saibugslegacy - Male MC Support Group
Male MC Support Group

Salem, they/he, 20 ◇ Just your average HL sideblog ◇ I'll be posting my writing and obsessing over my own characters ◇ DNI: AI "artists" and "writers"

472 posts

Saibugslegacy - Male MC Support Group - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

The most accurate description of Gareth Weasley I've ever written

The Most Accurate Description Of Gareth Weasley I've Ever Written

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5 months ago
Hogwarts Legacy: Directors Cut Is Coming In 2025 Which Will Include Gameplay Features That Was Cut From

Hogwarts Legacy: Directors Cut is coming in 2025 which will include gameplay features that was cut from the game. These include Spells, Missions, Morality System, social interactions and the Hogwarts Express.

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5 months ago

The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

Hogtober Day 3 - Sebastian Sallow

Word Count: 1482 Characters/Relationship(s): Ambrose Varyn, Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt Setting: 5th year, canon, Undercroft and Room of Requirement Genre/Tags: Angst, the start of what I like to call the "Sebrose Divorce Arc"

The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

“Now for the moment of truth,” Sebastian said. He was obviously nervous and Ambrose didn’t blame him. If this canvas didn’t fit into the Triptych…

“It has to fit,” Ambrose said.

He approached the triptych and lined up the canvas with the panel on the right side. As soon as he laid it out the canvas piece grew and mended itself until it fit the space so well it was like it had never left it. Ambrose heard Sebastian sigh in relief behind him.

The new view was a coastline, specifically a cliff face with trees lining the top. Ambrose had no idea where it was. He was incredibly lucky Sebastian grew up in the Hogwarts area or they would be completely lost.

“I don’t suppose you recognize the location in this bit of canvas?” Ambrose asked.

“The good news is, I do, in fact,” Sebastian answered.

“And the bad news?”

“We’re in for more trouble.”

Now it was Ambrose’s turn to sigh, though not in relief. Of course. Why could nothing be simple? Why did he have to blast his way through goblins and poachers to complete even simple tasks like retrieving a piece of a portrait?

“I know that coast,” Sebastian told him. There was an edge to his voice Ambrose didn’t like. “Ranrok has taken over a huge mine and the surrounding area. Marunweem has suffered for it. It’s as bad as Feldcroft’s become. Should we head there now?”

Ambrose’s impulse was to say yes and just go to get it over with. What was one more of Ranrok’s messes to clean up? After that he was sure there’d be another. Better to get on top of it and get the job done than whine about it.

Unless there was a better way. Maybe instead of cleaning up all of Ranrok’s messes Ambrose could stop him from making them at all. He already had another pair of eyes that would suit that exact purpose.

“We should wait,” Ambrose suggested.

“Why?” Sebastian demanded. Ambrose narrowed his eyes at the tone but he let it slide like he always did. Sebastian always got touchy around the subject of Ranrok and goblins, but Ambrose knew Sebastian well enough to know touchy was all it would be.

“We’ve been a step behind Ranrok this whole time,” Ambrose pointed out. “I may know someone who could help us get ahead.”

“Who is that?” Sebastian asked. See, he was already more on edge than angry, which was progress.

“A friendly goblin,” Ambrose said, completely thoughtlessly. Maybe the rest of the situation could have been avoided had he put a little more thought into his words and the boy in front of him. “He won’t-”

“A friendly goblin?” Sebastian exclaimed. “You know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up. Said she should be ‘seen and not heard’.”

Ambrose did know that. He bit back another sigh. Sighing seemed to be all he did nowadays.

“I do,” Ambrose replied patiently. “But not all goblins-”

“Not all goblins what?!” Sebastian cried. “Have you forgotten Feldcroft? Have you forgotten the mine we just went through?”

Ambrose felt his fingers clenching into a fist as he tried to control his frustration. Sometimes Sebastian reacted in anger in a way he didn’t mean. All Ambrose had to do was stay calm and the anger would pass. But with Sebastian continuing to interrupt him he wasn’t sure how long his patience would hold.

Ambrose hated being angry. It made him feel dirty and wrong. He especially hated acting on his anger. That made him feel like his mother. His patience was his virtue. It kept him calm, collected, and had saved multiple tense situations from escalating.

But over the last few months he hadn’t been able to wish away his anger. He pushed it away but it just stored itself in the back of his mind. His frustration, exhaustion, irritation, even the pure rage he felt when the Poachers attacked his brother. He was on the edge of snapping already and Sebastian was making it hard.

“No, Sebastian, I haven’t,” Ambrose assured him. “But you aren’t listening to me.”

“Why would I listen to someone so ignorant?!”

Ambrose swung.

His fist collided with Sebastian’s jaw, sending him stumbling into the wall behind him. Before he even realized what he was doing Ambrose swung again, hitting him in the temple and leaving him sprawled on the ground.

“How fucking dare you,” Ambrose growled. “Ignorant? Me?! After everything I’ve done for you? I was right there next yo uou through your tempter tantrums and outbursts and stupid decisions, having your back you ungrateful child. I ask you for this one thing, to have an open mind and be reasonable, and you called me ignorant?!”

“You are so full of spite and bitterness you don’t even see it. How your darkness infects everyone around you. How ignorant you are. I clung to you anyway, so sure I could help you. For once not because I thought it was my responsibility, but because I wanted to because for some reason I care about you. I wanted to be your light but now I’m not even sure you deserve it. You don’t deserve my patience. You don’t deserve my trust. And after that you don’t deserve my friendship.”

“Then keep it!” Sebastian shouted back. “I don’t want it anymore if you’re going to think like this! I don’t want to be saved! I don’t need saved! Anne does! And if you aren’t going to help me get justice for her or save her then stay out of my life.”

Ambrose wanted to stay. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe to apologize. Maybe to yell more. Maybe to try and reason with him. But none of those things happened. None of those things would matter. Sebastian would hear none of them. So he left Sebastian there on a floor with an already forming bruise on his jaw and Ambrose’s broken heart right next to him.

He didn’t really expect anyone to look for him. No one else knew what happened to him. He assumed he could spend the rest of the night right where he was and just gather himself in the morning. As always, he underestimated his boyfriend.

When Ominis found him the Room of Requirement had been completely torn apart. As soon as Ambrose had stormed in he’d sent Deek away so the house elf wouldn’t have to see it, then he started throwing things to the ground and casting every destructive curse he knew. By the time he’d sank to the ground on the staircase, broken and defeated, there was nothing left intact.

His desk was in charred pieces. The potions stations had been demolished, spilling ingredients, glass phials, and deformed cauldrons onto the floor. Dirt covered half the room after he cast bombarda at his plants. Most of them were on fire now. The banners and statues he used to decorate the room had been torn apart.

When the door opened Ambrose didn’t bother to move other than to turn his head. Ominis stood there, wand lit with red light. He seemed frozen, trying to take in however much of the damage his wand could pick up. Ambrose wanted to warn him to be careful since he wouldn’t be able to see things like embers and glass, but his voice didn’t seem to work.

“Reparo,” Ominis casted. The spell worked perfectly. He’d need new ingredients and seeds but everything else fixed itself right before his eyes, down to the Slytherin banners on the wall. He felt sick looking at them now. His brain kept going back to the Scriptorium, where he’d let Sebastian torture him only for everything to end like this.

“Ambrose?” Ominis called into the room, grip on his wand so tight Ambrose could see his white knuckles from across the room. Right, Ambrose probably blended into the chaos Ominis had fixed for him.

“Over here,” Ambrose muttered.

Ominis approached him, putting a hand out to feel the staircase. He slid down to sit next to Ambrose. For a few minutes nothing happened. Neither of them moved or spoke or even touched. Just being around Ominis helped him relax some. It was hard to be angry around him. Not that he had much anger left. Now he just felt lost. At least with Ominis he didn’t feel alone.

“What happened?” Ominis asked quietly.

“Sebastian Sallow,” Ambrose answered, but calling his mumbles speech may be a stretch.

“I see,” Ominis sighed.

He scooted closer and Ambrose turned to rest his head on Ominis’s shoulder. Ominis set down his wand to wrap his arms around Ambrose’s shoulders and just held him. Maybe Ambrose should have cried. He probably needed to. There was no better time to do it. But he didn’t have tears or rage left. All of it was gone along with Sebastian.

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5 months ago

Okay I have a few of these, one of which I'm double posting for hogtober. I found one for each of my MCs. Needless to say these get really long so readers beware of me yapping

Everett and Some Light Arson

"Hi there!" Everett chirped from behind him.

"Fuck," Ambrose muttered and stepped to the side, but Sebastian still kept an arm around his waist. "This is Everett."

"Your brother?" Sebastian's eyebrows shot up and almost disappeared into his bangs.

"Yeah, him," Ambrose nodded. "Ev, this is my boyfriend-"

"Ominis or Sebastian?" Everett cut him off, eyes now narrowed. Was he threatening? How was he threatening?

"Sebastian," Sebastian answered with a chuckle.

Everett's eyes narrowed further and before Ambrose realized what he was doing, the hem of Sebastian's robes was engulfed in flame.

"Ow!" Sebastian cried as he threw his robes onto the ground to escape the flames.

"Everett!" Ambrose scolded. But Everett just stood there glaring at Sebastian with his arms crossed, four feet and nine inches of 11 year old rage.

"Don't call my brother ignorant," Everett warned.

"Trust me I have apologized for that at length," Sebastian swore. "Multiple times."

Everett glanced at Ambrose who nodded, and suddenly Everett was his normal lighthearted self, holding his hand out for Sebastian to shake.

"Nice to meet you then," Everett grinned. Sebastian hesitantly shook his hand.

Percival x Sebastian AU

Percival had to admit, the smack of his hand across Sebastian’s face was incredibly satisfying.

“Hey!” Sebastian exclaimed, cradling his cheek. Percival had cornered him just outside the Undercroft which Idris had left a few minutes ago.

“What in Merlin’s name is wrong with you?!” Percival demanded.

“I could ask you the same thing!” Sebastian retorted.

“Garreth told me about the Triptych!”

Sebastian’s eyes widened in a way that would be comical if Percival wasn’t so pissed off.

“Percival we were just-” Sebastian tried to say but Percival shoved him into the wall and held him there by his robes. With how weak Percival was now Sebastian could probably just push him off but the other boy didn’t even try.

“Do you have any idea what you dragged them into?” Percival asked. Sebastian didn’t reply and Percival pulled him back to shove him again. “We’re already neck deep in these trials and ancient magic, we have to deal with Rookwood and Ranrok coming after us, and you’ve got them looking into Isidora? The woman the Keeper’s use as a cautionary tale and apparently scared or father so much he fled the Wizarding World altogether? I ask again, what is wrong with you?”

“We aren’t doing it to find out about Isidora,” Sebastian corrected him. “We’re trying to save you!”

“This isn’t how I want to be saved!” Percival cried. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes but he wasn’t sure what drew them forward. His grip on Sebastian’s robes tightened. “Messing with Ancient Magic and dark magic is what made me curse myself in the first place. You’re going to get yourselves killed! I don’t want people dying for me Sebastian!”

All he could think about was Idris and Sebastian’s bodies, bloody and broken and torn apart like everyone else he had ever loved. The two of them and their few other friends were all Percival had. He’d deal with the pain the rest of his life, however short it was, to save them. For Merlin’s sake, he would die tomorrow if that was what it took. He made that choice when he pulled the curse into his chest.

He knew Sebastian felt indebted to him for saving Anne and Idris was just as desperate not to lose him as he was about him. But this just wasn’t right. Percival used to be drawn to the endless questions and taboo of dark magic until he felt it himself. Then he heard about Idris…

“Ominis told me about the Scriptorium too,” Percival said, no longer yelling but now he sounded defeated. He felt defeated too. Sebastian winced and had the decency to look down in shame. “Idris had to cast an Unforgivable. They had to torture you, Sebastian. How can you not see-”

The only warning he got was how all his muscles tightened at once before the pain gripped his chest. Percival cried out and released Sebastian, legs giving out and sending him crashing to the floor. Sebastian didn’t hesitated to fall to his knees next to Percy and haul the Ravenclaw into his arms. He held Percival as he shook and clenched his jaw, just trying not to scream from the pain racking his body. Sebastian cradled the back of Percival’s head and Percival tucked his face into the crook of Sebastian’s neck to hid his tears.

When the pain finally faded neither of them moved. Percival let himself be held and Sebastian was more than happy to hold him. Thrilled even. All he wanted to do was protect Percival from the world. What Percival didn’t know was that that was the case before Percy even met Anne. Then the curse happened and all Sebastian could think about was losing two people he loved to the same evil. He couldn’t handle that. He refused to let it happen, no matter what it took.

“Don’t save me like this,” Percival muttered. “Or I’ll kill you myself.”

Protective Odysseus

(warning, this one is the most brutal and violent of them all)

Odysseus heard the though before he heard the spell.

Suddenly he was eleven years old, pleading with Ominis’s mother to leave Ominis alone while Ominis’s older brothers physically held him back. But she said the word anyway and Ominis stiffened. He lifted his wand to the sobbing muggles on the ground and said the last thing Odysseus thought he’d hear from Ominis’s lips.

Then Odysseus was thirteen. A witch was bound and gagged at his feet and screaming her head off. Uncle Magnus ordered him again to tear through her Occlumency walls to find some Auror that was mucking up the Poacher’s operations. Odysseus tried but he didn’t try very hard. Magnus could tell as he put his wand to Odysseus’s skull and sad the word. The woman began screaming for a different reason.

Then he was back in the Feldcroft catacombs. He watched Ominis stiffen again and he saw the red in his eyes. He saw the red light at the end of Sebastian’s wand.

Odysseus lunged, rage fueling his every movement. The benefit of not having a wand until fifteen was he could fight, something most wizards weren’t prepared for. Odysseus grabbed Sebastian’s wand arm and yanked it down as he brought his knee up to meet it. He heard a loud snap and Sebastian screamed. His wand clattered to the ground. Odysseus swung at his face hard enough to draw blood from both his nose and his mouth. It hurt Odysseus’s knuckles but he didn’t care.

He swung his leg and hit Sebastian in the back of the knees so he crumbled. He followed it with another kick to the chest so Sebastian was sprawled on his back. Sebastian couldn’t even think long enough to defend himself, too blinded by the pain. Odysseus could feel it in his every thought and all he felt was victorious. But not satisfied.

He did what he wished he could do to his uncle and his future father in law every single day. He climbed on top of Sebastian and swung. He punched Sebastian in the face with every bit of strength he had. Over and over and over. His knuckles split. It got to a point that he couldn’t tell what blood was his and what blood was Sebastian’s. He just kept going.

All he could hear was the witch’s screams, the muggle’s screams, Ominis’s sobs when he realized what he’d done, his uncle and Hiram only calling him by the name he was born with. All he felt was Ominis trembling in his arms and clutching to Odysseus’s dress in their attic sanctuary, how it felt to shatter that woman’s mind and then fall to the ground with blood dripping from his nose. All he saw was Hiram’s face, Magnus’s face, meeting his fist yet still sneering at him and taunting him.

Hands grabbed him and physically dragged him off Sebastian. Odysseus fought their grip but they held on, refusing to let him launch himself at Sebastian again.

“Odysseus please!” Ominis pleaded. Odysseus paused long enough to realize he was taking long heaving breaths and Ominis was clinging to him desperately. “He’s had enough!”

Odysseus looked at Sebastian, really looked at him. He looked beaten to a pulp and Odysseus didn’t even care. Odysseus had knocked him unconscious at some point. He still didn’t care.

“We have to take him to the Hospital Wing,” Ominis begged. For anyone else Odysseus would have said to leave Sebastian there to rot. But for Ominis he nodded curtly.

Odysseus levitated Sebastian off the ground so Odysseus held out his arm for Ominis to thread his through. Odysseus led them out of the catacombs and flooed them to the hospital wing. Nurse Blainey rushed to Sebastian’s side and Ominis came up with some sort of lie that shifted the blame off Odysseus but all Odysseus did was stare at Sebastian’s unconscious and bloody body.

He deserved worse.

Sebrose Divorce Arc (aka the "ignorant" scene)

“Now for the moment of truth,” Sebastian said. He was obviously nervous and Ambrose didn’t blame him. If this canvas didn’t fit into the Triptych…

“It has to fit,” Ambrose said.

He approached the triptych and lined up the canvas with the panel on the right side. As soon as he laid it out the canvas piece gre and mended itself until it fit the space so well it was like it had never left it. Ambrose heard Sebastian sigh in relief behind him.

The new view was a coastline, specifically a cliff face with trees lining the top. Ambrose had no idea where it was. He was incredibly lucky Sebastian grew up in the Hogwarts are or they would be completely lost.

“I don’t suppose you recognize the location in this bit of canvas?” Ambrose asked.

“The good news is, I do, in fact,” Sebastian answered.

“And the bad news?”

“We’re in for more trouble.”

Now it was Ambrose’s turn to sigh, though not in relief. Of course. Why could nothing be simple? Why did he have to blast his way through goblins and poachers to complete even simple tasks like retrieving a piece of a portrait?

“I know that coast,” Sebastian told him. There was an edge to his voice Ambrose didn’t like. “Ranrok has taken over a huge mine and the surrounding area. Marunweem has suffered for it. It’s as bad as Feldcroft’s become. Should we head there now?”

Ambrose’s impulse was to say yes and just go to get it over with. What was one more of Ranrok’s messes to clean up? After that he was sure there’d be another. Better to get on top of it and get the job done than whine about it.

Unless there was a better way. Maybe instead of cleaning up all of Ranrok’s messes Ambrose could stop him from making them at all. He already had another pair of eyes that would suit that exact purpose.

“We should wait,” Ambrose suggested.

“Why?” Sebastian demanded. Ambrose narrowed his eyes at the tone but he let it slide like he always did. Sebastian always got touchy around the subject of Ranrok and goblins, but Ambrose knew Sebastian well enough to know touchy was all it would be.

“We’ve been a step behind Ranrok this whole time,” Ambrose pointed out. “I may know someone who could help us get ahead.”

“Who is that?” Sebastian asked. See, he was already more on edge than angry, which was progress.

“A friendly goblin,” Ambrose said, completely thoughtlessly. Maybe the rest of the situation could have been avoided had he put a little more thought into his words and the boy in front of him. “He won’t-”

“A friendly goblin?” Sebastian exclaimed. “You know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up. Said she should be ‘seen and not heard’.”

Ambrose did know that. He bit back another sigh. Sighing seemed to be all he did nowadays.

“I do,” Ambrose replied patiently. “But not all goblins-”

“Not all goblins what?!” Sebastian cried. “Have you forgotten Feldcroft? Have you forgotten the mine we just went through.

Ambrose felt his fingers clenching into a fist as he tried to control his frustration. Sometimes Sebastian reacted in anger in a way he didn’t mean. All Ambrose had to do was stay calm and the anger would pass. But with Sebastian continuing to interrupt him he wasn’t sure how long his patience would hold.

Ambrose hated being angry. It maade him feel dirty and wrong. He especially hated acting on his anger. That made him feel like his mother. Hie patience was his virtue. It kept him calm, collected, and had saved multiple tense situations from escalating.

But over the last few months he hadn’t been able to wish away his anger. He pushed it away but it just stored itself in the back of his mind. His frustration, exhaustion, irritation, even the pure rage he felt when the Poachers attacked his brother. He was on the edge of snapping already and Sebastian was making it hard. But he could keep it down, he always did.

“No, Sebastian, I haven’t,” Ambrose assured him. “But you aren’t listening to me.”

“Why would I listen to someone so ignorant?!”

Ambrose swung.

His fist collided with Sebastian’s jaw, sending him stumbling into the wall behind him. Before he even realized what he was doing Ambrose swung again, hitting him in the temple and leaving him sprawled on the ground.

“How fucking dare you,” Ambrose growled. “Ignorant? Me?! After everything I’ve done for you? All your tempter tantrums and outbursts and stupid decisions I was right there next to you, having your back you ungrateful child. I ask you for this one thing, to have an open mind and be reasonable, and you called me ignorant?!”

“You are so full of spite and bitterness you don’t even see it. How your darkness infects everyone around you. How ignorant you are. I clung to you anyway, so sure I could help you. Not because I thought I had to for once, but because I wanted to because for some reason I care about you. I wanted to be your light but now I’m not even sure you deserve it. You don’t deserve my patience. You don’t deserve my trust. And after that you don’t deserve my friendship.”

“Then keep it!” Sebastian shouted back. “I don’t want it anymore if you’re going to think like this! I don’t want to be saved! I don’t need saved! Anne does! And if you aren’t going to help me get justice for her or save her then stay out of my life.”

Ambrose wanted to stay. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe to apologize. Maybe to yell more. Maybe to try and reason with him. But none of those things happened. None of those things would matter. Sebastian would hear none of them. So he left Sebastian there on a floor with an already forming bruise on his jaw and Ambrose’s broken heart right next to him.

He didn’t really expect anyone to look for him. No one else knew what happened to him. He assumed he could spend the rest of the night right where he was and just gather himself in the morning. As always, he underestimated his boyfriend.

When Ominis found him the Room of Requirement had been completely torn apart. As soon as Ambrose had stormed in he’d sent Deek away so the house elf wouldn’t have to see it, then he started throwing things to the ground and casting every destructive curse he knew. By the time he’d sank to the ground against the staircase, broken and defeated, there was nothing left intact.

His desk was in charred pieces. The potions stations had been demolished, spilling ingredients, glass phials, and deformed cauldrons onto the floor. Dirt covered half the room after he cast bombarda at his plants. Most of them were on fire now. The banners and statues he used to decorate the room had been torn apart.

When the door opened Ambrose didn’t bother to move other than to turn his head. Ominis stood there, wand lit with red light. He seemed frozen, trying to take in however much of the damage his wand could pick up. Ambrose wanted to warn him to be careful since he wouldn’t be able to see things like embers and glass, but his voice didn’t seem to work.

“Reparo,” Ominis casted. The spell worked perfectly. He’d need new ingredients and seeds but everything else fixed itself right before his eyes, down to the slytherin banners on the wall. He felt sick looking at them now. His brain kept going back to the Scriptorium, where he’d let Sebastian torture him only for everything to end like this.

“Ambrose?” Ominis called into the room, grip on his wand so tight Ambrose could see his white knuckles from across the room. Right, Ambrose probably blended into the chaos Ominis had fixed for him.

“Over here,” Ambrose muttered.

Ominis approached him, putting a hand out to feel the staircase. He slid down to sit next to Ambrose. For a few minutes nothing happened. Neither of them moved or spoke or even touched. Just being around Ominis helped him relax some. It was hard to be angry around him. Not that he had much anger left. Now he just felt lost and alone. At least with Ominis he didn’t feel alone.

“What happened?” Ominis asked quietly.

“Sebastian Sallow,” Ambrose answered, but calling his mumbles speech may be a stretch.

“I see,” Ominis sighed.

He scooted closer and Ambrose turned to rest his head on Ominis’s shoulder. Ominis set down his wand to wrap his arms around Ambrose’s shoulders and just held him. Maybe Ambrose should have cried. He probably needed to. There was no better time to do it. But he didn’t have tears or rage left. All of it was gone along with Sebastian.

Idris Snapping

Idris wwas still breathing heavily even after the fight with the goblins was over. They looked over their shoulder, so filled with rage they were shaking with it.

“What?” Sebastian sighed.

“What? What?” Idris laughed incredulously. It was a little manic, to the point Sebastian went from annoyed to concerned and a little afraid. “You almost got us both killed!”

“But I didn’t,” Sebastian replied.


The spell sent Sebastian stumbling back while his wand went in the other direction. It only took a quick summoning charm for the wand to fly into their hand.

“What are you doing?” Sebastian exclaimed. “How am I supposed to fight without my wand?”

“You aren’t!” Idris snapped. “You got me this far and I’m grateful. But I am so sick of you. You’re angry. You’re desperate. News flash, I AM TOO! My brother DIED!”

“Saving my sister!”


Silence followed his scream.

“I do not care,” Idris repeated. “I don’t care how he died or how he got cursed. He did. I’m going to find a way to cure him. And I will not let you get in my way anymore or get me killed before I can save him. Am I fucking clear?”

Sebastian nodded as he stared at them.

“Do not follow me,” Idris nodded. “Go back. I will give your wand back when I get there.”

Idris didn’t wait for him to speak. They turned, casted a disillusionment charm, and continued to climb up the mountain.

A conversation with some friends had me curious: at what point in the story would your MCs get fed up with Sebastian and turn to violence? Reblog with your beating some sense into Sebastian scenes. Verbal beatings count too!

@saibugslegacy @infernalrusalka

Here are Isobel's best hitting Sebastian scenes. (There are a few. Her fic is named after beating this little shit)

Needless to say, it gets a little violent under the cut.

After we witness the Slytherin boys argument in the Great Hall, written from Ominis' perspective overhearing what happens after he walks away

As I left, too frustrated with Sebastian to speak with him another second, I noticed Isobel lingering nearby. Before I was even out of earshot, she started absolutely laying into him. That snapped me out of my annoyance long enough to decide I should stick around to listen in.

“SEBASTIAN SALLOW, YOU TROLL-BRAINED DUGBOG! Why are you hassling Ominis about dark magic when he clearly wants nothing to do with it?”

“Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here at Hogwarts and he knows where it is. Don't you see? This could be where I need to look to cure Anne!”

“And why exactly do you think that? Why in God's name would you think Salazar Slytherin knew anything about your sister's curse? For all you know, it was invented long after he died.”

"No, you don't understand, he just doesn't want to show me because his family-”



“No. If you're about to try and spill more of his secrets to me, I don't want to hear it. If Ominis wants me to know something, he'll tell me himself and I don't appreciate you trying to use his secrets to convince me to side with you, not that whatever you were about to say could possibly have worked towards that end.”

“Oh, come on! Don't you at least want to see it? Such an ancient secret room?”

“No I don't. I have enough ancient secrets haunting me, I don't need to know about this one.”

Sebastian huffed and kicked at the floor. “You stubborn- You just want me to let Anne die then?! Screw you!”

A loud slap rang out and I covered my mouth in shock. 

“Never speak to me that way again.”

After (in Isobel's cannon divergent timeline) Anne destroyed the relic and Isobel burned Slytherin's spellbook

When Sebastian noticed the book in flames he tried to put it out before realizing it was beyond saving then turned to me.

“Isobel, what is wrong with you?! I had a lead that could have saved my sister and now I have nothing! She's going to die because of yo-”

I slapped him. He definitely deserved it but it was nothing compared to the verbal smackdown he was about to receive.l

“Did you ever consider that your sister doesn't want to be saved by something like that or that it could have turned her into an inferi? She said herself that she doesn't think there's a cure and while shrivel figs might be harmless, this certainly isn't. Either pursue a cure she would approve of or let her die in peace. She doesn't need the stress of watching her twin descend into darkness.” Sebastian was left speechless. I turned to Anne “I'm sorry we didn't keep you filled in better. I'll tell you all about where the book came from and everything else later if you'd like.”

“I'd like that very much, thank you. It gives me some peace knowing that Sebastian has two friends who can take care of him for me.”

After Isobel and Ominis return from the first triptych quest

When we appeared, we were immediately met by Sebastian pacing in front of the triptych


“You had no intention of taking me to search for the triptych pieces, did you? Ominis, how could you hide this from me too?”

“Leave Ominis out of this, Sebastian. I asked him to come and not to tell you. I'm only looking into this to prove to you that it can't help Anne and so far, it's only looking more like I'm right.”

“Where's the next piece then?”

“I’m going to deliver it to Anne tomorrow. You don't need to see it.”

“What's in the bag?” 

“None of your business.”

“Really? Om, come on, this is unreasonable. Are you really going to let me be cut out of the loop like this?”

Ominis was definitely going to cave soon. He's not good at saying no to Sebastian and Sebastian was using that to his advantage. It was infuriatingly manipulative. I marched over to Sebastian, taking my glove off as I did, and slapped him so hard that he fell on his ass. 

“How dare you speak to him like that! You know exactly why I don't trust you with this. I know you don't seem to understand the concept of respecting your friends' privacy but under no circumstances should you ever pressure someone to tell you secrets they aren't supposed to tell you. Do you not see the position you're putting him in? You're acting as though you're entitled to any information he has, but you aren't. With you acting like this, his only options would be to betray my trust or make you angry. You're only doing this because you know you can manipulate him more easily than me. You're supposed to be his best friend, aren't you? What kind of best friend does that?”

He looked like a mooncalf in the path of a rampaging graphorn. Good. He should be utterly terrified of me right now. I picked my bag of books up and took Ominis’ hand, leading him away

“Come on Ominis, he'll come apologize for that shameful display when he's ready to be a good friend.”

After Isobel catches Sebastian following her and Anne on a date

I dragged him by the arm to the area behind the greenhouse since no one ever goes there and it was nearby.

“Alright, you have one minute to explain why you think following Anne and I on our dates is acceptable.”

“I can't just let you drag her into dangerous-”

I slapped him with the back of my hand.

“Wrong answer, try again”

“What the hell is wrong with y-”

I slapped him again


He grabbed my wrist

“You clearly don't care about what's really best for Anne or you wouldn't be keeping her away from me and making her do all these dangerous things!”

I was slapping him with my non dominant hand before so that's the one he was holding but after that? He'll be lucky if he doesn't spend the night in the hospital wing. I punched him as hard as I could and did he ever go down. I'm done suppressing this anger. He deserves it now.

“Are you kidding me?!” One kick to his side as he tried to get up “I've done nothing but think of Anne since that day in the catacombs” another kick “I've been trying for weeks to convince her to see you again so she won't regret it and you” kick “just” kick “can't” kick “stop screwing everything up!”

Through gasps for air and pained groans as I finally let him sit up without being kicked back down again, he tried to respond

“You've been trying to convince her?” 

“Yeah, and I finally did. You were supposed to come see her with Garreth in three days but now how the hell can I allow that? She told me specifically that she doesn't want to see you till I think you're improving but how can I think that when you still have no respect for her privacy or free will?”

“But… no, this isn't fair! I thought you were just trying to date her and keeping me away made that easier.”

“Oh, yes, I would definitely choose to fall madly in love with a girl I know is going to die before we reach our twenties, just because I wanted to have fun! I definitely wanted to be fantasizing about a wedding I know will never happen! You got me Sebastian, I'm just in it to snog your sister till I get to have the very fun experience of watching the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with die. Do you have the brain of a puffskein or did you really only think this through on the most shallow level imaginable? I love Anne and I'm going to do everything I can to make her happy. That includes beating the stupid out of you and it would have included ignoring my own feelings if they weren't mutual but they are so maybe you should spend a little less time worrying about your stupid vendetta against me and a little more time being happy that your sister gets to be in love before she dies and that you could have a couple more years to spend with her if you weren't so full of yourself.”

I left. He was trying to say something but my ears were ringing and tears were rolling down my face. I just can't listen to whatever he has to say right now.

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5 months ago

My HL MCs as Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition

Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5

My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition
My HL MCs As Text Posts Pt. 6 - Odysseus Carrow Edition

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5 months ago

MCtober Week 1 - Odysseus Carrow

Word Count: 823 Character(s): Odysseus Carrow, Ominis Gaunt Setting: 5th year, Sorting Ceremony Genre/Tags: Angst, family issues, telepathic link

MCtober Week 1 - Odysseus Carrow

"Ominis you're going to break your plate," Sebastian sighed and the plate was moved from his grasp.

"I'm worried," Ominis said, switching to tapping the tines of his fork.

"As you've mentioned."

"Are you sure he isn't here?"

"If he was he would've been sorted already, there's only two people left."

Odysseus where are you? Ominis thought. With anyone else he wouldn't expect a reply to his thought, but with Odysseus the absence of a reply was daunting.

"Black is going to the podium," Sebastian sighed. "I'm sorry, Ominis, I'm sure your friend is- hang on, where's he going? He's leaving."

"What? Why?" Ominis questioned.

"I can't tell, he just stepped out the doors."

Ody, is that you? Ominis thought again, this time with a feeling of desperation he didn't take the time to hide.

It's okay Omi, it's me.

Ominis' shoulder sagged in relief as he felt the familiar touch in his mind. Odysseus fed him an image of Professor Fig and Professor Black talking in front of the Great Halls along with a feeling of annoyance and Ominis snickered.

"Whats so funny?" Sebastian wondered.

"He's here," Ominis told him just in time to hear the doors of the Great Hall open again and hurried footsteps.

"Professor Weasley, we've one more to be Sorted," Professor Black sighed.

The Hall fell silent as presumably the hat was placed on Odysseus' head. As the minutes passed Ominis once again grew anxious. Odysseus was a Carrow. Ominis knew his betrothed, he knew how he was raised. Surely it shouldn't take this long to put him in Slyther-


Ominis' fork clattered on the floor but the sound was drowned out by cheers from the Hufflepuff table. Ominis reached out, opening the link between their minds only to recoil and close it again. The pure panic he felt from Odysseus almost completely overtook him.

Odysseus felt like he was drowning. The world around him was muffled and blurred like he was drowning in a tank of water. What was he supposed to do now? He finally got to go to Hogwarts and get the chance to make his family proud and he wasn't in Slytherin. Every single other member of his family was a Slytherin. Not only was he not a Slytherin he was a Hufflepuff.

Odysseus ran his hands through his hair as he paced the Undercroft. He kept tugging on it painfuly, just for any sensation outside of his own stuttered breathing and the ringing in his ears.


Odysseus gasped as he forced his vision to focus. Ominis was standing in front of him with his hands on Odysseus' arms, trying to tug them away. He felt his way up Odysseus' arms to his hands and pulled them from his hair, letting Ody squeeze his hands instead.

He tried to force himself to breathe and force the emotions away so he could focus. He needed to write to his mother and uncle, he needed to convince Black that the hat was wrong, he had a million things to do to fix it. But he knew none of them would mean anything. No matter what he wrote his family would still be irate and disappointed. No matter what he said to Black he wouldn't be moved to Slytherin.

And something about having Ominis there, he just couldn't hide it anymore. He was trembling now, breathing out of control and his eyes burning. He was a Carrow, he was supposed to be better than this! But in that moment he didn't feel like a Carrow. He just felt like Odysseus. And Odysseus couldn't handle this.

"Omi what am I going to do?" Odysseus said. It came out as half a whisper and half a sob but regardless Ominis pulled him into his arms and the rest of the sobs just came out.

They were the kind of sobs that tore through your chest and perked your body no matter what you did. If not for the soundproof room the whole castle would have been able to hear him. But they couldn't. It was just Ominis.

So he cried. He cried and sobbed and clung to Ominis as the blonde lowered them both to the floor. He didn't say a word, just held him and let him cry as he sent waves of reassurance and love through their bond.

He was still terrified of his family, and falling apart on the floor of the Undercroft in black and yellow robes was the most broken he'd ever felt. But, though he didn't know it at the time, one day he'd have another family that would be the first to tell him they were proud of him. He'd have Ominis and new friends by his side through thick and thing. And those yellow and black robes would be the thing he was most proud of.

He'd put himself back together. But for now, he had to break first.

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5 months ago



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5 months ago

Fun fact I have pretty much lost my sense of smell, it happened when I was around tenish. As such I have trouble remembering and describing smells so please drop headcanons of what smells could be associated with Garreth, I'm trying to write an amortentia fic over here

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5 months ago

The Proof:

The Proof:
The Proof:

phillip: i do NOT have a ‘staring problem.’ what does that even mean??

odysseus: *enters room*

phillip: 👁️👁️

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5 months ago

I Know The End

Hogtober Day 2 - Feldcroft

Word Count: 777 Character(s): Percival Valley, Idris Valley, Anne Sallow, Sebastian Sallow, Solomon Sallow Setting: 5th year, Feldcroft Genre/Tags: Angst, curses

I Know The End

While Idris moved to defuse Sebastian and Solomon's budding argument, Percival had tuned the two out completely. His vision tunneled. The only thing he could hear was Anne. There was a roaring in his ears and his very bones wanted to shiver from the cold. The lanterns seemed to dim and the world fell away. There was nothing left. He was back in those woods as the shadows killed his sister and ripped his parents apart.

But there was something else. The hook in his ribs was pulling him, dragging him. He couldn't control his body as he stumbled forward and pulled out his wand. It was a compulsion he couldn't fight. He put his wand to Anne's chest and felt that click as something fell into place. Something was creeping up his wand, leaving behind invisible white hot trails of pain as it latched onto his arm.

He didn't hear the yelling from Solomon or Sebastian demanding to know what he was doing or the concern coming back to Idris now that they were too confused to be mad at him anymore. He didn't see the lights of the house go out, he didn't feel Anne's racing heart or panicked breathing.

All he knew was he had to pull.

He tried but nothing happened. The pain only got worse and worse until Percival cried out. He couldn't even pull away now, it had completely latched onto him. It was crawling towards his chest and the Ancient Magic within him was rising up to meet it. He didn't know why but he knew he couldn't let it happen. This time he grabbed his wand with two hands and pulled. He stumbled back, and with him was a red and black tendril of magic.

It wasn't like the Ancient Magic. This Magic looked like it was smoking, it's movements were erratic as it thrashed to escape the hold Percival had on it. He could feel it, it needed something to latch on to without Anne. It wanted him, it wanted to consume him.

Then a hand touched his shoulder and his senses expanded again. His arm felt like it was on fire. The curse exploded out of Percival's wand, ricocheting off walls and windows and tables. Anne screamed and ducked as cracks appeared in the ceiling. Sebastian covered her with his body to shield her. Solomon kept trying to catch it but was only able to hold it for a moment before it escaped his grasp.

“Percy!” The hand shook him and he blinked, refocusing on his twin. Idris. “You have to get it back!”

Right. Get it back. He had to get it back. Percival held his wand out and pulled his Ancient Magic to the surface again, letting it guide him. He followed its compulsions and thrust his wand out. The curse was pinned but it was still trying to escape. It kept yanking itself back towards Anne. Percival's heart dropped into his stomach.

“What is it doing?!” Sebastian cried.

“It wants to go back into Anne!” Percival shouted. “It needs a host or it's going to destroy Feldcroft!”

“I'll take it!” Sebastian volunteered immediately.

“No!” Anne protested. “It's my curse, I'll take it back!”

“You're finally free of it, I won't let it take you back!”

“It's my choice Sebastian! Percival, please!”

Percival glanced at Anne. The way her eyes were pleading with him made tears gather in his own. She just wanted her family to be safe. She already looked barely alive. This curse would kill her.

Then he looked at Sebastian, who's eyes were filled with determination. who just wanted to protect his sister and would do anything to do so but was doomed to lose her anyway.

Annabelle's body was on the floor, bloody and broken. Her eyes were empty as they stared right at him. He couldn't protect her. Why didn't he protect her? He should've protected her. Now the monster was back. He couldn't let it happen again.

“No.” Percival yanked his wand back, not towards Sebastian or Anne. He yanked it in. The curse flew across the house until it collided with his own chest.

The house was silent. No one moved. Finally the feeling was gone. He could think clearly again. He took a deep breath as he tried to reconcile with what he just did. He couldn't take it back, and he wouldn't even if he could. But the regret was beginning to build. Already he felt weaker than he ever had, like he could collapse right there.

“Percival what did you do?” Idris whispered. Percival met their eyes, an apology on his lips.

Then Percival screamed.

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5 months ago

October 1st, 1874.

October 1st, 1874.

Happy birthday to my terrible little daughter 🐺

5 months ago
Hogwarts Legacy MC Halloween Party!

Hogwarts legacy MC Halloween Party!

Attention everyone! It is now spooky season, and so now it is time for another event… Noelle’s Trick or Treat Street!🦇🎃🧛🏻‍♀️

To participate you can either Reblog or use the tag #hltrickortreat24 with an image, drawing, or Halloween story of your MC with the option to add NPC friends as well!

Sharing and tagging is definitely encouraged!! You do not need to be tagged to participate! Please join the fun!


Side note- NO SEBASTIANS AT THE AFTER PARTY!! (A hint from the main events that happened in a story from the sleepover event, if you know, You know)

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5 months ago

✨✨ MCTOBER 2024 ✨✨

This year I wanted to make my own prompts for October and knock out some exploratory ideas with my MCs and OCs.


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5 months ago

reasons to write fanfiction (I'll start):

share a cool scene that popped into your head

evoke a particular emotion the canon makes you feel

song made you think of a character or idea from canon

make people feel the same way about a character you do

make dolls kiss for fun

explore ideas the canon hints at but doesn't do anything with

traumatize characters and make them suffer

coddle characters and let them rest

had an insane idea for a crack ship and now everyone needs to know

the author of the canon was wrong and must be fixed

use familiar characters to explore your own ideas and plotlines

canon is too short and you need to wallow in the universe of the story

5 months ago

Hogtober Day 1 - Ollivander's

Word Count: 723 Characters/Relationship(s): Percival Valley Setting: 6th year, Ollivander's Genre/Tags: Fluff, blatant disregard for how magic works

Hogtober Day 1 - Ollivander's

“Mr Ollivander?” Percival called into the seemingly empty shop. He heard a crash and Ollivander arrived around the corner with a wide grin on his face.

“Ah, Mr. Valley!” Ollivander waved him inside. “Come, come! Dud you bring what I asked?”

“Uh yeah,” Percival nodded. The 6th year pulled out a large dragon hide pouch he'd decided to use for transport just in case. “I'm not sure why you need an erumpet horn. They're extremely volatile.”

“Not to worry, I have plenty of protections in place,” Ollivander assured him. “Hm, yes, yes this should work. Perhaps you could help me.”

“I'm not really a Beasts expert,” Percival pointed out. “That's more Idris's thing.”

“Not with any beasts,” Ollivander waved him off. “Come with me.”

Ollivander led him to the back of the shop where there was a desk littered with various woods and tools.

“I understand you are quite gifted with charms, yes?” Ollivander said.

“I don't know about gifted-”

“Nonsense, our dear Professor Fig constantly raved about your abilities,” Ollivander replied. “I've long believed there are wand cores beyond what us wandmakers have become comfortable with. Many potential cores have been deemed too unstable to make a proper wand but I am determined to prove otherwise.”

“You decided to start with an Erumpent horn?” Percival stared at him dumbfounded. There were so many other things to start with that didn't explode if handled with anything other than cautious care.

“And people say Ravenclaws aren't daring,” Ollivander grinned. “Now, I know you've studied wand lore, perhaps you can give me a new perspective.”

“Okay…” Percival took the time to look over the woods that had been laid out before him. “Erumpent horns are unstable, so a wood that's temperamental wouldn't go well. They have to be handle with delicate care so it's probably particular. It needs something equally suited for whatever magic it performs best.”

“Exactly my thinking,” Ollicander agreed. “My conundrum comes with what magics this horn would be best suited for. The immediate assumption would be defensive or offensive magic however when paired with wands such as aspen and blackthorn the results were rather…catastrophic.”

“What about hornbeam?” Percival suggested. “It's one of the most adaptive wand woods, usually adopting to its owners best form of magic. Then you wouldn't have to find the horn's best magic at all.”

“Interesting,” Ollivander hummed. He shuffled around the back area of the shop until he pulled hornbeam wood from a drawer and carried it back to the desk.

Percival was quickly shooed back to the front of the shop while Ollivander worked, an action that reminded all too much of winter during his fifth year. But this time he wasn't waiting for a wand to save the Wizarding World, just the pursuit of magical discovery. It was nice to not worry for the fate of the world and instead wait curiously for an experiment to conclude. It was also much more exciting.

Just as Percival was thinking he had yet to hear an explosion Ollivander emerged with a cylindrical hornbeam wand in hand. Percival rushed over with a grin on his face as he took the wand to study it.

“It's as beautiful as ever,” Percival complimented the wandmaker. “And it didn't explode.”

“Quite the improvement from past attempts,” Ollivander chuckled. “I must say, you have quite the eye for wandmaking. Perhaps you should consider it when taking your NEWTs next year.”

“Wand making?” Percival shook his head. “Not for me, no. I've always found the relationship between woods and their cores and the differing behaviors of woods fascinating but more in the sense of the theory of it all. Actually making the wands isn't something I'm particularly interested in. I'm too attached to charms and potions.”

“Very well,” Ollivander. “If you ever change your mind do let me know, won't you? I like to keep an eye on my rivals.”

Percival laughed and handed back the wand. The idea of being a wandmaker wasn't unappealing. It was something he could see himself doing and being content. However there were other things that appealed to him more. Maybe he could return to it if he didn't find anything else to pursue. For now he simply began the trek back to Hogwarts with the thrill of invention on his mind. Maybe that was an idea instead….

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5 months ago

Hogtober Masterlist

Hogtober Masterlist

Day 1 - Ollivanders

Word Count: 723 Characters/Relationship(s): Percival Valley Setting: 6th year, canon, Ollivander's Genre/Tags: Fluff, blatant disregard for how magic works

Day 2 - Feldcroft

Word Count: 777 Character(s): Percival Valley, Idris Valley, Anne Sallow, Sebastian Sallow, Solomon Sallow Setting: 5th year, canon, Feldcroft Genre/Tags: Angst, curses

Day 3 - Sebastian Sallow

Word Count: 1482 Characters/Relationship(s): Ambrose Varyn, Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt Setting: 5th year, canon, Undercroft and Room of Requirement Genre/Tags: Angst, the start of what I like to call the "Sebrose Divorce Arc"

Day 4 - Arena

Word Count: 1482 Character(s): Odysseus Carrow, Theophilus Harlow, Phillip Prewett Setting: 5th year, canon, the Forbidden Forest Genre/Tags: Angst, fighting arena, blood, violence

Day 5 - Divination

Day 6 - Natsai Onai

Day 7 - Honeydukes

Day 8 - Vivarium

Day 9 - Poppy Sweeting

Day 10 - Ruins

Day 11 - Astronomy

Day 12 - Amit Thakkar

Day 13 - The Three Broomsticks

Day 14 - Centaurs

Day 15 - Scars

Day 16 - MC x MC

Day 17 - Goblins

Day 18 - Gringotts

Day 19 - Poltergeist

Day 20 - MC x Canon

Day 21 - Past/Future

Day 22 - Four Keeper Trials

Day 23 - Pensieve

Day 24 - Dragon

Day 25 - Mask

Day 26 - Forbidden

Day 27 - Poachers

Day 28 - Portraits

Day 29 - Crossed Wands

Day 30 - Catacombs

Day 31 - Haunted Shop

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5 months ago

The Start of Something Great

Hogtober Day 1 - Ollivander's

Word Count: 723 Characters/Relationship(s): Percival Valley Setting: 6th year, Ollivander's Genre/Tags: Fluff, blatant disregard for how magic works

The Start Of Something Great

“Mr Ollivander?” Percival called into the seemingly empty shop. He heard a crash and Ollivander arrived around the corner with a wide grin on his face.

“Ah, Mr. Valley!” Ollivander waved him inside. “Come, come! Dud you bring what I asked?”

“Uh yeah,” Percival nodded. The 6th year pulled out a large dragon hide pouch he'd decided to use for transport just in case. “I'm not sure why you need an erumpet horn. They're extremely volatile.”

“Not to worry, I have plenty of protections in place,” Ollivander assured him. “Hm, yes, yes this should work. Perhaps you could help me.”

“I'm not really a Beasts expert,” Percival pointed out. “That's more Idris's thing.”

“Not with any beasts,” Ollivander waved him off. “Come with me.”

Ollivander led him to the back of the shop where there was a desk littered with various woods and tools.

“I understand you are quite gifted with charms, yes?” Ollivander said.

“I don't know about gifted-”

“Nonsense, our dear Professor Fig constantly raved about your abilities,” Ollivander replied. “I've long believed there are wand cores beyond what us wandmakers have become comfortable with. Many potential cores have been deemed too unstable to make a proper wand but I am determined to prove otherwise.”

“You decided to start with an Erumpent horn?” Percival stared at him dumbfounded. There were so many other things to start with that didn't explode if handled with anything other than cautious care.

“And people say Ravenclaws aren't daring,” Ollivander grinned. “Now, I know you've studied wand lore, perhaps you can give me a new perspective.”

“Okay…” Percival took the time to look over the woods that had been laid out before him. “Erumpent horns are unstable, so a wood that's temperamental wouldn't go well. They have to be handle with delicate care so it's probably particular. It needs something equally suited for whatever magic it performs best.”

“Exactly my thinking,” Ollicander agreed. “My conundrum comes with what magics this horn would be best suited for. The immediate assumption would be defensive or offensive magic however when paired with wands such as aspen and blackthorn the results were rather…catastrophic.”

“What about hornbeam?” Percival suggested. “It's one of the most adaptive wand woods, usually adopting to its owners best form of magic. Then you wouldn't have to find the horn's best magic at all.”

“Interesting,” Ollivander hummed. He shuffled around the back area of the shop until he pulled hornbeam wood from a drawer and carried it back to the desk.

Percival was quickly shooed back to the front of the shop while Ollivander worked, an action that reminded all too much of winter during his fifth year. But this time he wasn't waiting for a wand to save the Wizarding World, just the pursuit of magical discovery. It was nice to not worry for the fate of the world and instead wait curiously for an experiment to conclude. It was also much more exciting.

Just as Percival was thinking he had yet to hear an explosion Ollivander emerged with a cylindrical hornbeam wand in hand. Percival rushed over with a grin on his face as he took the wand to study it.

“It's as beautiful as ever,” Percival complimented the wandmaker. “And it didn't explode.”

“Quite the improvement from past attempts,” Ollivander chuckled. “I must say, you have quite the eye for wandmaking. Perhaps you should consider it when taking your NEWTs next year.”

“Wand making?” Percival shook his head. “Not for me, no. I've always found the relationship between woods and their cores and the differing behaviors of woods fascinating but more in the sense of the theory of it all. Actually making the wands isn't something I'm particularly interested in. I'm too attached to charms and potions.”

“Very well,” Ollivander. “If you ever change your mind do let me know, won't you? I like to keep an eye on my rivals.”

Percival laughed and handed back the wand. The idea of being a wandmaker wasn't unappealing. It was something he could see himself doing and being content. However there were other things that appealed to him more. Maybe he could return to it if he didn't find anything else to pursue. For now he simply began the trek back to Hogwarts with the thrill of invention on his mind. Maybe that was an idea instead….

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5 months ago
I Commissioned Awesome @deathlysallows To Make A Mod For Chris's Hair, And I'm As Happy As A Clam (the
I Commissioned Awesome @deathlysallows To Make A Mod For Chris's Hair, And I'm As Happy As A Clam (the
I Commissioned Awesome @deathlysallows To Make A Mod For Chris's Hair, And I'm As Happy As A Clam (the
I Commissioned Awesome @deathlysallows To Make A Mod For Chris's Hair, And I'm As Happy As A Clam (the
I Commissioned Awesome @deathlysallows To Make A Mod For Chris's Hair, And I'm As Happy As A Clam (the
I Commissioned Awesome @deathlysallows To Make A Mod For Chris's Hair, And I'm As Happy As A Clam (the

I commissioned awesome @deathlysallows to make a mod for Chris's hair, and I'm as happy as a clam (the happiest clam in the universe) *_* She's such a pleasure to work with <3

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5 months ago

Professor Fig watching the Keepers keep secrets from Odysseus and then Odysseus keep secrets from the Keepers out of spite:

Professor Fig Watching The Keepers Keep Secrets From Odysseus And Then Odysseus Keep Secrets From The

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5 months ago

phillip ignatius prewett

 Phillip Ignatius Prewett
 Phillip Ignatius Prewett
 Phillip Ignatius Prewett
 Phillip Ignatius Prewett
5 months ago


oooooo what a cool post my mutual just reblogged ! I think I will reblog it as well !!! oooooh who did they reblog it from ? That username seems familiar,,, hohoho it's me ! from an hour ago !

5 months ago
saibugslegacy - Male MC Support Group