Hogwarts Oc - Tumblr Posts
I think it’s funny that everyone was probably wondering where the hell my MC Ellise had gotten to, including her brother, and then she was just serving cunt trying to get out of a scam of death while completely mogging a poltergeist.
Everyone: “Where did Ellise go this time? I hope she’s ok.”
Ellise, after just falling for a trap that just might get her killed:

Should I be making Hogwarts legacy ocs instead of writing? No.
Am I making Hogwarts legacy ocs instead of writing? Yes, yes I am.
the apparition (prologue) - hogwarts legacy fic (s.s)
title inspired on the apparition, by sleep token

summary: An old family friend arrives on the Villin household with strange but intriguing news, and an undoubtly helpful preposition for the 15 year old set of twins whom hold something ancient and unknown within them.
cw: 1.2K words, hogwarts legacy fanfiction, female MC, sebastian sallow x female!MC, poppy sweeting x male!MC, muggle raised MCs, eventual pining & romance, eventual fluff & angst, minimal lore alterations, dialogue alterations, added events, sebastian sallow x seer!MC, will definitely add more as the chapters go on.
a/n: ahhh I honestly can't believe I'm posting this (after revising it three solid times, having second thoughts and realizing it’s super long), this has been in my drafts since I finished the game, writing the prologue (and half of the first chapter 🤫) has been so fun up until now and I really, REALLY hope you enjoy this, and my silly OCs.
-xxx, lola <3.

A dream, the same one as always.
A roar of an animal, falling, nausea, abandoned ruins, white flashes of light.
A snake, a brunette, a mysterious task, four portraits, a cure for an illness, bright red, pain.
Brown eyes, they feel like home, now they’re melancholic, a sadness which is hidden behind books and wittiness, something dark, corruption.
An owl, a tomb, a green explosion, regret.
An important fight, the fate of the world, death.
Light summer rain tapped on the window as Ellise awoke with a start, she rubbed her temples and gazed over to the bed on the other side of the room. Her brother, Aiden, was still asleep whilst the low light that got through the curtains reflected softly off his freckled features and silvery hair, he snored lightly.
As she pushed her quilt over to the side, muffled conversations could be heard coming from the other side of the door - intriguing - people rarely visited them, a widowed woman with twins to raise alone, townsfolk saw it as bad omen, or just sheer misfortune.
The girl quickly changed her clothes and brushed her disheveled silver hair, pining half of it up in an acceptable updo. She creaked the door open, careful not to disrupt the chattery voices nor wake her brother from his slumber and walked over to the top of the stairs.
“Jasmine tea! One of my favorite blends, thank you for your hospitality, Abigail." An unknown voice echoed through the halls of the Villin home, her mother chuckled softly.
"Don't mention it, Fig. You were Rick’s friend, that makes you a friend of mine." Rick. Richard Villin, this mysterious man was her father’s friend?
Ellise never knew much about her father, he died when she and her brother we’re a really young, her mother refrained from talking about him, it never seemed as if she didn’t want to, it felt like she couldn’t.
“Eavesdropping again, Leesie?” She snapped her head back at her bedroom door, squealing softly “You know mom doesn’t like it when you do that.”
“Bloody hell, Aiden! And you need to stop creeping up on people.” She bit back at him.
“That’s not polite for a lady, Leesie.”
“I’m glad you’re both dressed and awake!” They froze, both their mouths clamping shut “We have a visitor, and he’s here to see you two.”
The tread down the flight of stairs was rather awkward for the twins, their mother right behind their tracks ushering them forward to meet the mysterious man. He was sat on the kitchen table, nestling a tea cup between his hands. His gaze quickly flicked towards the fifteen year olds and he swiftly got up from his chair.
“Ah! I’m glad you’re both here at last, pleasure to meet you.” He gave them a soft smile while shaking both their hands “I’m Eleazar Fig, I was an old friend of your father’s.”
“Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Fig.” Aiden answered on their behalf, his sister nodding in acknowledgement.
“Fig is here to talk to you both about important matters, I’ll be taking care of the chores in the kitchen to give you some privacy.” Their mother walked over to the archway opposite to the table “Make sure to show him hospitality, and tell him about last week’s event.” She reprimanded softly as Aiden gulped, Ellise chuckled.
Both of the twins sat down at the table, Fig sitting opposite to them both, he cleared his throat. “Last week’s event?” He arches an eyebrow, Aiden looked away from him, a rather embarrassed expression plastered on his face.
“Well Aiden was quarreling with the Jones’ boy, they live just down the street from here.” Ellise signaled with her hand “And when me and mom got there he was staring him down while the poor kid floated, we still have no idea how that happened.”
“Well, you’re both wizards! That’s why.” Fig said, baffled at their confusion, to him they took after their father, after all. Did Abigail not tell them anything beforehand? “Although, rather late bloomers if you were to ask me.”
To say Ellise’s eyes were as big as dinner plates was an understatement, Aiden just laughed at the man’s face, much to their mother’s distaste “For God’s sake! Wizards? You can’t be earnest sir.”
“Your mother didn’t tell you anything?” Eleazar asked “After all, I came to deliver your acceptance letters from Hogwarts.”
“I don’t mean to be rude sir.” Ellise stated “But what even is a ‘Hogwarts’?”
“Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it’s where you’re both supposed to study next term.” Fig said calmly “Usually wizarding children show magic at one and ten, but you’ve only showed signs of witchcraft this year, so you’re both quite late bloomers.”
Is this why both of them didn’t fit in with the other kids in their borough? Ellise could only wonder. She always knew something was different about them, but could never figure out what exactly it was. Sure, an unknown man telling her and Aiden that they possessed “magical abilities” was nothing far from odd.
“You said children show magic at one and ten?” She asked, the man nodded “Wouldn’t that mean we’re rather far behind in- Well this sounds weird, magical studies?”
“Leesie, you’re actually taking this seriously!?” Aiden questioned, rather harshly for her liking.
“Well Aiden, it’s not my fault as if it seemed you made the Jones’ kid float around and about!” She snapped at him.
“Stop arguing!” Abigail’s head popped out of the archway as she reprimanded the both of them.
Aiden frowned and looked away from his sister, Ellise looked at her lap as she fidgeted with her hands. Fig took the opportunity to slide two letters over the table and towards the pair.
“Those are your acceptance letters from Hogwarts, you better skim them over.” He commented “And yes Ellise, you’re quite behind other kids your age, but that’s why I’m here too. Magic outside school is strictly forbidden for underage wizards, but the Ministry asked me to come teach you the basics and escort you both to school for the beginning of term.”
“So we have a month to catch up on what?” Aiden scoffed “Four years worth of knowledge?”
“Precisely.” Fig grinned “Although, you’ll have to use the second hand wands that were lended to me, let’s hope that won’t be an issue.”
“When do we start?” Ellise exclaimed. In other circumstances she would’ve found her impulsive question quite rude, but in this moment she didn’t care to hide her bubbling excitement. Aiden couldn’t help but still look apprehensive as he skimmed over his now opened letter.
“We can start today if you’d like.” Fig couldn’t manage to hide his matching excitement, they could tell he looked forward to teaching “Well, if your mother wouldn’t mind it, that is.”
“Oh, I’m quite sure she wouldn’t mind a day of freedom from our bickering.” Aiden stated, lightly shouldering his sister, whom gave her a soft smile in return.
They surely had a busy summer ahead of them, Ellise couldn’t help the excitement bubbling up in her chest, she was looking forward to this new reality.

a/n: ah yes, the famous “post and run”🏃♀️
-> chapter one
wattpad link / ao3 link
Wake up babe fic dropped on Wattpad and AO3 (ongoing)
wattpad link:

ao3 link:
guys.. i know what you’re going to think but HEAR ME OUT:
Now that I’ve started writing the Hogwarts Legacy fic for my ocs, I’ve been seriously thinking about switching Ellise from a Slytherin to a Hufflepuff, WHY you might ask.
First off, I really want to resonate with her, and I’m a Hufflepuff. Fyi Hufflepuffs aren’t nice all the time (NOT REFERRING TO ME cause im stepped on all the time it’s actually an issue) but i’ve met some super sassy arsed hufflepuffs and I think it fits her well.
Second, Hufflepuff x Slytherin duos are everything to me, so since she’s pairing with Seb I think it would be a great change of house.
AND FINAL, the Hufflepuffs get to go to Azkaban, and I was planning on adding that to the fic to make the choice at the end of Seb’s quest line 10x more meaningful
Ok thank you for listening to my ted-talk slay I love you all bye!
ps: chapter one is coming out today cause I’m finally done 🤑
the apparition - hogwarts legacy fanfic (s.s)
title inspired on the apparition by sleep token
• chapter one - the dire journey

summary: After arduous magic lessons during the summer, it’s finally time for Fig to escort the twins to Hogwarts for the new beginning of term in the school, but a sudden twist of events turn the journey for the worst.
cw: 5,5k words, MENTIONS OF DEATH, hogwarts legacy fanfiction, female MC, sebastian sallow x female!MC, poppy sweeting x male!MC, muggle raised MCs, eventual pining & romance, eventual fluff & angst, minimal lore alterations, dialogue alterations, added events, sebastian sallow x seer!MC, will definitely add more as the chapters go on.
a/n: thank you all for the support on the prologue!! now the fun is really getting started 😉 enjoy!
- xxx lola
prologue - one - two

Something was different this time.
It was the roar of an animal, but it was loud, louder than Ellise’s usual dream, reverberating in her brain. She saw a red glow of magic but couldn’t figure out where it came from.
She knew something was wrong, in her gut there was a feeling she couldn’t figure out, but she was certain of one thing - this was not a mere dream.
A strong jaw with big, terrifying sets of teeth closed on her.
Aiden’s eyes snapped towards Ellise as she awoke with a start, the usual now. She must’ve fallen asleep at some point during the carriage ride, the steady flying of the vehicle rocking her into a light slumber.
She was glad she didn’t accidentally lay her head on their sudden acquaintance’s shoulder, George Osric. The high-ranking Ministry of Magic official surprised them, asking to accompany them on the journey with “urgent matters” to discuss with Fig.
He sat beside Ellise, opposite her brother and her professor, they talked about the newest journal rumour - sources mentioned a goblin, Ranrok, posing as a looming threat to the wizarding world.
“It was your wife, Eleazar, who alerted me to his activities months ago.” George said softly as Fig’s brows wound tight together.
“Miriam? How?” The professor questioned.
“She wrote to me about Ranrok before she died - wondering what the Ministry knew of the extent of his activities” George sighed “Before I could respond. I received this. It was the last thing she sent me.”
The official grabbed a cylinder-shaped container from his bag. As Aiden looked out the window, Ellise studied the mysterious object residing in George’s hands. It had a stonish-esque pattern on its exterior and the intricate pattern carved into its front resembled an intricate swirling flame.
“It came to me via her owl.” He continued “But with no correspondence, I can only assume-“
“-That she had to get rid of it quickly to keep it safe.” Fig cut him off, grabbing the artefact to look closely at it.
“Presumably from Ranrok.” George commented “I cannot open it. Whatever magic protects this is powerful indeed.”
“It looks like goblin metal, George.” Eleazar inspected “That symbol-“
“What’s that glow?” Ellise interrupted, piquing her brother’s interest, who also stopped to take a look at the artefact.
“I don’t see a glow.” Fig said, confused.
“Nor do I.” George agreed.
The professor then passed the cylinder onto Ellise’s hands, she noted it wasn’t as heavy as she thought it would be and the metal felt cold and sturdy.
“I see the glow too.” Aiden commented, “I can hear a sound coming from it.”
Suddenly, a click was heard and the small frontal opening of the artefact was unlatched, revealing an intricate key posing of the same design which was carved onto the cylinder.
“Merlin’s beard! How did you do that?” George asked surprised.
Ellise reached for the key inside the container, just to be stopped by her professor’s word of caution.
“Wait! We do not know what-“
A roar of an animal.
Everything happened quickly, too quickly. Aiden’s head snapped to the side as he saw something approaching from the corner of his eye.
“Leesie, look out!” He pulled his sister towards him without even thinking twice, just fast enough to avoid her being taken along with George as a dragon gnawed on their half of the carriage, breaking it off and dragging the man away.
One of her legs dangled from the new sudden opening made into the carriage as her brother held onto her as tight as he could, preventing her from falling like the artefact that fell from her hands towards the clouds that painted the morning sky. They watched with horror as the dragon held the other half of the vehicle in his mouth, suddenly chomping down on it, crumbling all its remains and, consequently, George.
Ellise turned her head over to the front of the carriage and saw the coachman urging the now visible thestrals forward as he tried to get them away from the angry winged beast. Aiden saw the dragon open its mouth and a fiery glow burned in the back of its throat as he urged for them.
“Jump!” Fig yelled over the hiss of the wind as he pulled both of them forward, jumping off the carriage as the dragon spit fire towards it.
They were falling at rapid speed as Fig swam across the air, trying to reach for the mysterious key which fell out of the cylinder container, the twins held tight onto each other, the icy wind feeling like blades cutting their faces.
“Give me your hand!” Fig warned Aiden, who tightened his hold on his sister with one arm and held onto the professor with the other. “Accio!” The key flew towards Eleazar’s hand.
Ellise hit the solid ground with a thud, pain shooting from her side. Her brother quickly got up, anxiously scanning their surroundings, it seemed as if they were in some sort of cave.
“Are you both alright?” Fig asked worriedly as he got up as well “You’re hurt Miss Villin.”
“Perhaps a bit.” The girl said as her brother's worried gaze found her once again. “I must’ve hurt my leg in the fall.”
“Take this. It's a Wiggenweld potion.” The professor said as he uncorked and handed the girl a vial with a green liquid in it. “That stuff’ll right you in a second.”
Unfortunately, Ellise sniffed the potion before drinking it, the smell reeking of mucus mixed with a berry-ish scent, which only worsened her nausea from the sudden Apparating trip. Without thinking too much, she downed the contents of the vial in one big gulp, fortunately feeling immediate pain relief.
“What happened?” Aiden asked as he helped his sister get up from the floor, keeping close by in case she toppled and fell over.
“Poor George- I can’t believe he-“ Fig sighed, one of his hands brushing through his dishevelled ash hair. “What the hell got into that damned thing?! Attacking a carriage mid-air? A typical dragon would never!”
“Professor?” Aiden questioned “Sir- Where are we?”
“I’m not sure, but that key Ellise discovered was clearly a Portkey.”
“A Portkey?” Ellise asked, confused.
“An item enchanted to bring anyone who touches it to a specific place.” The professor explained.
“I’m feeling better, sir- If you’d like us to look around a bit.” Ellise said, the pain in her leg had immensely subdued and she felt as if she could certainly walk normally now.
“I would, but stay close, both of you.” He urged them forward, towards the opening of the cave “We’ve no idea who created this Portkey- or why.”
Aiden kept close beside Ellise as she followed Fig out of the mysterious cave, which led to a bright open area, it seemed the hole was on the side of an island and miles of sea were all that could be seen besides-
Abandoned ruins. Just like the ones in Ellise’s dream. She couldn’t help but question what in the world was going on, why did she dream about these things countless times before?
“How far did that Portkey take us, professor?” She questioned, shielding her eyes from the rapid wind that blew her hair.
“Farther from London than the carriage travelled.” He asserted “We’re somewhere in the Scottish Highlands.”
“Do you think we were supposed to be sent to those ruins up ahead?” Aiden pointed, catching Fig’s attention.
“I do.” Fig asserted “This has not been the day any of us expected. But Miriam sent that Portkey to George for a reason, and I believe they died in pursuit of what it was meant to lead to.” He paused, both twins listening intently to his words.
“If you both are sure you’re alright and wouldn’t mind indulging me- I’d like to have a look around.”
Aiden eyed Ellise carefully, he figured it’d be best for her to choose since she was the one hurt in the first place. She met his eye with understanding and gave him a small nod.
“Absolutely, sir.”
“Good!” He didn’t hide his excitement “Let’s see if we can find a path- however faded it may be.”
Along the mountain's edge, Ellise minded her step not to trip in their rigged path. The wind bled through her coat, making her shiver slightly.
“Where do you suppose your wife got the Portkey?” Aiden asked, both of them walked just ahead of her, engaged in conversation.
They soon found out Miriam spent years looking for signs of another form of magic, a rather ancient one which was long forgotten since its prime. This magic could only be wielded by a rare few people, who seemed to have been lost to time. Eleazar presumed his wife’s research led her to the Portkey, which certainly played a big part in it.
The path flowed downwards and upwards, leading them to do some climbing and jumping, which was something none of them imagined would be required today.
They reached a dead end, a wall which looked as if made of ice blocking them from pushing forward. The professor saw it as a learning opportunity- as he saw most things -and told them to use the, in Ellise’s opinion, overly practised, basic wand cast to break the wall. That task was no hard feat for the twins, who quickly brought down the wall and kept going forward once again.
“We’re close now.” Fig encouraged “It’s just ahead.”
As they reached a fully open area, the wind seemed stronger than before, the twins having to steady themselves to not be blown away. The bridge that led to the ruins seemed to be broken, but it was fixed with a quick ‘Reparo’ from Fig himself. Finally, they had reached the ruins, each of them going off in one direction to find clues about the creator of the Portkey quickly.
“Lessie! Professor Fig!” Aiden called from the back of the ruins
As she arrived, the girl saw a weirdly transparent wall, which seemed to have a room behind it, the same glow from the cylinder container emanating from it. They got closer to it.
“An enchanted wall?” Ellise questioned, “But what’s that room behind it?”
“Room? What room?” Fig asked, confused.
They all exchanged sceptical looks before reaching out to the wall, as they came in contact with it their surroundings seemed to change, they were now inside the mysterious room.
“What in Merlin’s name?!” Fig exclaimed.
“Where are we?” Aiden asked.
To say they were tired of being suddenly teleported was an understatement, this was enough teletransportation for their whole year already. They seemed to be in some sort of lobby, a snoring figure lying down at some sort of reception desk.
“Hello?” Ellise said as she carefully approached the desk. The figure didn’t bulge, Fig cleared his throat in an attempt to wake it.
The figure awoke with a startled yell, now the twins could make out that it was a goblin given his pointy ears and black sclera eyes, his nose was big and round and his nails were as long as they could be grown out. He blinked, confused, and suddenly his eyes popped out at the sight of the people in front of his desk.
“It can’t be.” He exclaimed, Fig and his students just looked at him with arched eyebrows “Ah, just a moment.”
The goblin turned around as he mumbled to himself, getting down from the place he sat in to go around the tall desk.
“Welcome to Gringotts Wizarding Bank.” He said with a bow “Vault number twelve, I presume?”
Ellise looked around the fancy lobby once more, Gringotts? Why would they be in a bank?
“Precisely.” Fig disguised his confusion quickly.
“The key?” The goblin said as he presented his hand, waiting for the item to be given to him. The professor just looked at him, confused once more.
“Your wife’s Portkey.” Aiden whispered as he nudged the man.
“Yes, of course” Fig took the key out of his pocket, placing it in the goblin’s big hand.
“This way then.”
They followed the goblin towards what looked like a train platform that had wide rails in front of it, the creature whistled a tune and a cart came quickly, stopping with a half right in front of the group.
“After you.” The goblin signalled for them to sit down.

Aiden would’ve rathered Apparating a million times before having to ride this hellish cart again. As he focused on the path ahead to not throw up his breakfast, Ellise admired the length of the tunnels of the bank, the cart bringing them lower and lower into the ground as the minutes passed, it tossed and turned and she noticed her brother was more pale than usual, the water from the waterfall that cleanses enchantments only making his sickness worsen as his clothes were clinging onto him.
The goblin explained how the vault was commissioned shortly after Gringotts was founded, so it resided in the lowest part of the bank, a long ride ahead of them.
After quite some time, the cart stopped to a halt after a goblin security guard on a platform signalled for them to break.
“Vault number?” His voice was deep and dry, the group could tell he wasn’t as nice as the goblin that was guiding them.
“Vault twelve!” The nice goblin answered “Momentous day!”
The guard goblin groaned.
“On your way.”
As he signalled the path ahead with his long hand, Ellise, who was right in front of him, noticed he had a band on his arm which had the same red glow of the collar the dragon that attacked them wore, she eyed their professor apprehensively as the cart took off again, to Aiden’s displeasure. The girl quietly nudged Fig, who questioned her with a soft hum, she quietly told him about the glow of the band.
“Like the glow you saw on the Portkey container?” He asked
“No, darker. I saw that glow on the dragon’s collar.” She whispered, worried.
“What was that?” The nice goblin interrupted them, Fig asked about the guard.
The goblin told them that the grumpy guard watched over the eldest section of the bank, but rarely anyone went there anymore. Ellise and Aiden looked at themselves over the cart with an alarmed gaze.
With a few more tosses and turns, the cart came to a final stop, and Aiden already took it as a prize that he managed to keep the contents of his stomach on the inside. They got up from their seats and followed the goblin towards on single door on the furthest wall in front of the rails.
The goblin grabbed the key from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole of the heavy metal door, he turned it and the heavy metal locks groaned and they unlocked themselves. The goblin stood aside to let them get through the now-opened passage, and the group thanked him as they stepped into a short candle-lit stone hallway.
“What do you suppose we should be looking for?” Ellise asked as she looked around their new surroundings.
“I’m not sure.” Fig said as he turned towards the goblin who was now standing in the doorway “Sir, I wonder if you might-”
“The instructions for vault twelve indicate that I am to grant access to the holder of the key - and then close the door.” He said with a smile, signalling with his hand and, in a swift motion, locking them in the room. “Best of luck!”
“Great.” Aiden complained “Professor?”
Fig didn’t hide his surprise, they certainly weren’t expecting to be locked in an unknown vault for God knows how long.
“Revelio might help us here.” The professor rubbed his chin “A revealing charm, no time like the present, ready your wands.”
They both raised their second-hand wands and copied Fig as he showed them the movement of the spell. As they cast revelio, a door appeared on the other end of the small hallway, it had the same blue glow as the container of the Portkey and they got closer to inspect it.
As the twins touched the door, the corridor around them vanished and they found themselves in a vast, dark room.

White flashes of light
That’s all Ellise and Aiden had seen for the past 30 minutes, which felt more like hours of their lives. They had to battle knights, a safety matter, the boy presumed, and amidst the chaos they lost their professor, having to battle on their own.
Short of breath, they crossed a portal that led to a room full of grandeur with a basin in the middle of it. If the day hadn't already been weird enough, there was a small vial floating above said basin, they approached it and Ellise reached for the weird container and took it. The door at the far end of the room opened and luckily Fig was just behind it, looking confused.
“There you are!” Fig looked around the room “How did you-? What is this place?”
“I don’t know.” Ellise sighed as they approached him “But we found this floating above that basin.” She showed him the vial.
Professor Fig took a closer look at the said basin curiously “That is no mere ‘basin’. That is a Pensieve - for viewing memories.”
Ellise handed the vial to him and he opened it “I wonder-“ He tipped the container over the basin, a glowing liquid falling from it swiftly and making the water below it swirl with black.
“Follow my lead.” He put the upper half of his face in the murky water.
Ellise looked at her brother, confused, he just shrugged at her “I guess we have no choice.” He chuckled and dipped his head in as well. The girl took a deep breath and followed.
Ellise saw the room they were in, but it was like watching it from behind a foggy glass. A man resided in the middle, he looked a little past Fig’s age and swished his wand around as he finished building the room, the same blue glow the twins saw earlier enveloped the pillars he conjured. The girl noticed another man was on the other end of the room, seemingly helping with the room’s architecture, although he was quite shorter and fuller than the other man.
They approached each other close to the Pensieve “All is in place.” The shorter one said.
“The Portkey is well hidden?” The tall one questioned.
“Perhaps too well, I wonder if the path we created-“
“May be impossible to follow?” The tall wizard completed his mate's sentence ”It will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic - as I can.”
“Your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough, Percival.” Percival, that was the tall wizard’s name, Ellise made sure to keep it in mind as the memory unfolded. “We are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with powerful secrets - with knowledge others will do anything to obtain.”
“Yes, and if we are correct, Charles, the person who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy of the knowledge and the responsibility that accompanies it.” Percival said, final.
“We’ve done all we can.” Charles agreed.
They both gazed at the far wall for a second. Then, Percival placed the tip of his wand to his temple as he pulled out the string of glowing magic that was poured onto the Pensieve.
The memory ended and they all pulled out their heads from the water of the basin. “That’s what you’re seeing?” Fig questioned “The glow that surrounded them?”
“Yes Sir.” Aiden answered “That blue glow.”
“Can we see magic?” Ellise asked, puzzled.
“Traces of ancient magic, to be precise. The magic that Miriam had always believed existed but could never-“ The professor trailed off “Miriam, and perhaps George, died in pursuit of knowledge that has been dormant for centuries - And you both, it seems, are the key to understanding why. We wou-“
They heard the voice from the nice goblin banker coming from the other side of the door, accompanied by heavy metal footsteps “It all looks rather different than it did a moment ago.” He chuckled awkwardly.
“Someone’s coming.” Fig warned, turning towards the door.
“Who were they?” A deep voice asked
“I don’t know - but sir, you shouldn’t be in here.” The nice goblin insisted.
The door opened, a red glow coming from the other side. Ranrok. He walked in front, a rookie and the grumpy guard beside him, the nice goblin followed frantically after them “I was right.” Ranrok said in a menacing tone.
“Ranrok.” Fig spat at him, anger evident in his voice.
“Seems my reputation precedes me. I was beginning to think no one was ever going to visit Rackham’s vault.”
“And why are you here?” The professor pulled out his wand, and the twins followed, pointing them at the goblin.
“No need for that.” He put out his hand urging them to stop “Just give me whatever it is you found here and we can let bygones be bygones.”
They all stared each other down with icy gazes, the nice goblin placed a long hand on Ranrok’s shoulder “Sir, they had the key to the vault.”
“Choose your next words wisely.” Ranrok warned as he side-eyed him.
“- I only meant that the instructions for vault twelve were quite clear.” He said carefully and fisted his hand to his sides “Sir, I must insist. I was to grant access only to one with the key. And you didn’t have-“
With a flash of red, Ranrok levitated the nice goblin banker with an angry grunt. He held him in the air for a second before descending him towards the ground with full force. The goblin’s spine snapped with an audible ‘crack’, making Ellise let out a trembling breath as her brother stepped a little bit more in front of her protectively.
“I have no patience for traitors.” The goblin said, his gaze snapping back to them “Now, where were we?”
“I’m not giving you anything.” Fig barked back at him.
Ranrok hummed, annoyed. “Well - Perhaps your young friends here will be more helpful.”
The professor’s wand lit up as he flickered as he sent a spell towards Ranrok, who blocked it effortlessly with his own which overpowered it. He sent Fig and the twins flying to the back of the room, making them hit the floor painfully with a thud.
The floor under the Pensieve started to swirl as if it turned into water. A knight emerged from it, it was big, too big, and it charged for Ranrok and his comrades, barely missing him with his sword. Professor Fig got up with a cough and Ellise helped her brother get on his feet.
The girl noticed a portal to her right and walked over to it, on the other side lay a forest, seemingly peaceful. “I know a way out!” Fig and Aiden kneeled to dodge a swing of the guardian’s sword “Professor!” She yelled to get their attention.
They ran over to the portal as a pillar that was cut in half fell right in their direction, each of the twins held one of Fig’s shoulders and placed their free hands on the portal, the three of them lowered their heads and shut their eyes as the pillar got dangerously close to crushing them. A light flashed and the portal did its job.
The professor whooped at their sudden teletransportation and they abruptly opened their eyes. They looked around, dark trees being all that was around them.
“Are you both alright?” Fig asked.
“Fine, sir.” Aiden answered “Ellise?”
“Me too.”
“I’ve never seen so powerful a goblin.” Eleazar exclaimed as he studied their surroundings “He seemed wholly unaffected by my magic.” He turned back to the twins.
“Where are we?” Aiden asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
Fig looked around once more and chuckled “It can’t be.” He said marvelled “It seems those who set up the Pensieve, the locket - and the path to both - wanted someone with your abilities to end up here.”
They walked towards a lamppost with multiple path indicators on it, Fig stopped right under it “Come. We’ve a Sorting Ceremony to get to.”

The walk to Hogwarts grounds was far from short, and the staircase to the entrance hall was so long Ellise’s calves hurt after climbing them. They stood in the hall as Fig placed his ear on the heavy wooden doors.
He walked back to the twins “We haven’t missed the Sorting Ceremony” He pulled his wand out “I’m no expert, but that seems more appropriate.”
With a swish, Fig changed the twins’ clothes to plain black Hogwarts uniforms. The cloak was smooth and the button-ups fitted them perfectly. “I need to study this locket as soon as I can, but first I’ll contact the Ministry” He explained “They need to know about Ranrok, and what happened to George. For the moment I ask that you both keep what’s happened only between us.”
The professor walked back to the door and opened it slowly, loud chattering and laughter burst through the small opening and Fig peeked into the room, quickly turning back to the twins once more.
“Phineas Nigellus Black” He sighed with disdain “Prepare yourselves to meet the Headmaster.”
As if his entrance was timed, a man walked through the doors. He was tall and dressed with splendour, but, in Ellise’s opinion, he looked much like a cranky goat. She had to hold back a snicker. Aiden noticed and grasped her thought immediately, covering his mouth with his fist to muffle a chuckle.
“Fig - Nice of you to join us.” The Headmaster reprimanded “The Sorting Ceremony’s over.”
“There were - complications.” The professor tried to reason “It seems that the goblin problem-“
Nigellus groaned “Enough. Goblins?” He asked amused “I’ve no time for rumours, Fig. And I’m rapidly losing whatever patience I had left.” He turned towards the twins “If you’re lucky, we might still get you sorted this evening. Come.”
They both quickly followed the Headmaster, waving Fig a small goodbye with their hands. As they got through the grand doorway, Ellise noticed heads turning towards them; she didn’t know if it was curiosity over their tardiness or late sorting age.
“Professor Weasley, we’ve two more to get sorted” Nigellus asked dryly as they reached the front of the room, where a single stool was, ready for whoever to sit on “Go on.’
Aiden noticed Ellise’s apprehension “I can go.”, he reassured her. He sat on the stool as the feast hall slowly got quieter, everyone now watching curiously. A woman, seemingly Professor Weasley, placed a hat on his head and as much as Ellise tried to listen in, their mouth moved but no audible sound came out, was the conversation with the hat a private one?
The hat closed its cloth mouth looking deep in thought “You belong in - Slytherin!” The hat yelled through the hall, the Slytherin table bursting into loud cheers and whistles. Aiden got up and Professor Weasley changed his robe accents to his house’s, he walked towards his sister.
“Good luck, Leesie.” He gave her a reassuring smile and Ellise watched as he walked over to stand beside the woman who was waiting for her to sit down to place the hat on her head.
The hall got quiet again as Ellise sat down on the stool, she looked around and-
Brown eyes
The same pair from her dream, she caught a glimpse of them and her heart leapt in her chest for some odd reason. She tried to find the gaze again but couldn’t seem to, her thoughts being interrupted by the weight of the hat being placed on her head.
“Ah, another one of you.” She heard the hat say “Twins I presume?”
“Yes, I’m the oldest.”
“You both are a bit older than the others, aren’t you?” The hat commented, “You come here with preferences and preconceptions - certain expectations.”
“I’m looking forward to exploring Hogwarts and the world beyond the castle and grounds” Ellise chirped at the hat.
“Indeed. Much can be gleaned by having an adventurous spirit. But your professors certainly have a great deal to teach you as well.” The hat stopped to think for a bit “You do not give up easily, do you? You are undaunted to challenges that lie ahead, and your loyalty to a friend and your brother delayed your arrival here this evening. I’ve made my mind about you, child.” Ellise fidgeted with her hands and counted down the seconds until the hat announced her house.
“Better be - Hufflepuff!” The hat’s voice echoed down the packed hall, the Hufflepuff table cheering as the woman took the hat off her head and changed her robe accents to a yolky yellow colour. She was placed in a different house from her brother? That made Ellise a bit anxious at the least, she hoped she could befriend anyone soon, she didn’t know how different witch children were from muggle-borns, not like she had muggle friends anyway.
“Anyway, I’m sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow,” Nigellus spoke out, the students just stared at him, which seemed to annoy the man “I said - I’m sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow!”
Students rolled their eyes and groaned as all of them got up and exited the hall one by one, Ellise figured she wouldn’t be able to talk to anyone from her house tonight which annoyed her even more.
The woman turned towards her and Aiden “Quite an entrance! It’s lovely to meet you, I’m-”
“Professor Weasley,” The Headmaster interrupted “- Would you be so kind as to show our new students their common rooms?”
“I shall see to it, sir.” she nodded and turned back to the twins “As I was saying - I’m Matilda Weasley, a pleasure to meet you.”
Aiden shook her hand “I’m Aiden Villin, this is my sister Ellise. A pleasure to meet you as well professor.” Ellise also shook her hand and gave her a soft smile, which she returned.
“As Deputy Headmistress, it is my distinct honour to show you both to your common rooms. Right this way.”

Finally, they got to Ellise’s common room, they made sure to drop off her brother first in the Slytherin common room, the snake door leaving the girl’s mouth agape.
The Hufflepuff common room entrance was less extraordinary, consisting of what seemed like a wine cellar full of huge barrels “Now, here we are at the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.” Matilda gestured to a couple of stacked barrels on the far end of the cellar.
“This is the entrance?” Ellise asked, puzzled.
“Indeed! I will explain what to do, but I hesitate to do it myself as one errant knock leads to being doused in vinegar. Most unpleasant.” She let out a low chuckle “You must tap the barrel, two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of Hel-ga Huff-le-puff”
Ellise approached the barrels, the last thing she needed this evening was to be doused in vinegar, having to wash herself and her new uniform. She tapped the barrel in the rhythm, thankfully in the correct way, and the biggest barrel in the cellar revealed a tunnel, she couldn’t hide her relieved smile.
“Well done! Now you go in and get some sleep, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.” The professor said and Ellise climbed into the barrel entrance “Please make sure to find your brother in his common room if you can, I’ll meet you both there in the morning to collect you both for your first class.”
“Thank you, Professor Weasley.” Ellise said, grateful that not all faculty was like the goaty Headmaster.
“You’re welcome. I hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts. Sleep well.”
As Ellise reached the room of the fifth years, she noticed everyone was already asleep, so she was careful to be as quiet as possible. Waking sleeping colleagues had to be an awful first impression. To her surprise, her owl, Harriet, made it from the dragon attack. She changed into the pair of pyjamas that were neatly folded on her bed and scritched the owl’s chin, muttering a low “Good girl.”
When she let herself fall on the bed, she felt the heavy exhaustion on her sore muscles, she hoped tomorrow would be more peaceful for her and she was looking forward to starting classes and meeting all sorts of people, people like her.
That night, for the first time in ages, her dreams didn’t disrupt her sleep.

a/n: Finally I finished this!! I have so much planned for the next chapters, if you read this far, I hope you enjoyed my writing and the next chapter will come soon!
ps. I hope you guys noticed I didn't cancel Quidditch 😉
wattpad link / ao3 link
Hey guys! I really was planning to post another chapter of my fic soon, as I have everything already planned out, but I’m moving houses and between cleaning the new house and packing stuff from the old one AND having university tests, I didn’t have the time to sit and write the chapter yet. Bear with me and soon the new chapter will be out!
Thank you all for the support💗
xx lola

They are afraid of success

Made STEVE Class Schedules
I attempted to be as accurate as I could to canon schedules but also to the characters themselves.

Conviction Class Schedules

Bonus Schedules for Menala (Maponos's sister) Luciana (Maponos' future wife) and Dawn, (Dusk's girlfriend & future wife)

Some kinda self-indulgent art of Maponos and Luciana in the Hogwarts AU
⟢˚࿔ reader masterlist 𝜗𝜚˚♡
✧˖°. readers
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. fawn!reader ⋆.˚⊹
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. animagus!reader ⋆.˚⊹
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. lamb!reader ⋆.˚⊹
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. nerdy!reader ⋆.˚⊹
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ american!reader
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. animagus!reader⋆.˚⊹
✧˖°. masterlist

animagus!reader is a very wealthy pureblood, but she doesn’t discriminate against muggles as she can often be seen wearing luxury muggle brands. she leaves a floral scent trail wherever she goes and her presence never goes unnoticed. she studies occasionally and gets decent grades– something that she doesn’t have to worry about though, given her high status.
animagus!reader is not an illegal animagus. Still, she doesn’t flaunt the fact around, making it a secret. she tends to be a bit hotheaded and can definitely be seen as a snob at first glance, but can be very considerate to those she hold very dear. only her close friends are aware of her special ability and they reap the benefits of being able to cuddle with her when she is herself in the shape of a black and white ragdoll cat.
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. lamb!reader⋆.˚⊹
✧˖°. masterlist

lamb!reader loves to lay on the grassy fields of Hogwarts, near the Whomping Willow. she wanders around the school, admiring its beauty during her free time and making conversation with some of the ghosts and portraits. she journals all day, keeping to herself and hardly starting conversations with other students first. somewhat of a sweetheart, lamb!reader can tend to be a pushover and hardly has any real friends. she hangs out with the likes of luna lovegood and neville longbottom, finding comfort in their kinder personalities.
lamb!reader smells like a total sugar factory with notes of strawberry. she appreciates lace trim and satin ribbon, even the occasional denim notes. very sensitive and compassionate, lamb!reader hardly participates in school-wide rumors, giving everyone a fair shot and keeps her distance from people she deems rude.
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. american!reader⋆.˚⊹
✧˖°. masterlist

american!reader moved to london and attends Hogwarts after spending over half her education at Ilvermorny. she hardly goes out of her way to make friends, usually getting through each day with a few casual conversations with whoever. since she comes off as a bit headstrong, many don’t approach her even though they are intrigued by her unfamiliarity. however, once someone gets to know her, she can be quite caring and even timid in private. she finds the UK to be boring, and not suited for her which can be seen by her indifference to practically anything she is shown.
american!reader is very aware of the stares she gets at school when she walks alone but doesn’t care. she appears to have no interest in fitting in, finding more peace in just being herself, although she sometimes wishes to be approached and made friends with first. she isn’t rude to anybody without a reason, being quick-witted and sharp to those who annoy her. she does her schoolwork like anybody else, garnering fine grades that were not expected of her. american!reader can occasionally be found having a quick smoke on the Astronomy Tower. she can’t wait to move back to the States.
“I’m a man now”

lorenzo berkshire x american!reader (fem pov)
word count: approx. 1.3k
cw: mdni!! kind of childhood friends to lovers, sort of rekindling, cursing, heavy makeout, sexual language, tiniest bit of fluff (?)
an: lowkey not proofread since I did this instead of sleeping, first piece of work on this blog, title may or may not be a play on louis’ role in enola holmes haha

As sweat began to bead on your forehead, you shielded your eyes from the raging sun, watching the ice cream from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour melt in your hand. In your other hand, were bags of books, a new set of robes, and a brand new cauldron for you to start your final year of education but first school year at Hogwarts after having transferred from Ilvermorny.
You turned your head to look behind yourself, seeing your mom chatting animatedly with her friend who you know to be Mrs. Berkshire. You remembered her obscurely from the summers she would spend in America when you were younger, bringing along her son– Lorenzo.
Lorenzo was walking beside his mother, casually eating his ice cream without a care in the world. You used to spend time with him as kids in the summer, but it had been about 5 years and you definitely had suspicions about his newfound personality. Despite your mother's insistence on you rekindling your friendship with the seemingly sweet Lorenzo, you spent most of the afternoon purposefully walking ahead of him or trailing slowly behind him. Stopping at a trashcan to wipe your hands with a tissue and throw away the remainder of your ice cream cone, you’re startled when your mother suddenly speaks to you.
“Got everything you need?” She asks, placing a hand on your back. Regaining your breath, you turned to her, wiping off a bit of sweat on your forehead.
“Yeah, mom, scared me. Can we go now? It’s terrible out here,” you complained, squinting at the sun. You looked around the bustling environment of Diagon Alley and saw Lorenzo staring at you from the corner of your eye. He stood there, tall and handsome, the sun hitting him in all the right ways. You shut your eyes for a second before opening them back up at your mom in an attempt to distract yourselves from his appearance.
“Mhm, we’re going to stop by the Leaky Cauldron first though, Lorenzo’s hungry,” she told you. Noticing the hesitant nod you gave her, she added, “Y/n.. you guys used to be such great little friends, why don’t you sit beside him once we sit down to eat?” A slight frown formed on your face as you mumbled a small sure and began to walk towards the Leaky Cauldron with your mom, Lorenzo and his mother following behind.
As the four of you entered the pub, your mother sat beside Lorenzo’s, giving you a knowing smile. You dubiously took the seat beside Lorenzo, averting your gaze, determined to stare at your mother’s eyebrows and zone out. You’re brought back to reality as Mrs. Berkshire orders. “Three butterbeers and a, uh hot tea for me please,” she smiled at the waiter. The moment the waiter left, you realized it would be the most awkward wait ever, so you excused yourself.
“Just going to use the bathroom real quick.”
You entered the small, dingy bathroom that was dimmed, noticing the lack of foot space. You looked in the mirror, dabbing off a bit of the extra sweat you had from outside off your chest with some toilet paper. You reached down to your low-rise jeans, fishing your lipgloss out of your pocket. Reapplying the lipgloss, you saw the door open behind you through the mirror and flinched, turning around immediately, hands behind you, resting on the sink. “Holy shit! Who the fuck..” you huffed out, holding your hand to your heart. “Lorenzo. Why would you–?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he smiled, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Mhm, coming into the bathroom unannounced; a sure way to lull someone into comfort,” you retorted. “Wh-what are you even doing here?” You furrowed your brows in confusion, staring at his face.
“You know,” he shrugged nonchalantly. “Just wanted to see why you were avoiding me.”
“Avoiding you?” you asked incredulously. “There’s no reason for me to avoid you,” you added defensively. “What, you thought I was too scared to talk to you this whole time?”
“Look, there’s no,” he scoffed. “--there’s no need to lie,” he grinned, stepping closer, and you could almost convince yourself that he gazed at the sweat glistening on your chest momentarily. “You don’t have to tell me, it’s fine.” You furrowed your brows from his change of heart and said nothing. “So,” he exhaled. “What have you been up to?"
“Nothing really… bit bummed I had to move, but it’s whatever now,” you shrugged, grateful for the change in direction. “You?”
“Yeah same, nothing too. Why don’t you like it here?” Lorenzo asked.
“Dunno… seems a bit boring here. Plus all the guys I’ve seen so far– they seem so immature. The amount of yelling I heard in Flourish and Blotts; insanity.,” you groaned. “They’re all just little boys to me honestly.” Your eyes darted around the bathroom, pursing your lips slightly.
“Pfft, yeah. I get what you mean, some of them are horrible.”
“They were like you when you used to come over to America,” you teased, a small smile forming on your face. “A complete twit as you people call it.”
“Please,” he sighed. “I’m a man now.”
“Mmm, uh huh,” you nodded hesitantly. The mood somehow shifted, the air becoming palpable. “I’m sure you are.” You gave him half a smile, teasingly. To your surprise, Lorenzo stepped forward, taking one of your hands into both of his and looked into your eyes.
“Missed you.” He said that so casually, the words coming out of his mouth like he had been itching to say those words for an eternity. Taken aback by the change of tone, you paused for a few seconds before saying,
“I missed you too. You’re quite handsome now; did you know?"
Lorenzo placed a hand on your jaw, lightly rubbing it. “Y’think so? Cause you’re not so bad yourself.” Your lips parted slightly, but no sound came out of your mouth. His eyes darted around your face, from your eyes, to your lips, even to your flushing cheeks.
“Lorenzo?” You asked, receiving a quiet hm from him in return. “What are you doing?” you asked, unable to contain a giddy grin.
“I mean, I think I’m about to kiss you, but I’m not entirely sure,” he answered cheekily.
“Oh, just do it you absolute twat,” you sighed.
And that he did. Lorenzo met your lips with his own, his hand snaking around your back. The kisses, at first, were light, you guys pulling away every so often to catch your breaths before he started to kiss you sloppily with increased fervor.
His hands trailed from your back, one resting on your waist, the other reaching down to your ass. You let out a small gasp in surprise, biting your lips to suppress a moan as he reeled you closer to him, grasping at your ass. Pulling your lips away from his, forehead to forehead, he met your surprised look with a coy smile before grazing your swollen lips once more, slipping his tongue into your mouth.
As he pushed your back into the sink, you pulled away, both of your breathing ragged, some stray strands of hair sticking to your face. “Hey…” you exhaled out. “Don’t you think our moms are getting suspicious since we’re taking so long?” You gave him a dazed look, wiping off the excess lipgloss from his lips with your thumb.
“Nah, I told them I was going upstairs to see a friend who’s staying here,” he said, his body still yearning for your touch.
“Well, what about me?” you questioned. ‘Wh-what will I say?”
“Just say you blew up the toilet or something…” he teased, his face still tinged with a rosy hue. “I’m kidding, I’m very mature.”
You bit back a giggle, rolling your eyes. “You’re really not, you are making me enjoy my move much, much more.”
a (not so) short interlude: fanfiction
Hello friends!
This week I have taken a break from working on my original story and instead wrote a piece of fanfiction. At first glance this may not seem like something unusual. In my bio I state I am a professional nerd afterall, and though I don’t believe I have ever discussed it on here, I do consume quite a bit of fanfiction along with original novels. However, the truth is that I had never actually written fanfiction. Well, before this week that is.
In my one writing class (the same writing class I am doing this blog for in fact) we have been assigned to create a Remix, which is basically what it sounds like: taking other people’s content and cut/copy and pasting it to create something different/new. Remixes are the basis of fan-culture: fanfiction, fanart, video edits– all of these constitute as Remixes. And so, of course, my first, and strongest idea, for the assignment was to write a fanfiction. I wasn’t sure if that was allowed within the constraints of the assignment, so this week I basically asked my professor if I could write and submit a fanfiction for a class assignment.
The things you do at university ladies and gentlefolk.
I didn’t ask in so many words of course, and my professor was super chill about it and seems really excited for what I would come up with so that's cool. She’s going to be reading this post at some point actually so…
Hello, Professor M! Thanks for being so awesome! ᕱ__ᕱ
Anyway, all this to say, I was inspired to write my first fanfiction this week. It is not a part of the project I will be turning in for class, however it does introduce and develop some original characters, relationships, and conflicts that I may include in my class fanfic.
Oh! And before I let you get into it, I suppose I should let y’all know that it’s a Harry Potter fanfiction. That being said, I hope you enjoy!!

“Muggle sports are so interesting,” Em said, swinging the pale pink baseball bat she carried up onto her shoulder with a flourish. “Don’t you think, Marcus?” She rolled her head back over her shoulder with a taunting smile to stare down Marcus Flint, who paused from where he was sauntering down the hallway with the Slytherin quidditch team, scoffing at Emma’s question.
“You think I know what the fuck your talking about, blondie? Muggle sports? As if lower myself to even touch anything associated with muggles.” His massive nose wrinkled as if he had taken a whiff of something particularly nasty, sneering down at the smaller girl. The whole hallway has frozen by this point.
“What even is that thing?” Adrian Pucey called out, “Looks like a fucked Beater’s batt,” he said, unintentionally echoing my question from earlier. “Are you sure they even use that for sport? Looks thin enough it could snap in half with one blow.” Laughter tittered through the gathered Slytherins and even some pure blood students from other houses.
“And would they even hit anything with it?” Malfoy cut in, snidely. “They’re not as developed as wizards, with their inferior reflexes. Clumsy oafs.” He sniffed with derision and the Slytherin’s laughter grew, through the rest of the students had piped down. Emma’s smile had dropped.
Flint’s sneer turned into a cruel grin “I’d think you would know that quite well, what with the spectacle your relatives made last year.”
He was, of course, referring to when Emma had gotten caught up in the Chamber of secrets mess and had been petrified. Her muggle aunt had some to visit all the way from America and was in hysterics, though, rightfully so. Ems had to wait until near the end of the term for the mandrake draught to age to be cured as the Hogwarts Board had not seen it fit to allot a budget to import some from overseas.
As Pucey, Malfoy and the rest of the Slytherin team snickered, Flint continued on, striking his final blow, “Poor little mudblood.”
He leaned back, apparently satisfied with himself as Ems spun on her heel to face him fully, steel in her eyes and stone faced, the pink bat still on her shoulder.
The thing about Emma that many people still don’t get, even though we are well into our Fourth Year at Hogwarts, is that though she may be a Hufflepuff, she is never one to back down from a challenge. Especially if she initiated it. Especially if it deals insults to her family and friends.
A sickeningly sweet smile rose to her face. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Marcus,” she simpered, false concern evident in her voice, “I forget sometimes that some people are so uneducated on this side of the pond.” Flint's face dropped and his relaxed pose faltered. “I’ll make sure to speak slowly for you, don’t worry.” That gained Ems a few snickers of her own from the other students in the crowded hall, but the Slytherins all tensed and a few people left to go grab a Professor.
Emma took a step forward as if nothing was wrong, smile still in place, but fire in her eyes. “This is called a baseball bat. It’s used in a sport called baseball. It’s very popular in America, even among the wizarding community. I unfortunately don’t think I have the skills to explain the whole game to you in a way that you would understand, but a baseball bat functions similarly to a beater bat. However, the ball that one must hit is much smaller than a bludger.” Emma paused here to take another step forward, her smile growing into something sharper. “What that means, Marcus, is that a baseball bat is much, much better for hitting,” she glanced down his body, making sure he saw the direction of her gaze when she looked back into his eyes a few seconds later, “smaller targets.”
Marcus inhaled sharply and the Slytherin team stood frozen as several students in the hall burst into laughter. Emma stepped back, her smile turning into a much more genuine smirk. “And for the record Marcus, I’m very grateful my aunt came all the way from America to visit me when I was attacked by the Heir of Slytherin. I’m very lucky to have such wonderful family. I’m sure your father would have done the same for you.” Flint flinched back slightly, hurt flashing across his face, though it was quickly covered by a scowl. Now that was a bit of a low blow, though arguably it was deserved. It was the worst kept secret in Slytherin that Marcus and his father did not get along, to put it lightly.
Just then, a Ravenclaw prefect rounded the corner with Professors McGonagall and Snape in tow. Students very quickly began to disperse, including the rest of the Slytherin team, as Professor Snape raised an eyebrow at the scene. “Just what is going on here?”
“Nothing, professors,” Emma bounced on her heels as she turned towards Snape and McGonagall, beaming at them. I could have sworn I heard Professor Snape mutter “too bright” under his breath, but I could be mistaken. “I was just telling Marcus about the American muggle sport called baseball,” she gestured to the bat on her shoulder.
Then, she turned to look at Flint again. “I’m so sorry to cut this riveting conversation short but I really do have to go and check on some of my plants. I’m sure Professor Burbage would be happy to continue to explain baseball to you if you ask politely. Though, that may be a challenge for you,” she nodded gravely to herself, “You should work on that. I hear that adequate etiquette skills are needed in pure blood circles, but I’m sure I wouldn’t know anything about that, being muggleborn myself.”
She smirked at Flint, daring him to say anything and reveal the fact that he had called her a slur. Flint looked down and glared at the floor. Ems shifted her gaze back to the bewildered professors. “I was actually raised in the wizarding world, professors. It’s actually quite interesting! The American magical government is a little less strict about no-maj, sorry, muggle separation and my muggle aunt did marry a wizard.”
“When my parents passed away and my aunt and uncle took me in, they revealed the world of magic to me. My aunt still works in the muggle world, but my uncle works for MACUSA.” Ems grinned. “That’s how it was so easy for me to get approval to study abroad here at Hogwarts. It’s where my uncle went. Anyway, I really do have to go. See you in transfiguration tomorrow Professor MacGonagal, bye!” With that Emma skipped away.
Snape shook his head slightly and turned back to Flint. “Do you have anything to add to Miss Williams’ account, Mr Flint.”
Flint’s mouth pinched and his shoulders hunched but he just shook his head and said, “No, Professor.”
MacGonagal huffed a short breath. “Right, then. Everything seems to be in order.” She shooed Flint off. “Away with you Mr Flint, there’s no need to dawdle in the corridors. And thank you Mr Turner for grabbing us to deescalate the situation,” she said turning to the prefect, “2 points to Ravenclaw.”
Flint shuffled off, as MacGonagal left with the Ravenclaw prefect, Turner, who was asking her about something or other transfiguration related. Only Snape remained in the hall, and when both parties turned opposite corners, he spoke again. “Miss Woodward.”
I remained hidden.
He sighed. “Miss Woodward I would like an account of these events from your own perspective this evening. Please arrive at my office after dinner, no later than 7.” With that he turned and stalked off.
I stepped out from the tapestry I was hiding behind and made a mental note to send Ems a note thanking her. I myself then turned and made my way to the courtyard despite the winter chill, resolved to avoid the dungeons and my head of house until after dinner.
I’m quite proud of what I have written here and for my first fanfiction ever I don’t think I’ve done too shabby of a job. But, with that, since this post is a little longer than normal, I shall let you go.
Remember: dot your your j’s and cross your t’s! ᕱ__ᕱ
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
nanowrimo + more fanfiction
Hello friends!
Today I have some exciting (and mildly terrifying) news to share. I have decided at the last minute to attempt to participate in NaNoWriMo this year! ᕱ__ᕱ I know I’ve mentioned it on here before, but for those who don’t know NaNoWriMo, short for National Novel Writing Month, is a 30 day writing challenge that takes place in November every year. The goal is to have a 50,000 word manuscript of something done by the end of the month. (Here is a link with more info if y’all are interested!) As an ardent fanfic reader, consuming 50,000 words is all in a day's work. As an amature writer who is currently struggling to gain back a bulk of my creative writing muscles that I have lost from disuse, writing 50,000 words is an uphill battle.
Since I am a full time student with a part time job I have decided to be nice to myself and make my own personal goal 25,000 words in 30 days. If I hit 50,000, that would be awesome, but I don’t want to beat myself up if I fall short. And for those of you (my fellow AO3 enthusiasts arise!) who are looking at 25,000 words and saying “Clem! That’s going to be a piece of cake! 25,000 words is nothing!” let me put it in perspective for you. 25,000 words is about 100 pages of double spaced 12pt font typing. 100! PAGES!!!
So, what does that mean for this blog? As this is still a school assignment, I do need to keep up with posting weekly, but I may not be posting anything about my original story for the month of November. I want to give myself space to work on that on its own as my original story is the project I am working on for NaNoWriMo. However, like I said, you can count on me to post something involving creative writing here once a week. ᕱ__ᕱ
For this week, I have decided to post part of the class assignment that I wrote a Harry Potter fanfiction for 2 weeks ago. Below are images of a letter that my original Slytherin character wrote to her father during her (and Harry Potter’s) first year at Hogwarts.

I am done with the assignment now, but I think I may decide to continue on with this OC at some point. Who knows? Not me! All I know is that by the end of November I am never going to want to touch a keyboard again. (“Do creative writing,” they said. “It will be fun,” they said.) Well, that’s all from me for now!
Remember to dot your j’s and cross your t’s this NaNoWriMo season! ᕱ__ᕱ
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
I think that I should start posting some Fanfic related stuff :>
As you MAY know (from my reblogged posts from @olithewaterdemon) I’m co-writing a fanfiction! I am also working on art and animatics and edits etc of it, and I think that I’m gonna start with posts of that. Eventually, non fanfiction and fully OC / original stuffs will be posted, but ima start with stuff from A Lasting Curse :>
let’s begin, shall we?

Meet Azar. These face markings are non-canonical, but it looked cool. Anyways, Azar began with both amber eyes, but eventually, one started flickering red, and eventually, boom, one permanently red eye.
Azar is a fire elemental, a half-blood, and uses she/they pronouns. She’s a Slytherin! However, in our story, Hogwarts has All-Gender Dorms, which can be accessed by any house and has its own common rooms! Thus, the gender queer students (or students who simply… wanted to be in a different form and found accommodation there) are the source of the most inter-house unity in the entire school! You can choose to switch into and out of the A-G Dorms at any time.