Hey, I love biology, Marvel, Tolkien, Star Wars and science in general. If you’re interested in daily biology facts follow me.
9 posts
Clione Limacina
Clione limacina
Sea Angel
Did you know that 2 Pokémon’s were based on the clione? (Manaphy and Phione)

They’re found from the surface to greater than 500m (1.600 feet) depth.
It was first described by Friderich Martens in 1676. It was the first gymnosomatous (without a shell) to be described.
They feed on the sea butterflies of the genus Limacina. They live around 2 or more years.
They breed during spring and summer and the eggs are about 0.12mm (4.7 thou)

Clione are usually found in the Arctic Ocean or cold regions of the North Atlantic Ocean.
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More Posts from Science-lover2941
Elaeomyxa Cerifera
Was first identified in 1942. They are slime mold sporophores that can split open to release spores that sparkle like a disco ball.

It looks like a galaxy

But these aren’t mushrooms!
They aren’t even fungi.. Plasmodial slime molds are in Amoebozoa with organisms like Amoeba proteus.
While fungi belong to the genetic supergroup Obazoa with the animals, a Komodo dragon is more closely related to fungi than a slime is.

They wary in size from less than a millimeter to several centimeters.
Argema mittrei
Also known as comet moth lives in Madagascar.
The male has a wingspan of 20 centimeters and a tail span of 15 centimeters. Which makes it one of the world’s largest silk moths.

The female lays 120-170 eggs.
They unfortunately live only between 6-8 days.
When the moths emerge from their cocoons as adults they no longer feed on plants to survive. They do have a mouth and a gut but neither function.
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Byasa polyeuctes
Also known als the common windmill or windmill butterfly. It is very common in India and belongs to the windmill genus “Byasa”

These butterflies prefer forests and woods as habitat.
The length is between 1.1 and 1.4 cm
Pseudobiceros hancockanus
Hancock's Flatworm
They are a species of hermaphroditic marine flatworm in the family Pseudocerotidae.

It can grow up to 14cm (5.5 inches) in length.
Pseudobiceros hancockanus lives in warm seas or coral reefs (seen in Indonesia, Fiji and Kenya)
Scientists suspect it eats small invertebrates that live in sponges.
Langaha Madagascariensis
Malagasy leaf-nosed snake
The special thing about this snake is its nose.

It has a strange nasal appendage that is pointy in males and leaf-like in females. The males are dorsally brown and ventrally yellow while the females are mottled grey.

They are usually found in Madagascar and are poisonous (not dangerous for humans). They lay in trees with their snouts hanging down from the branches, resembling vines.
To be more plant like they swing with the wind. They can grow up to 1m (3 feet) in length.
They mainly eat frogs and lizards are oviparous with clutch sizes ranging from 5 to 11 eggs.