Genshin Harbingers - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

So I had a thought…

Visions are the results of strong ambitions. So what if delusions are twisted versions of ambitions? This would explain why they give the same power as a Vision would but with the risk of it backfiring. Only someone as delusional as the ambition contained within it would be able to harness its full power, like the Harbingers.

Here’s an example: Wanderer wanted to have a heart and become a true human. This was his pure ambition. But it was warped into a delusion in which he believed he was a god. When he realized his delusion wasn’t reality and he embraced his true ambition, he was awarded with a Vision.

Actually, that kinda reminds me of the crowned heir from the Gnostic Hymn. Dainsleif did say that coincidences don’t exist in Teyvat…

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8 months ago

Title: La Signora's little follower(?)

Character(s): All the harbingers except Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) Pierro, Columbina, Pulcinella, Pantalone, Tartaglia (Childe), Dottore, Capitano, Sandrone, Arlecchino

Summary: The harbingers stand before the Fair Lady, La Signora casket. They didn't think a small visitor would arrive, adored by the woman who turned to ashes.

Note: This might/will become ooc later in the future or the very next day I post this but who knows and who cares! Writing this all I have is the vid "A Winter Night's Lazzo", Childe's voice lines about them and leaks so please be understanding later if it does happen.

Warnings/tags: Gn!reader (if by chance she/her is used for reader tell me I will edit it as soon as possible!), child!reader, slight soft yandere vibes from Childe (or protective vibes either one), implied cult au, Genshin leaks

Another note for tags: Isekai (implied), God!reader but child, like sagau cult kind of thing but never really mentioned till later, an au in one of my series called 'the child with gold blood' (which you don't have to read to understand this.)

Title: La Signora's Little Follower(?)

...It was a surprise really, who would expect that when the butterfly that belonged to La Signora would erupt into a huge flame covering most of the casket that many of the harbingers had to take a step back.

They were about to put it out... what was what they planned to till they noticed something or someone inside those flames. There was a slight panic in the voices of the harbingers, as they got their weapons ready, yet it was Capitano who told them to stop and wait, curious as to what the Fair Lady could have gifted them after her death.

Just as soon the flames came to the world it died down living nothing but ashes and body…?

It was a small body as if it belonged to a child. Still alive, when they saw the small movements it made, still breathing. Columbia was the first to comment on it, how adorable you but at the same time in wonder who you were.

"Why is a small child here?" Sandrone asked in surprise, as the robot moved her closer to the casket, towards you. "Did Signora bring this child here?" She continued to ask.

"Interesting there is not a single lick of flame scorched that child." Dottore also walked close to the casket, everybody could see the sick interest that danced in his eyes, the calculated planning.

Yet when Dottore tried to reach for the small child a flame erupted covering you away from the man's hand at the sudden heat he hissed in pain taking a step back away from you. Sandrone's robot also took a step back shielding the surprised girl from the screams of fire.

Only a few moments went by till Pantalone spoke teasing Dottore, stating that either it was Signora's huge distrust towards him or the perverted malice that the doctor had shown. Dottore could only glare at the other man, stating that he keep his mouth shut.

"But that still leaves the question, who is this child? There were no reports that La Signora had a child nor is she the type to adopt one." Arlecchino stated as she watched the flames die down once again when Dottore was far enough away from the child. There in her eyes was interest but there was also a hidden pity in them.

It was Capitano and Pierro who noticed the 11th harbinger quiet as he only stared at the child on the casket of the Lady not saying anything yet holding familiarity towards the sleeping body.

"Tartaglia do you have something to say?" Pierro asked, staring as the young man whose eyes widen in surprise for being called suddenly... as if caught in the act.

Tartaglia called away from his thoughts, looked at the Jester. His face looked conflicted as he walked over to the child.

"This kid followed Signora around. I meet them at Liyue after Signora got the Gnosis from the Geo archon." He tried to explain. "So La Signora really did adopt a child?" The husky voice belonged to Capitano.

Tartaglia shook his head. "No Signora found the kid to be more annoying than anything. She tried to shoo away this kid multiple times but the kid kept on coming back."

"I am surprised, you would think not many children would like the lady because of her rather strong... personality." Pantalone raised an eyebrow when he watched Childe cautiously take the kid into his arms. The little kid didn't have any thick clothes instead wore something more for spring.

The poor thing was shivering as the 11th harbinger wrapped his red scarf around their neck.

"I also thought she didn't like kids well till I received a letter from her a few days after her death," Tartaglia grumbled moving the child a bit so he could also cover the child's body with his coat. "One of her trusted subordinates gave me a letter asking me to take care of this kid in case she ever dies. I didn't think she would have ever written something like that because of her pride but she did."

"Hmmm, then why did the child appear here like this then? La signora died a few days ago, why isn't the kid with you?" Dottore was unamused, annoyed even as he looked at his slightly scorched gloves, burned by the fire when he reached for you.

"You aren't gonna say that you would take care of the child, are you? Give them to me and I will bring them to the orphanage." Arachhino said, raising her hand as if asking Childe to hand the kid to her.

"Sorry but no. I will be taking care of this kid." There was no humor in Tartaglia's voice, moving as if to shield the child from Arlecchino. He was never fond of her to be fair. "The kid disappeared soon after Signora's death both my subordinates and Signora's all tried to search for this kid along with some others but we weren't able to find them."

"Tartaglia, who are these others that you mentioned?" Pantalone asked, staring at the hump on Childe's jacket.

Suddenly the members all heard a groan, small and childish they knew that the child had woken up. Childe watched you try to shift your position yet unable to do so, you slowly opened your eyes. Staring at him yet showed no recognition.

"Hey, kid woke up?" Childe said his tone was almost soft. As he watches you shift again to an almost sitting position in his arms where your head poked out from the fur collar of his coat as you rubbed your eyes.

"Who are you?" You grumbled, you didn't see the other people in the room all watching you yet you could hear one or maybe two people giggling or chuckling at you as you squinted at Childe's face.

"Ah aren't you that mister!" You paused surprised, Childe raised a brow when he saw you stopped, as you struggle to remember him. "How cruel, child. You forgot about me." You laughed when he booped your nose with his gloved hand. "Isn't mister teammates with Signora?" You tilted your head.

"Yes… Something like that…" It wasn't Childe who said that, but another voice. Looking to your side you saw other people, all wearing a similar outfits to Childe. The man who said it wore a mask as he looked at you with a frown on his mouth.

"You shouldn't be so mean to the child." Another voice said but you didn't look to see who it was as you stared at the man who showed clear discomfort. 

"Mister must be Dottore?" You tilted your head, your face curious as you lean to get a closer look at him. "Hmmm, didn't know La Signora would talk about me." There was sarcasm, you didn't see the glare on Childe's face as he tighten his hold around you. You blinked as if not catching the sarcasm at all

"Signora told me that you are mean and bad. But mister looks nice."

"Eh-?" "Huh?" Disbelief but giggles also spread in the room at what you said, Dottore looked at you as if you have lost your mind but you meant what you said yet it was hidden behind his mask.

"They are such a cute child." Childe looked down surprised when he saw a small lady standing right beside him. You looked at the girl tilting your head as you saw her pretty black hair with pink streaks. "Hello dear~ do you perhaps know my name?" She asked curiously.

You looked at her mask, her outfit, the small pretty wings on her hair. Signora had told you about three ladies in her team, one of them she told you had almost a fairy-like appearance. "Columbina?" You looked at her closely. "You are so pretty!"

"You really are such a cutie." Columbina laughed. Quickly she pointed at two girls in the room. "Can you guess what their names are?"

You looked at the lady standing with one hand on her hips, white hair and eyes that had a red x on them. "Umm… Arlecchino..?" You looked hesitant, you looked at the lady who sat in the hand of the robot your eyes glittered at the thing but you quickly shook your head to focus. "Uhh… Signora told me about someone who makes those big robots! Uhh.. Sa-Sandrone?"

"You are a very smart child~" she giggled, she tried to take you into her arms when Childe took a step back keeping you away from her hands, protective and guarding.

"Hmmm interesting, I didn't think that La signora would grow attached to someone this much that she would tell you about us." You looked at a man, smiling at you with his hand on his chin thinking. "Greeting young one, my name is Pantalone. I guess that the Fair Lady has talked about me?"

Your eyes lighten a bit. "Un! She told me that you are the richest man in teyvat!" You flayed your hands as if to show how rich he was. Pantalone chuckled.

"How did you meet La Signora child?" You looked at a short man looking at you, his face soft towards you compared to others. "Mister Pulcinella?" you asked.

"Why yes. That is correct. Did Signora talk about me too?" There was a warm smile on his face, "Nope!" You sang as you looked at the man who was holding you "He was the one who told me about you!"

"H-hey" Childe looked flustered at what you have done all the while Pulcinella looked a little contemplated.

"You haven't answered his question."

A gruff voice asked, it would have made anybody intimidated yet maybe because you were so young that you were so influenced by it glancing at the man who spoke you asked Childe to place you down.

Hesitant, he did and let you go as you trotted to the man who spoke. The man had a mask on... helmet? even with the light, you could not see the man's face hidden in the darkness. "I meet Signora at in Monstade, Mister Captain sir! I was lost back then and could not find a way home and she found me." You told the man. "She saved me when I was running away from a hilichurl that was chasing after me. After that, I start to follow her hehe!"

"She let you in?" The man asked but you shook your head, looking down almost ashamed, "Signora didn't like me at first…" you explained, it was so cute when you looked at the red scarf around your neck in interest. "But later when we are in Liyue she took me in. She didn't tell me much but she started to take care of me a lot!" You looked at the masked man. "Signora showed me many things! Many pretty things! Things that I have never seen before!"

"But why didn't you go back home instead child?" He asked, you looked at him as the light in your eyes dull a little.

"That is because I was told I can't go back..."

It wasn't a straight answer, an answer that explained yet left so many questions for a child to say with a lonely smile on their face.

"Then child, are you not sad that La signora passed away." Another voice asked another deep and powerful voice that was quiet this whole time ever since you opened your eyes. Everyone looked at him, and you also looked at the old man who spoke. "Signora told me that there was a man in her team that wore a mask on one eye that is the leader of the team! You must be Mister Pierro!" 

"You are correct, child. Now tell me why are you not sad that she passed away? As you stand on her tomb right now." His words were harsh, commanding. It was as if he wanted to test you, see what your reaction would be.

Yet instead of tears, you looked at the man straight in his eyes your smile gone. You didn't see how close Childe was to grabbing you into his arms again yet could not. The 11th harbinger was stopped when Pierro glared at him, silencing him from making a dumb decision in front of him.

Instead, you stand in the middle of the group all staring down at you, waiting for your answer.

It was odd.. it was unnatural really for a child to do so. The smile that graced your small face, wasn't that naive and childish like but something softer yet knowing, kind and loving yet with grief.

It didn't match your age, not at all and it made everyone only cautious instead of feeling pity.

"La Signora isn't dead, she is only sleeping."

It was as if time stopped for a moment at your answer, nobody was sure what to say yet before someone could say something the big door that where once closed suddenly slammed open as one of the fatui, one of low-rank suddenly burst in.

"I apologize for interrupting the meeting! But this is an emergency!!" The fatui member almost shouted, his voice rattled and panicked. 

"It must be important that you would rudely barge in like this." There was annoyance in Pantalone's voice as he placed his hands together. His face was smiling yet everybody could see his anger.

"The archons- No the nations Monstade, Liyue and Inazuma are going on a rampage!!" 


"And what do you mean by that?" Pulcina asked. 

"They are attacking all the fatui members that are stationed there demanding we give back what is theirs!" The fatui member stuttered out.

"What are they looking for exactly?" Pulcinella asked tiredly, it wasn't like they were after the gnosis. The Anemo Archon is too weak to cause this much of a reaction, the Electro archon didn't care for it, while the Geo Archon made a deal with them for the Gnosis. He wasn't one who would turn back on a contract.

"They are looking for a small child!"

The members all looked at you, standing in front of Pierro yet instead of you standing on the floor you were in Childe's arms holding you tightly almost like a mother protecting her child. 

Who… are you?

Title: La Signora's Little Follower(?)

Edit/Update: Edited again after a year TvT Thank you so much for all the love that has been shown to this fic but I will not be making a part 2 or a continuation to this little story unfortunately. It has been a long time now and while I did try to think out some stuff nothing really clicked, and that motivation just kind of died too at some point. If you want more platonic yandere stuff I do have more stories for that which you can find on the masterlist just not this particular one. Thank you again for understanding ^^

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Pantalone breaks the laws of reality for fun. He didn't get a vision so he just decided to be god instead. He looks weak, and physically he is, but that motherfucker is a spellcaster of immense power. This is the only strange thing about him.

Oh, and that he's a raging heretic

Imagine being just some guy at the Zapolyarny Palace and you work there as like, a gardener or someone who checks for the Tsaritsa whether everything is in order and you just have to deal with the harbinger being the weirdest fucking people to roam the earth every day.

You're trying to finish up your work in the evening and you want to close the windows in the big dance hall of the palace and there's Pierro sitting at the piano playing his sad little Khaenri'ah songs and he's like "Hey, come over here." and internally you're like Sir, I've finished my work and I was going to go home... but you don't dare to say anything because he's the first harbinger so you sit down next to him and he's like "Have you heard of Khaenri'ah?" and then he starts talking like a grandpa recalling his time in the army and starts trauma-dumping for like an hour straight and you're just awkwardly sitting there like "what the fuck am I supposed to reply to this???"

You go to work the next day and ignore the Dottore clone that's floating in the hallway because you're already used to seeing segments everywhere but unfortunately for you, the clone decides to follow you around and just watch whatever you're doing and he does this for the whole day and if you try to get rid of him he floats after you even faster and starts giggling. He tries to follow you out of the building to go home with you so you decide to stop by Dottore's creepy af lab and on the way you see Arlecchino dragging a little boy along and she gives you a nod and just explains "Little Dimitri didn't eat his mashed potatoes today so he's going straight to the mad scientist lab." And the kid is just like "Please, Miss Arlecchino, anything but the mad scientist lab!"

You enter the lab and 15 Dottore clones simultaneously turn their heads towards you and stare at you and one of the segments who tend to be in charge of projects walks over like "Ah, segment 12, we've already missed him. I see he made a friend" and Dottore is like hehe because he finds the fact that his clone follows you around very amusing, especially considering how on edge you look about it.

Palace staff always stays clear of anything Columbina is doing and they inform each other quickly when she's in the area. Sometimes she chases people into utility closets and sits down in front of the door and starts singing. You occasionally hear her chewing on the doorknob.

You try to water the garden and you see Capitano trying to take care of some plants but he's so strong that he accidentally breaks several of them and he's just holding them in his hands and whispering apologies to them.

It's just a typical Tuesday when you see Sandrone walking the halls with a terrifying destructive robot. You know, one of those alien robots from War of the Worlds except that it's small enough to still fit into the palace and you try to hurry past her and don't take your eyes off the machine for safety reasons. She stops you and tells you "it's rude to stare, you know?" and the robot shoots several windows and stomps on the floor and she's like "oh great, you made Mr. Squiggles cry. Look at what you've done."

Scaramouche and Childe just regularly duking it out in "fights to the death" in the courtyard and everyone who has business there has to be careful not to get hit by elemental bursts.

Pantalone is the only normal one and the only weird thing you see him doing is pitch ideas to the Dottore segments about weapons that could help the Fatui take over Celestia except that Pantalone has 0 scientific knowledge and is just making shit up and expects that the Dottoreverse is smart enough to figure out how to make it. He's like "here have this idea for a fucked up Trojan horse that's actually a killing machine we can send to our political enemies" with a happy smile on his face.

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2 years ago

I keep seeing “omg pantalone” this and “the knave” that but what about Pierro 🤨. Y’all simping for a crazy lady who would betray anyone and a name who’s names pants. What about the first harbinger he’s hot, rich, and old

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2 years ago

Y’all Does anyone need a rp partner?? Like people who are 15-16 maybe 17 need someone, like I’m here??? Mine keeps dipping and I can’t take it anymore

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I kinda don't want the rest of the harbingers to be playable anymore :/ based on hoyoverse's terrible writing skills I do not trust them writing the harbingers.

Cause we're just going to talk-no-justu them like we did in inazuma, cause I bet the day we meet the tsaritsa she's gonna be oh so cool and mysterious and not like other archons.

And then paimon will be like "hey maybe you should stop your plan cause it's hurting people 🥺" and all the harbingers agree and that's it :D

I also hope they give us a choice to join the fatui and not let Paimon interfere, like let Traveller make the choice this time, because it's always Paimon deciding for us abd I hate it.

I'm also betting 10$ that they're gonna blame the Sumeru archon's incompetence on tha fatui 😊

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2 years ago

harbinger content…hoyoverse realized they fucked up w sumeru and threw down that instead

[ shaking pierro like a maraca ] guess which one i’m gonna search for every lore tidbit about

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2 years ago
Oh My God, What If The Harbingers Had A Bimbo Colleague??
Oh My God, What If The Harbingers Had A Bimbo Colleague??

oh my god, what if the harbingers had a bimbo colleague??

like you're as strong as them, maybe even stronger but you're so thoughtless at times. as soon as you have enough money to go on a shopping spree, you're dragging childe along.

childe's smug when he hears the clicking of your heels, knowing exactly what you're after. he'll listen to you beg for him to come along and agree but only if you repay him for helping you pick out the cutest skirts, accessories--you name it.

he loves listening to you whine. "poor little thing," he'll coo. childe knows exactly how to get you back to his office after shopping, claiming he needs to sit down because his legs are tired. but then he'll let you sit on his lap while he works on papers, enjoying the feeling of your thighs against his crotch. childe will then ask for that favour in return, wanting you to park that pretty pussy on his cock.

"sit still dollie and milk my cock without moving, hm?"

la signora is more direct about her intentions towards you, just as manipulative as childe though. she'll dress you up, strip you down and do what she pleases. signora will make sure your panties match hers and will spank you if you don't match. so, so mean sometimes :(

signora loves hearing you cry about the fact that you can't sleep, ushering you to nurse on her nipples or suck on her clit. she'll always have a hand in your hair, keeping control of the pace or where your head is. she doesn't care if anyone catches you two, just as long as they get the memo that her pussy is tasty.

"ah, look at you slutty baby. make mommy cum, hm?"

scaramouche is so mean, even worse than signora! he'll degrade you and make you cry whenever he has the chance. it doesn't matter if you're his superior, you're just a little dumb bitch. scaramouche will stare at you in a cold way so that you'd cower, whine or get uncomfortable.

like childe, he'll sit you on his lap and expect you to be obedient. scaramouche loves humiliating you in front of your comrades. he'll make you put a purple gem butt plug and spread your legs to show it off (with no panties on, of course.) he has no problem zapping your nipples or clit, loving your little screams and how your body tenses up.

"you're so nasty, i mean, look at the way you're waiting for anything to make you cum. pathetic."

dottore however enjoys testing things on you. since you're so clueless, he likes talking with 'big words' so you don't understand. it's the easiest way to get you to agree on letting him use your body. dottore always expects you to strip down before you enter his office, inspecting your body after you enter.

dottore will get grumpy if there's someone else's cum inside of you or any markings from anyone else. he claims he needs to do a check up but in reality, he just wants to fill you to the brim with his own cum. he'll test out different things he made or bought such as nipple clamps, vibrators or anything he can get his hands on.

dottore also loves seeing you sob, especially when he enters one of your holes without prep. but don't worry, his cum will be the lube! sometimes he'll invite students from the academia to watch as he pounds you, telling them about the natural human breeding system. dottore will make sure you're plugged up after, watching as you fall after trying to stand.

"you see this? that is how you're supposed to get a woman pregnant! sooner or later, she'll have milk too!"

Oh My God, What If The Harbingers Had A Bimbo Colleague??

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