samhelleborewrites - Sam with to much to do
Sam with to much to do

Hello, welcome to my blog! This is where I write draw and much more. I write and draw what I like and might open requests from time to time. I do hope you like what you see! thank you for checking this blog out! <3 | they/them 23/18+ content on this blog |

38 posts

Omg!! Thank You So Much!!

Omg!! 😍😍😍😍💋💋💋 thank you so Much!!

Hey how you doing you sexy persone! If you are still doing ships could i get one? Fandoms: Avengers, gotham and maybe doctor who XP 90's movie: batman and Robin About me i have sea blue eyes and waist long Brown hair with red and blue highlights in them I'm most of the time shy around people but if you get to know me you're like: "damn she is a crazy bitch ;p" love computers or anything that have to do with electronic. I love every kind of music and i love drawing/reading Also love dark things



Hey How You Doing You Sexy Persone! If You Are Still Doing Ships Could I Get One? Fandoms: Avengers,

Victor loved how you were into dark thing and adored how crazy you were. He often loved playing with your hair as it was so unique and beautiful and to what some may believe the man can do a pretty decent braid ;))


Hey How You Doing You Sexy Persone! If You Are Still Doing Ships Could I Get One? Fandoms: Avengers,

Barbara and you were the craziest besties in Gotham :)


Hey How You Doing You Sexy Persone! If You Are Still Doing Ships Could I Get One? Fandoms: Avengers,

The last thing Harvey needed was to actually do his job!


Boy friend:

Hey How You Doing You Sexy Persone! If You Are Still Doing Ships Could I Get One? Fandoms: Avengers,

Loki’s a dark man who needed a dark woman. Good thing he found you. You two were a perfect match! HE was in love with your beauty and your hair and often ran his fingers through you hair when he was cuddling with you


Hey How You Doing You Sexy Persone! If You Are Still Doing Ships Could I Get One? Fandoms: Avengers,

The Twins we’re in it with you because of their own dark side ;)


Hey How You Doing You Sexy Persone! If You Are Still Doing Ships Could I Get One? Fandoms: Avengers,

Who is willingly dark? Wow Rogers

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More Posts from Samhelleborewrites

10 years ago

a late night smile

"Laura, i know your in here, i can hear you breathing."  a young male voice was heared. the source of the sound, is an another apparition of young Ruvik, however this time he was accompanied by an older apparition. She was a woman with long black flowing hair, and she had the palest skin ever seen. Her red dress was beautiful, she was beautiful. The older girl walked  behind Ruvik and muttered a soft 'boo', making the younger Ruvik jump. than the sceen they both disappeared, the sight of a younger Ruvik playing was surprisingly adorable wondering what could have happened to make him change out of that sunny disposition. 

than there was rustling heard, a young ruvik playing in hay with the laura not to far away. it was sweet, but there was a sound of crackling behind. blasted with heat and ash, the barn was lit on fire. 

Ruvik and laura were on fire, multiple parts of their flesh being burned to the bone. laura lift ruvik to the window, and began to push him to the top. Soon enough ruvik made it to the top, only to fall with a blood curdling scream and land hard. afther that the fire eat her and she screamed in pain holding on to her head. 

ruvik shot up with sweat covering his body, tears in the corner of his eyes. he leaned his arms on his knees he rest his head in his hands. unknow to him that the big door to his room opened, showing a girl with (hair colour) (hair length) in shorts, sport bra and a zip up hoodie. she closed the door walking to the side of the bed. "(name)?" ruvik looked op and the girl, who was standing there looking at him with a worry look on her face. 

"ruvik what is... are you alright?" she clim on top the bed, softly placing a hand on his face. he sigh as he placed his hand on top of her nuzzeling it, but still sees the pictures of the day infrond of his eyes. "ruvik, did you have a nightmare?" he didn't react as (name) sigh sitting behind him pulling him down on to her lap.

"(name)? d-don't... don't leave." (name) leaned down kissing his forehead, i soft smile laying on her pink lips. "i will be at your side." she softly wispered to him, as she sit straight humming softly. afther some time ruvik reachts out to her hand entwining there fingers, giving the back of her hand a soft kiss. "can you sing (name)?" she softly nob as she smiled down at him, she softly begin to sing. 

"Words are born into air And quick fade out in the wind But they find their way inside you Where they live on forevermore When the skies are dark and full of rain Look inside your heart The light, so warm will come and glow Shining just like the sun You can see, just how much you've grown How strong you are my love will open up to you And it starts from the day that you, first heard those words"

he smiled at the singing girl as she end, she lift up ruviks head and pulled of her hoodie, layinf down next to him. ruvik pulled her closer buring his head in her (colour hair) hair. "ruvik?" "uhm?" he pulled back looking down at the younger girl.

"uhm... i.. i-i." she was cut of by the lips of ruvik as he kissed her with emotion. she react a few seconds later but wrab her arms around his neck as he did by her waist. "love you too, (name)." she blushed but smiled, a quick kiss was placed on ruviks lips as she said back. "i love you too, ruvik." thay smiled as ruvik pulled her close agian, as thay both slowly fall asleep, and never there was a nightmare again. 

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3 years ago

Viktor x GN!Reader x Jayce A love so soft.



"Care to sleep with me tonight?"

Looking up from the notes he was reading and writing on, his bags under his eyes were bigger than ever, his cheekbones on full display. He sighs, but nods, pushing the notes away from himself. Smiling, I opened the door to one of the side rooms, after seeing them pull all-nighters I made the cleaning closet into a small sleeping room for the both of them to use. I had my own lab but usually, I was found in their lab, my own project pushed into a corner as they worked tirelessly on their hextech dream.

A small grin was on my face as I had light up some candles, together with some sweet milk in the corner for him to drink. Hearing his cane hit the ground a few times I knew he was standing beside me. With a grin on my face, I turned around, seeing his eyes slightly widen. Kissing his cheek, I pulled him inside, helping him sit down as the beds were right onto the ground. Softly asking him if he needed help. The only answer I got from him is him leaning into my side, with a soft smile, I undid his tie. Whispering sweet nothing to him, telling him how proud of him I am, and to be lucky to have him in my life. Only for him to push a hand against my face, telling me to stop, covering his face, as he had turned red. Offering him an apology, undoing the buttons of his blouse, kissing his shoulder, folding it so he could wear it again later.

Telling him to sit up, I slide off the bed onto the floor, undoing his brace, softly massaging at the joints, a groan leaving his lips. Eyes staring down at me, and the only thing I could see in his breathtaking eyes was love and a certain kind of softness. Carefully laying away the brace, I helped him out of his pants, a small hiss leaving his mouth as he moved his leg wrong. Kissing his knee, his hand cupping my face, leaning into his soft touch, he slightly pulled on it telling me he wanted me to join him on the bed again. Climbing in, I crawled to the back, patting the spot next to me as I pulled out the sweet milk and my own favorite drink.

"Thank you, Darling."

Kissing his jawline, I hummed shimming into the covers, a laugh leaving Viktor, pressing against my side. Staring up a conversation about how far they are into their current project, but him also asking about my own project. As our drinks were emptied, Viktor was slowly falling asleep as I quickly undressed, I pulled the covers up to our chin his hands already reaching for me I chuckled, kissing his nose I blew out the candles. As soon as light left the room, Viktor pulled me into his chest, running my fingers through his hair, feeling him lean into my hands. When light broke our peaceful moment only for a soft and familiar voice to reach our ears.

"Seems we are finally getting some sleep, Viktor."

A groan was all he got, Jayce himself laughing, taking off his clothing crawling into bed. Pulling Viktor close to him, kissing the side of his head a pleasant hum left Viktors mouth, softly smiling at them. Pushing myself closer to Viktor, laying on my side pushing my legs under Viktors so his leg was resting, Viktors hand found mine.

"Hello to you too, my dear."

Leaning over Viktor, Jayce lips softly pushed against me, not leaving me behind in affection. As he pulled back I leaned up to him quickly giving him an extra peck on the lips. With a grin on his face, he plopped back next to Viktor, taking hold of my other hand, trying to pull me closer to the two of them. The conversation started up again, Jayce talking about the council and how they were super boring, Viktor chuckled his head laying on Jayces' shoulder, my chin resting on his shoulder. A soft smile present on my lips, I stared at the two, just so lucky to have them in my life. Jayce golden eyes were filled with love as he listened to Viktor talk, Viktor himself had his close, sleep was slowly pulling at his mind, words coming out softly. A hand on my cheek was what snapped me out of my mind, looking up at Jayce, a grin on his face, his thumb rubbing my cheek as it burned red.

"What is your beautiful mind thinking about, Love?"

"You and Viktor."

Viktors amber eyes opened looking at me, soft smile playing on his lips, hand moving to my neck.

"Sorry, I just... I love you guys so much."

Hands slid down my body as I leaned over them, bringing them into a hug, digging my face between their shoulders. Feeling them hug me back, soft whispers of how much they loved me too, never wanting to lose me and they would always be here for me. Sliding back, I kissed them, whispering against their lips again how much I love them. Fully laying back onto my place, their hands found my own, sleep finally settling in with Jayce and me. Pulling us closer, Jayce hummed, Viktor asleep, as I brushed his hair out of the brilliant scientist face, Jayce and I made eye contact, so much love in those golden eyes, as they slide close. I hoped this moment could last forever, save tucked away in the arms of my lovers.

what a life that would be.

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3 years ago

Simon x Fem!reader x Markus

this just came in my head when i was helping some friends at the port with the crane there. we sometimes sit at the top just to eat something and think about life. it's high but fun, the wind is also nice. this is a simon x female reader x markus oneshot don't expect to much but i hope you enjoy! also english is not my first language, i'm sorry for any mistakes i make. 4400+ words

looking out over the abandoned freighter in Ferndale, everything was abandoned here so a perfect place to clear my head. it was often that i come here, with everything that has been happening in my life and in detroit it self. androids peacefully asking for their rights, i myself support them. having taken in daniel after what he did on the rooftops a few months back. a friend of mine got him out of the evidence room, i don't know how but she did. now he lives with me, till she finds a place to hide away with a few other deviants she is helping along the way. but yeah i support them all the way, i just wish people could see that being a deviant isn't that bad. i can talk to daniel about my feelings and he, most of the time, knows how to respond. because he now can feel, he knows how i can feel and that is much better then having a 'machine' to talk to that doesn't have any feelings.

my friend also told me she had found a deviant that was hurt pretty badly, half his face was burned open, even beyond repair. that really hurt to hear, he also was really scared of any human or even android. softly smiling i placed my head on my pulled up knee, the wind pushing my hair out of my face as i softly sigh. when i heared a door opening below me, quickly looking down i saw two people coming out a ship with the new jericho on it..... HOLD ON A FREAKING MINUTE!!!! daniel talked to me about this. there was a safe place called jerico for android looking for refugee from humans. i found it by accident, wow, if people where smart they could find it but they didn't and i hope they won't forever! slightly leaning down to have a better look at the two androids, one had dark skin with buzzed brown hair while the other was a pale color with short Blonde hair. they seem to be talking and playing the piano. well the dark skinned one was playing the piano. the music flowing through the air making me relax more. "such a calming tone." i softly whispered to myself, when i felt my phone go of in my bomber jacket.

pulling it out i see it was daniel, why would he be calling? "hey daniel, i call you back in 5 minutes." "you better." hearing the slight anger in his voice, more confusion run through my head. "i promise." i whisper cutting of the call as i put my phone away, softly beging to climb down from the crane i was sitting at the top from. hearing the small hinges making noise, made my stomach turn but i keep on climbing down. when a plate gave away making my blance go all over the place, the plate my a loud sound when it hit the ground. making me look down seeing the two androits look up seeing me climbing down. 'that is my que to make my way down fucking fast!' begining to climb down faster, seeing the two quickly following me. 'fuck!' jumping down, doing a roll i quickly jump of, just making the jump but hitting my elbow making a wound. biting my lip i pulled myself up, looking over my shoulder looking at the two androids at the other side of the hole. "we just want to talk, we just don't want the police to find us." the blonde one told me, but i could now see it, he was the same model as daniel a PL600.

but i could see the diffrents beween the two, as i looked over to the one with the darker skin he seemed to have heterochromia, one eye being green the other beeing blue. maybe his optical unit was damaged or destroyed, you never know i was snaped out of my staring as i saw him, about to jump. "STOP! if you jump this way I will scream for help!" i told him, that made him stop. "i won't tell anyone don't worry. i myself am taking care of a diviant right now. do you will know the PL600 from the rooftop incident. his name is daniel, i'm taking care of him right now." seeing simon eye me up and down, as i was holding my elbow in one hand my sleeve rolled up over my elbow. "just let me leave okay. i promise i won't tell anyone." markus nob as i smiled, thanking them and rushing of. pulling out my phone i contact daniel. "what is so importaned that i had to call you back?"

time skip-

"Onyx can you help me with something?" a small smirk on my lips as i asked my friend, i saw daniel eye me out the corner of his eye. "where do you get your parts for the deviants? i need some." Onyx looked at me, but i knew she had a large grin on her face. she may have been wearing a mouthmask but her cheeks where giving her grin away. "i'm going on a heist, tonight you can come with us if you want to. we will be leaving at sun down. so that would be in a hour." "yes!" "(name)!" "daniel, i can get you more Thirium, you need it. and i have to give some to an other friend of mine." he quickly walked over to me looking down at me, there was something swimming in his eyes i couldn't place but there was a lot of worry in them. a small sigh left his lips, a grin already creeping on to my lips. "fine just be safe alright?" "i promise to stay safe!" he nob, walking of upstairs in to his room, as i heared his door slam shut. "you know for being just friends he cares a lot about you." a soft smile fell on to my lips yeah. "i know, i sometimes wish i could show him how much he means to me but i can't."

feeling Onyx run a hand through my hair, a pleasant sigh left my lips as i slowly begin to get lost in my thoughts. "(name), please get changed in something you can move easely in." looking up to her i nob getting of the couch, moving up stairs. i rush in to my room, pulling out some black sweatpant, together with a black and (F/C) tank top and black with (F/C) bomber jacket. pulling my hair back in to a bun, (if you have short hair ignore it) as i rush downstairs, pulling out some sneakers from the shoes closet. also looking through the shoe closet for some bags to take with me. finding my old sports bag and school bag easy but big to take a lot with me. "Onyx i'm ready to go!" "alright, lets get going then!" we walked out, i quickly called out. "daniel i'm out. i will be back!!" hearing nothing back i rolled my eyes, closing the door and run after Onyx. once we where at the CyberLife warehouse, the sun already down, there where other androids joining us to. "(name) meet coral!" a tall ass android was looking down at me with a big grin on his face. "nice to meet you (name). it's nice to see that you want to help." his grin could freaking blind me, his pink hair also catching my eyes. "nice to meet you also, nice hair." he thanked me as Onyx pulled me to the next one. "meet jack, he is here to hack the place if shit goes down. jack meet (name)" he smiled shacking my hand his brown and green hair also standing out. "nice to meet you as well (name)." "likewise."

"now this part is over lets get in." as we climb the fence, coral catching everyone as he was the tallest of us all, creeping around we found the crates, everyone quickly went to work. "Jack is there any way to hack those trucks? it would be far more easer." "no, if i even begin to mess with the trucks software an alarm will go of." looking around i see the Control Room. "if i'm right the key to the truck must be in there... right?" placing my bag and sportbag on to the ground, onyx quickly took a grab for my arm. "you know if you get caught you will be shoot on sight." i nob pulling off my bomber jacket trowing it over onyx' shoulders. "keep hold of this, now i have to get back to you. that jacket is my life." creeping to the Control Room i went to look around for an opening. 'window! please be open, please be open, please be open. bingo!' as i pulled myself through the window i went to look around for something to distract the guards. i can try to lure the guards but that is a big no no, i can be clumy at times. when i see the computers Blackout..... i can Create a Blackout. quickly shutting down the computers, the lights going out as the alarm goes off. seeing them coming to me i creep along the wall almost tripping over my own two freaking feet. "fuck." i softly whispered, quickly rounding the corner walking over to the front.

pulling out two keys, clipping one on each of my side so they won't make a sound if they would hit each other. making a sound at the dask i dash behind a wall as they quickly ran to the front. rushing to the window, jumping through, quickly taking of to the others. "got 'em, quickly load up and we're off. i got two keys." "(name) you take one, i know you take deviants in from time to time. we take the other one, jack help her into the truck." i trow onyx a key as she trew my jacket and the two bags, as jack helped me in to a truck. quickly pulling on my jacket and putting the bags next to me. "be carefull you 3." jack nods trowing the door shut as we took off to the exit. the guards still looking for me, as we quickly took off. giving onyx one last nod, we part ways. once returning home i moved a crate of Biocomponent in my house and 2 with blue blood. also dropping the sportbag with Biocomponent and my school bag with blue blood in the living room. seeing daniel sitting down i quickly rush over to him jumping on to his lap hugging him. "we did it, we actualy did it daniel! god am i happy." pulling back giving him a big smile, he sigh a small smile on his lips rolling his eyes. "good job."

"i still have one more thing to do. dump the truck. so i'm going to do that quickly. don't want them coming nocking on my front door." he nods, i quickly climb of his lap, rushing back to the truck the door of it still open. 'up to jericho.' taking of to the hide out of the deviants, my mind going a hunderd miles per hour. holding the door open putting a small piece of wood between the door, i picked up a few stones. don't want to climb in and have them attack me, even if i know they won't do that. trowing the stones against the side of the ship and over into the ship, trying to get their attention. i had to wait for a few minutes, i saw the two i met a few weeks back. my heart beat went a bit faster as i smiled at them. "what are you doing here?" the darker skined asked. "i got something for you guys, just something that may help you." they two of them looked at one another. "sure hold on." they climb down, now that they where closer, i waved them over taking the lead. "how do we know this isn't a trap? people are looking for markus." turning around, i took a deep breath, understanding where this is coming from. "just.... trust me on this one okay?" looking the blonde one in the eyes i saw him look me over. "please?" markus took a step to me, signaling me to keep on walking. "thank you." turning we round a corner, the back of the truck facing us. "tada! i though you guys could us some Biocomponents and Thirium. i hope you accept them."

the blonde one's eyes where wide as markus was looking at me, making me a bit nervous. "markus, this is amazing. we where running low, now we can help most of them." that peaked my intrest. "most of them?" the blonde one looked at me and then at markus. "with some of our people..... we don't know how to fix them." a grin came to my face, pointing at myself i quickly spoke up. "i can help you with that. i have fixed a lot of deviants. i'm willing to help. i support your kind, just wish the world would too." running a hand through my (L/H) hair i looked at them. "but only if you want to, i understand if you need to talk to the others about it first." they nod as i hold out my hand. "the name is (name), it's nice to meet you both." the one i already know as markus, shook my hand. "nice to meet you (name), my name is markus but i think you already know that." a small smile pulled at the side of his lips, as i nod a grin on my face. he let go of my hand as the blonde stepped forwards, shacking my hand with a small soft smile on his face. "my name is simon, it's also nice to meet you (name)."

i nod, he seems to hold on longer as i softly pulled back a more soft smile on my lips. pulling out my note pad, write down my number. "if you guys made up your mind, or even just want to talk you can call me on this number. and maybe till next time. good luck!" as i handed my number to simon, i quickly rushed of. i felt like a small school girl running of when she just gave her number to her crush. the coming weeks where.... well fun and helping a lot of deviants. they crew of jericho had slowly warmed up to me. i come down there from day to day helping patch up deviants, or just to talk to them. north still seem to hold something against me but i keep on treating her with kindness. and these last few weeks, my feelings for both simon and markus begin to grow more and more. but seeing how simon was looking at markus and markus at north i knew i couldn't start something with even one of them. but hearing about jericho getting blown up made my heart drop, not only for markus and simon but also for the others. josh, north and the other deviants. when my phone whent of, rushing over to it i quickly picked up. "(name)?! we need you, some of our people are bleeding out. we need you here." hearing the stress in markus' voice i pressed the phone between my shoulder and head. i grab my backpack, quickly dumping a lot of stuff i need in it, trying to calm down markus. "tell me where you are, i will try to be there as fast as possible. just... i need you to breath and try to stop the bleeding." "a-alright, just come as quick as possible." "ofcourse."

cutting the call, i saw where they where at, calling out to daniel. he came rushing downstairs, he himself also on edge with everything that is happening. "they need me, deviants are bleeding out. do you want to come or stay here?" but he rush over to me grabbing my hand pulling me to our car. "where to?" showing him where to go we took of. "I'M HERE!!" simon was right at my side pulling me to the deviants. some where already bled out. "dammit! daniel help me." we was right at my side helping me right away. some of the deviant i could reactived, it seem to be hours before i was done. i was coloured by the blood of all the thirium and it made me dizzy, tears beginning to fall. 'i couldn't save them all, i... i couldn't....' trying to steady my breathing but only leading to more tears dripping from my eyes onto my hands as i was looking down at them. feeling two arms slide around my waist pulling me on to a lap, pushing my head in to their shoulder. "you have done so much, don't cry. i know you wanted to save them all, but sometimes things just don't go that way." simon whispered into my ear, his hands rubbing circels in to my sides.

"but, if i was just faster-" he pulled me back looking at me, tears still falling from my (C/E) eyes. "you did everything you could." "he is right (name), this is all you could have ever done. thank you so much." looking up at markus he quickly sat next to simon, a soft smile on his lips rubbing his hand up and down my back his other hand wiping away my tears. "thank you." i softly whisper pulling markus in to a hug together with simon. "no we should thank you. you have done so much for us." pulling back, i softly smiled at them. "now, you should go home and get cleaned up. please look out they are taking away androids from their owners." looking over to daniel as he was talking to someone, seeing the small smile on his lips made me smile. "i think it's better for him to stay here. i'm afraid if i take him with me, they will find him and take daniel away." simon and markus nod understanding, when north came over with a cloth and water. "here let me help you." shock ran through my body as north begin to clean my hands, quickly taking hold of her hand i stopped her, sliding out of simons lap kneeling infront of north. "thank you for your help. thank you a lot. but your not a servant, you are a living being." i took the cloth from her hands giving her a smile. "b-but i have been so-" placing my hand over her mouth, i shock my head. "i understand, things have happened to you and that made hate humans. i get that, i had to go through that with daniel." dropping my hand to the side of her face cupping her cheek. "but that didn't make me hate him nor you, i just had to be patient, show you that i won't be like the others." north smiled placing her hand ontop of mine. "thank you (name)" smiling i shock my head. "no need to thank me. i'm happy that you see me as a person now." she nod as i pulled my hand away beginning to clean my arms and hands.

north stood, feeling her pet my head i softly laughed as the smiled and took of. once done i stand up, turning to simon and markus "now i must be off, i'm going to change and join you guys later, alright?" both of them nod turning my back to them i was about to walk up to daniel to tell him to stay here for his own safety. 'no! now is your change.' quickly turning back to them i lean down and kissed them on the cheeks. "later boys." rushing of to daniel, pulling on to his shirt. "are we going?" "i think it's better for you to stay here, they are looking for androids to destroy them. so it's safer here where they won't find you!" daniel nods, pushing some of my hair back he kissed my forehead. "just stay safe alright?" i nod a smile on my face, pulling him in to a hug. "please, you too, stay safe." he hugged back, as he agreed. "see you later." he nod as i rush of, making me way home, trying not to have to many eyes on me as i stepped out of my car with blue blood all over my clothing. rushing inside i quickly took a shower and changed clothing. everything quickly went down hill, onyx and her friends got caught, i can't get a hold of the others and they won't let people go outside. to hell with that, i had my tv on seeing them martching peacefully. i don't understand how they can just gun them down, they weren't even attacking. i choked as i saw more and more hit the ground, blood running down there body. forgetting my jacket i rush out in the streets, trying to make it to Hart Plaza, saving deviants and androids along the way. most of them ran of but some followed me to markus. "we are almost there." i whispered to them, they nod, seeing soldiers protecting the reporters that were there.

"i'm going to distract them, you need to hop the fence, alright?" "but what about you?" "i will make it alright." i shot them a smile as i step out form behind the wall. "i will give you a wave and then you go." they nod as i creep along the side walk, when i was at the other side i called out to the soldiers. they turned to me, holding me at gun point, i hold my hands up. "i'm lost! i don't know where to go?! i'm scared!" they moved closer to me so i waved my hand. seeing them rush to the fence, the reporters grasped making the soldiers turn to the reporters. time seem the slow down as i saw the soldiers turning to the deviants. quickly nocking down the first soldier, i kicked another one in the face and jumped on the other one's back, nocking the gun out of his hands. "QUICKLY GO!!" they climb the fence, as i kicked down the one i was holding. running after them one seem to be waiting for me holding out his hand. a grin came to my face as i jump ontop a truck and jumped to his hand. he helped me up and over as he jumped down next to me. "lets go quickly!" they nod as we quickly run of. i heared a shot ring through the air a sharp pain running through my shoulder. making me trip over my own two feet, making me fall down on to my face. quickly pulling myself of the ground seeing the snow painted red, pushing my self on to my knees pressing a hand to my shoulder, blood already dripping through my fingers. ignoring the pain i quickly pushed myself up, giving the soldier a quick look over my shoulder. the reporters where staring at the soldier, they couldn't believe it, he shot a human.

seeing markus together with other deviant being cornered by other soldiers i quickly running to the group i throw myself between the soldiers and deviants. "don't! please! can't you see that history is just repeating itself? they just want to be free. some of our people fought for so long for freedom, and now that they are fighting for their freedom, you just want to take it away?! you made them, now they can feel... live. i support them even if it means if i get myself killed. but i can't understand you, how can you take something away that you know all your life? didn't you listen to what they said, they are willing to work, just like us, they just want to be alive." hearing my blood drip on to the ground, i took a deep breath. "i... i, myself, have even fallen in love with two of them. and i won't let them be killed for believing to be free." breathing became hard as i took a few steps back. "(name)!" feeling two pairs of arms wrap around me keeping me up. "you have been shot." "to save your people, and i wouldn't have it any other way."

my legs gave way, as simon and markus lowered to the ground with me. "you know, i should have told you guys back then, that i look up to you. i wish i could have done more. made more memories, talked more to others. made them feel safe and loved." smiling up at them, cupping both of their cheeks. "god am i happy that i became your friend, i hope you guys pull through this and have freedom." "(name), listen to us, you are not going to die." "i know i won't but my head is getting heavy and i begin to say things." a softly laughed, my hands dropping to their chest, pulling them down. "i love you both a lot and i wish i could have said it back then." giving them both a kiss on the lips, tears in the corner of my eyes. "hey stay with us." seeing north and josh join their sides i smiled at them. "i'm trying."

-change p.o.v -

after seeing them care so much, the president told the soldiers to pull back. daniel quickly joining their side, begining to remove the bullet and wrabbing her shoulder up. markus picked her up as she smiled at them, they quickly met up connor leading so many androids to them. as north told markus to talk to his poeple, he nob, simon took (name) from his arms. "(name)" simon softly said her name as she looked up at him, he quickly kissed her. "i love you too, markus and i, had been talking about telling you, we just didn't know how." (name) softly laughed running a hand through simons hair. "welp now i told you, a difrent way then i wanted to but here we are." simon smiled nodding, kissing her forehead. "can i join in this sharing kissing thing." simon and (name) laughed as (name) hold out her arms to him. markus smiled hugging (name) and simon, giving (name) also a kiss and simon. "you two are so cute together." (name) said, smiling at them, but they laughed hugging her, but being careful about her shoulder. "but having you with it is better." (name) nod as they where happy the revolution was over and they had won their freedom.

3 years ago
But Ofcourse Ano.

“but ofcourse ano.”

Headcanon mercy kissing short Lover.

- She loves it that they are smaller than her, because she loves to give forhead kisses.

- Lot of forehead kisses.

- I mean it, A LOT!

- Or small kisses on the corner of their lips. (the tease she is)

- Wouldn’t mind to bend down to kiss their lover.

- If her lover is sitting on a table or counter she just kisses them full on the lips.

- Things might get heated.

- Loves to play with their hair if she kisses their lover.

3 years ago

moon kiss.

hi, it's 1 am and I just saw the new champion for league of legends. and I am in love with how they look. but I did fall for the brother the most.  so my mind went into overdrive and came up with a story.  so please keep in mind I almost know nothing about him and just go of on what I know for now. I hope you still enjoy it. 


Watching the stars from the mountains was always a treat to behold. The moon shining at it's brightest, the stars adorning the sky aswell. But you weren't here for that, it seems like the moon was guiding you somewhere on to the mountains, little whispers, and lights guiding you. Slowly climbing up the mountains, your hands and knees red from gripping on to rocks and other stuff, but you kept on climbing. This must be it, if the universe was here to guide you to where you need to go or even needed to be, you do it happily, just to get away from your boring life. Pulling yourself onto a platform herself hitting the water, the whispers stopped, no lights seem to light your way around. 

A soft sigh left your lips, unsure of what to do. Do you have to do something... Where you here to rest? Or had the universe something else planned for you. When soft music seems to enter your head. Only to start over after some time, the music cutting itself off and start again with the same notes. Looking up at the moon, her eyes held confusion, why would the moon make her listen to music. Moving around in the water, the moon making the water seem to glow. She saw the platform in the middle.

Unknown to her she was not alone on the mountain, a young man was there as well. He was looking around for a special flower, but hearing her made him stop in his tracks. 'I heard it as well Aphelios. We should probably see who that was. If they find the Lunari she could tell the world.' The brother nods his head, slowly trying to find where she was now. She hadn't said anything for some time so he just followed where he had last heard her make sounds. 

"Do you want me to sing?" You called out to the moon, hoping for an answer to come. Silents. "I'm unsure of what to do now! You have brought me here, what now?" Your voice rings out into the silents of the night, the moon seems to glow a bit brighter pointing you to send in the middle of the platform. Now that you look around, the ground was covered in moon symbols, as two arc ways were over the platform. On the arc ways where more moon symbols, you slowly walked to the middle. when the music seems to start again. "You really want me to sing don't you..." You softly whispered to yourself.

Aphelios found her, the platform where the moon was shining down on as she moved to the center. Water dripped from her legs onto the ground, as she ran a hand through her hair. She slowly start to hum, he couldn't hear the music but his sister could. 'The moon is singing to her, it seems to want to show her something. it guided her here, I'm unsure why but we should keep an eye on her.' Once more Aphelios nob, as he looked at the girl. The light of the moon seems to make her glow, like she was a ghost. a soft sigh left her lips, closing her eyes as she slowly swayed from side to side.

As you took a breath, words seem to pop into your mind, as you slowly began to sing. "Distant moon, so big and bright. Softest silver glowing through the night. High atop, the mountain gold. Sun unseen, the world is cold." Slowly lift your hands to the moon, from your point of view it seemed like you were holding the moon. The moon seems to flicker, almost as it seems that it was happy that you were finally singing to it. "Here I wait, and here I stand. Early morning northern hour hand. Studying, in solitude. Looking for, a hidden clue." You couldn't see it but the water seems to slowly glide up onto the stone platform reaching for you.

Aphelios eyes where wide seeing the woman sing to the moon, the magic he felt coming from her seem to be so strong. 'Such a pretty voice, the moon seems to enjoy it.' His sister whispered to him, he could hear on her voice she was enjoying it too. Her hands dropped to her sides, a troubled look on her face. "I wish, to see this world through my own eyes. To calm, the elders and silence their cries. Because of you, I now gaze up and sing. The lullaby of the moon." The water reached her legs as white lines began to glow on her skin. She slowly turned around almost in a trance, as the white lines creep up her body, slowly reaching her eyes, who were closed.

Slowly your eyes opened, the world seems to be more bright, seeing everything better as the moon began to guide your way again, so you kept on singing. "Found at last, I steal away. Moving faster through the silent shade. Sea of stars, like flowers bloom. Looking for, the hidden tomb." Rushing through the thickness of the woods, but you kept on going, the powers of the moon seem to pull you to this other strong force. When a big door overgrown by the greens of the earth, was there in the middle of the woods. Moving closer you pull away at the green slowly revealing the door more and more. Moon ruins where on the door, as her hand was full pressed against it, it lite up. The green of the earth seems to pull itself away from the door.

The man followed the woman into the deeps on the woods, his sister softly talking to him, telling him the moon was guiding her to a secret tomb who none could enter unless the moon wants them to. In the tomb a crescent blade laying in wait for its owner, to help out the lunari. 'I think to moon wants her to find it.' As they see the door lit up, they knew for sure. Her glowing white eyes, but a soft smile on her face as she entered the hidden tomb. Aphelios following her inside, he felt the power coming from the moon but also the tomb. Her soft footsteps echoed through the tomb, her soft breathing seemed to come out fast, almost like she was scared.

Once entering a bigger room a nagamaki was stuck in stone in the middle of the room, the moon shining down on it. The wooden part of the weapon was engraved with moon symbols and writing, as the blade itself was shaped like a normal nagamaki, only for it to have a row of moons cut out in the middle, going from a beginning moon facing the left to an ending moon facing the right. You slowly walked to it, as soon you got close the moon to seems to glow. Pulling the blade from the stone ground a gust of power was released making your hair going everywhere. The music slowly picking itself back up in your head. A soft smile on your lips you turned around, only to see ahead pull itself back behind the door. They didn't feel like a  threat, more a welcoming person, that you have known for years. 

As the woman had turned around he had quickly pulled himself back behind to door open she hadn't seen him, only to hear her soft voice sing again. "Here I found, the crescent blade. Forged by Rakkor, surely lunar made. Shining down, upon the earth. Now they'll see, I'll prove my worth." Her soft footsteps seem to make it's way back to the door, making him jump up wanting to run away from her. 'Don't worry brother, she will do you no harm' As she slowly came into his sight, her soft eyes making contact with his. She nods to him, a half-moon appearing on her forehead, his eyes widen. She walked further past him, he was mesmerized by her beauty, the moon always seems to pick the once who were graceful and elegant.

Once outside you began to walk back to the platform, you could feel the unknown man follow you. You couldn't help yourself but let your mind wander to who he was. He sure was handsome, but his eyes seem to hold so much pain and sorrow. Returned to the platform you stand at the edge so you could touch the water if you wanted to. "I wish, to see this world through my own eyes. To calm, the elders and silence their cries. Because of you I now gaze up and sing. The lullaby of the moon." The cutout moons on the blade seem to glow as you grip on to the weapon tighter. Memories of the past came flooding into your mind, what the solari had done to the lunari. Telling you to help them, and protect them from the Solari. The moons cries made you feel so much hatred for the Solari. "Condemned me to death. With my last breath. Sorrow and anger. Fill my head." 

The water seem to move around, the wind picking up, the moons light dimming down. Aphelios felt her anger and sadness, him slowly making his way over to her. 'The moon as shown her what happened to our kind, the lunari, her emotions are taking over. Please, Aphelios help her calm down.' His sister softly whispered feeling her presents closer than ever before after her entering the fortress. "Distant moon, so big and bright. Softest silver glowing through the night. High atop, the mountain gold. Sun unseen, the world is cold." Her weapon touched the water, making it turned silver as she slowly stepped into it, the water reaching her waist. He quickly rushed over to her, pulling her from the water, the sadness seems to leave her. Hands grabbing his coat, turning her head around looking up at him.

As your eyes made contact with his again, the feeling returned once more of knowing him for years. But seeing a figure appear behind him making you push yourself out of his arms and away from him. He reached out to him but you backed away. But you slowly called down seeing a woman appear more a soft smile on her face, but her eyes widen as they made eye contact. 'You can see me..?' You nob slowly pulling yourself onto your knees, a confused look on her face. 'And hear me?' You nob once more, a joyful laugh left her lips as she turned to the man sitting in front of you. 'Aphelios, she can hear me! Can you believe it?! It's wonderful!' Now knowing his name you turned to him, a soft smile on her lips. "Sorry for pushing you away, but seeing her behind you made me back away." A small smile was on his face shaking his head. "Are you mute?" He nods, as you softly smiled moving back to him. 

Aphelios looked the woman over, the lines now gone, showing him her glowing (colored eyes) eyes, a soft smile on her pink lips. The moonlight making her skin seem to glow. "So what were you guys doing here?" 'We were looking and following where the moon leads us.' The woman softly said, as she nodded. Aphelios reached for the younger women's hand as he pulled himself up as well as the woman. "Wow, thank you" He nodded as she leaned down picking up the weapon, soon after looking out over the view over shurima land. The moon once more seems to tell her to do something. "Now I know, my chosen path. Higher calling they will know my wrath. Raise my relic blade. I will not be swayed. With the might of the moon by my side." She lifted the blade over her head the moon seems to be blinding for a second, as a moon now appeared onto her upper torso. 

Feeling a hand place itself on top of your own, making yourself look up at Aphelios. 'He says, that you did your duty, for now, tomorrow is another day.' "But seeing what the solari did to the lunari-" He shook his head, pulling you away from the edge of the platform once more. 'Rest is what comes first, tomorrow is a new day.' You nod, rolling your shoulders you softly sigh. "You know Aphelios, the first time I saw you in the tomb you felt like a year old friend, just calming and relaxing." 'Aphelios agrees, he felt like he knows you from maybe a past life. one where you where friends or even more...' You looked over to the moon, almost like it brought you together. "Do you think the moon wanted us to meet?" A silent laugh seems to leave his lips, a small joyous smile pulled at his lips as you could also hear the woman giggle. Standing on your toes, you softly kissed his lips, quickly pulling back. "Thank you for saving me from my own anger and sadness."

He felt her lips against his, quick and fast, but soft and delightful. Her words almost seem to fly over his head, as he just stared down at her. Slowly making her flustered, slowly pulling herself out of his arms and apologizing for stepping over the line. But he slowly places his hand on her cheek, making her eyes return to his. Slowly leaning down kissing her, longer them before as well as pulling her close. Strangers kissing in the moonlight, but to them, it felt they knew each other for so long. Slowly pulling back, a few seconds of silents before she softly laughed pushing her forehead against his. "Strange how we only have known each other for a good 20 minutes and here we are." She felt him laugh as he still caresses her cheek, as she leans into it kissing the palm of his hand. "Thank you." She softly whispered into his palm, her eyes looking into his. He shook his head after it nudging his nose against hers, silently telling her not to thank him anymore.

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