saibugslegacy - Male MC Support Group
Male MC Support Group

Salem, they/he, 20 ◇ Just your average HL sideblog ◇ I'll be posting my writing and obsessing over my own characters ◇ DNI: AI "artists" and "writers"

472 posts

Hey Guys, Whats Happening In The Fandom. How Are Yall

Hey Guys, Whats Happening In The Fandom. How Are Yall

hey guys, what’s happening in the fandom. how are yall

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More Posts from Saibugslegacy

6 months ago
MC Owl Post

MC Owl Post

The MC Owl Post is a Hogwarts Legacy blog created for creators in the fandom to role play with each other through sending letters in their MCs voice to one another. For example, a creator writes a letter to a fellow MC / OC in their MCS perspective. Then, the other MC the letter was directed to can write back, in their MCs perspective as well.

‼️Harassment of any form may not be in the letters. This is a role play blog purely. ‼️

If you have any complaints or constructive criticism, please let me know! This blog is for entertainment purposes and is not meant to hurt anybody, and if it does, again please let me know!

If you wish to not be written to in this blog, tell me and I will make sure no letters come your way

Most importantly, have a good time :)

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6 months ago

Thinking about how Percival is so resistant to the trials and everything to do with Ancient Magic because he's so scared it'll get him and Idris killed but Idris convinces him to go along with it and then it DOES get him killed

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6 months ago

Guys please this is time sensitive, my blinking cursor is mocking me

Google how do I write a kiss, simple answers, step by step tutorial

6 months ago

In addition to this, it's important you all know Cassandra by Taylor Swift is on Percival's playlist

In Addition To This, It's Important You All Know Cassandra By Taylor Swift Is On Percival's Playlist
In Addition To This, It's Important You All Know Cassandra By Taylor Swift Is On Percival's Playlist
In Addition To This, It's Important You All Know Cassandra By Taylor Swift Is On Percival's Playlist

And The Prophecy is on Idris'

In Addition To This, It's Important You All Know Cassandra By Taylor Swift Is On Percival's Playlist
In Addition To This, It's Important You All Know Cassandra By Taylor Swift Is On Percival's Playlist
In Addition To This, It's Important You All Know Cassandra By Taylor Swift Is On Percival's Playlist

Thinking about how Percival is so resistant to the trials and everything to do with Ancient Magic because he's so scared it'll get him and Idris killed but Idris convinces him to go along with it and then it DOES get him killed

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6 months ago


Word Count: 2.1k

Ambrose Varyn (MC) x Ominis Gaunt (Also x Sebastian but focused on the other two)

Summary: How the Crucio scene in the Scriptorium went for Ambrose, Sebastian, and Ominis

The silence of the stone corridor was suffocating. Ambrose had spent most of his life yearning for quiet. Now that he was left with pacing steps, frantic breathing, and ominous whispers, he wished instead to take all those wishes back.

"It's up to us," Sebastian sighed. "I can teach you crucio, or I can cast it on you."

Ambrose grimaced and reached for his wand. He knew he could cast it. He did not doubt his ability to cause harm, especially for those he loved. He'd done brutal things just since arriving at Hogwarts. He could take on this responsibility too. He knew he'd be willing to cast this spell, especially for Sebastian and Ominis. He was sure it would come in handy later too.

It was only once he'd pulled out his wand that it occurred to him. He'd have to use this spell on Sebastian or Ominis. Ominis described this spell as pure torture. Images flashed across his mind's eye of heads slammed into walls and striking hands. The silence was filled with the sound of his brother crying, even Ambrose's own screams. He could cause that harm. He already had. But when he looked at Sebastian and Ominis he knew he couldn't. Not to them.

"I want to learn the spell later," Ambrose admitted slowly, glancing sideways at Ominis. "But you'll have to cast it on me."

"No!" Ominis protested but Ambrose didn't look away from Sebastian.

Sebastian paled, despite being the one to suggest it. Ominis stormed down the short hall until he could grab Ambrose's arm in a vicelike grip.

"You can't do this, I won't let you," Ominis insisted. Ambrose smiled fondly and laid his hand over Ominis'.

"Sebastian is right," Ambrose said. "Someone has to cast it, or we're going to die down here. And for someone to cast it, someone has to cast it. I won't be able to hurt either of you, and I can't ask you to cast this again, Ominis. This is how it has to be, and I'm okay with it."

"You're completely sure?" Sebastian checked and Ambrose nodded and tugged at Ominis' hand until the blonde reluctantly released his arm. Ambrose squeezed Ominis' hand one more time before he dropped it and stepped away, Sebastian watching every movement.

"I am," Ambrose confirmed. "Do you think you can do it?"

"I hope so," Sebastian muttered and raised his wand. "Ready?"

Ambrose took a deep breath and braced himself. It was just pain. He could handle pain. "Do it."

Sebastian took a deep breath himself.

"Crucio," Sebastian said and pointed his wand right at Ambrose's face, but nothing happened. "Oh come on."

"You have to mean it," Ambrose chuckled bitterly. Of course, the only way out was for someone he loved to hurt him and mean it. It went right along with the rest of his life. "That's what Ominis said. You have to really intend to cause harm."

"But I don't want to hurt you!" Sebastian protested. "You're my friend, I, I care about you. I can't hurt you."

"You have to," Ambrose insisted. "Or we're all going to die, slowly. I'll die, Ominis will die, you'll die. With no one else trying to cure her, Anne will die too, painfully. So do it. Torture me, or doom everyone you love."

Sebastian's eyes were wide and shined with tears as they met Ambrose's. Ambrose's words bit right through him, he could tell. That was his goal. Stir up enough emotion Sebastian could channel it over his worry for Ambrose. Anger mainly. Sebastian was always easy to anger, and it was even easier for him to act on it.

Sebastian lifted his wand again and this time Ambrose could see it. There was always this wild twinge in the way Sebastian narrowed his eyes and tightened his lips. It was dangerous and fine like the edge of a knife. He was determined this time. Every emotion Ambrose has stirred up was vibrating through his system and came out in one word.


Rather than a quick blast or swirl of light, what came out of Sebastian's wand was more like lightning. Bolts of blood-red lightning struck Ambrose's body and ripped completely through him. His bones turned to sand, his veins turned to fire, and his skin shattered like glass. He couldn't even hear his own scream as he crumpled to the ground.

There was the distant sound of running footsteps but it may as well have been across the castle. Voices tried to reach his ears but they'd already melted into his skull. Something cradled his face and at first, Ambrose flinched away from whatever was going to worsen this pain. Then he realized they were hands, hands he recognized, and he leaned into them.

Even still he could barely feel Ominis' hands over the agony. But he could feel how terrified the other boy was. He pressed his forehead to Ambrose's and murmured reassurances Ambrose couldn't make out over his own sobs. He felt tears on his cheeks but he couldn't tell whose eyes they'd fallen from, his or Ominis'.

The pain came in bursts, over and over, one after the other, like waves battering a cliffside. Only Ambrose wasn't made of slowly weathering stone, he was a dissolving pillar of sand being washed away by the curse. He could have been worn down over hundreds of years or torn apart in seconds, he couldn't tell.

Then one day it stopped. Ambrose blinked, trying to clear his vision, and he saw the black door melting away, now shot through with veins of red like marble. His head was spinning and every muscle he had was sore, but the spell had ended. It was over.

Still another sob left him and he grabbed for Ominis' hands on his face. Ominis, beautiful amazing Ominis, immediately understood and gripped Ambrose's hands tightly. He let Ambrose use him as his lighthouse to pull himself out of the waves and safely to shore.

He saw Ominis crouching in front of him and the Scriptorium through the door. He could feel Ominis's hands in his and the tears on his face, things other than pain. He heard Sebastian's wand hit the ground and Sebastian rambling apologies as he fell to his knees next to Ambrose and pulled him into his arms. He could smell the musty corridor and the lingering scent of parchment that seemed to follow Sebastian around everywhere. He could taste blood in his mouth from biting his own tongue.

But it was over.

It was over.

"I'm okay," Ambrose croaked, offering Sebastian a shaky smile when he pulled away. "I'm okay. That, that pain was excruciating. But I'll survive. I'll be okay. We should keep moving before this place decides we're taking too long."

The other two weren't happy about it, Ominis especially, but at Ambrose's insistence, they pushed forward into the Scriptorium. Ambrose didn't process most of it if he was being honest with himself, still trying to shake off the aftershocks of the curse. They found Slytherin's spell book and then finally left, emerging right in front of the entrance to their common room.

"Ominis-" Sebastian said hesitantly.

"Sebastian," Ominis cut him off. "I meant what I said before. We need to swear right now never to engage in anything to do with Dark Magic again."

"I don't-" Ambrose started but Ominis interrupted him too.

"Please, Ambrose," Ominis pleaded. Ambrose sighed. Those spells were certainly useful but he could manage without them if it was what Ominis needed from him. And he had to admit he wasn't inclined to use the Cruciatus Curse ever again now that he knew how it felt.

"Alright," Ambrose agreed. "I swear it."

"We both do," Sebastian added. Ambrose turned to Sebastian in surprise only to see the other boy already looking right at him. "No more dark magic. And I'm truly sorry about what happened to your aunt Ominis."

"I suppose after all this I am grateful to know what happened to her," Ominis admitted. "Thank you."

Sebastian put his hand on Ominis' for a moment and did the same to Ambrose before he walked away and disappeared behind the corner. Ambrose tried to follow but he only made it a few steps. The tension in Ominis' face and the way his hands were clenched kept Ambrose right where he was.

"I know you're still there," Ominis told him. "And I know it's you, Ambrose, I can hear your breathing."

"You've memorized my breathing?" Ambrose couldn't help smiling a little, especially as he watched Ominis realize what he said.

"I, well, yes," Ominis said. "We've spent plenty of time together so your breathing pattern has just become familiar, that's all."

"Of course," Ambrose chuckled as he went back over to Ominis. His eyes fell on Ominis' hands again which were still shaking ever so slightly. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Ominis said.

"Omi your hands are still shaking," Ambrose pointed out. Ominis sighed and after a moment held his hands out and Ambrose took them. He rubbed his thumbs gently on the back of Ominis' hands in what he hoped was a soothing movement.

"I was fine," Ominis corrected himself. "Worried, yes, but despite us being in a secret underground chamber rigged with traps that may have and apparently did take my aunt's life, I was alright. All because you were there. Sebastian too, but there's something about you that makes me feel safe."

"That's all I could ever hope for-" Ambrose replied, but Ominis shook his head.

"Don't speak, please, just let me say this," Ominis asked.

"Okay," Ambrose said and squeezed Ominis' hands.

"You make me feel safe," Ominis repeated. "When I'm with you I feel as though I can truly let my guard down and I don't have to constantly worry. But when you volunteered for that spell, I was afraid again. Knowing you were in pain like that, hearing you felt like the curse had been cast on me all over again. My very heart felt like it was being tortured right along with you. Then I realized why. It was because my heart was with you."

Ominis let go of one of Ambrose's hands so he could rest his hand on Ambrose's chest. Ambrose could have sworn he could feel the warmth of Ominis' palm even through his vest and shirt. It felt like a wildfire yet it sent shivers across his skin. Ominis' fingers trailed across Ambrose's vest until he could feel Ambrose's heartbeat. Ambrose knew his heart was beating much faster than it should but he didn't pull away. He fought his instincts and let Ominis feel it.

"I'm not sure when, but my heart found its way out of my chest and into yours. And I don't think I want it back."

Ominis' voice was barely a whisper now, but the words still hit Ambrose like they'd been screamed in his face. The whole world had melted away to that corridor, to the boy in front of him, and for the first time, he believed that boy may feel the same way. The words were blunt but fear clogged his throat right alongside his hope.

"Ominis," Ambrose breathed. "Can I kiss you?"


The hand not clutching Ominis' instead cupped the other boy's cheek and carefully tilted his face up. Ominis seemed to have stopped breathing altogether and Ambrose was close to it. He couldn't even count the number of times he'd imagined this, how many awful and terrifying things this fantasy had gotten him through. But this was no fantasy. And when Ambrose leaned in and their lips fit together, he knew those fantasies were foolish.

This was better than any fantasy he could conjure up. The feeling of Ominis' lips against his was nothing short of Elysium. His hand moved around to cup the back of Ominis' head, his fingers getting lost in blonde strands of hair. Ominis leaned into him more than Ambrose thought possible. Their lips moved in perfect sync like they'd been born knowing how to kiss the other. At that moment it felt like they had.

When they finally pulled apart they couldn't bring themselves to go too far, lingering in the same breath with their foreheads pressed together. Maybe if they'd gone farther they would have noticed the freckled boy peaking around the corner with his shattered heart at his feet.