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Saternsky - Hello - Tumblr Blog
synopsis : growing up with a shit mom and constant step-dads and mom's boyfriends, your view on life has grown pretty bleak. you just want to die, since it doesn't seem to get better than this. things can't get any worse, can they?
so reader is very flawed ppl. i’m trying to make this as gn as possible for pls bear with me. asks and requests r open. reblogs are also much appreciated. now that i’ve gotten my e-begging out of the way, enjoy this pathetic excuse of a story
warnings : child abuse, past sexual abuse, yandere, etc

you want to die.
you always do.
staring at the wanna be thug pointing a gun at you, you sigh and roll your eyes in exasperation. perhaps pissing him off will the best way to get him to curl a finger around the trigger. or judging by his temperament, you won't have to do much.
"you? i should give my money to you?"
"who the fuck do you think you are, bitch?" the thug screams at you angrily. his grip gets tighter and clammier. he's not experienced with this. he's probably ganged up with a bunch of thugs to pull shit like this. it wouldn't take much to disarm him. "give me the fucking money before i blow your head off!"
"to a junkie like you?" you are a junkie, too, so you're not too sure about making fun of him for that. "i don't give money to hobos."
that is wrong, too. but you want to piss him off.
"that's it, you stupid bitch!" the thug's stances becomes defensive. his hateful glare is pointed at you while he musters the courage to actually press the trigger. he doesn't look like he'll do it. you've seen countless like him roaming the streets, holding you at gunpoint. he probably won't do it. then again, this is gotham. you don't expect much. either he'll shoot you dead, forcibly take your stuff, flee the scene out of fear, or be dismantled by one of the city's vigilantes. perhaps he'd shoo—
"stop right there!"
damn it.
you think too soon.
a young robin is quick to have the wanna be thug tied up and beat down. you would've questioned why a kid who seemingly looked twelve can do such a thing, but you've learned to not question most things in your life. you merely sigh in disappoint and pick up your dropped backpack before beginning the journey to hell.
"excuse me? wait! where are you headed?"
gosh, his boy-ish voice grates your nerves. makes you clench your teeth. your gaze narrows, but you know better than to react. reaction gains a reaction—one that will never be in your favor. it'll lead to a fight—one that will never be in your favor. you'll end up broken, bleeding, and bruised. now that isn't something in your favor. now you're thinking of favor too much. forcing a smile, you turn around to face the pre-teen vigilante. "yes?"
"are you alright?" he asks with practiced concern. he doesn't actually care. it's probably just protocol.
"a-okay!" the words are hollow. they lack depth. like you. "thank you for your help. i don't know what would've happened to me if you weren't there."
you do know. you wish you wouldn't.
"you're welcome," robin replies with polished words like he's not exactly convinced. "would you like for me to walk you? the city hasn't been safe for some time now."
"when is it ever safe? but that's okay. i live just around the corner, so i think i'll be fine."
"are you sure—"
please. why won't he just leave you alone? there goes your plan spoiled by him again. every time you've been in an attempted robbing, he's been there to destroy your chances of getting shot. of escaping. he always does this. this is a repeated cycle between the two of you. he's a flying bird until you shoot him down. your name clearly wants to escape from his lips, but robin nods his head in understanding.
"this seems to happen to you all the time. my wish is for you to be safe."
"this is gotham." the grip on the straps on your backpack tighten. "everyone's gotta go through this. anyways, i gotta go, you know. thanks for savin' me."
"of course."
you don't spare him a single glance. the sky is wrapped up in black clouds heavy with the burden of rain. icy cold wind sings a melancholy tune through the stiff air. the door to your apartment looks like the gates of hell. it's all futile. no matter how many sighs you sigh, how many wishes you wish, and how many curses you curse, you'll still land up in the same fate. without escape.
that is the summary of your life.
taking a few seconds to prepare yourself for the incoming session, you open the door to be met with radio silence. silence is never good. half the time, it means something is brewing for you, and they're taking their sweet time to scare you into thinking nothing will happen. sometimes. not all the time. the other time, it just means he need to rise from his pile of misery first.
the hand of your mother's boyfriend is instantly wrapped around your neck before you can even register why the hell the apartment looks like a tornado hit it. he squeezes so tightly you feel like blood is gushing out of your ears with how loudly they ring. white spots dot along your blurry sight as you struggle to breathe. you can hear a frantic voice telling him to let you go, but you're pushed up more against the wall. this is the norm. doesn't mean it hurts any less. he'll let you go, give you some time to regain your breath, and then rain down bullets upon you.
that's exactly what happens.
your hand goes straight to your neck as your raspy and shaky coughs wreck your chest. he squeezes hard enough for it to hurt but it not show. and then the kicks and punches come. with how much your chest and ribs are struck, you're a bit surprised at how you haven't broken a bone yet. your potential step-father screams at you, but you can barely hear it over the repetition of words in your head. he grabs your bloody face and shout something incoherent before letting you go to kick you.
leaving you in your own pile of misery.
it's normal. yes, it's completely normal. you're used to this. it'll get better. it always does. but you've got the crushing idea it never will.

gotham heights high school—the school you're forced to attend.
the class division is insane to look at, because it's there even from a short and near prospective. how the richest kids got put in a school with the poorest—you'll never know. the only thing you do know is that every one of these kids are pieces of shit. even the ones that pretend to be nice.
tim drake—or shall you say tim wayne—is no different.
even as he helps up the girl who just got roughly pushed to the floor, causing all her textbooks to scatter, you can only eye him with disdain. if he really cares, then he would've beat the shit out of those athletes. but he doesn't. they're all the same—privileged and all. sympathy shouldn't be given to them. not to drake or the wealthy yet somehow bullied girl.
"but y'know what i heard?" your friend drags your attention back to him. zarian leans against a locker lazily, but excitement practically buzzes off of him. "the bruce wayne is coming to our track meet today!"
your other friend, jaylene, rolls her eyes as she applies her eyeliner using the mirror hanging up on the inside door of her locker. she speaks exactly what you're thinking. "only because his beloved son is gonna be there."
"well, still. think about the connections we can make! all the famous people that'll be there."
"keep dreaming. asshat. i put all my money on the attention being on rich the kid. i don't even know why he joined track. varsity, at that, too. there has to be some sort of bribery going on."
an incoming argument is clearly brewing up, so you take in a deep breath to say something, but a new voice beats you to it.
"excuse me?"
you and your two friends turn to face the guy standing in front of you. charismatic, intelligent, and optimistic—he's an enigma that shines on everyone. tim drake. his black, messy yet somehow in place hair does no justice for his good looks. he's the complete package. rich, good looking, tall, and empathetic. the mere sight of him annoys you.
zarian is the first to speak up. he quirks a brow and offers tim a grin. "what's up, man?"
"you're leaning against my locker." tim rubs the back of his neck. he smiles awkwardly in the presence of the three of you, and it takes your friend a beat to understand what he's saying before moving away.
"oh yeah. my fault," he says as he moved to stand next to you.
the school's very own bruce wayne only shakes his head and tells him it's okay while opening his locker and grabbing a few things. people flock around, waiting for him to be done with whatever the hell he's doing, so they can be back to his side like leeches sucking on blood. he surely can't be this dumb, no? these people don't want to be his friend...
well, it's not as if it's your problem. you wish it is. you and your friends turn to make way to first period, but drake clearly has other plans. he sandwiches himself between you and zarian with a grin of his own plastered on an unblemished face. one carefree of any worry or pain. "so," tim begins. "first track meet of the year, huh? aren't you guys nervous?"
jaylene merely hums in amusement and shrugs. "it gets better. when you've spent four years in track—in front of all those judging people—it wears off. hopefully, you'll get used to it soon."
that is jab, though, rich the kid doesn't seem to catch on. he laughs casually, but even you can sense the anxiety like it was radioactive. ""i hope so. i've sprinted so much i feel like i'll get shin splits again."
you zone out while he has a conversation with your friends. as if drake has ever had experience with track. it took you all of freshman year to just prove that you can actually be a part of the track team, and here tim drake is, parading around about getting on varsity without a single grain of hard work. he's a naturally talented person. good at everything. that's what makes you hate him so much. people like him get everything handed to them just because they're good at it first hand and leave behind people that actually work for it. you want to tell him to buzz off—that he can't talk about how much he's practiced and how nervous he is, but you keep your mouth shut. that is, until he directly addresses you.
tim's eyes narrow at you with comedic suspicion. "you know, you look like someone i know. a lot. the resemblance is crazy."
"eight billion people out there. you never know." your tone is flat, stoic, lacking any bit of emotion.
"gosh, you even sound like him! that's really terrifying."
"well, whoever, it is, i hope i never meet him," you murmur.
your two friends leave for their classes soon, and you and drake find your seats at the back of high school economics. exhaustingly so, you sit together in one of the many desk pairs, and drake uses this opportunity to annoy you any chance he gets. you give off the vibe that you don't want to talk to him. he doesn't get the hint. you don't tell him, though. maybe that's the problems. his shit-eating grin ticks you off when you look in his direction. "what?"
"let's be friends!"
"what? come on! don't be so cold!" he whines like a petulant child being told no.
"too bad! you're my friend now."
"tim," you sigh. it's wrong to scream. it's bad to scream. screaming leads to fights. fights lead to you laying in a pool of your own blood. laying in blood leads to missing practice. missing practice leads to less skill. less skill leads to less of a chance of getting the hell out of here. just smile. forgive and forget. know your persona. know who you are. kind. happy. funny. "fine." so you smile with gritted teeth. you smile like you played a cruel joke on him. "we can be friends... i guess."
his face brightens at your fake words like he is just given the the world.
tim drake wiggles his eyebrows playfully and nudges you with his elbow. "you know, i've been trying to get you to say that since school started?"
"really now?"
"really. i'm glad we're going to be friends. oh! should we go out to eat with zarian and jaylene after the meet?"
... there's a chance your mom's boyfriend will get pissed off. he'll probably beat the shit out of you since the track meet would have happened, and you wouldn't need to have an unblemished body for meets. he'd scream, yell, and punch... like his life depended on it... fuck it.
"yeah," you reply shortly after with a firm nod of your head. "we can go to this diner near the theater. i'm sure you'll love the food."
this doesn't mean you hate him any less. he's still rich scum⏤how you're poor scum. he's stuck up, pretentious, and sickeningly sweet. exactly what you hate. you just hope you can have a good time after the track meet. the mischievous glint in his eyes told you otherwise.

"and this is my dad, bruce wayne."
what the hell are you doing?
the sun is setting along the horizon, the air is getting cooler again, and you want to sink into the floor. the plan was to head straight to the diner after this, but rich the kid somehow roped you into meeting his dad?
nausea pools in your stomach from both hunger and the feeling of thousands of eyes staring at you. cameras are flashing at gotham's billionaire as he smiles and firmly shakes your hand. confidence drips off of him disgustingly. his high-tailored suit radiates wealth and money. his stoic demeanor gives off an aura of mystery. you want to lay on a railroad track with an incoming train speeding along the way.
"it's nice to meet you. tim has ranted about his track teammates quite a lot."
there's an eleven year old standing next to him. his eyes are on you like that of an owl's but you neither glance at him or bother to acknowledge him. you just want to eat some food before meeting your doom at that apartment for not placing first like your mom's boyfriend wanted you to. like a goat getting stuffed before slaughter. it always leads down to that. no matter how many times you try to wish it was different. no matter how many times you imagine it to be different. no matter how many times you try to make it different.
"nice to meet you too." you shake his hand as well with a polite smile on your face. polite. calm. gentle. proper. "and yeah, he seems very eager to be on the team."
"of course, of course. well, it is getting late. why don't you come over for dinner some time?"
"maybe tonight?" tim suddenly adds in. at your hesitant expression, he groans in exasperation. "who do you think we are? blood-sucking bats? come on, we can go to the diner some other time!"
you have just met him... you've just accepted being his friend... you aren't the most social person. you've never had much friends, but even you can understand that dinner with the family doesn't happen until the friend and person have come close in a long period of time. jaylene and zarian have other matters to tend to, so it's going to be just you and tim at a diner. not⏤
your phone's notification's alarm chimes, and when you check who has sent you a message, you feel like getting on the ground to pray to whatever deity for letting you have a moment of peace.
mom: ⏤he's heavily drunk. don't come home.
a part of you is hit with a strong current full of guilt. this is your mother. you're supposed to be there for her through thick and thin. you're supposed to protect her and be her wall of defense against monsters like him. family look out for each other. you have to take care of her... but she doesn't take care of you. this makes you a terrible person. you know that. she'll probably get beaten to an inch of her life and hide her heavy bruises under makeup that was terribly done in a rush. and then, she'll throw whatever object is in sight at you in a fury of anger.
telling you she made too many sacrifices for you. telling you that you're ruined her life. telling you that she should've aborted you like your father had told her to. telling you exactly what you believe yourself. a curse that should've never been born... she'll be beaten within an inch of her life. but you have already lost yours.
after pretending to text her and sliding your phone into the pocket of your sweatpants, you nod with a sigh of joking resignation. "sure. i asked my mom, and she said it's okay."
"wonderful." mr. wayne nods and gestures to the limo you can see in the parking lot. a bit of overkill, perhaps.
honestly, you're still surprised that gotham's billionaire is inviting you to dinner. this man is the topic of magazines, and you're about to take a ride in his limo. how the hell have you ended up in a situation like this? fate is still fucking with you, isn't it?
you find yourself seated next to tim while mr. wayne and his youngest son, damian, sit on the seats to your right. they're talking about something, but once again, you find yourself half listening and zoning out, staring at nothing until mr. wayne's questions pulls you back to reality.
"so how has school been faring for you?" mr. wayne asks in a cool and collected tone.
you laugh lightly and smile as politely as ever. "pretty good. i hope to leave gotham after graduation to study somewhere else."
"who would want to stay in gotham?" tim rolled his eyes, rolling the first place medal between his fingers. "by the way, remember when i said you looked like someone i know? i was talking about my dad?"
your brows rise in both exasperation and annoyance at his claims. now he's just plain, out right trying to make fun of you in front of a billionaire. your shoulders tense, ready to refute his claims, but mr. wayne surprisingly chuckles and rubs his chin while taking a good look at your face. "well, i can see it, but there's eight billion people out there in the world. i'm bound to look like someone. though, i didn't expect for it to be someone as talented as [name] here."
you force a quiet laugh along at the sound of his tone. foreboding. you know tones like this. like he's hiding something that they all know except for you. it means you've made a mistake in even giving in to tim drake's constant begging. why the hell was he so eager to have you become his friend? why is he so eager to maintain a friendship with you? why the hell has mr. wayne invited you to dinner when he's rumored to be mysterious, secretive, and a literal brick wall that nobody can get past?
"you've achieved so much for a child your age." mr. wayne sets his gaze dead on you. "your father must be so proud."
and his eyes glimmer with that same shine you saw in tim's.

this was not proofread so forgive me and uh, i will be turning this into a series
um also making a tag list if anyone wants to be a part of it
Dubble Life 12 (ATSV x Reader x Batfam)
A/n: Just a chapter full of fluff for now(Or is it 🤡)
Part 11
You stared at the therapist with a blank expression. Irritation was clear in your eyes. Your defining silence and small glare did not affect the therapist.
"I was told by your father, that this isn't your first session with a therapist." The therapist, Mrs. Dean spoke with a firm yet soft tone. She very beautiful. Maybe in her early to mid 30's. Her hair up in a neat bun, but some curls managed to poke out in a graceful way.
". . . yeah." You gave a short response.
"Well, you already know the drill. So, I'll dive right in. You originally lived in New York. How are you adjusting to Gotham." Mrs. Dean crossed one leg over the other while waiting for your response.
"It's okay." Your eyes seemed to be more interested in looking around the office.
Mrs. Dean nods and intertwined her fingers while letting her hands lay on her lap. "And school? I've heard your practically a genius."
"I guess." You spot a hand drawn picture on Mrs. Deans desk along with a little teddy bear. There was a small corner that looked like it was for kids. It had dolls. Other types of toys. A small table for kids.
Mrs. Dean noticed you looking at her little kid corner. "I work with a lot of kids that your age and younger. It helps the younger kids feel more comfortable."
You nod and let out a small thoughtful hum and focused your eyes back on Mrs. Dean.
Mrs. Dean gives you a small smile. "Back to you."
Bruce had put you into therapy. Which you were not happy about of course. You didn't need therapy. It made you feel weak, and it's not like you can tell your therapist everything. Most of your trauma was due to your life as Spiderwoman.
You got back from your session. Walking into the manor your hit with the smell of fresh baked sweets. You get curious and walked into the kitchen where you see Alfred baking and Damian doing his homework on the counter.
"Hmm. Smells good." You spoke as you walked into the kitchen.
"Sister!" Damian spoke up. His tone with slight excitement. You walked over and ruffled Damians head. "Hey cupcake." You mumbled with a small soft smile. Damian turned his head up to you as you wrapped your arm around the youngers shoulder.
"Ah, Ms. Y/n. How was your therapy session?" Alfred spoke as he pulled out the first batch of cookies from the oven.
"Oh, it was great. Had a wonderful time." Your tone was clear with sarcasm.
"Seriously?" Damian piped up, seemingly not taking your sarcasm into note. You chuckled as you smiled down at Damian. "Your funny cupcake." You ruffled his head once more and smuggled him with a hug and kisses.
"Ugh- stop!" Damian struggled to push you away. You were surprisingly strong. (He wasn't actually even trying)
Alfred watched the sweet scene in front of him with s fond smile upon his face.
Jason walked in. Looking like he just woke up with messy hair while wearing boxers.
"Where's my kisses?" Jason spoke up while staring at you and Damian. You and Damian frown at the sight of Jason.
"I can punch you." You gave the older man a "sweet" smile as you held Damian close to you.
Jason flipped you off while Alfred had his backed turned. Which you and Damian returned by flipping him off together.
You and Damian were watching a drama show while eating popcorn. It was fairly silent. Damian had his head on your shoulder while you had your head on his.
". . .Sister." Damian spoke up in a quite tone while you two kept your eyes on the tv. You let out a small hum of acknowledgement.
"Do you hate it here?"
Damians question made you pause. You lean your head away from his to look at him. Your brows furrowed. "Why would you think that cupcake?''
Damian stared up at you, his expression a little sad but mainly conflicted. Wondering if he should tell you what was on his mind. Worried if he does say what was on his mind, whatever you respond with might confirm with what he asked. "Well. . . I overheard the argument you and father had."
You let out a sigh while turning your head away, clenching your jaw. "Right. That."
Damian frowns and held his head down. You turn your head back to stare down at Damian with small frown. ". . . Hey. Look at me."
Damian slowly looks up at you. Expecting some sort of deep frown or a sad look on your face. But he's greeted with your usual soft smile.
"What I said to Bruce was. . . wrong. I didn't mean it. But most importantly. I don't want you thinking I hate being here. I got you here with me, what's to hate?" You pinched his nose and hugged him. Damian hugs back while letting out a small sigh of relief.
While hugging Damian, you glanced down and see a bruise underneath back of his shirt. You frown and lean away from the hug to tug on the shirt and get a better look at the bruise.
"What is this?" Your tone turned protective. Damian was quick to pull away.
"Nothing! . . . I bumped into a bookshelf pretty hard in the library yesterday."
"Oh. . . Okay." You still had a small doubtful look on your face. A still a little worried.
A week goes by and your back in Ms. Deans office.
"So, do you have any friends?" Mrs. Deans asked with a small smile.
You were seated across from Mrs. Dean. "Yeah."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You don't talk much about them."
"They don't live here in Gotham. But we keep in contact." You were referring to your friends in the Society. It was a lie about keeping in contact part. Of course, you knew you were the problem for that.
"I see. Have you tried to make friends here in Gotham? In school or outside of school?"
You shook your head with a small bitter smile. "A lot of people already know I'm Bruce's daughter. Hard to make friends who, actually want to be friends. You know?"
Mrs. Dean nods in understanding before asking another question. "I'm sure there are a lot of pros to being Bruce Wayne's daughter."
You let out a chuckle. "Yeah. I got a little brother. A dad. Money. I was broke as hell."
Mrs. Dean chuckled at the last part.
"Anything I want I could ask for. I can get it. . . But sometimes I want go to the past."
Mrs. Dean's brow raised at your words. "Now why is that."
You paused for a moment. You had a faraway look on your face as you spoke. "Everything before. . ." You sighed as your mind wondered back to her.
"Never mind." You mumbled as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Mrs. Dean seems to already know what you were about to say. But she doesn't press you about it. Not yet at least.
"You mentioned your brother?" Mrs. Dean thankfully changed the subject. She watches your uneasy expression turn into a fond smile. "Damian. Yeah. He's a tough one. He acts so tough and mature, but in truth he's just a little baby. We weren't close at first. . . he actually hated me."
You chuckled to yourself as you thought back to your first encounter with Damian.
"What changed?" Mrs. Dean tilted her head.
You seem to think deeply about her question. ". . . I guess I kind of saw myself in him."
Mrs. Dean became more interested by your words.
"I used to do that too when I was younger. I acted like an adult. Thought if I did that people on the streets would take me more seriously. No one would mess with me if I acted tough." You had that faraway look on your face again. Thinking back to the past.
"I never really got to act like a kid. Felt like that was the only way to be taken seriously by others. To be trusted to do things on your own. I saw that In Damian. But that's not how a kid should act or worry about." You held your head high and gave Mrs. Dean a confident look.
"I don't want him to worry about stuff a 12 your old shouldn't even worry about. I know I probably can't give him what he already has. But I got my love. And that should be enough. . . right?"
Mrs. Dean smiled. "Yes. I'm sure your love is enough."
"Ugh, why the hell is this level so hard." You grumbled as you set down the controller. Getting frustrated over a game and a certain level you couldn't pass.
Tim chucked as he watched you stress over it. Jason right behind him reading a book. "How long have you been stuck on this level?"
"A week." You mumbled as you turn to look at Tim. Catching Jason make an amused face at your frustration.
"Shut up Jason." You glared at the older.
"Wha- I didn't even say anything!" Jason looked offended.
"Your stupid face did." You huffed in annoyance. Tim laughed and hopped over the couch and sat next to you. "Can I help?"
Your eyes lit up with hope. "Oh my gosh really?" Tim gave you a smile and nods. "Yes! please help."
Since Tim already played this game and finished it. He showed you multiple ways to beat this level. You had fun with Tim. You and Jason would argue here and there. But overall, it was fun.
As it got dark. Tim and Jason suddenly got an Alert on their phones. "Sorry Y/n. Me and Jason have to go. But I'll play with you next week."
You were a little sad. And confused at the sudden rush, but you understood. "Oh, okay. Bye."
Jason ruffled your head as he followed behind Tim. "Hey!"
Jason quickly ran out the room as you threw a pillow towards him.
"Do you ever feel left out?" Mrs. Dean asked as she watched you play with a small ball you picked out from the kids corner.
"Left out? No not really." You tossed the ball up in the air and caught it.
"How about I sum out the question. Do you feel left out in your family? With the Waynes I mean."
You hum as you thought about it. "Sometimes, I guess. Everyone treats me good. But I kind of feel like, an outsider sometimes."
"Do you think it's because of the way you were raised that you assume that. Suddenly living one life then now to this." Mrs. Dean watched as you let her words sink in.
"Yeah. I guess so. They knew each other longer and stuff. So that's probably why I feel that way. . . but. It kind of feels like something more."
Mrs. Dean's Brow raised "Why do you think that?"
You shrugged as you fumbled with the small ball in your hands. "It's like they all have this, thing. Like a bond with each other that I probably won't understand. . ." You seemed to think about it before shrugging "Maybe because they are all guys? I heard fathers have deeper connections with their sons."
Mrs. Dean hums and leans back into her chair. "Well, that can be some cases. Do you think Mr. Wayne doesn't pay much attention to you than your brothers?"
You shook your head. "No, he gives me attention. He's. . . a good man. He wouldn't neglect any of his kids. He's also a busy guy. So, if he's not around much I don't hold it against him."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You seem to be a very open-minded person."
It was late in the night when you had awoken from a nightmare. You tried to go back to sleep. But your mind betrayed you. Keeping you up and refusing you sleep for what felt like hours.
So, you wondered downstairs. In hopes of getting something that could make you fall asleep. You slowly enter the kitchen that was engulfed in darkness. Before you could reach for the light switch. The light was turned on by another.
"Ms. Y/n."
It was Alfred.
"Hey Alfred. Sorry I just came for something to drink." You mumbled as you approached the fridge.
"A nightmare?" Alfreds question caused you to pause. "How did you-"
"I know the look of a child who has come out from a bad dream Ms. Y/n." Alfred shooed you to sit at the counter as he made you a warm drink.
You just sat in silence as Alfred spoke.
"Do you usually get nightmares?" Alfred still has his back turned to you as he made your drink. ". . . Sometimes. Nothing too bad. Just need to lay off the horror films I guess." You let out a small chuckle.
"I see. Your father had a lot of nightmares as well when he was around master Dameon's age." Alfred slides the cup to you. You take the warm cup into your cold hands. The warmth sending a sort of satiation through you.
"Bruce?" You took a sip from the warm drink as you eyed the Butler. Alfred nods as he turns to clean up. "Especially after Master Bruce's parents passed."
Your expression dropped slightly. Both parents at such a young age.
"Must have been hard." You mumbled as you thought to yourself.
Alfred glanced to your slight glum expression.
"Yes. Same for Master Dick, and Master Tim. Along with Master Jason. All boys lost their parents at young ages. Master Damians mother left him with Bruce after the death of his grandfather. It took him awhile to move on after that."
You stayed silent as Alfred spoke.
". . . Why are you telling me this." You were lean back against your chair as you stared up at Alfred with slight confusion.
Alfred turned back around and handed you a treat.
"Everyone here has lost someone. Your brothers and Master Bruce will understand your pain. You don't need to hide it."
And with that the butler walked off back to where he had come from. Leaving you to let his words sink in.
"You have trust issues."
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Mrs. Dean's words. "Whoa, I just got here. And I'm very trusting. I'm here talking to you. I tell you my feelings and thoughts."
"Yes. But you don't tell me the full truth. Which I don't expect you to. But having trust issues doesn't mean you don't trust someone when it comes to talking about your feelings and thoughts. Trusting someone with yourself is different with trusting yourself with another. You, Y/n don't trust yourself."
"What are you going on about." You lean back into the chair as you gave Mrs. Dean a look of confusion.
"You don't trust that you would do the right thing. You don't trust yourself when it comes to situations that involve you being needed. You make yourself look bad, but not too bad to the point where others don't trust you." Mrs. Dean flips a page from her clip bored.
"You always talked about others in a good honest light. I ask a question about you, and you would either answer in short answers or divert the conversation about another."
"Come on now. It's not like that." You chuckled a little with a lazy smile. Mrs. Dean narrows at how nonchalant you're acting. You're acting. You're a good actor. And she sees it.
And you know she knows.
You are acting smug about it. But why. Why are you playing around like this-
Mrs. Dean catches you glancing to the teddy bear on her desk with a knowing look.
You smirked as you see realization creep upon Mrs. Dean.
There was a nanny-cam in that toy bear. You spotted it on day one. Yet you didn't say anything. You spoke about your thoughts and feelings to her. Most of it was true as well. You were yourself in the sessions you had with her.
You did all that while knowing of the nanny-cam.
"How did you. . ." Mrs. Dean spoke in a low tone. Almost like a whisper as she stared at you with wide eyes.
You simply smiled. "Like you said. I'm practically a genius."
@huening-ly, @mariadvorak @superherosdystopiafreak @chelluv, @houseissofine, @esposadomd, @greyeyedmockingbird, @1-800-daisy, @c0c0-puffsxxx @arthurswife @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @josiepapen @natashanice165 @amber-content @mahbeanz @azurewisteria @seraph101 @skepvids @lara20aral @iwasveronica @jackrabbitem @nickey-diano @idonthaveanameforthisacc @sekidekiboombeki @masters-blog
prequel: again &. again. (platonic! yandere batfam x neglected! gn reader)
directory: prequel, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three

read until the end for an author's note.
what hurts more when it comes to neglectful batfam that adopted you after jason's death (that eventually turns a 360 after you have left) is probably the fact that they always had time for you, it's just that they never chose to spend it on you; an extra burden to their family rather than an addition. if they had time to spend, they spend it on anything or anyone else but you. it's not that you don't share interests with them, it's just...! they have way more priorities that push you further back into their list of 'to do's'; though you know you'll always be the last of that list.
bruce has to juggle so many tasks as the billionaire playboy "brucie wayne", a father of an ever growing family, and gotham's dark knight vigilante but somehow, you're aware he could easily fit in one or two more children into his already booked schedule— he just never seems to consider you worthy enough apparently. or maybe it was because you were too silent, you set boundaries compared to your other family who are outspoken about what they want, what they need— but there's one thing for sure that sets you off from your siblings; you're not a vigilante.
you were merely a child of a one night stand; a child raised too well. you were behaved, you never complained, and you were just, you. and being normal (at least in their level of extraordinary talents were you a mere droplet) amongst a family of talented individuals makes you easily a ghost. was bruce to blame with his neglect? definitely. if he was able to balance his life so easily, then maybe as the world's best detective would he notice you packing your things day by day without update. maybe that was why you never once hesitated the moment you stepped outside the manor, permanently.

dick's excuse would always be "sorry, baby bird! but i promised to spar with damian today. ah, but you can watch from the sidelines!" or he would be too busy saving bludhaven to even acknowledge your presence. sure, he smiles at you with those shiny teeth of his, but despite him looking at you, he never notices you for more than a second, right after he would skidadle his way to another sibling's room, bothering them to spend more time with him, never you though. it occurs to you that he has only entered your bedroom once, and that occurrence was years ago. even then, he didn't last a minute inside there before running away once more.
family matters more than anything to dick. hell, he was enraged at the announcement of jason's death and even beat joker to a bloody pulp when he realized tim fell into his hands. he's ready to defend damian, barbara, steph, cass, and duke with his life. it's his duty and obligation as the family's eldest brother, of course. but were you considered family to him? were you considered a sibling in his eyes, or were you just the resident roommate of the mansion? you question that endlessly because everyone, family and friends, seem to be smitted with dick, but you eventually gave up trying to vye for his attention. it's fine, really, if you were just another civilian to him, because he was just another person to you too. just like in a circus, you would always be the intermission rather than the main event. and with that, you take your leave.

jason was the most forgivable to you, second to tim. he was never there, and he would've probably put effort into spending time with you if not for the fact he despises bruce and the mansion and wouldn't and couldn't last a second stepping into it. he never met you when he was robin, it was only right after his death did he discover were you taken in and that added fact alongside tim being his replacement turned him bitter with resentment. though his hatred for you receded over time, he wouldn't really be caught taking a minute with you because he always sneaks inside the mansion and crime in gotham never seems to lessen. because of that, and your unwillingness to become a vigilante to kick ass with him and the others, he wouldn't be able to fully take an hour with you.
casual talks are unavoidable, though, when at the dead of the night he would be caught sneaking in to eat some leftovers and you were conveniently awake at the same time as him. he'll recommend you some classic literature he read or 'cafes/restaurants that criminals visit the least' lists, but before it would turn into a full conversation, jason would already be wearing his signature mask again, and with a pat on your head and a "talk to you soon, can't guarantee it'll be tomorrow again though, only here for alfred's meals of course," and he'll be gone. you shouldn't have let your hopes high, you wished you didn't because, duh! he wasn't there to talk to you, specifically. you were just there to bide his time! wiping tears away from your eyes, and with a heavy heart, you book an apartment away from the wayne manor with your own atm card; hope irreversibly dead and unable to revive a sliver of faith, even if it was dipped in the lazarus pit would it never come back as the same.

tim drake is always tired. just like bruce, his days are filled with investigation, crime fighting, and worst of all; high school. that's of course that least of his worries the moment he drops out. tim was never the guy to talk much. he only does when he needs to make an impression for others, or when he needs to manipulate people for potential information. his life revolved around fighting, from when he solved the case of bruce wayne and dick grayson being batman and robin respectively, up to his current identity as red robin and occasionally robin. he'll often be found in the batcave working with babs on a case or working alone in his room.
it's no mistake that you were the most distant to him, never once knowing about his interests or even hobbies and vice versa. it was a given that at the very moment you pass a glance at him, you knew it was a 'mind your business' type of relationship with him. if you were a mere ghost to dick, then you were just a spec of dust to tim. it was unfair to assume he would never care for you, he does! only in a way where you were another person to save if you ever were endangered, but would that be enough to stalk you to the point he gains every insight about you? not really. you weren't one of his friends, like kon who he would spend weekly video game challenges with; and you probably don't exist as his sibling in his own little world filled with coffee and computers. yeah, your feelings about leaving him weren't as bitter as the caffeine he drowns in his system, but you were still hurt either way.

damian wayne, from his birth, was taught and raised to prioritize his mission as an al ghul, to be the one continuing the legacy and to shed blood on anyone who opposes. when he was given over to bruce, it took a hell lot of effort to turn a new page and become the next robin. it was, with no doubt, that despite his 'redemption', he would be a tad bit crueler to you than the others. unlike tim, who he persistently bothers, you were untalented, worthless, and a stain on the reputation of the wayne's. even jason, his father's greatest mistake, had more value than you.
maybe it was fine-tuned jealousy, maybe he was mirroring his father and dick's actions towards you with his own sick twist of violence. either way, you would rather avoid the boy, lest you face the wrath of his sword. it wouldn't be wrong if you came to hate him, actually you do, but despite your endless game of cat and mouse with you as the unwilling victim of the chase, your poor heart couldn't fathom the thought of not excusing his actions as that of a child's. you tell yourself everyday, 'just ignore it, he was raised like as to be a menace after all' but you can't deny the bitterness and the clenching of your teeth whenever you stumble upon a room and see your father and your younger brother watching a movie together. the resentment eventually builds up until you blow up and just, give up. within your final moments in the manor, you figured to leave some belongings that you collected overtime that were supposedly memorabilias that you wish to show off to your family. like his pieces of art, you could only explain your life in the family as black and white and as bleak as the streaks of charcoal that rubs against the pages.

when dick was jogging through the desolate halls of the manor, he noticed the place seemed to be more... empty of some sort. and he knows pushing that feeling into the back of his head would only result in more questions than answers. so he decides to enter the spare rooms one by one until he comes across your room (he doesn't know it was yours, though), turning the knob without knocking.
that was when his eyes seem to dilate. his nose catched a faint whiff of bleach (was the room deep-cleaned?), vision seemingly closing in on the few furniture left alongside a diary and other boxes left neatly on your bed, with other smaller trinkets left untouched on your bedside table. he didn't remember you mentioning anything about leaving, hell, he doesn't want to admit his lack of memories about you but—
didn't he promise to take you out for dinner months ago...?

reblogs and interactions are encouraged and appreciated.
a/n: this is one of my favorite pieces of writing i have ever done and i like it a lot so i hope whoever reads this likes it too. if you all want to read more of this, then please leave a comment or reblog because i heavily appreciate it and it motivates me further to write this type of content! the reason i have come to a long hiatus is because, as stated, the lack of interaction with content. like i said, i will still write for genshin but i am open to expanding my fandom list. (p.s. i hope you like the way i had to connect their interests or a part of their past to the reader.)
heavily inspired by @klemen-tine's work: Glass Bones and Paper Skin, @gotham-daydreams' work: Not [], and @onmyyan's work: Ain't No Sunshine.

loved this au <333
Title: 13 Stepbrothers; Your new home
Character(s): Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Ayato, Albedo, Childe/Tartaglia, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Arataki Itto, Chongyun, Bennett
Summary: Modern au; You were young when your father was planning on remarrying again. Your father is always busy always outside the country for work that his fiance said that you could stay at the teyvat residence, and live with 13 of your future stepbrothers!
Note: Inspired by the anime Brother’s conflict (kinda?), but I just wanted to write for something platonic really so this happened.
Warnings/tags: Fem!reader, the reader is around 6 years old here, this is purely platonic, this is also a crack story and not to be taken seriously. not the best relationship between daughter and father hinted, but other than that it is pure fluff! Over 8k
13 stepbrother au list

How It Happened
You clung to your father as he pushed you to the people he trusts to take care of you while he would be gone with his fiance abroad overseas. You were a small child, 6 years old and scared as you were in the center of strangers who will soon be your stepbrothers. You weren’t sure what to do but hold on to your father’s hand refusing to let go as your soon to be stepmother laughed at how adorable you were.
You looked down, a bit scared but at the same time a bit excited that you will now have a bigger family.
You have always been alone ever since you were probably born, your mother and father both had you at a late age and when your mother gave birth to you she passed away a few hours later. Your father loved you, truly he did! But he can’t look at you in the face as you only reminded him of your mother so he started to pour everything into his work leaving only a little time with you. He would leave you to a nanny almost every day and when he had to leave the country for a few days or months for work he would give you to his relatives.
He was a rich man and he gave you almost everything, you never really lacked most things. If you told him that you wanted a toy it would be in your hands the next day, yet the only thing that he could never give was his time. Too busy, instead he would just apologize to you kissing the crown of your head as he tells you that he could next time, and yet when you asked again it was the same thing.
You finally understood that he didn’t really have time for you, instead, you would just hug that pink bunny that he has gifted to you a long time ago. One that he picked by himself one that you didn’t ask for, but cherished because it was proof to you that he loves you.
You would watch other kids talk to their parents, as they spent time together. Cartoons and animations that showed hugs that the main character and their parents would have, you would crave it. But there was also another thing that you wanted, a sibling…
Someone to be around, right by your side. It didn’t matter if they were younger or older than you. You would prefer if you could have multiple siblings so you would be less alone so when you asked your father for a sibling, you didn’t get an answer and that was the end of that…
So it was a surprise when he suddenly asked you if you were okay with him getting married again? Were you supposed to yell at him telling him how he betrayed mom or how he is going to abandon you? You watched a few dramas and movies where a child would react that way when they heard the news that one of their parents where marrying again.
But you don’t remember your mom, having no memories of her. You wondered if he would abandon you but when he suddenly told you how the person he wishes to marry has 13 sons, your eyes immediately glittered. You wanted a family of more than two, you wanted siblings, people with who you could be with and not feel the gap when you were with a nanny or babysitter or how you would at your cousins enviously when they talk to their parents.
So hesitantly you nodded watching your father sigh in relief that you were okay with him marrying again. And after two or three months your father told you to pack up cause you are moving from the flat you lived in.
You asked him in the car after you and he packed your necessities, clothes, your favorite toys and such where you guys were going did he tell you that you are gonna now live with your soon to be stepbrother. Your father had finally confessed to the person he wished to marry and now the both of them were wearing their engagement rings you noticed the thin piece of metal on your father’s ring finger as he drove making a turn.
He told you that when she heard that you were living almost practically alone she grew mad at him and burst into anger and told him that you should at least then stay with her son in the teyvat residence where it was a big modern mansion like flat with a connected living room and kitchen. Four floors where the first and second floor is used for rent while the upper floors were for the family.
You would have your own room and bathroom. But you will also get 13 brothers who you care about you more than a nanny would or so your father’s fiance said. Your father’s fiance expressed feelings feeling of concern that it would be awkward between you and her sons as not only was everything sudden, some of them were actually old enough to be your father. So really what she also wanted was time for you to get used to your new and very big family.
Your father has met her sons a few times in the past and thought that it would not be a bad idea and agreed to bring you to the residence.
So here you are now. In front of your future stepbrothers, not all of them were here only a few but it was scary as you continued to cling to your pink bunny rabbit…

Lawyer | Age: 30
The oldest in the family, he is the leader as his mother would always be out of the country for some business and now more on travels. Zhongli is the one who gathers the family when their an event and keeps them up to date. The brother all trust their brother except when something is needed to be paid. That one, they would handle as they all know that he always forgets to bring his wallet with him.
Keep reading
Arlecchino, with a daughter pt.6
I've been training my combat abilities with some of the harbingers, namely Signora, Pulcinella, and of course, Pantalone. I had not expected the sudden collaboration due to the tension around me. Whenever they are able to get to hang around me, it always end up with the question, "Is Regrator treating you well?" or the casual "You are free to live with me, if Regrator isn't able to accommodate you." Things like these makes me feel... Weird, but it is good to be wanted. But I wish it didn't feel so suffocating all the time. Lately, I've been having more nightmares, and panic attacks about the Knave... Making me grow restless and more ambitious to be able to heal from it... It was never easy from the start. Everything about the Knave makes me feel sick. I never cared to understand the reason behind her actions, because in the end, what is there to know, when her intentions were never pure from the start. Both Pantalone and Pulcinella told me about what's to know about her, and it makes me more angrier that the Knave was capable of doing such things... They fed me lies, lies that spiked my hatred for her. Until one afternoon, I fell into darkness. Endless darkness that had consumed my entire environment, different from Snezhnaya, everything appears endless, and devoid from any form of life. Enemies were fast approaching, I had to dispatch them. I draw my percussion-lock rifled musket, and started to fight off the horde. Occasionally switching to my rapier as my bullets began to wane... I became outnumbered, and surely enough I was swarmed with creatures that I have not encountered, some that were familiar. I was bound to be dead. The feeling of dread creeps up on me. In truth, I was scared to die, because I had just rediscovered my will to live during my time with Pantalone. It was too early, for me to perish without even getting the chance to see the Knave fall from her grace. It doesn't fuel my urge to fight at all. What rekindled my fighting spirit was when I saw someone, fighting their way up to reach me. I had to match their movements, I couldn't afford to lose here. It seemed like hours of endless fighting, but we managed. I lived. I collapsed from exhaustion. The mysterious woman caught me before I could land on the ground. I awoke to a woman observing a medallion...? I couldn't tell since my vision was blurry. The woman took notice of me when I slowly regained my consciousness. I see her holding up a vision. She stared at me blankly, then tossed me the vision. It was a geo vision. I sighed in relief knowing that I wouldn't have to use a delusion. For almost dying, they decided to grant me power? It was getting ridiculous. I then looked up to the lady, and thanked her for saving me from the verge of death. "...Thank you." The unknown woman sighed. "What led you here was your high ambitions." I struggled to grab a hold of myself as I feel the weight of of my actions from before. The woman sighed at the sight of the young girl slowly attempting to get back up. She was not supposed to be speaking with the girl, as she had no desire to speak with weaklings. But after seeing the girl's ability to withstand horde after horde, she decides that she is worthy to communicate with. The girl looked up at her, confused as to what she meant by that. She then elaborated further. "People do not easily fall here. Certain conditions are met before being able to traverse this realm. I barely even processed the words before responding, "...Which is why I'm here. Is there any way out?" She observed the girl who does not seemed to be disturbed by the events that had unfolded. "There is. But time will pass in long periods before you are able to get back to where you're from. Time passes differently in here." Again, the child's indifference to her situation has her interest peaked. She was eerily calm for a child.

I felt numb. Knowing that I'll be stuck here for months, or even years, decades... While the world that I'm supposed to be would pass for only days, or even weeks. It was supposed to drive me crazy. But it didn't. Maybe I wasn't recovering from the shock fully. "Oh... Okay then. I'm left to fight endlessly with creatures from the abyss, then?" Making the woman before her raise an eyebrow at her nonchalance. But the woman concludes the young girl's peculiar behavior as a side effect from already being corrupted by the abyss. "Not necessarily. You are the source of something being awakened." I wanted to ask more questions, but from the looks of it, the woman had no interest in holding long conversations. So I decided to keep things short. "I understand." Bowing my head to show my gratitude, the woman then halted me. "You're not going to last long without proper training. I'll train you in exchange for you to make things more interesting during your time here in the abyss..." This wasn't something that I can say no to, I barely knew my way around here. So of course, I accepted. Without knowing how brutal, harsh, and mind-breaking the experience was... Days have passed, with endless fighting, sparring with Skirk, with little to no breaks, I was bound to become mad... The thing that kept me from becoming mad was how the effects of the abyss kept altering my mind. I was not used to not being plagued by nightmares, thoughts, and especially the horrors of what I had experienced before... It felt peaceful, too peaceful that I start to see changes that I didn't know that I myself, am capable of. The abyss had changed me, in a way that I could not comprehend how. A month after endless fighting, I had gained some sense of morals. It had never occurred to me before, so this was likely due to the abyss's effects. Things felt out of place, as I was drastically changing into another person that I had not anticipated to be. I was never even the type of girl to put morals, above all. Despite my upbringing influencing who I was before, why did it suddenly all change to becoming righteous, and just? Since when was I ever a good person? Becoming virtuous was not part of the plan. Skirk was no stranger to the changes as well, noticing how my answers have changed from time to time. While we were on break, she asked something that made me think deeply about it. "You're strange, for a young girl who is but a child." "I am aware. I don't fit the standards of a "normal child." I was never normal to begin with. "A child from the hearth, raised to be a soldier for the Fatui, the mentality of a soldier, yet has the fragile mentality of a child. It is no wonder that the abyss was unable to corrupt you further into madness... You were already unstable, from the start. It is a miracle that your arrival to the abyss had changed you for the better. Tell me, after the effects of the abyss, what's your next move?" She could tell I was contemplating about how I will be able to move now that my ideologies have changed due to the temperament of the abyss... I summoned the geo percussion-lock rifled musket and shot it manually towards the opponent's head. "I'll remain in the Fatui. Changes will be made, regardless of the Tsaritsa's will. Justice is to be served, regardless of the ignorant, consequences are made. I am no different from the people who had fallen from the abyss. Being in an organization that is corrupt and unethical is ironic to begin with, perhaps I am there to inflict conflict, I will continue to cause tension and bring disharmony to them. My definition of rightness will be the standard, to all."
It had been 4 months since, and I was finally able to return to where I was. But this time, someone who I had not met before approached me. Judging from the description that Skirk, Pantalone, and Pulcinella had described him, this maybe is "Childe." He approaches me and enthusiastically greeted me. "You must be the disciple that I've been hearing from the old man and Regrator. Nice to meet you, I'm Childe. But you can call me Tartaglia." Before he could talk more, I cut him off. "So you're the one who is also a pupil of Skirk's." Making his eyes widen from shock; he was ecstatic to meet another student of his former master. But held back since you were still young. Too young to fight. "Oh, another fellow student of my former master! So I wasn't wrong about you falling in the abyss. 4 days have passed since your fall at the abyss. I assumed you know about how time works differently there, right?"

I nodded in response. "Yes. I know about it. Did anything happen while I was gone?" He chuckles. "Oh, a lot was going on while you were gone." Her expression hardened. "The Knave went ballistic on Regrator, you should've seen it in person! As well as La Signora, and the old man! Three of them were on Regrator's neck, chewing him for losing you." He stopped chuckling when he saw that I was not amused, at all. He scratched his head, his expression showed a nervous smile. "Well... I did tell them that maybe you fell into the abyss... Neither wanted to believe it until the old man made me look for you, but now you're here!" Making me shake my head and sigh. "The others haven't stopped searching, but I'll send someone after to tell them the news. But before that, why don't you hang out with me and share some stories with me as Skirk's pupils?" The man is persistent, he doesn't look like he'll take no for answer due to his eyes beaming with interest. "Lead the way." Looks like I'll be spending time with this strange man... We arrive at a dessert shop in Snezhnaya, he offers to buy me desserts despite my protests since I had enough mora to buy myself one... I was irritable to be honest since Tartaglia, treats me as a kid. He insists on calling him by his name. "After this, I'm going back to Pantalone's base." I say, he then responded, "Aw come on, I have been waiting to finally meet you. Let's chat more." I denied his attempts to stall me. "Tartaglia, I have to return to my mentor. He's looking for me, right?" He then counterargues, "But I already told an agent to inform them that you were found." I huffed at that. He only gave me a brotherly smile, to which I find annoying. "You know... If the Regrator mistreats you, I can-" I can't believe this is happening right now. I cut him off saying, "No. I'd rather stay at Signora's or Pulcinella's." I displayed a deadpan look, making him pout. "I have younger brothers and sisters for you to play with!" He attempts to bargain. "Erm... I'd still stay at Signora's or Pulcinella's." He looked determined to convince me. "I can be your big brother." Not sure if I want this guy to be my brother at all, he was overbearing. Too much for me. "No." After the back and forth conversation, he maintains a friendly aura during the exchange. The young girl was not an ordinary kid. She seemed too mature for her own age. Of course, the knave had something to do with it, she's crazy after all. Pantalone's a business man, so how can he take care of the child? The only sensible option here is him or the old man. But he's capable, he has his own siblings after all! He just needs to convince the girl to pick him over the others... She shouldn't be exposed to the Fatui at such an early age! She should be playing with toys, just like his siblings at home, protected, and sheltered from the harsh conditions of this climate. The Fatui is not a place for children. He of all people know that, except for the Knave. Who raises children to be child soldiers. But if it's the Tsaritsa's will... He can't do anything about the orphans of the Hearth. But he may be able to do something for this kid... He now sees why his fellow harbingers are fighting for this kid. He doesn't intend to lose at this custody case that they were having, even if no one looks at it that way. But he'll win. No matter what.
An: Kid gets thrown in the abyss, comes back out as fixed(?) 🤐🤐🤐 Not Childe at joining the ongoing child custody battle... 😶 *goes mia for days again* TOODLES!
Okay The Hashira taking care of a half human half demon baby? Like the baby can survive on human food and animals and are repulsed by human blood. Like the babies basically are found trying to explore new things like Nezuko in a way

Demon slayer masterlist Demons with baby reader
Shinjuro held you in the air and examined you. Kyojuro left you with his father while he and senjuro went to the market.
Leaving you with a former Hashira wasn't a good idea in hindsight but who would kill a child.
"Half human half demon huh?" He muttered to himself as he watched you move in his arms.
He lowered you to where you were nestled on his chest and he laid back.
Shinjiro and kyojuro came back to see you and their father asleep on the floor in your room.
Giggles could be heard in the Tengen ousehold as it was dinner time.
Tengen was rolling on the floor with you as the girls made dinner.
"Hope the both of you worked up an appetite." Hina came in giggling at her husband on his back with you on his stretched-out feet.
"Ahh lord Tengen you have to be careful with them. They're just a child." Suma came in fusing over to pick you up
Obanai didn't know how to take care of a child so he went to the closest person he knew, Mitsuri.
"Aww look how cute Obanai they eat human food." She gushed as she feed you.
Obanai watched in adoration as he couldn't help but think about how good she is with kids (people in general)
"Cool." Such a shallow response that held back everything he actually wanted to say.
If only he could tell her. (😭)
"What am I supposed to do with you." Sanemi muttered as you crawled all over your temporary bedroom (a small room he didn't know what to do with).
"what do you eat?" He kneeled down to your height. You crawled up to him, using his knees to try and stand.
He poked your stomach causing you to lose balance and fall. You stared up at him, He stared down at you.
you started to huff.
'oh no' the thought 'they're gonna cry'
and cry you did. You screamed your lungs out as he tried everything to calm you down. He even tried to feed you his blood, which only made you scream louder.
He got you to calm down by giving you Ohagi. Turns out you love it almost as much as he does.
"Time to go to bed Y/n." Giyuu said as he watched you play with your toys for like two hours.
You turned to him before giggling. Unfortunately for Giyuu, you knew how to run. You stood up and got ready for an unwanted game of tag and hide n seek.
"Don't even try, It's time for bed." Giyuu also got ready as this isn't the first time this happened.
In fact, this happens most nights and Giyuu is always the winner.
You ran out of the room with Giyuu close behind you. You rounded the corner at full speed. Too much speed. You hit the wall. Giyuu was quick to pick you up.
"This is why we don't run in the house." He comforted you by rubbing your head and bringing you to your room. You were asleep in his arms as he laid you down.
All Muichirou wanted to do was train but since you were assigned to him his attention was all on you.
Currently, the 2 of you were having a staring contest as you both ate. You copied his movements, and he would just watch.
You never cried, screamed, or made much noise. You and Muichirou got along great.
He brought you to every Hashira meeting and he let you do your own thing.
"Bu" you called to Shinobu from the pin she put you in. It was the only word you could say.
She looked up from her work over to you. You were standing holding on to the bar of the pin.
"Ah someone finally awake." She set her work aside and went to check on you.
"Bu Bu" You squealed as she picked you up.
"I'm here. I'm here."
You were the only reason she never worked herself to death.
I was wondering if you could do one with a Child Y/n where they get kidnapped by the league of Villains and class 1-A and some heroes like hawks, Midnight, Eraser-head, go and save them? And since Y/n will be a child, I would kindly ask all relationships between everyone to be completely platonic.
Sorry if this takes up too much of your time! And remember to take care of yourself
Ofc! Honestly love these types of tropes!

"Ahhh someone save me!" Eri dramatically said as she fell to her knees as the toy Dino roared in terror, "Don't worry I'm here!" As you jumped in front of the Dino with a red cape and a toy sword you swished your sword at the dino and it roared in terror once more you swished it a few times until it was down on the ground, "Yay y/n your my hero!" She cheered as she tackled you with a hug as you both giggled "That was fun big sis! You wanna play another game!?"
Eri thought about it for a second and excitedly nodded she loved playing with you, she felt like she wasn't the only kid here! Ever since Aizawa took you in at 1st she was a bit jealous thinking you were gonna take all the attention from her but realized that wasn't your intention the way you would always offer your toys, the way you broke a piece of a snack and shared it to her, the both of you quickly bonded over time
But ever since aizawa gave her the task of: "being a big sister and always protect each other no matter what," those words were craved deep into her mind and became a new Goal in her life and it was to be your protector!
"Let's hide and seek!" You said jumping up and down in excitement "Eri nodded "ok you go hide somewhere! I count!" You quickly nodded as she turned around and started counting "1...2...3....4" You looked around trying to find anywhere to hide but there wasn't any hiding spot fitting your expectations,
you then started to panic realizing Eri was halfway finished with her counting, you then looked over to the door you knew Mr grumpy (aizawa) told you that you were allowed to go out until He protested any of his classmates were there to pick you up two up, but you really wanted to win so you quietly opened the door looking back to see if eri heard but she kept counting you quick shut the door and dashed off to find a new hiding spot,
"17...18..19...20!" Eri excitedly looked around trying to find you she looked in the toybox, behind the giant stuffed bear in the corner, behind the books on shelves, and even behind the couch, the longer she tried finding you in the room the more worried she got..she tore up the once tidy room with toys and books all over the floor she frantically tried thinking where on earth could you be hiding then she realized...
You went out out the door...
You giggled as you tiptoed across the school hall looking everywhere for a hiding spot you spotted a bathroom nearby you giggled mischievously and went inside you plopped slowly into the stall shut the door and stood on the toilet Seat making sure nobody would know you were there, you then waited confidently thinking about your victory in your favorite game! that was until you heard an explosion followed by students screaming in terror and fear
"Attention students we are having a lockdown this not a drill get to a safe place and lock your classroom doors"
You froze in fear you desperately tried to open the door but you were too scared and small you then curled up on the toilet seat and started crying out for Mr grumpy or any one of his classmates to save you...
Aizawa was running past the panicked students calling out your name, Eri came into the class crying and blabbing stuff the class tried calming her down her making her slow down so she could speak Cleary and also noticing you weren't with her like you normally would "Eri what's wrong wheres y/n?"That made her cried loudly frantically pulling the green hairs shirt out the door pointing
"they *hic* w-went o-out...while we *sniff* were playing and I-I tried looking for them but they weren't there!" She then broke down in sobs repeatedly saying sorry to everyone they looked down at her sorrow and pity Mina picked up the crying girl trying to soothe her while others like Hakagure, ojiro, Koda, and Tokoyami all surrounded her reassuring her it wasn't her fault Aizawa then quickly told half of his students to go looking for you while the others stay and comfort eri
It felt like hours in the bathroom you wanted to come out but were scared a villain would come to you there you were curled up, shivering and crying helplessly in the bathroom.. until you heard some footsteps and giggles you froze quickly covering your mouth you shut your eyes tightly afraid of what happening next...
"Y/N!?" Aizawa ran down the hallways frantically looking in all directions destroying each classroom thinking of the worst possible scenarios, izuku, ochako, tsuyu, momo ,todoroki and kids were calling, cooing, and offering you our favorite things desperately trying to come out while Bakugo was making empty threats telling you to come out to hide his worried voice demanding kiri, sero,mina,Denki, and Jiro to look faster
Present mic and midnight were also searching for you midnight gently cooing at you to come out while Hizashi was making corny jokes that would make you laugh atleast to let him know where you are but no progress was made so far
Where on earth could you be?
Toga was skipping across the hallway humming her favorite tune as she passed a bunch of unconscious and injured students passed out she was bummed that she couldn't kill them due to Shigaraki's Orders but she was lucky to have all their blood for later! After she collected blood from a girl with a fire-breathing quirk she skipped along the halls for her next victim until she heard a sniffle in the bathroom
She stopped humming for a moment to make sure he heard again and there was another sniffle and a whimper she smiled wickedly "Is it another student with yummy blood?" She thought as she carefully sneaked into the restroom. She carefully opened each stall reaching the middle one she heard the sniffling in there she gently tried opening the stall but it was locked "G-Go away evil villian! I-ill use my quirk on you.."
Toga peaked through the stall seeing you holding out ur hand as if you were about to activate it she giggled softly "Hey now im not gonna hurt ya pinky promise!" you thought about it for a moment a pinkie promised is a very strong trust and the girl seems nice... you hesitated for a moment and decided to unlock the stall door it slowly creaked open revealing a blonde-haired girl with space buns with a beige school uniform, smiling at you revealing her sharp fangs
"S-she doesn't look that scary," you thought as the two of you stared at each other for a while Toga was restraining herself from wanting to scoop you up and hug you so tight! You were just so small and cute that you barely passed half her leg, "come on you wanna come with me?" She turned her body around and crouched on one knee as she offered you a piggyback ride, you nodded excitedly as you climbed onto her she lifted herself up "Hold on!" As she dashed across the hallway turning left and right trying to look for her crew
After a few minutes of running, she spotted Kurogiri and Shigaraki "Ugh finally your ba- toga why is that a child on your back" shigarkai said starting irritatedly at you while you stick your tongue out "I found this little one in the bathroom stall all scared then I decided to keep it!" Shigaraki and kurogiri stared in silent as they watched Toga pinched and played with your cheeks while you were pushing her away puffing your cheeks up in anger
"That was when a raging Aizawa came crashing down the hallway and in his horror seeing you on the villain's back surrounded by the villains "y/n..." he stared in disbelief Shigaraki took notice of this and smiled maniacally "Hi Mr grumpy!" You said lazily yawning in the process "awwww they're all tuckered out" Toga giggled as she pinched your cheeks
"Matter a fact.. this child will be useful for us.." Shigaraki then held your sleeping forming on the shoulder "Kurogiri teleport us outta here.." "NO!!" Aizawa eyes glow red as he tries to use his capture weapon but flames block his path the other classmates hear the commotion and run to their teacher's side "Y/N SAN!!" izuku runs towards the flames green veins covering his whole body Just when he launched towards the group of villains they disappeared in the portal with you...
Everyone else watched the scene in disbelief Mina formed tears in her eyes as everyone else just stood there stunned about what just happened
Your eyes slowly started to open as you were covered with a rabbit print blanket and laying on a slightly worn-out mattress you looked around to see that you were I'm a dimly lit room with a crappy but surprisedly worked nightlight and a stuffed plushie right beside you
You then opened the door to see the blonde girl skipping towards you with a man in a full-body suit "Hey you're awake!" She said excitingly with the man still observing you "Did you enjoy your nap? Little one" the masked man said "W-Where am I? Where's grumpy man" Toga giggled at your fear
"Why ur in the league of villain base kid you didn't realize that sooner?" Dabi nonchalantly said already irritated with your presence "Dabi! Don't be so mean! They only a kid" she said glaring at the male as dabi rolled his eyes "why we are the league or villians not the league of a fucking daycare what does Shigarak want us to do with a smelly brat anyway"
"hey, I'm not smelly you are you purple man!" You protested "You better watch that tongue kid before you turn to ash" he then glared at the kid twice and Toga snickered "Aren't you already about to turn?" Thats when both Toga and Twice start busting out laughing and which Cleary pissed Dabi right off luckily if it wasn't for Twice holding him back
Shigaraki watched the chaos unfold while Kurogiri got him another drink he requested There was an awkward silence between the two until Kurogiri spoke up "So what are we gonna do with the child?" Shigaraki thought for a moment about Kurogiri's answer and spoke up "I don't know yet but it seems like the heroes seem to take a liking to this brat do we just use them as bait for now" Kurogiri hummed as he was making his master another drink
Suddenly out of nowhere, your quirk activated making Dabi fly across the room landing on a wall with a harsh thud all the league members stood silent at the scene "Take that, you stupid burnt man!" You shouted in victory, "Hmmm Kurogiri changed of plans I think I gotta better idea.." Kurogiri hummed in amusement "I think we're gonna keep them.." Shigaraki said with a wicked grin as Toga and twice cheered in the background and Dabi groaned in pain in response
During the days your stay with the LOV, it's been fun but chaotic, to be honest, Toga would show you all sorts of knives in her collection and the type of blood there is she entertains you by drinking their blood and switching into some of your classmates impersonating them making you laugh
While twice would give you piggyback rides throw you up in the air and clone himself throwing you around to his clones like a ball or playing hot potato Toga would occasionally join in with the two of you
At 1st dabi saw you as a little nuisance but the more he spent time with you the more "bonding" the two of you did he would annoy you by putting stuff out of your reach until you threw a tantrum, if you annoyed him too his breaking point he would just throw you to one of the members which earns a lecture from Toga or twice
but he would show a BIT of his soft side like when you were feeling homesick and cried he offered you a cigarette to ease down ur nerves ofc Kurogiri saw this and immediately took it away and gave you a lollipop but you were still sad so he just rubbed your head
Shigaraki and Spinner would play games and you would carefully watch them 1st they would push you away saying it's too inappropriate for you but they eventually give in since you always sneak behind them and watch Spinner would occasionally put you on his lap so you can see better and even give you gaming tips here and there even tho you won't remember
But for the heroes not so much Aizawa and the teachers have been searching day and night restlessly trying to look for any clues to your location Aizawa's eyes were forming dark circles around them, present mic wasn't as chipper as before and midnight was as bit more bitter all might was the only sane one for everyone's sake but he still misses your presence...
Class 1a wasn't really any better since they also became more gloomy they all blamed themselves for your kidnapping especially the dekusquad and the bakusquad izuku felt the worse since he thinks she should've worked faster to get to you but that doesnt mean they were determined they all thoughtof a plan and sneak out to go and rescue you themselves even if itngets them in trouble or worse expelled they just want you to be safe,
Eri on the other hand slowly started to get gloomy and lonely and regress mentally back to her old ways when she was with Kai, she would bite her nails until the point they were low enough that she would occasionally have nightmares and would cry to Aizawa or Mic which they'll soothe her reassuring it wasn't her fault but the guilt and shame keeps haunting her over and over again...
heck even Hawks and Miriko started to change for the worse Hawk has been avoiding his fans and fangirls to focus more on her work and has become more sassy to anyone he just wanted to find his little birdie while Miriko was more determined restless and furious to find those group of villains
As tried and exhausted they may all be but remained determined to find you they needed to find you they can't imagine what those disgueting villianw are putting in your small pure little head!
"I win!" Toga said as she put her candy avatar on the board and made it to the Candy Kingdom as well to celebrate with her, "No fair I was so close!!" You cross your arms and puff your cheeks out Shigaraki'a candy avatar right behind you "I would've won if I didn't have to spin again to get out of that shitty licorice jail" Shigaraki grumbled "I think I burnt my candy person" Dabi shrugged watching the plastic candy person melt with a shit-eating grin on his face
"What should we play next?" you said jumping excitedly while you were on twice lap "Uno maybe or snakes and ladders?" Shigaraki suggested, "What about guess who?" Spinner added another suggestion Toga was about to make a suggestion when they all heard a knock on the door the league all stared confused and a bit cautious to not move a muscle
"Who's at the doo-mhpm!" Twice hand covered your mouth and used his other to do a hush signal you tilted your head in confusion as all members were staring at the door intensely ready to tear and kill anything and Anyone thar to came passed that door everyone stood in silent as there was another knock again
The members looked at each other while Shigaraki look unamused
"Do they really think they can do that shitty trick agai-"
The wall was smashed open revealing pro heroes such as Endeavor, fatgum, hawks, Mount Lady, and Aizawa and a hoard of police officers on the ground surrounded the area it was a one-and-stare battle between the pros and the villains
Not even a few seconds everyone started going at it using their quirks to defeat them while Hawks quickly grabbed you in your arms and tried to fly you to safety but was stopped by an old friend "Where do you think you going with the brat birdbrain" Dabi threw a fireball at Keigo as he barely dodges it "taking this kid home where else?" Keigo said in a teasing yet serious tone while you were busy playing a single red feather
"The kid belongs to us now Keigo if you kindly just give them ba-" "Fat chance charcoal" the winged hero cut off his sentence now holding a large feather-like sword in his hand dabi shrugged and Dabi threw blue fireballs hawks quickly saw Aizawa and as he hate to do this but he cared more about your safety "ready to go to Mr cranky kid?" You nodded excitedly hawks smiled then yelled out to Aizawa as he threw you towards him
Aizawa quickly saw and used his capture weapon to grab you quickly and you were now back in his arms quickly checking for injuries "You ok kid?" "Yep! I had fun! With my new friends" His gaze softened at your bright smile "No kid, not new friends they're the bad guys in your class and Eri are your friends " "Nuh-uh! They're my new friends we played lots of games and I even learned a bunch of new things!"
You then rant about how much fun you had with the LOV as Aizawa nods pretending to hear but actually, he was a bit scared of villains as your friends? He was gonna have to do a meeting on keeping you extra safe with the teachers but for now, he's glad to have you back in his arms
You were then met with a bunch of shocked crying teenagers as you excitedly waved eri was the 1st to come up to you and tackled you down with a hug crying and saying she was sorry as you were confused as hell and wondering what she was talking about as your classmates alll lifted you crying and apologizing as well as you were still derided out by their sudden behavior tried to squirm out of their grip
They were glad to have you back they promised they were gonna work extra hard to keep protecting you no matter what they want the best for you even eri promised that she'll be even more careful and have eyes on you on the time as but you were an unpredictable child who touched the hearts of many hero's and villains
Title: La Signora's little follower(?)
Character(s): All the harbingers except Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) Pierro, Columbina, Pulcinella, Pantalone, Tartaglia (Childe), Dottore, Capitano, Sandrone, Arlecchino
Summary: The harbingers stand before the Fair Lady, La Signora casket. They didn't think a small visitor would arrive, adored by the woman who turned to ashes.
Note: This might/will become ooc later in the future or the very next day I post this but who knows and who cares! Writing this all I have is the vid "A Winter Night's Lazzo", Childe's voice lines about them and leaks so please be understanding later if it does happen.
Warnings/tags: Gn!reader (if by chance she/her is used for reader tell me I will edit it as soon as possible!), child!reader, slight soft yandere vibes from Childe (or protective vibes either one), implied cult au, Genshin leaks
Another note for tags: Isekai (implied), God!reader but child, like sagau cult kind of thing but never really mentioned till later, an au in one of my series called 'the child with gold blood' (which you don't have to read to understand this.)

...It was a surprise really, who would expect that when the butterfly that belonged to La Signora would erupt into a huge flame covering most of the casket that many of the harbingers had to take a step back.
They were about to put it out... what was what they planned to till they noticed something or someone inside those flames. There was a slight panic in the voices of the harbingers, as they got their weapons ready, yet it was Capitano who told them to stop and wait, curious as to what the Fair Lady could have gifted them after her death.
Just as soon the flames came to the world it died down living nothing but ashes and body…?
It was a small body as if it belonged to a child. Still alive, when they saw the small movements it made, still breathing. Columbia was the first to comment on it, how adorable you but at the same time in wonder who you were.
"Why is a small child here?" Sandrone asked in surprise, as the robot moved her closer to the casket, towards you. "Did Signora bring this child here?" She continued to ask.
"Interesting there is not a single lick of flame scorched that child." Dottore also walked close to the casket, everybody could see the sick interest that danced in his eyes, the calculated planning.
Yet when Dottore tried to reach for the small child a flame erupted covering you away from the man's hand at the sudden heat he hissed in pain taking a step back away from you. Sandrone's robot also took a step back shielding the surprised girl from the screams of fire.
Only a few moments went by till Pantalone spoke teasing Dottore, stating that either it was Signora's huge distrust towards him or the perverted malice that the doctor had shown. Dottore could only glare at the other man, stating that he keep his mouth shut.
"But that still leaves the question, who is this child? There were no reports that La Signora had a child nor is she the type to adopt one." Arlecchino stated as she watched the flames die down once again when Dottore was far enough away from the child. There in her eyes was interest but there was also a hidden pity in them.
It was Capitano and Pierro who noticed the 11th harbinger quiet as he only stared at the child on the casket of the Lady not saying anything yet holding familiarity towards the sleeping body.
"Tartaglia do you have something to say?" Pierro asked, staring as the young man whose eyes widen in surprise for being called suddenly... as if caught in the act.
Tartaglia called away from his thoughts, looked at the Jester. His face looked conflicted as he walked over to the child.
"This kid followed Signora around. I meet them at Liyue after Signora got the Gnosis from the Geo archon." He tried to explain. "So La Signora really did adopt a child?" The husky voice belonged to Capitano.
Tartaglia shook his head. "No Signora found the kid to be more annoying than anything. She tried to shoo away this kid multiple times but the kid kept on coming back."
"I am surprised, you would think not many children would like the lady because of her rather strong... personality." Pantalone raised an eyebrow when he watched Childe cautiously take the kid into his arms. The little kid didn't have any thick clothes instead wore something more for spring.
The poor thing was shivering as the 11th harbinger wrapped his red scarf around their neck.
"I also thought she didn't like kids well till I received a letter from her a few days after her death," Tartaglia grumbled moving the child a bit so he could also cover the child's body with his coat. "One of her trusted subordinates gave me a letter asking me to take care of this kid in case she ever dies. I didn't think she would have ever written something like that because of her pride but she did."
"Hmmm, then why did the child appear here like this then? La signora died a few days ago, why isn't the kid with you?" Dottore was unamused, annoyed even as he looked at his slightly scorched gloves, burned by the fire when he reached for you.
"You aren't gonna say that you would take care of the child, are you? Give them to me and I will bring them to the orphanage." Arachhino said, raising her hand as if asking Childe to hand the kid to her.
"Sorry but no. I will be taking care of this kid." There was no humor in Tartaglia's voice, moving as if to shield the child from Arlecchino. He was never fond of her to be fair. "The kid disappeared soon after Signora's death both my subordinates and Signora's all tried to search for this kid along with some others but we weren't able to find them."
"Tartaglia, who are these others that you mentioned?" Pantalone asked, staring at the hump on Childe's jacket.
Suddenly the members all heard a groan, small and childish they knew that the child had woken up. Childe watched you try to shift your position yet unable to do so, you slowly opened your eyes. Staring at him yet showed no recognition.
"Hey, kid woke up?" Childe said his tone was almost soft. As he watches you shift again to an almost sitting position in his arms where your head poked out from the fur collar of his coat as you rubbed your eyes.
"Who are you?" You grumbled, you didn't see the other people in the room all watching you yet you could hear one or maybe two people giggling or chuckling at you as you squinted at Childe's face.
"Ah aren't you that mister!" You paused surprised, Childe raised a brow when he saw you stopped, as you struggle to remember him. "How cruel, child. You forgot about me." You laughed when he booped your nose with his gloved hand. "Isn't mister teammates with Signora?" You tilted your head.
"Yes… Something like that…" It wasn't Childe who said that, but another voice. Looking to your side you saw other people, all wearing a similar outfits to Childe. The man who said it wore a mask as he looked at you with a frown on his mouth.
"You shouldn't be so mean to the child." Another voice said but you didn't look to see who it was as you stared at the man who showed clear discomfort.
"Mister must be Dottore?" You tilted your head, your face curious as you lean to get a closer look at him. "Hmmm, didn't know La Signora would talk about me." There was sarcasm, you didn't see the glare on Childe's face as he tighten his hold around you. You blinked as if not catching the sarcasm at all
"Signora told me that you are mean and bad. But mister looks nice."
"Eh-?" "Huh?" Disbelief but giggles also spread in the room at what you said, Dottore looked at you as if you have lost your mind but you meant what you said yet it was hidden behind his mask.
"They are such a cute child." Childe looked down surprised when he saw a small lady standing right beside him. You looked at the girl tilting your head as you saw her pretty black hair with pink streaks. "Hello dear~ do you perhaps know my name?" She asked curiously.
You looked at her mask, her outfit, the small pretty wings on her hair. Signora had told you about three ladies in her team, one of them she told you had almost a fairy-like appearance. "Columbina?" You looked at her closely. "You are so pretty!"
"You really are such a cutie." Columbina laughed. Quickly she pointed at two girls in the room. "Can you guess what their names are?"
You looked at the lady standing with one hand on her hips, white hair and eyes that had a red x on them. "Umm… Arlecchino..?" You looked hesitant, you looked at the lady who sat in the hand of the robot your eyes glittered at the thing but you quickly shook your head to focus. "Uhh… Signora told me about someone who makes those big robots! Uhh.. Sa-Sandrone?"
"You are a very smart child~" she giggled, she tried to take you into her arms when Childe took a step back keeping you away from her hands, protective and guarding.
"Hmmm interesting, I didn't think that La signora would grow attached to someone this much that she would tell you about us." You looked at a man, smiling at you with his hand on his chin thinking. "Greeting young one, my name is Pantalone. I guess that the Fair Lady has talked about me?"
Your eyes lighten a bit. "Un! She told me that you are the richest man in teyvat!" You flayed your hands as if to show how rich he was. Pantalone chuckled.
"How did you meet La Signora child?" You looked at a short man looking at you, his face soft towards you compared to others. "Mister Pulcinella?" you asked.
"Why yes. That is correct. Did Signora talk about me too?" There was a warm smile on his face, "Nope!" You sang as you looked at the man who was holding you "He was the one who told me about you!"
"H-hey" Childe looked flustered at what you have done all the while Pulcinella looked a little contemplated.
"You haven't answered his question."
A gruff voice asked, it would have made anybody intimidated yet maybe because you were so young that you were so influenced by it glancing at the man who spoke you asked Childe to place you down.
Hesitant, he did and let you go as you trotted to the man who spoke. The man had a mask on... helmet? even with the light, you could not see the man's face hidden in the darkness. "I meet Signora at in Monstade, Mister Captain sir! I was lost back then and could not find a way home and she found me." You told the man. "She saved me when I was running away from a hilichurl that was chasing after me. After that, I start to follow her hehe!"
"She let you in?" The man asked but you shook your head, looking down almost ashamed, "Signora didn't like me at first…" you explained, it was so cute when you looked at the red scarf around your neck in interest. "But later when we are in Liyue she took me in. She didn't tell me much but she started to take care of me a lot!" You looked at the masked man. "Signora showed me many things! Many pretty things! Things that I have never seen before!"
"But why didn't you go back home instead child?" He asked, you looked at him as the light in your eyes dull a little.
"That is because I was told I can't go back..."
It wasn't a straight answer, an answer that explained yet left so many questions for a child to say with a lonely smile on their face.
"Then child, are you not sad that La signora passed away." Another voice asked another deep and powerful voice that was quiet this whole time ever since you opened your eyes. Everyone looked at him, and you also looked at the old man who spoke. "Signora told me that there was a man in her team that wore a mask on one eye that is the leader of the team! You must be Mister Pierro!"
"You are correct, child. Now tell me why are you not sad that she passed away? As you stand on her tomb right now." His words were harsh, commanding. It was as if he wanted to test you, see what your reaction would be.
Yet instead of tears, you looked at the man straight in his eyes your smile gone. You didn't see how close Childe was to grabbing you into his arms again yet could not. The 11th harbinger was stopped when Pierro glared at him, silencing him from making a dumb decision in front of him.
Instead, you stand in the middle of the group all staring down at you, waiting for your answer.
It was odd.. it was unnatural really for a child to do so. The smile that graced your small face, wasn't that naive and childish like but something softer yet knowing, kind and loving yet with grief.
It didn't match your age, not at all and it made everyone only cautious instead of feeling pity.
"La Signora isn't dead, she is only sleeping."
It was as if time stopped for a moment at your answer, nobody was sure what to say yet before someone could say something the big door that where once closed suddenly slammed open as one of the fatui, one of low-rank suddenly burst in.
"I apologize for interrupting the meeting! But this is an emergency!!" The fatui member almost shouted, his voice rattled and panicked.
"It must be important that you would rudely barge in like this." There was annoyance in Pantalone's voice as he placed his hands together. His face was smiling yet everybody could see his anger.
"The archons- No the nations Monstade, Liyue and Inazuma are going on a rampage!!"
"And what do you mean by that?" Pulcina asked.
"They are attacking all the fatui members that are stationed there demanding we give back what is theirs!" The fatui member stuttered out.
"What are they looking for exactly?" Pulcinella asked tiredly, it wasn't like they were after the gnosis. The Anemo Archon is too weak to cause this much of a reaction, the Electro archon didn't care for it, while the Geo Archon made a deal with them for the Gnosis. He wasn't one who would turn back on a contract.
"They are looking for a small child!"
The members all looked at you, standing in front of Pierro yet instead of you standing on the floor you were in Childe's arms holding you tightly almost like a mother protecting her child.
Who… are you?

Edit/Update: Edited again after a year TvT Thank you so much for all the love that has been shown to this fic but I will not be making a part 2 or a continuation to this little story unfortunately. It has been a long time now and while I did try to think out some stuff nothing really clicked, and that motivation just kind of died too at some point. If you want more platonic yandere stuff I do have more stories for that which you can find on the masterlist just not this particular one. Thank you again for understanding ^^
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Aizawa didn't think that his girlfirend would cheat on him. Was it that easy for her? Breaking his heart. Kissing someone while he was on a mision.
He came home after around 2 in the morning. All beated up and tired. All he wanted was to go to sleep with his girlfriend. And then when he saw her and another men making out in his living room, he almost trow up.
And now he is here. 9 months later. Outside the hospital room where his ex is giving birth to his child. He's actually not so sure how she know it's his child.
"You can come in now." A nurse that came out of the room said to Aizawa and then get back in. He stood in front of the door for a few seconds, excaled deeply and then slowly get inside.
He spoted his ex on a bed holding a small crying baby, all wraped with a white blanket. She already looked annoyed from babys crying.
"Here." She extended her arms to him. "I don't want to hold her anymore."
Her. It was a girl.
He frowned at his exes words but still carefuly took little creature from her.
After just a few seconds being in her fathers arms, baby stoped crying. Like she sensed him.
He still wasn't sure it was his daughter but when she slowly opened her eyes, big black orbs mirored his own. It was the moment she smiled and giggled at his suprised face that he knew she was his daughter.
"Good, she likes you already. Now you can take her." His ex grumbled watching them, but Aizawa complitely ignored her. Right now, it was just him and his daughter. Nothing else at this world matered at this moment.
"Oh. You're so beautiful." He breathed out. He hugged his daughter closer to his chest and lowered his head. Some of his hair tickling a baby making her laugh louder. He also chukled before kissing her forehead.
"You are so breathtakingly beautiful."
"So, what are we naming the little brat?" His ex spited interrupting their moment, like she was talking about some trash.
"We?" Aizawa looked at her with disgust. "You don't even want her."
"Of course I don't want the brat. But I still want to at least name her." She said in a 'matter of fact' tone.
"I can't bealive you." He glared at her, then turned to his little sleeping beauty in his arms. "You are (Y/n)." He whispered and kissed her forehead again.
When he got home the first time with her, he already had everything he needed. He asked Present Mic and Midnight if they could buy him some stuff.
"Hizashi, don't scream trough the phone. You're make he- oh, no, no, no, shhhh. It's okay, baby."
"Uhh, Shota? Who you talking to?"
"I'm gonna kill you. You made my daughter cry."
"What?!! Since when do you have a daughter?!!"
"Mic! Don't scream!"
"Ahh, sorry, sorry. Since when do you have a daughter?"
"Since now. And I need you and Nemuri to buy me some things."
"You are not if you continue screaming and scaring her like that."
Yeah, Mic and Midnight adore little (Y/n). Just like every other U.A. teacher. When Mic and Midnight brought everything, they melted when Aizawa calmed you down.
"Can I hold her, pleeeease?" Mic asked, making grabby hands toward (Y/n). Aizawa hesitaded a little bus carefully give his daughter to his friend.
"Careful. Hold her head like that. If you scream one time I'm banning you from holding her ever again." Aizawa said with his eyes glowing red just a little.
"Yes, yes." Mic quietly said, sweatdroping. "Omg, my niece is so cute." Aizawas heart warmed up when he saw his friend making his daughter laugh. "Yes you are, my little listener."
"My turn! Give her here!" Midnight exclaimed. When she secured little baby in her arms, she started cooing. "Ooh, you are gonna be so beautiful. I'm gonna make you the most beautiful girl in the whole world. We're gonna go shoping together. Have matching outfi-"
"Yeah, no. Not happening. Give me my daughter." Aizawa said stermly and took his daughter from Midnight.
"Why noooot? Why can't we have matching outfits?"
"Because everything you wear is exposing."
"What if she's into that?" She asked with a smirk.
"She can wear whatever she wants. If it's okay for her age."
"Whatever you say."
After they left he just looked at you and smiled. "You and your aunt Nemuri are not gonna go shoping. Not until you're 20."
He has a baby crib in his room next to his bed since he doesn't have your room ready yet, but he actully likes that he's always next to you
He never gets annoyed or angry when you cry, you are a baby still
Sometimes when you cry, he likes to take you in his arms and after he calms you down he puts you on his chest and sleeps with you like that on his bed
It's comfortable for both of you
He caries you around in one of those baby carriers
And ladies always melt at the sight of a grown ass man carying a little baby and talking to her like she was older
"Hey, (Y/n), let's buy some cat food. I saw some strays around our neighborhood."
"Mballghanaalla bannlaa."
"Yeah, lets go."
Look, Aizawa isn't gonna say parenting as a single dad isn't tough, but it's one of the most blessed fellings ever and he wouldn't change that for anything in this world
He can't wait to see his baby girl grow into a beaitiful women
Aizawa after (Y/n) was born: I only had (Y/n) for a minute and a half, but if anything happens to her I will kill eneryone at this town, and then myself
Hii, i just read one of your oneshots in which Aizawa and hi sidekick are kidnaped by Shigaraki. So i wanted to request a platonic Aizawa onesjot in which he and his daughter are kidnaped by a enemy of Aizawa with the porpouse of making him suffer by torturing his daughter.
I don't think the kidnapped sidekick was my one shot but I decided to write your request anyway. Hope you enjoy it!
He's Projecting - Aizawa x Daughter! Reader

2230 words Warnings: Blood, mentions of torture + Being a hero, Aizawa has a lot of enemies. Unfortunately, sometimes it hits to close to home. Especially this time when a vengeful villain kidnaps Aizawa and his daughter with the intent to make Aizawa suffer for his actions.
3rd POV
Aizawa groaned as he woke up. His neck was killing him from where his head as hanging backwards where he sat. He slowly lifted his head and went to reach up to rub it but his hand was tied down. He immediately became alert and looked down at himself. He found he was tied to a chair. Tugging against the bonds, he couldn’t break free. His next move was to access his surroundings. He looked up and looked around. It was a windowless room that was surprising well lit.
“What the hell is going on? What happened?” He muttered. The last thing he remembered was having dinner with his daughter at her favorite restaurant to celebrate her recent achievement in big project for school. He remembers them were walking home when his memory goes black.
“Looks like someone is finally awake.” A familiar scratchy voice say through speakers he finally notices in the room.
“Dagger?” He muttered. The door to the room to his left slammed open. He looked and saw the man himself. Dagger was an enemy he made early into his hero career. He had a quirk where he could create metal dagger from his own body. Similar to that of his student Momo’s quirk to create anything she wanted from her own body.
“Eraserhead.” He growled. Dagger stood with his arm out, extending past the door out of Aizawa’s sight as if he was holding something. Dagger smirked evilly.
“What do you want Dagger? Where is my daughter?!” Aizawa snapped.
“Oh, she’s right here.” Dagger yanked on whatever he was holding. Y/N stumbled into view where Dagger held her by her hair. Her hands were tied behind her back and there was a gag in her mouth. Aizawa struggled against his bonds furiously.
“Get your hands off her!” Aizawa yelled. Panic was rising in him. “So help me…”
“Oh, Eraserhead. You are in no position to be making demands.” Dagger pushed Y/N into the room while a sleek dagger formed into his hand.
I stumbled forward and was able to catch my self before falling. I looked over my shoulder at Dagger before looking at my dad. I could see anger and panic in his eyes. I felt the same panic as well as terror. I was no hero in training like my father’s students. Sure, he taught me plenty of self-defense but right now, it was useless.
“Dagger! If you hurt one hair on her head…”
“You’ll what?!” Dagger pointed his dagger at my dad. “You are useless right now. And even if you use your quirk on me, I already have my weapon and your quirk can’t stop me from using it.”
“Why are you doing this?” Dad asked frantically as Dagger came closer to me with the dagger. I backed away from him.
“You took everything from me. I was just trying make a better life for my family and I. I wasn’t doing anything extremely bad. A few armed robberies here and there. Maybe a few stabbings when things got messy but I never murderer someone. I never deserved what you did to me. I lost my family. My wife.. my child…” He growled. I hit the wall and Dagger swung the knife. The gag fell from my mouth where he cut it off.
“Y/N!” Dad gasped.
“I’m okay.” I said quickly with a shaky voice.
“You made me suffer…so I am going to make you understand what I went through. Expect, I am going to make you watch.”
“She has nothing to do with this!”
“Maybe, but my family suffered because of you so it is only fair yours does too.” Dagger charged at me. I dodged in a panic and ended up on the floor in front of my dad. I tried to get back up as my dad yells in warning. I was pinned to the ground roughly before being flipped over. Dagger was kneeling over me with a wild look in his eyes.
“Dagger! Don’t you fucking dare!” Dad half commands and half begs. Dagger just laughs.
“Here we go.” He says sinisterly before bringing his dagger down at me.
3rd POV
Y/N screamed as Dagger slashed and carved into her skin. Aizawa could only watch and listen in horror as Dagger tortured his daughter and himself in tow. Eventually Dagger left the room, leaving Y/N bleeding out on the floor. Aizawa carefully watched her to make sure she was still breathing. The subtle rise and fall of her chest gave him some comfort.
“Y/N? Please answer me sweetheart.” He spoke softly. Her head turned towards him slowly.
“Daddy…” She whimpered. Tears were streaming down her face, mixing with some blood. Aizawa flinched at the sight, his own tears building up in his eyes.
“I am sorry sweetheart. I can’t believe I let this happen.” Aizawa said softly.
“It’s not your fault.” She says. He couldn’t believe she would say this. She had always been so understanding and kindhearted. Even in a situation where her life was threatened by direct consequence of his past, she was not placing blame on him.
“But it is, sweetheart. Dagger is hurting you because of me.”
“He is projecting, dad.” She said before flinching as she tried to sit up. After achieving that goal, she looks at him. “You put him in jail and then his wife and kid get killed in a freak accident. In his grief he correlated your putting him in jail, taking him away from them was the direct cause of them being in the accident.”
“How did you…” He was surprised that she knew so much about Dagger.
“Midoriya gave me a whole lesson on my father’s Hero history one day while I was visiting.” She said and they both give a small chuckle. They go quiet. “I just connect the dots about his correlation during his little rant before he, um, you know.”
“How did you get to be so smart?” Aizawa gave a watery smile.
“Touching.” Dagger’s voice echoed through the room. “Father and daughter having a moment. Disgusting.”
“You’ve made your point Dagger. Now let me go so I can give you the fight you deserve.” Aizawa exclaimed.
“Oh what would be the fun in that?” Dagger came back into the room. He quickly made a dagger before throwing in across the room. Y/N was able to dodge most of them but not all. Y/N screamed as the blade lodged into her thigh.
“No!” Aizawa struggled against his bonds. Blood began to pool slowly on the floor. Dagger came over and pulled the dagger out causing the wound to bleed faster. Y/N cried out in pain. “Now Eraserhead. What should I do next? Cut off a finger? Oh! Maybe an ear?”
“No!” Y/N screamed.
“Dagger I swear I’ll…”
“You swear you’ll what?! Arrest me? Beat the shit out of me? You’ve done that all before.” Dagger snapped stepping closer to Aizawa. Aizawa gave him a death glare, not knowing what to say in the moment. “You got to think of something new, Eraserhead.”
“How about this?” A new voice cut through the space before Dagger was on the ground twitching from an electroshock. Kaminari stood in the door way with Present Mic and Midnight standing behind him. “I think he is going to be completely shocked when he comes too.”
“Dammit kid. We talked about the puns.” Midnight grumbled and ushered him out of the way. Present Mic and Midoriya rushed into the room with Recovery Girl in tow with Nezu. Recovery Girl and Mic went straight for Y/N while Midoriya and Nezu went to Aizawa’s aid.
“How did you find us?” Aizawa asked.
“Mirio had alerted Present Mic that you two hadn’t returned from your dinner to pick up Eri. After a while more of no word, we began immediately retracing where you went tonight or should I say last night to locate you. Dagger wasn’t the best at covering up his tracks when he took you two.” Nezu explained. Midoriya got the ropes undone. “And a couple of your students refused to be left behind when we came to rescue you.”
“Thank you.” Aizawa got up and immediately went over to his daughter. She was now unconscious with her head in Kaminari’s lap. He held back tears as he looked her over.
“She’s going to be okay, Shota.” Mic said while placing a hand on his shoulder. Aizawa nods and looks over to where Dagger laid still twitching from the shock. He walked over and lifted him by his collar. Dagger gave a sinister laugh.
“What are you going to do Eraserhead? Beat me to a pulp? Use those fancy hand to hand combat skills on me?” He laughed.
“No.” Aizawa said as he set Dagger down on his feet. “You threatened and hurt my daughter. As much as I would like to pummel you to the ground, I will not sink to your level of petty. But I promise you that you will rot in the deeps darkest cell in the world before this is over.”
“You don’t scare me Eraserhead.” Dagger said. Aizawa shrugged as Mic and Midnight took him away. Aizawa walked over as Recovery Girl healed Y/N. She groaned as she woke up. Aizawa knelt next to his daughter.
“Dad, I want to go home.” I said softly I looked up at him. My whole body ached. The wounds were gone but I knew that I wasn’t completely healed. He nodded and gently picked me up. He walked out with Kaminari and Midoriya in tow. Once outside, I noticed he was gathering his bearings and the look of realization came across his face.
“What an idiot…” He muttered. I looked at his confused. “We’re only a few blocks from UA.” He said. The sound of Dagger yelling profanities pulled my attention. I saw Midnight and Mic putting him into a police car. My dad ignored him as Nezu caught Dad’s attention.
“I have a car over here to take you two home. “ Nezu said as led my dad to the car. “You are required to take a week off at least. Be home with your daughter while you to BOTH work through this together and get on the road to recovery.”
“Thank you, Nezu.” Dad said as he set me down on my feet. I held onto the car door for support.
“I will send a doctor in the morning to check on the both of you.” Recovery Girl said. Dad nodded and I carefully sat down in the car.
The next morning, the sound of snoring woke me up. As well as being poked in the side. I opened my eyes and saw Eri sprawled out against me. I smiled and flinched as my body began to ache. I sat up slowly and ran a hand through my hair. I got up and walked out of my room. I walked into the kitchen to go get something to drink. I pulled out a glass and accidentally knocked something off.
“Oh crap.” I muttered. I turned just in time to see a kitchen knife hit the floor. I felt instant panic shot through me. A flash of a knife went across my mind. I screamed and covered my face, dropping the glass. I didn’t hear the glass shattering and uncovered my face. The glass was caught midair and a gentle hand was placed on my back.
“Come on sweetie. I’ll get you a drink. Go sit on the couch.” My dad said softly.
“O-okay.” I nodded. I turned and went to walk out of the kitchen. On the walk to the living room, I noticed I was shaking badly. I wrapped my arms around myself to try and calm myself down. I cuddled into the couch. Dad came in with a cup of juice. He sat next to me.
“Here you go.” He held out the cup. I took it and drank slowly. He wrapped a blanket around me before wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I leant against his side. “It’s not going to be easy sweetheart. There are going to be times where things are going to bring up bad memories.”
“Will it get better?”
“In time but I will be here every step of the way. If you ever need help, don’t hesitate to ask. No matter when or where, you call me when you need me or Mic or Midnight or whoever. Okay?” He looked down at me.
“Yeah. I will. I promise.” I nodded.
“And I promise nothing like that will ever happen to you again.” He said. A quiet yawn pulled their attention. Eri was sleepily stumbling through the living room. She wordlessly walked over and climbed into my lap, snuggling into my chest. “And I don’t think Eri will let you out of her sight again.”
“You’re right.” I chuckled. I wrapped my arms around her with the blanket while setting my head on dads shoulder and yawning. “I think I am going to go back to sleep now.”
“Okay sweetheart.” He rubbed my shoulder. “I’ll wake you up when the doctor gets here.” He got up and I laid down with Eri. He kissed my head and walked over to the kitchen. I heard soft music start to play. I sighed and fell asleep.
Tag List: @iris-shihabi @cl0verbby @lilparcheesie @keigos-baby-bird @evilunicorns4minions
Child of the Otherworld

Who’s Here: Reader/Player, Aether, and a bunch of others with roles so small it’s not worth saying lol
Contains: SAGAU (Not Cult AU), Child!Reader, Barely proofread I got tired and busy
Note: Hey Anon! Sorry, but I don’t write for the cult AU. I consider any mention of the reader being the creator the cult AU. I haven’t written or read about that AU in forever. I still got inspired and wrote the rest of this though! So here’s a short intro and then a few small bits at the end (╯▽╰ )
They don't really care if you’re a child or not.
They're happy both living their lives in their respective roles (for the most part) and acting it out on the grand stage that is your device. It's simply the nature of their existence, whether you're young or old matters little to them. What matters is that you continue to play.
Cause if the player stops playing, do they really exist at all? What would you do if you eventually got bored of them? Will their world come to an end if you ever decided to delete their game?
Even if it didn't, they would feel terrible to not put their all into their respective roles. To some, it's fun and exhilarating. To others, it's just their job, an important aspect of their life that they take pride in. Your enjoyment is key, whether keeping it has dire consequences or not.
So when you suddenly stopped playing one day, without any kind of forewarning or hint that you might be taking a break, they panicked.
The first day was odd. You didn’t normally skip any, nor did you verbalise if you wouldn’t be able to play that day. At least to the Traveller’s and Paimon’s knowledge since they’re the only ones that can hear you. Maybe you had somewhere to be last second or your device got confiscated. They could live with that.
The second day they got antsy. They tried to keep a level head, maybe you got hooked onto a different game for a bit, or you were being forced to study or do homework. Two days still wasn’t much to go off of, you could be fine. They can wait.
Well they hoped they could, but their resolve didn’t last for very long. The third day with nothing from you they sent out notification. They weren’t even hoping for you to use it to open the game, well they were, but they mostly just wanted to to interact with it. Opening the game, silence it, swipe it away, anything. Their nerves grew when it sat untouched for the whole day on the shelf.
The fourth day they sent an email. They didn't know if it was you in charge of the email account or someone else, but it was one of the only ways they could communicate off the device. Nothing came of the email as far as they knew.
With the lack of interaction with any form of direct contact by the time of the fifth day, some started to think that something bad had happened to you. Not everyone, but enough to try and see if anyone from any of the other games on your device knew anything about your disappearance. Unfortunately, none of them did.
After getting nothing from them, they scoured for information on any other application you may have on the sixth day. All they found out was that none of them had been opened since you first stopped showing up.
The seventh day they're scrambling, trying and failing to look for information anywhere on your whereabouts. By this point it's made clear you haven't even touched your device since you left them. Most of them now are worried for your safety and the potential danger their whole world is in with your absence.
It's when Aether is taking a mental break from all of the searching and worrying that he finds you in Whispering Woods. You’re trying your hardest to collect the apples in the tree and failing pretty spectacularly. He doesn't expect every kid to be able to jump high enough or climb trees though. Or have bombs.
He doesn't know it's you at first, just a child who wandered too far off and is probably hungry. So when he comes over to help you he's not exactly expecting his worldview to get shattered.
“Hey! Do you need any help?”
You quickly turn upon hearing his voice and beam at him. He doesn’t think he's seen anyone smile, or at least give a genuine happy one, since this whole debacle started. Your smile is so precious he's happy he's found you. Though in the back of his mind it does get him to think about how you could've ended up here. Were the knights at the gate not as vigilant as he thought? Or did you sneak out some other way?
“Yes please help me! The apples are so hard to reach. I've been hungry forever!”
Aether chuckles, just a bit concerned about your statement but not thinking much of it, and easily climbs the tree to safely pick the apples for you. He wanted to make sure not to damage them so you could eat the full thing. His usual methods of jumping or hitting the tree until they all fell probably would lead to a very blemished apple.
He hops out of the tree with all three apples and hands them over to you. You struggle a bit to hold all of them, before Aether suggests using your shirt to hold them. You follow and proudly call your shirt the basket shirt. Now that he's pointed it out, your shirt doesn't seem to be of Mondstadt origins. Nor does it seem to be from anywhere really. The rest of your clothes are also out of place. Why didn't he notice before? Just where are you from-
“Thank you so much Aether!”
Hearing his name causes him to freeze. How do you know that name? He's been very particular about which name he uses when, and the code doesn't give away information to everyone freely. Not to mention anyone who has heard his real name hasn't ever brought it up again, so at this point the only people who should know are Lumine, Paimon, Dainsleif, and-
Now that he thinks about it, your voice is awfully familiar.
He doesn't know if his current train of thought would be good or bad to be proven true. He guesses it would be a bit of both, but…
Aether gives you a smile he hopes is reassuring and kneels down to be eye level with you.
“I'm glad I could help. Do you think you could do me a quick favour now?”
You tilt your head, “Like a trade?”
Aether nods, “Sure, I'd just like to ask a few questions if that's okay with you?”
You smile at him again just as bright as your last, “Okay! I can do that!”
He asks questions that no random child would know pertaining to his journey and people he's met. You answer most of them with ease. You took a bit to think for some, but every answer was in some form correct.
“Who helped free Dvalin from the abyss?”
“That's easy! It was you, Diluc, Jean, and Venti! Deeval- uh, oh yeah, Stormterror is Venti’s so of course he's going to help.”
“You know who Venti really is?”
“Yeah, he's the wind god! Barb… Bar- uh… Bartobas?
“Close enough.”
“What’s Dainsleif's goal?”
“To fight the Abyss, the enemies of humanity!”
“Do you remember what our first conversation was with him?”
“I think he asked us questions? I don’t really remember, sorry.”
“That’s fine. You’re doing great so far.”
“Do you know who Neuvillette is?”
“Mr. Neuvillette is the hydro dragon. Hey, do you know if he can fly?”
“I think he's just good at swimming.”
“I did too, but my friends don't think so. They were like, ‘He's a dragon! He must be able to!’ But not all dragons can fly! Did Pokemon not teach them anything?”
“I'm… Sure they'll learn soon.”
“Who’s currently in charge of the Abyss?”
“Lumine! I hope you can travel with her soon, it's pretty mean to leave you for the bad guys like that.”
Okay you're definitely the player. Now he's freaking out for a different reason.
Why are you here? How did you get here? How is this even possible, you're not made of code. What does you being here mean for the world? You're technically not playing the game, but you still exist with it. Does this count as you playing it or do you physically have to be playing with your device to keep the world stable. How long do they have if it doesn't count? Is this even something they have to worry about in the first place?They were never able to find a concrete answer about that. Most importantly though, how can they bring you back to your own world? Your parents must be worried sick.
“Did I do a good job?”
Hearing that snaps him out of his whirlwind of a mind. Right, you’re still here and in the middle of the woods, probably starving. Three apples aren’t going to do anything. Everything else has to be second to you right now. He needs to make sure you're able to be cared for before he can think about any of that.
Aether kneels in front of you and puts out his hand for you to take, “You did great, thank you. If it’s okay, do you think you could come back to Mondstadt with me? It’s dangerous to stay out here all alone. I’m worried for your safety.”
You happily grab a hold of his hand, “Thank you! I didn't know where I was for a long time, but then I saw the sunset fruit and when it got dark I saw lightflies and found out I was in Genshin! It's so cool, but I can't find Mond. Sleeping on the ground hasn't been fun.”
Just how long have you been alone in the forest? Aether hopes with his entire soul that it wasn't when you first disappeared, that was a week ago. How has no one found you???
He thinks he's finally going to have to tell Jean about all the slackers if they can't even spare the time to do their patrols properly.
As soon as he could, Aether rushed you over to Mondstadt and straight to Jean’s office, accidentally ignoring Paimon on the way. He thinks she went through every emotion she could as he was telling her about everything leading up to him barging in. She was currently in shock as you were running around the room chasing Paimon, who caught up and heard the tail end of the conversation.
After the initial shock, Jean starts a letter to inform the other nations that you’ve been found in the game and asks Traveller to go around to tell the rest of the vision bearers in Mondstadt. He does just that after stopping by Good Hunter for you. The news isn’t taken lightly by anyone. A few had to be convinced, but promptly stopped doubting when you said something out of pocket about them. Once Albedo was in the know he said he would dedicate his time to figuring out how you got here and how to return you, but it would be best to get the Dendro Archon’s opinion.
After leaving you with Albedo so he could run a few wellness checks and general tests to see how your physicality was holding up, he teleported to Sumeru to see if Nahida knew anything. Unfortunately she’s just as clueless as everyone else, but asks him to play scout again and gather anyone who he thought could be of use in solving your predicament.
Even with some of the smartest minds in Teyvat collaborating to work on this project, it will still take a while before tangible progress is made. So for the foreseeable future you’re stuck with them and you’re going to need someone to look after you. Almost everyone was willing, so they just assigned Aether as the main babysitter since he travelled a lot and you’d get to meet a lot of people that way. If he ever needed to do something dangerous or just time to rest he could easily ask someone to care for you for a while.
Now they just have to hope that Teyvat doesn’t implode.
At least you weren’t kidnapped.
Aether: You both need to slow down. The food’s not going anywhere.
Paimon: You’re the one who kept Paimon waiting for so long and then ignored! Paimon’s stomach will not wait another second! Paimon can handle this anyway.
You: Yeah, we’re hungry and won’t wait anymore!
Aether: Maybe for you Paimon, but they might choke.
Paimon: They’ll be fine
You: Yeah, I’ll be- [chokes]
Aether: *sigh*
Paimon: Are you sure it’s a good idea to let them talk to Childe?
Aether: No, but he’s good with his family. I can’t see why he’d treat them any differently.
You: Look Ae- uh, Traveller! He taught me how to use a dagger!
Aether: I also can’t kick him out of the teapot on my own.
Paimon: Maybe you should find a way around that.
Neuvillette: Lady Furina, these clothes are much too big for them.
Furina: Nonsense! Look at how adorable they are!
Paimon: They are cute, but what if they trip and fall over!
[You run around the room with ridiculously sized clothing on, trying to act like Neuvillette before you trip and face plant onto the floor]
Aether: We’re getting them new clothes.
Kaveh: Alhaitham what are you doing? Shouldn’t you be planning with the rest of the club?
[You're on his lap as he reads you simplified versions of battle tactics]
Alhaitham: We’re currently at break, and the Traveller needed to get something done so this one is with me. I'm currently teaching them how to create better builds and team compositions.
Kaveh: Have they even expressed the want to do any of this, or are you taking this as your chance because you can’t stand being played suboptimally.
Alhaitham: Wouldn't you rather be used as you were intended, or do you like acting as a spinning top and providing nothing to the team's damage?
Kaveh flustered: W-Well- Ugh that's not the point! They can play however they want, put the book away!”
Zhongli: Why are you here Barbatos.
Venti: I had a feeling you were going to bore them and I was right! What kid wants to be talked at for days on end.
Zhongli: The little one expressed on their own that they wanted to hear of Teyvat’s history.
Venti: Maybe if- Wait where'd they go.
[They turn and see you in the clutches of some random treasure hoarders]
Treasure Hoarder: You lot look like you got a fair amount of mora. Why don’t you hand some of it over and no one gets hurt.
Venti: If you know what’s good for you, you’d let them go now.
Zhongli: [his eyes begin to glow] If they knew what was good for them, they wouldn’t have pulled such an inane stunt in the first place.
Dead Men Walking: I- We just need some money. We know you got some so hand it over!
You: Ow, you're hurting me.
[The Treasure Hoarders proceed to get their ass beat into the ground]
Amber: Aw they're so cute!
You: You’re the gliding champion right? Can I see how fast you can go!
Amber: Maybe once this meeting is over. I'll happily show you just how fast I can be!
Jean: Don't put any ideas in their head Amber.
Fischl: Why, if it isn’t thy benefactor from beyond the veil.
You: [giggling] You still talk funny.
Fischl: Huh? Wh-What's that supposed to mean???
You: Mona Majiks!
Mona: It's Megistus, but you are a young one so I'll leave it for now.
You: You're a super cool fortune teller right? Are you able to read my future?
Mona: You already- Uh, sure! I don't see why not. No promises it’ll work though, you are from a land beyond Teyvat’s stars.
You: That’s okay![She then got a migraine that lasted the rest of the day]
Reader is kaeya's blood sib and is roughly two years younger then Kaeya. Kaeya is a little less than a year younger than Diluc. I fudged with the already vague timeline a bit. Reader is a Fatui Harbinger. THE X READER IS PLATONIC
The biting cold of Snezhnaya was unpleasent against your skin. Whatever clothes you had borrowed from the unsuspecting Fatui agents did little against the cold. The clothes were either too large or too small for you sixteen year old frame. You had lost a tremendous amount of weight since you left Mondstat. Well, it felt like being exiled to you.
The look your brother had given you when you had happily approached him was one you would never forget. The sheer hatred and disgust in his eyes and he yelled at you was seared into your brain. The fact that he was crying made it worse. Then you had found out Master Crepus had died.
The next few days had been tense as everyone seemed to ignore you. Not to mention the fight between Kaeya and Diluc had left your blood brother injured. Then when you had asked Diluc why everything was happening and why he was so cold, the hatred and anger in his face and eyes hurt you more than any flesh wound could. It was also then that you had basically lost your home.
"Why? Your asking me why when you are both traitorous spies?!" Shock filled you face as he began to yell. "How else am I suppose to feel when both of my siblings are traitors and my father is dead." A weak protest barely left your lips as you began to cry. "Get out of my office. I don't want to see you right now."
When you had asked Kaeya what had happened, he did not answer at first. He had given you a blank eyed smile before just saying that it had been a simple arugement. After pushing, he finally revealed that he had told Diluc about where you both had came from. You were a little angry with him after that, but did not leave until a few days later.
No one wanted to give you straight answers to anything. Diluc was ignoring or being down right nasty with you and Kaeya avoided questions, even though he looked guilty. The maids merely gave you looks of pity and told you not to worry.
Crepus's funeral had been tense and you decided that you would leave that night. From the stares to your family ignoring you, it seemed to you that you were not welcome in Mondstat anymore. So you packed anything of great importance to you and left.
You had no plans when you had left, so you had wondered north. Bartering and haggling with traders to get supplies. You were getting good at manipulating people to get what you wanted. When you made it to Snezhnaya, you were plum out of supplies and seemed to be unable to find your way out of the frozen hellhole.
So you stole and bartered your way to survival. Even setting up a couple of "accidents" to happen after some of the camps were hostile to you. You looted what you could from those accidents and moved on. One of your favorite pass times was manipulating and gaslighting the Fatui camps into doing things for you or turning them against eachother. Looting them was always easier when they were fighting.
The few times you had gotten caught, you had managed to talk your way out of it. With a bit of luck and some gambling, you squirreled your way out of some sticky situations. You even got good at gambling and cheating in order to get supplies. The Fatui in the area did like to play poker, and you just happened to make good bets.
It seemed now that your schemes had caught up to you after a few months. The too big boots were crunching the snow beneath your feet as you ran. The camp you had robbed had a Harbinger in it. Well, at least you managed to screw them out of quite a bit of money before going back to rob them. Then you had discovered the tall, old man giving you a disappointed dad look as he caught you.
You managed to duck out of his grab as you ran out. You malnourished body getting you quite far. You were quick to run out of energy. Between the thick snow and tall trees, ypu energy was sapped out of you. You could see you breathe as you took a small breather. It was snowing again.
You took a few wet breaths before you began to cough. The wet sounds of your coughing were loud even when you tried to muffle them. It seems the cold was continuing to aggravate you chronic illness. The black tar that you heaved up wasn't a good sign. You haven't had a flare to this bad since you were a kid.
Heavy footfalls and the sound of snow crunching caught your attention. You needed to run but you just couldn't stop coughing long enough to catch your breath in a meaningful way. You were on your knees by the time he caught up to you. A warm hand was on your back as you coughed. He patted your back in order to help you.
When you finally stopped coughing, you accepted your fate as a caught mouse. You sat down fully and looked to the man kneeling beside you. The thick clothes and cloak he wore made him far more intimidating. The half mask along with his greyed hair a beard made him look horribly old. He looked at you with a curiosity when he saw your eyes.
"Finally done coughing?" He asked and took your wrist when he saw you about to flee.
"You've been causing quite the ruckus." You tried to free yourself from his grip and scoot away but he merely hauled you up on your feet. "We will discuss that later though, I am taking you back to camp first." His grip never loosened as he dragged you back to the camp. When he put you into a chair in one of the tents, you knew you were toast.
The guards waited outside as the man sat across from you. The fire inside the tent was keeping it wonderfully warm. You were still sopping wet from the snow, so you were still a little cold. You finally gained the courage to speak.
"What are you going to do to me now?" The man across from you never wavered in his gaze.
"You've caused many to be killed with your actions and managed to talk your way in and out of many situations. Not only that, but you have managed to negotiate with the more traditionally hostile locals for food, a feat even some of our more experienced Diplomats couldn't accomplish." He listed off. "Tell me, what do you think will happen?"
You shuffled nervously in your seat.
"You'll send me to prison. I know you have to be mad about what I did to the camp by the river." He hummed in response.
"It would be a waste of your skills, even as unrefined as they are, to prison. As director of the Fatui, I have the power to pardon your crimes at a price. Tell me, would you be intrested in joining the fatui?"
The old man you had later found out was called Pierro. You had negotiated with him and you were shuffled into the ranks of the Fatui. Your skills in manipulation and diplomatic affairs had quickly sharpened. With a willingness to gamble and the ability to turn what would seem like a political disaster into an advantage, you rose the ranks fast. Your skills only continued to grow as Pierro quietly indulged you in a few lessons from him.
Soon, you rose to be a harbinger in a few short years. The tenth harbinger, Brighella, The Diplomat. The Fatui had soon become a family. Sort-of. You wouldn't trust any one of the harbingers to save your skin, but you did care for them a bit.
Among the lower ranks, you were known for being the best to work under and for being somewhat normal compared to others. Though, those that worked closely to you would disagree. Your recklessness and bad habits were going to turn your secretaries' hair grey. You had a saying, treat your employees decently, and they will produce better results.
Unlike Sandrone or Il Dottore, you did not work your lower ranked people to the bone for little to no rewards. By being a decent person you had earned the unwavering loyalty of many underlings.
Mondstat and your sibilings were buried in the back of your mind. Even when someone like Scaramouche threw your past in your face you did not care. You were someone new. Someone better. Not the scared youngest sibling. Though, all that was going to change with your next assignment.
It had been many years since you had been back home. Here you were, riding on horseback back to Mondstat after five or so long years. The trail to Mond from Snezhnaya was well worn from constant travel and enemies were few and far between. You had even ran into Grandmaster Varka's crew along the way, though he seemed a bit disappointed that you joined the Fatui. He did not treat you unkindly and it had made for a pleasant rest stop.
The breeze even smelt the same as you remembered. The weather and warmth was wonderful and nothing like the cold your new home was constantly in. Having air that didn't aggravate the abyssal sludge in your lungs was nice too.
You arrived to Mondstat with no fanfare. The guards waiting at the gate were asleep due to it being the middle of the night. Oh, Jean will be thrilled when you tell her of the sleeping guards.
Taking your stead up the stairs and to the Goth Grand Hotel, you were met by two diplomats, Mikhail and Lyudmila. Lyudmila took your horse to the stables when you got off of her while Mikhail took you the rest of the way to the hotel.
"The entire hotel has been on lockdown as ordered." He spoke as you passed by the door guard and entered the hotel. You hummed in response.
"Good. In the morning order every diplomat to the main hall. 7 am sharp. Do not inform them of my arrival. I am going to have a nap. See you in a few hours Mikhail." You waved him off as you wandered into what would normally be Dottore's office. Flopping on a comfortable couch, you sunk into it. The delusion on your belt hanging down as you drifted off. Il Dottore always got the nice seats, it wasn't fair.
At 7 sharp every diplomat was gathered into the main hall. You were dressed into a nicer outfit and cleaned up by the time you came down the stairs. The bath had been wonderful, but duty called and you were going down the steps of the second story at 7 am sharp. Lyudmila's sharp yell of formation had startled the diplomats and they quickly sorted themselves into rows.
Lyudmila and Mikhail were at the front facing the diplomats. Only one was missing and that was Luke, the loyal man made for a good door guard dog.
"Everyone is here as ordered, Brighella." You stood between the two diplomats and gazed at the group.
"Is everything and everyone ready?"
"Yes, my lord." They replied at the same time beside you.
"Good." You raised you voice as you spoke. "I want to kneel. On one knee." You commanded. There was hesitation before everyone kneeled.
"My arrival early was planned. We have rats in our midst." You began before calling out. "My dears, tie the filth up please." Several pyro agents came out and tied up five diplomats before setting them in front of you and kneeling.
"As you can see, we have rats. Now you souls are lucky, I cannot kill you. However Il Dottore has requested you so you will be going to him." Fear appeared in their eyes. "Now, next time everyone in this room will not be lucky. Next time, we will go back to stoning. We all know what happened in Natlan, I would like to avoid that. Take the rats away." The pyro agents did so. They would deliever them to Il Dottore.
"Now, I have other matters to attend to. Dismissed. Get out of my sight." The remaining diplomats were quick to flee. You turned to the two remaining diplomats.
"I have a meeting with Grandmaster Jean in twenty minutes. Mikhail and Lyudmila you are both dismissed. Good work. I will see you compensated." The two nodded and fled. Well, time to stroll your way to the headquarters.
You swallowed down the lump in your throat and made you way to the Knights headquarters. It had been so long and yet, so little has changed. As you opened the door to the headquarters, you were promptly ran over by a small red child when she had slammed the door open and ran out.
You did not fall but did take a few steps back and catch the red child. Klee you think her name was.
"Klee is so sorry! Oh please don't be mad!" She cried to you as you set her down. She looked up at you and gave out a soft wow. "Your really pretty and I'm sorry for running you over. "
"Thank you, but I'm a bit in a rush. You are forgiven as long as you run off to play." She smiled and took off, waving goodbye as she did so.
The meeting was to take place in a large room on the second floor. A guard was quick to come over and take you to the room. She was quick to flee too. Entering the room, you felt the shock ripple throughout the room. You hadn't been seen in Mondstat in five long years. Closing the door, you gave you standard diplomatic smile.
"I apologize, I ran into a certain Spark Knight on my way in." You spoke and took notes of everyone in the room. Jean was rather pale but kept her composure much like Lisa did. You saw some family heads you did not care about. Kaeya seemed unbothered, but you knew him too well. You knew he was shocked by your appearence and who you were working for. Diluc kept his face neutral, but you could see his eyes flicker to the delusion hanging on your belt. Was that guilt in his eyes? Oh, it didn't matter, what matters is the present.
You took the only open seat and began.
"I am Brighella, tenth of the Fatui Harbingers. I have full authority over the Fatui while I am here in Mondstat. Now, We have much to discuss. So let's deal with the first issue: the complaints..."
End notes:
Me oh my what was supposed to be a small drabble turn into 2500 words, oopsies. Nothing is proof read as usual. Pumped out in like two hours. Hope you enjoyed!
< 3

Boxer Pomni only looks very stern but is super cute! 🥹❤️
Design/AU belongs to the lovely @burrotello

Wake up guys new ship just dropped !!
Reblongin this

how would the harbingers react to a reader who's good at drawing? like, they like to draw the harbingers or other things
Good at drawing?
I'm shit at drawing so I'm not really sure what to say, that's why I didn't reply to this for awhile. But, I eventually got a couple things when my friend was sketching some stuff in front of me.
Sorry that the current Insatiable Madness chapter is taking so long, I've been studying a lot these past couple of days.
I also got another ask where it asked about Halloween. I don't really celebrate Halloween, because I never grew up with it. I've always been too shy to trick-or-treat and I didn't have many friends (and still don't) who'd want to go with me. Quite sad actually, but it's alright. I don't think I missed out on much.
Is anyone expecting me to make a Halloween special? I don't mind doing it, but I'll need inspiration as I wouldn't know where to start 💀
Actually, the more I think about it, I do have one fun idea. (Harbingers going trick-or-treating??? Halloween party if that even exists? Idk, I'll have to do some research.)
|You can take this with Yandere and without - some will probably lean towards yan though.|
So, to begin with:
Pierro wouldn't be too bothered. I feel if Y/N had a skill they were confident in, and wanted to show it, he'd let his curiousity get the better of him and check it out. But, if it's something like drawing he'll probably leave a comment then leave. Whether it's positive or negative, you be the judge. This man is like a slate slab. No personality I'm sorry 😭😭 (When I see more of his character, maybe I'll like him more?)
If you were to draw this man, he'd be humbled. A Grandpa who received his very first present from his grandchild. Would definitely frame the damn thing in his office (which originally was your parent's) he'd put it on the desk. It's his office now, don't argue for it back.
Capitano would show interest. Not too much since he's the main captain of the Fatui, but still interested. If he's bored, or deems the 'fort' (the house) safe, he'll sit down with you and watch what you're doing. Occasionally asking you if he could doodle with you - but I think that would be very rare. His main objective in his mind is guarding you when your own is low whilst you're having fun, doodling or drawing something.
Would 100% deny the picture of him at first. He'd think, that looks like me, but it can't be. Yes, it's him, you'd reassure. Eventually he does take it and folds it in his coat. After that, he'd probably leave the room in embarrassment. Since then on, he'd definitely keep all drawings you've made of him in his pocket. There's too many? Let's put it in the second pocket. That's full too? Looks like he's buying a new coat. Oh? There's room in his military coat he hasn't worn in two years? That'll do just nicely.
Dottore would be intrigued if he saw you practice anatomy - or if you drew more of a gorey scene. I think he'd be even more interested if you liked to draw the human body with extra things (such as arms, legs, eyes or even got rid of a few), and question you on your design choices and if it already exists somewhere. (He's not fooling you, he's obviously taking inspirations for a new experiment). If he didn't know, or wasn't good, he'd probably ask for tips on how to sketch ideas like yours. He reassures you it's not for any experimentation but once again, he's not fooling you at all.
If you were to draw him he'd treat it like glass. Nobody has ever given him a sketch before - bonus points if you draw him injured whilst you're angry with him. He'd treat it as if you drew him with love, and not as if you'd stab him in the heart if you ever got the chance. What do you mean he shouldn't like it this much? It's a work of art! He'd be very quick to correct the drawing if you got anything wrong. Who knows what this man has in his body at this point.
Columbina would join you in your drawing activities. Maybe add some glitter if you have any. The second you complain about cleaning up, however, she has somehow disappeared and has become very forgetful about the events upstairs. 'How curious!~' She would hum to herself with her usual smile. Is definitely the type to ask if you could draw her. Who are you to refuse? Especially when she gives you that look of daunt hope and kindness which makes you drop your pen in fear. Before you can give her an answer, you've already picked up your pencil and began to sketch her beautiful headpiece.
When Columbina receives her multiple sketches, she's overjoyed. Oh, look how you drew this part! How you drew her clothes! She's quick to kiss you on the cheek as a thank you and runs off somewhere. Huh, you feel like you've just been used.
Arlecchino will roll her eyes at first. She's seen many children in the hearth draw for her. Her initial thoughts were vague, she didn't really see much of your hobby. That was until she actually saw what you were drawing. She would stare as you worked, your pencil delicately brushing against the paper you most likely bought the other day. It soon will become a habit to watch you work, becoming a therapeutic source for her. She sometimes questions why you're drawing... certain things, but she wouldn't actually stop your creative mind from working.
Handing Arlecchino the drawing you drew of her would make her blood rise to her cheeks slightly. Sure, she's received a lot of gifts in this sense before. But from you? What an honour! She'll accept it with a soft smile she'd usually show the kids, and pat your head treating you like one. Little do you know she's trying so hard to control her cute agression response by not tearing the paper.
Pulcinella would react very similarly to Pierro. However, he'd have more experience with complimenting and encouraging 'a child' in a hobby they're having fun with. If he saw your skill, he'd probably compliment it whole-heartedly with a chuffed smile. Massaging his mustache like some aristocrat, in the 1940s... Anyway, he'd be very pleased when he watches you draw more and more. He's happy that you're spending your time doing something you like under the tense situation his coworkers (and him, but he doesn't like to admit it) have brought upon you.
I do not see you drawing this man at all. He's a short, dobby, old, looking as man. I don't see him as the type to ask either, at all. He's minding his own business in your house and plans to keep it that way until the situation is resolved.
Scaramouche really doesn't care. We've all got our own likes and dislikes, but he's not bothered about yours. Will most likely purposefully pass by you working on a piece and insult it just to get attention. He'd never actually mean it though - he just never tells you that important fact. As time progresses he'll sneak into your room just to look at more sketches or finished drawings you've done, and assess your progress from each year if you've been practicing for a long time-period.
Now, here's where things get interesting. If you were to draw him and never show it to him, said puppet finding it for himself in one of your drawers, he'd first feel angry. Why wouldn't you show him this? It's of him! ...But then he'd quickly realise it's because of the way he treated you when you were working (oops). If you actually handed it to him and let him keep it, he'd be delighted. You actually drew him? He didn't even have to manipu-- he means 'ask' you to draw him? This is a good step forward to where he wants to be in your heart.
Sandrone would be delighted to know that she's finally found a use for you in her head. She never thought that purposefully walking past you one evening would lead to her shuffling through all the sketches and designs you've done with awe. Where did you get this idea from? How can she recreate it? Would you be happier and more devoted to her if she were to make your dreams true? She digresses. Watching your creative little mind draw your ideas to life inspires her also, and makes her want to recruit you as a special exception to the 'no non-artificial beings' allowed in her workshop. Thinking of all the monstrosities you could design with her help sends pleasurable shivers up her spine.
Drawing her, however? This was rather unprecedented. Out of all the things-- no, people you could have drawn... and you decide on her? And ooh! You even drew her slave she likes to travel around on, how thoughtful, you're already expressing your adoration for her works! Trust me, don't draw her. You'll give her daydreams that will never happen.
Signora, like most of the harbingers, wouldn't care at first. She hates your house and hates your world, why in Teyvat's name would she be interested in what you're doing? That's what she used to think, until her arrogant slick eyes caught sight of what exactly you were drawing. In my opinion, there's only a couple things that would interest Signora. Drawing dresses, if you were interested in fashion designing, would definitely be the main one. Viewing your designs after you finished them would soon become a small hobby for her, and soon, she'd eventually ask you to draw her in one of your designs.
You'd say yes, of course. An excuse to draw a drop-dead gorgeous woman in one of your designs for free? No way you were going to pass this opportunity! For her hard work in modeling, you'd definitely pay back twice and give her a drawing of her in her harbinger uniform too - which I think would flatter her a bit too much.
Pantalone wouldn't care, and would never become interested. He's a very rich and successful banker, not any ordinary man. As soon as he sees you drawing somewhere in the house, he'll shrug and go the opposite way. He knows what it's like to be interrupted through a thoughtful process, and he doesn't feel like getting an earful from you if he interrupts it. What he does think about, however, is if you're making money from it. Maybe an online business. He asks, and receives a very disappointing answer. No? What do you mean no? These are good, he'd pay for a portrait! Well, if Mora was a usable currency here. Ugh, the thought of being a poor man in this world makes him disgusted.
Drawing him would result in lots of praise. He'd be very happy you used your own time to draw him. He didn't even have to pay for it, it was gift! You even said so yourself. Immediately taken from your hands and framed somewhere. You can't seem to find the drawing though... Pantalone insists it's still in the house, but no matter where you look you just can't find it! Oh well, it's probably better you didn't know where it went. (You would have never been able to find it, he hid the location so well after all.) Pantalone told you he'd give something back to you as a thank you, but you're not holding him to his word.
Tartaglia would be interested the second he sees you doing something he hasn't seen you do before. That looks interesting, let him give drawing a try! He'd boast how his siblings love his drawings he creates, but you knew he was lying to set a cheery mood. Your understanding was backed when you actually saw his 'Amazing Drawing'... It was embarrassing to say the least. He would heed all your little tips and eventually get good at drawing from your guidance! I can see him as the type to use these skills later for his siblings, and as the type to continue drawing even if you begin to get bored of it... He's skilled with his fingers after all-- okay I'm sorry I'm done.
Drawing him can go one in two ways. I see him as someone who will whine about being drawn. He'll say: 'Have you drawn me yet?' in one of the most annoying voices he cna muster. He knows and understands you find it annoying when he asks you to draw him, so he's found a loophole. Just keep asking questions related to it until you get the hint! ...You got the hint weeks ago, but you're refusing to do it. Well, you're refusing to show him your drawings you've already finished and hid out of sight. Showing him these drawings would make him really happy! Would fold his favourite and carry it around with him everywhere like some of the other harbingers. His next commission he's planned to ask you is of a drawing of Capitano. You eagerly declined, not wishing to impose on the Captain's privacy.
--> || ❝ I’m The Favorite! ❞
Reverse! Isekai/SAGAU || Warnings: fluff, some crack :3, gender neutral reader
[ Reverse Isekai with the genshin boys !! A day out for the first time since they were somehow transported into your world… ] [word count: 1.9k]

“Your Grace, with all due respect… THIS ISN’T FAIR AT ALL!”
“I understand what you’re saying Venti but I can’t bring all 20-something of you outside… 8 people is already too much! An average friend group has around 3-4 people and I’m bringing double that! I promise I’ll take the rest of you out some other day.”
Hearing consecutive sighs of disappointment, you turn to look at the rest of the men. They were visibly upset. It’s not that you DON’T want to bring them all outside! Really! It’s just that some… or, most, of them have features that would stand out in a public setting. Take Gorou and Tighnari for example! Their ears could maybe be hidden for some minutes at a time using a hood or beanie, but what about their tails? Not to mention ITTO. He literally has the most red, obvious horns.
You did your best to make them look somewhat normal. Kaveh and Wanderer could pass as a normal citizen if you removed some accessories, but characters like Diluc and Neuvillette couldn’t. So it was up to you to dress them up! Yayyy!!!
No. This was NOT an easy job. Diluc’s bright red hair couldn’t be hidden no matter how hard you tried. Neuvillette’s long hair could maybe pass as normal... maybe. His horns though? I guess you’ll have to go with the “Oh! Why are they dressed like that? Well you see, my friends just left a cosplay convention a while ago. They look cool right? Yeah.” Excuse.
You gave them what you had left in your closet. What did fit them were sweats, loose pants, pajamas and some old shirts. It was odd not seeing them in their usual complex and pretty outfits. The buffer and more muscular characters looked (not surprisingly) attractive in your shirts… they were tight just around the right spots. They noticed your eyes in their direction with your face ever so slightly flushed, but decided to not say anything about it. ( THEY KNOW.)
─ִ━━ ꯭ ───ׂ─ִ─ ͜͡✿͜͡ ─ִ──ׂ── ꯭ ━━ִ─
With the boys dressed up and ready, it was finally time to head out! The people you brought with you were: Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Kaveh, Xiao and Al Haitham.
Xiao insisted on being the one to “protect you”. Denying his request felt awkward for some reason…
Kaveh had been interested in the simple and strangely large buildings cramped next to each other. You wouldn’t be so mean to deny his request to go see some of them in person right?
Al Haitham was interested about your world and wanted to learn more about it, maybe he’d find some books that weren’t all fiction and romance.
You’d feel bad if you only brought one Ragnvindr brother.. so you brought both. You also didn’t want to hear Kaeya bickering with Diluc about him going out on a “date” (it wasn’t.) with the Creator.
Neuvillette and Wriothesley look a bit intimidating so maybe they’d scare people off. Who would’ve known you’d have two scary looking men protecting and looking after you?
And Childe….. well he’s Childe. He was stuck to your hip.
You didn’t really know where to go.. The park? A restaurant? A supermarket? All of these options were a bit difficult since they’re usually filled with people. Of course, no matter where you go there’s likely to be people, but it’d be easier to not have to be completely and utterly aware of every stranger around you in fear that they might find out who the men you brought with you actually are. Your only option was to ask them if they had an idea or if they wanted to visit an area.
“Oh! Can we go to one of those food places you’ve talked about before? What is it called.. uh.. curly… curly fries..?”
“Jack in the Box. The name is Jack in the Box, Childe.” Wriothesley remembers every little thing you talked to yourself about when the only way they were able to feel you was through a screen. All of them would listen to you talk about a movie you watched, something funny that happened, or gossip that was spreading around your school or workplace. Anything.
You let out a small chuckle at their conversation. Their recommendation isn’t bad you think. All they’ve been eating is whatever you had back at home, since ordering takeout for more than 20 people would be wayyyyy too expensive.
So a fast food restaurant it is!
─ִ━━ ꯭ ───ׂ─ִ─ ͜͡✿͜͡ ─ִ──ׂ── ꯭ ━━ִ─
The walk there was…. tedious. Childe was trying his best to not wander off, he really was! But there was so many new things he’d never seen before, so it’s not his fault. Neuvillette was probably the calmest out of everyone. He was right by your side following your lead. Maybe holding onto your arm once or twice.. on accident! (it wasn’t) Xiao was observing his surroundings a little too hard.. yeah this is all new to him, but I guess he was serious about protecting you. Though you didn’t really need it with 7 tall men around you.
“Mortals… The need for human interaction is what makes them weak.”
Diluc and Kaeya would not SHUT UP. If you passed by a bar, Kaeya would ask if he could go in, just for a second! He just wants to see how different they are from the ones in Mondstadt, really. Diluc would follow up with “You’re no better than that… that drunkard Venti.”
Kaveh would stop mid-street to look at the buildings...
“These buildings are so… long. How do they hold up so much weight? It’s impressive! What would they need so many floors for though… Why is there a man’s face as the logo in that restaurant? Oh! He’s glowing?”
“If you get ran over by one of those vehicles it’ll be your fault.”
“Huh? Al Haitham! YOUR GRACE! Wait for me!”
─ִ━━ ꯭ ───ׂ─ִ─ ͜͡✿͜͡ ─ִ──ׂ── ꯭ ━━ִ─
The next problem was choosing what to eat. Ordering food for 8 people, not including yourself, was expensive. You knew that! But you didn’t mentally prepare for the bill.
“Oh god…”
“Your Grace? Is something wrong?”
“It’s nothing you need to worry about. Eat up! We can go somewhere else after this if you want.”
You had realized that a woman had passed by your table countless times. She was very obviously staring at the men, looking almost flustered? Oh, she must think they’re attractive.
Okay. Thats okay. As long as she doesn’t ask for their numb—
“Uh-uhm.. excuse me, sir. Can I have your number? Or.. just Instagram is fine too.” She was staring directly at Wriothesley. You should’ve known letting him go out in a tight shirt and loose pants would’ve attracted more people.
“Uhh.. Pardon me, ma’am. Number…? As in… prisoner number..?” The Duke had an obvious confused and conflicted look on his face.
“Aha.. ha… forgive him. He’s taken! So he can’t give out his number to just anyone.”
“Oh.. S-sorry. Forgive me I’ll just— I’ll get going.“ She was very obviously embarrassed over this whole ordeal.
“What did she mean by number, your grace?”
“Don’t… don’t worry about it…”
The group of men began to eat. (Neuvillette ordered a cup of iced water and Xiao didn’t eat anything.)
“Your Grace, there’s some food on the corner of your mouth.. Here. Let me help.” As Kaeya was about to reach his hand and wipe off the food with his thumb, there was thud on the window next to your table. Huh? It’s Itto.
It’s Itto?
“WHAT THE HELL. HOW DID HE GET HERE!?” You whispered screamed as turned to Itto. Did he follow you here? Was he here this whole time????
Through the glass Itto was saying something. His voice was muffled but you could make some things out.
“Your Grace! Don’t let this… this BUFFOON touch you! I, Arataki Itto will volunteer instead!”
You let out a loud sigh. You had to go get him… imagine seeing a tall, buff man with white hair and what looks like horns with a black hoodie up against a restaurants window…
Yeah that looks weird from an outsiders view.
You signal to the rest of the men to follow you out. When you got outside you wanted to tell Itto to never do something like that again… but he looked so sad, almost like a kicked puppy.
“Sorry Your Grace… I just wanted to accompany you! I might have gotten a teenyyy tinyyyy bit distracted on the way. You never told me there was so many cool lookin’ beetles in your world! There was one that that was very small and red with black spots, probably not useful for beetle fighting though. And I also saw some… uh.. not to disrespect anyone but there was a really weird lookin’ dog..”
SIGHHHHHH. You started to wonder what would have happened if he really had gotten lost, or what if someone recognized him? The thought of losing one of the men scared you. Would you be to blame if one of them never made it back to Teyvat?
“Itto… I love you and everything, but never do something like this again. What if we never found you? What would have happened then? I think we should head back home..”
Itto was on the verge of tears. He’s had more beans thrown at him than he could count, but nothing ever hurt as much as this.
It took Itto a while to process that you had also said you loved him.
“M’ bad Your Grace.. I won’t follow you next time… but, I love you too Your Grace!!”
The men turned to him SO FAST?? Xiao was about to take his spear out, Al Haitham looked DISGUSTED. Kaveh and Childe’s jaws were wide OPEN.
“Childe’s right, we all love Our Grace, not just you.” Diluc only said this because he wanted to be the one to say “I love you”, but you didn’t need to know that. If it was for anything else he would never agree with a harbinger.
“That doesn’t even make sense! Why can’t I love and appreciate our beloved Creator? You guys are all just mad that I, the Number One Oni, Arataki Itto, am Your Grace’s FAVORITE.”
“WHAT? NO! Your Grace is that true?”
How many sighs have you let out today? This must be a full time job because you just let out another sigh.
“No, it’s not. I love all of you equally! Don’t start any problems with each other in public, please… We should be heading home anyways. Look at the sky, the sun will set soon.”
Almost in synch, the men respond “Yes, Your Grace!”
Seeing them like this made you feel all happy and giddy… It was nice seeing them together with you in the picture. You smiled at them and they just stared. They waited for you to turn around before looking at each other almost competitively. It was clear that each and every one of them wanted you for themselves in some way.
─ִ━━ ꯭ ───ׂ─ִ─ ͜͡✿͜͡ ─ִ──ׂ── ꯭ ━━ִ─
It was finally time to head home!!! After one long and exhausting day, you finally made it back.
The rest of the men were waiting patiently for you (Venti, Wanderer, Lyney and Heizou had to be held back by Albedo, Dainsleif and Pierro.)
“Hi, Venti… I missed you all too..” Venti’s arms were wrapped tightly around you, while he cried onto your shoulder.
“Your Grace, you’re here!” Thoma looked.. tired. Just what happened while you were gone? You decided to ask just incase.
“Hi Thoma, and everyone else. Did anything happen while me and the others were gone?” You had a gut feeling that something happened… they were unusually quiet… too quiet.
“A fight broke out between The Puppet and Cyno.”

AAAAAHHHHHHH thank you so much for 200 notes on my last fic omg y’all got me giggling to myself and spinning in my bed stop.. First long fic!!1!1! I plan on making little comic based off of the “The Creator has a.. LOVER?!” fic with the Zhongli and Venti scene with reader!! Yayyy! I Hope u guys enjoy this AUGH it makes me so happy to see people liking my noob writing thats really just me writing my thought and daydreams ilyily
Gnaw (6)
The bottom of the ocean is a cold, dark place. There is no light here, other than the faint glow of many bioluminescent markings on Osial's body. The sun's heat has never reached this deep, and the cold is so intense that you've shivered yourself to death repeatedly.
But with each death, you adapted. The icy temperature of these depths no longer mattered.
The crushing pressure of the deep ocean that once threatened to splinter your bones and crush you into a meatball now had no effect.
Gills just below your ribs filter oxygen into your body now that your lungs are useless.
"Great Storm, what are you thinking on so intensely?" Osial asks. "You have been silent and still for nearly three days."
You tell your newfound friend that you might have an idea of how to leave, but it will require his help.
"Of course. How may I serve my Creator?"
You ask for a bit of his flesh and explain that you gain energy from eating or from exposure to the elements.
You've already spent three days impaled through with stone spears at the bottom of the sea - you've probably absorbed plenty of energy and just need a catalyst.
His heads argue over who will be donating the required offering, but eventually settle on letting the central head bite off the very tip of its tongue.
A bit of glowing blue tongue drifts lazily on the currents and towards you. It's a chunk of flesh the size of a glass bottle, oozing a dark blue fluid.
You reach out with your unpinned arm and grip it, briefly cringing when it squirms in your grasp.
Once it's close to your mouth, you open up and bite into it quickly. This also means that you get some seawater into your mouth along with the bit of meat.
The god-flesh isn't particularly appetizing, either. As you do your best to chew it, it writhes and twitches in your mouth. The taste is ponderously bland, though faintly fishy, and you're more than a little unsatisfied.
It takes you more time than you'd like to consume it, but once the last of it goes down, a feeling begins to flow through you.
A new sensation. Like there's a part of you that's just lost the pins-and-needles from being slept on and is back to normal.
Not just that, either. You feel revitalized, like the pains of your body are far away. You plant your palms against the seafloor, dig your fingers into the sands, and begin to rise. Osial looks delighted.
The spears of stone dig into your flesh, but you will not give up now. How can you? You feel unstoppable.
Electro energy arcs across your body and up the monstrous pillars, scorching them with such heat that they briefly glow.
You may be buried beneath the weight of a mountain... but faith can move mountains.
Through labored breathing, you ask what Osial desires most in the world.
"To sink Liyue to the bottom of the ocean, and see Morax take my place in the darkness below the waves eternally."
More personal than that.
"To hold Beisht, my beloved, in my embrace again."
...more achievable from his current position?
"Oh. Freedom, of course. To not bear these ridiculous spears in my back any longer."
And then, that new part of yourself flares to life. You smile through the pain of saltwater against open wounds and tell him you can manage that.
(Anemo smiles, eye glowing in the heart of the storm. A new bearer already? You're so kind.)
Mondstadt's suffering comes to an end, the haze of nightmarish heat finally lifting... but the winds are not the same.
The scent of sickness and rot no longer carries on the breeze because the breezes are so much milder.
Anemo visions dim, and then flare much brighter.
Less than an eighth of Mondstadt's population had succumbed to the heat, but many had become sick from an outbreak of food poisoning and the rapid onset of heat exhaustion. Others had become ill in the process of burying loved ones.
Their cries for aid went unanswered, and Venti's faith had been deeply shaken.
If their prayers were not reaching you... then who had they been worshipping all this time?
(He receives no answer, only the sounds of mourning on the wind as Mondstadt begins to burn the diseased dead.)
You stand at the bottom of the sea, hand against a stone spear weighing down Osial.
The electro in your body was refined and stretched into an axe, which you now used to hack away at the first pillar.
Every minute or so, you have him move slightly to see if the weight is becoming more manageable.
After four hours, each of them has been weakened enough for him to push off if he wasn't exhausted. Which he is.
You reach for your new power and then to Osial. Across the world, Anemo visions glow faintly. In Zapolyarny Palace, the Gnosis of the Anemo Archon unwinds into a soft breeze and vanishes.
Words come to your lips unbidden, a recital from a time you've forgotten.
"Noble beast. I, your maker, wish to form a pact with you."
Osial looks at you curiously, and then again in surprise when the Anemo Gnosis appears in your hand.
"You have shown me kindness in this dark place and given me the power to unbind us both.
You have been imprisoned beneath the waves for centuries by the one you hate the most, away from your lover, your goals just within reach but lost to you.
I have been hunted across the land I have traveled by traitorous mongrels and then abandoned here to rot alongside you.
With one look, you knew it was me. With but a single glance, you understood who now was at your side.
Your fealty to me is so very valuable, especially now."
You hold out the Anemo Gnosis in his direction.
"Become my Anemo Archon. The true God of Storms, and the symbol of destruction for all those who would rise against me."
He laughs with all five heads.
"I accept, my maker. The skies will be mine, and all who breathe beneath them will know you with reverence or know nothing ever again."
"This pact is sealed."
The sea burns bright with teal and blue light and then erupts into a monstrous storm, a hurricane screaming to life as a massive beam of energy pierces the heavens and vaporizes Guyun Stone Forest.
A new lord of the skies erupts from the sea with a joyous scream, stone pillars falling from his back, feathers and scales colored brilliantly.
"MORAX! I will have your head as a trophy for the All-Maker and your flesh as my meal! Face me and die, or watch me tear this miserable collection of insects apart like the coward you are!"
On his back is you, and in your eyes is a hunger for vengeance.
Your power fills the hurricane. Vast blades of lightning ready to fall at your command. Screaming winds coalesce around Osial. Arcs of plasma line his new fangs.
Liyue will pay for its actions, and the two of you will be collecting with interest.
@the-dumber-scaramouche @thatdeadaquarius @ssak-i @imyme20 @fried-lotud @acacla @itz-luna @iruiji @crierofirony @itsredactedlove @sweetsthetik @leafanonsforest @oxyotl @kkazuyass @featuredtofu @resident-cryptid @d4y-dr3am3r @crimson-ashes @red1sg0n3 @the-real-fandom-person @code-roevember @yourlocalsourwolf @rhoswen-drake @minimari415 @reversearrowhead @call-me-shroom @evqnescents @valeriele3 @mochicurls21 @sinnful-darling @fleshdotmp4

norway.... its the stick figure guy
redraw of this thing i drew from like 2 years ago

I think the old me accidentally drew cary huang
Thought I'd share this here:^
Context they brought back solar, but solar doesn't have all his memories back yet that's why he said run instead of ruin
The moment I heard this audio I had to make this! I started it yesterday and finished it also yesterday because I couldn’t help myself—it just fits these three so much!!!
(I have no idea why the quality of my animations gets bad when I edit them, but oh well—)
In all honesty I always admired how Solar would crouch down when talking to Lunar while Eclipse would never do that…
Why are lil guys always so shocked?
What have they seen?
Are they doing ok?
Lilguys blink twice if your in danger ō ō