sassycheesecake - SassyCheesecake

25/She/Her/ I write SFW and NSFW/ HQ intel officer (named by @millenialfanfictionaddiction), Certified Ravenclytherin

306 posts

Part 2 Of Osamu Helping Atsumu Asking You Out

Part 2 of Osamu helping Atsumu asking you out đŸ„°â€ïž

Here’s part 1:

Osamu should win an award for being the most patient man in Japan.

No wait.

For being the most patient man in the world right now.

The other day his brother ruined his chance of asking you out and now he is trying to help Atsumu win you over.

It’s almost been three whole weeks and Atsumu chickened out every time you would be nearby.

And each time Atsumu had a different excuse for his brother.

'I remembered that I had class duty'

'(Y/N) is in a bad mood'

'I forgot ta copy my homework off of Akari'

'I don’t look my best today'

'Uhh stomache'

'The stars are not in position for this today'

And Osamu had enough.

It’s gotten so bad, that Atsumu even dreamed about talking about you and since the blonde is right above the gray-haired twin in their shared bunk bed, Osamu needed to shove his pillow over his ears in order to get some sleep.

So the next morning, when Osamu packed his lunch for school with bags under his eyes, he sees Atsumu trotting down the stairs, still half asleep.

The Opposite Hitter watches as Atsumu munches on a piece of toast, getting crumbs all over the counter, pissing him off.

"Ya ready ta ask (Y/N) out today?" Osamu asks while closing his bento box, moving onto the next one to pack lunch for his brother as well, since Atsumu is incapable of making food for himself.

Next thing he knows, Atsumu is choking on the toast.

Osamu waits for him to calm down, staring blankly at his brother with his gray eyes.

Atsumu looks at his brother with an incredulous look on his face and he has tears in his eyes from all the coughing.

"What?!" The blonde sputters.

"It’s been three weeks, Tsumu. Get a move on before someone else does." Osamu explains as he packs lunch for his brother.

"But I-" Atsumu starts but Osamu pushes him against the closed fridge door with his forearm against his throat and finally snaps.

"Okay, listen here chickenshit. I’m fed up with yer whining. Yer goin' ta (Y/N) today, tell her how ya feel, kiss her an' lemme have some goddamn peace and quiet, ya hear me?!" The gray-haired twin has a raging fire in his eyes, not caring that he almost blocks off the blonde’s airway.

Atsumu nervously gulps and nods.

When lunch rolls around in school, Osamu almost drags Atsumu into the direction of your class room, when the twins see you standing near the open window, talking to Suna and Ginjima with your back turned towards Osamu and Atsumu.

As Osamu turns around to look at his twin, it’s like the Setter is frozen with fear.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" Osamu hisses at his twin nods his head into your direction as you’re continuing to talk to Ginjima and Suna.

"I can’t." Atsumu pales and takes a few steps back.

"Tsumu I swear ta the Gods, if yer not goin' ta ask (Y/N) out right now, I will ask her out!" Osamu growls, fed up with his brother being a scaredy cat.

"Ya wouldn’t dare." Atsumu growls right back at his twin.

"Depends on how this will go. Either ya ask her out, or ya will attend (Y/N)’s an' I’s wedding in the future." The Outside Hitter threats him.

"But yannow how much I love her! How could ya do this ta yer own flesh and blood!" Atsumu gets louder and the conversation is starting again to gain looks, including you as you look at them in confusion. Suna starts to smirk and gets his phone ready to record it.

Osamu feels the stares and gets behind Atsumu to push him forward.


"Fuckin' fine!" Atsumu hisses.

Nervously gulping down the big lump in his throat, Atsumu makes his way to you with shaky steps.

"(Y/N)? Can I talk ta ya for a second? Alone?" Once he reaches you, he finds his voice back, staring at Ginjima and Suna, hoping they get the hint and leave.

Sure. I’ll see you guys later." You bid farewell to the boys, telling Atsumu that you can talk in the empty classroom.

Ginjima looks very confused at Atsumu’s behavior but before he can question it, Osamu pushes his teammates into the direction of the cafeteria. Suna sighs and puts his phone away, following them to get some food for himself as well.

Back to you, you make your way to your assigned seat and sit on the table, due that your height is not the tallest, your feet barely touch the ground. As you face the nervous Setter, he closes the classroom door for some privacy.

Once he sees that you are sitting on your desk he makes his way over to you with slow steps, pausing to stand in front of you, leaning against the chair behind him a little bit.

"Listen (Y/N), 'm incredibly sorry for the way I was actin' the other day towards ya. I had a shit day an' didn’t mean ta let it out on ya." The Setter starts by apologizing to you first, face full of regret and sorrow.

"A shit day? Atsumu you told me that I 'should go and talk to my crush' instead. I just wanted to know if you were okay that day. You looked incredibly upset, like someone didn’t hit your sets right, causing your team to lose a game." You frown at him in disappointment and a little bit of anger.

''I-I know! It wasn't your fault, I promise! Well I mean it sorta was-" Atsumu rubs his neck, getting more and more keyed up.

"You're telling me I am responsible for YOUR asshole behaviour the other day?!"

This is outrageous!

"No no no! That came out wrong... What I meant was, that I was pissed more at myself cuz ya said ya have a crush already on someone else and it made me really mad
" The blonde looks like a kicked puppy and his cheeks are starting to redden a bit.

"Why would me having a crush on someone be something you’d get mad about?" Being absolutely flabbergasted, you don’t understand his reaction at all.


It's like a sudden flash of realisation hits you.

OH. That's why he was so upset.

"So you got mad because you like me?" You try to tease him but it seems that it’s making Atsumu even more nervous.

"No! Wait- I mean yeah! Yer puttin' me under pressure!" He starts to get louder and in return, you get louder as well.

"It's either yes or a no Atsumu. Do you like me or not?? I am getting mixed signals here!"

"Yer yellin' is makin' me nervous!" His face starts to get red and you don’t know whether it’s embarrassment, fury, annoyance or something else, you can’t exactly pinpoint it.

"Atsumu, for once in your life, just restart that brain of yours and use it for something useful!" You start to get frustrated with his logic.

"Like what?!" He yells right back at you, getting frustrated with women's logic.

You get down from your desk, with your fists reaching for the collar of his school uniform shirt, pulling him to slam his lips against yours.

The sudden gesture causes the blonde Setter's brain to malfunction, causing an error in his nervous system, eyes staying wide open.

Once you're realizing what you are doing, you snap out of it, not knowing what suddenly came over you. Atsumu was blabbering nonsense and it seemed like the only logical thing to do was kiss the second-year.

When you pull back from the kiss, it's like Atsumu is in a daze. A confused, yet happy one.

"Oh.My.God. Atsumu, I-I don't know what came over me! Let's pretend this never happened! This was a mistake. I can scratch out the idea of having a chance with you-" You ramble on, starting to get into a panicked state that finally snaps the Setter out of his daze.

"Whatcha say?" His eyes full of hope.

Confused by his reaction, you’d expected him to be mad or upset but he seems
 happy that you kissed him?

"That this was a mistake?"

He pouts at that.

"No, ya said ya didn’t have a chance with me. So yer sayin' ya like me?" His amber eyes shine with exuberance, looking like he is thrilled to bits.

 yes I do." You mumble the last part so quietly, that Atsumu barely hears it but hearing those words coming out of your mouth is music to his ears.

He dare even say it’s better than a no-touch-ace.

Before you can react, Atsumu quickly places his rough hands on your cheeks, pulling you into another kiss, this time more frenzy than gentle.

You don't know how to react but it's almost like a natural instinct to just kiss him back with as much passion that he puts into it.

Tilting his head to the side, he deepens the kiss, the tip of his tongue running along your lower lip and you immediately grant him access.

The Setter's moan is lost in your mouth as soon as his wet tongue caresses yours and his hands wander down to your waist, pulling himself closer to you, feeling the heat of his body against yours is very comforting and in return, you wrap your arms around his neck.

Carding your fingers through his soft bleached hair, you start to get lost in the lust that Atsumu is providing.

All of sudden, the moment gets interrupted.

"Hey (Y/N)? Have you seen- OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY!" Kosaku barges in, immediately stopping at the sight of you and Atsumu kissing passionately.

You screech in surprise, while Atsumu just turns his head to see where the noise came from.

Yet, while you’re utterly embarrassed, Atsumu doesn’t let go of his hold on your waist, looking more annoyed that the two of you were interrupted.

"Ya mind? We’re kinda busy." The Setter says in an aggravated voice.

"Tsumu, shush." You gently push him off of you and hit his arm. He flinches at the violence of you, yet he thinks it’s the cutest thing when you are mad.

"N-No I uh
 I was looking for Osamu and Suna, K-Kita wanted a word with them a-about their failed History exam." Kosaku stutters in high embarrassment.

"I think they went to the cafeteria. Send them my deepest condolences because of Kita's upcoming scolding lesson." You give him a small smile while still having a face as red as a tomato.

"T-Thanks (Y/N) will do... I’ll let you get back to it." Kosaku blushes deeply and closes the door on his way out.

 this was so embarrassing." You let your heated face drop into the blonde’s chest and it moves with his laughing before he carefully grabs your chin and lifts your face up, making you look directly into his amber hues.

 does that mean ya forgive me?" The blonde rubs the tip of his nose against yours, chestnut-brown eyes staring down into yours with love and affection.

"Only if you buy me Dorayaki from the store." You grin at him, which he returns with one of his own before kissing you gently one more time.

"Deal." He whispers against your soft lips.

 you admit you were jealous? Riseki out of all people? A first year?" You tease him, as the two of you walk to the 7-Eleven that’s close to the school. Atsumu promised to take you to a proper date, once he gets his allowance again next month.

"I WAS NOT!" Atsumu lies in shame.

His response made you giggle and the Setter can’t help but smile at your reaction, causing him to fall in love with you even deeper, as he pulls you into his side, kissing your temple lovingly.

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More Posts from Sassycheesecake

1 year ago

You being angry at your boyfriend: "You have no idea what I am capable of!"

Your boyfriend: "Don’t take it personally but I feel like I am being threatened by a cupcake."

- MIYA TWINS, Kiyoomi Sakusa, HAJIME IWAIZUMI, SATORU GOJO, TESTURƌ KUROO, Tobio Kageyama, TƌRU OIKAWA, KEI TSUKISHIMA, Rintarƍ Suna, SHĆȘGO MEIAN, OSAMU DAZAI, CHƌSƌ KAMO (and add whichever character comes to your mind)❀

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1 year ago

*dramatically pops out from behind a curtain only to trip over ✹air✹ *



*awkward silence descends*

Oh wow, okay so even the crickets stopped chirping from this awkwardness.....

*dramatic clearing of throat*

This is a reminder!

*attempts a graceful ballerina twirl*

That you are amazing and no one can prove me wrong!!

*looks like a dying skunk attempting to dance*

And you!

*points at you, only to fall over mid twirl*

SON OF A *bleeeeeep bleep. beep. BEEEEEEEEEEP*

*another awkward throat clear*

Deserve to be happy <3

*pocket confetti!*

so remember to eat, drink water and do at least one thing that at least cheers you up!


because everyone deserves to be happy!!

*hands you a envelope full of hearts and love*

and you deserve it the most of all!!

*one more sparkle*

*(not)gracefully exits behind the curtain*

*pocket confetti🎉*

(WHEEEEEEEEEEEE I hope this made your day a tad bit better lmao....)

Thank you anon haha, hope you are doing good and you have a good day!đŸ„°â€ïž

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10 months ago

"Hello everyone, I’m going ta do a -" The young Miya chef starts to speak into a video camera, his black shirt carrying his restaurant logo over his right pec muscle. His black messy hair looks like he just rolled out of bed ten minutes ago, which he secretly did because Atsumu has shown up at seven in the goddamn morning to remind Osamu of the bet that the younger twin has lost only a month ago.

The Miya twins challenged each other to do the Chubby Bunny challenge and when Osamu was about to win, you came running into the living room in just a towel because you saw a cockroach on the bathroom wall and didn't know that Atsumu came over while you were in the shower. The chef almost choked on the marshmallows when he saw you in a single towel, causing Atsumu to shriek in victory with his mouth full of marshmallows as well. In the end, you had to do the Heimlich manoeuvre on both of them.

Since it’s off-season for the professional volleyball player, he has nothing better to do than bother his younger brother and Osamu‘s pretty partner on a regular Saturday morning.

"You’re not even going to introduce yourself?" You interrupt him with a little laugh behind the counter with the video camera, where you are seated next to Atsumu so you can film your boyfriend.

"I’m Osamu Miya and today-" The ravenette starts again.

"Ya forgot ta mention the great Atsumu Miya's twin brother-" Atsumu adds cheekily, interrupting him yet again.

Osamu can’t stop the highly aggravated sigh escaping from him, and he sends his brother a death glare behind the camera.

“ANYWAY- I am going ta show ya’ll how ta make a simple deep fired shrimp onigiri. Joinin' me today is my beautiful assistant an' partner-in-crime, (Y/N)." The grey-eyed twin looks behind the camera where you are seated.

You look up with a surprised face, clearly not expecting to be helping your boyfriend.

Scooching off the bar stool in front of the counter, you hop down and make your way with slow steps to Osamu who watches you with adoration and fondness in his gray eyes.

"What’s the first step?" You ask excited, almost hopping up and down like an excited puppy.

Osamu gives you one of his rare breathtaking smiles, feeling his heart speed up by the happiness on your face.

"Well first, we need ta make sure we got all the ingredients for makin' this." The black-haired chef explains while the camera zooms out a bit and the viewer is able to see the laid out ingredients for making the dish.

Osamu points to each ingredient, explaining what it is, what you need it for and how much you need of it.

"Looks like we got everythin'. Ya ready?" Osamu leans on the counter as he watches you with a grin.

"Yes, chef." You giggle and roll up your sleeves on your hoodie.

You can hear Atsumu gag behind the camera as he hears your flirting.

"Alright. First, yer gonna crack an egg in a bowl an' whisk it, afterwards yer gonna add the flour an' the cold water. Mix all together. Add some spices so it’s not completely flavorless. Ya followin' so far?" Osamu raises his dark eyebrow as he asks you.

You do as he says, nodding in confirmation.

"Good. Now yer gonna put that off ta the side an' grab the other bowl with the flour innit an' put the shrimp in there."

Grabbing the already peeled shrimp out of the fridge, you dump them in the flour and mix it together, making sure that there are no bare parts left on the shrimp.

"Now what?"

"Now yer gonna dip the shrimp in da batter, hold it by its tail and then dunk it a few times in there. I already prepared da fryin' oil pot but I don’t wantcha ta hurt yerself so please let me do the fryin'." Osamu looks at you with his stunning ash-grey eyes and every time he looks at you with those eyes, it makes you weak in the knees, so all you do is stare at him with big eyes and nod your head.

The chef chuckles at your reaction and those chuckles send shivers down your spine.

"(Y/N), yer startin' ta drool over mah brother. Try ta tame yer thoughts please, I can hear them from here." Atsumu teases you with a mischievous grin.

Feeling your face heat up a thousand degrees, you watch as your boyfriend skillfully puts the shrimp in the frying pot, turning them over occasionally because taking them out to put them on a drying tray.

"Leave mah girl outta this. She just knows that I am a lot hotter than you." Osamu explains as he finishes the last bit of frying the shrimp.

"Yannow, if I'd known ya would be disgustin' like this, I would have stayed at home." Atsumu scrunches up his face.

"Door's right over there." Osamu mentions his head towards his front door, clearly not bothered and more than happy to have some alone time with you.

Atsumu pouts and slumps over the counter.

"(Y/N) do something. Yer ass of a boyfriend wants to kick me out." The Setter looks at you for help, giving you those brown puppy eyes.

Curse twins and their equally good looks.

"We still need Atsumu for making the video. And he can clean up afterwards since we are both cooking." You grin up at the younger twin.

"I ain’t cleanin' shit."

"He’s not gettin' anywhere near my damn kitchen."

The twins say in sync.

You laugh at their words, setting the already cooked sticky rice on the counter next to the shrimp, along with the seaweed strips, salt, water and boiled sauce for dipping the cooked shrimp in, before putting it into the rice onigiri.

The restaurant owner shows you how it’s done step by step, being slow with his movements, so you know how it’s done.

During the trying to copy his movements, the blonde excused himself to use the restroom and Osamu uses the chance to get closer to you.

He stands behind you, putting his giant hand over yours to help you shape the onigiri. He does it on a daily basis and you’re so happy that you are his and he is yours only.

"Try doin' it yerself." The dark-haired man whispers in your ear, sending shivers all over your body and getting goosebumps by his dark voice.

You feel his strong heartbeat against your back and your breathing picks up a bit. Leaning his head next to yours on your shoulder, you feel his smile against your cheek as he watches you try to shape the next onigiri by yourself.

Holding the somewhat triangular-shaped onigiri (it’s more heart shaped actually), you present it to him with an unsure look.

All of sudden, Osamu took a large bite out of it, getting some rice on his lips, shocking you a little bit even though you should have seen this coming, this is Osamu Miya after all.

Humming in bliss, your lover swallows the food before giving you a flirtatious look, turning you around so you’re standing face-to-face.

"Compliments to the chef."

Smiling in delight, the ravenette places a smooth and loving kiss onto your lips, pulling you closer to his body.

You forget the world around you, it’s just you and Osamu. And nothing else matters.

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1 year ago

Your seven-year-old son Haruto is currently watching 'Bluey' on the carpet in the living room, eating his Lucky Charms cereal, when both you and Tetsurƍ walk into the living room.

"Bud, put the TV on mute, we need to talk about something." Tetsurƍ crosses his arms and you stand next to him with a smile on your face.

Haruto frowns and puts his unfinished bowl down, looking at you and your husband.

"Am I in trouble?" The little ravenette asks, looking a little bit scared that he did something wrong.

"You’re not in trouble, Haruto. Your mum and I wanted to
 deliver some news." Tetsurƍ tries to comfort him but it only makes the little ravenette feel worse.

" You can see that your son pales a little bit and you’re scared he’s going to throw up on the carpet on how nervous he looks.

You crouch down to his level, your smile comforting his uneasiness a little bit.

"You’re going to be a big brother Haruto. We're having a baby." Your gentle voice calms him down a little bit more and Haruto understands and begins to frown.

"But I don’t want a sibling."

Kuroo sighs and scratches the side of his neck, looking at you for help.

You gave your husband an annoyed look before looking at your son again with a smile.

"Haru, I know this change may be scary but I am sure that you will be as excited as me and daddy when we welcome your little sibling into the world." You ruffle his black messy hair and when your posture is straight again, Haruto can see a very little bump on the lower part of your stomach. He actually thought that maybe you ate a little bit too much of food from last week but since you’re about to change, the little ravenette feels like his world is going to change as well. And not in a good way.

You and Kuroo leave the room and Haruto tries to focus on his show again, but the thought of having to share everything with another kid in the household is making his stomach twist with jealousy.

The next morning after you left for your ultrasound appointment, Kuroo stays behind to watch your son while also having to work from home.

Haruto walks over to see his dad at the kitchen table, working as it seems.

He holds his penguin plushie close to his chest when he starts talking to his father.

"Dad?" Haruto looks at his father, who is typing a lot down on his laptop with a concentrated face.

"Hm?" Tetsurƍ keeps his face focused on his laptop, writing something down on his notepad that lays next to it.

"When does my new brother arrive?" Haruto asks curiously.

"Well, we don’t know yet and we don’t know if you get a brother or a sister."

"Why not? I thought you said I will have a sibling?" Haruto‘s face scrunches up a bit.

"I know. But it’s too early for that to know, buddy. Mum has to grow your sibling and until her stomach gets a little bit bigger, we don’t know for sure yet if it’s going to be a girl or a boy." Tetsurƍ looks at his son from his peripheral vision, seeing that his son's face angers up a bit.

"I don’t want a sister."

"Well, mum can’t influence that either. Why are you against having a sibling anyway? Mum and Dad thought you would be happy about the news."

Haruto looks down at his bare feet, losing the grip on his plushie.

"A brother or sister would mean I have to share my room, my food and you and mommy." Haruto mutters in shame, a hint of hurt and sadness mixed in his words.

Kuroo sighs, turning around so he fully faces his son.

"I know that change can be scary, Haru. But I promise you, once your sibling arrives, you’re going to be happy to have one. Think about uncle Bo, he has four kids. All of them are happy that they have each other." Kuroo says with a little smile.

"But they fight over food and their toys sometimes." Haruto explains while looking up at his father.

"I know but even mum and I fight sometimes. It’s normal to fight with someone sometimes. It would NOT be normal if they never fight or if they fight all the time. When I was your age, my mum, your grandma, and my dad would fight all the time. In the end, it was just me and your grandma. Your dad only had uncle Kenma as a friend in the beginning and back then, I would have done anything to have a sister or a brother."

Haruto looks at his father with a sad expression, tears starting to collect in his eyes as he runs to his father and hugs his legs very tightly.

Kuroo is quite shocked by the action but chuckles heartily as he cards his fingers through Haruto's hair, comforting him.

Haruto calms down and accepts the fact that he will be a big brother.

Over the next few months, Haruto watches the change in his mother, physically and emotionally.

Your stomach begins to grow more and you cry over the silliest things. (At least in Tetsurƍ‘s opinion)

You cried a full hour because a butterfly hit your windshield, your husband brought you your favorite flowers and you felt nauseous after smelling them, causing you to feel bad because you can’t enjoy them, saying that Tetsurƍ wasted his money. You’re eating the weirdest and most disgusting food combinations, sometimes having corn dogs and dipping them in Joghurt or other times especially in the mornings, you eat hot flaming Cheetos with mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Right now, Haruto looks in concern with his hazel eyes at you, as you are eating vanilla ice cream with tuna chunks in it.

"Mum, why can you have ice cream for breakfast and I can’t?" Haruto pouts.

Kuroo snorts behind the rim of his coffee mug.

"You’re not concerned about the tuna in the ice cream?" He chuckles as he looks between you and his son.

You continue to savor the food in your mouth when you shot your husband a nasty glare for that comment.

It makes Kuroo gulp in nervousness.

"I am craving this. Now be quiet and let me enjoy my food, Tetsƫ." You snap at him.

"Yes, ma'am." Kuroo replies with a shaky voice.

Haruto glances between the two of you and giggles at the exchange between his parents.

Exactly four months later, Haruto is sitting in front of the entrance door, anxiously waiting for his parents to come back.

Kenma is watching him, since your water broke in the middle of last night, having to go to the hospital for delivering Haruto's baby sister.

Currently, the dyed blonde is gaming on his Nintendo switch when he looks over at his godchild. Haruto is sitting in front of the door like a dog waiting for its owner to get home. He looks incredibly worried and rightfully so, since last night was pretty hectic and you looked in so much pain that all Haruto wanted to do was comfort you.

Before Haruto knew it though, his father called Kenma in a panic and not even twenty minutes later, the pro gamer showed up at their doorstep. He was never that fast at their house.

With a last quick goodbye, you and Kuroo were out the door and it’s already been over 15 hours.

Haruto did not like this one bit.

You were in pain and it was caused by his stupid sibling that he was actually excited for.

Kenma is very tired after being woken up by the former Middle Blocker at 1 am last night but still, he needed to watch Kuroo’s son.

Nekoma's former Setter is looking at him for a few more minutes until he decides that they should do something, to get Haruto’s mind off a bit.

"Hey little gremlin, want to watch some SpongeBob?" He offers.

Haruto looks at Kenma and gets up from his sitting position to join the former Setter on the couch.

During an episode, Kenma's phone vibrates with a message from the roosterhead.

'Lost count of how many times (Y/N) has threatened to kill me. Bones in my right hand are crushed to death. Say hi to Himari Kuroo. How is Haru?'

A picture follows underneath the text message.

It’s a picture of a newborn in a soft pink cat beanie and it’s swaddled up in a white blanket with cartoon kittens all over them, appearing to be sleeping.

Kenma smiles at the picture, happy that everything went well despite the long labor that you had to go through.

'He is fine. He keeps staring at the door like a little dog, waiting for its owners to get back.' How is (Y/N)? The blonde texts back.

‘She’s good, exhausted af. She’s been sleeping and eating mochis for the most part. Really missing Haru as well.'

'How about I drive Haru to you? That way he can see you and (Y/N) and (Y/N) can see Haru again.' Kenma offers.


Kenma turns to the little ravenette and sees that he is looking down at his penguin plushie with a sorrow expression.

"Come on little gremlin, let’s go see your parents and your little sister."

Haruto's face snaps up to his godfather and he smiles excitedly.

The two of them are driving to the hospital where you delivered and Haruto keeps swinging his short legs back and forth, excited to see his mama and his papa again.

When Kenma and Haruto walk through the doors of the hospital, people are gushing over the two of them, causing Kenma to feel slightly uncomfortable because they think Haruto is Kenma’s son.

When they reach the labor and delivery unit, Kenma asks for your name and the nurse at the front desk leads them to the room you’re staying in.

Haruto is too hyper to contain his excitement and runs to the room, almost slamming it open.

The sudden opening of the door startles you and Kuroo but quickly changes to happiness to seeing your son.

"Mama!" Haruto climbs on the bed towards you and your raging hormones are making you cry when you finally have your boy back in your arms.

"Haru, be careful! Mum had surgery done on her stomach!" Kuroo scolds his son and tries to pull him off of you.

"It’s okay, Tetsu. He just missed us." You soothe your husband while caressing the little ravenette’s head and back.

Kuroo joins your side on the bed, wrapping his arms around you and his son, feeling at peace.

Kenma watches the scene with a fond look before deciding to give the three of you a little privacy.

Remembering why he came here in the first place, Haruto wiggles out of his mother’s embrace and sees that your stomach has shrunk down.

"Where’s my baby brother?" He asks in curiosity.

"You have a sister, Haru. Her name is Himari and she is currently with the nurses, she needed to be weighed." You explain to him, brushing the messy strands back.

Just as he was about to reply to you, the nurse walks in with Himari and Haruto sits up straight to be able to see his sister.

He scooches back a bit into the arms of his father and watches intensely as a little bundle of wrapped blankets is handed back carefully to you.

"You want to say hi to your little sister?" You whisper in a gentle tone, unwrapping some of the blankets so your son can see his little sister better.

"She looks like a mochi." His amber eyes shine in excitement.

"She does. Make sure you protect your little mochi, okay Haru? She depends on her big brother."

Haruto nods enthusiastically and carefully touches her face and giggles a bit at her scrunched up face.

Later on, Haruto is knocked out from being up for so long and is sleeping soundly against his father while you feed Himari.

"Tetsu, you’re staring." You say while breastfeeding your newborn, not taking your eyes off of Himari.

"Sorry, kitten. Can’t help myself." Kuroo smirks in mischief as he continues to look at you with love and affection while Haru is sleeping soundly against his chest.

Kuroo can’t describe the words how happy he is to have a family with you. He hopes that in the future, Haruto and Himari will grow up close and maybe if he plays his cards right, have another bundle of joy with you in the future.

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11 months ago

Conversation that I recently had with hubby that could be a conversation with Haikyuu!! Characters #5ïżŒ

* S/O and you drive in the car, S/O scares you by doing stupid shit (pretending to take a turn to drive down a different road but deciding not to at the VERY LAST SECOND *

You: You know I have anxiety! Why would you be driving like a jackass?

S/O: Don’t be like that, I just pretended we’re going on a different road. I only swung the car a little bit into that direction when I pulled us back on the road. It was merely swinging. You looked like you were about to fall asleep.

You: * gives the angry look * And you seriously think the way to do that is to scare me? You’re going to send me to an early grave.

S/O: * smirks while driving * Don’t be so dramatic, you know you love me.

You: * pretends to think * Hmmm. Debatable.

S/O: You little shrimp!

*All of sudden, you finally get a new idea for writing *

*S/O sees you typing on your phone and leans in a bit to see what you are typing*


- TƌRU OIKAWA, ATSUMU MIYA, Rintarƍ Suna, Tetsurƍ Kuroo, KEI TSUKISHIMA, Issei Matsukawa, KENJI FUTAKUCHI

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