78 posts
Trends In Poland :)

Trends in Poland :)
More Posts from Salomea27

How I'd Like The Finale To Go:
Sam: Damn I screwed up working with Rowena *turns her over to Crowley and forgets about suspicious spell casting*
I love Castiel very very much <3 He is my favorite charakter.
So I'm new to Supernatural and the Winchesters, I'm on season 4 and we've just met Castiel. does he get nicer, or do we just always love him because he's a bit mean to the brothers?
Hi there! first of all, let me just tell you, enjoy the show while it’s still good.
As for Cas, I may be a little (extremely) biased, but there are so many different reasons to love him. He may appear “mean” to you if you’re still at the beginning of s4 but trust me, from my point of view, mean wouldn’t even be close to the list of adjectives I’d use to describe Castiel. So yeah, you could say he does get nicer. I’ll take the liberty to briefly sum it up without spoiling stuff for you:
we love Cas because he’s badass

because he’s dorky

because he’s grumpy

because he’s squinty

(and sometimes he does this cute little head tilt)

because he’s awkward

because he’s caring

because he’s sassy

because he’s earnest

because he’s always willing to help

because he’s got cool powers

because he’s so damn adorable

(but also hot)

because he’s got the bluest eyes

and those amazing wings

because he makes us smile

because he breaks our hearts

because this show wouldn’t be what it is without him

y’all should take this quiz to see which avenger you are!
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