he/she/they :3 I'm italian so please be kind if I made some spelling mistakes. T.T https://www.gofundme.com/f/sfratto-ingiusto-ad-imbroglio?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch&attribution_id=sl:b12157e0-ba1b-4f5b-a370-e2fca695def0
519 posts
Sad8lizard - Randy/Clara - Tumblr Blog
Sometimes we have very cool idea for a book but we cannot write it.
Sometimes we have a simple idea that only us would like and we can write it.
Why does this happen?
Probably because we should write the kind of book that we want to read and not just a random cool idea.
A cool idea can be something that we want to write or we can make it.
But we have to figure out what we want to read and see in a story to figure out what to write and be able to do it.
So don't be afraid if your story don't want to be written.
Maybe you just need to think more about what you want instead of what you can do.
Write for yourself, the one that want to read it will reach to you later.

Slappy fan art +some sketches and wips.
I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.
Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.
I'm writing a fanfiction
It's an attempt to write a goosebumps style story but with me as a protagonist
It's gonna be fun
I feel that If I keep watching this movie they will just make another one lmao
I'm watching the same movie over and over again send help
I'm watching the same movie over and over again send help
I think he tripped

Some night ago I had a very weird dream and at one point I was watching a new episode of hazbin hotel and they were all dressed kn withe because it was something about another meeting in heaven,
There was Alastor but in an alternative form and he was the most beautiful black man that I have ever seen.
I don't exactly remember what he looked like but I remember that I thought that he was beautiful and wondered why didn't always used that designe instead.

Original comic by Rasenth

This list includes doctors in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Europe!
Even if you're not the target demographic, please share for any of your friends who may be.
And if you or someone you know would like to be added to the list, there's a place for that!
It's so funny that I can have the most amazing idea for a plot and then never work on it.
Sometimes I even just stop because I think that no one would like it.
It's been a weak since I lost the pen of my tablet/thing and now that I just post this I suddenly find it again, I guess I'm gonna open my commission then.
I'm having a lot of financial trouble right now and I cannot even open commission because I lost the pen of my tablet/thing
So I was thinking I could turn some of my old drawing into pins an keychans and sell them on etsy.

I'm having a lot of financial trouble right now and I cannot even open commission because I lost the pen of my tablet/thing
So I was thinking I could turn some of my old drawing into pins an keychans and sell them on etsy.

Watching pixar theories makes me fnaf feel simple and understandable

I'm making a dumb comic
It's gonna be just a little simple dumb thing for fun so please don't mind it to much
Important: my English isn't the best so please have mercy, I have no idea about what I'm doing even with my own art
I'm gonna write down what the story is gonna be about down here so get ready for a lot of spoilers about this dumb comic
It's gonna be dumb
Ok so the story is after Randall help Johnny to escape and they want to get revenge on Sully and Mike, they decide to try to get closer to them by infiltrate in disguise so they can gain more info if there's something that they can sabotage
Johnny get a dumb extremely recognisable costume meanwhile Randall dress up as a woman.
(Mainwale Johnny is having personal trouble because is going trough a divorce, Claire claims that he cheated on her with Randall, he is confused about it)
Randall will be so good in his disguise that is worst nightmare will happen, Sully will flirt with him.
So basically the story is gonna be about, trying to get revenge and fail at it, Johnny trying to understand if he's gay, Randall regretting every single of his life choice.
But the most important thing to say is:
I'm not here for the ship bit only for the drama.
I think that's it.
Like, I'm not a person who cares about ship or anything but I like when fun things happens , hope it make any sense.
Ps: it's 2:30 am I have no clue if anything that I have writed make any sense good night

Still wondering why no one is talking about the canonical Young Johnny that we got
You can litteraly tell how he look like the most stereotypical annoying rich child ever.
Just looking at how ugly he was make me want to bully him
I love it
Ok, since today I'm so annoying I will say something else that I sond like.
Movie are too fast.
They don't let you enjoy the scene anymore.
In some case it's ok to be fast, due maybe to the subject and context of the movie or the scene.
But almost every movie it's too fast.
And the genre that suffer more is to me the horror one.
(I don't watch a lot of romance so probably that one suffer too but I'm not an expert sorry)
A lot of new horror movie are soo boring, it's not even about being scary sometimes, they are just too boring.
And it's happening for two reason.
1 they don't even try to write a plot anymore.
They basically use the same formula over and over, not even because it's a formula to follow but because they are litteraly too scared to do something else.
Sometimes a movie about idk maybe an people falling down in a world where bugs people lines but they act like normal people like some kind of horror twisted alice in wonderland can be way more Interesting than the 100th movie about a ghost in a house that you can actualy see for only 5 minute in the entire film.
2 they are too fast
Like a said before in some scene or in some movie being fast is ok, the context can need to bee everything fast.
Like idk, a movie about people dying in the work place can be fast because it is supposed to represent society and bullshit like that.
But in a lot of horror movie everything is about the suspence.
And today a lot of people don't know how to make it.
They just think that not showing the monster for the entire movie over and over again will make their movie very scary because you don't know what you are supposed to be afraid of.
But they do it over and over thinking that that will create all of the suspance that you need.
And over and over and over and they will forget to put the monster at one point.
They don't even know that you can actualy create suspance while showing the monster.
One film that I love even if it is EXTREMELY slow is the first Alien movie. Go rewatch it please.
If you love the alien saga you know that the first movie is both amazing and both extremely important to the saga.
If it wasn't for that movie do you think people would love the saga just with all of the sequel?
Go watch it again and see how slow it is!
Because its not just slow for the sake of being slow! It also make sense in a storytelling way.
If you haven't ever see the movie go and then come back because I'm gonna talk about it now.
They are all alone. In the space.
Everything is slow but they have just litteraly waked up.
Everything is slow because Everything just started and for now Everything seems fine.
The fact that is slow don't even bothers.
But then.
They go on that plant.
Everything is slow and that scares you.
It's too slow sometimes bad is going to happen.
And then it happen, the face hugger got the guy.
Everything is too fast, so fast that then! It got again slower, but you don't feel safe anymore.
Everything is so slow and yet so fast.
It's slow but you can feel how fast something terrible is going to happen.
And then
Everything seems fine again but it was too fast
Why is the guy fine, why is that thing dead.
Everything is still slow, still building, but it got fine too fast and you can feel something terrible getting closer too fast.
Likes the event of the movie and the horrible thing that is going to happen are going in two different way, like to monster if the movie isn't going to hunt down the characters but the movie itself.
Then shit happend. It was fast again but everyone is too slow, every single bad thing thing is too fast for the protagonist and all of them can only suffer and perish because they are just a slow pray in two way.
They are prey of the alien but they are also prey of the time.
Because everything is again too slow.
In the part where the dude try to hunt that thing with fire and the other guid him through the vent(?)
It's too slow and you can feel it, you are scared because thing are slow and calm when its not supposed.
And then everything is too fast.
And you can feel the pain of the character, the fear because he is not fast enough even to understand when or where that thing will attack him.
And he die to fast, so fast that everything is slow again because its too late for him and you can only go to the others.
And watch them trying their best, try to be ready to fight back, to escape, to be fast.
But they are still too slow.
The movie play with time in an incredible way and it's not the only one.
Old movie use to be slower and sometimes they realy know how to use this slowness.
Watching alien make you feel like a prey that know that something is haunting it.
Because you know you have very few time because the bad guy is fast but yet that time feels so slow.
Today movie don't know how to make you feel that anymore.
The beast and the human go at the same times and the monster do barely anything.
I don't know if anything of what I said make any sense to you but I hope so
Also, it's been a while since i watched Alien so have mercy if it isn't the best description.
I hate that media literacy is dead aaaaaaaa
I could recommend someone a movie about an allegory of sex and the fake dreams of cinema and tge burder of life and they will see it only as a sex movie.
I could recommend an old satirical serie that made fun of everyone (ex: racist joke but it also make fun of the racist one, make fun of both, and no one in the show is a good person but you can still like them) and people will split in two side, the one who think its woke and the other half will say its too offensive.
I could recommend a show that use a simple concept to talk about multiple deep meaning, as a metaphor of life but also darkest meaning and people will say that its not that deep.
I could just talk about my favourite book, the fucking fnaf trilogy about (warning spoiler)
The robot girl and say that to me it can be interpreted in a more psychological way, as a metaphor of trauma, abuse, abandonment and growing up and people will say that I'm reading too much in it, that it's just a book for kids. (For context it's not)
I could try to talk about anything that is vaguely deep and people will be upset because I can't enjoy a media without a meaning.
I could try to talk about my view on something and people will be upset because they only want to see what they want to see.
Because they want to give something a deeper meaning only if its about them.
When they see the first episode of something they want the characters to be only like the idea they have in their mind
(Like what happened with Jax from TADC)
Because they can't read the room anymore, they are too blinded by their own opinion and themselves that they can't accept that someone have a different idea and view and will do something in a way that they wouldn't.
They just want things in their own way.
They only can say that: it's supposed to make me escape reality!
About everything.
Media isn't supposed to make you escape from reality, YOU can use it to escape reality but it's not what was intended for.
Maybe Today some company make some dumb little game to actualy make you escape reality but I can assure you that they don't care about you and only want to make money about how much you want to hide yourself.
Media is born to tell story, to find deeper meaning or rediscover simple one.
To talk to enjoy, to HATE.
You can watch a show and both hate and adore one character.
You can see how similar to someone and at the same time recognise that you are also so different.
Media isn't about hiding from a horrible world but is about talking of the world. About culture, emotion, pain, happiness.
You can escape if you want but don't get angry to people that chose to fight back.
Me: * showing my Mc Donald original Randall Boggs figure that walk or whatever is called to my grandma *
Her: uhhh a elephant!
Me: w-what. It's a lizard.