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2 years ago

Here part 2

“Y/n? Why does Bu look so depressed?”

Kuni poked at a purple blob in his picnic basket as he took a bite of his sandwich.

“What do you mean? He was fine a few days ago.” You answered from his lap. That’s right. You both are currently having a mid night picnic at Starsnatch Cliff. Eating sandwiches while laying on Kunikuzushi’s lap as he eats his own. The only problem is that Bu seemed sad about something, sitting inside the picnic basket and making sad squeals that sound like “sighs”.

You sat up from his lap and inspected the blob in the basket. Good lord it seems it’ll deflate like a balloon any second. Wonder what’s troubling Bu…

“Yeah but…he’s kinda off these days.”Kunikuzushi looked at Bu worried. He continued, “He doesn’t even go beyond the garden anymore. I don’t think it’s healthy for him to stay holed up in a limited space.”

“Is he sick or something?” You finished your sandwich and carefully picked Bu out of the basket. Instead of being a happy energetic blob, you were met with a sad little slime.

“Oh no…something IS wrong with him.”


Bu’s sad behaviour has now taken 2 days. He only likes to be in the garden and with his daddy. You’ve flipped through every book on slime illness but none helped. Kuni isn’t having it easier either. He is stressed to the point he ruins his sleep schedule. You wonder…Is he terrified of losing Bu? You wouldn’t lie that you were also scared if anything happened to him. There’s gotta be a reason he is so depressed. So, with another sip of coffee at 11pm, you began to flip through the books again. There’s gotta be something you misse-


You heard snores from the living room…

Slowly getting up from your seat and out of your room, you tip toed down the hall.

In the living room, was Kunikuzushi, hugging Bu and a small plant?? They are fast asleep on the couch with a huge messy pile of books surrounding them. You sighed. Quietly getting a blanket, you draped it over them and started cleaning the mess. Once satisfied with the result, you turned to leave when someone grabbed your wrist…

Kunikuzushi was holding it.

“Please don’t go…” he muttered half asleep.

After processing for a few seconds, you gave a small smile and gently used your free hand to caress his cheek. Your eyes wandered on Bu, and you gave the sleeping slime a soft pat. It gave a low squeal and cuddled closer to into its plant.

Sitting beside them, and without causing much disturbance, you guided your roommate to lean on you. He did so sleepily and snuggled into you with Bu and the plant still in his arms as you held them and fell into slumber yourself.


You woke up. Still on the couch? Yes. Cuddled with your family? No. Where are they?

Just when you thought of that question, you heard noises from the kitchen. Ah…right, they are probably in the kitchen.

You got up from the couch and stretched. Thank god it was a Sunday.

After washing up, you make your way across the hall (a familiar plant catching your sight sitting next to the window) and into the kitchen next door. You met Kuni making pancakes.

“Good morning” you wished him and plopped onto the counter. He looked at you and returned the greeting with a sad little smile. He’s still stressed. You huffed.

“Are you still worried about Bu?” You gently asked him. That remaining small smile of his fell as he hastily flipped a pancake.

“*sigh* Don’t worry, whatever it is, must have a reason. Trust your guardian buddy, we’ll fix the problem in no time!” You tried reassuring him which was replied by another sigh.

“I don’t know…he’s been like this for three days now. It’s pretty concerning. What if we don’t-“

“Oi Oi Oi! Don’t think any of those bad thoughts. You gotta stay strong and positive for him, okay?” You gave him a light bonk.



“By the way why were you hugging a plant in your sleep last night?” Curiosity strikes again. Hold on is that Kuni or a tomato cuz god damn he is red in embarrassment.

“U-Uh…well…ahem, Bu really liked the plant and would whine if I tried to take him away from it…” he tried saying that with a straight face. Keyword: tried. His face was a red mess.

“So…you slept with the plant?” You raised an eyebrow and smirked. He only managed to squeak out a “yes”. ‘Why tf is he so cute?’ you mentally squeal over him.

Wait…speaking of plant where is the tiny blob who cuddled it?

“Kuni, where’s Bu?” You asked.

“Oh, he’s in the garden, probably digging into the soil again.” He chuckled. That’s right our electro slime likes to bury himself in the ground. What a weird little slime Kuni found….

“Pfft, cuddling plants? Burying himself in the ground? What is he? A dendro slime?” You joked as you approached the back door to the garden. Little did you know….


“Hey little buddy.” You greeted Bu. Kuni was right about him digging holes in the ground. Bu looked up to you from the small pit he was halfway in. He still had a sad look on his face but something was off…Without any squeaks of acknowledgment, he turned to the fence, staring at something.

You stopped in your tracks for a second.

“Everything good?” You tilted your head. No response….you wonder…

You crouched down to his level and tried to spot what he was looking at. Was there something wrong with the fence? Were the small doors for him to crawl in and out of the garden too small? You looked harder and then you realised that…he wasn’t staring at the fence. He was staring beyond it.

Squinting hard, you catch a glimpse of…Dendro slimes…? Now it was pure confusion. Why was he so gloomy at the sight of dendro slimes? Did they bully him whenever he went out?

The dots didn’t connect until Bu hopped out of his hole and approached the small pond in your garden. (Yes you have a pond in your garden fight me)

He stopped at the water and looked at his reflection and made a noise that sounded like a sigh.

Cuddling with plants…digging holes in garden….

Aaand the dots connected.


“Y/n! Bu! Breakfast is re-AAH“ Kunikuzushi was interrupted when the back door opened to loudly he jumped.

“I KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS!” you declared with Bu in your arms.


“So let me get this straight…” Kuni sat in front of you and Bu on your lap, arms folded.

“Bu thinks he is a dendro slime.”


“But he doesn’t look like one,”


“And he gets insecure because of it.”

“Correcto!” You nodded.

There was silence for a moment.

“I mean...I guess it does explain his obsession with plants and distaste for those electro crystals…”

“It does!” You exclaimed.

Kunikuzushi picked up Bu from your lap and looked into his eyes.


“What are we going to do…?” He asked in a hush whisper.

You pondered for a moment and then…, an idea struck.

“Kuni you know how to sew right?”

“Yes but how will sewing help?”

“Okay so- hear me out..”

_____________One hour later…

“Bu~ we’re back!”


Huh…where did he go?

“Y/n I don’t see Bu anywhere-“ kuni called as he looked under the cushion.

“Calm down he’s probably in the house somewhere. You can’t expect him to sit in one place for an hour.” You replied while checking under the table.


“Bu! Where are you?”

“Come out little buddy we got a surprise for y- oh…Kuni I found him!” You saw the familiar blob nestled next to the same plant. The plant next to the window in the hall…

“Oh really? There you are!” Kunikuzushi stood next to you and saw his slime child snoozing away.

He chuckled.


Bu woke up. His “antenna” feeling funny. He didn’t know what the reason was. It was mid afternoon now with the sky bright blue and for some reason he wanted to go out…

He started off by deciding to “hug” daddy first before leaving. He hopped off the window and made his way to the living room where his family was playing “chess” or whatever they called it. He stopped next to where his daddy was sitting and nuzzled against his leg. Kuni looked down on him and made a “surprised” gasp.

“Y/n look! Bu grew into a dendro slime in his sleep!” He giggled. Bu was confused now.

“Oh my! That is the prettiest dendro slime I’ve ever seen~” you played along.

Bu just stared. Did he finally grow into a dendro slime…? You got him a mirror and-

Here Part 2

He was surprised at first, then began shaking with joy. He finally turned into a dendro slime!

You watched in amusement as he hopped around the round with loud squeaks and finally into Kuni’s arms where he got a nice hug.

“Who’s my little dendro slime? You are~” Kuni raised him high up and cooed at him.

“Congrats little buddy! Say, don’t you dendro slimes want to cuddle plants or something?” You raised a playful eyebrow at the slime while patting him. Plants…that seemed to hype him because he jumped out of Kuni’s arms, gave him and you a quick affectionate nuzzle and hopped his way to the garden.

“There, he’s back to normal now. Told ya you could trust your guardian buddy~” You grinned and elbowed him playfully.

“Nice sewing skills by the way. No way I could have made that flower petal acces-“ you paused.

Kunikuzushi was looking at you. Into your eyes. His eyes had pure admiration in them adorned by a small dreamy smile…

You chuckled and pat his head. “Come on dreamer boy, help me with drying the laundry.”

He snapped out of his admiration and replied with a sheepish smile. “Right!”

Here, part 4

@angryhope @hana-chie @twst-123 @depressed-bitchy-demon @milza12 @inlovewithwaffles @shizunxie @koi-chairowo @someone-with-wild-imagination @melodibells @franini @xiaosimper @kithewanderingme @tinykokomi @rinaxst @shizunxie @thetwinkims @mouchie @einnunnie @myahandhurts @arima26 @we-wo-we-wo @themistcherry @miss-tea-cza @etherisy @bigcandlesmolbrain @n8mareee @peachytears11 @esthelily @imyme20 @teal-clouds-sword @general-kuri @apyrose @campanula-rotundifolia @shoujishu @thebeanofdoom @mentallyunpresent @scaramouches-girlfriend @alicehasdrowned @genderfluid-insomniac @claymitch @night-shadowblood-writes2 @justakiro @valeriele3 @peter-the-pan @erosdevil @blockswon @missb00bs @a-single-pizza @that-boi-sus @gullantys @ekrii @astr4ray

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2 years ago

Part 3

“You know, y/n is a very special person in my life. They found me, raised me, patiently taught me so many things…”

Kuni stared at the blue sky above him as he relaxed more under the giant tree of Windrise.

“They taught me about ‘good’ and ‘bad’, how to take care of myself and others…” he gently pat Bu napping away on his lap.

“Taught me how to handle emotions, how to deal with grief, manage anger, to open up…”

He continued,

“Everything, everything but one.”


“They never taught me how to deal with this tingling feeling in my chest. It feels so strange…”


“It’s as if I feel small around them. Am I scared of them? If I am then why do I want to be around them so much? Why so I want them to…”


“To h-hold me and….-“


“W-WHAT??” He managed to yell despite the embarrassment, his face was so red it looked like sunburn. Unfortunately because of that, Bu woke up. Realising they were being noisy, they quieted down a little.

“Sorry Bu, I didn’t mean to scream. Go back to sleep, Kay?” And so he did. Bu snuggled closer to Kuni, letting out a quiet “sqee” before dozing off again.


“So Kuni…”


“What I think you are experiencing is…”



He was about to scream again but Venti shushed him in time, pointing at the blob on his lap. He nodded as Venti removed his hand and let him speak.

“You mean…love?”


“You sure it’s not some uh…something else? L-like something um..”


“So…it’s like those novels?”



“I um- *cough* uh…”

“Forget I asked”


A very awkward silence danced among them as none of them felt brave enough to break it. Still, Kunikuzushi wanted to know more, so with one sharp inhale,

“If I’m in love with Y/n, then what should I do? Considering you’re the love expert of Mondstadt, any advice?”

“Of course of course! But for my advice so fine, won’t you invite me to dine?” Venti elbowed his arm with a smirk.

“Haha sure, Y/n will be delighted by your visit.” Kunikuzushi replied with a smile.


“Thanks for visiting us Venti, but are you sure you don’t wanna stay over? It’s a little chilly tonight.” You stood by the door as Venti was about to leave. Yes Venti joined for supper but decided to leave earlier than usual.

“Ehe sweet Y/n, Don’t worry about me, I’ll be just fine! Take care everyone and thanks for the delicious meal!” Venti waved you, Kunikuzushi and your slime child goodbye as he began to turn around and leave. You couldn’t help but feel as if he winked at Kuni…did those two have something going on? Nah.

“Bye Venti, goodnight!”


“Tip 1: Compliment them”

You stood by the sink, doing the dishes. Kunikuzushi saw this as a perfect opportunity. He shared a look look at Bu, who gave him a nod of confirmation. Then, with a deep breath made his way towards you. Leaning on the counter beside you, he went,

“Hey has anyone ever told you that y-your eyes are p-pretty?” bruh he stuttered. Without taking your eyes off the sink, you went,

“Aw thanks”


Expectation: *flushed y/n*

Reality: often disappointing


“Tip 2: Leave them small gifts”

“Okay Bu, the first plan didn’t go as expected. Time to step things up a little.” Kunikuzushi said as he picked the most perfect Cecelia of his garden. Bu wasn’t paying attention though, he was busy playing with another plant in the backyard. Kunikuzushi approached him with the flower and crouched down to his level.

“Bu, my son, my child.”


“Can I trust you to deliver this flower?”


“I knew I could count on you :)” Kunikuzushi pat him with a bright smile. He then balanced the flower on his head, hoping it won’t fall off.

“Okay Bu, I want you to deliver this flower to Y/n. Please don’t drop it…”


And with that Bu entered the house.

Expectation: “Did Kuni give me this flower?” *flushed y/n*

Reality: Kunikuzushi entered the house after a while, expecting to see a lovestruck y/n. His dreams were brutally shattered as he saw you hugging Bu and giggling while kissing the top of his “head”.

“Aww Bu did you get this for me? You’re so sweet!”

@angryhope @hana-chie @twst-123 @depressed-bitchy-demon @milza12 @inlovewithwaffles @shizunxie @koi-chairowo @someone-with-wild-imagination @melodibells @franini @xiaosimper @kithewanderingme @tinykokomi @rinaxst @shizunxie @thetwinkims @mouchie @einnunnie @myahandhurts @arima26 @we-wo-we-wo @themistcherry @miss-tea-cza @etherisy @bigcandlesmolbrain @n8mareee @peachytears11 @esthelily @imyme20 @teal-clouds-sword @general-kuri @apyrose @campanula-rotundifolia @shoujishu @thebeanofdoom @mentallyunpresent @scaramouches-girlfriend @alicehasdrowned @genderfluid-insomniac @claymitch @night-shadowblood-writes2 @justakiro @valeriele3 @peter-the-pan @erosdevil @blockswon @missb00bs @a-single-pizza @that-boi-sus @gullantys @ekrii @astr4ray @angelkazusstuff @multifandomvoyage @hikaru-exe @forgotten-blues @perpetually-simping @coquettemaiden @kisuneasahi @kunisbeloved @nebulaera

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1 year ago

This one. I can't wait for part two !<3

You're amazing btw



his crush on you is way too inconvenient (part one)


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2 years ago

i’ve had an obsession with xiao recently

i would imagine that asking him out is difficult, yeh? he’s got a whole lot of that “karmic debt,” so I would imagine that there’s a lot holding him back (and maybe even more).

but what happens when he learns to let go and love the reader just as much as they love him?

𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼


with Gn!Reader

this kinda turned out to be and short sad fic with a fluffy ending ( ˊᵕˋ )

Ive Had An Obsession With Xiao Recently

When Xiao first met you he brushed you off and treated you like every other mortal that he’s encountered. It wasn’t until you kept coming back to talk to him, sometimes with almond tofu, that he noticed you were different from others

At first he kept trying to ignore you, hoping you would just go away like all the other mortals did. But that proved to be useless after your 12th visit. He eventually started to respond to your silly little rambles and stories, and over time he looked forward to your almost daily visits to the Wangshu inn

It wasn’t until you confessed that you grew feelings for him that he started to overthink about his feelings for you and how they would affect your safety.

He can’t have feelings for you! He’s a dangerous Yaksha and you’re a delicate mortal that could perish at any moment! What if his karmic debt rubbed off on you? What if he was putting you in danger by simply being around you! He couldn’t stand the thought of losing you… After a long night of thinking, he decided it was best for the both of you that he stopped all communication with you.

It started off with him cutting your almost daily visits into weekly visits by avoiding you, which eventually turned into monthly visits until he was avoiding you all together.

When you realized that he was avoiding you on purpose you were heart broken. Was it because you confessed? Did he not feel the same? Thoughts started to fill your head

“Of course he didn’t feel the same! Why would he love someone like you?”

It had been 1 week since completely he stopped talking to you Xiao was reminiscing on past memories of you. How you would smile when he shared his almond tofu with you, or how you would tilt your head a little to the side when you didn’t understand his sarcastic remarks, and how you would get a sparkle in your eyes when he invited you to clear out hilichurl camps with him.

He felt an ache in his heart when he would think of you. He knew he missed you but he couldn’t risk putting you in danger. It wasn’t until he couldn’t control the sadness in his heart that he decided to check up on you.

So he teleported outside your house “It’s just one visit.” Xiao said to himself. He walked up to your front door with his heart racing and eager to see you again

Just as xiao was about to knock on your door, you opened it A look of surprise was on your face as you looked at Xiao. You didn’t expect him to be standing outside your house.

Xiao also had a surprised look on his face, but not for the same reason. Xiao felt a wave of guilt hit him as he saw your tired puffy red eyes, and cheeks wet with tears. It was clear that him avoiding you had done more bad than good. He felt horrible

"Xiao? What are you doing-”

before you could finish your sentence Xiao (much to your surprise) pulled you into a hug.

“I-I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to make you cry, i just wanted you to be safe, away from me”

You pulled away from the hug.

“ that why you were avoiding me?”

He nodded

“I just…I know how delicate mortals are and i didn’t want my karmic debt affect you”

you grab his hands and hold them tight

"Xiao..I don’t care about your karmic debt, I love you, I’m willing to endure your karmic debt if it means i can be with you”

Xiao blushed, he’s never felt so loved and cared for before, he was head over heels in love with you. He pulled you into another hug before he kissed your forehead.

Maybe it’s time for him to admit defeat and let you stay by his side.

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2 years ago

Genshin era lmao

has anyone ever questioned Sucrose and Razors relationship? it hasn't left my mind how Sucrose refused to let Razor see her during Of Ballads and Brews

then again this could just be me being a new player and I'm not familiar with lore but still

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8 months ago

ᯓ✿ say you love me

ˋ°•*⁀➷ anemo boys falling for you (alt angst version here)

ˋ°•*⁀➷ venti, xiao, kaedehara kazuha, shikanoin heizou, wanderer x gn! reader

₊˚ character story spoilers, this is more or less just an excuse to write the silly little scenarios in my head involving these boys, some more angsty than others but it’s like 90% fluff

 Say You Love Me
 Say You Love Me

it’s not as if venti were completely oblivious to his own emotions, he understands what’s going on when he notices his heart fluttering when you’re around. when you smiled at him, it was as if his heart were beating right out of his chest. his music so clearly and beautifully graced the air, drowning out his own whispered confession of love. if he were to say it loud enough for you ears to pick up, how would you look back at him? as if fate itself were turning its head and laughing at him for falling so helplessly in love with someone he only considered a friend until recently.

to all but the archon himself, such melancholy tunes played on his lyre while sitting on the hands of a statue made in his likeness were simply meaningless and carried little to no weight whatsoever. the sky was clear, allowing him to gaze ever so wistfully at the constellations in the night sky as he thinks of you. maybe he’d find yours, reaching up and tracing the connections of the brightly shining stars with his finger. he knows he’s nothing more than a god fallen from grace, and not even you knew of the gnosis that had been taken from him. venti’s heart ached at the idea that he may never be able to scream out his love for you due to his own doubts.

yet right now, in the dead of night, he could sing of the love residing deep within his ever-beating heart. with a final song to confess to the night sky, he sings and plays so softly that it’s difficult to hear. even with that, his voice is so soothing and comforting as he sings out the love that had plagued him for a long time now. as he finished his song, he noticed the smallest amount of tears dripping from his face as he finally let out the pent-up emotions. even if he presumed you were far away, he hopelessly hoped that his voice would reach you. your beautiful smile and laugh were etched in the archon’s heart, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

 Say You Love Me

if xiao met the same fate as those he once held dear, he hoped he could at least let out his love for you. it brings him peace that he can protect you as the last yaksha of liyue. he often finds himself separate from society for their own sake, his karmic debt often drawing closer the demons he swore to kill. yet, you stayed close to him despite the immediate danger you often faced. sometimes, he would find the tears pricking at his golden eyes as he reminisces the life he wished he could have lived with you. it would have been a peaceful life full of happiness and love beyond compare, surrounded by his fellow yaksha.

even with that, the light of your smile never passed him by. silently watching over you from afar during the lantern rite, he was torn. xiao wanted nothing more than to join you in the crowd, but what if you got separated from him? would he have the courage to hold your hand? those doubts landed him sitting atop a building and watching from a distance, silently hoping you’d turn around and notice his affectionate observations. as hundreds of lanterns gently floated into the air, he found himself once again fighting the urge to join you in the crowd. it would only be a matter of time before the fireworks begun, maybe then he’d have the opportunity to stand beside you and welcome in a new year.

in the bitter cold of the night air as the first of the fireworks exploded into the inky dark sky, you saw him next to you. xiao smiled gently, not saying a word as the landscape was illuminated with the bright and lively colors of the fireworks. his hand in yours, welcoming a new year together with a kiss. the one thing that couldn’t be heard beneath the explosions of color that could outshine the brightest star was his voice, saying three words he never thought he’d say again. “i love you”

 Say You Love Me

he had fallen for you without a care in the world, allowing it to grow as the days go by for no reason besides the idea that he has nothing to lose by falling for you. kazuha’s heart felt as if it were bursting with love and passion whenever he looked at you. it was a whirlwind type of romance, one in which both parties involved were constantly sharing knowing glances and giggles, overly affectionate with a passion that will surely burn itself out if given enough time.

but it didn’t. he never once doubted his love for you, in fact he was quite open about it. it was bound to make others jealous, the way he was constantly sending letters with gifts when he was away on various travels. whenever kazuha was away from you, he found himself missing you exponentially more as the days went by. oftentimes, he only wanted to return to the place he belonged, in your arms. he doesn’t really enjoy being all alone, so he’d take your hand and hold it ever so tightly. you’ve always been what guides him and gives him peace of mind. your smile was like a guiding star in the darkest of nights, always there to light the way despite the circumstances.

kazuha never truly “confessed”. his actions alone indicated his love for you, and he one day just began saying he loved you. it came so naturally to him that he could never overthink it, like a second nature. those three words flowed so naturally out of his mouth with that beautiful and soft voice of his, it just felt right. what began as simply a lighthearted summer romance had quickly grown into a love that would stand the rest of time, despite any struggles the two of you may face. if nothing else, you’d face it together.

 Say You Love Me

heizou is a naturally flirty person, using that to his advantage to conceal his true feelings for you. being a detective, he was naturally able to read people, yet he could never truly understand what was going on behind those eyes of yours. really, it was such a nuisance to hold these feelings in. alas, it was a hinderance to his work. sometimes he wondered if you could hear his heart beating out of his chest whenever you were around, surely it wouldn’t take much to realize what’s going on here. he’d need for you to simply let him in and he’d be the happiest man in teyvat.

it really doesn’t take a detective to figure out he loved you, it was quite obvious really. how many words at minimum would it take for you to notice his love? even with heizou attempting to hide the feelings in his heart, the summer days spent with you made his feelings soar. sitting on the beach and watching the sunset together, he really couldn’t be happier. he knew he was helplessly in love with you, warmth creeping onto his face every time you smiled or laughed because of him.

so here he was, singing and dancing in the warm sand with you under the sun’s fading light. the crashing of the waves on the shore drowned out your voices, but he hadn’t a care in the world. with his hands in yours, your laugh as the both of you fell into the cool water, he couldn’t be happier. even if both your clothes were now wet, you didn’t care even one bit as his lips met yours.

 Say You Love Me

ever since the day he met you, he feigned indifference and rudeness to hide his feelings for you. he was a perfect example of using his naturally intimidating demeanor to hide the love he held for you. a puppet made without a heart, you had given him all the more reason to continue living. the nameless wanderer was so into you that he couldn’t help but smile to himself after any interaction with you. of course, he wouldn’t be caught dead smiling over you. just like magic, he was immediately done in by you without your knowledge.

he wanted to hate you as much as he pretended he did, that much was true. even after he warmed up to your presence, he wanted to stop acting like his true self around you. he wished he could just shut you out again, yet he couldn’t stop wondering if you felt the same. he assumed you did, based solely off of your words and actions without even the slightest verbal proof. with every single touch of his puppet body, his heart beat out of his artificial chest. maybe he had known you in his past life, maybe his heart broke knowing you wouldn’t remember him.

yet, you seemed to love him in every iteration of his life. he knew it all along, he said as he held your hands and forced himself to confess. the more he tried to fill the metaphorical gap between you, the more he unintentionally forced himself away. sure, he’d admit that he was greedy for your love. it wasn’t that bad to be in love, was it? under a beautiful tree surrounded by colorful flowers, he had his first kiss. hundreds of years living, but you were the only one he ever seemed to want to be around. angry looks and scoffs had been replaced with smiles despite all odds.

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8 months ago

I’m having severe Lynette brainrot, do you have any headcanons/thoughts?

ᯓ✿ marvelous

ˋ°•*⁀➷ head full,, many thoughts,, i would totally do a genshin matchup for u

ˋ°•*⁀➷ lynette x gn! reader (headcanons)

₊˚ established relationship, story spoilers, food mentions, non-sexual bathing together

Im Having Severe Lynette Brainrot, Do You Have Any Headcanons/thoughts?
Im Having Severe Lynette Brainrot, Do You Have Any Headcanons/thoughts?

she’s just the sweetest girlfriend ever! despite her quiet and stoic nature, she’s more of a dominant type domestically

she’s the kind of person to make tea or coffee for you when you get home after a long day, snuggling into your side or allowing you to lay your head on her lap while she listens to you talk

alternately, if you’re more of a quiet type, then the both of you can sit comfortably in silence and just rest together

on late nights when you just can’t sleep, your amazing cat girlfriend will run a hot bath for you and gently scrub your hair until you get sleepy

she really just loves you for you, no matter your body type or gender! if you don’t love yourself, then she’ll just love you twice as much!

lynette has memorized your favorite foods, drinks, etc just for the sake of making you smile!

her long hair is silky soft, the same with the cat ears on her head that twitch every time she kisses you

she canonically rescues cats and has many of them, and she might as well marry you on the spot if you get along with her cats as well as she does!

and her siblings too i guess

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8 months ago

ᯓ✿ never wait for the morning

ˋ°•*⁀➷ kaveh and reader just pining while embarking on a vacation

ˋ°•*⁀➷ modern au! kaveh x gn! reader

°˖➴ listening to: middle of the night - monsta x

₊˚ pure fluff, food mentions, american airports, also written while jetlagged as all hell

 Never Wait For The Morning
 Never Wait For The Morning

late nights spent at airports waiting to board an absurdly early morning flight can sometimes lead to some of the cutest things. leaning on the retractable handle of his carryon suitcase, kaveh pouted slightly at the lack of open shops at this hour. it wouldn’t matter much anyway, soon you’d be getting on a long flight to your destination, hopefully having ample time to rest and fall asleep within minutes.

not even the sun had woken up yet as the plane finally began boarding. a small tug at your hand caused you to turn around, seeing the architect’s somewhat nervous eyes as he followed behind you to a comfortable row of seats. luckily, no one else had sat in that row. this gave you quite a bit more space to sleep. you really didn’t know how you ended up wrapped in a blanket with him, head on his shoulder, but it was quite comfortable and you were simply too tired to care. sharing a pair of earbuds to listen to soft music that helped with flight anxiety and calming down, you smiled to yourself at just how cute he looked when he was asleep.

the sun had risen by the time you arrived at your layover in a small airport. without much to do, he began pushing you around on his suitcase while buying a small breakfast for the both of you to munch on while waiting at your next gate. something about your adorable giggle while kaveh pulled you about on top of his suitcase just made his heart flutter. even more so when you leaned on him in your sleep on the previous flight, he just pretended to be asleep and tried his best to ignore the blush creeping onto his face.

you arrived, albeit very exhausted and jetlagged, at your final destination within a few more hours of flying. both you and him wasted no time in collapsing onto your hotel beds, thinking about how damn adorable the other was when they were just doing the simplest things.

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late night talks with modern au!Xiao 😼

 (not proofread we die like real men,, stream mitski on spotify 😋😋)

he’d be sleeping over at your house and it’d be in the middle of the night with school the next day;

he’d be half spooning you with one arm under your head and the other around your waist, legs entangled under the thin sheets. There would be moonlight Seeping In the room from the window while you talked in hushed tones, going back and forth about the littlest things, he’d pull you closer and your eyes would meet, and your breath would hitch,

he looks so ethereal, since when did his eyes look so, pretty? They seem to be glowing in this light, Its amber hue bright against the golden undertones and specks of red and orange. He’s so,, pretty.

”what’s on your mind?” Xiao mutters, as he takes his hand to cup your cheek stroking under your eyes with his thumb.

”Your just really pretty” you whisper, as his ears flush

he’d pinch your cheek in a timid manner,

“d-don’t say things like that” he’d respond as you let out a chuckle as a smirk forms on your face,

“oh, but it’s the truth?” you continue, watching as his face grows increasingly red

”honestly it really surprised me when I found out I was your first s/o— I know a bunch of people who have the hots for you y’know” you say as you get ready to fluster your boyfriend even more,

but before your teasing could escalate any further he cuts you off, with a kiss.

you barely have time to process before he lets go of your lips with a soft but audible pop.

”shut it, won’t you” he grumbles, already used to your teasing, surprised when you grab his cheek and pull him into another kiss, 

it really doesn’t help that your lips lock with each other so perfectly. one kiss turns into two, then three, then four, 

kiss after kiss after kiss, finally pulling away, his forehead resting on yours, wait, when do you two sit up? weren’t you two laying down just now? seems the Fatigue is getting to you, your barely aware of your surroundings.

he smiles just a little, before pulling you in once more,  this time its much slower, more sensual than the others. 

‘’I could never bring myself to love them, not when I could love you instead.’‘ 

‘‘I only have eyes for you,’‘ he shrugs with a smug look on his face, now whos the embarrassed one?

you roll your eyes as he starts laughing.

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1 year ago

little star — diluc 。

synopsis!! everyone knows the creator doesn't favor diluc (everyone is wrong).

cw !! gn reader, reader is peak diluc simp 😐 somewhat self-aware characters, mild sagau themes (not too much), reader is recognized as the player, reader is a little shy at first. angst with reverse comfort!

note !! the plot feels a little everywhere but i tried to organize it as best as i can, i think i got carried away eheh honestly doesn't feel up to my standards but it was pretty enjoyable to write

word count !! 2.8k something

"No, it's definitely Outrider Amber, she was the first to ever be favored."

"Are you kidding me? Outrider Amber may be the first, but sir Kaeya was definitely loved. Have you seen the sword he was gifted with?" One growls.

"It's the Acting Grand Master Jean!" Someone slams the table with his beer mug, "Twice was she bestowed with fallen stars of gold."

"I'd say that wolf boy in the woods seem lucky."

"It has to be Bennett. I don't know why but that kid has two crowns! Two!"

"You're all missing out on Miss Lisa!"

"Stop, stop! You rowdy drunks! Every vision holder in Mond has been granted favor, this is just impossible to decide!"

There was a pause. "Well. . . not every." Someone mumbles under their breath.

"Not every? Who's the poor allogene that couldn't even get the Player's favo—" Shushing sounds break his sentence, the men glare at their companion, pointing to the redhead behind the bar.

It's useless, really.

Diluc has been listening in the entire time. He can't really help it when their voices were loud enough to reach where he stood. Still, he was merciful and pretended not to hear. He's not exactly bothered by what they're saying. It was the truth, after all.

For two years, vision holders all around Teyvat were being granted favor.

It often begins with a meteor shower gracing the sky.

A star gently falling into the hands of a vision holder, embracing them in warm light.

They call the ethereal sensation as something akin to "coming home".

The favored would then be given different things; quality weapons, enhanced abilities, beautiful crowns— Some allogenes were even gifted summer apparel (Mondstadt is proud that their Gunnhildr sisters were one of the very first). Even their equipped wings would change into ornamented works of art!

It's been two years, and it seems like every allogene he knows of has received the Player's grace.

He supposed he just wasn't favored. It isn't too difficult to believe that he isn't likable.

He convinces himself it's fine.

It's fine if his summoned weapon is a cheap claymore made of scrap metal. It's still efficient to have the extra blade while he manually carries around another claymore (commissioned from Wagner as the best money could buy). Or that his abilities can only be improved through hardwork, unlike the many who broke the limits of their power through your favor.

It's fine.

As the bar goers leave for the night, as Venti and Kaeya wave around their almost divine-looking five-star weapons to show the crowd, and as he's closing up the tavern and retreating to his upstair quarters for comfort, he convinces himself that the he'll be okay on his own.

The arrival of the Creator was festive and grand; The day the sky parted itself and glowed as the brightest of all stars fell with grace into Mondstadt's very own Windrise.

Teyvat rejoices in the ecstatic ideal of being loved.

A meeting of vision holders was quickly held in the Cathedral, discussing immediate plans as some of the most favored (Venti, Jean, Kaeya, Albedo to name a few) went ahead to fetch the Creator from the large tree.

While Diluc was often the center of any other meeting due to his authority and influence, this was something he chose to step back from. Standing by the windows, away from the meeting, he watched on as Eula and the rest conversed around the circular table.

He isn't even sure why he's invited. Perhaps they felt it was obligatory for vision holders, regardless of favorability? Then again, he could always offer a fraction of his mountain-loads of wealth to help with the festivities.

At least he's competent at being a wallet.

As the others pull out their crowns and stars, weapons and artifacts, eager to thank the one responsible for the gifts, an unknown emotion bubbles in his stomach. It's faint, but it's there.

He tries to look away.

"Everyone, everyone! They're entering the gates!" Fischl announces uncharacteristically to the room as her eye glows brightly, undoubtedly looking through Oz's eyes from the sky.

"We should wait by the statue to welcome them, right?" Barbara chirps in, hands clasped and wavy hair bouncing with every step.

Diluc watches as people steadily leave the room, following last as they walk down the steps to greet the approaching group. Some civilians gathered to see the scene, others didn't really understand what a Player or Creator was to a vision holder, while Diluc—

Diluc stood by the steps to see them crowd around you.

You, surrounded with words of gratitude and cheerful squeals. He sees the smile on your face and feels relief that you don't seem too overwhelmed.

He leaves the area without a second thought.

He doesn't exactly see you around the next few days. With Mondstadt celebrating a new festival, the taverns were always full and busy with customers (both local and foreign). You were probably busy too, spending time with the different allogenes and entertaining those who came from Liyue to meet you. He's heard of a funeral consultant with three crowns (are consultants that admirable of a job to you?) and an adeptus gifted with various five-star polearms (this was understandable for the adepti, unlike the consultant).

He doesn't expect to see you at all until you leave for the next nation, honestly.

That is, until the tavern settles into a more peaceful atmosphere and Jean rushes in with several other allogenes. It's unusual to see his childhood friend in the tavern; still, he greets her amicably and asks what brings her here.

"(Name) will be coming here soon with Kaeya and a few others. It's a little impromptu, but we were hoping for a place to settle in with drinks. Perhaps try some apple cider." She smiles, taking a seat by the bar.

(Name)? Jean was already on a first name basis with the Creator?

Diluc thinks perhaps Jean truly is the favorite, she does have a few golden stars in her home.

Somehow, it's not surprising at all to know that his apple cider was famous enough to drag you in. At least there's something about the Dawn Winery in your favor. He promptly gets his employees to work, clearing a few tables near the bar, rearranging the furniture to give space good enough for a group.

Your entrance into the bar was just as lively; with your favored allogenes chatting away with you, everyone falling into place at different parts of the tavern, ordering drinks and meals.

He's glad you enjoy apple cider.

You're trying to play it cool, really. Trying your best not to get overexcited and glomp everyone and everything.

You're taking things step by step as you converse with Jean, Lisa, and Albedo; as you share meals with Barbara and Sucrose; as you play with Klee and Diona; tour the city with Fischl and Bennett. There's plenty of time to meet everyone and your schedule has been filled to the brim with all the fun your having.

You'll see that glimpse of red hair again— one that was lingering by the Cathedral staircase. Diluc doesn't like crowds, so it's fine that he isn't approaching you. It's also fine that he hasn't visited at least once, unlike the several raging from Liyue to Sumeru who took the journey to meet you early.

Diluc is too busy a person to meet you; whether it's because of the winery or his darknight hero duties, you wouldn't dare take his time.

— but when are you supposed to give him all the gifts you've brought for him???

Your determination to build him up in one go, from Talent levels to Constellations to Artifacts and Weaponry, all came down to this moment — and the man was simply nowhere to be seen!

An unknowingly loud sigh escapes your lips, catching the attention of the Cavalry Captain next to you.

"Now, what's got our (Name) so down in the dumps?" Kaeya hums, glancing at your face as you stutter a response.

"Aah it's not that, it's just. . ."

Your brother is too busy, I just want to meet him!!

"I'm thirsty." You deflect, looking around for a stall. The streets of Mond were nothing like the minimized version you see in the game; with the city being ten times larger than what you remembered it to be.

"Oh! Oh! Klee suggests apple cider!" The little girl giggles, running around your legs in excitement, "Angel's Share is nearby and big brother Albedo alwaaays takes me there for apple cider!"

Angel's Share. Bartender. A great idea has appeared!

At the excited look on your face, Jean walks up ahead of you.

"Why don't I go and inform the tavern to prepare us a space first, it would save us the waiting time."

"That would be great, Jean!"

You hope you aren't being too obvious.

With the way your eyes would linger on him, casting side glances and hoping he would greet you to strike up a conversation, the way most allogenes do. You didn't want to abruptly disturb his work, nor do you want seem desperate, so you waited for his initiative.

Yet, Diluc lingers just a little outside your group's circle. Your food and drinks were refilled by Charles, you've talked with nearly everyone but the person you want to talk to.

"It's getting pretty late, we should head home for the night." Someone suggests.



"Hm? Do you still have something in mind?" Kaeya asks. You realized you said it out loud, catching the attention of nearby patrons.

With a frantic glance around the tavern, your eyes make contact with Diluc's. He pauses as well, wondering what caused your little outburst.

You are definitely not leaving, not when you don't know when you could catch Diluc in his free time again! You'd be leaving for Liyue by then!

Hands slamming the table to stand up and with a small burst of courage, you approach the bartender who turns away from Charles. He raises an eyebrow at your approach. It's odd the way you feel flustered and nervous, finally facing him.

Pausing just in front of him, he looks on curiously.

"Would you like a refill?" He asks.

"A-ah no, I mean, yes but that's not why I'm here. I. . ." You stutter, stumbling over your words as you try not to behave awkwardly. Should you start with a casual topic?

"You seem to be quite busy." You say.

Diluc blinks. He isn't sure what you're implying. Neither is Kaeya or Jean, who stopped to look at the exchange of words.

"I suppose. . . but as a winery, we do thrive in impromptu festivities." He replies curtly before realizing, was it rude that he never visited the Creator?

"Ah, is it my lack of visit? I apologize, I would have visited but it seems that you were quite satisfied with your favorites and-"

"No, no, no," You wave your hand, cutting him off, "I understand you're busy. You don't have to visit at all! How could I take your time— wait," You pause, recalling his words.

"Favorites?" You tilt your head, "What do you mean I seemed satisfied with my favorites? What do you mean by favorites?"

"Your favorites... allogenes who received your favor. Those you have granted gifts."

Your jaw laxes. Favorites? They decided you play favorites based on how much you've built them?

"You think. . ." You say carefully, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, "That I offer gifts to my favorites?"

Diluc nods slowly, unsure of your questioning.

Although it would be a lie to say you didn't have your personal favorites, it would still be inaccurate that it's based on gifts. After all, you built everyone who came home by chance. As an avid player, you did your best to farm and push everyone to their full potential.

Diluc, however, never came home no matter how much you wanted him to. It can't be possible that he doesn't know how much he is loved, right?

"Then what about you?" You blurt out, "How do you think I view you?"

He stares at you oddly. At this point, many around you had stopped to tune in. Everyone knew Master Diluc never received your favor, so why are you conversing with him?

Meanwhile, Diluc wonders if you want him to admit it. Must he say it in front of everyone how he never received gifts?

"I suppose. . . I'm not one of them. It's quite understandable. I don't intend to question your judgement—"

"What?" You exclaim, a look of shock crosses your face, "You think I don't like you?" Voice raised in disbelief, you feel the eyes of many turning to watch the scene.

Diluc mirrors your confusion.

"I can't believe you would– no, that isn't it at all!" You stutter over your words, a frantic need to prove him wrong goes through you, "You— you of all people!"

"Me?" He repeats.

"I've always wanted you!"

A silence settles over the tavern. Did you have to put it so bluntly? You freeze in shock at your own words. Diluc's expression of disbelief turns flustered, face turning as red as his hair.

Explain yourself.

"I- I mean, I've always wanted you to come home. Ever since the start, really! It's just that you never did-"

"Hmm... so it implies that it's out of your control, correct?" Kaeya piqued, looking on curiously. He's been listening in the entire time. You nod your head.

"Yes! It's a game of chance for me as well. It's not to say that favor is an accident, I truly wanted everyone to come home! It's just that—" You turn to Diluc, "You never did, no matter how much I wanted you to. How was I supposed to give you your gifts?"

Diluc snaps out of his shock, blinking at you, "Gifts?"

"Yes, gifts! I've been saving them up for you, ever since the start." You pause, shyly looking away, "When I said I wanted you since the beginning I meant it. I came here for you, after all."

He looks at you in disbelief, and probably half the tavern as well. You can't help the small chuckle from your lips. With an outstretched hand, something materializes between you. It glows a blinding golden light, before settling to reveal–

"Wolf's Gravestone. It's a weapon for you."

You didn't have to say it— anyone with eyes could see how it was practically made for Diluc. With large handles and a color scheme that matches his own, Wolf's gravestone doesn't look as divine or ethereal as the other weapons you've gifted, but it looked just as powerful, if not menacing.

With a gesture, Diluc grips the handle.

"Fits like a glove." Kaeya whistles, impressed. As does the rest of the tavern who stopped to stare.

Suddenly, flames burst forth from the weapon. It sears and glows red. Unlike the common claymore that can't handle the the prowess of Diluc's flames, Wolf's Gravestone embraces it. Like an extension of his own hand.

He breaks his gaze away from the weapon to look at you.

"Thank you. . ." He mutters softly, but it's genuine. You smile.

"That's not the last of it, you know."


With another flick of your hand, artifacts and talent books materialize. They flow around him like a dance as more and more begin to appear, lighting up the tavern like the night sky.

"I told you I brought gifts!"

All the days spent farming for him and other pyro characters finally paid off. The glimmering artifacts reflected in his own red eyes as he stares, entranced.

Favor did not come to him in meteor showers like it did to the other allogenes; rather, it came to him in your form. Proof of him being loved. The spectacle continued— after the artifacts and talent levels were the constellation (the crowd ooh'ed and aah'ed at the sight), then came the five star apparel (a nostalgic sight to him, and it changed his flames to a darker red), and the ascension materials you passed off as trinkets.

By the end of it, he had a hand over his lower face, his red bangs hid just the ends of his eyes. "I just thought I wasn't that favorable. . ." He muttered and you leaned in to peek at his covered face, wondering why he was shying away.

But it was evident to the tavern— the pink dusted ears, the flushed cheeks, and the overwhelming emotion in his eyes. Diluc Ragnvindr was flustered, and it's a sight enough to make even the drunks place down their beers for a closer look.

You bit your lip, trying to prevent the widest of smiles, "Do you believe yourself loved now?" You ask and he gives the faintest of nods.

"Thank you," He says, "For favoring me."

m.list 2 || consider supporting me on ko-fi ! || sagau m.list

note !! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE a very short brainrot that became a fic huhuhuhu

I don't often write creator sagau themes but here we are! this is like peak diluc simpery idk ive never been this down for a man. i wrote this immediately after getting his skin i just got so excited 😅 I wanted to spoil him so bad (but i gave all his mats to thoma before he came home :< )

taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @shizunxie

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5 months ago
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

home (i think i’m better off alone)

Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

being the youngest ragnvindr was like a dream come true growing up. a loving father and two doting older brothers, you couldn’t ask for anything more. well, it was a dream come true until diluc’s 18th birthday, the day crepus died. it was as if your family crumbled down around you in an instant; no time to even attempt to salvage what was left. with diluc leaving mondstadt and kaeya furthering his own life away from the place you all once called home, they left you to pick up the pieces. alone.

now playing. . . home by three days grace

status. — ★ on going (10.14.24 - TBD)

content. — ★ male!reader, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, major slow burn, reconciliation, suggestive and nsfw scenes, side ships, eventual happy ending.

warnings. — ★ death, mild depictions of panic attacks, blood, physical confrontations, depictions of trauma and ptsd, self loathing, attachment/abandonment issues, poor coping skills, implied alcohol abuse

disclaimers. — ★ major genshin spoilers, especially kaeya’s lore! each act will have 5-10 chapters, every chapter will have individual warnings stated, any chapter including nsfw content will be in red, there will be romantic esc relationships with other characters, but endgame is aether.

update schedule. — ★ sporadic

note. — ★ posting this now to get a general idea on how many people actually want this (still working on the first chapter), but i will still write it regardless ^~^

tag list. — ★ open (4/50); contact me through messages, asks, etc non-anonymously to be added.

m.masterlist genshin. masterlist wattpad ver

Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)


i. rainy night ii. daydream iii. fire and ice iv. foolish v. my salvation









Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

© sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

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5 months ago
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

home (i think i’m better off alone) —

act i, chapter i “ rainy night ”

chapter sypnosis. — ★ you’re reminded once again why you love your father so much when he silently comforts you during a nightmare, even if it’s the middle of the night

content warnings. — ★ mentions of nightmares, fear of rain, subtle hurt/comfort, age: 9

word count. — ★ 306

tag list. — ★ @cb97s-laptop @i-am-tiredd @solarrexplosion

an. — ★ welcome to the first chapter!! i know it’s extremely short but this is more so to establish the relationship with crepus, the next chapter will definitely be longer!!

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Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

you’ve always hated the rain. no matter if it’s a light drizzle, the moment you feel the water droplets wet your hair you feel your heart start to race, chest tightening as your anxiety rises.

it was even worse when it started to rain while you slept, your fear of rain seeping into your dreams.

your once peaceful thoughts slowly turned dark, just as the sky darkened, making you toss and turn in your sleep, a small frown adorning your face.

it was almost as if crepus, your father, could tell what was happening behind your closed bedroom door.

he leaned his ear against it, breath steady as he listened for any signs of distress from you. once he heard you let out a small yelp, one he wouldn’t have heard if he hadn’t been listening intently, he didn’t waste time in opening the door and rushing to your side.

he kneeled down at your head, petting it as he hummed softly, something he always did when you were having a nightmare. only the sound of his humming and his light touch soothed your panic; your breath evening out as your dream became pleasant once again.

he kissed your forehead gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “sleep well, little one.” he said, slowly standing up and walking back to the door, taking one last glance at you before leaving; shutting the door gently as he did.

the only evidence that he was there the previous night was a small piece of chocolate sitting on your nightstand that he only gave to you and your brothers when you were feeling bad, whether emotionally or physically.

as you carefully picked the chocolate up and softly held it in the palm of your hand, all you felt was happiness. happiness that only your father could give.

Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)
Home (i Think Im Better Off Alone)

© sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

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1 year ago


furina/focalors x reader

fluff, gender neutral reader !! (lowercase intended)

a/n: omgomg !!! first post, any tips are appreciated !! i absolutely fell in love with furina when i first saw her <33 shes so pretty auauagaha !! requests are open, i should probably set up my account more but like grrr i wanna write for my sillies already 😒😒 ALSOALSO sorry the picture is so UGLY i dont know how 2 make it all framed n pretty but i TRULY do not care enough to learn rn 💔💔 i’ll probably fix it later i dunno


you softly knock on the doors to FURINA’s office, and a faint “enter.” is heard from the other side of the door. you hear her sigh, but as you open the doors and walk in you see her dull eyes light up at the sight of you.

“oh, dear! i didn’t know it was you, i’ve told you that you needn’t knock to enter my office!” she exclaims as she rushes over to you, engulfing you in a hug. you can visibly see a newfound glow in her eyes, and the excitement in her voice unlike the tone you had heard a few seconds prior.

she leads you to her desk, pulling up a chair next to hers and having you sit in it. she starts talking about the latest trial, but your mind is elsewhere.

the way she changed- it was so sweet. had you been anyone else, you’d see the bored and disappointed look in her eyes that emanated disintrest. her voice would be drawn out and whiny, although from what you hear right now you could argue she sounds just as snappy.

but you weren’t anyone else, you’re you. you’re the only one who gets to see her eyes light up and her voice full of love, you’re hers, and you didn’t need to hear her say that. it was obvious for anyone- from monsieur neuvillette to any citizens who’ve witnessed you two roaming the streets of fontaine together, she’s whipped.

if you pointed out these behaviors, she’d definitely fluster and deny the accusations. but she knows its true, you know its true. she was so happy to see you.

(extra !!)

“then, the oratrice- you will NOT believe this darling! the oratrice declared him guilty! it was history, its never disagreed with neuvillette !!.. wait.. are you listening to me?!”

your moment of reflection on how you APPRECIATE and LOVE your adoring girlfriend- was thrown out the window. your fault, honestly, you should’ve been listening to her !!

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1 year ago

I need Crunchyroll or Netflix or some streaming channel to do a Genshin Impact shorts show. I don’t mean tell the whole story, no I mean extra little fluff episodes where we see chaos and fluff and a hint of angst and comfort. Where characters who don’t really interact in the game interact in the show. Where we can see Kaveh and Alhaitham being “roommates” and Tighnari and Cyno raising Collei. Where we see Kaeya and Diluc being absolute menaces and annoying Adelinde with their brotherly bickering (and maybe reconciling). Where Neuvillette and his little otter babies go swimming. Where Wriothesley has a boxing tournament. Where Traveler hangs out with all their friends in one area and there is a party/gathering. Where Zhongli and Neuvillette are having tea and gossiping about Childe and Wriothesley. Where we see the fun side of the characters. Where there’s a beach day, a swim day, a kitesurfing competition, a drinking competition.

Something like the Obey Me game had on Crunchyroll.

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2 years ago


𝗳𝘁. 𝘅𝗶𝗮𝗼




- xiao would feel SUPER shy

- poor boy isn’t used to any sort of pda/affection

- but i feel like the idea grows on him

stargazing with xiao, sitting atop the wangshu inn roof was almost magical. after a difficult day, this was a perfect moment. xiao can’t stop admiring you, you feel his gaze upon you. slowly, you intertwine your fingers with his. the warmth of his hand surprises you! a faint blush covers xiao face but he immediately reciprocates. you guys stayed like that for the next hour or so, relaxing in each other’s presence.

10/10 recommend

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2 years ago


Please be patient and gentle with me, I may take a while to deliver!

I may not always be taking requests, as I quickly get carried away/overwhelmed.

This means that while the ask box will always be open, this is for you to share your thoughts/brainrots, not to request! To make it easy for you, here are the request statuses:



JUST SMUT is as it sounds, may not be very long.

HEADCANONS OR SCENARIOS may vary in length and/or detail.



Food play // coprophilia (scat) // knismolagnia (tickling) // age regression.

I don't write Abyss Traveler or reader.

Can be sent as a brainrot but not a request:

Non-con // CNC // temperature/wax play // more than 3 participants (foursome+) // teacher/student // modern/school AUs

I don't write trans reader or characters but if you're comfortable, I could try to expand the overall idea.

(These are because I enjoy them in fics, but wouldn't feel confident writing them myself)

Depends on the context:

Incest/stepcest // threesome.

(These are fine as a brainrot)

Anonymous asks are welcome! But if you're sending a request (especially smut), it'd be easier to know what your blog is so I can message you if I have a question about your ask.


Specify what format you want! (just smut, headcanon or scenario)

Include reader's physical gender (F, M or Gn), as well as their role during the smut (top/bottom and sub/dom.) I always keeps your preference in mind, but might naturally keep it Gn.

If you want top!gn reader, let me know what you want the smut to include (in terms of actual penetration: real cock or a strap? Or just foreplay).

Let me know if there is anything you DON'T want to be included, especially for hard!dom reader or character (e.g. cock stepping, mommy/daddy, etc.)

2 characters is my limit for headcanons, 1 max for scenario. This may change. You are welcome to ask for more characters with the same prompt.



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2 years ago

Hi how are you? I’m new to tumblr so I hope this isn’t a problem anyway I was thinking if you could do hc or a scenarios with (any genshin character) or traveler separate tho where yn isn’t in best shape(chubby yn lol) so when traveling with them they are behind schedule and the journey doesn’t as planned. Yn might feel insecure or uncomfortable with traveling them next time but (who ever you decide to put) assures them that they are not a problem, and they shouldn’t be ashamed of themselves

haha i hope this is alright, and I wish this see’s in good times :D

Pls send help, I can't tell if this is fluff or angst. Both??

Hi How Are You? Im New To Tumblr So I Hope This Isnt A Problem Anyway I Was Thinking If You Could Do

Traveler reassures chubby!reader

Character: Traveler (not specified as Lumine OR Aether)

Reader: Gn, implied chubby

Genre: Fluff, angst // Cw: Slight/implied self doubt, tiny misunderstanding

Hi How Are You? Im New To Tumblr So I Hope This Isnt A Problem Anyway I Was Thinking If You Could Do

Tagging along with the Traveler wasn't quite how you'd expected it to be. From what you'd seen and heard, you thought that their commisions would most likely entail a few deliveries, getting some information from people, and maybe an escourt mission here or there. Not fighting all day and climbing mountains and cliffs.

Truthfully, you didn't think it'd be so bad! Even when things started to ramp up a bit, with a hilichurl ambush on the road, you'd been able to hold your own for a little while. But when that "one little ambush" turned to "seeking out every hilichurl camp in the nation"... Well. Safe to say, your stamina wasn't high enough to hold out for hours of fighting, especially when you hadn't been prepared for it in the first place.

So, when the Traveler insisted that they accompany you back home earlier than what was planned, (with at least 4 camps left to clear out) you couldn't help but feel as if you'd let them down. Even though they'd easily shut down your attempts at an apology, you still looked back on the day, thoughts telling you that they'd have been better off on their own.

You'd been so concentrated on your own thoughts, that you hadn't seen the bright smile and little wave that was thrown your way before the Traveler turned, leaving you at your door. Their promise of returning later in the week was muffled to your ears, and you only came to your senses to question what you'd heard a few seconds later, but left it at that, assuming it was just an average "goodbye".


Safe to say, when the Traveler showed up at your door a few days later, asking if you'd want to join them for another adventure, you certainly weren't expecting it.

Just like the Traveler and Paimon were equally surprised when you hesitated to answer, compared to how excited you'd been the first time they offered. They shared a look, questioning your different behaviour; but unlike Paimon, who was ready to accept your messily thrown together excuse, the Traveler could tell that you were hiding something. Shooing their flying companion away briefly, they looked at you with an expression softer than you'd seen before, carefully asking why you weren't feeling up to it.

Regardless of how you answer, the Traveler can still tell that now would be a good time for some reassurance.

"If the work was too much for you, you're perfectly welcome to sit on the sidelines! I'm sure Paimon would like some extra help being a cheerleader..." they laugh at the image, the sound quickly fading when they have another thought, "But seriously though, what's most important is your safety. I wouldn't want to drag you along with us if you're not comfortable! After all, company is always the best when spirits are high, and you'd still be an important asset to our team without fighting," They look around then, whispering as if telling a secret, "not that I'd stop you if you ever wanted to join in..."

A few seconds of silence pass, before you burst into a small fit of laughter, not expecting the silly display. The Traveler joins in soon after, easing up after seeing you relinquish the worries you'd been holding.

When Paimon returns, curious about the laughter, you accept their invitation after a few more moments of contemplation. It's not like your lack of fighting would be much different than what they're used to, you rationalise. Paimon doesn't do much more than float around, anyway. You'd be doing more work than her just by walking!

Of course, even their little spiel can't completely dissolve everything you'd gotten worked up about; with time, you'd realise that the Traveler didn't need the help. But they sure did appreciate the friendly atmosphere that you brought along.

Hi How Are You? Im New To Tumblr So I Hope This Isnt A Problem Anyway I Was Thinking If You Could Do
Hi How Are You? Im New To Tumblr So I Hope This Isnt A Problem Anyway I Was Thinking If You Could Do

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2 years ago

I had a brain rot these past couple of days where female reader and cyno were pen pals and used fake names for one another. But then when cyno and female reader meets for the first time cyno noticed how similar there hand writing and is immediantly smitten

Ooh that's so cute!

I Had A Brain Rot These Past Couple Of Days Where Female Reader And Cyno Were Pen Pals And Used Fake

Cyno realising you're his pen pal

Reader: Gn // Genre: Fluff // No Cw.

I Had A Brain Rot These Past Couple Of Days Where Female Reader And Cyno Were Pen Pals And Used Fake

As soon as he met you, Cyno felt like he knew you from somewhere. He couldn't tell if it was the way you worded things, or the topics that you chose, but something about you felt familiar. And what's more, something about you just felt right; as if he'd wanted to meet you even before he knew you existed, (Of course, later he'd realise that he did know of your existence before that...).

He'd unknowingly watch you everytime you wrote something down, his subconscious mind having already put the pieces together before he had. But it's not like it was unusual for Cyno to be curious about someone's handwriting. It's a good way to recognise them, should he ever have to.

(But, he's glad that watching your words unfurl across the page seem to have a way of calming him, while also getting him somewhat excited, for some "unknown" reason...)

Everyone has a sense of irregularity when writing – it's impossible for your handwriting to be neat all of the time, or to stop your pen from blotching or smudging. But, that just means that the same pen would be likely to cause the same imperfections.

So, when Cyno takes notice of the handwriting, he can't help but be surprised. After all, what are the chances? However, that wouldn't quite be enough for him to know. He'd play it off as a coincidence, pushing it from his mind with a clear of his throat and a quick glance away. But when he looks back a second later, he sees the same blotting of ink above your "i"s and stamping of jumbled letters where the ink had printed onto the side of your hand as you wrote. And while even this is common enough to write off as chance, your signature sign off, even with a different name, is enough to convince him that it's really you.

Out of everyone, he'd know. From many hours of reading your words, and re-reading them over and over whenever he needed a little pick-me-up, no-one is better acquainted with your lettering and wording than Cyno is...

As much as Cyno wants to ask you then and there, he manages to hold himself back. Barely.

He doesn't need the reassurance; he'd already known it from the start.

Plus, wouldn't it be funny if he confronted you about it in a letter of his own, sent to the "pen-name" he'd been so affectionately involved with over the past year? Cyno certainly thinks so.

Thank you for reading! 🩷

I Had A Brain Rot These Past Couple Of Days Where Female Reader And Cyno Were Pen Pals And Used Fake
I Had A Brain Rot These Past Couple Of Days Where Female Reader And Cyno Were Pen Pals And Used Fake

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2 years ago

how do you think cyno would deal with COVID in a modern setting? would he distance from his partner or stay inside with them the whole time?

See, this is kind of hard to tell.

How Do You Think Cyno Would Deal With COVID In A Modern Setting? Would He Distance From His Partner Or

COVID lockdowns with Cyno

Reader: Gn // Genre: Fluff // No Cw

How Do You Think Cyno Would Deal With COVID In A Modern Setting? Would He Distance From His Partner Or

As soon as there was talk of lockdowns, Cyno would be looking into it. He'd be skeptical, but worried at the same time.

He wouldn't know what to do at first. He wouldn't want to bring you any harm, in case he was already carrying the virus without knowing, but he also wouldn't want to be away from you for too long.

Because the lockdowns kept going on and off, I think you'd be separated for the first one (that being around 3 months). Cyno would check up on you every couple of days, but ultimately, he'd mostly leave it to you to reach out for the first 2 weeks or so. He'd definitely be a little worried about annoying you too often at first, so once you basically "set the schedule" of how much you wanted to text, video chat, or whatever, he'd follow along and continue that.

Of course, when that first lockdown ends, Cyno would be wanting to see you in person the first chance he gets. Texting, voice calls, videos, and pictures just weren't quite cutting it for him anymore, and it's likely that you were getting a bit impatient by this point, too.

By the time the next lockdown rolled around, you were basically living together, anyway. After so long physically apart, Cyno wanted to hang around. "Just in case," he'd try to play it down. Of course, he was a little bit anxious, despite how much he denied it.

After that, things would go quite smooth. You'd be comfortable, you wouldn't be lonely or worried about each other anymore, and you'd have some pretty good entertainment with all of Cyno's jokes that he'd be trying to cheer you up with.

How Do You Think Cyno Would Deal With COVID In A Modern Setting? Would He Distance From His Partner Or
How Do You Think Cyno Would Deal With COVID In A Modern Setting? Would He Distance From His Partner Or

Thank you for reading! 🩷

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2 years ago

Hey hey Im back again!! I hope youre still open for accepting headcanon requests <33 this time i wanna req What is it like for Heizou, Xiao and venti (seperate) to date a fem!reader who is taller than them? (Nsfw or sfw is fine!)

Hey Hey Im Back Again!! I Hope Youre Still Open For Accepting Headcanon Requests

Their girlfriend is taller than them

Characters: Heizou, Xiao, Venti // Reader: Female

Genre: Smut, only fluff for Xiao // CWs next to the corresponding character

Hey Hey Im Back Again!! I Hope Youre Still Open For Accepting Headcanon Requests


Cw: Body worship, height difference, mentioned high heels

• Would forget how tall you are until he walks up to you and is eye level with your chest. This would happen almost every single time. It doesn't even matter if you've got any skin showing, just the realisation of how tall you are compared to him will make him temporarily short-circuit. Heizou would lose all the confidence he'd strode up with, mentally criticising himself for forgetting, when, one: you're literally his girlfriend; he sees you every day! How could he forget? And two: it's his job to file away information about people and be able to recall it all in a moment's notice! The only way to stop him from kicking himself for this, is to bring his attention back to you. Now, this could very easily be done just by laughing a little at the annoyed expression on his face, but some good old physical touch will do the job even better. Though, this will also restore his boldness, so watch out, cause Heizou has a full arsenal of tactics to turn the nervousness back onto you.

• Because of how easy to reach they are, Heizou would be worshipping your breasts daily. I mean, they're the perfect height for him to just smush his face into. Not only that, I think he'd have a thing for just your overall height. Some of your limbs are obviously going to be longer than his own (arms, legs, torso, etc.), and the difference is going to be so interesting to him, plus its extra space for him to kiss and explore. Bonus points if you ever wear high heels. I really can't figure out why but I just think that Heizou would have a thing for height differences to his own disadvantage, but at the same time that'd just make him want to try and keep the control even more. It'd give him a pleasurable power trip.


Cw: Slight strength kink? Maybe a little, apart from that it's just fluff. Cuddling, clothes stealing.

• Your height would be oddly comforting to Xiao. He'd feel safer in your presence than most others, but he loves how easy it is for you to completely wrap yourself around his body when you're cuddling up together (I am a firm believer that Xiao is a little spoon. Fight me). Your arms and legs would be able to trap him, and though he isn't used to the touch, even just the thought of leaving to go and fulfill his duties isn't as appealing as feeling your body caging him in. But, what's even better, is that, despite how strong he is thanks to his powers as a yaksha, there's a possibility that if you were to lock your arms and legs together around him, he might find it harder to escape than expected... he's almost tempted to try it out one of these days.

• Oh, your clothes are big enough to fit him? Too big? Yeah, you're coming home to Xiao absolutely drowning in your sweaters. They're comfy, warm, and they remind him of you. Could he possibly get any cuter?! Probably, but he's feeling a little too shy at being caught stealing your clothes. He'd try making up an excuse, and a very poor one at that, but please don't let him take it off. After that first day, you likely won't see him wearing your clothes for about a month after that; but gradually, it just becomes something that you come home to more often than not, to the point that if he's not wearing some article of your clothing, you'll start to get worried that he's upset with you, as rare as that would be.


• We all know that Venti would use any and all excuses that he could find to slip his hands under your clothes, shamelessly groping whatever skin his fingers can touch; usually your thighs or boobs, but even just feeling the heat from your stomach is fine (except for the fact that he always does it when his hands are extremely cold...). Unfortunately for you, this is usually just a ploy for him to be able to tickle you once you let your guard down. Being taller than him just gives him easier access, how is he supposed to resist?! And, he won't even need to use as strong of a gust of wind to see up your skirt... your height is doing half of the work already!

Cw: Groping, role reversal, implied cross-dressing

• He would be an absolute menace. Suddenly, every single item that he needs is too high up for him to reach... I wonder how that happened? Oh well, who cares? Cause now he needs your help to get it down! He likes playing up how much stronger your stature would imply that you are compared to him (even though he is a literal archon...). He's not-so-secretly turned on by the role reversal, since the guy in a relationship is most commonly the taller. But, you being taller than him and being able to help him with everything so easily is a one way ticket to unlocking his brattiness and laziness all mixed together. And, if you go along with his little games long enough? Well. I think it could potentially escalate to Venti trying on some skirts for you and making the role reversal even more prominent...

Hey Hey Im Back Again!! I Hope Youre Still Open For Accepting Headcanon Requests
Hey Hey Im Back Again!! I Hope Youre Still Open For Accepting Headcanon Requests

Thank you for reading! 🩷

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