Ravis Got A Dumpy On Him

Ravi’s got a dumpy on him
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More Posts from Sammurphy3
I saw a take on TikTok about 7x06 the other day that is some type of fanfic level of insanity. It’s where they think Buck and Eddie get so blackout drunk that they get married during CHIMS BACHELOR PARTY
This is the exact reason I’m wanting to go “fuck it. BuckTommy endgame. Have Eddie come out and endgame him with a guy from another fire house.”

Tim really went “you want to be petty and bitchy about buddie not being canon? Bet. I can be even MORE petty than you.”
You can pry my autistic!Eddie Diaz head canon from my cold dead hands
We have to free Eddie Diaz from the shackles of heterosexuality. I know what you are, gay boy

Anyone want to join me in stealing all of the hair gel from set?
We have to free their curls from the clutches of the costume departments hair products