someone you considered to be there for until you found yourself in the same boat as him.

it was a different kind of hell. the voices in your head and the faltering of your skin, changing from its usual full of life in color to a dead variation, and the nightmares.

four days previous to your dismay, you had made the unbreakable vow to the platinum blonde boy you sat across from right in that moment.

unwillingly, your hand had been joined with his while both your families and the dark lord himself watched.

unwilling was slightly false with the willingness you had shown the moment narcissa had asked you hesitantly to join draco in the vow after the boy had revealed you knew of everything, discovering you listening in on snape and his own discussion of the dark lord.

unwilling, as you had known it was wrong the moment you had gripped draco’s forearm and he gripped yours, snape preforming the spell that slowly began to connect the two of you.

you felt your true self slip away with each ‘yes’ and ‘i do’ you mumbled. your eyes had begun to feed your cheeks silent tears to the thought of what you had gotten yourself into, what you would soon become for the purpose of he who will not be named.

the man, no, the devil who had shook your hand, welcoming you to the worst days of your life.


you only thought of him. you spoke to no one, not even draco. you didn’t eat, you didn’t sleep, and when you did, it was always of the dark lord who woke you back up. you wished for mercy against all things that took toll on your mind and body, but you received none.

it took theo a day to figure something wrong of you. he hadn’t seen nor heard from you the whole day and neither had the rest of your friends. it wasn’t until draco revealed you may had been in the astronomy tower did something very strange dawn upon theo.

draco didn’t care for you. he almost didn’t want anything to do with you and you yourself never really got to the warming up part of the relationship with draco. so the fact that draco knew where you were out of all other people you had a closer relationship with, was concerning.

when theo reached you, his hand gently grabbed the back of your neck as you continued to gaze out to the storm that begun to swell out all around hogwarts, your eyes then squeezing together as theo continued to rub the side of your neck with the pad of his thumb.

“i’ve been looking for you all day.”

you couldn’t bare to face him. you were screwed, knowing damn well he’d always find you no matter where you went or what you did. he was like magnet, connect at heart with you.

“what’s going on in your mind, dovie,” he dipped his head low to come closer to yours, pressing his lips close to the crest of your ear as you kept quiet, squinting at the dark clouds.

you knew if you opened your mouth it’d all spill out, everything.

“tell me what you’re thinking about, baby,” he then held your chin, tipping it to the side so you could see him better even as he was behind you.

he was playing the patient game well with his arms easing around you. he was always patient, completely understanding and upmost adoring with you, something he often got made fun of for by the rest of your group but he couldn’t care less.


“theo,” you turned abruptly, now facing and looking up at your concerned boyfriend. “i cant do this.”

“do what, darling,” he laid his hand on the side of your face, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb as you swallowed harshly, feeling tears beginning to brim your eyes.

you loved theo. you didn’t want to hurt him. he was everything to you but you knew you had to end it with him if you were going to continue to stay alive.

“us, theo,” you almost whined, “we have to breakup.”


“what’d you do to my girlfriend, malfoy?”

theo had marched into the slytherin common room, anger seeping from every pore as he had his eyes set right on draco who sat next to pansy, both lowly holding a conversation.

pansy had never seen theo so angry, his jaw clenched and eyes dark with hurt pouring from the center of his pupils. he was never one who tended to let his anger get the better of him but rather stay silent and wait for outcome. he rarely got angry at all.

but something had changed in you. you no longer had those innocent filled eyes he adored and that full happy content smile you always had on. you always had a glow to you. you were his girl, someone he always wanted to hold and protect, but something happened, something he wasn’t there for and resonated with draco.

he found that a very a valid reason to get angry.

“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” draco spat quietly with his palms rubbing together. he hadn’t looked up to theo who was now storming over to him, his knuckles turning white before leaning close and over the boy.

“something has happened. my happy little girlfriend is no longer happy, draco, she looks like she wants to kill herself and i have no idea why but i know you have something to do with it,” theo continued to lean over draco, his voice low and so angry that he was seething. “what the fuck did you do to her?”

“i didn’t do anything-“


pansy slowly leaned away on the black leathered couch, beginning to fear of what theo would do. he hadn’t been the only one to notice the significant difference between you and draco. she saw less of you and draco, but draco was still physically present, just mentally absent. his usual bickering had ceased and he no longer found the energy to complain or eat.

“you did something,” theo gripped his collar now, yelling and almost yanking him to his feet, “you fucking did something. what did you do? what the fuck did you do to her?”

he felt a pair of arms grip around him, pulling him away as he continued to swear and yell at draco. he repeated the question, never feeling so angry until then, thinking of your weak self, weeping, and hiccuping as you tried to break it off from him.

“theodore, let go of him!” blaise yanked and yanked after approaching the situation, hearing all the yelling from his room, but theo kept his grip, now practically screaming, drawing more attention.

“that’s my fucking girlfriend, my fucking y/n! what’d you do?”

mattheo and enzo rushed, one grabbing draco while the other grabbed theodore, trying to pry them apart from each other. and then in five seconds they had theodore on the ground, blaise pinning him still as he tried to wiggle from his grip.

“calm down, nott, calm down!”

theo continued to struggle against blaise’s grip but had then kept his mouth shut, a great amount of grief overcoming him.

“what’s going on?” lorenzo looked between everyone in the room, “huh?”

“theodore practically jumped draco,” pansy spoke fast, looking between the boys.

“he didn’t jump on me,” draco muttered, “only yanked me.”

“yeah okay, but what happened,” mattheo was already tired of their in between bullshit. he would leave if he didn’t get answers soon. “what is going on?”

“he did something to y/n,” theo whispered, now staring at the high rise dark ceilings. blaise’s gripped loosened and he begun to straighten back up slowly.

draco stayed silent as they all looked to him, his gaze falling short, now not denying theo’s claim.

“well, did you?”

draco stayed silent.

“did you?” mattheo’s voice became stern, his stare on draco harsh as they still stared at him until he finally broke.

“she made the unbreakable vow,” his elbows were on his knees as he mumbled lowly, regret immediately causing him to put his eyes on the carpeted floor.

“what’d she swear to,” theo sat up quickly, eyeing draco but he continued to advert his gaze. “what did she swear to, draco?”

it’s silent till draco inhaled sharply, “only to keep my secret.” 

blaise glanced at mattheo who shared the same look of confusion as silence once again took over them. theo didn’t want to even know as he stood slowly, running a hand across his face. he begun to walk away, to exit the common room until draco called out once more.

“i’m not the only one she made the vow with,” his voice was even lower, hesitant and he sounded as if he was about to be sick. “she joined in hand with he who will not be named, promising her life to him, promising to obey every command of his. he owns her now.”

“draco, how do you know of all this?”

“he’s a death eater now,” mattheo looked to pansy and the rest of them that surround draco, all slightly shocked with their jaws going slack and eyes lightening.

“can’t you die from saying this, draco,” pansy whispered before mattheo quickly spoke, his eyes going distant.

“it wasn’t his vow, it was theirs. he only dies if draco made one with.. he who will not be named.”

“i fucking knew it,” theo gritted his teeth, marching right back over to the boy, “you hated her so much, you just had to ruin her life right with yours.”

“i never wanted to hurt her,” draco finally stood, “she’s the one who took the vow even after i told her not to.”

“was this before or after the two of you were practically bound for life?”

“it’s not my fault.”

“you ruined her life!”

“it was her decision!”

theo felt very overwhelmed. his mind racing fast as it finally dawned upon him that you had practically sacrificed yourself to the dark lord. it pained him to think of what you were possibly going through, with him in your head every second of the day, no longer having a life.

he wanted to hold you, kiss you, make sure you knew you were safe with him. he wanted to promise you things he knew he probably couldn’t keep, what he still wanted to reassure you that you were safe with him.

but no longer could you feel safe no matter what anyone said or did.

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3 years ago

✨I ❤️ your Mighty Ducks Imagines ✨

Is there gonna be more? or a Series?

I Your Mighty Ducks Imagines

yes! it’s recently the only thing i’ve really wanted to write for. i have a draft for an adam banks fic that’s more mighty ducks involved, but i do plan on writing more. also thank you!

*check my navigation too (it’s my pinned post), i always update about what’s in my drafts/who i’m writing for atm (and what i’ll post soon)

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3 years ago



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3 years ago

kiss or hit.

louis partridge x fem!reader

summary 📰: in which no one can piss reader off quite like louis

warning/s 📬: swearing

slater’s note 📮: i’m just a sucker for bestfriends to lovers for when i write about louis 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 idk why you would never really … (edit: did i just not finish this sentence ?)


louis was so much more of a fool in real life than on the television screen.

years has passed and time had filled the empty spots of never seeing each other for years upon years and you had always guessed the silly young boy you had deemed your best friend (well what was as close to a best friend as it would get) would always stay that way.

but you almost second guessed yourself watching his features soften into a relaxation you rarely ever saw them in from on screen with a girl close to his age. he showed so much passion and love for a girl he must’ve barely knew more than he had ever shown towards you.

but you were surely mistaken, and you knew it the moment his lanky yet muscular self hoped off the london train, hauling himself to you before practically body slamming you onto the cold london train station pavement in an attempt to give you a loving hug long over due.

you were jealous of her, the girl on the television set, but you would never admit it. over your dead body, cross your bloody heart. 

louis’ head was already big enough, boasting about everything with a high chested pride, making you want to smack him back down to earth. and you would, you really would, because louis never looked at you with as soft expressions as he did with that girl, but rather... hard and teasing.

“you ever heard of the cosmo effect?”

“no, i haven’t.”

“nor have i. i figure we can figure out what it is this summer,” you narrowed your brows as you practically trailed behind louis.

he was moving rather fast with a stupid map in his hands, trying to navigate the outer ridges of london, a part of the city the two of you had never been before. he insisted it’d be fun and much more convenient with a map at hand rather than just going by the smart devices in your hand, it added to the fun.

“louis, we’ve been walking for hours,” you scowled, quickening your pace as he turned a corner, “we’re never gonna find this stupid underground cafe you want to eat at.”

“oh we’ll find it,” it seemed he mumbled it more to himself rather than an answer to you. his teeth gnawed on his bottom lip as he examined the map more carefully than he had been in the past thirty minutes.

if he was being honest with you, he would’ve admitted that he was mostly going off of memory rather than the map. he didn’t really care for the helpful piece of paper in hand, it was more or less for show rather than for tool.

“louis, i’m hungry.”

“i know you are.”

you rolled your eyes. pretty boy didn’t have a clue what you were. you were so close to ditching him in the middle of god knows where for a bus home. you had a low tolerance for louis and his games, always had, and probably always will.

he knew that.

he liked egging you on.

“for god sakes, lou, i’m going to call your sister and have her-“

“you always have your panties in a twist, i swear y/n,” he waves his hand back and forth, dissing you before reaching back and snatching your hand greedily, “my sister wouldn’t even pick you up if you called.”

“shut up, she loves me more than you.”

“i mean i would too.”


“hm?” he continued to look at his stupid map, once again dismissing you and letting your hand go to hold the other side of the piece of paper. 

for god sake, you were so close to straggling him-



you pursed your lips before shaking your head dismissing it, “nothing.”

“let’s get going then,” he nodded, then again reaching for your hand to which you took voluntarily yet reluctantly with a sigh, “don’t be so down, just a couple more steps ahead.”

you kept your complaints shoved down your throat as he continued to drag you down the paved road. your feet hurt, your back hurt, and your stomach was beginning to eat itself. but you kept it in for the sake of the teeny tiny part of louis that was excited to eat lunch with you.

the teeny tiny part that he never showed and always denied of existing. he rather would be known as an asshole rather than the sweetheart you always accused him of.

“face it, lou, you’re just a big sweetheart with a big heart.”

“shut up.”

“always doing the sweet little things, so cute.” “shut the fuck up.”

“there it is,” louis stopped in front of a run down looking building, a sign faded and barely hanging on; swinging back and forth with the light wind that soaked the air.

“louis, this underground cafe you talk of is nonexistent.”

he stayed silent, his lips pursed into a thin line as he stared up at the abandon looking building. it was definitely not what he expected to say the least and it was slightly disappointing.

“now, y/n/n,” he was flinching even before you leaned closer to him to smack him on the back of his head, “i didn’t know-“

“louis, you fuck!” you let go of his hand after staring up in disbelief of the non-existent cafe you were so excited about, hitting his arm multiple times, “we walked forever just for this stupid ass building that isn’t even real!”

“settle down! settle down!” he ducked away from your blows that were beginning to sting, “knock it off, love! how was i supposed to know?”

“i thought you’ve been here before!”

you kept hitting him before he caught both your hands, his eyes wide full of such an intensity that begun to slightly scare you for some strange reason, “knock it off.”

“suck my dick, asshole. i’m hungry,” you retorted back, slightly glaring at him as he still held your wrist tightly.

“so am i.”

“well i’m not the one who made us walk around for hours just for something that hasn’t even touched planet earth!”

you were yelling at him but he seemed calm, pissing you even more off. you thrashed at him, trying to rip your hands from his oddly strong grip, your hanger getting the better of you as you continued to swear at him, calling him rude names that didn’t even effect him until finally, done with your bullshit, he pressed his lips against yours.

greedy yet gentle, you were shocked, slightly leaning away despite him falling towards you, his lips swelling and pressing against yours until you finally pressed back, earning a satisfaction filled smirk from him. his hands finally releasing your wrist, now holding you with a light, loving grip.

you hated him, you hated it, but you fell so easily into his bullshit filled kiss just to get you to shut up. so easy because truly, you loved it. he never looked at you soft, never would, never will, but rather he’d look at you with a silly admiration, no matter how hard you hit him. 

you both slowly fell from one another’s lips, his eyes fluttering open, still smirking at you as you rolled your eyes, shoving him away from the little embarrassment that ate away at you, turning your cheeks red, “screw you.”

“you mad at me?” he grinned, not so concerned with whether or not you were, but only wanting to kiss you again, his lips going cold as he slowly rubbed them together, swaying back closer to you. 

“yeah, asshole,” you glared at him despite also wanting to kiss him once more. 

“let me kiss you then.”

you rolled your eyes, then looking to the side before back up to louis who was closer, his arms reaching and holding yours, pulling you closer and closer unit your chest was pressed tightly against his. and finally, falling to his warm hold, you kissed him again, this time softly. 



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3 years ago
Face Off. Adam Banks X Reader

face off. adam banks x reader

summary 🪒: in which adam’s new girlfriend is the star player on her hockey team, making the ducks wonder whether or not they’ll win their next game against her

warning/s 🧼: swearing, mentions of sexual themes (not bad though), a very angry connie, and my lack of hockey knowledge... lol

slater’s note 💸: hi fill my inbox w/ requests and messages 🙃


“look who the cat dragged in,” charlie smirked grimly up at adam who slowly made his way to the ducks lunch table, carrying his lunch tray loosely with a slap on silly smile on his lips, looking just about out of his mind.

“where you’ve been banksy, we missed you first period,” julie smiled up at him, slightly astonished by the look on his face, something she had never seen on him before. he had never looked so happy, yet so out of it.

“what’s with you,” fulton narrowed his brows, looking adam up and down, wondering if that’d give him any clarification as to what was running through his dazed looking mind.

“pretty boy banksy here is in love with pretty girl preppy that goes to the school we’re playing against on friday night,” connie’s head bounced back and forth as she studied her food, completely oblivious to the full attention they had on her till she looked up, “what?”

she looked confused, narrowing her brows as if they were looking at her stupidly. adam rolled his eyes, suppressing the looks that were beginning to come his way. he almost cursed connie but kept his mouth shut, finding it a waste.

“since when do you have a girlfriend, cake eater?” luis looked disgusted, something not adding up to him as he stared at the kid next to him, “they really giving those things out to everyone now, huh?”

“shut it mendoza, it’s really not hard to believe,” julie gave him a pointed look from the other end of the table making him frown deeper, “banksy’s got more charm than you’ve ever had.”

“oh bite me, julie,” he rolled his eyes before turning back to his food, brushing off the sudden attack.

“hey so, is this why you didn’t get back till like... three last night?” charlie smiled harder, knowing that was the exact reason he wasn’t home till past three in the morning with more pep in his step than before he left.

adam stopped his chewing, eyes once again on him as he slowly looks up, his jaw slightly clenched, this time glaring, but in slight amusement.

“yeah, that’s why i was gone till three last night,” adam nodded his head, his tone dull and rid of any expression, “now shut up and let it go.”

“connie, you say we playing this team friday?” goldberg turned to connie who’s face looked annoyed, her tongue poking in the side of her cheek as she looked to him, her eyebrows raised almost in annoyance.

“yeah, and she’s a star player. like the female version of you,” she nodded toward adam who returned the motion, already knowing this but wondering how she would know, “and we’re gonna get our asses kicked because banksy’s won’t know how to act on ice when he sees her pretty little face.”

“jeez, what crawled up your ass and died?” luis glanced at connie with his eyebrows raised wondering why she seemed to be more angry than happy for adam. luis wouldn’t admit it, but he was proud of the kid. it had always seemed that he really never had anyone... until now.

“shut up, alright?” connie shook her head, scooting back in the red chair she sat in, making notion to depart from their group, “i’m just saying.. we lose this game, it’s because of you.”

she half heartily glares at adam who only narrows his brows in confusion, not completely understanding the reasoning of her anger and annoyance. he would’ve at least thought that she would’ve thought better of him, he wasn’t that low of a teammate to lose the game purposely just for a girlfriends desire.

in fact, adam couldn’t wait for the teasing and bragging rights he’d have after winning the game on friday to hold over you. he loved how red your face got and how it seemed that steam would be escaping through your ears whenever he found something to taunt you over.

the table was silent due to everyone watching her walk away hurriedly and angry, an awkward aroma overcoming each one of them, none not knowing what to say nor where to look... but at adam.

“look, i’m not gonna pull any bullshit, alright?” adam sighed, giving them all a pointed yet reassuring look, “i actually have a bet with y/n on this. no games but the one we’re playing, got it?”

his words seemed to have been enough for everyone at the table to agree and relax from connie’s assumptions. it was strange to adam with how fast they all came to content but he couldn’t complain.


“hey, banks, ready to get your ass handed to you?”

“in your dream, sweetheart.”

the ducks shared confused looks, watching adam carefully skate out on the ice only to be practically ambushed with trash talk right away, but it seemed he knew it was coming, no inch in his body seemed surprised nor taken back like the rest of his team.

adam was never one for down putting, trashy words before and between games when there wasn’t a winner yet. but it surprised them all as he held the misconduct so easily and so happily with a grin on his face as he stared at you.

it was until you pulled off your mask did it make sense. the full head of hair flopping over your shoulders and large smile made them all make sounds of final understanding (“ohhh”). you were the infamous girl they had all been talking about earlier that week.

“i only dream about you, sweetheart,” you mocked his pet name, slightly squinting at him before skating closer to him, quickly pressing a kiss on his lips as you tried your best to slide on your tippy toes without falling to ice.

his hand wrapped around your jersey just as fast but kept it there even when you pulled away, your cheeks even more red than before, partly due to the cold but also because of the multiple eyes set on the two of you out of shock.

“good luck, you’re gonna need it.”

“hey, sweetheart, where’s the rest of ours-” luis called out to you as you skated away, a smirk in his voice before julie punched him in the gut, giving him a warning look as if saying, shut up.

it was fun to say the least for adam to have a girlfriend, especially one who played hockey, quite well too. it made him antsy and excited all at the same time as he skated to the bench, thinking about how much fun he was about to have kicking your ass at your own game.


“we’re tied!” goldberg cried out, his hands throwing up in the air as he stared at the score board in despair, his eyebrows knotted and eyes crinkled in the corners.

“calm down, we still have a couple minutes left,” charlie waved him off with reassurance, his eyes also trained on the score board with a slight wince that he was trying so hard to hide.

they were all out of breath, their bodies so close to giving out for they had been playing their asses off just to one up the opposing team, your team, but you had always came back with a smooth toss in with the goal.. despite adam practically body slamming you each and every time.

connie suddenly threw her gloves off, marching her way carefully through the box to meet adam who sat all the way at the end, his breathing just as rough as hers. she couldn’t have been more angered with how much hard work she was putting in, but it was yet to seem to be paying off.

“listen here, asshole,” she pointed an accusing finger close to adam’s face causing him to lean a little, “you let her win just because you fuck her, i will knock you out.”

his hands slightly raised in surrender, not wanting to discuss with connie anymore in slight fear that she’d actually knock him out with how low and rough her voice sounded. he wouldn’t put it against her, it seemed she always kept her word.

“connie, it’s not his fault she’s a good player.”

“banksy’s been knocking her to her ass every time they’re near each other. if we don’t win, it’s not going to be because adam’s been going easy on her.”

“suck my dick, charlie,” she spat, rotating her body so she wasn’t just facing adam, “we’re losing because of him.”


“yeah, that’s still losing-“

the loud blaring noise caused them to cut their focus from her, looking to the ice where your team begun to fill out onto the ice for the last couple minutes of overtime to finally decide who would have bragging rights and who would leave the building with shame held in their shoulders.

connie rolled her eyes one last time before sliding past everyone and onto the ice with her shoulders held high in tension. the ducks stared at her for a good minute before adam nodded, following after her with his mask on for the final moments.

there was nothing adam could do or say to reassure connie he wasn’t slacking. he couldn’t understand her anger nor was he sure he ever would. it didn’t matter to him anyways, all he was concerned about was winning and you, even if those contradicted each other.

he slid across, deeper into the field of ice looking for you. your eyes met his just as fast and he winked causing your cheeks to redden despite returning the gesture, nodding to him before gliding to your position of the opposite side of the ice.

he wasn’t sure how he wanted the game to unfold in all honestly. he really wanted to win, he always did, but this time he had more than reasoning as to why but now, he wouldn’t necessarily care for the loss, knowing you’d be the one holding it over him instead of some shitty player.

he pressed his lips into a thin line, deciding it was no longer his decision who won, but rather fate.


the loud buzzer sounded making you frown, rotating your body to face the scoreboard where the time had run out the score was final.

“what the fuck?”

you narrowed your brows to the score, now fully realizing who had won since the cheers of a certain team wasn’t enough of a clarification for you.

you skated past your previous position and side of the rink, trying to find your boyfriend, dodging every body clothed in high hockey gear before reaching him, sweat dripping down his face as he removed his hickey mask, looking absolutely exhausted like he always did at the end of each game he played.

you frowned harder, removing your own mask before hitting him in the stomach roughly, taking him by surprised as he exhaled abruptly, “you let us fucking win.”

he narrowed his brows at your disappoint yet unreasonable attitude, “what?”

“you let us win, asshole, there was no way we were going to win that game.”

“y/n/n, we were tied,” he lightly laughed, his eyebrows still pinned together, not understanding the exact point of your small targeted anger, “you guys won fair and square, all because of you, babe.”

he leaned closer, his hand finding its way around your waist as he pressed a kiss against your cheek, an impressionable look on his face that made you frown harder, not exactly understanding for some reason.

“adam, you stopped body slamming me halfway through overtime, there’s no way we won fair and square,” your arm extended out, trying to reason that he was wrong and the win was rightfully his instead of yours.

he didn’t seem phased as he continued to stare down at you with a rather look of admiration, watching you fall into a rant.

“you won.”

“no, i didn’t.”

“just accept it, you’re a better player than me.”

you scowled up at him before allowing his grip to pull you closer to him, a hug being immediately installed as you wrapped your arms around him despite your doubt. it felt nice and you finally decided to become content with the outcome despite your thinking, for adam’s sake.

“you owe me a game.”


“we’re facing off,” you mumbled, pulling away, “then we can finally see who the real winner is.”

you patted him before skating off to your team in its full glory of shouts and cheers deciding to join in just for a little bit of celebration, because truly, you were the real winner.



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