screechingsandwichtriumph - I love my fictional characters
I love my fictional characters

I am 18, and I might get around to writing something, but don't expect too much. asks and requests are open

53 posts

Bau X Reader Headcanons

Bau x reader headcanons

Warnings: yandere behavior , mentions of stalking, mentions of obsession, mentions of maybe a death or disappearance

Summary: you were in big trouble , somehow catching the teams attention like that

You joined the team when you had just finished university

When Aaron first saw you , box in hand , fixing your stuff in your new office , he knew

You had a bunch of cute stuff on your office and that's what first caught Penelope's eyes when entering the room

She had of course done an extensive search on you

Instantly and cheerily introduces herself

You greet her obviously matching her tone

The whole team is OBSESSED with protecting you

At like unhealthy levels

Penelope has hacked in all your social media and she is giving the other daily updates on you

Reid has studied all your habits so much that he knows if something is wrong by the way you walk or even turn a page

Aaron is your boss so that gives him easy access in your everyday life and a bit of control over it( that he doesn't overuse too much since he is a professional)

Emily has absolute banger real life stalking skills

Like she'd know all your program by heart and also inform the others of it , so they can check on you

She also let's Morgan know if someone has been annoying you too much or if they were flirting with you

And BOOM , that's how you never see that one attractive neighbor ever again

JJ is just perfect in making you talk

You seem a bit out of it and none of them can figure it out?

They sent her

The whole team is a bit paranoid , since they know how crazy people can get

They don't even realize they are obsessive and even if they did , theyd be ok with it , since it's you

You'd regularly finds things shipped on your door with little notes

Personal life? Never heard of her.

Your media presence is not safe , your diaries are not safe , your real life interactions are not safe

But I mean why would you ever want to hide anything from them right?

They are just acting like that because they want to protect you, you know. So be grateful

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More Posts from Screechingsandwichtriumph

Penelope:just one kiss , that was all


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Yandere Miles Fairchild-kidnapping

Summary: how Miles would act around the whole kidnapping thingie

Warnings: kidnapping, slight manipulation, physical abuse(not done but mentioned), Miles being so nice that you can't even complain about your kidnapping

Asks are always open<3

Yandere Miles Fairchild-kidnapping

Miles would be the type of yandere to kidnap you almost immediately

Most yanders save kidnapping as a last resort solution , if their darling rejects them or is leaving, but for Miles this just isn't true. He would kidnap you with any minor reasoning

He really thinks it's for the best and even expects you to thank him about it sometime in the future

I mean, he has a big home that has everything in it , so you will be the most comfortable there with him, right?('this is your new house' be would say grinning and keep showing you around)

And then you will get to meet Flora a cute young girl that makes you want to protect her. Miles instructs her to talk to you and tell you to stay ' you won't leave too , will you?' her voice is soft and she is giving you the most hurt look she can achieve .

' Everyone leaves us , but I feel it , you're different'

And kidnapping you works in Miles favor in more than one ways

That house is a terrifying old building with floors that creek and doors that shut on their own. The nightmares are inevitable and when they come , Miles is right there to comfort you

' Don't worry y/n , you're ok' he softly sais , hugging you ' here , I will stay with you all night to protect you'

Normally you would have pushed him away , but now you were so petrified and his hugs were warma and his face familiar. So you let him sleep in your bed

Waking up the next morning you find him already awake playing with a lock of your hair. ' I'm sorry for taking you here without your permission.' his expressions seem so genuine that you think he might be honest

' I just love you and didn't want to lose you. Everyone I have ever loved has either died or left me. I just want to protect you'

He guilt trips you in feeling bad for him so you will never ever leave and honestly it works.

All together though, it won't be too awful. Miles is a pretty boy (He would find you staring at him and smile that Miles grin knowing damn well what he is doing). The house is enormous and so are the fields that surround it. He and Fiona will keep you busy and happy enough that you forget you were not here on your free will in the first place

You were frequently taken horse riding. The times that Flora was with you it would be more playful but the ones in which you and Miles are alone? Oh he would be extra flirty , giving you winks , helping you of your horse and kissing your hand, while looking up at you with his pretty smile( 'there is my lady. Careful now we don't wanna hurt ourselfs', 'dont I get a kiss for helping you?')

You would take strolls all around the garden collecting flowers and pretty rocks. Once you even found a hedgehog that you and Flora somehow convinced Miles to take in as a pet('please Miles let us keep him!' Flora begged her brother. 'FINE!' he let out 'keep him, I don't care'. He ended up adoring the little animal)

Exploring the rooms, board games ( in which Miles is unsurprisingly and Flora is surprisingly competitive)and even cooking will fill your days. You have everything you want except of your freedom. As long as you don't ask for that you will be ok.

Also try not to anger Miles too much , since he holds you in his hand. He is usually nice and a gentleman but don't push it. He can take away your things , not allow you to go out or even deprive you from food water or a shower.

He would try not to drug you since he loves your personality just as it is. You could yell at him and even try to hit him and those things he wouldn't mind. But if you ever try to hurt yourself or run away , expect to be a bit drugged for a long time.

He wouldn't easily get physical,('please y/n, I really don't wanna hurt you') but if you act out too much , then he won't hesitate to strike you. If he thinks that in order to stay with him , you have to be completely controlled, then he will brake you and rebuild you as he pleases.

'The house is away from everything else , so please stop screaming. Noone is gonna hear you anyway ,dear'

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Billy Loomis x reader x Stu macher

Billy loomis and stu macher? Ik they aren't on ur list but it would be fun to see a male nerd reader x billy and stu (yandere ofc)

Someone asked this and somehow I deleted it , so I'm sorry but I will write about them

Also , I am infact a girl , and this is the first time that I am writing for male reader , so if this is a bit not good sorry://

Summary: you are Billy's and Stu's obsession. How they are before you get together and after you do

Warnings: yandere , implied murder , implied stalking, that's all

You are literally so perfect and handsome and beautiful and smart , they can't even properly function around you

You had not been part of their original plan who was more about revenge , but you now definably were

People who flirt with you? Well they are instantly befriended and added to the friend group

The plan is to kill all of them , along with Sydney and her friends

You were in one of Stu's classes since forever and he always thought you were super cute when answering questions

But his obsession with you started later on when Billy talked to him about you

Billy had officially met you when he was running of from class , and bumped into you causing all your books to fall on the floor

He helped you pick them up and you smiled at him and he knew

" he has the most beautiful eyes , and his notebooks are all covered in little drawings. Also have you noticed him in class , how cute he is??"

Billy was rambling on and on about you , a thing unusual for him

And then Stu started noticing you more. In class and in the breaks.

They are stalkers

My boys will be following you home , knowing everything about you

Billy very strategically plans about how to approach you

When you all do end up getting together(how could you say no to those beauties and even if you could, they'd threaten you ) it is a mix of amazing and horrible

They cater to your every need. Stu is very rich , so you will miss nothing

They study with you

Or at least they'd try until Stu got bored and now somehow you all are in the kitchen eating

Is anyone annoying you? No , not anynore

They are willing to take it to the extremes for you, killing , stealing, vandalizing, the whole packet

You will never have one moment of peace with those boys. Not. One

They will excitedly support you to your studies and let me tell you , the praise you get every time you do good on a test , makes it all worth it

Sleepovers at Stu's

Billy is willing to give effort to school work , so maybe sometimes he will ask you to help him with something

You end up making out

Every single time

All of you watch unhealthy amounts of horrors together

Even better if you are the scared type , since they have you nestling in their arms in no time , your head buried at their chest in fear

They would be the type of yanders to kidnap you , but they wouldn't really have to , since they are more than capable at flirting

Now ,the bad stuff

Extremely jealous, I don't think you can even speak to male teachers , without them fantasizing about killing the person

Super clingy and obsessed, you will not be going out on you own or with friends

Expect being constantly checked and spied on by those bitches

Istg they have no idea what personal space means

Diaries , assignments and all are not hidden from them

You will be desperately trying to pay attention to school and they will be right there , talking , laughing or touching you

Their presence is so addictive , you find yourself unable to concentrate when reading if none of them is there , and there is no way in hell you are sleeping without their touch/ voice

You're cooked. I'm sorry

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Bau x reader where the reader falls asleep on top of Morgan after a case

Warnings: nothing really

Summary: reader fell asleep on Morgans shoulder on the flight back home from an exhausting case

Asks are always open<3

Bau X Reader Where The Reader Falls Asleep On Top Of Morgan After A Case

It had been one of the most tiring cases you had had ever since you joined the team

Atrocious amounts of running around and checking crime scenes victims all around

You hadn't slept in three whole days ,not resting once , since this case hit a bit too close to home for some reason

The moment you entered the jet to return home you sat beside Derek, your earphones already in

You hadn't even understood it when it happened but somehow you ended up leaning on him , your eyes closed

You were sleeping

At first no one understood , since it wasn't abnormal for any of the team members to be extra touchy with each other

They finally realized you were asleep when Aaron posed you a question and you didn't answer

'Y/n? Oh. She's sleeping'

Spencer who was sitting by him awed and looked at you fondly

Spencer rose up from his seat and grabbed a blanket , carefully covering you up

Morgan could not be more still than he was now

He tried to keep his shoulder relaxed so it would be softer

JJ snapped some photos with the flash of as to not annoy you

Hotch then went to the light center and lowered the lights on the whole jet

Noone dared to talk loudly , it if they had Emily would give them such a death stare that they wouldn't dare speak again maybe ever

+ a little Penelope context bc I love her

When the jet stopped the team had to wake you up

They didn't want to

Thought about carrying you, but decided otherwise

Entering the federal building ,your eyes were half closed and you were walking weird

Penelope who was waiting for you everytime, seeing you so sleepy made the face she usually does when seeing kittens

Rushed over to you all

'are you ok?'

When everyone responded positively she turned to look at you

' you are so cute I wanna squeeze you to death'

She exclaimed and you pouted

That made her awe even more, and the team was quick to follow

Feel free to request anything:)

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Colin: Pen come home with me

Penelope: *fully thinking she was about to get railed by my man* but how will we get in without anyone noticing us?

Colin: we are going to announce them our marriage!


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