secretsofthestorymakers - Where The North Wind Meets The Sea
Where The North Wind Meets The Sea

Hi! I’m Myth! ~ 19 yo ~ she/her~ I love writing Frozen analyses, especially about themes and about the history of Arendelle and theoretical histories of Ahtohallan.

95 posts

Just In Time For The 10th Anniversary, Here Is An Updated List Of The Current And Future Animated Entries

Just In Time For The 10th Anniversary, Here Is An Updated List Of The Current And Future Animated Entries

Just in time for the 10th anniversary, here is an updated list of the current and future animated entries in the Frozen franchise! 🌻❄️

Yes, I excluded the LEGO Frozen Northern Lights shorts because they are not associated with the animated canon and a case can be made to exclude "At home with Olaf" and "Olaf presents" as well, but at least they all have the same style of animation (except the episode "Ice").

I wonder what the next two movies will be called 🤔 I hope they don't go with something as generic as "Frozen III" and "Frozen IV" but instead give the movies individual subtitles, or perhaps one common subtitle + "Part 1" and "Part 2".

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Elsa, Your Authentic Self, and How Embracing It changes you dramatically

Last week, I made a stream-of-consciousness post discussing why walking the path of authenticity changed me dramatically. All I'm doing is being myself. Why, in any hell, would being my authentic self change me in so many ways?

On the path of authenticity, I lost friends I'd had for years. Friends I thought I would have in my life forever. I resisted seemingly "practical advice" from sources I respect because I knew what I wanted and what was good for me. I felt distance form between me and the support system I'd had all my life - including family.

But in the same breath, my career got kickstarted, literally within weeks of the beginning of this journey. My spirituality drastically changed to have me at the center of it instead of being at the whim of every tom, dick, and harry that tried to highjack it - both energetically and physically. I took on a job that, though continues to be difficult, has taught me so much about our system and human nature. I have a growing following on social media, a thriving tarot channel, and a renewed support system that is far more emotionally mature and consistent than almost anything I've had before.

I always prided myself on being my authentic self. 100% of the time.

And yet there was so much within me that could not breathe and when it finally did... I'd always related with the goddess archetype. And now I felt like that is what was coming out of me. That Goddess of Creation.

How is it possible that just by honoring and living my authentic needs and self... that I became bigger than I ever thought I could be?

Elsa is a good example of this phenomenon.

I am going to come right out of the gate and say that Elsa was far more repressed than I was growing up. I've gone on record saying that I relate with Elsa in a really intimate way because her magic functioned exactly like my intrusive thoughts functioned. The difference is that I got the treatment I needed.

Elsa never did.

We all know what the TRUE ELSA looks like. You know:

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically
Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically
Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

Gotta have that cape

But the thing is, you can tell Elsa was repressed in her childhood just by her clothing alone. I don't really count how she dressed when the accident happened because kids don't really have a choice what they get to wear at that age. However, into her preteens, teenage years, and early adulthood, she dressed rather conservatively.

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically
Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically
Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

It could also partially be due to her being the princess of Arendelle, but I don't think Agnarr and Iduna really cared about their daughters' fashion. I think for Elsa, rules were essential. She had to have a structured routine because if anything was out of sync, she could get surprised. Anything unexpected (even her own imagination) and she would "lose control." Hell, sometimes even when she was just distracted, her magic came out without her consent.

And to be fair, her magic is not always... privy to her consent to use it.

I mean, there is Frozen Fever with the snowgies

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

There is F2, with the spirits hijacking her magic

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

Elsa's magic is sometimes out of her control, but by the time she understands love is the key, she is no longer scared. However... when she is afraid, she has to keep shoving down her emotions, desires, and anything else because nobody can get hurt again.

It's almost like if she allows herself to be a person, everything will go south. Or so she thinks.

A lot of people are hard on Agnarr and Iduna, but... as a person who has experienced that same scenario, I can tell you that in a way nobody is harder on you than you. So much so that Elsa continued the regiment set up by her parents into her adulthood.

When her coronation hits, she is in that familiar gown. It is beautiful and regal and has that familiar style of cape.

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

But Elsa did not ask for that cape. That cape is because she is queen now. If she had her way, she would have continued with that same conservative look.

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

Buttoned all the way to the top like WOW

However, this is the start of her journey of authenticity. That cape is symbolic because it is the only piece of any dress she wears that is carried over. There is, of course, the bodice and skirt and all that. But the cape is the most obvious because no matter how Elsa spins it, she may have always felt... she was regal.

She is Queen

She even spends a little time with Anna, has some fun with her. That goes south, but then Elsa makes her first command - albeit a regressive one - to close the gates. She is a woman now. She is in control. It is her butt in that throne, not her father's. Her parents do not speak for her. The trolls do not speak for her. For better or for worse, our girl has become her own advocate.

And well...

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

It was an accident and Elsa did not plan it. At first, she regrets it like crazy and runs away just to protect everyone. But as the girl runs and slips into Let it Go... those lyrics...

Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know

Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway

These are the words of someone that may have feared her magic... but not necessarily hated it. Elsa may have had an inner truth inside of her that even though her magic can harm... that does not necessarily mean it is bad. Keep that in mind as we move forward.

I mean, look at Elsa's excitement after she made the ice stairs:

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

That is not the face of someone who hated who she truly was. She just goes on and on and on, gets bigger and bigger and bigger until...

Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically
Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically
Elsa, Your Authentic Self, And How Embracing It Changes You Dramatically

I mean

what more can I say?

When you repress who you are and you try to follow the rules of what society impresses upon you - in Elsa's case being her parents and the generational trauma that was passed on through both of them - you look starkly different from how you truly are. You behave starkly different from how you truly are. In this case, Elsa was the perfect Arendellian princess.

When she lets it go, her dress, her home, her life is made of pure ice and snow. Wind and sky. Pure nature.

More to come, friends.

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5 Languages, 5 Princesses, 1 Happy New Year!
5 Languages, 5 Princesses, 1 Happy New Year!
5 Languages, 5 Princesses, 1 Happy New Year!
5 Languages, 5 Princesses, 1 Happy New Year!
5 Languages, 5 Princesses, 1 Happy New Year!

5 languages, 5 princesses, 1 happy new year!

(special thanks to my boyfriend who is fluent in Chinese and German and helped me with accuracy)

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Appearances of Secrets of the Magic Makers throughout Frozen Stories

One of my favorite tiny details in Frozen is the book Secrets of the Magic Makers (which is also where my username comes from 😂). It is never mentioned directly in the movies or shorts, although it is briefly shown in F1. (I’ll get to that in a minute.) It is mentioned in two of the three major Frozen books, but Forest of Shadows has the most about it.

Dangerous Secrets mentions SOTMM a few times, but never by name. Iduna and Agnarr choose a random map from the secret room to follow to the Valley of the Living Rock. I believe this is the map tucked into SOTMM in F1 because DS says on the night Anna got hurt, Agnarr runs straight for the secret room and pulls out the same map from “the old folklore book” where he’d hidden it after his and Iduna’s adventure. It also says that the map belonged to Rita. I’m not sure if it belonged to her necessarily, but I guess she must have known about it. Later, after Elsa and Anna were separated, Iduna spent many hours in the secret room searching for answers about Elsa’s magic. She translated many of the “old books and scrolls” she found in the secret room, one of which was definitely SOTMM, because when Anna finds it in FoS, she recognizes her mother’s handwriting in the translations in the margins.

FoS definitely has the most SOTMM mentions by far. In fact, it is the only thing in all of Frozen that ever mentions its name. In FoS, Anna finds it in the secret room. (and she definitely can’t read the runes, she thinks of them as “indecipherable symbols”). The book itself is described as “beautiful brown with black lettering,” which perfectly matches what we see in the movie. The most thorough description is soon after she finds the book. It says: “Secrets of the Magic Makers seemed to be a book of old tales, brief histories, and maps showing the way to the Valley of the Living Rock, but also a glossary of sorts, naming all kinds of creatures that only existed in lore. Spirits of wind, water, and fire. Earth Giants.” It also says that Anna remembers these “bedtime-story words” and that she has vague memories of her mother telling her stories and reading, possibly from this book. In the next couple of chapters it also says SOTMM contains “scraps of research that had not yet been bound in,” a map of Arendelle and the surrounding area with the Black Beach circled, and tales of “shape-shifters who lived with herds of reindeer; talking trees; draug; and boys who were no larger than a thumb. There were pages and pages of the unknown language, and every so often an illustration accompanied the symbols.” It also says that Iduna “skipped translating the pages with the more creepy-looking sketches.” There is also a section that details the Saga of Aren with sketches of some of his deeds. And SOTMM obviously also contains the spell that is said to release the Nattmara in the first place.

Now, back to the mention in F1. After Anna gets hurt, we see Agnarr’s hands as he searches for a specific book. When he pulls it out, we can see the title and one page inside, all written in Younger Futhark runes.

Appearances Of Secrets Of The Magic Makers Throughout Frozen Stories

The title of the book he pulls out translates roughly to Runes of Knowledge. (Source: BUT I believe it is intended to be the same book, and SOTMM is just the English title because of this image:

Appearances Of Secrets Of The Magic Makers Throughout Frozen Stories

This is from the inside jacket of a book(?) the directors gave to the crew after production of F2. It has the exact same runic title as the book Agnarr pulls out and it also has the English title as SOTMM. (Obviously I know this gift isn’t canon-worthy, but I think it shows the INTENTIONS of the directors well enough to confirm that it is the same book.)

So yeah, this was every mention I could find of SOTMM in official Frozen media! If you notice I missed any, please let me know, as it’s been a while since I read the books all the way through. SOTMM is one of the things I have a strange obsession with and I wish SO MUCH that I could actually read it. I’ll post an analysis of the runes in SOTMM soon too, as they are also VERY interesting and a personal fascination of mine!

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