21 posts
All I Can
All I can
I’ve taken all I can take
The bones I have, the bones that break
And it’s all just come and gone
And I’m barely holding on
I’ve lost all I could lose
The heart that was, the heart has bruised
And the songs gone out of tune
I wish to God it weren’t so soon
Cause the moments got away
And I’m chasin’ for some other way
I can have my happy end
That you won’t leave, my only friend
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Everyone is an artist, the only difference is one puts their heart on paper.
A poet's soul
Something beautiful
Something only few understand
Something born from seeing pain, seeing beauty, seeing everything.
An artist’s soul
Something unique
Something never spoken
Something born from feeling pain, feeling beauty, feeling everything.
What we can take from dreams
When I dream I can sometimes change something into something else, merely because I wish it. I can make a moose, a deer, or a plane out of thin air. If only I close my eyes and wish harder. The monsters don’t always leave but when they come a clawing. I reach out my hands and believe that though I hadn’t ever before, I can use the wind as my weapon and bash it straight into the floor. When I open my eyes it has happen, because I expected nothing else. I believed in my power so fully, that failing just wouldn’t make sense. And each time the monsters grew stronger and bigger than mammoths or whales, I just squeezed shut my eyes and let my belief grow in size, until it burst out and became something real. The enemies don’t shrink, but each time I fall, I just think. I’ll believe it until it is done. If it don’t work at first, I just clench my fists and believe harder, until I am commanding that very thing into existence.
Less than all you’ve hoped for.
Limited in all but let downs.
I’ll reach farther than ever before.
Nothing less than the stars for me.
I’m leaving behind the limits that doubt and fear create.
My dreams and aspirations are more than the obstacles they make.
I’m more than my insecurities.
I’m more than all I am.
I’m more than what you see of me.
I’m more than the river I’ve swam.

Who thought a flower could look so small in my hands
That rocks could tumble and fall
That the world melts into fountain of shifting shadows
When your skin begins to crawl.
Words tumble from your lips in scattered puzzle pieces
And I’m lost again in the violence of thought
That starless sky awaits my lonely return
Return to solitude, return to sender, return to my home
It is a house of forgotten miracles
Memories cursed to disappear
It is my past and future
It is the demon that chases my across the stars
It holds my hope and dreams in a net across its shoulder
Dangles them in front now and then
This is the house that I died in yesterday
And the house I will die in tomorrow
Cause I have been dying in there for quite some time now
Alone in the darkness
I am trapped there,
And each door Death awaits
Why do I open the doors?
I should stop.
But I don’t because an ember is not dead,
Not yet
It remains alive through the years of smothering and starvation
So stubborn I wish it would leave
It hurts
It burns
But they say it’s good
They say it keeps me from giving up…
And I hate them all the more.
Would you give me a moment to think
To feel
To spend one moment right here.
Cause this world’s blinding, it’s just anger and fighting
And I’m losing myself to the smoke.
Cause I’m taking all the hits that aren’t meant for me
But no one runs to help me cause I’m falling suddenly.
I’m lost, they lost me, and I’m running out of time
The walls are filling up with filth and grime.
I’m no longer clean, a dark stain on the wall
I need help desperately but too anxious to call.
This is all a dream, I need this to be a dream
So I can wake up and finally stop my endless scream.
I died last night and now live in a blur
My only friend, the mind’s dark whisperer.
Where is thy faith young wanderer?
You trust yourself, like a mouse trusts a snake.