Major simp for Rick Sanchez :3Rickford- my OTPMultifandom, but mostly RaM and GFI tag my art with #my artNote: I'm kinda oblivious to things & socially an idiot, so if I ever fuck up, please tell me !
707 posts
It's Them, Actually
It's them, actually

The original ^
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Hi! Do you know if there’s a rickford discord server out there? It’d be cool if there was one for discussing the ship but idk who else would join.
Oh. My. God.
I'm pretty sure there are ones, but I believe they've all died around 2016, so probably not now.
You just gave me the best idea ever.
I'm going to do it-- I'll make a Rickford server!
And once I do, I'm going to @ everyone who I'd like to invite! Of course, anyone who wants to join who wouldn't be @'d in that post would be free to, as well.
Thank you for this idea, Anon!
I'll pin the post about it once I make the server.

Becca pointed out to me that in an early episode of Gravity Falls, The Legend of the Gobblewonker, Stan has a licence plate with “Stanley Mobile” on it. (“STNLYMBL”)
Which is rather strange, considering Stan’s full name is Stanford.
I’ve seen theories, or perhaps just headcanons, floating around that Stan is a twin. Stan must have (or must have had) a sibling who is Dipper and Mabel’s grandmother or grandfather. Twins often run in the family, and “Stanley” and “Stanford” sounds like a cute pair of names for twin boys.
I don’t know if those idea are substantiated or not. I don’t know if the family will ever be touched on or if they’re significant at all, but it seems like a pretty weird error to make for the animator to confuse “Stanley” with “Stanford”
Overanaylzing what was just meant to be a cute hug in Unmortricken bitchesssssssss
Thinking about Morty's reaction as soon as Rick Prime was dead. (To make it easier on me, Rick C-137 will just be referred to as Rick and Rick Prime will be referred to as Rick Prime. Same with Evil Morty and Morty Prime. Cool? Cool.)

He runs to Rick, about to hug him (But stops due to the insane amounts of blood, which, fair) and tries to confirm that Rick Prime is dead, when confirmed, look at the very first thing he says to Rick after it was confirmed

He asks Rick if he's ok. Now, this may not seem like a big deal, I mean both of them went through a LOT. But...let's take into consideration what Evil Morty said earlier in the episode
Evil Morty: What if Rick actually kills this guy (Rick Prime) ever think about that? Maybe he'll kill himself next.
Morty: You're an asshole!
Now, at first it seemed like Evil Morty's words had very little effect on Morty, just Morty getting mad and calling him an asshole, which is what most people would've done.
And Morty already knows about Rick's suicidal tenedices due to Solaricks
Morty: Rick, this is an obvious trap! If you go down there he's (Rick Prime) just gonna kill you!
Rick: Good!
He even goes as far as to call Rick a suicide bomber a little later in Solaricks
Rick: You're like a suicide bomber!
Morty: Takes one to know one!
But here we see it had a bigger effect then it seemed. I mean c'mon, we literally see Morty's lips trembling before Rick gives his response, he's fucking terrified. Then when Rick said that he's ok (Rick you liar), Morty is so overwhelming relived, that the blood currently covering Rick (The reason why Morty didn't hug Rick immidately afterwards) doesn't even matter. Morty hugs Rick.
He doesn't care about the blood.
He's just so overwhelming relived and glad that his grandpa is ok. I think too hard about this show fuckkkkkk
Reverse portal au because yes
Updated refs: Dipper Mabel Stan Ford

Ford’s “museum” is just the mystery shack with decent prices and less jokes
He has a stack of different ties and suits because we all know he likes to play dress up just like Mabel
Stan has a long list of nicknames and even longer list of strangers who want him dead (some things just never change)

The twins were forced hired the day they arrived to Grunkle Ford and they have gained a new hatred for formal wear
Thanks for the tag, Eb !!
Since it's impossible to choose one ...
The Real Slim Shady by Eminem
1985 by Bo Burnham
And The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny by Lemon Demon
Have all been stuck in my head lately :3
Aaaand I tag anyone who sees this 'cause I dunno who to tag lol
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)