911 On Abc - Tumblr Posts
Don’t get me wrong, Buddie is my ride or die but BuckTommy is new and shiny and my ADD ass loves new and shiny. If anything were to happen to either of them I’d throw myself off a bridge
I’ll keep saying until I’m blue in the face, Ravi needs to be a main character. We also need a Ravi Begins episode

Babe wake up, new reaction pic just dropped
Fuck it. I’ll say it. Put Norman in the call center with Josh and Linda and see what happens
We have to free Eddie Diaz from the shackles of heterosexuality. I know what you are, gay boy
Writing a 911 fic with an oc as Tommy’s younger sister and shows up to the 118 after a personal tragedy. She’s navy and Tommy takes care of her son while she’s deployed. She knew Chim/Hen/Bobby when she was a kid. What does everyone think?
I saw a take on TikTok about 7x06 the other day that is some type of fanfic level of insanity. It’s where they think Buck and Eddie get so blackout drunk that they get married during CHIMS BACHELOR PARTY
This is the exact reason I’m wanting to go “fuck it. BuckTommy endgame. Have Eddie come out and endgame him with a guy from another fire house.”
I don’t see eddie as gay but IF they ever make him like men I can only see him with josh 😭
I’ve grappled with this really since 7x04. While Eddie/Josh is definitely better than Eddie/Marisol for a whole bunch of reasons, I also don’t want the show to go “oh hey eddies gay so let’s put him with the other out gay guy on the show.”
Eddie/Josh COULD make a good and compelling storyline IF the network decides to go that route since Eddie and Josh already know each other, as they worked dispatch together for a few months. Not to mention that they’re funny as hell and have an interesting dynamic in the few scenes they have together in 5b
The emotional whiplash I just experienced is INSANE.
I went from sobbing uncontrollably at the madney wedding to laughing my ass off to the point of falling off the couch and onto the ground at Bucks coming out to the rest of the team and family
I can’t watch 911 live tomorrow due to a family thing. So this is how I’m going to be rambling to my family about the show the entire night

I just know Frank is TIRED of the 118 + family. My man cannot catch a break with this group.
You can’t tell me that man doesn’t have a therapist of his own due to having to make all of them at least half functioning adults and members of society
The final scene for 7x10 that I came up with would hurt so good. Imagine:
Both the 118 and Harbor are working a major scene together and Tommy and Buck lose sight of the other. It cuts to Tommy piloting and then him calling out “mayday, mayday, mayday. Copter 1017 going down!” Then it cuts to black and we have to wait until 8x01 to find out what happens
Wasn’t expecting to get jump scared via f*cking Captain Gerard in the promo for 7x09

Tim really went “you want to be petty and bitchy about buddie not being canon? Bet. I can be even MORE petty than you.”

Anyone want to join me in stealing all of the hair gel from set?
We have to free their curls from the clutches of the costume departments hair products

Ravi’s got a dumpy on him
Bring back Lucy Donato.
*runs into a bunker to hide*
I’m feeling everything and nothing at the same time
You can pry my autistic!Eddie Diaz head canon from my cold dead hands

My GOD. Buck is down so bad for him