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Hello! I'm looking for a John wick x reader fanfic, all the story is following the plot of the 3 movies but the reader (who's John's wife) is with him.

She's kidnapped by Tarasov in the beginning and she's the one who lost her finger in the desert

Can someone help me to find this beautiful story again please!

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1 year ago

Your seven-year-old son Haruto is currently watching 'Bluey' on the carpet in the living room, eating his Lucky Charms cereal, when both you and Tetsurō walk into the living room.

"Bud, put the TV on mute, we need to talk about something." Tetsurō crosses his arms and you stand next to him with a smile on your face.

Haruto frowns and puts his unfinished bowl down, looking at you and your husband.

"Am I in trouble?" The little ravenette asks, looking a little bit scared that he did something wrong.

"You’re not in trouble, Haruto. Your mum and I wanted to… deliver some news." Tetsurō tries to comfort him but it only makes the little ravenette feel worse.

"Okay?…" You can see that your son pales a little bit and you’re scared he’s going to throw up on the carpet on how nervous he looks.

You crouch down to his level, your smile comforting his uneasiness a little bit.

"You’re going to be a big brother Haruto. We're having a baby." Your gentle voice calms him down a little bit more and Haruto understands and begins to frown.

"But I don’t want a sibling."

Kuroo sighs and scratches the side of his neck, looking at you for help.

You gave your husband an annoyed look before looking at your son again with a smile.

"Haru, I know this change may be scary but I am sure that you will be as excited as me and daddy when we welcome your little sibling into the world." You ruffle his black messy hair and when your posture is straight again, Haruto can see a very little bump on the lower part of your stomach. He actually thought that maybe you ate a little bit too much of food from last week but since you’re about to change, the little ravenette feels like his world is going to change as well. And not in a good way.

You and Kuroo leave the room and Haruto tries to focus on his show again, but the thought of having to share everything with another kid in the household is making his stomach twist with jealousy.

The next morning after you left for your ultrasound appointment, Kuroo stays behind to watch your son while also having to work from home.

Haruto walks over to see his dad at the kitchen table, working as it seems.

He holds his penguin plushie close to his chest when he starts talking to his father.

"Dad?" Haruto looks at his father, who is typing a lot down on his laptop with a concentrated face.

"Hm?" Tetsurō keeps his face focused on his laptop, writing something down on his notepad that lays next to it.

"When does my new brother arrive?" Haruto asks curiously.

"Well, we don’t know yet and we don’t know if you get a brother or a sister."

"Why not? I thought you said I will have a sibling?" Haruto‘s face scrunches up a bit.

"I know. But it’s too early for that to know, buddy. Mum has to grow your sibling and until her stomach gets a little bit bigger, we don’t know for sure yet if it’s going to be a girl or a boy." Tetsurō looks at his son from his peripheral vision, seeing that his son's face angers up a bit.

"I don’t want a sister."

"Well, mum can’t influence that either. Why are you against having a sibling anyway? Mum and Dad thought you would be happy about the news."

Haruto looks down at his bare feet, losing the grip on his plushie.

"A brother or sister would mean I have to share my room, my food and you and mommy." Haruto mutters in shame, a hint of hurt and sadness mixed in his words.

Kuroo sighs, turning around so he fully faces his son.

"I know that change can be scary, Haru. But I promise you, once your sibling arrives, you’re going to be happy to have one. Think about uncle Bo, he has four kids. All of them are happy that they have each other." Kuroo says with a little smile.

"But they fight over food and their toys sometimes." Haruto explains while looking up at his father.

"I know but even mum and I fight sometimes. It’s normal to fight with someone sometimes. It would NOT be normal if they never fight or if they fight all the time. When I was your age, my mum, your grandma, and my dad would fight all the time. In the end, it was just me and your grandma. Your dad only had uncle Kenma as a friend in the beginning and back then, I would have done anything to have a sister or a brother."

Haruto looks at his father with a sad expression, tears starting to collect in his eyes as he runs to his father and hugs his legs very tightly.

Kuroo is quite shocked by the action but chuckles heartily as he cards his fingers through Haruto's hair, comforting him.

Haruto calms down and accepts the fact that he will be a big brother.

Over the next few months, Haruto watches the change in his mother, physically and emotionally.

Your stomach begins to grow more and you cry over the silliest things. (At least in Tetsurō‘s opinion)

You cried a full hour because a butterfly hit your windshield, your husband brought you your favorite flowers and you felt nauseous after smelling them, causing you to feel bad because you can’t enjoy them, saying that Tetsurō wasted his money. You’re eating the weirdest and most disgusting food combinations, sometimes having corn dogs and dipping them in Joghurt or other times especially in the mornings, you eat hot flaming Cheetos with mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Right now, Haruto looks in concern with his hazel eyes at you, as you are eating vanilla ice cream with tuna chunks in it.

"Mum, why can you have ice cream for breakfast and I can’t?" Haruto pouts.

Kuroo snorts behind the rim of his coffee mug.

"You’re not concerned about the tuna in the ice cream?" He chuckles as he looks between you and his son.

You continue to savor the food in your mouth when you shot your husband a nasty glare for that comment.

It makes Kuroo gulp in nervousness.

"I am craving this. Now be quiet and let me enjoy my food, Tetsū." You snap at him.

"Yes, ma'am." Kuroo replies with a shaky voice.

Haruto glances between the two of you and giggles at the exchange between his parents.

Exactly four months later, Haruto is sitting in front of the entrance door, anxiously waiting for his parents to come back.

Kenma is watching him, since your water broke in the middle of last night, having to go to the hospital for delivering Haruto's baby sister.

Currently, the dyed blonde is gaming on his Nintendo switch when he looks over at his godchild. Haruto is sitting in front of the door like a dog waiting for its owner to get home. He looks incredibly worried and rightfully so, since last night was pretty hectic and you looked in so much pain that all Haruto wanted to do was comfort you.

Before Haruto knew it though, his father called Kenma in a panic and not even twenty minutes later, the pro gamer showed up at their doorstep. He was never that fast at their house.

With a last quick goodbye, you and Kuroo were out the door and it’s already been over 15 hours.

Haruto did not like this one bit.

You were in pain and it was caused by his stupid sibling that he was actually excited for.

Kenma is very tired after being woken up by the former Middle Blocker at 1 am last night but still, he needed to watch Kuroo’s son.

Nekoma's former Setter is looking at him for a few more minutes until he decides that they should do something, to get Haruto’s mind off a bit.

"Hey little gremlin, want to watch some SpongeBob?" He offers.

Haruto looks at Kenma and gets up from his sitting position to join the former Setter on the couch.

During an episode, Kenma's phone vibrates with a message from the roosterhead.

'Lost count of how many times (Y/N) has threatened to kill me. Bones in my right hand are crushed to death. Say hi to Himari Kuroo. How is Haru?'

A picture follows underneath the text message.

It’s a picture of a newborn in a soft pink cat beanie and it’s swaddled up in a white blanket with cartoon kittens all over them, appearing to be sleeping.

Kenma smiles at the picture, happy that everything went well despite the long labor that you had to go through.

'He is fine. He keeps staring at the door like a little dog, waiting for its owners to get back.' How is (Y/N)? The blonde texts back.

‘She’s good, exhausted af. She’s been sleeping and eating mochis for the most part. Really missing Haru as well.'

'How about I drive Haru to you? That way he can see you and (Y/N) and (Y/N) can see Haru again.' Kenma offers.


Kenma turns to the little ravenette and sees that he is looking down at his penguin plushie with a sorrow expression.

"Come on little gremlin, let’s go see your parents and your little sister."

Haruto's face snaps up to his godfather and he smiles excitedly.

The two of them are driving to the hospital where you delivered and Haruto keeps swinging his short legs back and forth, excited to see his mama and his papa again.

When Kenma and Haruto walk through the doors of the hospital, people are gushing over the two of them, causing Kenma to feel slightly uncomfortable because they think Haruto is Kenma’s son.

When they reach the labor and delivery unit, Kenma asks for your name and the nurse at the front desk leads them to the room you’re staying in.

Haruto is too hyper to contain his excitement and runs to the room, almost slamming it open.

The sudden opening of the door startles you and Kuroo but quickly changes to happiness to seeing your son.

"Mama!" Haruto climbs on the bed towards you and your raging hormones are making you cry when you finally have your boy back in your arms.

"Haru, be careful! Mum had surgery done on her stomach!" Kuroo scolds his son and tries to pull him off of you.

"It’s okay, Tetsu. He just missed us." You soothe your husband while caressing the little ravenette’s head and back.

Kuroo joins your side on the bed, wrapping his arms around you and his son, feeling at peace.

Kenma watches the scene with a fond look before deciding to give the three of you a little privacy.

Remembering why he came here in the first place, Haruto wiggles out of his mother’s embrace and sees that your stomach has shrunk down.

"Where’s my baby brother?" He asks in curiosity.

"You have a sister, Haru. Her name is Himari and she is currently with the nurses, she needed to be weighed." You explain to him, brushing the messy strands back.

Just as he was about to reply to you, the nurse walks in with Himari and Haruto sits up straight to be able to see his sister.

He scooches back a bit into the arms of his father and watches intensely as a little bundle of wrapped blankets is handed back carefully to you.

"You want to say hi to your little sister?" You whisper in a gentle tone, unwrapping some of the blankets so your son can see his little sister better.

"She looks like a mochi." His amber eyes shine in excitement.

"She does. Make sure you protect your little mochi, okay Haru? She depends on her big brother."

Haruto nods enthusiastically and carefully touches her face and giggles a bit at her scrunched up face.

Later on, Haruto is knocked out from being up for so long and is sleeping soundly against his father while you feed Himari.

"Tetsu, you’re staring." You say while breastfeeding your newborn, not taking your eyes off of Himari.

"Sorry, kitten. Can’t help myself." Kuroo smirks in mischief as he continues to look at you with love and affection while Haru is sleeping soundly against his chest.

Kuroo can’t describe the words how happy he is to have a family with you. He hopes that in the future, Haruto and Himari will grow up close and maybe if he plays his cards right, have another bundle of joy with you in the future.

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9 months ago

I’m so glad you take requests for Anthony bridgerton. I’ve been in the mood to read angst with happy endings for so looong😫 so could I request Anthony bridgerton x wife angst where they have an argument/fight because he is stressed so he takes his anger out on her so she ends up giving him the silent treatment while he basically begs for her forgiveness

Say nothing then || A.B

Pairing: Anthony bridgerton x wife!reader

Warning: hurt/angst, superstitious thoughts, Anthony doesn't think he could outlive his father. ( Happy ending and little comfort, i promise.)

Rigel's note 🪩 : Thankyou so much for requesting, absolutely heart breaking to write this one, I took inspo from book, Anthony denying love because he saw his mother going in depression when his father died and taylor swift's lyric I said, "I love you" (I said, "I love you") You say nothin' back . I hope i did justice with this one sweetheart <3

Im So Glad You Take Requests For Anthony Bridgerton. Ive Been In The Mood To Read Angst With Happy Endings

That's the way you loved Anthony, truly and completely and sometimes it was so hard to keep it in, it slipped through your lips everytime you kissed him. Pressing down in his skin and tickling his heart that was yours.

It gazed at him, dusk or dawn, ever so lovely, it scribbled down in your ink, leaving your love trailing down behind him.

When Anthony told you he would give you anything, you believed him, when he said he just wouldn't love you, you didn't.

That's not how it goes, perhaps you were naive and blinded but that, it was love that glinted in his eyes everytime he looked at you. When he would smile and reveal the book you yearned to read, hidden behind his back. When he danced more than any husband did with his wife so you didn't believe when Anthony said he wouldn't love you, that was only a matter of time.

However, there's difference between wouldn't and couldn't, Anthony was scared to love, for he knew it's a force and he would be damned if you were to be left heartbroken just like his mother, he would curse himself if he didn't wake when you would call out for him when he was dea Because Anthony was sure, he bloody knew he wouldn't be able to live past his father and in no universe he would want to see you begging, crying and slowly drifting away. Lost and sad, no.

So he wouldn't love you and he would save you from the greater grief, of getting left behind while the other is gone.

But love became too much sometimes, held too much of your heart and body and soul that it demanded to fly and then one such night, all the chains tattered and it was bleeding raw and fresh—

" I love you." You said, like you did every passing moment but oops you had said it now, in words and sound as Anthony kissed the back of your ear, it was the first time the words ever experienced by the nature, no doubt you had said it with every kiss, every touch, every gesture but this was new.

Anthony freezed above you, hands dropping whatever mischief they had in tow.

He pulled away from you in a blink of your eye and it took you a moment to realise what went wrong.

" Anthony ? Are you..you are okay honey ? " You whsipered, he didn't look at you, staring at his hands as he could see a story you couldn't.

" I.. Anthony ? " You said again because it scared you, Anthony wasn't the one to look away, all the things that scared you was nothing against the terror, the sinking gut wrenching feeling you felt when Anthony fliched at your touch and you shivered in ache. No, don't leave me. Please, please.

It was another pain to see Anthony like a stranger, like he didn't know you. He would, he promised he would know you anywhere but this, it was threatening.

" What did you say ? " You almost thought it was the voices in your head, the agony that coated the words could never be from him.

Never to you, he was drifting away with each heavy moment and the person who was at the edge of your bed, in your shared chamber, smelling like you, wasn't the person you knew.

" Anthony—" you tried, you couldn't help the choking of your throat as those eyes were fuming in rage, maybe there was love, hiding somewhere but you couldn't find it and it broke your heart. Anthony couldn't be right.

" You don't mean that ! " He was screaming, his whole body shaking as his fist slammed the mattress in fit of rage.

A strangled hiccup escaped your throat when Anthony gripped your shoulder, hard but not bruising, like he wanted to shake you out of this feeling. He couldn't.

" You don't understand, love, love, love—" he almost cried, his nose reddening, his whole face was burning.

" —its stupid ! Means nothing, does nothing, it takes away everything..." His voice tore down deep inside you, like breaking membranes and dropping vases, it could never be the same.

" You don't understand... don't say it ! You stupid woman ! " He bellowed when you worked your jaw to say something, Don't say it, I love you—

I love you, please, please, let me love you—

But just as he said it, it wasn't Anthony, it was like your mama reminding you how stupid you were, stupid, stupid girl, she would say.

Stupid woman, he had said and everything else was slowly fading, it was starting to slow down, like watching it from away, in different bodies, like you were the doorknob or the painting on the wall because you were crumbling under his touch.

Anthony mere few inches away and you wondered what he would do if you kissed him just then, would he stop this torment?

Would he pull away, back then he didn't when they were your silent ' I love you's ' instead he drank them in, tasted your love raw and wild and now refused them in sound and wave.

" What should I say Anthony ? " You were sure they never made it out, lost somewhere in void, perhaps still coiling around your cartilage but the shocked silence that echoed between the little space between you reminded you how words crawled out after all. Even those meant to be quiet. I love you.

" Say nothing then." His voice is so small that barely register and before you could, he's inhaling large gulps of air, drifting back and back and his eyes not quite meeting yours until he turned his back to you.

He was gone for the night.

Say nothing then.

He wasn't there for the breakfast.

Say nothing then.

He wasn't there the next day.

Say nothing then.

And the day next, and one that followed—

Until you reasiled you haven't said anything in days, it wasn't so bad afterall, it was, very, very bad and lonely but it was okay, as long as Anthony would come back, it should be.

It was very quiet when Anthony stumbled back, his steps shaking and vision dizzy.

He was terribly pissed. You turned the page you only half read and focused hard on the words, Anthony stripped his clothes as he climbed the bed next to you, in an attempt to kiss your forehead like he did every night.

He wasn't there to do it for days and you didn't sleep, it could surely go on, you pulled away.

Something hurt flashed through his eyes and he looked down at the sheets, chest heaving with untaken breaths.

" Good night Viscountess." He whsipered softly and You said nothing back.

Say nothing then.

You weren't sure how you did it but you managed to untangle yourself from Anthony by dawn, you slept for the first time in days and it was over with a series of dreams, each ended with you saying I love you and Anthony saying nothing back.

Silence was louder than words, it was also harsher than words.

Watching Anthony sleep was like playing we're good with him , you weren't sure if you could cry anymore than you had already.

It felt like nothing happened and it could go back to be like before, you could press your love to his skin and it wouldn't burn and leave scars.

But you didn't want that, that was something it had became unbearable, when love bled through you, it was unstoppable and you realised how you will love him enough to make it up for both of you but he wouldn't let you. He wouldn't love you either.

The hurt was visible when his hand trembled, he tried hard to catch your eye, you focused at the honey, so sweet. Anthony didn't know but it hurt you all the same. How much burden you felt in your bones when you couldn't tell him all the things you woke up with, to tell him about your dreams — nightmares now, to tell him that you hate him so much, to kiss him until he couldn't breathe and tear everything wrenched out of him, but you couldn't.

All the more heartache when Anthony brought out the third part of your beloved novel and when the smile never came on your lips, only tears that blurred your gaze so much that you turned away from him, Anthony was shattered.

It was the second day, you hadn't said anything at all, inside screaming didn't count as one. You watched ahead as the far, far away trace of green rolling grass from your balcony. It occurred to you how horizon was made, where earth met the sky and here you were, with souls of something same, whatever they were made of, and yet you and Anthony couldn't mingle.

" Isn't it beautiful ? " He looked at you like you would answer him, he hoped too much.

Say nothing then—

" Huh.." he tried to smile, it was so small.

You stared ahead because looking at Anthony only added salt to your wound, it was aggravating.

It was after some slipped moments when he spoke in a strained small voice, hurt and broken and it shivered you.

" I was so scared...still am," he said and his voice broke, a muffled cry escaped him and you looked at him, really. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and shush away every cry, every pain, every sadness.

Say nothing—

" I thought...I thought i could just keep it away, keep you safe..from me, from love—" and he was crying, not sobbing, not whimpering but crying as big warm tears steamed down his face and he dropped to his knees in front of you, hands reaching for you like moth reaching flame and you took him, held him.


" I..I..I thought.. could—" he sniffed," couldn't, i can't pretend anymore, I don't want to leave you in pain... don't want to leave you in hurt... can't can't can't keep it in." He cried more and more and more matter how much you wiped his tears, but more fell and it was then you realised, they were yours. You were crying too.

" I am sorry, I am so, so sorry for ever hurting your my sweet love—" he swallowed hard.

" Anthony.. it's okay.. it's alright." You assured him, maybe you and him could go with your love only pressed between silence and gestures and eyes and it would be enough.

But you couldn't watch him break, wouldn't and couldn't.

" I love you." He said, voice not shaking, eyes sincere behind the gleaming tears, " I love you, always had, always would." He brought your knuckles to kiss, love pressing down in your skin. It was golden in the last rays of sun.

" Anthony you don't have to say it." You understood, atleast you did. He shaked his head and smiled through his wet face.

" No, no...let me, " he exclaimed, " I love you my baby, my lady." He smiled and it reached his eyes, you giggled softly when he pressed open mouthed kisses on your hands.

" I love you, I love you and I love you." He said, " I am a fool for ever denying it, I am a fool for you my Viscountess." He inhaled, breathing after a very long time.

" I am sorry, I love you so much baby." His lip trembled and you wanted to steady them so bad.

" I love you too Anthony, truly and completely." You kissed his forehead and he melted in your touch, and you didn't know how much time ticked away with loud and whispered and blessed I love you's and that's the way he loved you, truly and completely.


Rigel's note 🪩 ( again) : I hope this was good, I am such a angst sucker myself<3 request through my ask box :) and can you reblog ? Please, please.

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11 months ago

tojis fav part of his day has to be when he gets those little videos from you of you and the kids. he had a whole album dedicated to it and sometimes will stop what he’s doing to watch one of the video.

the one you sent today has to be his favorite. it’s a cute little video of megumi trying to eat your face.

“toji your son won’t stop trying to eat me.” you said through giggles while looking at him through the screen. then you flipped the camera and baby megumi was in his little blue onesie propped up on the bottoms of your feet with your legs in the air while trying to reach for something. he was trying to reach for you.

he was babbling nonsense to you as you laughed but your laughter turned to noises of concern when megumi started to lean forward and fell on you. “oh sh—megs are you okay?” you asked. toji laughs extra hard at that because of how quick you were going to curse but took it back. you didn’t want to put anything in the swear jar.

megumi didn’t say anything and just hiked his way up until he was on your chest. he look at the camera with his wide dark eyes and you looked at the camera too but your laughs came back once megumi opened his toothless mouth wide and put it on your cheek.

he began to make raspberries all over your face while trying to bite the fat of your face but clearly it wasn’t working. he even grabbed hold of your head to get a better chance but it didn’t seem to work. “megs! you’re getting drool all on me.” you laughed loudly and wait, this is toji’s favorite part.

when you realized it was too quite for a house of two kids. “wait, tsumiki what are you doing?” you asked grabbing megumi and pulling him off you ignoring the wet spot on your face as you stood up. you walked through the house to try and find the little girl and she was on the kitchen floor with flour practically nowhere else but on her.

“oh tsumiki…haha!” you said starting to laugh at the situation as megumi sat on your hip confused but beginning to leave toothless bites on your shoulder. you kneeled and showed tsumiki in the camera “say hi to daddy…” you muttered barely able to get your words out because of your laughter.

tsumiki smiled with her face covered in flour and waved “hi daddy.” you laughed even more at this and then looked at the camera “okay bye toji we have to clean this up.” throughout the whole day that was the one thing that stayed in his mind. his wife and his messy children.

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